HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-2-20, Page 8CLOTHES
rse Dix Kidney Pills for Lame Bade
and Kidney Derangements, The best
cheziekeet on the market,. Sold b,y
O. Lutz, Exeter.
bars to their natural ccior, xelieves
TuriOsh Scaip Food restores grey
ha /
dandraff mid itchiness el the, sealpeend
PrOalOteS hair growth. Sold by C.
Lutz, Exeter,
. Now b the time to order yotunread-
ing matter. We supply ,.any periodi-
cal published in. any Country or Many
lentuage t 4,eaSonable rates. Ceder
UOW ikt't 14e Aaavo.ceereg Oilee. •
The droggists o Huron e01114tY Met
fti Clintou on Friday, presunmbly, for
the porposo of forming 3Huron coon-
ty associatioo, L Wilseu.:Poderich,
presided as cheirnum awl R. Comhe
acted as secretary. It is expeeted that
ether Meetings wilifellew.
new chambray?, styles are correct
of new prints. new ginghants and
First hooli.-Jost in a ghoice
and values are in your favor. Stew-
ostmaster teenere es lean
etetular to all postinaster$ throughout
the Dominion authorizing thern to
weigh all meil matter paesiug througb.
their respective office* and a record
thereof kept, entnaleneing on Monday
next ana contiouing for one month
ItPays to feed English Steck Food
to fatten cattle, They will riot go oft
their feed awl will put on fat rapidly.
Nearly &di farmers now feeti English
Stock Food to youug pigs. It keeps
them healthy :mil makes them thrive
remarkably well. Sold by C. Lutz,
Not necessarily expensive clothe; hut
clothes that show neatness correct
styIe.Lappropriatness and weed
taste. Come In end look over the
pew styies. We an eattecy you.
mr. WI uotior
Merchant Taylor,
Opposite post Office.
Where is the elate; of yesterday
Tbat fo1iUS saw
The claseic "keep ou guessin."
The short expressive "nit:
And Say. "Wouldn't that jar your
eysneee R," "yogi simple Pea"
Is dead, gone and forgot teu,
The slang a yesterday.
'W'bat his become a loff hie base,"
Lewse the "gooeme eyes?"
Where ie the "tumbler er was "one'
Tee "rut frontMisseerr prize?
Time geese old "fseereh nes '1444'047
pa -l -ed Illweviee away.
"Away bae4" to alivion„
Ttak Slang Of yestevlay.
Iles any one seen the " mettle hut"
Or the genial. Hay "glad hand."
The "freety guy, that "freezes" you
Scantetalutoi to *beat the leen&
What was the end a "drapped to it?"
0, eau you tell me pray.
Where are the "rnieter"retyings
Tire elang yesterilay?
Last Friths*. was St. Valentines Day.
Sober seeond thoughts are better
than drunken first ones
Mr. Time. Ileudford shipped a ear -
lead of horees to Winnipeg 31onday.
3liss Clara Ctulmore entertained a
few friends at her home Friday even-
Quite a number from here atteuded
the coucert at Crediton Friday even-
Some people never get a move on
themselves uatil the landlord calls for
bis rent,
.& wag of n dog's toil is to he trusted
rather titan the shake of many a man's
The difference between marriage and
divorce is often only two or three
The ghl yen eall you rosebud dar-
ing courtslup may develop a lot of
thorns after in:image.
The reason old maids have never
married is not because they never had
a chance, -so they all say.
The Epworth, League of the Main
street Methodist church intend holding
an oyster social 011 3farch 4th.
3fr. John Wood, shipped two car-
loads tattle last week, one to Liver-
pool and the other to Toronto.
On account of the high price of oats
oatmeal retails at almost as high a
price a pound as granulated sugar.
Mr. Jos. Harvey, one of the propri-
etors of th,e Exeter Mill; will shortly
move into Mr. MeGregor's residence
on Andrew street.
Mr. Rich. Speare, vim recently pur-
chased a restaurant in Hensall, was in
town last week making arrangements
to move his family there shortly.
Mr. John Curia:lore disposed of his
household effects by auction on Satur-
day last. Goodprices were realized,
Mr. John GUI wielding the hammer.
Mr. L. R. Warner, representing the
United States Butter Co. of Bloom-
,. field, N. J., was here assisting the local
`ltaente Mr -A. Q. Bobier in the sale of
cream seperatore this week.
Emanuel Vale, while engaged in the
Flax 11E11, Exeter North, on Thursday
last was strnek with a rake by one of
the other eniployes and as a result has
been unable to work since.
Mr. Goo. Merrier, proprietor of the
Metropolitan Hotel, gave an oyster
supper op Tuesday night last at which
alarge number were in attendance and
a very pleasant evening, was spent.
Mr. D. Wynn has disposed of his fif-
ty acre farm in Usborne, being part of
Lot 0, on. 11, to Mr. Frank Brock,for
the sum of $3500. We understand Mr.
Wynrx will move to Exeter to reside.
The annual Sunday school entertain -
meet in connection with Cavan Pres-
byterian Chinch was held Tuesday
evening. An interesting program was
rendered and refreshments were serv-
The annual meeting of the Liberal
Association of South Huron, as consti-
tuted for Provincial purposes, will be
• hoe in ',ankle.; hall, Hensall, on '1, nes-
day, March 4th, at 1 o'clock p. m,,
The Ladies Guild of the Triyitt Mem-
orial church are having a round of
outing and pleasure these days. They
were entertained by Mrs. John Hawk-
shaw on Monday last and will visit at
Mr. WM. Dansford's, Stephen, on
Wednesday next,
"Is Mike Howe on board of this
train 2" asked a man approaching an
engineer wh o was oiling up. his locomo-
tive. "I don't know aeything about
your cow," replied the engineer,sharp-
ly; "I am the engineer an not the
oow-carcher of A is traiu, ,"
The latest innovation in postal nov
titles has been placed in the Toronto
neral Post oilIce. It is a machine
cepahle of eancellhig the stamps on a
thousand letters in one minute. Be.
tweet) 4 o'clock afternoon and mid-
night:of 'Wednesday 70,900 letters pas.
sed through the meadow.
311.. Wit. J. Kerniek murebased th
bendred acre farm of31r. Jos. Hervey,
sitnated in Usborne, previous to the
eale on Friday last while Mr. Attlin
Mitchell purchased the other fifty
eel -es pet up by anction. Mr. Remick
aleo dieposed or Cia acres of the
Cord estate to Mr. Harvey.
The sad newe reached the Wends
here Saturday lest of the death of Mrs.
Henry Collins, whir* sad event tool:
pate :a her itone steel Deloraine.Man,
She had been ill for about two years,
hence her death was not unexpeeted,
iShe leaves to mourn her demise a Ser.
rowiug husband and an adopted daugh-
The practice of people sarroonding
a grave at a burial removing their hats
with the mercury at or near zero, is
heathenish, to say *malinger the pneu-
n We that may tallow. If the voice
orn the gravecould speak, it would
ell the people to be more careful of
their own health, and keep their heads
There died at the residence of 'the
Donald 31cInnee. Main street on Son
day 1ast,31r, John Cameron, a former
resident of Usborne, at the age of 81
years. Tho deceased had been ill for
eon* time. Wallis demise is attributed
to the infirmities of old age. The fun.
eral took plaee to the Exeter Cemetery
Your chance "if you are small"
2 only,Ladies very small, sizes, choic-
est quality. fine Bach:trap for coats,
$15 reduced to $20. Come quick.
You must be small in size for this
snap. Stewart's.
Mr. John Cann, hostler at the Com-
mercial House stables, had a narrow
escape from serious injury on Sunday
last. He was engaged in throWing
down hay and in getting too near the
hole slipped through, falling to the
flour belonaa distance of about 15 feet,
sustaining a bad shakingup and injur-
ing his arm somewhat
The Brooklyn, New York, Times, of
February lst has this to say about a
former resident of Usborne township:
"Dr. S. M. Campbell, of 669 Leonard
street, was elected by a unanimous
vote bard of theScottish Celtic Society
of NewYork, at the election of officers,
which took place on the evening of 30th
ult. After the election the doctor read
an original article in prose and another
in poetry, and was warmly cheered."
The game of Hockey played in the
rink here on Tuesday night between
the St. Johns' team of London and Exe-
ter team resulted in a victory for the
home team bye, score of 6-2. The vis-
itors played good scientific hockey,
but the alertness of our boys, coupled
with their hard, persistent work, prov-
ed too much for them and competitive-
ly speaking our boys gained an easy
victory. The gatne,howeverewas a good
•exhibition of hockey. •
A very pleasant gathering tookplace
at the home of Mr. James Ilern, Wil-
liam street, on Friday last, the occas-
ion being a reunion of the family, in-
cluding bis aged father, brothers arid
sisters xif Usborne township and his
brother, William, of Hannota, Men-
ne day wasanost fittingly spent and
in the evening all sat down to a bount-
iful spread of good things provided for
the occasion, including a liberal supply
of the palatable bivalve.
a. Big Cut. Women's Black As-
trachan fur coats $25, reduced to $15;
• Women's, Australian Coon fur coats,
825, reduced. to $17.50; Worne'ns
Black Astrachan flu coat, $27, re-
duced to $19; Women's Boclaaran far
coat $38, reduced to $28. Stewart's.
• Messrs. Bawden & McDonell last
week disposed of two more of their ex-
cellent stallions, Mr. Robt. McKelvey,
of Etheahaving pin2claased "Childwick
Hatherton" and Mx. Chas Schultz, of
Clifford, " S in glah II," "Child wick
Hatherton" is a bay shire, with white
face, and is one of the best colts im-
ported from England. If properly
cared for and he continues to have gdbd
health he will make a horse of im-
mense weight and will yet reach 2100
pounds. He is of magnificent propor-
tions, rangy and well built. Mr. Me-
KelYey deserves ,credit for his good
juclgirient and choice and the farmers
in the neighborhood of Ethel may con-
gratulate themselves on having art an-
imal of such good qualities to breed
from. "Singlahana II." is a Clyde of
splendid, shapely proportions and as a
peogetator no better horse could be de-
sired. The price received for the form-
er was $1560 isnci he latter $1600,
It would, be a greet eonverdenee to Padll°SCIIQQIE'xsft'll"ti°11s'
the peblie if township cormeils would
erect sign posts et the road coroers tinns fc}"lle conws 'Imam are to
eivitia the name etmeessionb. , be held on the 20th and 2,1et of March.
;aeroads, The expenee evould trif-," Papers tire being Prepared for Jenior
YOritifft 41plrai not.; ..4.4.); sen°17Acilt, bi'lekrt ftbotTrids ; fniu; Se rilsis4 )ele‘ TiAlet 41 i Sueont lift;
on the front gateway, ging mime of tilrsbPlisatlicor tSiaeelinotoilmbleureporptokprevr tfouer;
owner awl Dumber of lot. Ifeoeue en- Itt
tt ;,robt.eisitathge tporozheripilwx otthilids kiet 1:::111.11snLee!4:01 vane:ft:1: teaheeh elms.
wowe epeieg into allele mut popular, List of eases heardi2atthetitutrtft olr)div,
u ge
W. R. Colby, of Loudon, Sept, '1)orle presidiug, -4"t."
the Y:orle CountY Loan end Savinge claDyezudvs4telezelise-ftTQltutlisioarsQeultaos.t)3edlyatlai
Cie, is in town this week with forge
of agents eeeking investers. Their pre- ecgkrich, St arye and other polote
Pcgt$tie9alabllifewssemini tweezirdearnteefo:t1107,;:btikliialearkliCi)likessi7a.eell):04::
aWbeg inY t t: ji th b e t I et% fb:n4Igientulictesanter claimed to recover
tereet ;.it 4 per cent, Miss Elia peeeme from plaintiff $100 damages,. for beeh
hee been appointo eoueetor awe ivill of coutraet, contending that. the ap,
pies were rotteo mad useless when be
call on you for five cents or more week
ly. A untque system of teeclun the Purchased them- It Was OrgYed tbat
children economy is being intr uced the defendanthad the oppertunity to
by placing lu the bomeseavings Texas ilashect. the apples before he nfirchaeed
from which collections are made twAt he neglected deiog $0 and there
. e; eInntv c st Li gate thele ehome sewtoaans4mi ot Eh) 01 tdp:eil inecttegpo r4Aoe tfi eet owrd:cionrn s:rx,
Buchenan ve. Madge. -In this ease
plaintiff sued defendant to recover the
sum or $5.5,25, alleged to we been
wrongfully collected from hint. The
judge after hearing the plaintifrs eve.
&nee dismissed the nctiou, Buchauen
will seek redresa in the liigh Court.
The uniform promotion examinee
Ilaviog disposed of our busineee to
Messes. T. Hawkins et; Son, we would
requeet all parties indebted to us to
kindly call end settle at one.
IL fhattor k So
Alias Vrquhert, late tuilliner far 311r,
3. A. Stewart. WAS yesterday (Wed.)
married in Torouto to Mr.David Shim
a prosperous yonng farmer near Tien-
eall. After a honeymoon trip the haps
py Couple will return and take up
housekeeping ou Mr. Shirra's exsellent V. Rat; ex-M.P., of Ehivawas
tewn onday
Mr. Will Sossex, of London, Isvieite
Ing friends in tewn.
An Beigravelaet week.
Miss Jessie Creech spent a few days!
Mr, Itobt. Pickard is reCOvering from
a severe attack or la grippe,
Reeve Levett was in Toronto Friday
and Saturday on businlase.
Mrs. L. Thorne left on Friday last to
visit with friends in London.
Mr. Fred Penhale visited hie sister
at Cirand Bend, on Sunday.
Mr, D. Clattenden, of Myth, spent
motel:ea cooing. Sunday with friends In
An event of more than uanalintereat be the
wiMr, Jae, Murray, tounclrynnue, was
ll vieit of .1.K. McCulloch the i.
champion sieges.. Of the wood. vow 4U London OR briSalleSS
wall ;appear in the skatingrink be , Miss Risk' McCollum, of Cfedlion.
Thiunetlay evening, Feb, :rah, when he spent Sunday at her home here.
will give exhibitions of fancy, speed II 31ra, M, Moody, of Bannorkbaten,
and trick eletting, He Is certainly a visiting her sister. 311's. W. Johns.
marvel on skates. and the mauy won. ell Kitty Dearing of Ileum)! eieit
dedut things Pel'f"Ilued 117 him an the ed 11:5r parents in titopiten, Sultulay:
fee malies lima a most interesting ebOr. xf pot s
actee in the way of an exhibition skot. Miss vino, -131Kters, of 'Amnion, is
er. his program consiets of figure ska t- I
vioithig,b„,ePellket„h" fo‘re4 IC?"' w 6-•
ing.skating out:hits. Jumping on eltates 3lies ALPI•vrueuQ4`. ot wow!), s tan
and speed skating forward. To Miss guestor her want, Airs. J. Crocker.
McCollough is to miss a treat of a life. 31las Ada Treble, of Dorchester, i
time. spending her holidays with her parents
ouboc Settee' Board Minutes. here.
Minutes of Board meeting held 1» Mr. Neleon Sheere, of Petmlea, Is
Town Hall, :51on1ity, Feb. ltitin Ab. spending a few holidays at his home
sent W. Trevethiek. The following ie here.
the order of business duly submitted :via Vm. Cunningham, of Clanue.
and approved. Per chairtonn, nainntes boye, is visitiug his son, Mr. U. Cun.
of prevtons meeting. Per wood entn. ninglainn.
babeen secured at an average cost of Alr. L. Cann and Miss Fretirena laibLEN"S
mitte, that about 40 cores of w.sal. it
Down visited friends at Bethesda on
$3.25 per cord. Per repairs. that the Sunday last.
farm. Both are popular in social cir-
cles and the best wishes for their eon-
tinued happiness will follow them V-
on their bridal tour.
A Terrible Fall in plecee. Mens
Australian Coou coats $10. reduced
to S10.23; Men's Calf Coats, SM. re-
uced to IS.75: Men's Rock Walla -
y coats. $20, reduced to 81S,75;
Men's Black Corsican Leueb emits,
• 824 reduced to SIS.75; Men's Prime
to SZO, Stewarre,
Cauadian Coon coats, SR retinal
,- && AL 04F 41
01 Change of Zusiness..
J L....IF
We beg to announce to our friends in li
Exeter and surrounding district that we li
have purchased the Hardware, Stove and 0
Tinware business lately carried on by U. Is
Bishop 4 Son and intend, keeping a well at- ite
sorted stock in all the above lines and by I
close attention to business and. prices, hope
to merit a share of the liberal patronage
heretofore bestowed upon our predecessors,
eteeerniliriFilirilittlirtirelimelittiat ,
7"wil MUD, be time for Stook tilting and we want to dear mit many
lines of Clothing by that time. And ht order to do tide we have
- put the Knife into these lines and have almost cut prices In two.
Below we quote you a few prices: -
Men's Overcoate was............S 7.50 for 8540
** • • • * • • 31.75 $.75
MU 7.50
46 Suits ****.* 32,00 " $.00
44 44
66 • • • *. • • ••• • • • 10.O" 7.25
n 4 • • 4 4 44444 " 5.90
a 0.
BaYS 2 ptleiV Sat, $11ZeN tl2 ttt fta,3 all the way froiu $3.511 to
for $2.75. 'This ie a grand opportunity for any one neeilitag &anything
, in the above,
ileadquerters for the Celebrated W. E. Sandford Ready Made Clothing.
. •
pump and defective blackboned had
been placed in .gootl order. Per T.Sen-
ior and R. N. Rowe, that the following
=mots prepaid, be pproved:-.L.
Hardy, wood, ,V2.88; W. Penhale, do.,
$33.31; J. lamp, do, 81.340.; J. Moore, ,
repairs to pump, SI, Per W. 3. Car-
ling adjournment
• J. tame,
Cold Storage Mooting.
The Exeter meeting in the interest
of the HUr031 County -Packing and Cold
Mrs. C. Birney and little son.
attended the wedding of her sister last
week in lielgrave.
MISS Hattie White,of Niagara, spent
a few days here this week, the guest
of Miss et.
:Miss Beetriceltabinson leaves to -day
(Thursday) to Attend the millinery
openings at Toronto.
Miss Maud Jeckell, leaves to -day
(Thursday) for Peoria, Ill., where she
Storage Company WaS held in the will visit relatives.
Town Hall, on Wednesday evening of Miss Nettie Walters returned home
last week.; On account of the block- Seturclity, after a pleasant visit with
ade on all roads leading to town only friendsin Wingham.
a small audience greeted the speakers.
However, although small n numbers, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ilnridcoek are spend -
it was composed of men who could ap- ing a few davs Creditoiethe guests
preciate the many interesting things of 3Irs. 0. lioffman.
pointed out by the speakers. Those Mr. David McCord, after a, pleasant
who were not present missed a treatin visit with friends here, returned to his
the line of sound business propositions home near Merton, Monday.
and the disussion bearing an our trade Miss Gertie Cottle, after a pleasant
and Glasgow exhibitions. W. It. Bel -
with foreign countries during the Paris visit with frielads in town, returned to
den, who spoke firse, reviewed the past her home in Ilderton, Saturday..
trade in hogs and pointed out clearly
the immense benefit otu, country had
derived from an improved system of
handling that animal, also showing
that at present much of the profits
that formerly went to swell the bank
account of a few persons was now more
evenly distributed, and as a conse-
quence farmers were the gainers.
Gfeat improvements can still be made
atid in the Aaron County Packing and
Cold Storage Companies' propositions
we have what will save Huron County
$200,000 annually not only this but
farmers will have a Once to store their
products, with the assurance that no
matter how much they produce i t will
not have to be sacrificed. Mr. A. MoD.
Allen gave a splendid account of the boom in H8nna110". D. '
hal-idling of fruit at the World's Fair, Mrs. John StanIrtke, of Stephen, Who
showing: to what perfection was 'It" was attenclitig the film:rid of a relative
tained. in handling tender fruits. and
pplesto cold storage at those places.
Apples had been in cold storage from
twelve to fourteen months and were
exposed on tables in the show rooms
six weeks and still retained their solid-
ity. Hundreds of barrels of apples were
sold to French dealers at $10 per bar-
rel. Thousands of barrels of apples
were shipped to Alexandria. Egynt
but all went io cold storage. There ie
one way, Mr. Allen says, to make mem-
ey out of frnit and noultry, and mon-
ey to in vestors that way is by haedling
these goods throng,h cold storage. Mr.
Erwin, perhaps the oldest grain mer-
chant in Heron Co., has eubscri bed
$5,000 to the institution and is giving
his time to furthering. the best inter-
ests of the people. His remarks were
pointed and clearly made, showing be
has gone to considerable trouble to as-
certain facts about the business. His
figures cannot be refuted mid for a man
of his years to take such an active in-
terest in the welfare of the County, is
proof that we have some men who are
of a philanthropic disposition. There
are yodng men who have their way to
make in the world who could take a
lesson by Mr. Erwin, not leave their
work to be done by men of his years,
but by putting their shoulders to the
wheel thercan complete this conapany
this year and be in a position to save
such produces as may be grown in the
county. By the way subscribers head-
ed the list it is confidently believed
$5,000 of stock will be taken in Exeter
Mr. T. H. McCallum and Miss Emma
Penhale are attending the Royal Tett-
piers convention at Guelph this week.
Miss Susie Weekes, who ;has been
spending the holidays at her home Mattresses filled with sweet scented grass
here, leaves to -day (Thursday) for
from Georgian Bay, for $3.00. ,Hygeine Health
Howard, who has been mattresses for $6.00.
visiting his parents here for the past
few weeks, returned Monday to St.
week as a delegate to the Grand Lodge 1 WAYS ON I-IAND.
Mr. R. N. Rowe is in Toronto this
meeting of the Ancient Order United
Workmen. .
Mrs. S. J. A. Boyd left Saturday Wes. C. Huston,
morning for Lucknow, where she will e
visit friends, prieer to leaving for her
A large consignment of Spring. Goods just in, more
corning in a few days, conszsting of
A Pm Prices,
We can sell you a good bed room set for $10.50
and a dandy for $15.00.
- See our line of Sideboards, from $7.50 up. A
beauty for $16.oci
Bed Springs so comfortable that you hate to
get up in the morning, from $1.50 to $4.00.
in Petrolealast week, retnrned borne
Saturday evening.
3ire. A. J. 310Tavish, who has been
visiting here returned to home in Lon-
don Saturday, accompanied by her sis-
ter', Miss Emiline Howard, who will vis-
it in that city a short time.
Mr. James Sanders, who has been
visitino- relatives and friends here, re-
turned to his how e in Lon don Monday.
Mrs. Sanders came up Saturday even-
ing A ncl will visit friends here for a few
T"Seekasiorth Expositor. -"Mr. W. Mar-
tin, son of Rev. Mr. Martin, of Exeter,
is teaching in the Collegiate Institute
here just now, as a substitute for Miss
Kirkwood. who is not yet able to be
Mr. Jas. Beverley left on Tuesday
for Brantford w here ,he has purchased
a furnitore business; Mr. Beverley
carries witb him the eood wishes o1a.
large munber of friends, for his future
Miss Greenway, who bus been the
guest of her aunt, Mrs. (Dr.) Rollins,
left VVednesday morning. She intends
spending a few days Gravenhurst
with her sister, before returning to
her rh.osmaemi.naaii,iyi esyta:wChi(tT, bus Man. n con_
fined tO the house throngh illness for
',some months, Was taken suddenly
worse on Friday morning and it was
-first feared that the result would
prove serious but we are pleased to note
and surrounding townships. •that he is improving, although slowly.
Rev, Geo. Cobbledick, of Parkhill,
occupied the pulpit in the James street
Methodist church, on Sunday, last both
morning and evening, preaching two
very able and practical discourses, the
Rev. Brown filling tbe vacancy in
• Seaforth: Mr. John 'McGee has sold
his brick residence in Egmondville, to
Mrs. John Kyle, for $1,800. M.S. Kyle
has secured a -very nice, comfortable
• Stage; Little Livingstone McDoug-
al had the„ misfortune, while playing
in the barn to get his hand caught in
the cetting box. The doctor had to
amputate the second finger.
Tockersmith: Mr, S. Reid has pur-
chased the Grey farui, on the Mill Road,
on which he has been living for five
years, from the estate. The. farm con-
tains 51 acres, and he pays $2,750 for
it. ]tis a good place and is very con-
veniently situated.
• l'he road to wealth is best explained
by the methods of the York County
Lean & Savings Co., lilead Office at
Theftweekly installment shares pay
47. • Collector calls for weekly pay-
ment of 5 cents of more.
Brooch Office,
8 Duffield BloCk, Loodott.
Entor Nal Nato Apr;
• Buy or Sell a Faint).
Buy or Sell Town Property
Borrow or Lend Money
Collections Made
Your Life Insured
Go to the Old Country
Gall at no Undersigned
Office over TT. Spackman's Hardware.