HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-2-20, Page 3NY BLESSINGS
Take Pen and Paper and Write
Them All Down.
ignferecd1r o Act. of 1.174 rtglioilenu <4.
OaPikaah Glto year ono Thousamtl Nino Atm,
Urea mg] Two, by AV10111 113ily, of Toronto,
Deparmeo4 a Ageoetera, Oitetani
desPatele frOM Washingtem saes;
Talmege preeehed from
the following text7.—I'salms
"aing unto Ili= with the psaltery end
an instrument a ten strings."
A• musician as well' es poet aed
conauerer and dug eves David. the
author of my text. He first eompos-
eO the oacraid rhythm and the PlaY-
ed it 11Pon htlIT, Striking awl pluck-
ing the etringe etith his fingers and
thlentbs. The harp is. the oldest of
Musical fostruments. Jebel invented
it, and lie was the seventh desceed-
ant from Adam. ,Ita us was suge
gested by tbe twaog of the bowe
string, 110tner refers to the harp be
the "Iliad." It is: the most Celreeraf.
tett a nri. instruments. The flute is
more nxellew. the bugle more mar-
tial, the eornet more ince-4v% the
trumpet more resonant, the organ
mole IllightY, Nit the harp haa a ten-
Ideruc-sn,cwd sweetness belonging te Qvarwrought that slunlber has to te
put us to sleep, and the voices of the
greet pinta doinias like Lind and
Patti aria Neilsoo, and the sound of
inetruments like the eiolin of the
Swedish perforMer, M. the eorriet of
Artaxelm„ 01" the mightiest of ail
strualents, it the 1140 of Morgart
on the lAeys and hie foot on, tile ped-
er some Sabbath tune like "COT,
onatiou," io the acclaim of whieh
onation," in the neeinini ot which
you•could hear the crowns of beaven
coming down at the tent of Jeasuse
Many of us bave never thanked (Jou
• for this hearing apparetus of the
soul. That is one a the ten strews
of gratitude that we opolit plivaen
to thrumb after hearieg the velee of
a loved one el" lam. *Arabi. us;
atorio or the clang ot
earth, and we will talk with whieh worketh in Me mightily ?P'
about peumuy tied. eie, kooii
exactly what he meant when he. talicei 'nfiey coeight, ood
ed about the instrument of tentobrougut him tu council." Una aa -
strings. We \vitt eonfront Moses, ververe ven. eteuei Lea tileuenud or -
who Neill tell of the law giving on aware beet:lees ot the Laiiiiiceen
rocking and of bis enye-terious Weenie alto be not a evhit. knraJo. Ut
burial, With no One- but God preseot. /teem, bat iet a oeter or a A eitheXtg
We Will See Joshua, and he will tell lilted with toe tepnet, stand t wetly
us of the coming down of the Avails ior otiriet• wee tee ieeierrec•tioti, ;nee
of Jericho at tbe blast oi the raan'S eue (14% it 1,‘ nk) has LiQwk 1,0
4 ON THE ...FR
tit., ducted, however, be latteelog tur•
Ireye, but they will mat he eoopeti
/Of up
It is eleimed for the •ertoloodne
oteehine that it 'will pot on tWe
(mods, the erst two weeks Ote
ickens weighing three pouede and
hat the Average for thine eteehe
wo and fe potieds.
born end explain; to us ehat nereele ea.aent. iniwer or kiwi Jai:eked-et It is interesting, ie view el -wile
—how tbe skin end moon could stand wee lime etaat aatau coeie pm, up is being Oone toWardS the develo
etia Without deMolition of the pleee- nein, tout so he *tire ap ti( ralei.b n-elit, oi a, ceiclaten, tatteniog indestry
tale/ sesteot• We will Pee Bute end two elms / eeete to two ebeue heat one in vale:Kite to ireato what is Oeing
et BOUT., in Whiell site gleaned for ee, oa. 'eine eet. up fees() wit' r0 in fdaheanWeatrtittyAis fli:tetetr141111013,ge
nave be tell of tho harvest Leld to a:Ace:. hee,
afflicted Natnue. We will eee Ve-ela- ucesae." So eezeltei Wu to leabote, 000 elliceas at eon tiAie.
tfruas.ne beer from her own 111,„ tho 404 so tii,,,,g, b1/4,,,n.o ,r14WrS kiln i.o oer I. 0 atee dePar r . es
story of her haniehmeot frou the )_,ore. ,Iksua„. le wee written ceu- tablislenente witich eupply the world
1 ersian pelace by infamous Ahaeue- Ce4 lialg 4 4,i41, '..a: AlikP ltiallt.;.-ve3 414 with meat- No ether Packing house
Jim!, tie ; tney nou to ley eliaree• In t,he United States is °tiering cop -
tee how tnany more fair days hange thee 1 kaiew note," eal.ey fed eldeheus, but all Of the= xi!!!
there are than foul, how marty more two, nate zee wetwout 4 cattee ale prooably be at it within a. year. In
good Peeple than oad you meet. ,"et seete Luta tue Metre of iatue hea,u, ; two •weeks a ale, scrawny chicOma,
your misfortunes -to raueie, as Payid they teat wawa etetroy 20e, boom protided it is One of few breeds, Can
Orened his "dark sayings on a Atrenglehe, axe he made to put on two and. a half
If it has been low tie() Pere- luiOny" tee. xxxv, ; /No,. ee. pounds oi !testi- The cost is about.
toforee let the surges ef mercy Opt eo,.. nose, o wo wooer nem sully, no, two cents potted, 'no i&o,
nrn yet to rai in upon e-cre react koo, tee geatie treat/mite lee le. borrowed from the Continent.
work teeether for your good• 6'1/41 ieurna, doses bIl413 i)Cr .1:etKetl, trY hcen fed fer geuerations In
bigb W"LeV mark., ti" tiogs ceived, ter "all thee wie. toe gooey France, Germany and Fogiene poule
beaven is not far ahead. Vallee up tem" ,/tr, aloe ol„ ege, 0314 A.„q XlitIch the Serge Mennen. 'rho Freveli.
ail the ten etrings. rnO tele eeee ...le they, LaNe retegkito the Gernian.% and ;Le Engtieb tone
honer and glory and power Pe unto see tees, wee ase, rerbecutc, Chicken anti a cratomieg maebiee and
Further, there are Many who never /him thet silteth rpon the throne and i,401„knk $tidi food into Ito craw. Thai. isn't
when he gives them. sleep. tpeomnia unto .1. e oath forever. Ameo -Awe aa that it;0 pou4.... tile way the thief; la done by this
reeognize how much God Sites theta h 4.6
LUOW;11 Pee
laud than io any other. By inidlife
ee ei/e ee,re eieeee one ail -that, oheeel, fattened In the usual mauler to zottLe 'While it pays to tete* hogs in eons
RMATTO1`,TAL xxasox, ta-NAv • ttr•et and uot teese Mere A Pound. 'a chicken kas or nver will Pay the- rilAlllifilethrd
11° '.J' -
cit, loohnig etemiteet,y on bolo sew Iteciaintt Rein. but the PrinciPie Is
hie fete ea it Imo leen tete aeonn of
vest, numbers little their nerves ISO T F suNDAy scnoot alieela" Le MO fieeht tilit.hiug ()ugh better tban Owe Which are PPM -
the eame The fed cbiel;exte are en
Lt is not. ttlwaye the wee -with tile
ggest herd of cosvs who clears the
most money from iiie
The reason that some fareaera ex-
t. tee latent greet in (leery comea
hat they persist in looking to the
ram and core gelds tor It.
The dairy woome, who cherns
fore sua up in Alm morning ofteo
Vallee firm-graived butter without
,elte iiee of ice.
It is a curious fact, and yet true,
that eoloe or ehe most profitable pao-
meats Anyone eugaged in dairying
Can Keeled are lu repeated washing of
the hands.,
-it is a parody •on eleantinees io
try to strain filth out ,or milk. when
it. might have been olitiated by the
exercise of the most ordinary •pre-
Vespite all tile taws to tbe eon -
teary, slairented elweae is yet sold fol
full cream, end eleoteargariee tot
Teal butter. Wbere is the remedy ?
Tbeee Tr?opio who corsider ilaz
-intecome Will teener melee geed dairy*
Other i"trublexit that 1 know ot- coaxed, and anauy are the victims of
It enters into the richest symbotieut chloral and morphine. Sieeplesenees
91 the UalY SerilitirreS• The Captiven is tux Auwrieen Ai:seeder. If it itas
in the* eatinese "ben their beeps
. not touched you ant% you earl zent
tillen the 'irillOwn." The renturrs of for SeVeri or eight, hours without. To
heavelt are represented miner the fig- Waninga-if for that length Of titre'
lire of harpere harping upon tirir in every tWeinyefeer hours you can
bad encaored, tor him, 1y lath be, them, Fell from two to three rtgitS jeUetlell With the dairy, it never lam
wichud avitnee es or rulers, and the glory to geratell for ids food his iv,u5 get to keep the swine gear/emit near 'at
04 1.411t, wee even upon hint. Nile aro tough. The ileeh is da elt mut hes a cheese feetory or creamery,
zezuon uto Ni.. / 15 apt tu mine it %cry bard who/gamey tante, But stuil his craw with In the tvriter's exe,erienee, tbe aver.
rio Ny11)4 joy ammo 4.15 ona lay tc, food, aS tile EllgliSil ile. iir put hint age man eannet mill; More t1141.1 tet
Text, rfatt 284 our eharee unities we know not, butt
net we Ave elande gannilder eu bleeeed -
e co Ionise dOes, and tbe en1eur WiR be IT4R011 is that tired ring:den 00040
in rowr.d goo its the paceing •cows with profit at one eittivg. Thi
• a I tb s ilt extract tbo rank trent the Illt,Wr
barPua" t, , Jean from Coins and be free from all care and worriment le IL ""1 ta -
Ineee nal Neeat tn the Maceabeall ego ant • , - • atu ea and, fth oOld leeee ward of Coq an 1 ws Iti with teltriet, reenvatterstig . ...o... ., , . .... ... . -... .
( rJUP nelees are i sil ,. i - - a - . : ... . 0 , h "Unfees I am baldly imetat-en, molter oteuity. more; x po net pio
-the Lerp tad only three strings. la .;eour Iltaba cseare Wont all fittitellei eerte tellies.* This waa tbe decision aNia own WOrdn. i-kieff,e ale ).e W eit ,.114 00 muzingor of the votary auil the tlelusion that you are economin
other rims f.t bad eight strings. Par- and the rising BIM finds you 0 new ', of the twelve 'ellen there began to la Dien leil rattle Yoe and Vv. -veal°, 'col. eeportment„ ;aye eon be ninieg Ow when eve throw o large ametee
la's burp hat.1 ten strings. and mien,•man, body, mind anti soul—yen halint
ve, ttMonitoring, e-moug the Alleetilles t1t1 4341 shnil Fay nil 41°mi" *".; efee,00(1 emcee/Is 0. daside of of work on your mMers.
y itt
les greet soul was mire with the an advantage that °eget to Le 1 t." concerning the daily ututistration of eAil ugaireo. You falselY for" .145' batke ; .-- -----.1, 4 It is wanton waste to throw foddet
th,eate bis sympetbetec voice. aecein- in praiier and song and coegratulael Minis temporal. As the nuineer of reloice alld t e exceeoing glad, for '"`" ''''ii/..1 Q./41,y sKerti-em corn in the who/4e etalle before COWS.
Partied by exquisite vibrations of the tion. Sleep is 4 gratuity front him the dieelples olultiplied it could gleat is yoer rewaral. in heaven" terecielly if the cartes are Fpreat
aorde. Mint have leen overPowe'inT. who never 5IeeP05. till, the feliCitiQS htirdlY 10 expeeted that in these new- thrett• v. Ile lei. ` onie aseeeiate about, feeding eldekene that; the wau" about the geles• Tee cattle will do
With on many thiugs to ewe laie "of &umber I Let all who nave this bona babea there would rot ne metal-, 'Ole 411T4 IIILO 4P1v4V4:,' "0 of teteliben aecr wouldn't reseal ie t00 4°"°C" etroy with their hoofs ot let halt
about as APO matt ever bad Mend real benefaction eellebrale it. Ttat fest- eome phoeee of the olO rrAture. with 11 43 t"we 4)1 lue raerterdolas but In wilieh the food iii rained. Ilo h45 .tho foddin, so kit. it via oisreo
Wrote more ontherre than any ott er la ono of the fiweeteet etriugs in all, Fame ot the worne of the fiteei, al el it was 'berme he gooe Ws addifti3 110 tem eNreeiltlelltilkS fur Mindlifi mad 144y -to gut, /Am eqre$ via mu! reee
men row wrote. Ile puts even the the iiretrumeet of ten etrings. i os Wrath. strife.„-F0Irg101f0 and seeh *,:”" ''',"%."^ 4"'"e el've„ e,"4'.,f°,1"*°. a preperation hes teen famed vriaiett lotto from p. gior.gcr. '--
froets and hailstorms end teropefts; i Further. let 10S grAtefully rtelAnowe, like (Gal. Eeen rete*e'Qsth' t`ttik, e':4) go'al; re*,V" 44'3 Pia* i;, ti144e lame thggi. a 120et1141 " Tit woman Wile eon make goo4
id ereeinth
4ed. the Ineuiltaltlii MO the hills atel Lion. 'To be able to go where we quite a minaber of thiogs in their Area. On each chick.
nPg Illes atoOin
l ve; fosse dge the power of ohys teat locelno- i Jorcea and John might remelt -her glint. butter mem a, tl'eVic $44 he ever.
4444"444 .l PLOTTING ileSS 3 What nuetitudta haVe to a, year or two with Cbrixt. which. ii 4 I 1 a agent Of the lirin. lie wrote ti,"4"148 wee% wed eeoe. no further /or a o*
!Ile d...-4S-tilthapl.let's tereacherY and hosts and levalld'e chair, and their whole it; He It IS tO be hoinel that stille edE a -- TIE SA, the ocaeltre :hipped frone this coin- „ ....._..4_,....
— ed"Leomieso anu sieeldess ale -lite me is 4 bindennent 1 Ilow tiara to they Oeterndued Unit Vito coUld not 70r1M, 5 TerAT WEe
Wr•MMI.M110.1.14,17*.•11•••••• 111.41 .11.3t safteestion as to staged zernieett, but the oue Mao can mako. it
,irh •
daY And night into o ehorns. oesh and alt entaided-ewitat a kiniro MVO gel.T'i, awn after thee hod •Inteel to.L4r3
TP8113 L011118 ebieleetas eaine throtagh %lie Itne ornionooly hood every oot, 15 on
call in the aid of MUM tired ertateb etre of the deqt orit nOL of tit 1r- Loudon watitittg to Ouow wlay all canton vocation.
. .
•rwas so dilierent front that roi-ed
• higleclaSe marlicte. The chefs in the is. nay or the zkee of Tenet oA
Corneille) Van4erbilt, ar.,
gl'ho words "Praire" and e'ou have the usual physical endow-, ff. 4. "We will give ourselves •Oen- kited cicat0J0,0300 E'er t best restaurants would bate nem Of 6 Their Orinin and Cenduct.
1 6eng" are 50 often rePeated in his inent and sympatheed with ought 1 teamay to pr.. • i t
pRilina that 011 ' *
and a vunnIng get about wilittle of etroeg told take time to eve tbeee uuepiritual aft I WED IFOlt Tengrante The idea woe that the OF CONCENTRATION C.6.11E'S
his psalmody. Indeed, the more his bealthy j"cupple Man I Vow.' fairs they were patient with the mule'
1"1""b° 3nOdler his 8. e' ed gratulated ought eem all to be if macre.
English bad us beotea in ell the,
Girl Ee Loved.
would Ounk the those to be who con ucither walk I try of the word.
.4er nu( o the motto- „ the American birds. The manager, c r
oword NOMA, Writing te
typesetterts case Containing' th „a They would not. The largcet &Uncial heed/lee mer read the on try !mum .; the Lem 1 11° Fl 'at 0
-0 -e- ortor climb nor enter upon any gleat Nerve tames, • on truce, saes.— re on
hat theY would Pine moue for u nwtekbkart, w; that, ot came famar With the n;ethod of
ters with whieb these words ere 'activities. That is one of ite thous -lane d
minim toot town the ehienoten word as to how theee camps eame to
*aliened would be exhausted. dt.nno of reasons why hate nor with v.4, utbhoteittoic:lortlovc"(0) an' d Iti)tre/s14;::: „iv:eT016110.- cr:te with a machine. onto% Ift.tferxectl.. alley were not. of Lord
31.13, text Paolo tolls upon the's). complete hatred. It takes on with ga alms! ty of o / tending to t daily eed the t4o.t ot jos kealt. it me, te„ feenihie for a. paetang.houae, ttleuer 4 Etg.'1°..rft'' I'der better
1 ti • rd "
11 would it have been, so far as We are
. Pcollie to Pralee the Lord with an ble Millet or shell or surgewes "ire the minietration, for they saw the neves- teemed that he eltould inleeit the thought. The head of the Naneas
which be was accustomed to finger. i own livelihood or do the work toneet report, built to els fatier's vaet, feltnne, but City establishment thought an ex- eenc"Red, to h4.1.-0 lett tile women,
anal ehildre», tile Old Melt and ertp-
strument of ten strings like that 'ettPaeitee or Men tO ;tellies° %lair a sity of a committee of 1 '
oe, if we praise the Lord at all, play !qualified. Bravo men. 5 J. They chose Stephen, a man thet, all periment advieable.
The eseteriateot was first tried pies, '
to fare as best they could over the
Oe fact is that the most of !which they would othorwvo to luirlyr 1 full of the Moly Gbost and wiadom. Init vhoite of a brie° eltuneed and the surrendered toirghere:
'The sim ) ' ,
demi one string or two string's or I men, for the rest 01 teiltrSlitieglieltIrT filli Of rnitil and of the lioly Gbost. ',ogle a situdent et Yale he eppettes with CI chickens. Not until yetis- countre. The Covantantler-ueendef
three etningn When We ought to take ,put on the limits and strangely s-ttif:. t; Iannetel tilloblleltreel7ih: °//tittlecir; nvoc'esale.e.e:nrste4„ le.,i;ehliti‘t'tt•I''Iotit ;,$.1'14.,ti'st,ht3tearttotefe‘ieNeirliortlell': ftret°''r3prolPratiteittlajr N'''41.esrlieednitiotataelikaueil:tios, olairtedloalTirintlroltitoes t:inetleautrethlahaeltee' Uri;
a Itarp tully eltorded and with glad fee in sternly weather from limbs' i - i .- , e ai . 1 i - - ; • h d ti ' tent' lel teet for
fingers sweep all the strings instead amputated. t aor ac t iii 110 ACCOSSitra y ant t t nr ea' ionatree. tee young a y was . Ille.eS IS I A lecably upon their Mane neould
of being grateful for there ee I agaiest tbeva. rhilip is mentfone teeht e eats his senior, but, weether and f' wl—the eating of thorn. lie
not he molested, or their wOnien and
bore and ------ ! eurther, on the instrturelit of ten eixteen tinnee and Stephen, who lie- 04 this' aegount, or not, his faeher bad mina personal blends, and he
- mended the service of every man,
The jojt ti 1 . . i the bead or a sudden ealamitY or of the maloritY is a. eorreet guide. t he Old limit even went the length Every item in the fattening of a T 1 s it. 0 11 a 1
far as we can recall them and obey!
nng 1 et trone our reason and leave i tee wes the- Proper thing, for tile that le.e eureegemettt ot fa e nouvio wont. ,ae t o . p , e v means to the very utmost of hie
unto Him with tut Inetrument of ten • i t, e i
strings. • vs worse oft' than the brute, for the suggestion pleased the whoge multi- was against les wiell and without (eeed. li ben 'the chickens arrived. -.ri- - ' i ' • '
e 1, iiiiseeal power, and that woMenocatil.
Rave you ever thanked God for de- brute has a ietbstitute for reason owe. There was somethieeoie tette 1 is eina•ont, W ken threateu(*(1 With how ilikkelk they Irelghed before feed- cn. Oren must aleo Stiffer. They'.
lightsome food? What vest multi- in 'what is called illetineti hut a doefa in the laYleg on of bends (T meinheritanee, coritelius, jr„ re- tug, the amount consumed, end the might, it is true, have been left tO '
lodes ere nelluegered froxr• (1/17 to .iuurn's !vein isbattered, and be has Thee iv,, 14; Tr. Tim, I, 6), but 1- plied, eeether, 1 *un going to marry tioet are Shown in the eolnintlitles this fate. but consideration of Itu-,
day or are obliged to take food not /neither mind nor instinct. The eV- was not coniineel to the hands of lee this gikl, arid the fact that I shall boolt. I inanity compelled that these 130,000
neetlee (Acte ix 17. wile 1). The lost $100d3b0,000 or nil the money ' THE IIESen Ili...SULTS 1 or so should be saved fron) their own
w0 Strings celebrate the posSeesion Of come the first martevr for Chest. iodtei t sPe ev not. suit ible had them pass entlentent. 'rhe epi- "WM" be har°6-"d' Ins answer'
a blessing we lialnien to think of, Wilt: that the aid Transvaal law cern-
ought/--h. - our reason. A severe etroke upon mertiOned veven time% If the pt.t.ttle'r fotl;thiin, " cures teem enthusiastic.
to rebearse a I ot ilessinon
' °n 1"31' text it' Slag 'anY one of lift:, kbers of accidents1 then the a,ppointbig of thia commit of announcing, in the nowsperers eiticken is duly recorded at tbie (Ir 11P s"rrel) er t 1""t nut"-
ity, and be Woolf! enfOree. It hy
toothsome Or Pleasant to the taste. lumit for the insane, thou0 all the
Dane you appreciated the shelter the demented. Through the online the sit:thing of Mimes: isiosre Eli =Mint dinerence to leo." The etre ontained front lirahmaS, ny. countrymen. They were brought, in.
What MIDIOna are in struggle for time multiplying, aro not enough to laying ot bands in our day is not In the world, not make the
bread! D
inoeth Rocks, Buff Cockine, aed The tents of the Military were ghat
fact that on Most of your tables are creaming system employed in many three there 01.0 life and imeniration uitterinee duly took Place ; and When
• • Ntvanentles. Plvinouth bate 0%er to them in thoesands. llospie
luxuries that do not come tO
Have you realized what 'varieties of
flavor often touch your tongue and
bow the saccharin and the acid have
been afforded your palate? 'What fruit
what nuts, what meats, regale your
appetite, visite mailer would be gtad
to see the crusts and rinds arid peel- .
are the soil eonsolPtiOn, WaS lite Info found he had Teft the bulk of his for- II" en mere eellccs fet ler the tajs wer° °rec e
of the sehools of tins country there eed semetortes a chill. I oriel eta 1.r. Vont viten, sa, le(
t. ta. a i
ef untie and educational facilities were
OUSANDS Tinm, a Irquo full or the iroly (noo tune to a younger son. same period and the same cost than
provided. Eutployment at a fo,ir
age. estrum:nut:re at eleven yenta of not be so filled. ano young lady teetral years ago.
at much smaller but eery subsume any of the others. The ehieeous how
of children having their brain de- arid of faith Zchapter 2n. 24). Tbe-e been fed for periods of ten clays, two wage was obtainable. Games were
pleted, Philosophers at ten years of le en -reason 'why each believer should tial fortune was forfeited by a 011ie- weeks, three Weeks and a month. The instituted, and, not least of alh bet-
as sologists ut twelee years al 7, 8. ”And Stephen, full of faith Luning "made his pie 11$ 24 menu-
. standpoint hale been obtnined from great niajOrity had ever enjoyed,
btst practical results from a linaneial ter food, free of all enpenee, than the
tl f Idi.
bags that fall from your table. Per age* They will be tired on examine- mut poAver, did'great wonders an letterer, iter flittet was partmu a. y the lets which were ten two weeks. .
ends, you have enjoyed for a, eSeful and suceessful life. It would word of God increased, or, tis in matrimonial ntatch, The damsel bere snail scale. Long rows Of eon- roffee, sugar, salt., potatees, rice,
4444 the fine ilavors and the luxurious vi- Ye • ' . f * 1 it the peoplit " The unxious that she shoted make a good Any poultry raiser can do it, ov a fuel to took it aS they would, with
time perimps you have never express- be amusing to eee how much child- 24, "grew and multiplied," and in ee.f entertained no such ambitious ouS coops are piled one on top of the cto., and ne lis. 0/ Meitl and 4 !be. il
That is one of' the ten strings you if it were not Connected with the ed.". The member of the disciples a -action on one of the smttrt eoung other in a huge room. The ebicliens cendensed milk weekly for each child.
are kept in a dark 3"00In. Jest he- The cost to the Dritielt tax -payer bas
ed to God a Word of thanksgiving. Ten are expected to learn and knoei *ix, 20, "grew mightily and nrev. ail- ideas, and had, in fact, beetowed her
ought to bave thrummed in praise tragedies of damaged intellects wiled). multiplied greatly in, Jerusalem, ttnil men employed in her father s office. fore feeding time huge shutters wbich been. read is, enormous. In common,
clime believers. It wine truly A greet lept their engagement secret, but
shutters are high on the sides of the leillslth le the c s
and mighty evork of the Spirit of 'snort her parentS pressed lier to ac-.\ 1,1i e The ohiekens with 1
the result has been unfortunately to pro -
God and was not ecinhned to the cept the attentioes of a rich suitor' r -n-`11-'
light. turned 011 them, became active. long the eamPaign-
apoetles for Stephen, willing to the girl had to confess she was al -
too, with other steps dictated by len-
to God, but you have never yet put feilew* Amid the increasing de- a great company •of the prieSts ee- As long as they could the couple obseure the light are opened, These . .
0 at the war tho'
It in dtbration. -
Have you ever given thanks for
two eyes—media between the soul in-
side and the world di -inside, media.
that no one but the infinite God
could create? 'no eye, the window of
our immortal nature, the gate
through which all colors march, the
picture gallery of the soul! Without
the eye this world is .
I fear that many of es have never
given one hearty expression •of grati-
tude for treasure of sight, the loss of
-which is tthe greateet- disaster possi-
ble -unless it bp the loss of the naind.
mentia of the world.let us appreciate.
the goodness of God to us if our
raeutal faculties are in equipoise.
Another string of the instrument
I now totich—friendship, deep- and serve tables, was greatly used, God ready bound to another. On learn -
Three times a day the chickens are Ills women and children, bis old
fed and are permitted to eat for halt ant
d t
bi •s
a ng, by which X refer to those working wonders and miracles by Mth
Mg wbo e other was her father and . b 0
an hour only. Long troughs run the Iougeo, fed, educated and doctored
people yama when flood e or bad met him. The gospel is the power of mother were almost frantic with rage entire length of each row of coops. by ourselves, the Boer still in the
cribe the good ; thole concerning telinveit Mon. i, 16), and es tie They implored and threatened, The spaces „netwenn the laths are fled has been deprivedeel much of his
, as- God unto salvation to, every one thni and disappointment.
tive may be ascribed to you
just large enough to l
cached the Spirit works, threatened and implored, until their et the chicken motive for surrender, been made less
side they will take when Yon are convincing Of sin and righteous/test daughter's life became quite a bur- thrust his head out of them into of a casual campaigner, now in the
whom you do not wonder Which word is pr
under diecussion, those who would and judgment. When a servant 0 den to ber. Without a mhinent's no- the trough. Six chickeus are con- laager, now at home, and converted
Christ preoches the word of God, h. tice her lover was climisttcl from fined in each cooand there is an more into a regular soldier. -
theinselves ; those to whom you can has a right to believe that it w11' his employment and warned to cease opening for each chicken. It has 1 ivill not trespass further upon
more gladly serve you than serve
everything without reserve, "se accoirmlieli 'His pleasere and will ne ail .communication with her. As „ been discovered that a cineken win Your space, although the temptation
who are nrst .in your boine by pen- ver return to IT ' II I t 't th
no void is as resoi e young lady was kept
- eat twice as inucb if fed regularly is great to compare these British
tell ' . h
by telegram when. yeu have 7' Tte 6
We inay learn a lesson of a
son or
'for the friends of our enemies
. three tinnes a, day as if permitted to cams--
Those wondrous seven muscles that • 'th tho-e of the loyal refu •ees
• . ,
trouble Oh. what a blessing to from the hope that her rebellious spirit, deptived e their living by the Trans-,
turn the eye up or down, to right or ' the devil in this matter, fo- bling has the same effect on chickens
• to left or around. ,No one but God* have plenty', of friends, ! Aye, if you when he -sowed his, titres he seems t; Might be thereby quelled. as it has on the coolc who samples vaal declaratiou of ivar and rudely
'have only one good f ' d * ° t bo t thei :Art th s oilier made her all the carted over the frontier. For then
could have created the retina. If we rien , You ale have . bo.d 110 anxie -ie a u everything. Just as soon as the
have ever appreciated what Godenni one such friend you can defy the
world. But he must be a tried peen
that they would ,grow (Matt. xiii
from the room. With her room is once more daikeeed and tht • ,
when He gave us two eyes, it was .
when we saw others with obliterated I,et us *lave faith in God thni escane
feed all day long. Continual nib -
blessed in that glad posseieion. With . i • nalf-hour's stuffing is concluded the
. ,
no public money, no political eV:lane--
growth, for lie went his way stir more obstinate, and with the con- .
• ' • e d t 0 osition champion. only
•vision. Alnsd"thatocinty threegh 'tide friend' i You: cannot.. tell who are' He -ll take cnre Of Inis-iiihn woldi bover she then pneiceedea to a 'Mini., troughs eaten down. -Tha chickens, tatterede tents, scraps', of iron for,
privation of others ice came to. a Your real -frielide till disasters coille. end that no wora from God shal ter's house, where the two we;:e ' thoroughly satisfied becolue ahnose shelter, no schools, no hospitalsn
dormant. For fift.een minutes before anything good' enough. Individual
and haye beinth , and Jocund and be void of power, (Luke i, 87, R.V.• made one. Her fathei• never forgave.'
feeding they keep up a meniberseof the committee could floe
realization 'oe our own blessing! If As long as You collect vtet dividends
you had hard. in hand and sivept all 9, 10. "Tbey, Were not able to re- ter, and when he died, left all his
inont dulcet of the ten strings. , bonlcoupteer etnd ievalidisin end de- Ilea pronosed a ineuth.and wisdom 000, but her husband is to-daY a' a sound can be heard in the chicken 1 A. minister recently preached a ser-}
formation cone and the u nor 1, • - ie -a. - . . , . Ter wealth man the es to his deteiellt. .
mon, aud • illustratedehis point bin
Further, notice how many pass - ',, O., , , ' .), o ee n me- ° wincb mon. versary could geinsay 01 Y. , Y , s ra.
, , , . fatted flesh is bettei t a i unfat saying. You know -you plant roses
In you hate been through somel:resist CIAII(e xxi, 15), end this was * I
led ,there is, of course, a scientific in the sunshine, and heliotrope and
avo. be eu per cent.
through. life in .eilence because the J''t11. 11"11'S
ear refuses to do its ollice. They e".• a fulfillment of His promise. The A Whimsical old lady in the West t
wisdom ef Goa and of Engnand left nearly $850,000 to - reason for it. To kill a lean animal, geraniums., but if you witnt your
'never hear music vocal or instru- great,nrisis and you have ono friend i wisdom WEIS the ProPor- fuchsias to grotv you must keep them
• • i . • • , • • 0 e ne her nepliew on condition that • he would be very wasteful ; the
the stx•ings Of gratitude you would imPniaritY ii#09unded 3r0 will have sist the ,wisdem and the spirit by troedrtY to a nePliene 'His daughter ' . CONTINUOUS CItOWING, , was ash ed. '
fail to be shocked by tine contrast. 1
Crowes of seeming efriende, but let, , he2hPahee thus ,fetfeiteci e fortene of $1,500,-. ! 'Two minutes alter the feeding not e • • '
have strecke this, which is one' of the
• " 'The Lord Jesus
/Dental. Tele thunder -that rolle its
full diapason „through the heavens
iloes nnot startle the proloeged ell-
ence. . The air that has for us so
many melodics•• has no sweet; sound
for 'them. They live in a quietude
that will not be broken. -until heaven
breaks in upon tliem with its har-
.. 'monies. The bird voices of .the
springtime, the chatter tif the'ren. the the sublime that of the sea,
the solo od the cantatrice -and the
irelody of the great worshipping as-
seniblies mean nothing to them. Have
we devoutly thanked God for these
two wonders of our hearing, with
which we -earl novnput ourselves un-
der the charm of seveet sound and
also earry in oer memories the in-
fantile song with *Alien our mothers
e , ari o 1.110 split was ,
to that of both and ilk a shady nook." Atter the eeemet
the sweetest liarpstrieg. girl whom she had adopt- tier] of flesh
{with the Lord Jeeus the words and married a
tlin ten strings of the insteuments of damsel was quite willing, if not that of a fed animal. The reason beaming witli iileasure. nOli, I am •
gratitude. I now come to the tenth 1 these Spirit fined men the wOrds
eager fol' the union, but the young WhY fatted flesh is bet; than un- so grateful for that eernion," she
and the -last that it may be the'and WOrICS WerC ail the Lord's (John
more memorable-- night iit Gethsemane when,
xiv, 10; x -vii, 18).. We think a the m
in i•enet, aoother gni. , Not even his aunt's
an had already engaged himself to
woul fatted is that glebules of fat are said, clasping his hand and shaking
distributed throughout the mitscien. it warmly, His heert glowed for a
-1-111 displacing. to a considerable extent moment ---only for a moment, though.
HEAVENLY ANTICIPATION. to their say' e •th t they sought handsome legacy d induce 11
' ' ' - in- a' to abandon thie young la t ne rr
de/ 0 a Y the moisture foinad therein. Not -Yes," she • went on, fervently, "1
By the orace of God we are going to I Jesus of' Nazareth. -He simply said,
the otter, and he therefore forfeited only, therefore; is the bulk increased, rever knew befoi.e what Ava.e the
move into a -place so nmch better 1 "1 ain,". ' and they event backward .
than this that on arriving we will, and fell to the ground. It was the , y• u also when tlae flesh is coo ced he. matter with nay feelisma
, ., the money ' '
wonder that's we Were • ioo se many same word , that healed # tile ieper, +-- fat does not evaperate to the same _____ '
Fewer than 400 13ritish towns pee- ext,ent as; water, but, melting, soft-- 1 Tinn--°11alloa, Tagg, what's, that
years so -loath to make, the transfer. 'cast, out demons, rebultecl levees and
sees publie libraries, while Australia ens the tissue, making it more ill- sign on your front doe r : No ad.
After we hate"seen Christ fo.ce to i all enanner of disease, stilled the
face and rejoiced over our- depetted storm and, away -hack in the be- hes 844 such libraries, with 1,600, gestible and iiner 111 flavor. mittance except on business' ?".
000 volumes ' - • •
kindred there are SOnle' MightY opir- gineing, created all things. Whitt • • Turkeys,. it has been eiscovered, Tagg—eThere ' have been so merle
. , , .
its we 'etill Want to.meet soon. after do lap, knotv of the power of His; The Prusslan Prater -book enjoins are not bY nature fitted for the youeg men eanieg oil my daughters,
we pasa through the gates. We waut word'in,os or through en Or of the that the whole of the, service', includ- cramining peocess like chickens and and their visits have bee e so frail:,
to see and will see David a ini.gittier experieece of Poen in 'these words : iiik the' sermon; ,shall not laet above ducks, Tboy are wild and fret ender ess, that I have adopted this pi"
faa. I have mentioned sone: of wares acre on the Father's, so in 9d ata daughter- On her Part the onal would be distinctiY inferior to a woman came up to him, her iota
king in heaven than he ever was ou nStriving occording to Hie. working ' one hour. - restraint. txperimente will be Amu- to reduee' the surplus."