Exeter Advocate, 1902-2-13, Page 7Nseeraf
Headaches, Dizzioese, geart Pal-
pitation, Fickle Appetite aud,
Pallor the Ea.rier Syrepteens el
'rem the Soo, Oraugeville, Out.
Hard study at echoel. coped with
g lack ef attention which everY
;meg girl merging ioto womanhood.
,kould haVe, iS esponaible not only
tar the many pale fanes and attenuat-
4 forme met with such. lameutaele
requency, beina respoosible also for
ihe los O of many valuable young
Lives. First, there is an occasionai
headache, runl a sallowoese of come
'flexion, from whieh stages, if these
early symptoms are neglected, the
eamditien gradually grows Wane and
worse until decline or consumption
sete in aud death Oohing another vie -
of perentaa neglect,. Upon Sloth -
era especially devolves a great ree
sponsibility as their denghters ap.
preach womanhooe, The following
truth,ful story told a reporter of the
Sun by Mo. O. Herman, of Third
Avertile. Orangeville, carries o. lesson
to our mothers. ]frs Jie utn said:
ilfteen: Months ago my (laugh-
ter. Kate. wbile attendiug the publie
echeel bard. "We noticed that
she began, "to ComPlain of headaches.
This erns followed by a listlessnees
end an utter indifference to the thinge
that 1.1Sually interest eroursg girls. Wie
cousulted a, doctor, and she took bet-
tle after bottle of media:Ilion but, with.
Ito benefit. Often oho would riee
the morning after an almost
less night; ber lifebe all P. quiver end
her head reeling. Sbe would be at -
*exited with spas of dizzleees, and en
the least exertion her heart would
palpitate oielentl.y. and we were
really afraid she would not recover.
At this stage my husband auggested
that we should try Dr. Williams'
Vint( ruts. an he brought being 54y,,
boxo. Kate had oilly taken the
pille a. few weeks witen there was a
great change for the better. :Oho
grew strongerbegan to at better
end to have better colorand from
this stage it was not on until she
was agein enjoying the best of
uealth and able to resume her studies
at school. I alight also tell you
that them) pills cured my daugliter
hennut of an attack a rheumatism,
so that you COzNve have Illtiell reason
to praise them, and I •earnestly 1.'0-
nnumend tlivne to all Methera whose
livegliters ivay be suffering as mine
Dr. Willi/tinsPink Pills cure all
liseases that it IWO their origin either
a poor or watery condition of the
;loud or shattered nerves. It is be -
:awe they make rich red, blood and
arengthen the nerves with every dose
amt, they cure such troubles as ane
Louie. consumption in its early
gages, nervous headache, St. Vitus'
lance, rheumatism. partial parelysis,
lidney trouble. hallgestion, etc. Or-
evmptonts of the trouble, and 'when breath, hiccough, are'l disturb°
Unary medicine merely acts upon the
1Sleep. Indigestion natty be easily
etch medieines ar43 discontinued the cured, awl Mrs, le. K. Begbie, Lind -
A Sportsman's Experienee With. a
Magncent Specimen.
Elephants are so Often the winners
in an enconnter with men that it is
rather ioteroSting to learn of one
that Was fairly outwitted, It was
an African elephent. taller. lighter
and nimbler than the Asiatic Var- liniments Oilsand Everferting
iety. Like meet elephants, when
roused, he proved himself capable of
considerable gymnastic feats,
An English sportsman, out after ele..
phants, had wounded a inagnineeet
epecimen, "Infortueately for him the
Failed to Relieve His SufferingS.
Used D0(14'4 Kidney
And They Cured
Boissevain, Man., Jan, 7'..--(SPe-
cial)--Five years ago, lift% 0- S,
wotaid, waa slight, and the animal, den, of this place, -then quite a young
greatly infuriated, turned and charg-
ed him,
It Was n terrifning sight., NVith its
enornaous ears spread out like sails,
ancl emitting shrill notes of rage,
the inonster came thundering over
the ground like) ranaway lemma-
tive. The /nutter -tired second shot
Out missed. His nerve Was shaken,
and throwing down ble rifle he
sought eafety in flight.
Near at. hand was a steep hill and
toward this be turned; for being
slightly acquainted with the climb-
ing powers of elepbauts he thought
hispursuer might be 1)401(.4 by the
eteepaess. of the ascent. It was a
terribk disappointment to find tbat
tlie elephant could climb as quickly
S*' he eoulth good ruener though he
Man and a farreer's son, becanie al-
MOSt Cripple With IthentleatiSM.
His ()WA =omit of ids experlence is
very interesting, He says ;
"For About a year and a half 1
had. a dull pain in my right shout-
4er. It grew much worse in cold
weather, and in whiter was so, bad
tbet I coula scarcely use my arm at
all. When X went to bed 1 wetild
Ilene to take my left band and held
MY right shoulder to turn over. The
pain was nearly' unbearable. 'Verde
cannot express it.. I often said it
Md to endure such pain all my life
I would rather have no arm.
"I was almost a cripple and could
not help complaining, very bitterly.
Everybody had something to tell me
to do. One said, 'Rub on Spirits of
was, Turpentine.% I did so. but only
Ho would have been speedily over- grow worse. Besides this tried
taloa), if he had not thooght of an every other liniment and oil eguld
medient. Ile knew teat, elephants hear a or get, but MI to no iner-
t -lover run or even won down n stoop pose. nettling seemed to give nee
incline, but always croticb, gather the slightest relief. Was growing
Niuidon, Doctors and, Proromioug
their feet together, lean well bank very downhearted an it iooked as if
and slide down. Just as the knout
animal got within a few yards of
him. therefore. the bunter sud4enly
doubled and ran down the hill again.
Quick as a flash the elephant turned,
too, gathered itself together, and
A reillarkable story was told, before
the Newcastle-InadereLnme Olnglan,d)
magistrates lately by a woman Who
had been sumrnelled for negleeting
to send her son to school. She said
that the lad was six feet in height
and Weighed over 140 lbs. He was
hirteen ycars of age anti had passed
the fifth Standard. Ile was AIM etti-
ployed at irort rolling toills. They
had been compelled to put the boy
to Work, as he could eat more titan
ell the rest of the family together,
and was still growing. The 13ench,
Said "the Child" eettld not leAVO
echool till fourteen, and made an or-
der for him to attend.
Only 11 million (vet of our 41 mil-
lions of people liere in toWnS leSS
than 10,000 people.
1111 COM TB
All the Laud Wonders at the
Remarkable Cures Effect-
ed by Professor Mkt.
I was never going to foul miything
to cure my dreadful pam.
"Now it happened that we bad
50MQ of Do4d'e Kitiney Pills in the
house—we always neep them—and
having tried everything elee, ny
father suggested that I take some.
trumpeting with rage, slid down af-
ter the man. The hunter bad just 1 commenced, and when I had taken
time to spring out. of the Nvey as the three doses I felt some better. and
great beast came tobogganing after kept on till in a few days the pain
hum, smeslimg trees and shrubs, and. Was an gene.
' -thing before it like an •
rrylvo ever) "riffs is five years ago, and bay
not bad the slightest pain or eche
Once more the hunter dashed to the
top of tbe while the elephant.
unable to stop itself. went careering
+Iowa to the very foot, where, ap- Ileleen, in Luueburg, the author-
pareatly understanding that it, had bave passol a. bylaw which is
been outwitted, and feeling sore and Popular with the fair than the
disappointed. it rose to its full sex. Husbands must be
height and walked wearily back t o by eleven o*clocia A fine eglial
its native woods. 62.:10 is the penalty for infringing
this regalation. half of which goes to
a person—promnably the wife—
who Owings and proves tbe aCCUSav
100 •
$01130 Sound. Advice as to
Best Method of Teeating Xn- There is danger m snegleetini A cold
Many who have died of comumptioa dated
fent Ixidigestion. their troubles from exposnee, followed by
Notbing is more coinnton to child- a cold which settled on their lungs, and in
hood than iiengeseieee Nothing is a short time they were beyond the skill of
snore dangerous to proper growth, file hest PhYsician. Had tbey used Blekles'
Anti•Cousiteeptive Syrup. before it wee
more weanening to the constitIttion, too late, their Wee %weld have been
or more likely to pave the way to spared. This medicine lam no equal for
dangerous ammo. the sew- Bering coughs, wide and all affections of
toms hy which indigestion in infants tbe throat and lungs.
and young cbildren may be readily
recognized are loss of appetite, nau- In Liverpool, recently, six women
, eructations, coated tongue, bed with babies met together and agreed
to vote which was the prettiest In-
fant. Each baby got one vote.
trouble returns often in an aggravat-
ed form. Br. Williams' Pink Pills on
die contrary go direct to the root, of
Die trouble and cure to stay mired.
ilon that the full mune, "Dr. Wil -
emus' Pink Pills for Pale Peopit," is
bund on the 'wrapper of every box.
your ileider does not have Omen
lend direct and they will be mailed,
;vast paid, ot 50 MIAs n.box or six
ions for .$2.so, by addressing the
r. 'WiUiams' Itedieine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
"Speaking of narrow escapes,'"
abserved Arr. Chugwater, reaching
or his second cup of coffee, "did I
ell you X was in a. train the other
lay that came within three feet of
- ieing run into by another train go-
ng at full speed ?"
"For mercy's sake, no I" exclaim -
id Mrs. Chugwater. "How did it
Memen ?"
"The train that came so near run -
sing into ours," he rejoined, butter-
ing another round of toast, "was on
the other track, and going the other
It was several minutes before Mrs.
Dhugwater broke loose, but when
rhe did she made up for lost time.
say, Ont., points out bow this raay
best, be one. She says t "When ray
baby was three months aid she had
indigestion very badly. She would
vomit her food just as soon as she
took it, no matter what X gave her,
After feediug she seemed to surfer ter -
and would seretun with pain.
She scented always hungry, but her
food did her no good and sbe kept
thin and delicate. 'She was very
sleepless and suffered also from con-
stipation. We tried several medi-
cines recommended for these troublee
but they did her no good. Finally, I
saw Baby's Own Tablets advertised
and got n box. After giving them to
her she began to improve in about
two days, and in, a week's thee
considered her well. She could sleep
welhethe vomiting ceseeed, her bowels
bectune regular and she began to
gain in weight. She is now a fat,
healthy baby, and I think the credit.
is due to Baby's Own Tablets and I
would not now be without them in
tbe house."
Baby's Own Tablets is the only
medicine sold. under an absolute
guarantee that it contains neither
opiates nor 'tether barmful drugs.
These tablets are a certain cure for
all the minor ailments of childhood,
such as sour stomach, indigestion,
constipation; simple fever, diarrhoea,
They Weak up colds, prevent croup
and allay the irritation accompany-
ing the cutting of teeth. Price 25
cents a box at an druggists, or sent
by mail „post paid by addressing the
Dr. Wilnates' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
There never was, and never will be, a
universalpanacea,n one remedy, for all
ills to which flesh is
very nature
of many curatives being suoh that were
the germs of other and differently seated
diseases rooted lit the system of the
patient—What would relieve one ill in
turn would aggravate the other. We
'have, however, in Quinine Wine, when
obtain able in a soundunadulterated
star F, a remedy for many and grevious I Lis.
IBy its gracluel and judicious use, the
frailest systems are lecl into convalescence
and strength, by the influence which Qui.
'nine exerts miniature's own restoratives.
Itrelieves the drooping spirits of those
with whom a chrome state of morbid des
pendency and lack of interest in life is a
disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves,
, disposes to sound and refreshing sleep --
Imparts vigor to the actiou of the blood,
which, being stimulated, courses through-
out the -veins, strengthening the healthy
animal feuetions of the system, thereby
making activity a necessary result,
strengthening the frame, aud giving life
to the. digestise organs, which naturally
lemand increased Substance—result, im-
proved appetite. Northrop St Lyman of
Uoronto, have given to the public their
mperior Quinine Wine at the usual rate,
llid, gauged by the opinion of scientists,
Lis wine approaches nearest perfection of
ny in the market. All druggists sell it.
There is a story told' of a Frenc,h
avant who was shown a pricelesS
twel by a great duke.
"Thank you, my lord duke," said
he Iran of science, "for allowing Me
o share with you the possession of
o great a treasure."
"In What: way 7'. said the Duke.
'Why, your Grace can do no more
han look at it, and you have al -
owed me to do the same."
Steam was first applied to drafti-
ng Britiali coal mines in the year
Mlnard's Liniments the pest •
Old Growells (sternly)—"What was
going on in the parlor last night
that kept you up so late, young
lady ?" Pretty Daughter (holding
up ber hand)-e"This engagement
ring, papa. Isn't it a beauty ?"
This magnificent train, one of the
fastest trains in the world, rune
daily except Sunday from New York
to Buffalo, a. distance of 4e0 miles
in the fast time of eight hours and
fifteen minutes.
The time occupied from Buffalo to
New York is nine hours, and as :1.
lands its passengers. right in the city
the advantage over other lines must
be admitted. The New York Central
has a dozen fine , express trains be-
tween Buffalo and Now York daily.
It is the best.
A Frenchman and an Englishman
were one day occupying a first-class
smoking carriage in an English
train. The Frenchman was at one
end, looking in the direction of his
fellow -traveller ; the Englishman was
at the either end looking towards his
own window and turning his back
to the Frenchman.
The latter was wondering if his
mute companion was not going to
give him a chance to open his month
and say something. The Englishman
dropped some ashes from his cigar
on his trousers'. The good French-
man thought that, at last, his
chance had come. .
"Excuse me, sir," he said, "you
have dropped some ashes on your—"
' 'Oh," coolly replied the English-
man, "for the last five minutes I
have seen a box of matches on fire
in your back pocket, and I did not
interfere with you !"
In Europe 5,540 murders are com-
mitted every year.
Monkey Brand Soap will clean a
house from cellar to roof, but won't
wash clothes.
Londoners drink less than seven
gallons of millc a head in a year.
Nou, Tell Row Ho Hu Unroa tho
tto LaIlle, tile Papal-
tio au ay 01,1 ale Vou
Britt of Beath.
Not a Nauseating Pill.—The excipient
of a pill is the substance which enfolds
the ingredients and makes up the pill
magg. Th it of Parmelee's.Vegetable Pills
is so cote eopuded as to preserve their
moisture, ao.i they can be carried in to any
latitude vvi tit out impairing their strength.
'Many pills, in order to keep them from ad-
hering,are rolled in powders, which prove
nauseatin,g to the taste. Parmelee'S Vege-
table Pills are so prepared that they are
agreeable td the most delicate.
Rose—"Did you ever faint, Jessie?'
Jessie --"Only once, and I bumped
my head so hard .that I never tried
it again."
For Over Fifty Yeni.s
1111all. WiNALOW% SOOTIIING &MVP hos base mod to
pillion'sot usotheni for their children visite teething.
ftsoothes the child' softens the gums. allayegain, curet
wind collo' regulates the stomach and bowels, and Is tho
test remedy for Disrrhare. Twenty -Are cents a bottle.
told bry druggists throughout the Uorld.' Ise sure awl
asit for " Moe wierszovea SOOTHING BYRUM"
(sssor Aditin Offers to Help All
.rore Front Any Disease
' Mutely Free of Charge.
rofessionalUoti InveS-
tigate Ills rowers.
"Oh, tvemen, in °arbours of me,
ad bsxd to please.'
There Jenne thine that eertstolwUnitl'af.
If Xcit can get is, and that fa
ogogooln irgA,
ocati Vaeloeti,
--Yitatipatity cores net cote (Deem° Akre,
hut it cures oil diseates er hen used intombinee
tion wIth tte PrePer remedies. If you are
sick, ro matter what your disease nor who
eaysyou cermet be cured, write to Professer
ddkln tolzleY 041 ban WU leading symptoms
of Your cemPiaint,now long you have been,
suoering, tied Ito will at eine diegnose your
case. tell you tbe exect disease trom which
you pro Ann-ertng. a oe prekor.he the treatuteet
thee pcsitieely cure VTft, Tbis cewe yon
Absolutely eels ng. Professor A.dkin will
also seed you o copy sat his marvelous now
hcok entitled. 'Row to Ilo Cured and How ta
Cure ()there:" This book wits yen exactly
how Prefesscr our you. It folly
Ana compheely describes *nes nature of his
"wolideefui tre;treent- lt Also Oxelates to you
IMN5r Ton rquffielt 1000.7P9s5021 041S great heel
Ing power awl cure the sick around you.
Lofessor Mich/ Aces net ask oue eent for
his services In tbis coaneetion. They wild be
given to yea absoiutely free. Ile has made a
wonderful discovery, and he wietes to pleco
ihia tbe hands of every sick pere;ca in this
country, that be limy be restored to perfect
weave and strength, Mark your letter per
eared when yet% write, and_ ea One gut,
Profeseor Aditin v 1 ee*fl. emdresereleFeer
When. Mein olive al Go,i(nbe4tez., ;cr. Y.
She bad sent off a, telegram and
was waiting for an answer. Sudden-
ly the peculiar baltieg, click of the
receiving machine sounded in the
grace, and she said to her companion
"That's from Geerge, kow 1eau
toll his stutter."
Stops Aka Cough
and works. off (be told,
1aXelle0 lirenvoQuinine Tablets COre cola
Se on day. No enee. Nea PO,V. l'rktO W costa
The largest order of merit la the
world is tile French Legion of Hen-
• whiell now bas reeelied half a.
UUan nietabers.
011NIA oltRooN =court-
ry day in the year. Tiae Chicago,
idea Peale 4.. Northwestern Lint
runs tbrougb. drat -class Pullman and
oariet sleepieg leers to points in Cal.
'Tornio. and Oregon daily. Personally
(nalucted exenrsions from Chicago
San Francisco. Los Angeles and
tlaral. leaving Chicago on Tees -
and Thursdays. Lowest rates.
'tot time ou the road. Finest
fiery. Inquire of your merest
ket agent, or write II. 11. Bennett,
2 Iing street. east, Toeonto, Ont.
Two Austria' lawyers, Dr. 131 chit
and Dr. Lauterstein, who acted as
legal advisers to ,the eneeeetere of thft ,
will Of the late Baron Hirsch, ha,vet
received a fee of g2,500 each. Thia
remuneration was Axed by the IIigi
Court et Justice,
He—"The artists say that, 5 feet 4
inches is the divine height for wo-
men." His Darling (crossly)—"You
knoW I am 5 f eet 8 'iche." He
(quickly)—' You are more than
divine, my dear."
President ot the enstItuto of Physictace an
In all wets of the country men and
woman, dootore avid ourgeous, clergymen and
educators aro worolestag at the remarkable Deafness Cannot be Cured
Julia—"Junns, why dont you try
to get something to do ?" Julius --
"I have tried ; but even when I try
and fail 1 feel such a virtuous glow
Oat it unfits me to try again for a
long, long time."
Minardis Lleiment Cures Lattippe
The Chureh, of E,nglancI has about
1,200,000 ;members in Australia. but
has only 1,398 churches to 1,008
poseessed by the Methodists,. al-
though the latter number less than
Owes mado by Prof. Thomttq
discoverer of tho Adkin Vitaimetblo treat -
Professor nekle boats notby drugs, nor by
Obteedan tioleuee, nor by °steepen**, nor bY
pixotism, rierby Divine healing, but by 11,
subtle perehle fore* of nature in combination
.a.s2=Sarma=l '
One ounce of:Sunlight Soapis worth tuorethan
Two ounces of impure soap.
Ask, for the Octagon Bar /f your grocer caunot supply, 'write to
LEVElt BROTHERS, LIMITED, Toronto, sending his oninno and address,
and a trial sample of Sunlight Soap will be sent you free of cteit.
with certain vital Ilbeffiletie ggfoodies which
contain the very elemmts of lite and health.
-A-reporterreceney talked with Professor
Adkie endives oeked. to invite all readers of
this pallor who are sick or who aro Worried by
tho ills of those dear to them to write to him
for aesistance. "Somencople hs.ve declared."
said Professor Adkin, "that my powers are of
God; they call mo a Divine healer, a man of
mysterlouts powers. This Is not so. I cure
beestiso jtin derstand nature, because I use a
subtle force of natare to build up the system
anti restore health. But At the same time I
believe that the ere ,tor would Dat have given
nee theopportunity to eitdon the diseoveries I
hove madaner the to develop them if
He had not ntended tbile I should use them
for the ewe 01 humanity. 1 therefore feel
teat kis my duty to give tbe benefit ot the
acience I practice to all who t re suffering. r
want 3ort to tell your readers that they can
write to mein tbe strictest confidence if they
aro trotibled with any kind of disease and I
will thoroughly diagnose their eases and
p escribe a simple home treatment which I
positively guarantee to effect a complete cure,
abaolutely free of elmrge, I care not how
serious their eases, nor how nopeless they,
may seem. I want them to write to me and let
me make them vv.:11. 1 feel that this is my
life's work.
So great is the sensation wrought in the
medical. 'world by tbe wouderful cures per-
formed by Professor .A.dltin that several
professional gentlemen were asked to inveati-
kat° the cures._ Among theieenontlemen wore
'Dooley D. B. Hawley and Doctor L. G.
Doane, both forams physicians and ettrg.
eons. 'After a thortugd and painstaking
investigation these eminent ehysiciant wore
.so astonished at the farreaching powers of
Professor i.dkin and the wonderful efficacy of
Vbaoeottiv that they volunteered to fcr sake
all other ties in life, and all other kinds of
treatment and devote themselves to assisting
Profesaor Adkin in his great work for human-
ity. With the discovery of the Adkin
itaopathy treatment eminent physicians are
generally agreed that the treatment of disease
has at last been reduced to an exact science.
In all tome 8,000 men and women have
been mired by thopewers of Professor Adkin.
Some were blind, some were lame, some were
deaf. some were paralytics, scarcely able to
'neve, so great was heir infirmity. Others
were afflicted with Bright's disease, heart
Mewls°, consumptim atd other so-eaned
incurable diseases. Some were sufferers from
kidney trouble, dyspepsia, DerVOUS
insomnia, neuralgia, constipation, sheama-
thin, female troubles anci other similar ills.
.,,otne were mon and women addicted to
druekenness, morphine and other evil habits.
In all eases ProtestorAdkin treats he guarruo
toes a cure. Even there on the brink of the
grave, with all hope of recovery germ and
despaired of by do-Aors and friends Wilt°, have
bcon restored to perfect healthby the force of
Viettopathy and Professor Adkin's marveMus
skin. And, ternarkle
se se it may seem,
distance has made no difference. Those livica
far away have beee cured in the peivaey of
their own homes, as well as those who have
Oat n treated in person. Prefeasor Adkin
asSerts that ho can cure any one at any
d O.tance as well as though he stood before
them. -
Not long ago John Adams, of Blakesbury,
Iowa, who had been lame for 20 years, WAS
nt`rinatientlY cured by Professor Adkm
without an operation ef any kind: About the
e one time the city of liethester, N. Y., was
wartled by the cure of one of its oldest rese
emits, Mr. P. A. 'Wright. who had been partly
bend fotea long period. Jahn JO Nett of
"Idoloraburg, Pa., who had suffered for years
1 rein cataraCt over his loft eye, Was speedily
reatored to perfect eightwithout an operation.
Prom Logansport, Indiana, comes the n ,vs of
too recovery 01 Mrs, Mary Eichee,whe had
been emetically deaf for a year, while in
Warren, Pa., nir, G. W. Savage, a noted
photographer and artist, Who was not only
eartlally blind and deaf,but at death's door
from a complication of disoeses, WAS restored'
to eerfoot 'health and strength be Profeaer
by local applications, as they cennot Tee& the
diseased portion of the oar. There is Ouly ono
ern to Imre deduces, and that is by constitn,
tional re3naediee„ Deafness IA caused by an
inflamed condition at I he raucoue lining of the
Boston -Wan 'Tube. When Ibis tube is in-
flamed you have a rumbling sound arimper
feet Imitring, and when it is cut'rely closed
deafness la the result, mid unless tile inflam.
notion can bo taken out and this tuba reittered
to Its normal tonditicz, boating will he de.
etroyed foreeer; nine cases out of ten are
cetisedby catarrh, which is nothing but oath.
Iaxnedcondition of the ntueoue en rfacen,
We Neagh.° Otte Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness emutted by tatarrid diet con
net be eared by Hairs Catarrh Cure. Semi
ior eirculera, free.
F, J. CHENEY Se COo Toledo. O.
Sold by Dragglete, ede.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
For Over $,Ixty Years
Uns.W/141049rUSAOTHING STRUe Sae been used b4
uliUuns et Mather's for thole etattree whip, tep
Imothes she chill, sof teca tie s1tospsi c
wind Colig,togulates ttetteresela betetle. raw si
btAt remesy tor Piaui/Aso, Twesty-eve cents 4 but
Seld hydregvada throughcat the world, ne see
Grannie (in the arincliair)—"Wbat
should I take another their. Tommy%
Den't you think lni comfortable/
here?" Tontmen-")es, gran'ina; butt
I'm at'eaid my little kitty ain't(
She'there, too."
There is not a, toore daugerous class of
disorders than tbase whicli affect the
breethiug organs. Nullify thie dauger
with Dr. Thoma -s' Releetrie On—a pals
monk of acknewleciged efficacy. It Lures
lameness and
soreness settee applied exe
rcrimily, as well as swelled neck and eriele
io the back; and, es an inward special),
possesses 'mit substantial claims to pule
ile onfide Rea
110PlieNV (who takes his uncle from
the country into a restaurant)
"Look, uncle, I press this button
and order dinner 1" Uncle--"Welle
what then ?" Nepbew—eeeben you
the button and pay the bill:"
Young Man—"I want an engage -
=tent ring." Jeweller --"Yes, sir
about what size ?" "I don't know
exactly ; but she can tsvist me round
her finger, if that is any guide."
They Wake the Torpid Energies.—Ma
&Mary not properly supervised and left
to run itself, very soon shows fault in its
working. It is the seine with the digest
tive organs. Unregulated from time to
time they are likely to become torpid and
throw the wbole system out of gear,
Parmelee's Vegetable Pats were made to
meet such caste. They restore to the full
flogging fa.celties, and bring,. innue
litome Quintet. Tetlaut
tsts zefeed tee menet- it it Wes ye eu
2. W. UrOTOet signet -are la Ott each her*
Britain's eottan nxanufaetured emcee
duets are 'a1ued at 1,600.000 31
Minaid's (Mind for Ritualism
Elderly Spinster (coolly)— two
there should be a tax on the 'single
state,' don't you, colonel ?" 'Un-.
gallant Baehelor—"Yes, as on all
other luxuries."
ltfeers, C. 0, rtiebards dh Co.
Geutlernen,-14ust winter X receive4
great benefit from the use of MIN'.
ARC'S LINIMENT in a eavere ate
tacit GE La:Grippe, and 1 lueve fre-
quently proved it to be very effective
10 cases of Inflammation.
W. A. auTemtzsom.
T. N. C
Is a Bairn of Clint' preparation. It
purse CC1I Sores, Chopti Bit
Wounds or Skin DISOBE103. It is
ampathetio, but a healer -1W SWIM
Val MAUR, Largo Boxes Mo. Drug.
gists, or lhe tifeatlino Co., Torente.
Saber's nape
give's Bich,
-desire, by July 1$t, asapits nuaropairons and
Prmulast rorci or one seed:men on cart4
and yet ivo_ar0 reaelinta_eitt far more. T7o
hone° this unprecedented Geer.
000 etigenter5
get a start
1(i WORTH FOR 16c
to any vide evaitotarnser 6Zgsudener,
t 15 cto.
55 kg.!. eagosattZrlitne:170..
pest vegeta-
Whatlel tt/
send this
adv. With
1,5e tor above.
alone, 7e.
Bend et once.
The Frost
Wire Fente Lock.
a -nee, . eteetere
To Self Frost Wire Fence.
The strongest fence sold, made entiretee
from High Carbon Spring Steel wire. No
tie wires or kink e to weacen the wire. The,
cross wires are held in place by the patentee/1
FROST LOOU. It never weakens or
slips. Exclusive territory given to good men.
Write:For Catalog. Winkeneeith cum fsl
°see a.
4.?4,--"t`YisTfiffsf4.14'.. - „reiWYstliVAtirAlt
range% Lemon% Fresh Fish of All Kinds
3r...Ealtass-szeicnsmv MICeDar-aw..2.natmas ann.saZMBletva-ssitsgten..
Shipments.of cutter, Eggs, Poultry, Honey, Beane, Apples, Potatoes, Solicited.
Every Stick—
A Match
Every. Match—
t A Lighter"
*is 3pcyrz Miggs..Xes752 aerermws-xe,otromoranotm.
44 ,
444+44,14-44+44++444-4+4444 +47.4,1444,i4-144-444-1-7.-)144