HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-3-6, Page 5Ipurchased two
"Nlywifehad ndeep,seatedcough
for three years,
bottles Of Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral,
Ilarge size, and it cured her corn-
Jr, H. Burge, Macon, CO.
'mho* you know of
I cough medicines that re-
lieve little coughs, all
coughs, except deep ones!
The medicine that has
been curing the worst of
deep coughs for sixty
years is Ayer's Cherry
e„TaMng.:1 ttalig‘t9rSCAIIII:Ti'Za#7.
PatIgi-11?t "41°,1' 4'"! fg,Toir-o
J. 1% AX41e0f43:1143itmle I
extter blip -rate,
s published every Thursday Morning et the Office
-.,-By the --
TERME OP sunsuatmolf.
Cite Dollar per annum if paid in Advance. $1.50
it AO SO pald.
aiLd.-tretitl,n1=8• ".aescrias 9= zropz,nee-
No i)ape r discontinued until ell errearsees are paid.
Advertisements without apecined directions will be
published until forbid and charged accordingly.
Liberal discouit. mode for transcient edvertisenseuts
inserted for long periods. Eaery description of JOS
magma harried eta in -the feest style, said sit
moderate rates. Cheques, money orders, &e„ for
advertising, oubseriptions, et, to be made payable
Chasc.U. Santlerflt
1).rTekft Ann Iliac
Professreenal Cards,
t 1
St $
el ''. ^ . .
.11Als,L.D.S., D.D.S„ Goner graduate of
Toronto rniveristy.
Teeth extracted without any paha, Or ails bad eff
°Tee la Fartson'e Bieck, west side able aree
. IX ALTON ANnitr.SeN gene% TAM
OENTiaT ' --
Rimer Graduate of Toronto reiveraity and Royal
Cellege oi; Dental Sera,eons of Ontario. Also Piet
Graduate of Chicago Ssbool of Prosthetic Dentiatery
(eith honorable menden.)
Allen:Munn Gold end Vulconite Plates made lathe
neatest manner paesible. A perfeetly bortalesa LITI,
aest.hetie used for painleoest motion of teeth.
Office ono doer eolith of Carling DOM etereaatttr,
e feal
se, College of Pinstelane and Sue:Vows Outario.
Physielan, Surgeon and Acconehear. Otago, Dash.
wood. Ont.
Dr. John G. Willem Mee and llosidence, 290
Oneeasoeve„ Loudon Oot. Spremi attention
roil to diseaess of wousn. Oiliest -mire 12.3e to a
rewiesaliN St CA, N , nearnsratis. Fora
isr tors, N9173Y C " Foe:core CTZAII*54,111;4"
sessoesso rsr ;genes:a Pante ess, alooey ZO '2.5trl
hav4('SI ta209it 4114tIVA. i491, Mobs stireon'Eseler.
Z. R. Csnared. na.. I. U. iteasee
FW. ni.4.IMAN. 03ereesierte men a otei-
e erreo orxreace, saelier. Netare Pablie C.
rcianorr.P.to. Ilsono to lomat isoresl rates et his
tease 011ise, Main tarsgt, Enetor.
Aire t1011 eerie
now's, Whalicitte. Linnet Austieneer
.LL. for the Counties of l'erth end Middlesex.
1 r the township of Ushorne. Salto prime*
a ndel to and Wrest reasenable. Salvo arratrel
y wee, Manebelsca. •
The Molbons Bank
(rhartrcit hy Parliament, 11:13,)
Paid up Capital ............$2,500,000
Reserve Fund. , .............2,150,000.
Mead Ofilet, liontreas
GENtenett. Araeralmn.
• ,
Money advanerd to good Fanners on their own
notes with one or moo endersers nt 7 per cent. per
own every lawfel day from 10 adn, to $ pan; Sat-
unina 10 a.m. to X pan. so...,
A general 1i:inking business transacted
CURRENT ilotTiia allowed for money ou Deposits
Iteseipte Smits-441;nd: at ;I soots.
Dtsusax & CAULItiii, N. D. Iirnime, •
tedivitore Monger.
We are giving excellent
satisfaction since Re-
modelling our mill,.
A quantity of shorts
on hand.
. f4. SlAtEITZER
2eitbn• .4•0'?' WOOrS Ph0131:1710aille
, ,
e .
The Great English Iternedy.
Bold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only.reli-
able medicine discovered: Biz
I. ',doges guaranteed to cure ell SOO
forms a Sexual Wg_akness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental 'worry, Excessive use of To- ,i,n ,.
baoco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt ulsl
A price, one package $1, six, ss. One will.please, con
six WI cure. Pamphlets free to any address. rea w
Tho Wood Company, Windsor, Ont.
Woods PhosphOdineis soldin Exeter gre,
)y J. 'W. Browning and a. Lutz
/ruggists. Wei
Babies and children need
proper food, rarely ever medi-
cine, If they do not thrive
on their food somethingis
wrong, They need a little
help to get their digestive
machinery working properly,
Iwill generally corred this
If you will put from one-
fourth to half a teaspoonful
in baby's bottle three or four
times a day you will soon see
a marked improvement. For
larger children, from half to
a teaspoonhil, according to
age, dissolved in their milk,
if you so desire, will very
soon show lb great nourish -
ng power. if 1110 mothers
ilk does not nourish the
baby, she needs the
n, It will show an effect
at once both upon mother
d child.
SCOTT Sr DOWER, Tensile, Canada.
William liunt was Committed foe
atNiagara Falls for conduetiug
A. LONG Rneonn or SUCCESS in cur -
g cuts burns and bruises, ns well ;IS
1 bowel complaints, is held by Pain-
illee-over GO e.'ettra, Avoid substi-
itee, there is but ono Pain -Killer,
ever Davis', 25e. nild
Dun ville,Mareh 3.- -A sad drwni ng
.cident occurred at Canboro, near
ve, on Satnrday, when Mrs. George
Taiks and her young Sinn vere drown -
in the Oswego Creek.. The details
the sad affair have not been learned
yet, but it is believed that the mot h -
met, her death while attempting to
ve her son.
Marys, Ont. Feb, 20. --The
tinS of au unknown man were 'Rama
is morning on the railway trite!: a
tlo weat of the junction station.
le body was literolly ea to pieces,
rtions helper found strewn along Ilia
ick for over'half a mile. Tbe face was
mangled .that the features are not.
ssible.to see. It is uncertain at what •
Ur or by what train the accident
tarred. There is no clue to identifi-
lion. The coroner has been notified
d an inquest likely will be held.
The Majority of Homes and
amigos Have Heard the joyful
News That
illesTeiery Compound
Makes Sick People Well and
House -to -House Canvass would
Show That Thousands Are
Being *Cured.
he people who have not heard in
e way of Paine's Celery Compound
its wonderful triumphs over the
ases and ailments of life 'cannot he
uted as newspaperor magazine
ders, nor are they amongst those
o are intauch with the =oedipal pro-
siveness of the times.
house-to-house canvass (if that
'e possible). of families where
e's Celery Compound is being used
during these early spring days,' *Would
disclose an overwhelming amount of
evidence regarding the implicit confi-
dence that is placed in'thiS.'greatest of
all spring medicineseXt'Wnuld show. e
enormous number of pOOple..,Who are
being cured .of sone fornrOf ;nervous
ness, sleeplessness, dyspepsia,
tion, neuralgia, rhetitnatism„.
aches, kidney and liver ilisea,Seg.
Now is the time, that'Paine's Celery
Compound can show astonishing and
happy remilts tothe sick. '• New that
spring is with us, giving a premise of
fine :weather and new beauties, it
shonld lend encouragement to the work
Of getting well and :strong; -
The 0E30 C/elerar' Compost pd
Tor tto fem., weeks Will truly astonish
every , .clebilatated, week and sickly
Man and vvoinan, ,The change • fretn
natadcl ye od sallow, complexion te'a fresh
henithy color, ', with bright, sparkling
eyes, unclouded brain, theenjoyinen
of refreshing sleep,' Clear,' fresh blued
cetirSitig through the body, will be the
sure eeeeaed of every': user a
,0.17,-rosnipoipio. Accept no substi
:t,tite or imitation, :See that the:name'
Clinton: Mrs.James Cottle, who.
resides with her sister, Mrs. Murphy,
had the misfortune to slip down and
fracture her hip. As she is over 80
years,of age, the 'accident will be all
= the more severe for • her. -Mrs. W.
Murray had the misforttme to slip
while out at the pump, the other, day,
and broke her arm. Although exper-
iencing pain, she did not know at the
moment that her arm was broken, and.
=continued her house work for some
tune after.
Yourrich piire cream for butter,why
spoil yoUr Work by using a 'comrade
and impure butter color. '
wEu,s, RicEtAnDsoN & ao's.
gives batter the nataral golden Stine
shade that no other color can produee,
arid never fades fromPthe' batter, Do
net liee, a vile substitute. Al'times
ineistaipori having the kind that makes
prize. , butter. , Soki by all dealers.
PAINE S pa wrapper ancl bottle.
Kola's eepreseatative ha this, country. 1
0'94 TI:IM 101.1.1NO OP. THEM
ORP 15:1TOIXENVIt T1W1W/t5.11N1U0 T
MA.INTA/N DIScerLisoes
Louden, Afareh 4.-A strange
away la exciting much. discos'
&ion among military wen, although' it
has been kept out of both prose and
Parliament. It relate a to alleged re-
prisals taken by Australian troops for
Boer outrag,es in ftring upon wounded,
arid the Draconian measures adopted by
Lord Kitchener for enforcing discipline.
It is stated that the Australian ollicere
and men who took the lex taltouie into
heir owa hernis" were tried by evert-
-tett/al am1 sortie of the were sentene-
ed to be shot. The story, as I bear 14
is told with precisiort anil hilt details
but the censorship has excluded it freer
ordinary deepetebee, an official explana.
ins. catmbt
et be oalued front Tall
The convoy mystery has partly been
eleared up by Col. Anderson's report -
The concentration of the Boer fercee
against the convoy was large enough 1.0
suggest a counter movement as an aff-
ect to Lord Kiteheuer'e driving opera -
one against Dewet, The Doer exploit
was bold and brilliant,
714Ing Lasted Two !lours -Moe
Force Numbered More Tbrin Two
to One -Col. Anderson's Avvouut
ea' Klertisdorp /Monter.
.144tatee, Mareh despateir from
toria, dated teelay, Lurd Kitehener
ls aletelle of the aastcr to the eiort
ther cfatvey of empty wagfeens at
donop, eouthweet of Eieekedorp.
al Welty. 'The British easual-
,e in killed. wounded and men made
prisoners reach the total of tAki. Lu
addition, the Beare captured two guns.
Lieut. -Col. Audereon, who eounnanded
the 'British foree and who has returned
to Kraaipan, Cape Colony,. with uine of
flora and 245 men, reporta that when
hl advano guard waa within ten miles
of Klerksdorp during the morning ot
February 25 the Boers opened a heavy
rifle fire ort the troops from the scrub.
The burghers were driven oft and the
convoy resumed its march, when a, more
determined attack Was made on the con-
voy's bit ilitak, the Boers 'getting with-
in a hundred yards and stampeding the
nudes ha.rneesesit to a ,number a wag.
gous. The attaekers were again driven
off. At about 0.20 in the morning the
rear guard was attaeked by a strong
foree of Boers, and simultaneously an-
other body of Boers boldly charged the
centre of the convoy and stampeded tee
mules in all direetious, throwing the ea,
eort into confusion, during which the
Boers eharged and recharged, ruling
down the separated British units.
The fighting lasted two hours, during,
which the two British guns and a men -
poet almost exhausted their ammunitien.
.A. delaellinent of two hundred mounted
infantry from rilerksdorp attempted to
reinforee the British, but were held in
cheek by the Boers.
Lieut. -Col. Anderson adds that the
strength of the Boers was estimated at
from 1,200 to 1.700. Commandants De.
larey, .Kemps. Celliers, Lernmer, %Vol-
mararls and Potgieter were all present.
Commandant Lemmer is said to have
been killed.
Statements by The London. Daily
IlfaiPs War Correspondent.
London, March 4,--,1he war corres-
pondent of The Daily Mail, Mr. Edgar
Wallace, reports from lIeilbron, Orange
River. Colony :-There can be little
doubt that the murdering of British
prisoners by the Boers is becoming more
frequent than ever. At Col. Wilson's
fight near Frankfort there were three
cases of attempted murder, concerning
which sworn evidence has been taken'.
All the cases were similar. • The Boers
covered 'their prisoners with rifles and
ordered them to hand over their arms
and valuables. 'Upon the men disarming,
and with their hands still above thew
beads, they were deliberately shot,
luckily, none of them fatally.
There were other authentic cases,
upon which' evidence will be sworn, of
some of the prisoners being brutally
murdered, one man having his skull
smashed in.
The women who are on the farms in
the back country, or who accompany
the main commandoes, are very bitter,
and urge the men on to acts of villainy,
and a prisoner taken recently by the
Boers said that as he passed a farm
some women came out and shouted td
the men in Dutch, "Cut, their throats-
don'ttake them prisoners!'
„ ,
Desires to View the Palls as a Pri-
vate Gentlentari.
Ottawa, alareh 4, -Prince Henry
of Prussia does not want his
trip to Niagara. Falls to be
construed as an official visit to the 1)ora-
hams, but will travel incognito. When
it was learned that the Prince intended
to Cross to the Canadian side on Wed-
nesday and spend a couple of hours there
arrangements Were made to receive the
ecyel vieitor in the manner „becoming
his rank. Orders were issued that he
should =be pet by a gaard of honor and
saluted by salvos of artillery, but these p
orders have now been cancelled. He has ,N
cemmunicated to his Excellency Lord g
Tms2 AnDiutALTT ExemtmENTuiro,
xteasono For Not Oran -Una- maroon"
Licenses in great JEW -Wu.
London, March 3.---8pealcing of the at
Made of the GoVermnent towards wire -
leas telegraphy, in the Horse of Lords
this afternoon, the Mars:foie of London,
(ferry, the Bostuoister-Genertd, said that
while he, personally, regarded the wire-
less telegraph system SS the greatest hp
vention Of the age, he eould not grant
Marconi licenses to establish signal sta-
tions in the United Kingdom for fen
o interrupting the extensive expeelmen,
tal work now being earried oo by the
Admiralty, from which the Government
hoped te attain most important resolte.
A Berlin despatch reports that the
Milted States -Navy Department has
ordered a complete outfit for two sta.
kiwis of the wireless telegraph system
of Shag, and Arco, from the Allgeiniefne
Electrijitaets tlescellschaft of Berlin, fox
the purpese of eXperinseuting againgt the
Mareoui system.
Oar Anoonneement ot the r/i
. tocweg. Inmeasston 10 'done.
Marell 3.--Replyiog in the
ilonse COM01911$ to -day to Colonel
$ir Howard Vincent (Conservative} re,
' the cominercial relations of th
empire, the: Chaneeller of the Exehequer
id It 'VMS proposed to diSelleS the
whole subject of preferential elutiea
when the represen•tattves • of the Self.
governing eoloniee aseembIed in Loudon
the time of eerente.
In. to flittotiell eelleernin
he ruited Statcs. Steel Corperatleu a
rillited States ship 611balk, hill, the
antallor of the Exehequer eatel the
vernment pOsseesed no ioformation
regarding the Milted States Steel Core
.perati.m emild be usefully pub.
lisle -rd. In regard to the ship euleidy
pepers would be laid before- the
.pieeee eelte:t cemmittve on steamship
TUN ria,rrlitrr IMPORTS.
!Axe SION1., Hott.,..Whrt
ts Lover,
.Mo;aiay i;. )l), MAIVil 3,
The Vial:Lite sunray,
Mob 3.'02 Met 4."01, Atch
-rittioa,nua ver.cunla r4..0%,o6te
_11#4,13,010 19,704,ouo 10.660,000
4,240.lidl1 0.4nitt3.060
LOMA* 1,170,000
alley 2,03s.eq4 1„r,emo 1,240,000
wueat decreased :292.0thi hualsels the past
vello a year ego wheat (leer eaSed 8S$,000
Toronto St. Lawrence Market
'The lead roads are stili tempting the far.
mete to stay at home and so the grain de-
liveries this 10Orning were again nil.
'ter Is a little eaoler for testa's, whist sell
Itinv at lee to 170. Eggs, too, are some-
what entailer, bringing 23e to ,r.„'et per dozen.
The doll:Intl for turkeys has fallen off a
bit on account of Lenten abstinence, and
the prlee Li easier at 210 to 13e per lb for
young Wale. Hay recelpte were 10 lends,
selling et $13 10 $14.50 for timothy mat $0
to $10 for mixed, Three loads of titraW Sold
fIt 410 to $10.4,
British Cattle Machete,
London, March 3. -United Statee eattle,
GNP; sheep, OSA. Canadian cattle, Od.
Liverpool, Mareh 3.-Clumillan tattle. 6d.
Trade elm.
Bost Buffalo Cattie Marleet,
East Buffalo. -Cattle-Receipts
4.4till bead; very dull ow`ing to the Inel;
means for Manatee, anti is to 20 heart
gooa UnL:Ottl: 10001 trathsrti bOlIght few
Lowly ;steers _at 5.l) to VIA), and lighter
at .81;15 to $5.2o; Otint..graties, 15e to tific
timer; vealsooeholee, Moo to $7.25; minion
le good, to 86%;10. llogieRet
10,1O0 heatl* fairly steady; Yoreere $0.la. to
$osIo; light' do, atl,13 to Kell; mixed poeir-
eis% 40.a3 vi:45; clielee heavy, „Oslo..., to
i2JO; tags. 85.70 to $5.141; rough, $5.00
to $0.1,10; etags, $4 to 814.50. Sheep and
lambs-Iteeelpte, 15,400 head; sheep fairly
eddY to firm: limbo' steady; ehoice lamb.s,
84.10 to $6.50; good to choke, $U.15 to 8'6.35;
cells to fair, $5,50 to $6; sheep, choice
handy wethers, $5.25 to Ot5.50; common to
extra mixed. $4.z...0 to $5.15; culls and cone
mon, 53.50 to $4.25; mixed expert ewes and
wethem 55 to $5.25; yearliugs, good to
ehoice, all wethere, $5.70 to $5.80.
Light do, $3.50 to $3.75; Michigan stock-
ers, $3.60 to $4; Canada teedhrs, good to
extra, $4.10 to $4.60; Canada calves, $3.50
to $4; pound, $3.75 to $4.25; milkers,
clielee to extra, $50 to $52; good to choice,
$35 to $40; springers, $47 to $50,
Montreal Grain and Produce.
Montreal, March 8.--'rhe-The market
I. quiet and the only change is a sharp ad-
vance in oats. There was some inquiry for
No. 2 white oats for shipment to New
York at 4.411.e to 441ac. Business on spot
was gulet, with prices firm at 48c for No.
1 Alberta aud at 47c to 47a/se for No. 2 ex -
store. Peas were unchanged at 70y,c high
freights and buckwheat at 553/4c low
freights to New Xork.
Flour -The market is quiet and unchang-
ed. We quote as follows: -Spring wheat
patent, $4 to $4.20; winter wheat patents,
$3,85 to 54; straight roller% $3.60 to $3,70;
strong bakers*, $3.80 to $3.00, and straight
rollers, In bags, *1.75 to 51.85.
Meal -There Is not much business and
prices are 'unchanged at 54,1)0 per barrel
and at $2.35 to $2.40 per"hag.
Peed -There Is a good demand at steady
prices. Sales of Ontario bran in bulk were
made at $19 to $10.ZIO and Manitoba at $19,
wall shorts at $21 per ton, including bags.
Cheese -The market is very firm and some
large sales took place at 10aac to 11c. Fitt-
est Ontario comred, 1014c to 103/4e; finest
Ontario white, delhe to 10%c; finest town-
ships makes, 10%c to 10S6c; finest Quebee
makes, 10yoc to 10%c; under grades, 100.
Rutter -The market is. quiet and arm In
price. Finest fresh creamery, 22c to 22%c;
fine held creamery, 2114,c to 213/4c; creamery
seconds, 20c to 203/4c; western dairy rolls,
161,6c to 18Sec; western dairy tubs, 15e to
171/se; Manitoba dairy tubs, 12c to 18c.
Eggs -The market has an easy tendenco
and fresh are selling at 24c to 25c.
Provislons-The market Is quiet but
steady. We quote: -Selected heavy Cana-
dian short cut mess pork, $22.50; heavy
Canada sbort cut mess pork, $21.50; Can-
ada short eet back heavy, $21.50; her
Canada meso long cut, clear pork, $21„ 50;
light Ca, ,da short cut elem. pork. $21; pure
Canade lard, In 20 lb palls, 113/4c to 120 ;
compound refined lard, In wood palls, 20 lbs,
Me to fie; ti oar's Timid brand, In 20 lb
wood palls, $1 9714 to $2.05, nod Globe at
$1.72y, to 51.00; 20 lb. tin palls Yoc per lb
less; hems 12c to 14c and bon 14c to 15e
Di‘Neihuel isviilcunategh7lo:o'. V7vs,.. 611..1.1rk :61ue'salvidt• a7s7.a Markets, Ci y. C° sa.25 : t (118:161 yYlu,
Dctrott,sSthwithke2e.iie2d,nu•r.. 88735414% 8,87246;1 88.844A
Iiritisit Illarkete. „
London, iSfageb -Ciooe - Wheat on
assaae, ;quiet and ,steerlY; cargoes ahOet
o. 1 Calif.: iroa, arrived.. 30s 3d senora.
aize, ott naastiee, arm, but nbt fictive.
paeitt, vuutz
eak. stead, renP ' 3F ". 3
Mito hii.,desire.to See .the aodthe •
• o'
Canadian side merely as it private gentle.; 'Iv
war. -making the usual tour. Major „*
;113/1autle- may visit. the falls. to, bonlmards
rte greetings to the Pell from the
areb, 0fie-70,01e:gaae anc1Angust,21,'
• • •,,• •
71 73
Barley, 47 48
Oats, 37 39
. - 73 75
Potatoes, per bag... 4'4 00
Hay, per ton................. 00
7 00
Thor, per cwt., / g 25
Eater- - 13 17
Eggs- ..... 18
Bides, per 140^lbs- - 4 00 5 00
Live bogs, per fitl
Dressed itOgS•««««...«.«, 7 00 7 00
Shorts per cwt. .... 1 05 1 15
Bran per cwt..... - 80 1 00
(lover. 4 /5 4 75
7 25
IEtal;iievder,4ApIpaiyekse, ... 7 00
You No.y Noo4
Crampo -
It is a sere, sate aud Tad; moody.
There'd ea! Y C" PAIN-IEILLER.
Two Nixes, 25e, and a9e.
ougla to be gilt-edged evi-
dence of merit, coming, as
it does, direct from a
druggist who has for years
been. selling
Uwarkt a
as one of the "highly re-
commended " cures -and
here are his words:
" Toast winter 1 sold from 4 to :`.6 'boxes
of ttwanta capsules daily. I find the
sales rapidly increasing, owing' large-
ly,/think, to the fact that those who
once use them recommend them to
others." -J. A. Musonove, Druggist,
Ask your druggist for a box, a.„5 cents.
or sent direct by mail.
Ottawa, Ont.
McKellar, Feb. 27.-A drowning ac-
cident occurred here about noon to -clay
Larmontthe three-year-old son of Mr.
Duntan Giles, Manages of the McKel-
lar Woollen Mills, being the victim.
He and his brother, aged five, were
playing about their homes, which is
separated by the public road from Owl
Lake, when seeing open water, they
ran down the bank to throw in sticks
and the younger, venturing in too far
dropped through. The older followed
to the rescue. Theywere taken, out
by Mr. W.T.Oanning,but though every
effort was made at resuscitation in the
case of the younger it was unavailing.
March is a Favorite Month For Home
In all well x.egulated homes in city or
country, the work of home dyeing
is laegely done in March. The dresses,
skirts, caves, jackets. blcames and other
articles of wearing apparel used and
worn a year ago, but now dingy and
faded, will be brought out-, carefully
looked over and re -dyed with 801110
new and 8ty1ish. color for this season's
With such 'aid as the popular Dia-
mond Dyes, it is folly to spend money
for new ina.terials and garments. The
Diamond Dyes always make oid and
ehaod things book as =geed' as new. The
best,as well its•the humblest families
use the Dian -Mud Dyes successfully and
profitablieevevy spring, , • -
Have yoo decided to make up a pret-
trand 'stylish mat or, 'rug,froni your
rags and 'waste. materials. There is a
pleasure in .bmug able to point to Your
ow,n homemade mats and rugs. Send
your address to The Wells & Richard -
Son Go., Limited, ,201 Mountain'. St.,
sheetsand you wUl zecia170
.' of designs for your inspeetioti,
ROLLER, 111.1413.1
Paid for gond Olean Wheat..
Mill feed and Corn
Constantly Kept in. Stook.
Ear vey Bros.
ueeessom ti LCohbleclick & Sone
Pianos and Organs
We eell the celebrated Holt* ...
a CO. Platte (Tlie Art Piano of ("One .
ada). the choice Of Royalty for their
our of Canada.
. If you 'want something cheaper we,
can show yon Pianos of Other wakegt
xvbieh will be no disgrave to the moat
elegant parlor, 4 *
owing Inttchine.s,
sewing nutidiin earrr the
New Wilitattio. Raymond Ind White,
a so -needles and supplies or all illi/eh
V•94 4 4 •
The latest sheet ininsle always in
We have moved into ow; new pre
tubes opposite tlw Central Hotel arid
re •now open foe business Oar pre,.
nises are modern and we give yoit
todern and up-to-date geode and
rade in the most modern Ark!.
Personally . .
. . Cut Every Garxnejit
That's made up at tbis establishment
--ate welt as Et lt--anal look atter
all the &tans. This is only one
reason why onr priers are miller- •
Gent's Furnishings . .
Comeand see los tior new plamr
of liminess and examine our s•toele of
Gent's Furnishings
Bert. E.:1
"witosee- --"egeonaetare
For Fresh, good and the ehoiceet cuts
of meat, call on the undersigned.
While all our cuts of meat are the
finest, we make a specialty of meat
Meat delivered to all parts of the
. town .
John Manning
MCook'a Cotton Boot Compouna
Is successfully used montlaly by over
10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual, Ladies ask
your druggist for Cooler. Colton Root COUM
pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and
imitations are dangerous. Price, No, 1, Si per
box; No. 9,10 degrees stronger; Vapor box. No.
1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8.cent
stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont.
Ilay-Nos.1 and 2 sold and recommended by all
responsible Druggists in Canada.. 4o
No. 1 and No.2 are sold in Exeter by
C. Lutz and S. W. Browning, Drug-
67, et Cod Liver Gil
(Trade Mark.) •
For Lurig Troubles,
Severe Coughs,. Colds,
Emaciation, Sze., eac.
:row systhms can assbnikno pure O1, hut
es combined in " '1 he D. & t is pleasant
and digestible. WIII build you up ; Will add
solid pounds of aesh o VIII bring you back
to health,
50-c. and 81.00 bottles.
Windsor, Feb. 28, -John Francis,
the Sandwich East farther, who shot
his employe, Frederick Harclis, met his
Vidtim'm Magistrate Bartlett's emelt
to -day for the firs( time since the of-
fence., and, they 'agreed to "Withdraw
the ehergeea.gai'llst each 'other on
'Francis' su4gestion that. be ,slabuld pay
Flarrlis ,$75 for III'S injury, r$52 baok
Wagee, $75 to Dr.Aebatigh, hie surgeon;
$30 to the haSpital and $17 costs of the,.
caart----a total amount of $240...! Hardis
suffering from his wetindi.
.Asbaugh,hoWever,',says he will notbo
'inlinetl.in.any *royal 11. resnitr,,Of the •,