HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-2-20, Page 1FIFTEENTH YEAR., EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1 02. 1 Grand Bend H RsEs 0 i Mr, klenry Eossenberry is busy cart it ton a wANTEei, t inow.---Mie Hunq t lost M c au a_. horse one night last week.—Quite a number. of teams from Dashwood have 1 will be at Hawitehaw's Hotel, Exeter. every Saturday, foz the pur- pose of buyh g Horses. Colts in C1change, I have a number of three yet' of colts which T wi11 exebange for aged ]hoses. T. E. I 'si anOnni, Wehavo unlimited private funds for in- vestment upon f+armi or village property. l0 ,west rtes of interest. Ititrusteacs,eto.,:♦rets AtoN Ihems 144030 amount of private funde t loan on farm end village properties ftt to' EA FARMS Forties thinning ot !orating in Itanisoba or the :North...West Territories should apply to the under. signed for priees imprayed met other lams. Sale Register. WEDNESDAY. FED, 26. --Farm et.och, Implements Hausebold Furniture, ete.t tbe propene el George usewsixeleit C00665,000 0, truisms. Sale at one o'clieek p. tn. IL Drawn, awn. plernents, etc.. the property ot The% 'lowish*. Let ^,.9. Com 1.17sticthe. I.onden BM. Salo ot =o'clock FOR SALE. brick cottage, frame etable and obout bait on am et Cam" Cananzations dwelling, morally lewdest, kith Geer partienHm apple to J. G. Stantntry.. liarester, in Motown:4111)0i roberne„ being 'West part of Lot 21. contra:on a. containing HI w‘ins: situated it Vaile from school asal within a mite from Meter. There 13on, the premises a gtiod briek house, bares and other out buildinnst.good supply et %Ater and a good erchord. T611115 0,4$' MK 10 suit purthaser.. Apply to FARM FOB SALE desiralde farm, situated in the township et l'olkorne, Lot eeneeshion I, London Bead. will be odtcred rale privately between t.ow nod the tint d.vy at Mar, ri and it net tilliomit et bcv that —date will be ilivesed ot public auction, Mardi 4th. together with the chattels. This *one et the best equipped and ituproyed farms In the county sea Is in allowable locatten, midway between Meter soul Ilensail. It will mitively be 801 and ea matiOnikNO ICIVIS. For 'Other partientars apply to Thomas Cameron, auctioneer, or the proprietor. Taos. Haulms, Exeter. Stook Taking Sale Boots Shoes &Overshoes been drawin ice frour here.—Mr. Spearman, of Forest, is �,=isitin a few day'satMr.ReAdair's..- Me. J. Hannah, of Shipkaa, and ATS. Fritz, of Greditou, were in town one day Dist week, -& some large number of elan logs are being taken to the lake again this winter, % areOliver, who bas been very sick, la slowly on the wend. --Quite .i mberof valentines have been receiv- in this vicinity, Beet feels blue.. r. Jos. Gill was in Dashwood last week.—Mie Afollard.. of Regina, who has been visiting here for the past month, or so. returned home Saturdey. —Mr. Alex Wilson, of Foston. pr�eaaebe d in the Methodist churl, .,,play ev- ening in ttheabsenee of, the pastor, til+. Thiblde ati. We have a few oda pairs of Overshoes that we, are going to sell at Ina their regular value. Childs oyeeshees, worth $1.25sfor 60e. Men's Heavy Rubber, 1 buckle " 1,0D Men's Rubbers regular 00e. for 15c Women's felt shoes $1.25 Men's felt shoes from $1,15 to $2.50 Horse blankets at 15% off regular There are only a limited number oe 4"'"" pairs in each size. Call early and secure a bargain. Regular sizes a eboes and Harness .always steck. 5% off for cash. A CALL SOLICITED. Treble's Old Stand Luean 13. SNIT ne band Of deteth visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Coroish, Thames Road; on Wednesday enornieg last, Omit one o'clock, endrobbed them. of their beloved deughter, Sarah Jane, ae the age of 33 ye,ars, 5 months and 18 het usual heelth Until Sunday last, whea she was taken suddenly worse and the ravages of tlie dIseaase having laid deadly hold on her she gradually eauk Uritil, death relieved her of her sofferings. She was a yoeng lady of good qualities and her inanY friends will be pained to heav of her demise, The parents have the sympaeby of tbe communitY In their bereavement, The to the Exeter ceehetery, It has been learned from G.T.R. offi- cials who have recently been in town, that that the company have decided to bend a large and commodious stat- ion house in Liman during the early spring,—Mr.,A.E. Teskey, of St. Marys has beee eneaged as instructor by the ings which were held every evening last week in the Presbyterian church drew large congregations. Rev. R. F. Cameron conducted the services. -- The Deering Farm Compeny, of Chi- cago, have appointed Mr. Sas. Ander- son as their agent foe Lame and vie- inity. —The psalm. social in connection with the Ladies' Guild of Holy Trinity was held at the rectory last week. Owieg to the condition of the roads it was found. necessary -to transfer the place of meeting from Mr. Hodgies'-to some place in tbe village.—Rev Mr. Galloway, who died at Ridgetown re- cently, was pastor of the Presbyteries' church here twenty years ago.—A beanch of the Lord's Day Alliance' has been formed with the following of - Fair and Smith. Secretary -Treasurer S. S. Gilfillan; Representatives. L. D. Stanley. G. A. Stanley, Ft A. Stiairt. —Miss Rachel Willis was married on Wednesday to Mr. John Gibson, Wroxeter, Rev. J. C. Smith perform- ed the ceremony at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. John Bernard. Alem Bloomfield's little girl has he ecavleten teat pvesen a --We are glad beer that Miss Nalid Weir le veeover. front her illriess.---Miss Lilly Gil- t has uturued ltonse from her visit ad a, party last Saturday evening. Xr, and hire. Baxter, of Shipka, Wane lase week.---Miss.Nellie Toohey lies beeri the guest of Intr. and Mrs. W, Shouldke.---Mrs. 1,V.W. Kerr has twee visiting her parents, Me. and 3Irs. T. Gilliert.—Mitre Rill League reopened Iaet Senility evening with. a large at- tendance.—Mr. and Mrs. Rieb. Carter were the guests of Mr. an4 Mee, Thos. Gilbert. Sionlay..--Xis, John Lewis was. the gnest ,Nirs, Hicks, at Fair- ileld, last WeduesdaY.--Xessre. Oscar Gilbert and Erneet Ilanis are busily -ensteged tutting lee for gr. William Pletee.---31Matithis Doyle, of the thul concession, of McGillivray, was inate tied 4) 1111=S gate Diem of London. on Thursday, ley Father Tiernan, at Xt. Ciarinel.—The Verniers' Institute eating held on Saturday last at *est, 'McGillivray was well attended ul the farmers of the vicinity Carried ivway enany good points of interest and profit to them. terreenway One of the best Farmers; Institute meetings vet held in Greensvity was tiro of Wednesday, Feb. 12. There was an attendanee of about 15 in the afternoon, hut in the evening the hall wits crowded, about three hundred beim; preseut The addresses were all interesting oral drew out lively and prolitablediceuseitine. Mr. C. U. Sitio chairman and capable president. Mr, 0. W. „Nash, otToronta, made it very elm how tO battle agninst the Insect pests and the value of the Ifirdseesrms tally the robin and woodpecker. 11r. A, Elliott, of Galt, gave some grand information on improved methods of dairying necessary to success aud our emee home to take eharge of his faths er's stem has decided he can do better and has secured a situation as maneg. er and buyer for the millinery depavt- went in lit Chapman th Co's Depart- ment store in London. He leaves this Week tO assutne his new duties. Green - way's loss is Landau's gain. lie and his wife have endeared themselves to many friends in this eicinity.—A large sleigh loed of young people drove to Mr. Sol. Pollock's last Thursday even- ing and spent a, very pleasant evening together.—A great, nia,ny are drawing ice. Nearly.2000 cakes have been taken out of the river west of here.—Mr. Ru- fus McPherson had the 'misfortune to get some ashes in his eyes and has been laid up for about a week. We are pleased to report he is getting better. Centralia The roads are in a. very bad shape.— The inerabers of the Missionary So- ciety held a meeting hi the church the other day, but owing to the inclem- ency, of the weather was peorly attend- ed. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Wm. Hicks', Faiefield. A good turnone of the members will be ap- preeiated.—Miss Collins, of Kincar- dine after a pleasant visit here, the guetit of Miss Ada Hutton, retarned home Monday.—Miss Shapton visited her aunt, Mrs. Marshall, on Sunday last,—.1.1.1r. Albert Cunningham spent Sunday in Mount Carmel.—Mr. Russel Httxtable visited Crediton on Sunday. —Mr. Samuel Sheardown, of Dican, was the guest of his brother on Sim- day.—Miss Flosie Desert, has retarned, home. --Miss Dora Baker and Mr. Isaac Hill, of Crediton, visited the former's father on Monday. Zan, SIort.—Mrs, PerCty Brown's baby has been suffering. from croup, bnt is getting better.—Mrs. A. den's children are also improving, hiee- ing had a similar' attack.—Mrs. Jos. Marshall is slowly on the mend.—Mrs. Riley is in a very low state of heath and has been comfleecl to ber bed for the past two weeks. ---Mrs. H. Mills' little baby ie quite ill. ' day evening of last weak Mr. Fred lio- garth sustained a severe loss besides sonie bodily injuries whieh it is hoped may not prove serious. He has been delivering eqeare timber at the station for some time Lied on thatievening had just unloaded his load, when the Lon- don bound express steamed into the station, frightening. the team which be- held on to during a short mad van to the stage shed against the corner of which the of! beast—a valuable Clyde mare -struck with terrific force, knock- ing her down and at the Slone' instant thro vying Mr. Hogarth violently for- ward and 13eneath her as she fell. There were a number of men standing near by at the time who speedily rais- ed the heavy carcass and removed the nnfortunate man from his painful po- sition. The injured horse died without riSing fo its feet and Fred is Moving around glad to have escaped from an accident which might have proyrd al to him likewise. 41 rt Zuriert We are having good sleighing ;it present and farmers ere busy drawing wood to tewn,--There to quite a nein, ber of people here copfined to their botuee outaittg sore arms on account of being vaccinated to prevent. email - her home Ashleigh WIS., Ott Tees - day laste after spending a conple of months with her parents. Iler father. time of her arrival is nOW Olt the mend. —Mrs, Cenn, of Exeter, is visiting her mother, Mrs, Foes, for a few daYse— Mr. Andrew Hess. of South Beral.Inde is home visithig Ilia parente, after lie- obSerit for a number of years, ou a vistt souse time ago, but took ill while there and tees not been aide to rett1131 1101. inisleind went to See hee lost week with intentions to bring her home hnt she was not able. to retura with blire—lt, is reported that Mr. John Dichert, who imderwent au operation for appendicitis in tbe expeeted hoitie in a temple of weeks. —Mr. Merner, our merchant, bad toilet an experience nue day last week. The Wok ike and in rouse way cominumeated with the roof, butlitek- ily wile soon got under control,— gnite umbel! of our yOung people attemled the party last Friday even- ing at Airs. Stalks, concession, 4 Huy, which was in honor of her son Robert. Games, music. and other harmless amusements were indulged in and a general good time was epeut until late, Or rather an early bour, when ail retired to their respective homes, not forgettiug the few upsets in the SHOW banns which wee the beat of all. Crediton Staribury) Barrister, Solicitor, Notatm Conveyancer Meow to Lose—Exeter. oat Mr. Fred Wuerth has retureed from a, business trip to New York and Bos- ton.—Mr. Robert Walketebutelier, bas thing like 35 lortds were drawn from the river.—Miss Emma Basterd. who has been working at Irritz's hotel the past few years, intends going to De- troit in a few weeks. Yuma has many friends here ard she vvill be much missed.—Mies Carrie Fiukbeiner, Buffalods visiting bee parents, Mrtend Mrs. John .Finkbeinett—Mr. Russell Iluxtithle, of Centralia, was tbe vil- lage Sunday evening. There is some attract -ion hore.—Mr. and Mrs. Tobias Guenther and Mr. and Mrs. Christian Finkbeiner, of Datbwood, were the gnests of Mr. and Mrs. Christian Pall- iser last Sundity.—Rey. T. G. Litt has returned from Naperville, Ill., after a. business visit in reference to the North Western College.—Th4 remains of Mr. Simon Swartz, the young man who was killed in Cook's mill, Hens/ill, last Wednesday, was interred in the Ger- man cemetery here, last Friday, the Rev. Litt, offiaiating, Mr. Swartz was raised near this village and was well known. His -untimely 'death Was a great shock to his friends, His broth- ers, David and Herbert, Of Millbank, were presen t at the funeral. —The spec- ial anniversary services of the Evan- gelical church be held in their church next. Sunday. Rev. 0. Fink - heftier, of Zurich, will occupy tbe both morning and eyerting. The reverend gentleman is no strauger in our town and no doubt there will be a large congregation at both services.— Last Friday was St. Valentines day. Your seethe received more than his share of valentines. How about your- self dear reader? —Miss Chris tie a Fink- beiner, of Loudon, is visiting nndeathe drawing large quantities- of sand and brick for the erection of his new dwel- ling.—Ma Alfred Clark moved to Aliso, Craig this week, where he will start a business as harness Mater. Smicess Alf.—enn orchestra has been organized in the Methodist SO nday School. CONOEHT.—The Much talked a eon - cert, entitled "The Temple of Fame" was given in the Town Hall,. last Fri- day evening, mider the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church. The hall WAS packed to the doors and many were obliged to stand. Mrs. (Rev.) Knowles represented the God- dess, to whom. the world renowned women had to present their plea, why they should be crowned for doing the greatest good to mankind. The claim- ants represen ted fain o us WO Ulan from ell the countries of the world. After long addresses by the different parties, the Goddess crowned the Mother as Queen of all. This, concert was the best we have had in our village for a number of years and it reflects great credit on the committee, who had the matter in hand and made et sueh success. The home talent we possess was a revelition to most of us. In fu- ture we Will not be obliged to "'send to the cities for talent, when We have such good material at home. ICev. Knowles ukade a request to the ladies in the Hall to remove their hats which met with great approval, Why not have this in mir churches? Many a good sermon is spoiled owin to the fact that the preacher cannot e seen. IL SANDERS, EDIT° StephQn I Wingbaau; Qn Weduesd?ag Mr, A. To determine soinething of the value eu001,1 E'ORT.: �4e fullo ring are J. Sebastian sold this barbering bust- of tankage in a swine' feeding ration, the Heroes, ire orderof merit, of toe pu- Hess to Mr. E. Scl.,auighlin, axed the an experiment with a fairly eniform its of. S. No, 1 Who have obt inecl new proprietor tookpassession Thurs- lot;of pigs was begun and eontintied for tio. (rrnntaat_ r.,trx,hnw�tP marks for �t'$i: 127 clays. The animals fed Consisted of 16 head of young pigs, divided into lots of four each. These were all pare- bred au mala, and averaged about sixty pounds each at 'the beginning of the test. _ The foode used were as follows; Jan. 1002. Only the four highest are print - White, Harold Duplan, Verne Shear- doWn, 8r. II—Elzwortia Ridley. Char- ley Grafton, Fred Conway, jr. II— Dempsey, Jobe White. Part 1I—Lth lian Robinson, Mervin Elston, Wenner Wileon Margery Hepburn. Part. 1 -- well Baynhara, Fred. Fairhall. Lots M. SMIT14 Teacher Eden Mr. Jan es Herbert, who has been indispoee4 for the past week, is able to deer. 1:e�24'1]aSxltitl k!?25.. lett a eent of this place for inany yeak‘s 404 bis Mends will be sorry to hear of his WI/Wharf!: Mary Jane James, re- lict of the late Charles Browns died. at laer hone, on Tuesday morntog aged respected resident of Wing/lam and boye are left to mourn the lose kind and loving mother. 1' tem ,A.ri important real. estete W. Weir has disposed of his eritire propertT an the Baytiehl road, near ;Own. rho 2.1,35 aCre5 on the east Ade of the road, OH WhiCh the hotioe and buildings statal, have been eold to his ur. Tat 3!ileill,„ of Seaforth, and deltver. three daughtere, who had tot interest ed the Fame on Saturday. --Mr. and in it. while the le..1 acres ois tile west airs. Richard Dickens. of Saintsbury, side of Otero:id ffortnerly known as tile visited Mr. tied Frank. Coate on W. Craig aud Mite Reny farms) have Sunday.—Mr. Erneet Buswell, of Rate- been WM. to Mr. Sid 11. Smith, for n0000 ter,viehhel his parerite hereon Suuday. ash. Mr. Smith has nisei rented the ...etie :oleo Dempsey is engaged with property on the east aide, fora term of Mr. Thomes DailletHII, of Fargoluir. aye years, tit the menial rental of 3050 for the konimg Year. Ms smiling via- yeur end tem.& Mr. Smith has. had oge win besedly miesed by theftursex. part of this property rented for a -Frank Adair and miss nom eaves couple a years. past, and will use it Qeance, of Eiteterovho has been erty man excellent, one, one of the best visiting her aunt, Mrs. S. Skinner, re- fa the emptily,. and he has seciired tinned. home on Saturthete—hle. Fred bargain. both itt his mirebstaeend rent - leaven, aectunpaniecl. by his (laughter, al. Jessie, rented. ble (laughter, Maggie, mitin wit her sister thy a short time. runk PI"ve St' lin, it being the utarriaag. of -Miss Mary Shen, daughter of Mr. P. Shea, and one Clandebr Te, i,r14,:kol*StiainItt est i melee young lad rtI Mze. E. Collins on the 12 I Mrs Mieleiel Dunn, of Me/Zino hear or A. Ciark's illneses :ma hit surly ,-.4ttiveiL entered tise 4i WI hear 141S*'T'peeily reviver. an Mrs, Ira Rive were in Loudon .1londay. Altne t'arter, who has been gen- eral yeats left mu. town Saturday htst for Levee Surges% Albert where QVIT you go.- -51iss Collins, of Liman. hns itecepted the position est:leek with our general merehant, Mr. Chown.—Mit inn visit on Saturdav last.-1Ers. Born, of London, who has been visiting Mts. Deficit% retutned home Saturday Irish ---31r. George seaulrows, who was Omsk for Carter ftlon,is remaining ou Mr. Chotin.s. We aro pleased to note that Jauie Crowu, who has been laid up with ti sore ankle. is able to nentind .--Leeter Lewis and Ste -ii, of Lie, alto-. tr deawie to our station,—We are sorry to hea of Miss Bessie Jells' illness and hope for a, speedy recovery. Around About Us Lumley: Mrs. Jonas Simmons, of the boundary, Hibbeet, who has been very sick for some timet is somewhat better, and her many friends would, be pleased to bear of her ultimate recov- ery.—It is reported that Mr. Wm. Mil- ler has sold Ins farm to Mr. John Sim- mons. This will be very handy for Mr. Simmons, as they are side by side. Plukhill: As aresult of catching on trains, one of our town youths very narrowly. escaped meeting with a swe- ets accident. It seems that while jumping off a moving train hero last week, this particular lad was thrown under and by remaining between the rails until three cars passed over him he eseaped with the loss of the toe of his shoe. Tuckersmith. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Moir, of Iowa - will regret to learn of the death of their five-year-old daughter. Jessie, The sad event took place at the resi. (Ince of Mrs. B. Sniffle, on the Lon- don road, Tuckersrnith, on the 5th inst. Jessie had contracted a cold, but noth- ing serious was thought of it until the night previons to her death, when it developed iuto inflammation of the la rn yx. Although all that tnedieal skill and kind parents and friends could do, was done, she passed away at 1 °clock p. in., on Wed.nesday, after an illness of about fifteen hours. The remains were taken to Iowa for interment. Hensall: At the close of the prayer meeting in Carmel church on Wednes- day evening, a very pleasant incident (marred. Mr. Wm. Bell, who has been the faithful stud efficient treasurer of pounds each of wheat middlings ited the congregetion for tWenty years was tankage, makes a very well balanced made the recipieet of a handsome gold 'ration for pigs up to four months old. headed cane and a complixnentary ad- A very good ration for older pigs br dress, neatly inserintd and handsomely hogs may be made by reducing the 10 parts of pure coromeahend 1 • rt tankage, t tankage, t 3, ptwe corn meal only, Lot 4, 10 parts of a mixture. in equal proportious of pure cornmeal and shorts, and / part tenkage, The reod was weighed out at feeding time, aud mixed with water, formiug a medium thin slop, alsout two parte witter to one pert grain being used. The grain wits not cooked, hitt the chill WaS removed from the water be- fore mixing to make the step. The grain aud tankage were thrown tos gether in du form, and the water then added. The ayeeage daily gabe as made by each lot eves ae follows:— Daily gain Coet per 100 Lot x(44 4.53. aoci The above results dhow that tile in - protein to what would otherrosee have betei a rens carbonaceous reboil, Ives entresuely beneficial fa the growth of neatly twti cents lietweeneost of feed per p.mail of gain, and in the istice rea celled per meted live weight, while the difference in Lids respere with lot No. 3 -corn f(41 is very elight indeed. The firtuntes of titbit of lotteo. 3 was not quite ati geed es tint of tite tank. ;see led lote. This wee fairly nettee- e arna of he, Leather. is lee, stud peo- it de. snug by Rev. Father I."Ogarty. P., mesh.. Miss N. Shea, of Dundee, sis- ter of the blithe acted as bridesuatiti. by J. J. Pitmen, of Seaforth. After the ceremony the wedding party eepairett to tbe home of the bride's mother. ment in the ladtle's family, only the immediate fieeude were present, Mr. autt dirs. Dunn left on the afternoon train for Detriot. On their return thee will reeido on lilts Dium's ferns which 50 al teetee ebont tele ma WU Wive tit of Dublin, TsmIcage as a Food for Pig . In view of the rapid extension of EiWine growing, nue the consequent es- tablishment of pork. packing Ionises in all parts of the country, a recent bulle- tin (No, 00) of the Indiana Experiment Station, regarding the value, as a food for svsine, of the packing house bye - product, known as tankage, may be of interest, According to the above bul- letin, tankage offers considerable ad- vantage as a feedingrnaterial for pigs. It contains a high per cent. of protein, and an amount of phosphoric aeid that materially excels that found in any grain or byc-product of mills. The phosphoric acid for pigs is useful in building up bone structure, and this is an important feature with our pigs to- day, while the protein has a value uni- versally recognized by feeders. An extensive breeder of swine in In- diana thus describes the character of this product:— "Especially with young pigs, one fi nds some feed of great Elven tage that is rich in all the nutrients required, &table. A year's experience in feeding tankage shows it the ideal feed for this purpose. Blood, lungsietc., are cooked together in tanks at the large packing houses. The fat is drawn off and the residue dried and ground for hog feed. It costs about $25 per ton laid down at my home, contains about double the 'protein found in oil meal, and is a very much better feed for pigs. Itseems to be a perfect substitute for milk, a poun1 of the tankage costing less than a cent and a quarter, and having a feeding valne equal to about three gal- lons of skimmed. milk. Afeeding mix- ture of thirty pounds of corn to ten framed. The prestntation was made by the pastor on behalf of the congre- gation and we are sure we but express the fervent wish of the many friends of the worthy recipient when we say, we trust be will be spared for ninny years to use his handeome end well merited. present and to stimulate by precept and exemple his co-workers in the Master's vineyard. took place at the home of Mr. Joseph S ton eho use, East We wanosh, Wed- nesday, February 32th, it beiug the marriage ceremony of Miss Ellen Stonehoase to Mr. Thos. Wilkinson. of Escanba, Mich. The ceremony was peefmmed as the clock struck five, by the Rev. Mr. Brown, pastor of the Methodist chorch, Belgrave, in the peesence of about severity guests. Af- ter tbe usual congratunitions the bride andgroom led the way to the dining room where. they Were present at each of the tables until every guest had din- ed, which was met with favor by all present. The bride entered the room on the arm of her brother and looked charming in a dress of White silk, handsomely trimmed with applique and carried a shower bouquet of calla Mlles, Mlles of the valley and primu- las. The presents were numerous and costly, Showing the, esteem in which the bride was held. A number of guests were present from Winghtun, Clinton, Brussels, Kincardine and Exeter. -middling% and tankage frilly hair in proportion to aintnint of corn. Tank- ge dissolves almost immediately when put in wateleaud should be fed in slop. Pigs fed upon taokage show great mnscular and bone development, have ravenons appetitee, and are especially free from gouty and rhemn a tic troub- les. Tankage is so dry Onatthere is no danger from wornis oafrom decompo- sition, and has been so thoroughly cooked that one takes no risk from eoetracting disease in his herd from feeding it. A quantity of tankage was supplied the station at the request of the Direc- peciall y prepared for the purpose being niade from bones and meat taken from the cutting room, tanked immediately and pressed and dried. A representa- tive of the above firm wrote that " If tankage can he -used. at all for swine feeding, it must be sp.ecially prepared. The writer's opinion is' that no tank- age that contains any part of the in- testines, etc., should be used for this purpose." A sample of this tankage showed the folio win 0- com posi tiou muelt interest. Three ef lots No. 1. 2, and 4, whey. taukage was fell. had n ticeable silkier eeate of hair. and the appearance lir the ekin wet; fresherand more mellow than that of the corn fed. lot. The earn fed animals did uot ent with st keen relish after the experi- ment, was fairly et tined while the other pigs always Sti4, arid therein a marked difference was to be seen. The e0111 fed pigs developed into very poor feed- ers anti this wee 4111D to the feed. The condition of the stomachs of the corn fra lags 741ti Cie UnilSnal interest, these containing sour offensive smel- ling corn meal eimply. which seemed seelden meet Certainly the eontents he corn fed wag:idea was intt tier noticeable way. when compared. with the other pigs, In cOncIosiOn this experiment, strongly emphasizes the weakness of feeding, growing, futtening pigs, and indicates the geeat value of adding a feed rich in protein, to the core, thus producing abetter balauced =Win and seertring more desirable results ID both health aud growth, F. Ws Ronson, Live Stook Commissioner. Kirktont Miss Bello. Hazlewood eine- eessfully underwent a, critical operation for appendicitis, and she is recoyerlog under the skilful care of Dr. A, K. Ferguson. Total 100% BIRTHS to Mr. and Mrs. Edsell Collins, a KikDING—At.Grand Bend on Feb. 14th, to Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Reding, a daughter. litexee—AtMt. Ottrinel, on Feb. 18, the wife of Thos. Hall, merchant, of a, son. PFAVE.—Lake Road, Hay, on Feb. leo the wife of Win,Pfafeof a daughter, MARRIAGES. AEMSTEHNG---YELLOw—In Exeter, on Wednesday, Feb. 19th, by Rev. C. strong, of Tsborne, to Miss Maly Yellow, daughter a Mr. ThOs.Yel-.. SHIR.R41.--TYRQUBTART.—In Toronto, oil Wednesday eveising, Feb. 19th. Mr. David Shirrae of Hay township, to, Miss Mary J. Urquhart; late milliner for Mr. 3. A. Stewart, Exeter. DEATHS GAMMON—In Exeter on Febenary 16 John Cameron. aged 84 years. COT:Mint —In Usborne, Thames Road, Feb. 19, Sarah Sane, beloved deugh- ter of Geo. Cornish, aged BS years, 5 months, 18 days. Mixamo.—In McGillivray, ,(suddenly) on Feb. 18, Everett M, Miler, son of Marshal' Miller, aged, 2 months and 3 clays. The terrible thing, isn't it? Somehow, that awful cough, that hard struggle for air, can never be for- hended and prevent it. Keep Vapo-Cresolerie, in the house, and when the children take cold let them breathe -in the vapor during the evening. It goes right to the throat, just where the croup lies. All irritation subsides, the cough quiets down and serious trouble is prevented. It never fals to cure whooping coughas Vapo-Cresolene is gold by druggists tVerywhere. ti-Vapo•Cresolene outfit, including the Vaporizer and Lamp, which should' last a life -time, and a bottle of Crest:Aerie, complete, $.t.50,, extra supplies of Cteso. te 62 dents and 5o cents I liustratecl booklet contain- ing physicians' testimonials free upon rolrest. A - CRESOLENE Fulton St, New ork,