HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-3-6, Page 1FIFTEENTH YEAR.
7 MARCH. 6, MI' •
will pay you to wait and
see the Brand New Stock
CERIES, wral opened
one door north of Post of
on or about
Webeveutillaxitea r
vesittttetat farra ee ssi
tweet rAttli et loterot.
Itarrieters.etee Beet
- Mr. Thornton Salale met with quite
a pelpeal aceident on Setruelay last°
while at Mr. Michael Elfords.Ue
was about to adjust the lever a the
windmill when the handle slipped
from hie hand and struck him a severe
blow in the face, inflicting two or
three painful wounds,
AleoTriver, Gesfame-Mr. Michnel
E/fp'11 mar justlY feel proud of the
esnit of a well he had sunk lase week
- Mr. Thos. Smote, the veteran well
ger.• The well was completed o
day ;at a depth of 47 feet and in a
, short time there 'wee over 20 feet
water and it Was Stilt raising. Thos.
the revand are a 161.41 digger and
r finder-.
St. Joseph
Yonr Correspondent hoe bee silent
for some time waiting to see if N. M.
Canaan would bring the harbor back
with hire but as there 15 no- news of
idler N. M. or harhour, will write un
the emore minor evente.--The texerit
thaw has taker) ell the snow of the
Oath tind left them in rather a poor
contlition.-Mrs, D. Sider of Holm.
field, Man., who has spent the past
vo months In these perts lasting
'ends, started fur her prairie home
Tuesday of this week. -N, AL Con -
true, the peoineter of liar enterprisin• g
urgh, has not yet reterned from Iris
roepecting tour, oh which lie started
fore the neve ,year. awes he Burst
ying in an extra supply of wind
time---Mre, H4eron. of fleneell
a few days last, w1, ek visiting her
here. ---Miss Bertha OIle-leu
tt Imlay and Sunday last, visits
ft her sieter r Wilma
lotto 0 .
otant rrivatefiunds to
I village jpropertivi. Itt low
ter. ILiih Streot Exetcr
tra.5cinlvaraQIrzi•vmprirailui ,la
n',71.1iCA ran.!$cf tke
I et
5141ell ,za.---Fann mar -4
plosiavs thawat 1tiv4: Ia
It. trguirine. Salsa one It a
$1111)SV, Fanohtoetz, !mph!.
*be Pacrtrz.y of tbnict. tan
i.*.atirkin Vtlinnir. /Tale oStada,
4 -
The untivr44iall Aftrt's to:r 6.110 that d
En etre•et 11,1t, t
roatMlien '•
O ith
win a nolo'
Ktrout' tx.rter.
IXEr.., ben the prernign a gold linelt home, ham
alai other out tintilinaingoedcapply wattr and a
eine extent -a. Tann (a*, and to milt natvhater..
.trply to
Iix.lu grime&
.11sirttr P. 0 -
-Welton a goad openlnv! tor ar ouipetent I.Ito In.
curnieeman, ti work a district train L'seter, and to
fi,'"i;ad niarilvaaoean produce busbless, we are pre.
paml otter very flinral eontratt. ApAleal ions
si ill he treattil conililentially it requested. Apply to
the Wad Taranto or,
Oro. IL treeneee,
Munger 1Veqtrii Ontario,
Lou o
nattLEY Mkt SALE.
The underilitned has a quantity o h1zk barley tor
guar:watt ean.
W. lb &maws, Con. it, Stephen, S'eter. P. O.
Stook • Takillg Sale
Boots Shoes & OVershoes
We have a few odd pairs of Overshoes
that we, are going to sell at half
their regular value.
ChildsoYershoes, worth $1.25 for 60c.
Boy's " 1.25 756.
ses , " 1.75 " 00c
Women's " " 2.00 " $1.00
Men's Heavy Rubber, 1 buckle " 1.00
Men's sizes 6.,7,1Q,and IL 81.75 " 1.00
Men's Rubbers regular 00c. for 15e
Women's • " ' " 65e. " 55e
Women's " " 60c. " 50c
Women's felt shoes $1.25 00c
Men's felt shoes from $1.75 to $2.50
HOrse blankets at 15% -off regular
*...` There are only a limited ntunber oj
pairs, in each. size.
, Call truly and secure a bargain.
Regular sizes of shims and Heelless
lwas sin stock.
5% off for caeh.
Treble's Old Stand
Grand BeJld
Dr. Sutton, of Clanbebos e, was here
one day last week. --Mr. Webb, of the
21st con. of Stephen, is at present on
the sick list. ---Mr. W. Zaffe pas hired
with Mr. Cole, near Exeter, for the
coming Year. -Mr. J. Shaw, of Hay-
field, left for his home there Monday
last, -Some of our citizens spent 'Sun-
dav in Port'Fraiiks.-The river is free
of ice here now and suckers will soon
be again on the ren, -Mr. and Mrs.
Irm Gin Sr and Mr Ed G'11 T
• - •
.- s ay n . . H.
Bossenherry, of 131.a inpton. spent Sun-
day at home, also his brother, Bruce,
cif Ailsa Craig. -Mr. Hamilton is at
present getting his mill ready for
- spring swing. He has had it fitted
up with up-to-date machinery and will
doubtless ivdo good work.
r. Wellington Haskett par -
;Fed the fano lately owned b Mr.
irtl Neil, Ilitidulph.-Mr. John
t Biddalipli, has disposed of his
t property ;mil moved to Man.
taa. n150, Mr. Welington Hoilgin%
amide line, Eithlulph, and Mr. John
Nightingale has gone to seek theft for-
tunes In the great North West.
Noma Carmel.
The ron19 are improving grealy the
st dass,-31e. Rank Snell and
Carrie were visiting in town
on Sainday.-Mr. John J. QuareV
a got the nmst of the loielt on the
und for his neW
getting Mr. Detrlels's driver. nicely
-Rev. Father Tiernan is quite
and under the doctor's care.
No. 10 I, 'whir% bee heen !need
r the pet o week% reopened oir
orulay, after the prevalence of
moire -Mr. James Illekey, after
pending a few days with Mende near
thauton, has retorned home. -Mr,
John vritl I. P.. paid his fondly
- nreeld
.iii, iILs altelt.. atter 411,t abr.
setWre of thirteen yeavs, spent it.
week visiting his brothers and friends
in this lorality.-A large crowd Avas in
attendance at 31r. .To. Hickey's sale
last Wednesday. Stock, sold high,
cows ranging from $i2 to $50 per head,
-De. Shaw, of London, visited Mrs.
Woe Sherritt, on Thuireday last and
recommeutled the treatment prescrib-
ed by the home doctors. -Mr. Pitt Ow -
tin purchased a car load of fat 'vitae
from Messrs. Love Bros., the latter
delivering them at Corbett Saturday
scnoox.itEronz-Following is the
eport of the Sharon school for the
month of February. Names are in or-
der of merit. Sr. IV.-Freenian More
lock. A. Amy, W. J. Rowe, F. Arny.
Jr. Yaeger, M.Clark, T.Roesz-
ler. Sr. III. -II. Morlock, E. Amy,
NV. Roeszler, E. Wein, NV. Smith. N.
Brown. Jr.III.-1.V.liorlock,J.Sinith,
D. Kestle, O. Rowe. Sr. II.--Merner
Hilbert NV. Preszcatm D. • Dietreich.
II.--Rlde Wein,G. Kestle, E. Wein,
S. Moi -lock, E. Kestle, Sr. Part II. -
N. Atuy and L. Morlock, H. Schwartz
and H. 'Wein. Jr. Part IL -0. Wein,
E. Schroeder and 0. Eilber, M. Brok-
enshire. The following had no mis-
takes in spelling during February -
F. A. Amy, E. Amy, W
Roeszler, W. Smith, 1. Smith, Ezra
Wein, Merrier Either, W. Preszcator,
D. Kestle, G. Kestle,Ethel. Kestle,Elde
Wein, E. Wein, D. Dietreich, I.
Schwartz. - Average attendance 35.
H. W.Maz Teacher.
Mrs. C. Wagner went to Guelph on
Thnrsday lest to visit her two daugh-
ters, Mee. Healf and Mrs. Simpson. -
Miss Allen, of Blake'is the guest of
her sister, Mrs, Fred Hess. -Mr. Lords
Stelk returned to Manitoba Saturday
morning having heen here with friends
since Christmas. -Mr. John Deichert
is able to attend to his business again
as usual. -Misses Annie and MtIggie
Schnell, of Detroit, are visiting friends
around here and will be going to Yan-
kee town in a couple of weeks. -Mr;
Sandy Bossenberry has been very- ill
with inflammation of the lungs, but is
slowly recovering. -Mr. Ed. Bossen-
berry, who had the 'misfortune to .step
Unto a hay fork, from the effects of
which he was laid. up for some time,
has also recovered -and is able to get
out around again. -Mr. S. Faust, took
a business trip to London Wednesday.
-Mr. Nora Fried, of Parkhill, visited
friends here last weete-Mr. William
Gx°eb, who bas been on a pleasant visit
to friends in Milverton, returned home
last week. -Mr. Cooled Schilbe lost
one of his best working horses one clay
recently. ---Xis Minnie Doan has re-
turned from SeTleonias where she had
been studying nansice-Mrs. J. B. Den-
nis, of Woodhana, visited her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. G. Rol tzman ,h ere, duri n g
the week. --Mr. F. 'Hess was in Baden
on business last week -M S' G '
gee, of Pigeon, lrlieheis visiting friends
here, -Miss Ella Weido. after a pleas-
ant •
two weeks, visit wtth friends in
London, has returned horne.--1Virs, 13.
Howeldeof Stratford, is visiting her
son, Henry, who has been quite ill for
the past few weeks.-Mr.C)hris. Oswald,
who has been sei iously ill with inflam-
mation of the lunge, is convalescing. -
R. R. Johnston has opened a flour and
• feed store in Zellar's block.
Mi.inie9 eltirk411. spot a, few
days in Lorailea, e4 eently. with her Ms-
ter.Mre Wash. -This wade are in a
bad conilition.o.s the ideighing is break-
ing Jalue5 Weir tri borne for
it few days, -Mr. 'Abler Lewis took a
load of old people to Mr. dir2epli Amos'
hmne. Thursday evening of last wee]:
and kient a pleasant titne.-Mr, Wid-
ter Stoken took a sleigh load of young
people to 3Ir. George Young's home
Thursday evening and uII report
pleasant time. --The funeral of Miss
lintsim.formerly of the 4th concession
of McGillivray, took Owe to the lase.
»ewe cemetery on Monday, 3Ist
The funeral service WaS eondneted hy
Rev. Mr. Knowles, of Crediton. -The
funeral of :qrs. Varier was lield at
NVest's cemetery. on ;NIontlay,, 3I4
roneral sereice wits condueteil by .the
Ire •tt- •11... i ..,tte. ` • —
MaraHill was held at ,Mrs. J. TreVe
thieleti hOnte tia Wednesday.
DtaTa OP 311t. Ilaarnaffs.--There
died at, the family residence. in the
township of McGillivray,. on Tuesday
morning last, Mr. John Hamilton, one
of the oldest and Inost respected resi-
dents of the township. The .deceased
had been ailing only a few days of par -
He leaves a large fanitly to
mourn his demise. The funeral takes
bee at one o'clock to-da'y (Thursday)
or St. Marys church cemetery,
SenOon Itneonz --Honor Roll for 8 .
S. No.5. lfcGillivray, for the mouth of
February. -V. -Cora Short. Sr, rv,--
May AlcGrory, Rose Lightfoot, Ed.
Fadden, Le0 Coughlin.
Shoe; NellieLevon4, Erwin Seat, Janet
Maguire. 1H. -Alice Abeline
Hoffmann, rabh Lightfoot, Raymond
Coughlin. Sr. IL-ClaraLewis, Bred
Lewis, Chester Morley, Aron Scott,
Edward Jones, Eliza Hodgins.
Violet Short, Christine Hoffmann, Ella
Hodgine, Willie Maguire. Pt. IL -
Alice Lightfoot, Lorne Sholdice,
nene Coughlin.
Alm- A. Penne% Teacher.
S011.00LREPORTS.-The following is
a correct report of the standing of the
pupils of S.S. No. 3, for the month of
February. The names are arranged in
order of ineritt-V.-Laiira Sory. IV,
Clinton Sweet, Ilerbie Ford, Asa, Pen -
hale, Chas Sanders, Viola Penhale,
Horner Bagshaw, Roy Parsons, Hattie
Willis, Sadie Willis, Clara Beaver,
Willie Triebner. Sr. III.-Alonza
Ford, Minnie Sanders, Herble Beaver,
Eddie Willis, Lizzie Sanders, Edith
Parsons, Mitchell Willis. Inter
Tommy Sanders, Alfred Wnerth. Sam
Hicks, Nelson Sander's, Violet Woods,
Earl Box. Jr. III. -Harry Parsons,
Ralph Willis, Harry Triebner, Annie
Hicks. Sr. II. -Victor Sweet, Cecelia
Ford, Tommy Penhale, Hilda Presz-
cator, Fred Beaver, Lillie Woods, Le-
vine, Cookson, Earl Parsons, Garnet
Craig, Edith Wlaittaker May Sanders.
Pt. II. -George Ricks, Harry Sweet,
Gledys Dearing, Eddie Triebner, Sher-
man Willis, Geo. Whittaker, Sam.
Stanlake, Fred Preszcator,. Part L -
Preston Dearing, Johnnie Willis, Earl
Shaptort, Chester. Parsons. Best spel-
lers for the montht-V. and IV. -Ho-
mer Bagshaw; Sr. and Inter
Hicks; :Tr. M. -Harry Triebner; II. -
Victor Sweet. No. on roll 52, average
attendance 43.1.
The following are the names of the
pupils in S. S. No: 1, in order
of merit, who have taken the
highest standingduring the month of -
February. V. -Clinton Hogarth, Flee -
da Baker, Perry Windsor, Agnes Hep-
burn. Sr. IV. -Warren Mitchell and
Hector Mitchell equal, Rose Wilson,
Edna IVIcNaughton. Jr. IV. -Herman
Mi tchell, Vern on Wilsore Eddie Cafes.
Sr. III. -Leslie McNaughton, Charles
Hearne% N. Hodgins. Flora Hepburn.
Jr. III. -Verne Sheardown, S. McCoy,
Gifford Hogarth, David Baker. Sr.
II. -Fred Conway, Willie Sims E.Itia-
ley, Charlie Grafton. Jr. II.--Malvan
Callfas, John Dempsey, Gordon Wil-
son, John 1Vhite. Part IL -Lillian
Robinson, Mervin Elston,Elymer Wil-
son, Margery Hepburn. Part I. --
Archie Robinson, Anstalt Etiplan,Iler-
bert White,' Wilson Colbert.
J. A. MeN.8.Uo11ro)...
L. Serrrie °
Mr. Farrel, wile has been visiting
bee friPrids at Pott Heron, returned
-home iirday.-The fuueral of Miss
liod,geoe passed tiwough Clendeboye
011 atorelinse-A shoa-shore secial was
held at the English church rectory on
Wedneeday evening, /5lare1i 5t1i.--A,
umber of the young girls and boys
pent a pleasant time skating at Mr.
Jomits' Tuesdav evening, the lee being
-ery it; condition., --We are sor-
:a* that Mr. A. Clark has taken
rare- and Is again confined to ins
bed.- -.4s :amber of mar citizens attend-
ed tkw-e -neert which WaS hill. in the
Town "ind'i. Lucala. on Thursday. All
report wing had a good tione.---Me.
j. Clan: nnreleased a driver at the sale
of Frenhlin Neil, of Bladulph, on Tues.
day. -7l, Dinekwell wag m London
Sat Ide Winer spent Sun.
tluy ae 1,10114a,y, with her parents in
Credit., --Mr. Alhert King and wife.
ftltepl-aNt."evas the goest of Mrs. R.
Cannine ors diondity.- Mr. Richard
CaneiniS and Georgr Lewis ottended
side in 1., -K -salon olmbuturelity.--Ir.Geo.
Andrews and Mi$3 Iilva esillinS spent
Solidity in Lucarn-311kiS Neil. of Mc-
wl10 has ben visiting here
the past rcnv weeks has returned hom(.
l'efe late Ism 1.1A wetii)
Tho r p.t4:3 are in a very bad condi-
bon for tr.tvelling,---Mr, Thos. Drank
and Mi- Blanche Rook visited the
shs Mrifi• F. Sweitzer, at Kirk-
,. On .4iiinday.--Miss Edna Godbolt
g her cousins in London town.
- . Bell eturta-
out London Satriaty.--The
Cremaery Imt in therie sup-
ply of ” t week. I; is coneeeded
to be tla SirralitY they have twee
6torcd. Sine 3tfira,. Lia Visited the
old bo; z .4 Mrs. on Tuesday.-
rUtalli bed the misfortune of
having Pat eeverely jammed %virile
paelsine he the itther day and as a con-
sequence was laid olf work a fm'' dap.
-Mr.r (NAM% who has taught,
seh)ol "..t great tittecess here fur the
the past filar yearshas resigned lds
position r gning into the ruerean.
tile hue t in Exeter with Mr. Pt-
. It may he justly said that
Mr. ealt:194te Wati The best teacher that
has eve' t toght in this school, and for
t his /Ina FeirigiliS Of his good (('101-
!th'4 he a ,;I in. mai missed. We wielr
hini, awl Tois wo.rthy partner every SW,
sad 'arrl
liven io -, ire elite nooses vet,
who for the past five years has been re-
siding With ;119 youngest son in Tomm,
t s, where did on Saturday morn-
ing. Februaty 22nd, at the great etre of
years, 7 Inlintlis. Mr. Godbolt was
a native of England and came to Can-
ada with bis parents when quite ;
young boy. cettling in the township of
0o, near Bolton villnge, back of To..
mita. When he grew to manhood he
took unto himself e betterhalf in the
person of Miss .4lnn Watimus both of
whom afterwards experienced consid-
erable pioneer hardships. Jr. God -
holt was in the McKenzie rebellion in
18374,9 and at one time ho aS a pris-
oner a man in the cellar for three days.
He w;r ti staunch Methodist, and was
a member of Sunshine chervil. He was
a man of good business ability and was
1, Reformer in politics. He raised nt.
family of eight -5 sons and 3 daugh-
ters. Fred, the eldest -,died in the Yon-
kon about two years ago; Jennie, the
eldest daughter, died in London town-
ship some time ago, and George, Jr„
died on the old homestead About three
years age. Those living are john in
California, Eli in Kansas, Louis in To-
ronto, Recline], (Mrs. (Dr.) Brown)
Wroxeter, and Charles at Sunshine.
The funeral was very largely attended
on Monday, thus testifying to tne es-
teem in which deceased was held. The
bereaved family have the sympathy of
the neighberhood,
00111101.T. ---It, is our
any' to announce the
thalbolt. one who
Miss Essery is visiting Mrs. John
Evans. --Mrs. Anderson, accompanied
by bei daughtey, Miss Lily, has gone
to Lucan to visit her sister, Mrs.Scott,
who is quite ill and not expected to re-
cover. -Mr. James Neil is reported to
be recovering from his recent illness -
Mr. John Harris, of Exeter, called on
friends here Friday. -Mrs, Richard
Handford is very sick. -Mies Maggie
Handford has retereedfrorn attending
the Millinery openings at London and
has accepted a, position with Mr. Pree-
ter at Zurich. Mr. Preeter may con-
gratulate himself on securing the ser-
vices of Miss Hendford, she being well
accomplished in the art and is highly
esteemed by her many friends. -Miss
Pearl Cobleigh returned to her home
in Londep Tuesday, after a pleasant
visit with friends.- Mr. Wm. Hicks,
of London, visited his sistereMrs. Geo.
Grafton, Sunda y. -There seems to be
considerable sickness in our midst,
Mrs. Wm. Baker, Mr. Geo. Grafton
and Mrs. Marshall all being under the
doctor's care.
RuNAwAY ACCIDENT.----Yestorciay
(Wednesday) morning a thrilling acci-
dent, occurred here. Mr. Gus Cough-
lin drove Pat Curtain to the train with
Curtain's horse, a young high spirited
animal. The horse being restive,Ceugh-
lin drove away from the statioe, but
when jest outside the gate the train
started, the horse increasing his speed.
On attempting to restrain hint the hit
and bridle broke and tee horse dashed
away. Coughlin, thinking it safest
jumped from the buggy, but becoming
in someway entangled in the, lines,
wee dragged several rods, his over-
shoes and clothing being torn to shreds
end his limbs and body covered with
wounds and bruises. , He was not ser-
iously hurt,bowever. The horse quick-
ly covered the streets,tyways,garclens,
fences, etc., Of the town till it rid itself
of the buggy and was finally captured
without nt scrateb.
0. granst:ny, ttonne mules
Itenhure) Baxx24er. &Mellor, Notaty, xer
Loan-E7toter. oct.
Mr. Antal:elm Krause, of Nebraelte,
is the guest of Mr. Thomas Yearly. -
Mr. Welter Clark hag purchased the
stock, formerly owned. by Mr. Ezra
Valet and re now ready to meet the de -
mends of the public. Enra will keep
.,ori Ids bakery as formerly- Success
Waltefe-Mrs. Charles Either is visit-
ing roatire MtnTi5ton this 'mech.--
Mass Ida toes. of Clandellove, spent
Ptst Sunday here, the guest 4;f her par-
erits.-Rev. Mre Litt ;assisted ReeeMine
21oele, of Desbeveed, bet week in teat -
„ducting. Revival ineetings.-Couracil
meeting Was held thE. 1'0Wn Zt
I.Monday.-Mm S.tionel ist,e0
engaged ltti clerk with Mr.Sion.11rown,
•-7141.,, and Mts. Fred Senate of teryeael
City, vi•-ing the hitters
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ridge/ t Sweet. -
Zaire's Miry WillienteeaS lilt'yorreirag.ereent.
a few deys here last week, renewing
acquaintances,---Heory fait L.
of Toronto, s -pent, Suralay bi-1 home
Itere.-Mrs. Cnristina Triek left fair
London Toesality to attend to her frith-
eis who is Richard Baker has
linrciltlaql.a grocery talsinv!i.,s in Pm.
don and will 'neve there in a few
Weeks.-MI.V. John Wind rocoved a.
messege fr OM Detroit hist Friday that
lier daughter, Mts. Misteriy, was very
, and left at ;mese for that city. We
rust that her daughter's illness is not
tierIOns.-Mr. Henry Ibtist lost a, vain -
aide three.year.old horse Saturday,
hy reeeived in falling
down a, %NV% alma. t".41 feet (leep, the
Digikt. before. Iltip was prorated int.
mtt:ttelv and it tot.% (thout two 1ienr5
to 'Tang the mutual to the surfaec.
The was dog, in a shkd and (mem.-
ed with lease Loard4. which parted as
soon ,ss 1.401rK, stepped on them.
Tit6l indeed it costly worning.--11r.
still very low and ,
Oglit hopes are 4'441ti,vt lOneal for his res
eavery.-Mr. eh:lat.:3 Wolf. tour IlverY
man, WAS rented the farm formerly oz.
copied IT Jas. 11111, JA, for a term of
years. -Mr. fico.11oltztuart has secured
the runty:apt to erect 51r. John; Sweh..
zer's new dwelling. -Ye Editor of the
A.nvoeaTa Was III the village Friday.
5Ir. Mathew Finkbeiner was in Toron-
to for fw days ictst „,vrek mid
he WitS greatly pleased with the trip.
SCHOOL ItIIPORT.-Thefollowing pu-
pils obtained rit',; or over in the test
aminations held during January and
February. Names in order of merit.
Division I. -Class Mason,
Emmy Fahner, Everett Must.
IV, -Carrie Wein. Edith Hill. Herbert
('la -s NIL -Lino. Pack and
Wit hau
E. McCallum, teacher.
Division 111. .Ir.. IV.-41.1tum
Joe Finkbeiner, Edgar Baker, Pearl
Holtzman, Ralph Litt, Ida Fainter,
David Wein Della Brown, Bruce Me-
Kerade. Slyrtle Anderson, Luta Young
Fleteher (lower, Mary Oestreicher,
Louisa Mist, Arthur lioltzman. Pearl
Hill, Rd. Treitz. Sr. IV. -.Melinda
Trich.,EZra OestreichereWilbett Wray,
Olivia lloltzinanzi, Einnut Hill, &tie
(Nark, Dan Finkheiner. Jr, V. -Mare
tha Wenzel, Edna Eilber, Ella Beaver,
Weida Banes Lizzie Finkbeiner.
'Claude Blirett, Principal.
51a1r111S1,1 PAIrrY,-One evening re-
cently a very pleasant surprise patty,
consisting of members of the Lady Mac-
cabees of Emerald Hive, gathered and
preseeted themselves et the home of
their worthy C'haplain,Mrs.Grace Hill.
Intended ;is a surprise,it certainly was,
but one of a triost agreeable nature,
the occasion being to celebrate the an-
niversary of her wedding day and be-
ing near St. Valentine's day the good
ladies presented Mrs. Hill with a bas-
ket of valentines. The everting was
spent in social chat and as a fitting
conclusion all sat down to -it bonutifed
spread of good things Provided by the
ladies, after which all returned to their
homes wishing their worthy Chaplain
many happy retnrns of the event and
that she wonicl be spared to celebrate
many eimilar °echelons.
Stahl, no, Wein, Herman Oestri
. J. G. Wein. Robt, flo(!glits, .Tos. W.
1.3wson, Wm. Finkbeiner. Wm. H.
Morlock, Nelson Kestle, Virria. H. Kos -
tie, Pat Kilgallen, S. 3, Henderson,
Jno. Wilhelm, Sant i'resegatoc, l'hon.
Kestle, Thos, Lene,Pat. Sullivan, Wm.
NVitzel, Muleolni Zilier, H. L. Kraft,
Angus McCormick. Win, Baumgarten,
Wire Smith, Jun. SchreederoTr.. Chas.
Stephen, Jen, lloiththan, Thos. Keogh,
Dongal Melsane, Writ. 13rokenilitre,
Richard Adorns R. Hoilgins 1-:'ree
iteitzman, (T. Fleischan, Ft,-yter Murray. .,
Teteente Wes. Iltaggerthy. Ily. Hartz -
Was' Rf"lutEs. /IF. Shank. Claa*. Stme.,,
Tires. Fuills, Goo. Neltpit, Si-., • Flinn&
iItOn• Ed. W. Gill. -In, l'hitip riali.V.
R. II. Aritastron7,„ Jno. Shttoii, Jas.
Paxntan, Jos. ilfebb, W. G. Reill.F ,
it. Ghivin, Jas. 'dleKeever. Mirlia‘c,
; irltrien, Tho,4„ Ilya!), IA% flare R Erb.
, frilcatike. Pat ite an, Thee. i,Ve..ei
„, -
, ,,, ,
Sila-9 St; miceLP.Jv.,.Si'lli. Seeders, Thee
se.c.-; R7G1(91.; Vra,phy., s -1••• r ..,1 ," .. .
iittlanson, Henry Kraft, Hen Schree.
er, Peter Sfitreptler, Jr...111o, Merrir:tee
fist., Conrad 1,Va1per. Fence Viewer.
-Thos. Shapton„ .N•wtoz) Baker d'as,
I Ford, R. Manville, Hy. Doyle. `Chas,
4 Holt, Ware Oliver, Sr.. Iloht. Me--
Linebny and, Pt.ter Ferr.€.1/. Prinrel-
Oceeperte-Wrin .lotfatt. Tho)$. Shop,
.', ton. Wm. Fritz. eltri$ Finibeiner. Jot
li Jos.11et1vie'.1,iw14iut:S.s.. 11%‘:£3,1:/ IA, SI ui:Lt n... o In, 4Dairtt eitilve41/:
jos. Brettnes• Frei' P.reetee,Siias Stal
lake. C. L. Mlaser. and Jos, Shatidait
The feilorring ordets were passedz---
ITreas oellitidallott town.hip Steplteti';
l portion of awall. $;i.:ii); Hun Ins,z,
, zuare ON, iiii-airnufe of Hall, Sin; ri,
'N. Mtwara, drawitnr leiniter, tiir azittv.
nig tiratton, ;r),!ttry to horse, $18; 3.)4,
rdwatids. slioveirang snow. 1st S. R-
2; Jr4. Teuntult„ (4n:u. watt and si-:,-,,v..
1 citing SHOW. il.„-Var D. Ilaggit h. lpltm,,
shovelb•tptatv arid seesiiridgese. 7.M; $ing snow, $1.ralA David Mantlione3r
ling ,
Jo,,boh 3lotv. et oll, shoveihng maven,
t5:149; 1.01li5 1- •b-, tf,li. plow, 143e4icra-
i Iin, Pil.wing snow. l',.-4,'; Jimailt 'Weida, sm-a-ening snow. ZINA, S.:nooPI If9117:0E,
conttact on tirait), eD14. 21, ,f7'.37, J. n,
iimigariq, eintt. work. filial: Iti, 81.23
K. J. liouleu-on, slue, elling goon', $1.s
Kenney 3114. Carden bkovelling stony,
$1. CHID/Gil adjoinned tO !Meet agalL'
in the Town UAL etediton, on ;Mon-
day April 7th, tamt at I p. in.
HILNItY 14;11.1;1-4;
T). Clerk,
Stephen Council
The council of the township of Step-
hen, convened at the Town Hall, Cre-
diton, on Moodily arch,3rd, at 2 pan.
All members present. The minutes of.
previous meeting were read and ap-
proved. Anderson-Wuerth, that
• Henry E. Huston, of the Village of
Exeter be and is hereby appointed an
Arbitrator to act on behalf of thepeti-
tion presented to this Council, signed
by the requisite number of rate -payers,
asking for the the alterations of the
boundaries of Union School section,be-
ing lot 14, township of Bosanquet and
No. 8 of the township of Stephen. -
Carried. Anderson -Webb, that Sam-
uel Gratton, be offered and paid, if
aecepted, the sum of eighteen dollars
for injury to horse, caesed by culvert,
without prejudice.-Cavried. Ander-
son-Wuerth, that wheras a new peti-
tion, signed:by the requisite number
of rate -payers of the township of Step-
hen haeleen presented to this Coun-
cil. asking for the formation of a Union
'School Section, between the town-
ships of Stephen and McGillivray,
west of Greenway, P. O. and ' whereas
a, similar petition was presented to
this council on Jan. 14th, 1001. and at
that time Mr. A. E. Huston of the
Village of Exeter, was appointed as
Arbitrator, and whereas the township
of McGillivray neglected or refused to
appoint and arbitrator, in the first
Huston, of Exeter, be and is hereby
appointed Arbitrator , to act on the
petition presented to the Council this
day. -Carried. The following are the
Path -masters, appointed for 1902t -s
Daniel Smith, Wm. Luker, ,Tas. Hod-,
gins,John Jas. Cornish Samson Par-
sons, Geo. Hill, Robert Mitchell, Wm.
Callfas, ,Tno. Ileatnam Rolet. Sanders,
Sim, Cookson, Sam Sanders, Jr.. J no.
Hepburn, Philip Lane, Wm. Heaman,
is hereby cancelled and that Mr. 1-I. E.
motion passed on Jan. 14, 1901, be and
place, be it therefore resolved that the
Wichert, .Tno. Kerr, F. Triebner,
Credic Stanlake, Hy. Lamport, Levi'
Vat na; There died in Ethel, on Sat.
in day, an old resident of Varna, in the
person of Mr. Wm. Simpson, at the
advanced age of 7% years. Vowat ds
•.10 yeat s ago he started in the, Whelk-
sini '.11111fr bakineF4s bore,
, 7-1 tP"tet i% I'd pe
-eogantd in the gl..terw env,. louseneere
winch he conthteted for a number of
Year.3 ollectiFsfully. disposing of it tc
Mr. Wm. Beaty. Deceased wag aron.
sistent member of the Methodis-.
church. Ile leaves a widow,two gran&
children and a sister.
l3owtty--In Exeter. on Feb. 7,to
and Airs. AIL Bowen a daughter.
HEYWOOD-1n Eibuville, on March 22
to Mr. and Mrs. Sautes Heywood, a
HArtirle-ALletieen-At the residence
of the bride's parents, on Wedness
day, March Stieby Reeehleteher M.
Charles Harris, to Miss Mary
daughter of Mr.John Allison.
SUITIL-ORT..-At the residence of the
bride's parents', Mr. and Mre. jacot
Orte Bronson line, on Feb. 25, by the
Rev. G. S. rinkbeiner,of Zurich, Mr.
Jacob Smith, of Detroit, Mich., to
Miss Ort, of Istay tp.
013rtinet-Gneeteer.-On Fe6. 24, by
the Rev. A. Gina, Mr.Wm.013riere
of Calumet, Mich, late of St. Marys,
to Miss Lillian M. Graham, of St,
PEMA.BarTy.lItTnninD.-At the residenee
of the groom, Exeter, on Feb. 20, he°
• the Rev. C. W. Brown, B.A., Mi„
• Jos. Peart to Miss Hubbard, of Tee
NAOLU-In Blenshard„.011 Feb, Ve Nes
James Nagle, aged 78 years.
MoLanner-In St. Marys, on Feb. In,
Charlotte, relict of the late
McLaren, aged 85 years.
GornsonT-In Toronte, on- yen.
George Godbolt, formerly of Shia -
shine, Ushoue township,aged 83.
SMITIC-in Hay tp. on February 26th,
Agnes, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Smith aged 1 year,6 month&
t -
LITTLEJOHNS-Iu Chicago, III., on
February 26th, Frederick Littleeohns,
formerly of Exeter, in his 2let year
MANNING. -In Clinton, Feb. 26, Alex-
andra Jean, third chniehter of Wile
ber N. and Allie T. arming, tiger:
11 months, 4 days.
You've tried almost every-
thing for it, haven't you
And we presume you. ere
about discouraged. Now
what do you think of our
idea of breathing -in the
medicine, bringing it right
up to the diseased part?
It looks reasonable, doesn't it? And
it's successful, too.
When you inhale ,Vapa,Cresolerie
your breathing becomes easy, the -
wheezing ceases, and you drop te
sleep. For croup and whooping,
cOugh it's a quick cure. le
,Vapo-Cresolenc is soldby druggists eveytillicre
The Vaporizer and Lamp, which should laSt lifiv-•`•
eitra pl s • r o n , •
'Illustratedbooklet containing - Ms -4" '
moniats'iree -neon request. , VAno-Cuzoi...E<1E,C4,'4'
,k80 1ahl)11 st., New eses