Exeter Advocate, 1902-2-13, Page 8• COUNT, Not uecessarily expensive clothes, but clothes that show neatness correct ste•le, ;appropriatnetss mod good taste. Conte ut. and look over the new styles. We can setisfy you. W W. TAMAN Opoesite post Oce. Merchant 'Taylor. Me, Jobn Devidson has disPoeed • bis bouse ond lot on Albert street to „` Mt: Wm, Kyle, of lesborne. We un - &retinal Mr. Devidson will move to Manitobe in the $prin. Now is the time to erder your read- ing islet:tee. We supply any periodi- cal publiehed ha :my country or io auy language at reasonable rates. Order now at -the ADIrOCAT office, We are 40 receipt of a contplbaten ;try cony of an Atlas a -western Oae ada from the Hon. Clifford Sifton U Islet Gant Intoburs, The Kincardine Revievt• has be giving $onte atlyiee to the no of its town that miglat be tteeful °titer plaees Ulan Kincardine, says:. When a friendly maeh hoekey, baseball or any other gar la beteg played. here the small bo ought to know thatiovaley to the ten beam can be expressed in some oth e_ way than by ridiculing the visitors , abusing the referee, 'Rooting' is : rigbt at a ptofessional match, but is e Liman: Miss. Molland's Sunday en school class Met at her house and pre - es Rented ber with a hanasonet berren §toon as a small toton of the respect It in whien she Is held. by them. of Lncan: Slie Frank Bran,died on 11(' Thursday at the- ittlyanced age of SS Xs yares, Mr, limo kneiv Luau. le its De primeval state and had lived the great, orer part of his life here. tbs. Bran ,§ar-, elves her husband. Minister of tb.e Interior. This sple edition shows maps of the diffe provinces; the iaopula teens of the di enf towns and cities hi the Wes getter with a, great deal of other nabie information. Tra„me On the roads in this viol has been very much impeded do the past tea days or more by the ld aded state of the roadst It eerta has beett a record breaker for stot and business generally has beeu tiled to stiffer in consequence. By eid of the yarions shovel brigades they ar i being Put in better ellepe ad peopl hare been out a little the past few days. An exchange tells of the three stir' gest men on reeOrd. They will rink water oaten it came fro neighbor's well; the SeCOM1 forltidS 1 family to write anythieg but a $ ; hand as it takes hale to make large ters; and the third stoppee the eloe night to save wearand tear on the net, ehmery. AR of them refosed to take a newspaper on thegrounds that it Ise ; terrible ;strain on their spectacles to read Mies Hall, of Brantford. who is the wet of Mrs. Mate "Amos, net with a .the Unpleasant eaaperienee while be. fl9 driven down from the depot by the on Seturtlay evening last. The oca rse me in contact with a heavy snow drift on Vidilliani etreet, and stip ping suddenly Miss Hail was burled rpm the seat of the ett tter into the snow. Luckily. however, she snetaint ed no injury. Tbe itaneral of thP lite Mae. Mane mud title), 04 of place in friendly games. lone It quarrels with good taste, good man- ffe ners and hospitality, Ie is well to be t to, enthusiastic In ot0.• applause and en - teen couragement of our own team, but one can be all that without stooping tode- elitv rision of the vieitiug players, We trust the boys will remember this e when the next game of' hockeen is lehte- "14 en and for all thee to come. Ave 'Would inly %IA recOrnMetul that the referee or empire e 'top itny game -;tt which snob a demon - e etation tithes place mid refuse foge eon e until such praticee cease, e council. I:twee-0111es. • Conned met pursuaue to adeourn anent at Town Hall, Feb'y 7th. Ali , present, Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Elarelinte-Wood not e that tbe Auditors' report as presented Ui ' his he aceepted, and that the Auditors be reel' paid $8 each for theirserviee.-0arried 'nett Wood -Harding -that the following ieet accounts be passed and orders drewn on the Treasurer for sarnee-Trinuain dr. Snell, electriclight aceonnt to Feb 1st. as corrected, $70.48; Dr, Rollin i toxin for leyeld tunny, $.9; Job,g. stationerydiden Tee Queen ('it011 Co,, gasoline, 1001 acconnt, Jainee Wen. ealares auditor, SR; W. S a will, doe etS; anieS ereeell. ity Mrs.Statton, SR; :Vise Reenp,p; Ltbzeitrian. ettd; J. Creech, bal ee settee. eteen Gem Clnittlin*,, tome plow 2,,1 Wm, Creech, Wane 0204 J Creech; ose of horse on snowplow $han. Exeter Cemetery Board. $200 Carried. hi-Ditvis-that Cannel adjourn to Fritlay, Feb. 21st1 at ant 'art led. Gm Bisetenr. Clerk ek" Casinos It will be waived by an advertne ment in another column that the Dm 11. ni,hop Son has dis poeed of their bin dware businees Messree That,. liewhins & Son, of les - borate. hite ha e been in nes-. help shwe September, mod thitiorghont the stnronnaing WW1,- ,z1alifts ie ret welt touswit as any haasine-e Man in the towae end lopeigliat in all his deelitotes nail the palette he has uride many wartat neentle, and as a leutsiine-s men Lie tee*: cp oiels. The g Klataulo, OAP Ewa.' twat: are well and fevoraitly keocown titraagitont this see, Ilan and the **Olel Estieldished" will se. the benefit of their combined er. IN to keep it in the front rank of Exeter's bor,iness leoen-es. , Large ad- ditions will lee made to the olreadY fine stock, making it one of the best in the West; with the said stock sel- ling at the lowest prices, consistent itle good goods combined with onh' dealing, the new firm enters the msiness arena of Exeter with everv prospect of securing a. most liberal patronage from the purchasing publie. We have not learned what 3Ir. Bis- hop's intentions are for the future, but we trust be will remain a resident among us and that bis future will be as blight and proSperOus as he can a0. tieipate or desire. lanrOVieleteeterienalialeerentiertine PERSONAL. 'tee" heeeOedeenenahetrehathes,nei le is liken mushroom- s waiet raeher slender, owth is somewhat rapal Au his top is very tender. The storm of Settuday delayed the ranth train teed evening several home. , Me. Thee Ilentiford shipped a Wel tenet's to Winnipeg,. hlorelay. Settle of one society women bave mere jewelry then poliehed reettti'kg .▪ 7. ring on a woman's third m rushee etae meets a en under ; bee a /ewe s. Th T- Me- J elate ean ea Mined a nun?, tee :sea, e suelid evening 4 Mimalldy .11.11.mt ste;natship pantes 1111.'4. tental :ate rs. t51,16.-Ivr 4;42 ..eelit atitee. Me. A. tele-et:ow is lettiver this niter - lot. latN .,Itonery ileautilleilby 0.freeh own oteletint. OM" dal:U:11'0Na Stlieierihers may Wye goati iorentatus, hut they are like' alertia q'b 11°L.`3 t IWO go toff Mae. ▪ J. Knight enterlaineti the ! rnenentia cis the 'relent 314.u:oriel - Chureh (Wild on Tuesday afternoon A burning chimney on R. Re Rogers' dwelling ottieee the fire alarm to be ring en8.ttlunlay, but n4: damage was dene. rse Kne eey Pills for Little Back and Kidney Derangements. The best and cheapest 4m the untrket. Suld by C. Litz, Exeter. There arr. some natural born liars in this town who would look ashamed of themselves if they were to be canglit telling the truth. The year lfen broke the record for merriages in Ontario, 211S being re- ported, and inereaSe •0: 300 over any preceding year. While we go to press a number of Division Cente eases are being tried in the Town IWO tbe particulars of which will be given uext weeks About thirty friends gathered at the botne of Mr. John Camore on Tuesday night to spend a social evening with him prior to his leaving for Manitoba. Turkish Scalp Food restores grey hairs to their natural color, relieves dandruff and itchiness of the seetheand promotes hair growth. Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. London News: Mr. Wm. J. Boyd, traveler for A. M. Smith & Co., who was taken snddenly ill at Appitt some few weeks ago, was removed to his home here Friday. The St. Johns' hockey team will cross sticks in a game with the Exe- ter team here on Tuesday night next. An interesting game may be expected. Bend in attendance. A Charter has been granted to a new bank, to be known as the Sovereign Bank of Canada, capitalized at $2 001) - WO, with headquarters in Toronto. s° This is the first bank charter granted Di by parliament in 15 years. The hundred and fifty acre farm of 'Ar Mr. Thos. Harvey on the 2nd comes- a„ sion of Hay, advertised for sale in the net ADVOCATE, has been purchased by Mr. -tee John Rowe, of Stephen, for $9,500,and ue Mr. Rowe in turn has disposed of his h' farm in Stephen to Mr. Albert Brown, a'3 of the same township. du Goderich Star:-nAndeve of Colborne, walked fourteen miles through storm and tempest, and train- ed it to Exeter and back in order that he might be present at the county Orange meeting and assist in securing the reunion at G-oderich on July 12, 1902.” nine who died in Guelph het we took plaee from the residence ter dlr. John Manning, Shneoe street, here on me Ti:el:ay last and Was largely atteutl- ed, tbes testifyieg to the esteeme in wheel she was heel. Those in attend- entes front :o distance wt•rine-dhe end eke Seuttite Peeve, Gnelpin Me. rand Mee, Wilbur Manning and Mr. and Mae. Itne elitatning. Clinton and Mr. and Men Win. Hit:teen, Fallea ton, teetiee. 11;41.:t4f-t tof tnir trednees to dletne. T. &Sen. we weedil teem et all partiee indebted to illtr Liindty eon rontl tattle' team el. ihret lor. 6: Sox. littkcl at 11:m5111 A sett and fatal accident oetearred at I lenN411, yesterdaya Wed.: When Sinioal Seliwarte. an employee of Cotlies grist tall. met an untiniene death. ThQ •nae.t. elms,. of whielt is not known. net :e is thought that he was caught n the wheels of the engine while teY- ng to put on a belt. WI:en found his melt wag broken. Found Dead, 1, few nights 81000, Um named AleGiblteueee left the House of Refuge during tbe night, His ale einem was not discovered until next morning, and when a search. was insti- uted his body was found by the side of the river. An inquest was 'hehl, and it was found that no Kerne whatever conkl be attached to anyoute lie had been out of his mind for some time be- fore. testi:nation ot Officers - At the regular Meetingof the C.O.C. F., held Wednesday evening, the fol- lowing officers were duly installed by Organizer Fawsett, viz: -1, C. Rev, W. M. Martin; 0.0., Wm. Baillewill; C. 0., Mrs. (Dr.) A.tuos; Recorder, R. N. Rowe; Treasurer, J. T. Mourning; Prelate, Mrs. W. J. Hearnan; Marshal, Mrs. Quitnee; Warden, Thos. Harvey; Gnard, H. T. Rowe; Searle Sam Part sons; Trustee, Jeff Fisher; Representa- tive to Grand Council, Rev. Martin, Sorting Dross Fatorks. The wise Woman plans her Summer wardrobe now, when the shops are abounding in novelties aud the variety of fabrics exhibited makes it possible to gratify all tastes. Lacy effects char- acterize many of the so-called wash fabrics, and some delightful color com- binations are shown. An accurate idea of what are to be the favorites of the season may be hadfrom the March De- lineator, which shows patterns of the new materials in actual and reduced size and describes the weaves in detail. The same number illustrates the fancy buttons and braids which are to figure conspicuously as dress trimmings ed in London Township. The following from the Free Press of onday, has reference to the death of former resident and merchant of Ee:- ere -Mr. Michael Cruniean, of the th concession of London, died. sud- nly on Sunday last. her. Crunican as quite well until Saturday forenoon d his sickness was therefore of short ration. He began life for himself as h eac er, and after a few years in that profession he entered mercati- tile life in Lucan. He owned. the store now occupied by Reeve McComb, and for several years he conducted a •most prosperous business. About fifteen years ago be retired to his farm. He was a genial main -well-known and well liked, and his death will be greatly re- gretted by a, wide circle of friends. Mr. Crunican 'had reached the allotted span of lifeetnd leaves a widow and a grown up family to mourn his loss. The fun- eral on Tuesday was largely attended. Folloteton: After au- illness of see" eral years frtnu aethina, John R.Withe lot 17, cooed, pass“1 away on Thurs., day mornitite. aged 0e years. He was a consistent member of the Methodist ebrireh and Was bigblY reaPected‘ Mitchelb. Mr. Ed, McLaren bee dis- posed of his basiness to Ede Coppin and hiestster, They will take possession on Feb.150,and thee move the etock aeroSS the road to the 04 fellow's block et one time occupied by Miss Jones. NO =BMW= for -.*The & Menthol Mester, although some nu- scrupulus dealers may say there is. Recommended by doctors by,hospitels, by the clergy, by everybodo, for stiff- ness, plenrisy ke. Made by Davis & Lewrence Co., Ltd. I.'wan: Mrs. Harper, of Toronto, daughter of her. jolot floclgins (Sauble Hill) died of consumption on Saturday, Mrs. Harper went. last fail to the Sane itaritun Greveeihnest, hopion to h e cured tbereity but althotigh slightly • tenefitted at that it had latterly been evident thet the, improvement was n only temporary. She leaves ti bus- ' band and a stitall family to nieuril ; her untimely death. Clinton; Weduesal;ty, as a rule, ar • surroundett more or less with genteel interest, and this pretty event to le • place at the home, of the bride's par- ' 4 ents on Wednesday, eith inst., when • Miss Mabelle. eldest, daughter of Me, 1 * and MrR s. J. OI, was united in mate .• flag(' to iiir. li. O. Ben, of Wingbaiu, t 5Tth.epe:orde.snueozsi•mteh•a.s jpnertfhoeranverilee•:: le eei b. ) noon les Rev. Ce R. amine, rector of . of only the members of the Donnie -4 and O few intimate friend s. -; Seitforth: :kin Frank Woodly, sot t l' i if Me, .I. H. Weindley, of this town • j died at the home of his father, on Tiles iday uuorning. •The cloce:IFeil young loan, although a native of Seivforth, li lied teen living in Chieagofor a num- ,I tiptoe years, and mete home a eau& of months ago. on accounts of fallen itealth. Iliit that fetal nteledy. rot 4 .iuntipl lee, bad fastened Reel f tipan him, ;aria lot, i.tVadtLilly grew worse instead , of iglAttcr., Ile Was len years ofage, and i wee en eeemphory young man, lila dteah wilt llit• it eat! .110Leboirt to his fa kettle, peys to feed English Stock Food, to fatten cattle. They will not go off their feed and will put on fat rapidly. Nearlt- all farmers now feed English Stock -Food to young pigs. It keeps them healthy and makes them thrive remarkably well. Sold by 0. Lutz, E Teter. • Mr. N. D. Hurdon has received the fenosving reply to a, letter, sent to Mr. Ohanaberilein, containing- the verses that appeared in the AD VocATE some few weeks ago: Sir, -I am directed by Mr. Chamberlain to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the leth test., and copy of your verses with thanks. Tani yoUrs obediently, J. • Wilson. A Correspondent writing to the Grand Forks (Doke Herald, says: - We are all very much pleased with the "change in the Inoon" and our new editor, Mr. S. J. A. Boyd, bas already won his way into the good will of the entire community. Mr. Boyd was principal of the school at Exeter, Ont., up till Xinas, and though in a new sphere of work is letting his light shine brighter than •ever -in tbe infoon." A Reminder to some of our Readers. Our accounts are small, but we have a nurnber of them scattered all over the country for subscriptions. We pre- sume that most of our readers have good intentions to pay -up atsome time, but good intentions go a short way to- wards meeting drafts and settling our lnills. Most of those who are in arrears on subscription' know without being told, and how much more agreeable it would be on both sides if payments were Triade withoet putting us to a painful ilnecessity of writing to each one personally as we have found it nec- essary to do during the past few weeks. In some cases we have been exceeding- ly patient and long suffering, and now we respectfully regilest each reader, whether in arrears one year or more, to send us a remittance at once. If there is anyone who cannot 'pay the full amotint due, there need be no hesita- tion about sending us part of it, which will be thankfully received and cheer - hilly credited. Wiecitelsea: The Muth anima meeting of the shareholders mul pat - eons of the Wineheletet I,$. 6: 0. .As. :Nation was held in the Town Hall, on Friday afternoon, Jan. 3b4t, 1902, The make for the year was 140,308 amounting to SX7,000,00, of which $20,218.00 was paid to patrons, The cost of drawing milk SMUT/ Sal- aries $1,050.11 It took 2.3! lbs. of milk to make a pound of butter. The debt was decreased ;MOM, a dividend ofsix per cent. was paid the share- holders, altogether it was ono of the bffit, yearn in the history of the asso- elation. Sr, Marys: Mr, Wm. L. Moore, son of e James Moore, died Thursday, an. 30, aged 21 yeare, The deceased reed in Gen. Kitehenees Scout in °nth Africa, and it is likely thab tbe tors of the campaign hastened Itis eath. Mr. Moore had been 111 with onsumption foe some months. He vas a handsome young man and was ery highly esteemed in St, Marys. The local compel -teed the 28th Batten in burled him with military honors. ended by the town band the 0010 - any niarched under command of Ma - or Geo. T. Cook, with items reversed a the funeral procession. Seaman Mueh and sincere regret 'as felt here on Sitturday lest, on it ecoming known that MenJohn Scott, f RoxboroeMcKillop, had pussed away. he event was not entirely unexpect- d, as it had been known for several ays that she was in a precarious con ition, but it was hoped until the Iasi at her vigorous constitution would able her to overcome the disease. he immediate cause of death was in- mmation of the lungs,re.sulting from chill. This, combined with confine- ent, proved too strong a combine - on to be overcome by the best tnedi- 1 skill and the most attentive nurs- fn Hullett: Another of the pioneers of aettee,eeassasattoosawees May Armstrong is visiting friends in London. Miss G. Knight, of Ilderton, Is visit- ing friends in town. Wm.Staulake,of Ilensall,spent Sun- day with friends in town. Mr. Term of London, is visite:1g al; • Mr. Davis', Exeter North. Mrs. IV, J. Westeott, of Seaforth, visited funds here last week. Mr. Chas. Senior, 0031m:helm, Is the guest of his son,Mr. Jos. Senior, Mr. Frank Bunt, of London, spent Thursday night at his home here. Mr. Jos. Cobblediek, wbo was on the sink list last week, is improving. Mr. Fred Brooks, of St. Thomas, is the guest of his mother, ExeterNorth. Mr. Arthur Kemp, of the Molsons Bank, Ottawa, is visiting at his home here. Mr. Wm. Bern, of Han:iota, Man., is the guest of his brother, Mr. James, e here. Mrs. E. Sanders, of Clandeboye, is th spendin go. few days 'with friends in m town. Miss Ethel Sweet, after a pleasant w visit with friends in Seaforth, has re- hi turned home. ab Mr. Joseph Peart, who has been ad visiting his son Samuel, near Guelph, Ye has returned to town. er e township of Hullett has been re oved by the hand of death. Mr.jas. :tins, who bas been ailing most of the inter, passed away on Tuesday, at s residence on the boundary line, out two miles west of Blyth, at the vanced age of 73 years. About fife ars ago be, with his father and. moth - located on the farm where lee died. Miss M. E. Alcock has returned home, after a pleasant visit with 0 friends in Woodstock. h Miss Edith Sanders, late of Strath-• e roy, has accepted the position of head. e miliner at Mr. J. A. Stewart's.• t Mr. Wm. Johns, who has been visit- ing friends here for the pest month, A left Monday for bis home lh Kaleida, p Man.• t Mr. Wm. Alliston of the Thames r Road, left here Wednesday morning in charge of a carload of thoroughbred a cattle for Chicago. t Mr. Robt. Dew and wife, and two t.r sons, after a pleasant visiewithfrieuds ' in and around EXeter, left for their e home in Snowflake, Man., Monday. Mr. Wm. Dew and daughter, Fan- nie, who have been spending the past two Months'with friends and, relatives, in and aromacl Exeter, left Monday for their home in Wales, Dakota. Mrs. Gus. Wagner, who has been on a two weeks' visit to her sister, Mrs Wm. Hale, left on Tuesday morning for Mernplais, Tenn., where she will join her husband; -prior to their leav- ing for Penton, Miss., where Mr. Wag- ner is foreman in a stave and hoop fac- tory. He was a mart of sterling honesty and ery much respected by a large circle f friends. His wife, who predeceased im about ten years ago, was the eld- st daughter of the late Charles Love tt. He leaves one son and five ditugh- ere. Kippen: The congregation of St. ndrew's church intend making im- rovements to their church edi.fice in he way of abasement or a new school ooni and abetter way of heating the hurch. At the annual 000gregation- 1 meeting, held in. January, a, commit- ee was appointed, consisting of Mes- s. R. P. Bell, John Balfonr, John Mc evin and R. B. McLean, which was nipowered to make all enquiries as to the mode of proceedings which may be though t•most wise, with costs for the accomplishing of the work. •The re- port of the committee is to be given at A congregational meeting which is to be held on the first of March, for the eonsideration of plans. Woodham: The dark messenger of death has been busy in our midst. Mr. John C. Copeland was buried on- Mon- day haying suffered for some time. in an attack of appendicitiswhich ned Into an abscess. Death releas- him. from bis pain on Saturdey. remains were brought to the home is father, and thongh the roads e nearly impassable yet a great ber turned out to pay their last ects to their deceased friend and owed the remains to the Kitkton etery. Deceased was widely known nnd here, and leaves besides his y friends a wife and font' daugh- to mourn his untimely death. The eyed family have the sympathy ehe commonit Around About Us. fro tur ed His of h wer u Woodham: Another old and respect- resp ed resident of our village passed away 1011 on Saturday in the person of Mr.Da,vid cern Mille Deceased had been stiffering oro for some time from an attack of con- man stuription of the brain when death re- ters .eved , is suffering. He leaves a large bere circle of friends to mourn Ins demise of I change ofBusiness. L We beg to announce to our friends in .Exeter and surrounding district that we have purchased the Hardware, Stove and Tinware business lately •carried on by H. Bishop do Son and intend keeping- a well as- sorted stock in all the above lines and by close attention to business and prices, hope to merit a share of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon our predecessors, T. HAWKINS & SON Successors To kw U. BISHOP & SON. ; Nar,vry4 E. J. SPACKIVIRISIS' BIG RUSH SALE OF CLOTHING, vill soon be time for Stock taking and we want to clear out pony lines of elothing by that time. .And in order to do this we have put the Knife auto these lines and hate almost cut prices in two. Below we apatite you a few prices: - Meal's Overcoats was. ...... 7.50 for $5.50 " 44 44 4 41 4 Sults 4 4 • • • • S• 10.00 " 150 " • 4.4 11•11 .4 0144 12.00 le 8.00 44 mw"to boo 7.25 6.75 " 5.00 150 " 4.50 BOYS 2 tileee Suits, sizes Mint 22 to 23 all the way from $3.50 to for $2,7e„ Thbs its a gland opportunity for any °tie needing *My 10 the above, quarters GIVE US A CALL, h e 50 , E. 3. SPACICIVIAN ebrate' W. E. Sandford Ready Made Clothing. ol urn' ure 13LIOCK GibliTEY'S A large consignment of Spring. Goods just in ore coming in a few days, consisting of BED ROOM SETS, COUCHES, SIDEBOARDS, BED SPRINGS, TABLES, MATTRESSES, CHAIRS, ETa, )TO. A Few. Prices. We can sell you a good bed room set for $10.50 and a dandy for $15.00, See our line of Sideboards, from $7.50 up. A beauty for $16,00 Bed Springs so conafortable that you hate to get up in the morning, from $IM to $.400. Mattresses filled with -sweet scented _grass from Georgian Bay, for WAX Etygeine Health mattresses for $6.00. UNDERTAKING SUPPLIES AL- . WAYS ON HAND. Wes.. C. Huston, Biddulph: Mr. John Toohey, one of the oldest residents of London died Monday at the home of hie daughter, Mrs. Patrick Dewan, on the townline between London and Biddulph town- ships. Death resulted from a compli- eation of bronchitis and dropsy. For several years Mr. Toohey had lived with his daugbter, Miss Toohey, of London. Tbree years ago he was af- flicted. with bronchitisebut his wonder- ful- vitality tided him over a crisis which at times appeared as if it must prove fatal. Dropsy, however, devel- oped, and six months ago be was re- moved to his daughter's home in Bid- dulph. Here he gradually sable and died as above stated. Tuckersmith: Mr. W. G. Plewes, who some time ago sold 25 acres to Mr. Iddo Orich for $1200, has now sold the balance of his farm, fifty acres, to his brother-in-law, Mr. Levi Strone„ of Sarnia,the purchase price being $3,000. Mr. Plewes' family will remain here for some time but he intends leaving in a few weeks for Sault Ste. Marie, where in company with his brother-in- law, Me. John Elliott, of Witigham he pnrposes engaging in the manufacture of brick. When Mr. Plewes was at the Soo last fall he bought thirty acres of land in the town plot. • The soil is very suitable for brick making, and shortly after buying Mr. Plewes could have sold at a profit of several hundred dol- lars, but as there is a splendid opening for a brickyard -at that place be d id- ea to hold on to the land. Mr. Elewes has lived his life in this township and is a good neighbor and much re- spected. His departute and that ot his.esteemcd life •partner will be re- gretted,, but we wish them prosperity in their new place of abode. •:zotorRoal E:tato Agoncy IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell Town Property IF YOU WANT TO Borrow or Lend Money IF YOU WANT Collections illacle IF YOU WANT • Your Life Insured IF YOU WANT TO Go to the Old Country • BY ALLAN LINE CASH PAID FOR FURS. Call at the Undeniglled JOHN SPACKMAN, Office over II. Spaclonan's LIardware. • Exeter. Sir Wilfrid anel Lady Laur*er will spend three anonths in Europe next sunnuer. '