Exeter Advocate, 1902-2-13, Page 6FROI YOUTII TO OLD I
The Rev. Dr, Talmage Gives Some Good
Advice for Eaoh Decade,
t-E>Y"Erel 1,044t114. to Art ot tee eminence et tyou would hove plenty of business.
CarMi. 121 MO Yew ilIOW •ed for•
many• hours you sa.t And smit-
e/se see Teo 1:1 WA111301 b 't ot. vein
uszness. nd woe et
tto Peauteaat: .aeratetera ouarea
t . • • •
Ahree persons only know -God, your
A despotch from Weshington says : twao attd yourself. In commercial
sdltev- Dr' rg4tMage Preache4 grcl,ailife yon have not had the prometion
the following text, a -Psalms. de. iv. ?,antt. tho increase in salary you ane
"The days of our Years aro three '., ticipated, or the Plaed you expected
.ecore yes and ten. • •sto occupy in •the tirm has not • been
'Tile seventieth milestone of- life is*
:vacated.. From thtrty to forty is. an
here planted as at tht . end of the .especially hard title for young Jdoe
ourney. " -
., *''' g° „beY?ad ei.te -tors. young la.wOcrs, young mere
aluitituctes never reaca It. "1.119, chants. yattog farmers, young me -
oldest Person of niodern times. ex- chanics. Young rainisters. The sten-
ired at 169 years. A. Greek of ,gle of the thirties is for honest and
the name of Stray:aide lived to belpfal and reatuneratiee recognition.
1'32 Veers' An Englishman of the But few old people know how to
name of. Thomas Parr lived 152 'treat young people without patronie-
years. Before the tithe of Aloese in them on the one hand or snub -
ode Used 150 years coal if You tiling tams on the other. Oh, the
g° jar an°ngh l'n°t. th.e.V lired WO:thirties ! Joseph. stood before Pao.-
yeare. Well, that was nece.ssaretoutoh at tidily. David was thirty.
because tiae story of the world must years .old when he began to reign ;
.0mile down. by tradition. ;awl It the height of Solomon's temple was
needed kind life. sufe!;ir to I.:annuli,. thirty cubits : cheat adored, upon
he has Slone enough, it is the clevil be of men it will come to naught. -
of indolence to which be is surren-
dering. and God generally takes the
matt at his word and lets him ale
right away. His brain, that under maketh the devices of the people of
the tension of had work is active,. none effect". (Ps. =till, 10; see also
TOW SUDDENLY SHRIVELS. Ise. vill, 10, for very streng
words in this conneetion,) It is a
Sleu. whether they retire from secutar
great comfort.- to the true believer
or religious werk., generally retire to
wed maa has a to Itnow that tiwy that war against
the grave. No him sho.11 be as nothing and as a
right to retire. no world, was made
thing of na.ught and that no weapon
to 'work. There ie nth a rest formed against him an prosper (Isa,
for the people of God. but it is in a
sphere boyoud the reach of telescopes. 12.; lis. 1-`7)•
39. "If it be of God, ye cannot
Itly subject next accosts those in
overthrow it, lest haply, ye be found
sties and beyoud. iffy word
even to fight against God." It is
to them is oortgratulation. You have,
written that "every purpose of the -
get nearly if not quite through. You
the sea. of me Lord shall be perforated," aucl "The
have safely crossed
tho harbor Lord of Hosts bath sworn, saying,
and are about to enter
There may be some work for you yet. Surely as I have thought so shall it
on a sal°. or a large seal°. Ths-. geresotilsilrass11. i4tAttstIa‘snt11,21aavnedPlialg7ins-,
Marcia of Germany vigorous in the
"The counsel of the Lord standeth.
eighties. Tito prime minister of rug -
forever, the thoughts of His heart to
land strong at seventy-two. Haydn.'
generations"' (der. 11, 29; Isa.
composing his oratorio. "The crea- all
tion." at se'venty years of age. IsmaiElarb.24,2Triesy. -dd
aln1Ld that thou
rates doing some of his best work
should not speak in the 'some of
at seveuty-four. Christian men and
With the repetition of this
women in all departments serving Jes°^"'"
God after becoming septuagenarians ungodly and rebellious command
and octogenarians and nonagenatU Owls aro beaten and let. go- now
tans prove that there are possum_ the devil hates that name at which
ties of work for the aged. but. I every hnee shall yet how and concern --
which every tougue shall yet
think. you who are passing the sev-ding
confess that Jesus Cluist is Lord.
enties are near being through.
But the most. of you will never to the glory of Go4 the Father!
reach the eighties or the seventies or ' B. 10, II.) Jesus told Ille
the ses or tho *Mies Or titt, for- tlisciples that they would he deliver -
ties. lle who passes Into the tortiee ed to tho councils and be scourged
has gotta far beyond the axeraga of ,ond brought- before governors anti
Itututta life, Amid the Inwertaintiee!'hings for His salie (Matt. x. 17, la).
take God through Christ Jesus as 41. "Rejoicing that they were
your present and eternal Way. Tho counted worthy to suffer shame for
long,est life is only a. small fragment :IfiS U41110." What a, giOrinns reality
of the great eternity. Wo will all fa is the Lord jest's to those wit° can
He may baae remembered. these
words, "The Lord bringeth the coma
sel of the heathen to naught; IIe
the .114Vvis a the Ilast• If the Ss's' his active ministry at thirty ueere
erations had been sort. Iteea, the. ot age ; 'Judea sold bizu for thirty
story wottlai so often hove ehanged pieces of silver. Oh. the thirties 1
Bite' thot i; might haw got ;tit asseeeiese a word .sugge,stive of •triumpix
tray. But after illOWS i0,ff.411 . tal,or disaeter I
write it down and parzeireent toldNe-t. I accost the forties. yours
A from century to centAtry it VMS i is the o aaao of tleorery. I So
rat "er'°"s"rY that re"Vie 11%.° no ; not sperm. the discovery of tbo out -
long in order te authenticate the ,; side. but the discovery of youreela I. us 4001:1 be there. .1..tee euch treatment. not on y witt-
eveuts of the Post• If in 0'ir titan! No 811:14 knows Itimeelf until Ito is out resenttnent. but oven joyfully:
petiole liveti oats twentyaike ....--4.----....
rs, Sorty. Ile overestimates or under- i Baylis .scourgiel end bleeaing, fell of
thoe woehl rot what hietory. tiara eatimataa lameioa, 14. that gage s EssoN pain phyeically, but full of joy
Pa in Print .itn4 if> no °°ger ht-* leerneti what Ito can do or
s, 4 ',wardlyeehow great. the grace of
I God t They were already tasting
dependent on tratlit ion. Witatever what he eannot do, Ile thought
lld04r "ge• 1 1-411; 1,"'t!a:d dir':'etl ad' ' he had commercial genius enough that whirle Paul was ofterward told
those who are in the twent lee, the is eatiefie4 to snake a comfortable INTERNATIONAL LESSON, i
PEll. 10. )1concereitar, the great things be must
suffer for Christ:et satce (ellaPtett is.
''s Zr°Ill* 'In" 4 '411" SP"6' to to become a. millionaire. but now he
thirties. the forties. tOo tiftieS the levied. Nose calta eaturself. Thank
:lava"-, and to thoee who twat in the tart air the past wad deliberately Text of the Lessoa, Acts v.,
ageut. , and leteronti. ! eet your compass for o.uother vox'. 4,d, Golden Text, IlIatt.
isirsa tben. 1 aecoot thoso of you „ea, you boaa, abased 4n11.214$481
ri',11.4 410 i11 Or:eat/too You ate ' titelown; you aave blowtt enough
Stet of expecaotiou. Yon oro 1 soap bubbles; volt bavo setee the
thhals-itte smut% hied of saea ee. emu- a I.
Mee:toll Lnce11344:iiv:31 or prii45,,.si,.4on. EAUTIILY THINGS.
QI*64t EQW Ch;411tQr With GV'61' of the children of Isreel as they said. 00114 110t 110111 &Mg
al or literary or agrieititurel ,
Olt SOCIAL OR eduaaa, out1 the wor:d.
js„ ill. you allnotint uy-, ae're 01
t); „
sta 'ono goat' IR the temple and
in overv house they cateed not to
The moroing sun brightened the
gilt letters on the sign aboto 010 011-,
trance to the staunch old ware-
house, but its radiance was lost on
the young man with hem, gray oyes
Who stood at the °dice door end, hes-
itoted before he turoed the Snob. In
thot brief moineet he tried, to recall
the directions that Emily Quarles
had given him -
"Father is pectillor," obe had said.
"You must lc,now Wm before you can
appreciate Wm." And Speueer
Grant wondered haw long it would
be before this appreciative stage
could be reached, He hadn't met
this peculiar father, and here he was
standing on, the deoromt of his of-
fice mustering up courage to go in
end ask him for his daughter.
What. else heti Emily eoicl? "Do
uot coutroolict father. Do just. wbat
he tells you to do. Let him have
his own way. If Ite blusters and
fumes. wait. quietly. He will soon
cool down. Father's grud meaner is
largely assumed. If yott JAM tott.
you will discover tho Way to handle
him. Tell hive truthfully. if you
have a chance, how we mot att Aunt
Stanhopess, and that as soon as we
were quite assured that wo wero aJI
In all to each other, which, you must
add, came to both, of us as a COM-
plete surprise. sent you diredlY to
him I will prepare him as far as I
think judicious for your comiug.
Keep 0, stout, heart and guard your
Spencer turned, the knob and went
in. There were several clerks writ-
ing in the outer office. but they did
not look up as he passed along the
Darrow space before the high railing
to the door marked "private." He
Modred at this door, and a gruff
voice bade bini come in. '$pencer
v. 10. lteaelt and preoeit Je.etta steurtlaTe4 up all Ws ret)lutlea "4
25. "Behold, the men whom ye lost Time they obeysd Gott l'OGICT MOO
MO and wore ready for the nest heavy eyebrows was seated at a
A 44mm-featured old man. With
in pri are standing in the tetapio
and teaching the people." T1119 %VON 701'atinir litaliartaentanl 142r Sa desk, with his busby gray head bent
he. zeteseage Which. was brOtialisteu 1882.: Iltl,ttff lartitofel=e! OA? irteelgtehrt asieetd fillet ,*hove a handful of papers.
210 381&2 Yea council end . za;Selpt.down." he said, without look -
Spencer obeyed, and after a little
the old man relent his head, glanced
at the clock, and then gave the
young man a long, fin -whims glance.
As he did so 110 drew a letter toward
him and glanced at a, page Of It.
Again he stared at S'Pencer.
'Well.'" he said abruptly. "you are
exactly on thee. You were to be
here preeisely at 10. This argues
well for your early training. Yon
haVe Made a good impression on Me
to start with.'
Spencer murmured his pleaSnre at
this favorable comment, but tho old
naan interrupted Wm.
dtbis clecadthiwaiheo to receive the, peisonere wiwga bee derontialt. ',when tempted to
; e
if 1 ;,;mi. somz... 10:,a ara the Itacataaa Of the rorttes ouglat to telipse all ;1they had arrested the evenlito heore. spealvo utorin Ills name, they
Without aity „sort of ambition, e oset .! its pric,,lecessors In W08 '18t0, In wet-. autititesss of wen alto women wers, bed seek a. burning dro within thole/
Ithe saying : ""My frieralyen 184*2.0,,:0184eFt3 and in 1s1Phit1ess• "rorty" itetioeing, anti uttatittatia os siee. that they W4'II*9 Wi.ilry if they did not
*8 4114 the Wrrwafa p1 et This is is 48 great word tu the Bible. God's .spd demon Possessed Peoldenot only . %Peat; or, lilte Eliku. they felt that,
would burst if they did not
11'4, the woshl far aim. You ore dor' “Ile41111. IIe°111° v`°rt'l f°13-1, Z;e1ars IR' in Jerusalem. but ttltlo from the .01,7'
mad.. pair choice of poterittrust s ? i fortsY essor1.4 David and Soloinott word was going 8„
teilles roundabout. were healed. The • Mudd; (deist iv, 20; jor. Ida 9; Job.,
Itlel. tO he at Oak way. latee you l the •voidernese; 1.31 judged lerael
yoer eradle. Who ie goiter'. to settlo when Joeeph vihited, Ida brethren, lte, could uot stand ii. and 80 put tto,
.. and Sahlucees shoply
grandlY that th,.0:"Kii. V3`20).
sew/ wail veva:. be, auks to pay for I :0411 atlhoa.911 ralgtted tarty years; high priest
bon. yonr board ? There iti A itliStalis)
te11.1-, tile foal that aeaz were born
at ell,"
ore y tu. .
tAllataill top of the forties: You they
in meson. God, wane..
Saxe now the cletreeter you will `hey 'were and wh°24 lheY herl°41'
s,98t n enrol by ni itt and emoted
proboble haw for all time mei all
lint, stopposing you haste amid- lotto/ay. shut, by Hui grace some,d, them from prison and eent theta tu At la.st, wo are going to war, In
*1 *4 ht 0.1k7 ILO all th.) twen- ;times, elm:ate:a a Walt after tile for- 0,he temple to ecentinuo their Mini,- wor fashion, writes Bennett Bur -
of Zuouries in the Yield in
South Africa.
S. ("Wert e".17itili"g throle4h di' !!tiee, but atter that a man never dr,. and there they aro found tethdre !peel' in the London Telegraph, A
2.88 4. menipultttion. tout 11* It you 1 essusho hit/Item trot me. 0 matting. instead or in law prison urtl"th betttlquitateee order is coming out. it
will Iva all you, wata ;22811 mtar;thingl,41,3 women vim are in the f„rtiesothe power of the authorittes. They is eald. for tito peremptory cutting
I your letbits of thought, clad lige, tbelougell to God. .. , down of all transport, and baggage.
bet tilt Are you looiting for
"a - land 1 will telryou what you Willi 8' °Ileholth 2.0' bate idled Te- halt waggons, that were bedrooms
wailth I Well. nem tuner that tl
p,.4 t8* the atones atarleets. th° i loaner be. 1 might make a. W31831 u', with your doctrine and in-! and salootis combiued. upon wheels,
har."14I." thr. °ram -lb"' I" r'at" Oahe mitt, in a thoueund times, but tend to bring this maws jawed upon wherein certain column leaders 1eis-
118r 1.'"*".4"' th". ton, more titan in that proportion. ins." 9.7,w 1811818Priest reminds theln urety asel luxuriously campalgned
lie. Wenn. the 2.111d. 1:10 unti 1 Aiiy, bermon iteXt, 38000,25 the Ilitiee. that taeY had been forbidden de are to become things of the past
80311 get we'llth' I'''rbl`I" 21" 1, How queer luolts write hteaeit in the name of Jesus and then upon trek. The cites will, probably
*13 t"Whieh is Aored in 1.1"1:thg lvtuIr age ",Olt 88 ,1l0 ar91, of Odd* this word. unintentionaily giv- go or stay behind with the cookino
isneeSat"tidtr2Irsi,z(118:04,s1;111:litlilatietzbili,..410:1;iwas!..wih:td. 4.1ti,t.tdifdiefitotoldy telsotrIgmeotntlyngtoiltialutlirtilltf;a11;0011/110t witielt havo :Ilse to be dise
lanti. emu' .elothing itial letard leadio base boo, et u. hommt man hasS bad cried. "Illit blood bo cut and
'Unit that al"it all ilSOW1L wild oyes and he haf.1 lap en our children" <Slott. xxvii, 215).
2.*.v..1 C411 oespropriale ttayhtetv. Yon to this, tinge he reaps the harvest of iti 213412" "Wa ought. uh"Y Cad
eo 1 the LOrd a. great deal. To • ti oat b • ts •"t, 1 miller than znon." Thus zeplied
feed and clothe and abetter yea Oar 11,414 comrenou to treerton IU etmeet Peter and aOain accused them to
vaned to Fettle up :their facea of being the inertia -ors of bedstead/4 eeatresses, pores
41. !lifetime regeiree a lag elan of airaaioaa h,
und if you get nothiter innre witit tometios hature a/metal/0 ours 'Jesus; atone aod raised from the able contenieuces, toad what not • be -
carded. 80, to, with tho Gape carts
that carried the officers' excelleut.
mitidny lunettes, with the impel -ye
crystulwaro, whole, tables and
chairs. Yea, even the extras of com-
fort, tho eltanges of rainsent, the
thdu the absulnle l'erestdlies ing tie. eittes. Many havo it so hard'i dead and exalted with His right sides musical instruments. light. lit-
hn't aft enormous mount of 2"111°1$1Y. • j“. 1 hand to be a Prince and a Saviour erature, sporting guns and gear -all
all must, be let bellind, for each
officer shall only carry 30 pounds of
baggage, and to) more. So may it
be. It will be hard, bitterly hard.
to have to do real _soldier fashion-
EsPect Ica 1182 *'1* us :sou wilt sa and: ^ tiles at, fifty. Schaleas and 0:mama-Ito give repentance and forgiveness of
7*1 ,. . . .
laud of success. If You Meet It „ tonAs awl neuraiglitS and vertig.osieles even to :T(lt as they were. That
front the Lord ;mu are safe, De- -.,,, anti just/I/mats havtheir playground :it
es is not 1)084',2)21de to p1. t', God and
may 1,e badly chagrined, int ;in the liftitte. You lueve suede so ; to please the world lying, in the
pent! Ott tiny other reaourre and Yc
hat t'esireany vereees you earyht to be aewirked one is tden 19 Gal. I. 30 :
[end en Und and all will be well. 'good eallor, So long Oroteeted and ;Luke xi,. 1.1; Jas. iv, 4. 'these no tents, no countless changes of
It iis a good thiug in thi, crieie of 1 182 ;-.(1 you ought, to have a soul ',apostles were in conecioue partner-
boots and clothes, reduced to, at
life to have a mini of large malts .fun, of doxology. In Bible times in 'ship with the Itoly Spirit, who was most, a. waterproof tend two blan-
baek you up. It is a great thing Icemen Leery fifty years was by 'in them, and He, the Spirit. WaS the kets, and "dossiog" upon the ex -
80 have a 831011'‘1.e4 lea'lli atifin i -God'%; coat:natal a, year a jubilee.speaker through their lip.e, even as posed veldt. just as Torurny Atkins
stand 1011214 .3011 l'a Your tattler -idle" people did not vrork that yeo.r. Jesus had said, "lt is not. yo that itas done so often and tong, with
toting. But it is a mightier thing in property tuol by misfortnne gone speak, hut the Spirit of your latther naught more than Ordinary army
to have the God of ileaveo and which speaketh in you" (Matt. x, rations for meats. I suppose the
20). hosts of personal servants and 0r-
33. "When they hoard that, they cicrlies, and soldier -drivers of the
were cut to the heart. and took mess and reghnental Cape carts will
counsel to slay them." Not only now be sent back to the
was the blood of Jesus upon them, RANKS TO CARRY RIFLES.
but they were ready to bring upon Long have I beld that the enlisted
themaelves the blood of the apostles British soldier luau should be a
also. Before they killed Jesus they "fighter," not a menial, and if the
desired to kill Lazarus, whom Jesus latter must be kept in barracks or
raised from the dead (John xii, 10). the field, he should be engaged as a
The truth of God when not meekly servant, from among the physically
received makes, manifest that "the unfit classes, not lads having the
carnal mind is enmity against God." warrior spirit. It. is a. stern, but,
(Rom. vita 7)1 . I am. sure, a very necessary measure,
al. 85. "Ye men of Israel, take the moro so as the system of hunt -
heed to yourselves what yo intend to ing the Boers with columns moving
do as touching these men." Th0 far from any depot base still pre -
apostles, being sent. out of tho oomi_ vails. Whirling znen and material
cil for a litt10 while, Garaaliel,
a by tens of thousands from. one end
learned and honorable member, at of this vast country to another in -
whose feet Saul of Tarsus had been ours great waste, and. has not been
educated (chapter XXii, 8), thus be- over -successful in producing- requited
gins to address Ids. brethren. He results-thesupPression of the com-
a the mandoes. The districting of .tho
seems to bave had solnething
spirit cif JOseph and Nicodentus,,who poantry, and operatina frozn centres
earth your coadjutor. and
YOU MAY HAalla Mar.
1 am so glad that I met you while
you are in the twenties. You ttre
laying out your plans, and- all your
life in this world and the next for
five hundred million years of your long, and it was the
exletence will be °Sleeted by those•
plans. It is -about 8 o'clock in the
morning of your hife, arid you are
sust starting out. Which way are
you going -to start 1 Oh, tae twen-
"Twenty" is a great word in the
Bible. Joseph was sold for tsventy
pieces of silver; Samson judged Is-
rael twenty years ; Solomon gave
out of onus possession, on the. at -Li-
tt& year it came back to hint. • If he
had foolea it away it was returned
without a farthing to pay. IS a
MILO had been enslaved., ho was in
that year emancipated. A trumpet
WaS sounded loud and clear and
They shook hands, theelaugh-
ed, they congratulated What a
time it was, that fiftieth year! And
if ,under the 01(1 dispensation it was
such a glad time, -under our new and
more glorious dispensation let all
who ha.ve come to the fifties hear
the trumpet, of jubilee that now
Throat twenty cities ; the eying roll blow. •
that Zechariah sa.w was twenty cu- afy sermon next accosts the sixties.
.bits; when. the sailorn of the chip The beginning of that decade is more
00 which Paul sailed sounded the startling than auy other. In his
afediterrattean sea, it was tweetY chronological journey' the man rides
,fathoms. What mighty things larte rather smoothly over the figures a
been done in the' twenties 1. Rom- and :1 and 43121(1 li, but the figure $
tiles founded Bowe when. he was gives him a big jolt. Ito says: "It
twenty, Some of the mightiest cannot, he that I am Sixty: Let me
things for God and eternitY haaa examine the old family riaord. I
been doee in the twenties. As long guess they made a. mistake. They
as you Can put. the figure 2 before got; ray name dewn wrong in the -roll
the other figure that helps describe of .births." But, no, the older broth -
yew. age I have high , boreei :thout ers or sisters remember the thee of
you. Look out for that figure 2. his n.dvent, and there is some rola-
:Watch its continuance with as much taye a, year older and another rola;
,earnestness ae you ever :.vatched anY- lave a, year younger, and, sure ert-
thing about that promared you sal -
?Fallon ,or threatener! yeti demoli-
tion. What a critical tbee-the
twenties ! While they coatinue you
decide your occupation and, the pm -111111 feel a. tendency to realm:sceneo.
elples by, which, you will be guided ; you do not look out, yott will be-
rm make your most abAling friend-
; ships ; you arrange your home hie;
you fix yottr habits. Lord Cod
mighty, for: Jesus Christ's sttke have.
mercy on all the aim. and women la
the twenties. !
Next I accost those in tile thir-
ties. You are at an age when you az aey thirty years of your isfe be -
Mel what,. a tough thing it is to get cause of all -the. experience you 'have
recognized and established ie youe had. You have committed. enough.:
occupation, or profession.
(nigh, the fact is established beyond
all. disputation. Sixty! Now your ,
great danger is the temptation to
fold' up .your faculties and quit. You
gtu ahnost everything with the
words, "When I was a boy." • But
you ought to maim the sixties mere
memorable for 0 oet: and the truth
than the fiftlee .or the. forties or the
thirties. you °opt to do More durs
Mg the next ten yeetrs than you cad
thought I'd convince you. Thereit
there, let the whole thing drop!'
"And you positively refuse to give
me a trial?"
"Confound you, there you go
againt Do you take me for an
idi"ct---"; wouldn't go as for as that.
sir. You don't seem to understand
thrl.isvileeeakd.,,to believe you weuld
give me an opportunity to show saY
worth. 1 an greatly disappointed,
all that: again?'"
"Iteavens. man, 4r0 wo going eve;
"Try me for a month. sir,"
"'Not for a minute!"
"Leave the room, sirl Go, girt
Go to tile 1C110t asylum and nuerre
somebody in your own mental
class." .
atu going, sir. My father will
be greatly surprised at your unrear
sonable treatMent"
Your father! Who cares for you'
father? Why doesn't be keep hit
weak-minded childrea at bonier
T"ercirdodoar esli.re.s;d, with. a short
bang, and there was a brie sileace •
"I wonder what the deuce he meant
by saying he'd tell Ws father?"
Spencer heard the old man mutter.
Who's his father? Well, whoevei
he is, 1119 son elealt weer marry ms
daughter. What in the, world coul4
she have seen in such an embalaueed
licello°r72;,nd whet Spencer looked ue
Ills heavy Mg* sounded on Mt
the old matt was gazing down at
Itint from the doorway. WS f401
W485 vow red and his white hair still
bristled with inalignatiOn.
"Well, Mr. Secretary," he said,
"bow are We coming on?
"Very, well, sir." replied Spencers
"Ial tIlateaszemiareptal.idd upon your desk
"Good." eald the old mato
da"lylyauthweaanewt to say
sstatyid tSopesnacenr,A'nuaviazo.:1
SO, Co.? They make au offer foe. You*
stock of cochineal. you know."
"Accept. it and tell them welt ship
the stud toemorrow."
"I wouldn't do that," said Meson
"Eh?" eried the astonished old
Ina"INI:on don't seem to know that
there 49 a corner toteuing in dyes
lauds." Said Spencer. with a. slight
snide. "Wait a 1111341ie. and will
telephoue for the latest cmotations."
Ile arose as ho spoke and stepped
into the miter aloe and entered the
telephone box.
"It is just as I supposed," he said
nS he rejoined the old mato "Gotha
neat jumped 31 per cent. at the °Pew
ing af the market, this morning."
Tho old man turned, and went back
to his &ea, A ntotnent, later lte
looked In again.
"That means $23711 to the good,"
lot said. "(Suess yOu'll earn your
salary all right." Then he elowly
added, "And I guess rnt getting
01'14; sound of an opening door drew
his attention. A radiant iriFiOn ap-
Peamd in the doorway. It was End -
"Well, paint?" she cried, tus sho
stepped forward.
The old mattat Ups tightened. "I
sent. hint packing." ho eaid rapidly.,
"A most reprelwnsiblo young fellow.7
You didn't, know Wm my dear."
Before she could iddignantly *reply.
an astonishing a poach ion appeared
in the doorway of the tuner Ammo
It Was Spencer -it was Spencer, bure-i
headed, with a pat in ono hand andi
a bundle of letters in the other. As,
he caught her eyo he put his finger
to his lips, shook his head at her
dovreewr bthaeek0Id natu's shoulder, mut
"Oh, father," nee, tal
"Don't feel bad, my child." said
the old man, with a little tenderness,
in his tone. **You'll. soon forget:
him." He lowered his voice. "I've'
got a nice young fellow inside there".
-he jerked his thumb totvard the in-
ner door -"who is just the num fort
you. Smart, splendid family, good
looking, bright, as a new dollar.
Saved me $275 ,this very morning!.
Hadn't been at work 20 miautes.
Wait a little, anti I'll introduce
hiln"Lt mo. look at him!" cried lene-
ily, as she darted to the door,
"Good morning," she said to
"Good morning," answered that
gsirnihnlianeeg with an eloquent
Emily turned to her astonished ht.
"He'll do," she said. "Come out
here, sir," and they came forward
hand in. hand. •
. "Bless nay soul.," cried. the paralym
ed father.
"You are quite right, pana," salt
eranily. "He is just tho man for inc..
Infact, I've thought so for sorne.
time, and yet I don't believe' yov.
really know who he is. You art.
getting reckless, daddy. Tell him
who you are, Spencer."
mistahes in life to make you wiee
TEN laEARS ACO above your juniors. Now, under the
you thought all that was necessary aocumulated light al your past ex -
for success viraS to put on your shut-
ter the sign of physician. or dentist,
Or attorney or beaker or agent and
"'Your father env; hero that you
resemble him. no writes that the
resentblance is so strong that 1
couldn't help but itnoto who you
were if X chanced 1.0 meet yea auy-
where. I don't agree with him, though
there is a frouliy resemblance. You
aro much better looking than ha ev-
er dreamed of being."
"Did rny father say that?" inquir-
ed Speneer bastily, lie knew the
thing was quite impossible. Emily's
father was laboring under some
queer delusion. But he didn't mean
to contradict, Wm.
"Yes, he did," chuckled the old
men, with a, grim smile. "Fathers
with but one child aro apt to be as-
ses." Tben his tone ebanged. "What;
01111 ;VOL. do? Chu you write short-
hand? Do you understand type-
writing? Can. you compose a good
letter? Can you spell?"
"I think," said Spencer, quietly,
"that X can best answer that by say-
ing that I have a pretty thorough
business training that was picked up
In four years of practical work. I've
been hard at it, in fact, ever since I
left college."
"Your father doesn't make any
such claim," said the old man. refer-
ring again to the letter. "All he
says is 'Try hint.' will. I've made
a. good pIaco for you. I aen. going
to indulge in tbe luxury of a private.
secretary. Ha, ha, hal Here, take
these letters. See what answers they
need. Answer 'em. That's your lit-
tle side room there. Leave the door
open -1 may want to call you."
also were ne, one time members of but tbirty-five to torty miles off,'
the council (Mark xv, 411; john vii, would not only enable mobile col -
to dispense with other than
50). We do not know that he ' ever tinmS
received . Jesus. as the. Christ,' but pack -transports but would i essee;
front the wisdom and spirit of 'this by frequently relieving in the re-
address an(1. cr21 the supposition that, turns l'e.depot. tho hardships of
Saul would seek the welfare of his trekking with naught but, what one,
teacher w0 may bop° that he did. starlets ...up in. It 19 but taking 'an -
86, 37. "Before these days rose up other leaf out of .the nomadic Boers'
Theticlas, boasting. himself to be, book, for the connuandbes each, • ex-
somebody.,:ise quotes taro eatt„ 0/ cept. -upon very special occasions
deceivers who for a time had quite. a hang ''t'br/lit elmsen chstrictsc There
following, but in, each case the lead- tnnY -hide' construct rlide shelter',,.
crs perished, and their followers were coeceat ;their surplus provisions and
dispersed. The mark ot . a. decaivet '-'111"1.11eltlen188 eaches• /Th" ethe'
ie that "be b tate Ls hints& f to . bit troops don't come too often they
somebody,. while a aro, follower of drive and herd their stock end culti-
the Lord seeks to glorify God 01112'. 'Vat°, raisingfort1(2`..0 and mcalles.
'Vim antichrist shall do according to
his ow11 will and shall exalt himself "You see," said Uncle Job, "my
and magnify himself wan. ;so nee, toile's it curious woman.. She skimp -
bet ahe Lord Jesus Christ sought ed, nani saved, and almost starved all
neither His own will nor Ills own of us to get the parlor furnished.
f,viory (John vi. 88; viii, 50) and nice, and now she -won't let one of
Paul, the, grela apostle, determined us go into it and hain't even had
to know nothing but "jeSUS ChriSt 1110 window-hibads of it oPen for a
and 'film crucifiedhis mottoes be- umiali. She is a curious woman,"
ina -Nat hut Christ," Not ,f, --
ltrauce owe' has 14 • sulmuleines
completed, and eight more on
perinienting go to work for God as but ,the grace of•God" (f. Co*. ii,
never before, Whert a matt iv. the xv, 1(4: ii, 20).
sixties :folds up his 0130824808 and feels 38, "SS this counsel or this work
Spencer smilingly took the letters
and without a trace of hesitation
went into the little room assigned
He found the conveniences he
needed, and with his amused smile
deepening he went at his task.
Presently he heard. the outer door
of the office opezi mid shut, and a
moment later the following •dialogtte
came to him through. the halt -closed
"So you have come," growled the
old man.
"Yes, sir," ,said- a mild voice witit
a little quo.ver 111 it.
"Well," said the old man with a
dangerous rising inflection, want
to tell yo81 that it can never be!"
"Do yott 'mean that T. won't do?"
incpiired the mild voice.
"That's just what I mean," snarl.:
ed the old man. ""Srour comprehension
does you credit." '
"'But how can you tell till you'Ve
tried me?" protested the 31211(1 -803.20
' "Tried you!" roared the old man.
"What do you menu by that?"
"I mean sir,". said the mild voice,
hurriedly, athat I hardly thiak it's
fair to condeinn 1116 enheard and 3111 -
tried. 1 was led to think you Would,
show me more coosideration."
"011, you were, were you?" snapped;
the old man. '.'Well, sir, you, bare
been falsely led. I know nay daugh-
"I am Speacer Grant, of Spence'.
Grant as Co., inaporters ' of dyestunt.
and druggists' supplies, and. entirely
at Mr. Richard Quarles' service."
• "Spencer Grant & Co.*" gasped
the old man, as a, look. of horros,
came.over his fare. "Then who wad
tele other fellow?" ,
"I'm afraid.," said. SPencer geatlyo
"that it was the highly recommend, ,
ed son of your old friend." -
"Awful!'' groaned the , old manh`l
was right when I said fathers will: -
one child are 'asses. Haw eat. I ca-
"S oppose yOlt leave the explamy
tion. to your new secretary?" said.
"Let me suggest." saki Spericea
with it happy °that you lea,vi
it to the. junior member Of the nem ,
ter much better than you do, sir!" firm- of Quarles es Grant.
"Your daughter, sir?" Anil then the grim old man cilluok,
"Yes, 'my daughter! And aon't le(1.
ettu dare to inention. her /tame!!!
had no 1ntea1i.011. of dohig se,
Comillg to your seuses, 8816
yeti? That's right. She's. only It
foolish, headstrong girl. In a montli
she'll forget your exiStemie."
''BUt 1. d t see wh t. 70111' (11tlI3,'1)-
8,e3 has to do with it. She is 2313111
8144* to, me, sir." .
“Spoken like, a SCI1Sible 3. O2O.11. I
"Fri day natty :)e an tell iicky daa .„
for some people, hut, Thursday •
01100 .1118.1,6 the. cl on which
propoSed. '`Oh, yes. and -the. git •
reiec:ted you ?" "31(4) ; she accepts-,
The I)(ace foutIng 01 11141 L3I*01404: (
Ulu civilized 314,t1:1,1 is hi ail .1,00-4-1,
000. moo.