HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-2-20, Page 4Mzeter Abrorate
t,13:4as. Saud ees, Edatoe and Prop
- -
T,TEsT1ox ANswEitn)
Yes, Augest Flower still has the larg-
eet sale of any medicine in the civilized
werld, Your mot ere and grandiaotha
era never thought of using anytthing
else for ludigestion or Billioosness,
Doctore were eearce, and they seldom
heard of appendicitis, Nervons Proe-
tration, 'Heart failure, etc., Thealesed
Aogitat Flower to clean out the system
aud atop fermentation of undigested
teo& regulate the action of the liver,
stimulate the nervous and organie ac-
tion of the system, and that is all they
look wbeu feeling chill and bad with
headaelies itud other aches. Yon only
Peed a few doses of Greens' August
Flewer. hi liquid form, to wake you
eatisfied there is nothing serious the
matter with you. You cart get D.
G. Green's at 0. lames, Exeter.
TILU.$1)A,Y, Feb I_Do2
1)nring the past year 317 persons
were killed on the Canadian railways.
Of this number la were passer -gement -1
118 empleyes,
An eccentric old bachelor, wlio resid-
ed near Parkhill, died reeentry„ and
his household effects weresold by atm-
ti011.109 WM. Since then, the purchas-
er of a mattress has fonorl in the straw
a parcel eontai aing $1,600 in bills while
$1,000 in cath was found_ in a, chimney
The Toronto News gays that, it is re-
ported frota a source which isnot very
fL1 removed from the Ontario cabinet
that the general election will teke
place on Juue 10tia, Mr. Ross will
tlaerefore wait until after the elections
to decide whether or not he will go to
the coronation as the premiee of On-
Opening prices for Wilde twine for
use next season are byno means coin -
forting to the f: waling eounniauity.
The prospective rates are much higher
th:m they have been for severid years.
Opening prices to wholeeiders are trona
10e, to We. a pogo(' staudeed, coma
pared with 7.;e, a year ago, Sista Inas
gone up two cents a pound over last
yea; and it shows signs a a still for -
thee advanee, Toronto men in fore-
easting prices, said that nest year the
farmer will have to pa,y at least 15; or
16e. a pound,
, The Clinton New Era of last Week
eonains thefollowing;-A scholar hay-
ing broken a pane of glass in a certain
school house. was told by the teacher
that it should be paid tor. No threats
of any kind were made by the teacher,
who was amused aud surprised. to re-
ceive the following note from the pn-
Ora father:-
180-Merch 21.
a. Der sir -Mr Teacher. my girl as
broke this pane of glass and youwiU gi
your 5 cents as soon as i get it but I
can make hig wages by polling from
----at 7 rents so F011 neadent be
thretning to wip them or thretning
thou that they will have to leave
school 1 on be led or advised but force
work and awns fell out yon have work-
ed np to sncit a pitch now the ghi is
sick and the boy is seard to come to
school for feard of Wog turned from
school so let this thing stop at once or
i will come and you will think it is the
best schoolar you ever had. now if
you aint pleased with this write me a
slip not he sending uoe threts.
The Mitchell AtIvoeate of last week
COlataitted the following; -"Last week.
His Honorjudge Barron. declared the
seats a Aressrs. W. R. Davis, Edwin
Davis and W. Levy on the Mitchell
sehool board vaeant by consent.
The coot of the new election and cost
In conuection with •the proceedings
before the judge will be about NO. So
much for spite. If the disturbers of
peace are allowed to have their way
much longer the town will be financial-
ly rained." In another item it says: -
The Ministerial or Citizen's League ran
up a nice bill of costs in their suit
against the town re -quashing
crosing Rowland sta and the very first
thing they did after getting control of
the council was to have the appeal en-
tered by the town withdrawn, thus
throwing the costs, which they might
have had to pay themselves, on the al-
ready heavily burdened taxpayer. The
hill presented by their Toronto lawyers
amouuted to $007, but it was reduced
under taxation, to 5278. In addition
to this is another bill, that will run in-
to tbe hundreds, incn rred in defending
tbe suit, and all will now have to be
paid out of our town treasory. • *
So anxious is the League to get the ac-
counts paid, that a meeting of coubcil
was called Tuesday- morning to pass
them, but Mr. Hord refused to attend
so they failed in their object, and now
he town is threatened with a visit
from Sheriff Hossie to seize corpora-
tion propeyty for the amount. Until
the claim is settled every citizen who
contributed funds to the League is dis-
qualified from holding any municipal
office, hence their baste in trying to
"'rush" things before nomination.
Brockville, Feb. 13.-Saniuel Gunn,
of Smith's Falls. left that place a few
days ago with a horse and rig, intend-
ing to drive to Portland, Ont. The
roads were very bad, and when strug-
gling along through the darkness, his
horse got into the ditch and fell. Gunn
endeavored...terassist the horse to its
feet, and while thus engaged the 'horse
fell °whim, and Gunn was unable to
release himself for two hours or more.
He finally made his way to a farm
house. His hands and feet were badly
frozen, and to -day he was brought to
Brockville and placed in the hospital.
It is feared all his fingers and part of
his feet will have to be amputated.
Mr. Virgil S. Someville, of 615
Queen's avenue, London, took his own
life Sunday morning, by cutting his
throat with a razor. The young man
had taken a bath, and was preparing
to shave, wheu it is supposed the irn-
rase seized him and he cut his throat.
He was at once given medical aid, and
removed to the hospital, where he died
shortly before one o'clock. Neither
the windpipe nor gullethad been sev-
• ered, but a number of arteries were cut,
causing a heavy loss of blood. Mr.
Somerville had no been in the best of
health the past few rnontha. ` He was
'very despondent at titneS, and in fact
his relatives had been warned to watch,
bitn Sunday Morn in 0. he appeared to
be in good. spiri when he arose, and
after eating his breakfast he went up-,
'stairs to bathe .and: shave. In about
balk an hour gro'ans were heard in his
a,000.1, and when hia broth er. litta Albott
• Somerville, with .whom,a he boarded;
• °peeled the dootate found the yonng
• man fyingon the flour with a largai
. gash in 'hiS 'throat. A.`blood-Stained• I
Faz,O,r laY On the ` flOor near him.
"BeittStOleaiethO'line*t the ar-
afferdkregerdless.of ea:lac:nee:" 'Tak•a•
-in, eases•, Of wasahait diseaSes, Ie's4
loss of anne,tite with great',
Email DaVis kLiiNiTence- OoL
Windsor, Feb, l2th.-Fernand Ilardes
a Swede, asked J'ohn Fraucie, his em-
ployer, in Sandwich East, for his
wages to -day, as he wished to ooit his
job, and emne to this city. The full
articulare eannot he learned, but
ardee, who is la the hospital here,
claims that his request so infuriated
Francis that the, later shot him at close
range with a shotgua, heavily leaded
with No, 8 duck. The charge tore a
gaping hole in Hordes back. Unless
blood -poisoning or complications set in
Hardes will recover. After being shot
Herdis an two miles to Tecumseh
Village, and was afterwards Obliged
to drive twelve miles to Windsor in
an open wagon before having his in.
juries dressed. He bas been working
for Francis for two years. The neigh-
bors say that he is not of a quarrel-
some disposition. Francis was releas.
edan$1,000 bail,
Peterboro, Ont.. Feb. 17, -Fred. Per-
lin, aged 25 years, son of Samuel Per-
rin, a South 14lonagtrant township far.
mer, was killed while engaged at work
on the new buildings of the American
Canal Company here to -day. Perriu
was employed as a helper, to the
brick layers Mt the Oftit story, Re was
suppesed to vemove the wheelbarrow
of hind; from the hoist each, tinie as
it arrived at the fifth floor. "While
thue engaged the hoist decended too
nickly- and Perrin fell to the first
iloor, &mut SO feet below, Ile was re.
*uovea to the Niebolle hospital, where
be died about three hours later.
London, Feb. 17. --Rev. W. M. Walla
ker, postal, of the WortleyRoad Bap-
tiseChorch, is confined ten, the house,
owning to a very painful accident
which occurred on Saturday night.
The water pipes in the cellar of the
boardlog-house kept by Mrs. Douglas,
on the Wortley Road, had become
frozen, and a pailful of boiling water
was taken down with which to thaw
then) out, ,The pail was left at the
foot of the cellar steps, and as Mr.
Walker, who is a boarder, came down
the tellarway be stepped into the pail
upsetting the contents so that both
feet were badly scalded.
St, Thonms, Feb, VI -Fire broke out
in the Alma, College aboot two, o'clock
this afternoon, the building at one
time being threatened with total des-
truction. The fire started upstairs in
the east wing of the building and be-
fore the brigade could get the flames
under control five or six rooms were
gutted. Several of the students lost
their entire wardrobe. The loss will
be about $1,000. Origin of flre un-
Lord Dofferin is dead.
colds, hottreeness, and other throat
ailmenteareqUiakly relieved by Vapo-Creso.
lene tablets, ten cents= box. All druggists.
Alex. Bain, a Hamilton bartender,
was fined $50 for selling cigarettes to
Hon., David Mills was sworn in as a
Judge of tbe Supreme Court by Mr.
Justice Taschereau.
John Houle was sentenced at, Winni-
peg to flee years in penitentiary for
robbery from a store.
Edward Laurin, of Montreal. has
been committed for trial on a charge
of murdering Geo. Smith, his, father's
• colored stableman.
OVITTS ED To THE BONE? A teaspoon-
ful of Pain -Killer in a cup of hot water
sweetened will do you ten titnes more
good than rum or whiskey. Avoid
substitutes, there is but one Pain -Kil-
ler, Perry Davis. 25e. and 50e.
Staffa: The youngest child of Mr.
and Mrs. David Bruce was buried„in
the Staffa. cemetery on Wednesday.
She was nine months old„and was only
sick a few hours,
Russeldale: On Saturday, Mr. Henry
Walker, of the village underwent a
rather critical surgical operation. His
many friends will be pleased to know
that he is improving as well as -could
be expected and the operation appears
to be a success.
Seaforth: On Thursday Mr. William
Patterson had the misfortune to catch
three.of his fingers in the shaper at
the Canadian Furniture Manufactur-
er's Factory. He lost a piece of the
littIe finger and the others are badly'
'lacerated. He will be laid off work
for some:tune.
GOLD 111
101111 GIIRREL
Fred Paella. a litrItileife'ree4'' itelMere
ElEed at reterboro",
Teterboro', Feb. 17,--4. fatal accident
oceux•red at 4 teelock this afternoon to
Fred Perrin, at the Americau Cereal
buildiog, Ile was engaged as a helper
to the bricklayers, to remove the brick
which was elevate ol on a hoist to the filtb,
story. The hoist dropped sooner than
he eepeeted, alai the unfortunate man
Jost his balance and fell clowa the abaft,
a distance of sixty feet. Re was -anon-
scious when. reaehed by his fellow -work -
nip, He was at once conveyed, ta tli
Nicholis Hospital, and a few hours later
died. Young Perrin was the son of
Mr. Samuel Perrin, a South, Moueglian
Towaship farmer, and was anautrned,
He was 2,3 years Of age.
lower Prices for Grain and Live
Seoek-Bretish Cattle Trade.
Monday .‘yeziitia., Feta 17.
The Vjb1e SuPPlee.
Feb.1.7e02 Feb.1801, ree.19,'00.
Wheat "a ..55.502,000 57,e8e,000 53.210,000
Owen ,..11,132.000 17,0.30,000 14.815.000
Oats ...ea. 4,280,000 10,302,000 0,743,008
000 1,174,000
Earley* 1,140,000
Wheat GerieZen 0(-4(074:"
. Vueltas tee
teroolovega4hot Yestr ago wheat decreasee
Toronto Si, Lawrence Market.
Gnat; receipt e Were Jiabt on tile street
noirket tide- merellig, 0119' 1,100 Inieheis ore
Tering, Pricee were steedy.
Wheet-Was eteedy, 200 imell ot red sell-
ing at eSe to 67e per lateh. and 200 bush of
goose ae 670 per Web.
Barlee---Wae steady,. COO bush gelling at
54c te 63e per Mists.
Oats -Were steady, 100 lassie selling at 40e
per bush.
Ilay-Was timer. 15 londe selling at 412 52
be *14.50 per tau ter timethe. Mid ro to ane
per -tQll tor clover.
Straw-e.Was steady, three Wittig At
$10 te 4L per ten.
Itrittele cattle tierleertoo.
lanalou. Feb, It Stetee cattle,
led le 7d; sheep, Ceed. NO Canacliaa live
Liverpoel, Feb. 17. --Canadian cattle, CIO;
ebeee, Oa; eepplice easier awl trade slqw.
adontreaa lave Stock,
3104treal, Feb. 17. -There were alma 550
head of butchers' Cattle. 50 Calves *oil 24
s1teel3 awl lambs erected, Ter 4410 at the
13ast Bad 'Abattoir teetinY, Tito butthere
wexe out In Tull force and trade was good.
with the priee4 deeldedlY lower for all
kliede Of cattle Veeelithig -the best helleeks.
Otte bete/ter bought two Arline ateere at
Wale per lb mid 0 others at 5e per lb. Me
other bOuglit 4 geed eattle at Se per lb;
pretty good eteek &old at from-V.1r to 4”eal
aud the eentillen Steek at front 2e to Mee
per lb, Two prime vents were void for $24,
or near tie per Ile The other calves; sold at
trent 2.40 to aT melt. Siseee sola at front
tilie 10 Mae and the buuba at from Vie to
eeee Per lb, at hees sold at about Mac
per lb for gooa etraigbt bate. selects bring -
lug Oldec per lb, weigheil Oft the care.
Chicago Live Stock,
Chle'ago, Fele 17.-Cattle-Recelpts, 22,-
000; active and steed' 19 TIM; geoa 10
prime steep, 80.60 to r; poor to mcdlum,
ee to e0.2.1; stockers and teedere, r..23 to
;leen cows, 81.25 to 85.40; heitero, $2.la
to $5.60; canners, 41 to $2.25; hullo, 82.2e
to 84.50: calves, 82.60 to$7* Texas fee
steers, 84.20 to ;5.75. lIegit-elfeCelPte, 00,-
000; 101 to 15e lower; lifted and buteberse
$5.75 to 80.20; geed 0 thelee heavy,
to 80.30; roueli heavy, $5.80 to et1.10; light,
55.e0 to $0.Sa; bulk of salt% 55.65 to 80.15.
Sheepeateeeipte, 22,000; lower: geed to
elmiee evethers, 84,75 to *5.25; western
sheep ataleyearlIngs, 84.50 to 55.00; native
lambs, $4,10 to 86.00; Weeterti lends, 55.26
10 MOO.
East Thaftaeo Cattle Market, .'
East Buffalo, Feb. 17.-Cattle--Recelpte,
slow and 10e to 15e lower f Or the lighter
grades of steers and 25e for ebipping and
export; choice to extra steers. $0 to 86,15;
fair to arena, $5 to $5.00; fair to extra
cows, $3.75 to 58.40; 000.103011 and canners,
142:i8; tfdralicrigVelPg,hglio fPg.ar;
$2.75 to $4; thin and sausage, $3.25 to .05;
export bulls, ;4.25 to $4,50; good butc era',
yea's, choice, $8 to 88.50; common to good,
$5 to $7.75. liogs-Receipts, 18,700 heed;
slow and generally 10c to 15e lower; York*
erg', $0 to 40,10; light do, $5,90 to 50; mix-
ed packers', $0.20 to KM; clintee neave.
80.35 to $6.45; pigs, $540 to $3.60; roulette,
$0.30 to e5.60; stags, 54 to $4.50. Steel)
and lambs -Receipts, 20,000 head; fsilrly ac-
tive trade and a shade stronger; choice
lambs, *0.50 to 50.55; good to choice, $6,20
to 56,40; culls to fair, $5.50 to 48.25; sheep,
choice handy wethers, e5.25 to $5.50; com-
mon extra mixed, 54.60 to 55.10; culls and
common, $3.25 to 54.150; mixed export eNVOS
and wethers, 53 to $5.23; yearlings, 45.60
to 55.80, all wethers.
eiontreal Grain and Produce.
3iontreal, Feb. 17.-Graln-There is a good
demand for oats, and as stocks are light an
advance in price is likely. No. 2 white sold
at 47e to 4715e in car lots. Peas were quiet
at 70c high freight. Feed barley was quot-
ed at 53e ex -store.
Flour -The market Is quiet and un-
changed. We quote as followsi-ispring
wheat patents, 54 to 54.30; winter wheat
patentee e3.83 to $4; straight rollers, 55-60
to .53. ,0; strong bakers', 53.80 to 54;
straight rollers, 53.60 to $3.70; and straight
rollers, in bags, $1.75 to $1.85. e
Meal -The demand is light, but prices are
Feed -There is a fair trade at steady
prices. Ontario bran in bulk is quoted at
819 to *20, shorts at e21 to e22 per ton.
Manitoba bran sold at $20 to e21 and sorta
at e22 to123 per ton, including bags.
Cheese -Business Is quiet, but prIcee are
firm. Finest Ontario colored, 10eec to 101ae;
finest Ontario white, 10c to 10eec; finest
townships makes, 10c to 10efi5; finest Quebec
makes, 9e4c to 10c; under grades, Ileee to
9%c. . .
Butter -There is a good demand for Wiest
creamery, and as receipts are light prices
are very eirm. Finest fresh creamery, 22c
to 221,ac; fine held creamery, 211ac to 214,4e;
ereatnery seconds, 20c to 201,ec; western
dairy rolls, 16e to 17efic; western awry
tubs, 155 to 1.7eee; Manitoba dairy tubs, 1.2C
to 16c.,•
Eggs --The market is quiet but unchanged
at 35e to 37c for strittly fresh and 20e to
29c for limed.
Provisions -The market is quiet but pricee
are unchanged. We quote:-Seleeted heavy
Canadian short cut mess pork, 322,50:10
$23; heavy Canadian short eitt mess pork,
$21.50 to $22; Canadian short cut back,
heavy521.50 to $22; heavy Canada mess,
long cut clear pork, $21.50; light Canada
short cut clear pork, $21; pure Canadian
lard, In 20 lb pails, 11%e; compound refinel
laid, in wooel pails, 20 lbs, 9e; Boar's Read
brand, in 2011) wood pails, $1.9714 to 52.05,
and Globe at 31.723/4 to $1.80; 20 'lb tin
Palle, lec peralli less; hams 1214c to 14c and
•bacon 150 per ib. . ,• .'
.• Leading Wheat •Ylarkets, .
. .
, . .
'Closing_previous day. ,Closing to -day..
, ..• •- •, • Cash. May. Cash. 'Slay'
. • ,.
In anatlY thousands of garroteand Chicago '.',... ' ... 7614" 78%• 75% • 784.
attics women haVe gold ,stpred away New York .': .... ... &Ala ,;. . st,
and are net, aware dile • itls not •i.-4. 11)°41euadi . .i.. Water 'n 87
'coins,. tnigceets Orbries that the. gold is . atinaWfieli8 „ ; ...
held,neither is itiiihank, notes or hoods 1,.milwito,k,e; 2 xioxr „.. ., . - ; .. • . .. 76 eigia,
it:ie.-there in the iebeee Of • cast eft ' i!;nd. P:titio;it! ' red " 27615 ', 24', 2. ,:26,e
faded clothing; g4rment4'an4i#atetials ' ".:. ..'' ` ':". ' : 8 - ..
that Can be tiirrteddii to 4 'gold valne.by . . '. ". - , ,PrE4s. Ilitrltets•
tile use ef Di:tinned' Dyea. •.'-- • , •• a ...7 ''' LOild9Th ,flrel)., 17,--Olose-Wheat, on ea-
. At e; cost Of ten. cents Yori Can re col- sage euiet.nad steady; cargees about , , , .
`. . ‘.. ' . . -- ' - ' ". 1 Calif', leen, • passage, ,30s• iiii , sellers; •Iron,
Or aedrese, ekirteeaeket„ cape, bionee Or epatimpt 29s •Dit eellerst1Walle,. iron ebreat
Waist, and Make:: thein as ,g60,e1 and!,:due; : '26s ' itide Sellere; 7il'ori,' rebrualt id
stylish as ',new -Ones' parchasda in 'a a liferele .aile 05 .sellees,•:• elitiee, on passage
M,7�.& No= Or Ies, when you are
leaving home to boy "Th e D. Ct L."
Menthol Plaster, It is goaranteed to
cure the worst ease of backache, head-
ache, stitches. Avoid everything said
to be just as good. Get the genuine
made ,by Davis .4 Lawrence Co., Ltd.
Walter Gordon was committed for
trial at Roseevein, :Mu., for the name
der of Charles Daw and ames Smith.
A VW),
We, the undersigned, do hereby
agree to refund the money on a 50 cent
bottle of Green's Warranted Syrup of
Tarif it fails to cure your cough or
cold, We also guarantee a 25 -cent
bottle to prove satisfactory or money
refunded, 0. LUTZ
The Winnipeg City Council decided
by a majority of one to acceptile. Oar-
negies$75,900 library offer, A. motion
is in favorof Sunday street cars was
defeated by a similar majority.
Take LaXtetiVe Broom Quinine Tab-
lets. All druggis'-'s refund the money
if it fails to eure. 25c, E, W. Groves'
eignatUre IS On ee.ela box.
The Viceroy of India. telegraphs
that the famine outlook, is very serious,
No rain has fallen, and the plague of
rats in Sojerrt, Rajpnotana and cent-
ralIndia is assisting in the destruction
of the erops,
5T0P8 TOE 90909
eative 1)romieleitieleeTsfelete.e1rea*e01(1111005
dsr, o care No ray. Priee 25 rents.
Annie Reddins, an employe of the
Windsor Steam Laundry, while using
the big roller iron Wednesday caught,
her hand in the hot rollers, crushing
it in a frightful manner. The doctor
thinks it possible that the hand may
be saved with the loss of a few fingers,
.1)1kimond Dye°11e.-113, tw° Poelca, sf
ras ,aea. e4t,d.i,d'iletythro-eedt1z ,r0h. cae, n latoPateotrn:onall'aiiPeetbts::::..yicgi:dew lifee:gsos 1;1„, '.:62111time: r71:171,2o111:31.16,:::Faeall):Vti. :3:1).:5:1,61:1.171:0s1:11? *5el. !sa: tir ,8*:;6e, at 1• 1 t a .1:• 4°1 s 1.6;rese. 1:1(1• . • end:oi .411: gn. 'eft811:1:7PIsqt5toc°. Suhit tit2ads:i3:1111,!1. lioaltl:6:11211":11a5bltssi
tl'ejeloseYe°e1Teerlehf „11:bacifn,crs ov4 1.1, nit:141
3d t
e to! some Mats or r ; eteireS 1111.11)1. May 03
-5 d. _ ear;
etore. With
arket: qu
of IY:seerday, Orme 1,4113elish. countey
'44.111ttold3 et"4ii°1Dgki:v6;endyotttalle!°331it'Is.): 1.1 `VS' e ov-ilifetri;°,1ere' eeloiey aw. 30e, tiny ano..411-
1d1.41t1; ' guet,e8f 1.0e. ' •
The Nova Scotiaegisiat.
ore met
Trnenn HAS Bainalfuoit TALK alaaut
Pvny Balsam, the greatest modern
It is also called Salt Rheum, •
Sometimes Scrofula.
It comes in patches tbat burn, Itch, 00zs.
dry and scale, over mad over again,
It sometimes becomes chronic, covers the
WhOle body, causing intense suffering, 10a$
01 sleaP, and generel debility.
It bloke out With its peculiar itelting on
the arele Of Utz. Ida E. Ward, Cove Point,
afd„ an an over the body of afrs. Geo,
W. Thompson, Sayville, Y.; troubled
enristlan, Mahopac Falls, N. Y.,
aix Teats and. J, la. Itichartisen, Quth-
• bert. na.:11fteen years.
These sufferers testify, like Many Others,
that they were speedily and Peraintaeutly
Cured by
flood's Sarsaparilla
Weil always removes the cause et eczema,
by thoroughly elealleing the bleed, and
builds up the whole system.
I lleoa'a '1 cure su Aver Obi. Price ae
Ton MI melee Yottr
tool es leg se a alet•
d as touch Rewire be
nese 1. T,..frOtt
Harness Oil
ZtTL hssyi las1 0 . 44-
ZNI illitnartilart
Sold evemsduas
caus--eu sate.
Ji4sblItEJiiLt eft; 011,
remedy for coughe and colds. It cures
•'quickly and certainly, 25e, Of all deal-.
ers, Made by proprietors of Perry
Davis' Pain -Killer,
Another important strike of patieral
gas is reported at Hepwortb.
falaga eFflairiS. WO•tiND$. 1311(1
383 011 ANY' 30e7 OF PAM.
1.1S21-1 issrsly oi F.Atemally,
e.;.an 401 the peek watery Witch
teed tepreeentee teo etee
sane es Pen s entreat, which eaetet sour
and Gee:leer/tem wonia:coboI"aalrrItnt
,mternalano, /Awl internalia a poison.
'or pure blood, a bright eye, a elear
niplexion, a keela appetite, a good
astioa and refreshing sleep, Taxa
It arouses the Liver. quickens the
circidatioa, brightens the spirits and
generally improves the health.
tea:le-eight years trial have Fovea it to be, the moat reliable BLOOD pedeer known,
drnggiaas sell .BRISTOLtV
, -.teener- eaeo,
Qa asweant of Re ternble effeetlabloed dleeelie 14 galled the king of au dIseaste.,
It may ee either liereditery or goetracto4; so while It may not be a vtiute to have
the disease, 11 le a crime to permit it to maielu la the spacial. It mar manifee t
item in the lona et 9eretala, Ac;w3IN r4eulAtia P41c5r* sti or arrollenJobaos
0040003 0r !!,,0 leedtt, arTafalloas or blotches, veer' i t trgiuttt or oe, tim
sore timer, tallier out CI heir, 'tee:4en:4 etenteelaand a general depreselon of
the eyettee If you bare any of theiessyntpteene donlueglect yeemelf. Toe have
rio (tete to leo.e, laewaee et "old f0 -'T" treatinent-leitware otmbeeral_polimesee
beweres of t)nacks ;fad Fakir*. ISETUOD
is guarmateed to eurtithie elleeseee nearer 10 Cetera. Bank Bond* will proleCt you.
Our treatment Is cot bilittrioes in anyway. hut =ache* Um Nell' root 01 tbe distaso
4v:1011301;We* all poison from the cyatent. Tho symptoms et disease cm411141Y
tilsappiar. The bloodbecemea pereand enriched, the whole eastessi is cleansed
and purified. audits* pethint feet, premared anew for the duties end the pleasitnee
01 like CURES ,G1:41.11ANTRISI) OR WO PAY* 115 Teat= In
Votrolt., 2404000 Cutest.
CiiilailiaDO Free. Question Blank for Hem Tr:salmon' and 11401IS Free*
Oar. SItchtgaist Ave* and Shelby tit Detrolto
K -Ktsc KA -K k-bek
Home Knitters Wan
To Work at Their Homes
Under the Direction of A Pair in 30 Minutes
To Fill Large Contracts-Cood Wages
Easily Earned,
We want a few more workers in this
locality; at once, main orderto secure
your so -operation without the delay of
correspondence, we herewith explain
our full plan In this advertisement.
The work is simple, and the Machine
Is easily operated, and with the Culde,
requires no teacher. If you wish to
join our staff of Workers let us hear from you
promptly with the Contract, order form, and re-
teachlnowelghs17 pounds. It Is m -ore won-
mittance, as a guarantee, and we will sand
derlia than a sewing machine, Just
machine and outfit to begin work at once.
as durable, and higher speed.
We wish to secur e the services of families to do knitting
for 101 in their homes. Our method is the same as adopted
M England. We are the introducers of this plan and the
iergest knitting concern in Canada.
After loeg experience, we have been able to produce an
Automatic Machine by which all kinds of seamless knit-
ting is now done by our Family Machine, thereby enabling
anyone of ordinary Intelligence to quickly learn to do the
work from the Instruction Guide. _All we require is that
you use the machine according to directions. The Machine
being made expressly for this purpose, and the operation
so simple, it cannot possibly make a mistake in its 'work.
The groat demand now is for Bicycle Stockings, Wood-
men's Socks, and Motormen's Mittens, and as we are un-
able to supply the demand, have taken this method of ad-
vertising for more help.
The large export trade to the North-west Territories.
Feitish Columbia, and the British Colonies, furnishes an un-
limited demand for our goods, and, with the combined co-
operation of the many families we are employing, together
with the large amount of knitting we are able to turn out,
• by which we save rents, insurance. interest on capital, etc.,
co:Wiles us to undersell any manufacturers of this class of
• goods, and we have sale for alt the knitting we ca.n have
turned out.
The price we pay for finished bicycle stockings is 510.00
per hundred, or at the rate of lec per pair; woodrnen'a
socks, Sc,and motormen's mittens, 12c a pair. All other
Work in proportion to size.
The machine can be operated by any one of a family,
and at ourprices any energetic, family should be able to
seetain themselves comfortably, and In. time be a source of
Ineenendent ecenfor t: •
Our plan is to send °tit- each machine to beginners with
:5 sock or stocking partially knitted, And remaining in the
machine ready to be continued, and also enough yarn to
keit one pair of sample socks or stocking's and a simple
ane colt -11.0,a: Instruction Guide, showing how the work Is
tn be dory alelien the samples have been finished and
returned' ta es satisfactory, we send. a quantity of yarn,
erniieli you lsnit and return lik.ewise es.' -hen finished. -We
"prepay charges'on all work one way, and our workers.' Pay
,reeirrt charges. The week, as we have stated, is simple and
raniely .(lone, the machine having a capacity oa. ten thee -
seed stitches.,a. minute. We have many .persons now in our
eteeloy Who elm knit from twenty-five ' to- thirty pairs of
re -ea, or stockings a• day, and where the them of a family
Is • devotee to. the work; .you .can ,readily see that $i.s.ea• or
no . ter week can be easily earned,, We furnish our •workers all the Materials, yerye
'fere. everything that is necessary for the .warle,..:We
.orqs efernishing the machines only for,. the, excluelve use of
tense doeirine. to take employment with 'Os, who 'must, in
to . member, send ne 'thi' e Contract, Order
..preerirty signed by theme and at least one gocaref,er-
_eeee, gee, remittance:accordingly, to give tis the neceesarY
aeeeeeeeee that tbe quantities . of valiiableiyaert wemay send
eeem• , time: to . tither will not be "wasted 'or misappropriated..
inteeeete,' are mutual, and thle ceati'delice must be, es-.
euee..5 ifwe are to succeed. We guarantee efaii- 'dealing
p"i. arannat • naYment ler.-werk; so do -not ask- tia to' deviate
eee're emirterms, 05 'We •cannet,,Make a -distinction with qne
eee elot aeethere be,eidee„ eve are doing fan exteneive' leuele
ea...e, ea; a pleat .a •governed by business principles.
•• ,-oree aeetnirac.,tuted !price of :the enachitie,' is 115, and
will not be solde .to,•••anse °there than thoWho Se 'whwill
-e-ee to knitting foteue. . , •., ,• -
-re,' f, •arly tfiic f ter •YOu Commende;'-, and haee done • an
nfArtrit'.of, Work , eaualatoethe,,purchase .price, said wish to
seteceentlinae. ,we *III take,' back machine .,,and ,eefttna Ake.
eenea'rit amid' for Panie; ' 'efter• Oedueting coat- ,of, cur' e*
Thera. ise:a DeinUad -1)3,%...tha'L.,Tride.' tor thli class
af. -.work. -OUr workere' ean depend • npen it year after year,
"et»T 1± yeae.;engaga.teith 'me • (athlete ot 'spare- ,tlinee *We, Will
,Yotte supplied 'with'Week as ham as yoti 50 1± eatiatea-
eoeiae far us and return, itpeosnaptly: entruat; mere Wor.k-
ei-e, with large quantities ,.-of : yarre, ,arid.eas we' give
references as to our hanesty and Mtegrity, we xnnst ask
you to do the same, in order that we may know with whom
we are dealing.
We have, in as brief a manner as possible, endeavored
to show you what our work is, and we simply say as to the
machine, it Is just what we represent it to be, and will posi-
tively do everything we claim for it, or refund the money.
Each machine, securely packed with an outfit, is set up for
'work, thoroughly tested, and a soelc or stocking partially
knitted before boxing and. shipping. Should you decide to
engage with us, it will be necessary to send us Cash Con-
tract Order Form, properly signed by you, and at least one
good reference, together with the remittance, accordingly.
upon receipt of which we will forward machine and outfit
ready to commence. Respectfully yours,
GLASGOW WOOLLEN CO, 37 Melinda Street, Toronto
Our nneeirserneonueseesa:Lxpress Companies. Banks, or Toronto Mist-
• If you wish to examine the machine and see the ma-
terial before undertaking the work, Yea can do so by
sending $3.00 as a guarantee of good faith, and to defray
expense of shipping, and we -will send everything to your
nearest express company, leaving a balance of twelve
dollars to pay the agent and 25 cents for the return charges
on the money to us,
We are so frecatently and unnecessarily asked if one ran
learn to knit without a teacher. We say,. Yes; it requires
no teacher; any person of ordinary intelligence who can
read the Instruction Guide can learn to knit at once.
• $15.00 Cash Contract Order Form-.
To the Glasgow Woolen 05., 37 MelindaaSte, Toronto.
Gentlemea,-I desire to do the work as der:call:led in thee
advertisement, and enclose $15 to pay for one Autome tee
Knitting Machine, together with material, instructiona
and everything neceseary for the work, the seine to be sent
to nee by Express, CHARGES PREPAID'. • •
It is understood and agreed that one- time -after I have
done an arrrount of work equal to the purehase price, ell.
and wish to discontinue, that the Glasgow Woolen Co. win
take back the machine and outfit, and after deducting tl ex-
exPense, refund, tne•the amou.nt paid -for same. • .
• Sender or head of -family (if possible) must sign hate:
Full name .
P. . ..... ......... -.Street
:.,..... . Prov..
Nearest ExpreSs Office is at
For reference I name the following parsers:
a.. . ....... . . .... .. • •
, Be surce 10 'use this [form: When epenzeing Year rein' t-
.'tance for` flee, machine -and outfie, which you mesi ; 11
in end,. ha.ve Signed by. at least one, geed ',reference in elle
i'•eeoper • pleice." • Tear off and return 'to us; .and aiso• see e
:here 'how naidli 'time You ',ean devete to . the, work; ,a.ee
how you wishtoebe paid, weekly, ononthly,•• or as you sena
111 the , '• • • '
rliost-Oefice Money ?Id ;imPle, W.
,;I:laoratnitigpittlh.Yearc-ve,r;:otalatr.diaxswho Want to o , tsr
ezaf.tti jeo:te:: tint Phisaa ne haien• lebd S't 03.7,uetx..f:tret o'p;sfrodr:7recilt• ae die;3„. ey Tao:
EXbtet AdIroome
c 0 IP A