Exeter Advocate, 1902-2-13, Page 5Warmed THE .et.t Abuocate, *Published every Thursday biorein;3 at the Mice. - --R3 the -- ADVOCATE POSL i St11 N^Q QQMFAblY TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION. 1. One Dollar per asinine it paid in advance, $1.50 i4 not so paid, .sd•'sr9r,r1,gaZ?tseta Ria. SIa»l�ca, t..o� No paper discontinued motilaU.arrearaersare paid. Advertisements without specified directions will be Published until forbid and charged eerordangly,' Liberal discount made .for transekent advertisements -inserted far long jperioda. E.ery,Iescrittiion of :1o1i PRINTING turned out In the flies style. and atmoderate rates. Cheques, rooney orders, &r., for advertising, subscriptions, etc,, to be made payable Chias.H, Sanders, EDITOii Afro PILOP Pr0t•'esfOonal Cards. H. RI SyI,ANi,:D,$., & DR, A, P., SINS. asaN, iMD 8 RD.S„ #iouor graduate of • Toronto 14ntser,stk•. -DENTISTS., Teeth extracted wititatt any pain, or any ba'1 effects O Fice in Fanson's Week.' west side Main street, i' ANDERSON (RA @. ia,11.S, DENTIST.^..• honor C raduato of Taranto Lrniversity and Royal Collegeof Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Past Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Peutistery (with honorable mention,) Auuni um Ge14 and Velmaite Platea made an th e neatest manner poisd1e. A perfectly Harmless an• aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth. Oilice mac door south otCatr))ni: Bros store, Exeter, Medical Tit, e. we/Wow:eq. MEXER,It OF 'rrn Collcle of I'hyeiVian`r and Surgeons Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office, Dash- wood, out. TM'. John. D. Wilson, Office and Residence, 2911 Qaeer,s Ave., London Ont. Special attention paid to diseases of women. Wilco hours, 12:50 to 4 1.(•g ^nk1CKSf1\ 4 (' UN(?. 1I,ARRISTERS, 51)L1C1• tJ tor3 Notaries, Canvewairers. (7eme.i, inners, Se sa:ors for Molscus Ranh, rte. Money to I act at lowest ratescof interest. 'Wilms, Main strveR Exeter. 1t. Cintrio. U..i . L. U. 1i+:e;t:sty W. (;1..ADNIa,'S (Sues ..*r to Elliott 4 i;4 ;d. loam 1 Warr:sur 1a1,t•aVr Naut dry Pula. Can- aoaanc r, I tm, Monty to lo;tn at lowest, rates of in,. ter, -.^5t, Ofilve.:lata siren, Exeter. <1.netIOneern Ril(% N, t irened Ats^tianert for the Counties of Perth and :11tddiesee. the township of raborase. Salts Mandy dlWand Onus reasonabic. Sales arranged at Pose Wire, wincheinea. The Maisons,, Bank (Chartered by Parliament, 1R35 ) Plaid up Capital...,,....,. -$2,5110,000 Reserve Ikea, Office, meierca , t JAMES BT,LIoTT, Esq. GENERAL MANAGER, Money advanced to good Farmers on their, own notes with one or more endorsers at 7 per cent per antitnu. -EXETER BRANCH -- Open every lawful day from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m; Sat- urdays10 a.m. to 1 p.m. A general banking business transacted CURitENT RATES allowed for money on. Deposits Receipts. Savings Bank at 3 cents. tlremaos r<. (' IMI: m. N. D. Ifcanox, Solicitors. Mane er CREDITON ROLLER MILLS. We are 'giving excellent satisfaction since Re- modelling our mill, SHORTS. A quantity of shorts on. hand. GRISTING and CHOPPING DONE PROMPTLY. SlAtEITZER Progressive stock breeders, dairy- men, poultrymen, grain, root and fruit growers, beekeepers, agricul: tural students, and home.: makers find the articles and answers to question's in every issue of the FARMER'S ADVOCATE CATE and IIOME 'MAGAZINE Simply' unequalled and indispensable.; If you are not subscriber. already ;a to '' the 'most h et fu 1 best - printed d a nd eautifully illustratedfarmer's paper Published, we invite scrutinyof a sample copy. r A post card 1t41I bring it free. Address : �.. TlllE..WiLL.UL%MM WELD Co„ Lignited, a; LONDON, CANADA. P.S:-The subscri'ti price, $h per year, includes als i the superb mamasNumb ran � y-•-_, . er. •, . ss.n kt A s J a �� i r;F G-: '""ml4+!� tttsit �:l►v�t6imn Thal CO llonqs You have used all sorts of cough reme- dies but it ., does not ield • it t iS too deep seated. It maywear wer itself out in time, but it is more liable to produce la grippe, pneumonia or a seri- ous throat affection. You o need . something n that will giveou strength � rngth and build up the body . SCOTT'S EMULSION will do this when everything .else fails. There is no doubt about it. It nourishes, strengthens, builds up and makes the body strong and healthy, not only to throw a'ff this hard cough, but to rtiir the systemagainst further attacks. if you are In down or emaciated you ouid certainly take this ►urishing food medicine. all druegists, AWNS, TORONTO CANADA aalasHasanHt tit titres "SOO".SHOOTING USE, ITALIAN N KILLED W IIL'. 1*,iGLEA1%INQx INTO .1w IXOVs1 , Is Jager -tor 'Vitt Severed --The Nan Who Bill the Shooting; Surrenal.- et$ to the Antitorities-Sayq, Tite Had No. lrttentiop. to X-111. Sault Ste. Marie, Feb. 11. -An Italian Inamed Pietro Gasparoli was shot and instantly killed here at 11 o'clock last night b3 3ragloire Vaillaecourt, at the t!9Tt of the latter on Superior street, gear the C.P.R. tracks. The house in which l aillaneourt lives formerly had an evil reputation, and Gasparoli, 1ti:- eontpanied by two other niers, }vent to the house shortly before the bolls: named and demanded Admittance. Halving been lered away, the italian became angry' tried: to force ,the door in, when leail- saneourt opened the door and emptied the contents of a shotgun iota the man's neck, severing the jugular and causing almost instant death, Vaillaneourt then mine ie down tenni; and gave himself up to Constable Johnston. He was. Subse- quently committed to jail on a, charge of manslaughter, The prisoner, Willa is a married Allan, :probably 50 years of age, feels iris position keenly, and claims that be did not intend to krill or even injure the dead man, but only wished to fright- en hila, He is a man of good character, and regrets the fatal consequence of iris Action. The dead mart was identified by Mr, 13ini, the Italian banker here, who says Gasparoli )rad relatives living in the it 1 i g ia "Soo' during k tie summer. He had been employed at Miehllficuten, end was a good rneebanie. An inquest has keen ordered by Coroner McClurg. ill.OWN OVER. 1l PIiECliPICF.. trace Killed Trying' tat- Save Ilelr Daughter. New Tor:;, Feb. 11. ---Mrs. Elwood .k'. FKellen of Morristown. N. J., took her ourteert•yeaar-aril daughter Mabel end Alberta Collins, n neighlJtrr'r) child, to rceu Pond to see the forest fares o►i (tplaer:ia 31oentaill, They climbed a ;ce(1 1ni11 to get a better view and stead edges of ;a esti( with as Aim drop of 200 feet. The wind wad blow- ing a gale, and M.a1:eI walked toward the edge of the cliff. The eldld's skirts were caught by a violent gust of wind and she was carried along, despite all her efforts to stop, -)Mrs. Fichenon sa.w her daughter% peril. Mabel was blown over the edge of the precipice just ae her mother grasped at leer shirts. Mrs. Fiehtinon could not recover her balance, and both fell to the rocks below. The Collins girl ran for help sand then lutr- ried to the foot of the cliff. Tho mother's s nod.had been broken and death must have been instantaneous. l ?1 Babe st n 1 rni s were broken. and rlhot was otherwise badly hurt, but silo may live. A. elan wanted Parish was kicked in face ily a pig in an Ottawa slaughter house and lust a tooth and .a portion of his jaw. TO CUE 4A: COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative borne Quinine Ttab- lt'ts. .aUI clruggis'.s refund the money if it fails to cure. 23e. E. W, Groves' signature is on each 1)n\. Thos. McGiverin, of Galt, was tried dab Berlin on it l artcof stealing$1,000 he Metodischurch and acquit- ted au to techinicality. A CARD. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the Money on a 50 cent bottle of Green's Warranted ranted Syrup of Tar; if it fails to cure your cough or cold. We also guarantee It 25 -cent bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded. 0. LUTZ Ettt York Conservatives have nom- inated Mr. J. W. Mayes for the Legis- lative Assembly. Iitarry Nigh, a young man, 'near Springfield, committed suicide by tak- ing stryehni ne. SETTLERS' one-way EXCURSIONS To Manitoba and Canadian North-West will leave Toronto every TUESDAY during MARCH and APRIL, 1002. • Passengers travelling without Live Stock should take the train leaving Toronto at 1.45 P. In. Passengers travelling with Live Stock should take tite train leavingToronto at 9.00 p. m, Colonist Sleeper will be attached to each train. For full particulars and copy of "Settlers' Guide," appy to your nearest t anadian Pacific Agent, or to A. E. NOTMAN, Asst. Gen]. Passr. Agent, 1 King Street East, Toronto. • 1 . is no friend It's an insidious enemy-- knock nemy-knock it out of your system i ti n the quickest, safest n e s and q , surest way --an hour's de- lay may mean months of suffering,, WANYA • 4.t1 J arta I I P alpstitie treatment is the arch enemy .` .g of Colds and Grippe, lurid. troubles •'(1 blt_.� and,uervous utas- tration,and. when it takes hold' it never lets go until the lastves.1 ti e of. a disease g git err ' is -:eradicated, I'ry it -next time you suspect.a' cold comingon. 'rhonsatidsof testimonials if, you like to.,s' ite•at out theist. At ail Druggists-2g•'cents a. box -or,, by mail from WriUWA. NTA er iNd via CO.,s!{. O ttt '". aurua � tat.. a N17W COMPANIES CHARTERED. A. Copper Company at Parry Sound With sIS,o0o,000 Capital. Toronto, Fell. 11. -The Gazette announces the granting of a ehartor to the Consolidated {topper Company of Parry Sound, with a share capital of ${5,000,000, and the following directors :-A. A. Forbes, J. G. Harris, G. F. Davis, A. C. Le Bichup and F. Cox, ell of Duluth. Other companies incor- porated are :-The Alwington Springs Hotel Company, Kingston, capital, p150,- 000; the Ennis Company, Ltd., Hamilton, to mnnufaeture and sell musical instru- ments, capital, $100,000; the Ontario Fruit Package Company, Ltd., Ingersoll, capital, $50,000; the Toiler Publishing Company, Ltd., Toronto, capital, $$5,000; the Canadian Policy -Holders Union, Ltd., Toronto, to adjust and assist in adjust- ing losses and claims, etc., capital $50,- 000; the Canadian Investment and Brokerage Company, Toronto, capital $50,000. LORD CHAS. BERESFORD WANTED. Chinn Would Like Hint as Her Naval Instructor, London, Feb. 11. -The Standard's cor- respondent at Tientsin cables that an order by the Chinese Emperor is pub- lished. instructing Admiral Yeh to or- ganize the Naval College and to engage Lord Charles Beresford to act as Naval Instructor under him, As Lord Charles Beresford has not only travelled_in China, adds the correspondent, but has also succeeded in pleasing the Mandarins, Chinese pride sees no incongruity in the proposed appointment. TOLSTOI ALARMINGLY ILL. Suffering From Peart Failure atnd Inflammation of the 'Lungs. London, Feb. 11. -Vladimir Tchert- koff, Count Tolstoi's agent in England, has ieceived alarming advices regarding the condition of the Russian reformer, who is in the Crimea. After improving in health Count Tolstoi suffered a re- lapse, which has caused serious anxiety. He is suffering from heart failure' and 1 ii lnfla uma t'io of the lungs. - Steamer Grecian Stuelt Fast. Halifax, Feb. 10. -The steamer Gre- cian is still 011 the rocks at Sandwich, Point, the attempts made to pull her off to -day have proved unsuccessful. The steamer is in about the same position and the weather continues favorable for the. -wreckers' to work. About 125 tons of cargo have been removed. ,Four divers,; are. working. in the holds of the steamer. D It wa.s stated this .evenin":'that the had .Ali b y 1121 foetid two large openings in t`he steam- er s team-er's bottom, and there are very -poor St chances of'..floatittg; her. `Another at , 'tempt Y ig Was to �, be snide-:at� high tide at 11,';o'clock '.to tow her off, 1; b • str s D Two e TTv al at Crushed. to' Deatl.. lin Butte,Mont.,Feb. e�b. 11: ;Tn'• a cave-in $3 at 'the Diamond 1l lir e, ono of the aural, ,CIC gtiinated roperties,`Serry J Conroy and .;tP' Riebartl tVilliams Wore eruslied to death, w An iinniense' mess. of •rocli weighin . 75 .00 63 y upontons fell tletin burying ) men, ,box thein rain 7e{el '3i�hen recovered 'the bodies Qat p Y. of both men were;badly nian;led sir NEW SMALLPDX CASES. An Outbreak: Ise Chatham Tows41 P -.*Otltet^ 14 evertrs.. Toronto, Feb. 11. -Tee Provin- dal ci, Health Officer was yester- day notified of six new cases of smallpox iu Chsthain Town- ship. .9. resort from efanitowan, ing, Manitoulin Wand, says that in all fourteen eases have oeeltrred in that neighborhood, but the outbreak is now at au end. In Ekfrid Town- ship, Middlesex.. there have been twelve eases in all, but as no new eases hare i'eon reported or , f f seine, days it is hoped that tee .disease is also stamped out there. A letter from. the local health authorities of Port Carling gives in- formation of an outbreak of scarlet fever there, siv inenibers of one family being Iowa with the disease, '1')&e Relief of Ladysmith. London, Feb. 11,-- Ueneral Sir George White, V.C., has consented to preside at the first annual dinner to son' ulenmrate the relief of Ladysrnjth. The dinner will he held at the Hotel Cecil on. Finan, February 28. The committee are aneiou-, to have a complete ' register of oflieeMS of tine beleaguered garrieou, TIM MARKET REPORTS, Wheat Is l amici.--Dritlala Live Stook T"in.le-rite Latest Quotattous, Monday Evening, Feb, 10.. Ti, e>f #lits e t1a11FIIr. °Feb.10,'02 Feh.1Q,'01 Feb,12,'00 Wheat . 54,560,000 58,404,000 53.004,600 Cora. ,. 115S0,000 , 16,7x0 0,000 14,700,000011. }r10,106 311,10,100 508.000Rye 1,:'3;,000 3,325.000 Dailey 1,b05,o@u 1,7711,000 150,000 \1 ht it decreased 1.363d000 ltushele ttati p a.t .svek. A year ago wheat deereased, 73.000 bushels, Toronto St. Lawrence Market, Iteeelete or grata were praeticaly nu on t fllsll.{tlofoaoffering, lrlget 40lie to 47c fico i#na 1'vat loads altered And sold at $l. + en n i , r ten for tlutotliy and 5 to $,9 sol; ` .Ileitis). Cattle 31ar1Sets, f t Cuaa res 1e. -rafted States cattle,. 4 fd • ea j c "1..'i'b. 1, aadluaoatattle, dlan tBe attl, 0 ,d; clancr°, .rid. Cattle saran; slt,eii lead. iVlontre:al Live Stock. Morar. zl l'elr, 10. t ae.e were about 4 ta"tal .,« o aaebee' cattle. 6 calves and "asv l 1.aruh's altered for ,ale at the Cast a n tl , tnr.aa;tair ta•day. '1°lics butchers eaino nub lit s.uuahers, and trade was 'as Lrl�lr, a, iii c tilt prices contluue its high as on Tue-o%J;.-e , '.1;et. Six prime steers were ata:d ,+t ,70,e per lb. and several others not to p;,t:..1 as dont #;cic to Se per ib; ,pretty g.es o.tttie sold at from tithe to [fear 471e, and e'vn:Or nn steel at :Mc to 315.o Per iIt. The r;ilece were all rather young veal. Suis sold At from S3. to 53 each. Sheepsold at frau hl;e to 51,ie per ib; lambs at tram 4!�e tooff tit,oic a aperrs.!b. It hogs sold at trout tiNe to L? r. per lb for good straight Iets, weighed Chicano Live Stock. Chicago. o .Feb. 10 Ca ttle-•l eel pto, 2 0 - U6), !aclad{;(200 xex n • steady; jc000 to prime steers, 56.50 to tt'• poor to medium, Si W 56; stockers and fee,der., 52.50 to 54.50; Texas fed steers, 54 to $0. I,ioga•-Receipts to gay, r,:l,ouu steady to a shade lower; wised and butchers', 53.95 tt) 56.55; good to choice heavy 30.30 to 50.45; rough heavy. S6 to $0.25; light, $5.74 to $6; bulk- $5.95 to t�6.36. Sheep-Itecelpts, 22,000; sheep aatl lambs, active and [steady; good to choice w' hers, $4.60 to 55.75; western sheep and yearlings, $4.25 to 5.G5; native lambs. 53.50 to 50.4u; western lambs. $3,25 to 50.50, East Buffalo Cattle afnrk-et. East Eutralo. Feb. 10. -Cattle -Receipts 8'.250 head; cows dad heifer stock, 15e to 20c higher; common to fairly good ruedlum steers. 10e to 15e lower; heavy export and shipping grades without decided change; prime heavy steers, 56.75 to 57; choice to extra, 50.25 to 56.00; fair to choice, 55.25 to 56.25; choice to extra fat cows, ;4.35 to 54.50; canners and common, 52.25 to 3.00; mixed butchers', 53.75 to $4.75; choice heifers, 55.56 to 53.80; export bulls, 54.25 to 54.51); butchers'. 53.75 to $4; sau- sage, $3.25 to 53.05; weals, $6.50 to 50.50. Bogs -Receipts, 17,000 head: active, but 10c to Ise lower; Yorkers, 56.25 to 6.30• light do, 56 to 50.20; mixed packers, $6.30 to 50.40; choice heavy, 56.50 to $6.55; pigs, 55.80 to 55.00; roughs, $5.40 to 55.60; stags, 54 to 54.50. Sheep and lambs-Re- celpts, 22,000 head; sheep stronger; Iambs, 5e to 100 higher; choice lambs, 56.20 to 50.30; good to choice, 56.10 to 56.15; culla to fiir, .$550 to $G; sheep, choice haudy wethers, 55 to $5.50; eounnon extra mixtvl, S4.50 to $4.90; culls and common, $3 to $425; mixed export ewes and wethers 54.75 to 55; yearlings, all wethers, 55.60 to 55.75. 3lontreal Grain and Produce. RIontreal, Feb. 10. -Grain -The market Is quiet and featureless. There Is a fair local demand for oats and as stocks are compara- tively light prices are firm at 47c to 4714c ex -store; feed barley is dull at 53e ex -store and buckwheat quiet at 53%c to 54c east. Flour -The market is quiet and unchang- ed. We quote: -Spring wheat patents,54.30• winter wheat patents, 53,85 to $4; straight rollers, 53.60 to 53.70; strong 1 kers', $3.80 to $4r, and straight rollers, in bags, $1.75 to 51.$So. Meal -The demand was slow and prices were unchanged at $5 per barrel and at 3.45 per $ Feed -Tire demand was fair. Manitoba bran 'sold at $20 to $21 and shorts at $22 to $23 per ton, Including bags. Caeese-There is' a little better demand at reduced figures. Finest Ontario colored, 1O1,sc to 10144; finest Ontario white, 9%c to 10e; finest townships makes, '9%c to 10c; finest Quebec makes, 0%c to 10c; under grades, 9141 to 95gc. Butter -There is a good jobbing demand for best creamery and prices are firm. Fin- est fresh creamery, 211,4 to 22c; held cream - cry, 101/ac'to 21e; western 'dairy rolls, 16t/sc to 17Y2e; western deity, 15c to 17e; Mauito- ba dairy, 12c to 1.6c. Lggs-The market is quiet but steady. We quote:-Fres,B5e; selected• held fall stork, 26c to 2$e; cld storage stock, 23c to 24e; Rlontreal limed, 23e to 24c, and western limed 22c to 23c per dozen. Provisions -Business is quiet without much change. We quote: -Selected heavy Canadian• short cut mess pork, $22.50 to 523: heavy Canada short 'cut mess ,pork, �21.50to 22; Canada shortcut back, :heavy, 521,50 to 22: heavy Canada:mess pork,long cut, clear pock 821,50; light Canada short ru t clear port $21; pure` Canadian .lave,. in 20 11)ackII s 11. , A 1;e �!,r, comPoimd refined lard in wood nails, 20 lbs, 9c; roar's Trend brand. in 20-111 wood pails, $1.971/ to,$2.03, 1)11(10101)e a.t 51.721/+ to $1.80; 20 lb tin palls }!,c per tri less hams 1214c to 14c and. bacon. 15c per ib,;, ' Lendin 'Wheat R W ..liiiat Ddtarl.ets. Closing pr vious day. Closing to day., •Cash May., Cash. May., hicago Seredo '. 87 B7G34"4a 7 5 8767: 7G577 yt3 w York 831 $3a ninth, 7G7 G/ . Lnwuaeu.1poeeli,s . T.10. r '7,74u 7y47�1 7744atreit, 2 red... 87 ' , 561/2• 8G% SaX4 .Lollis 3G1 8G• SQ r/ Brititvl};, 8far1zets. Buffalo,Feb. 10.-Irlour,eu et and stead ': est atents• ria 4 Y{ patents,, ; spring, -54.25 .g, $ .26 to $4.G0;. bakers, eight .spring, $4 to $4.25; bakers clean r]ug, . $3.25 ; to $3.75; low ;grades,, winter it spring,,;'$2,25 to; $3; best reedit:winter, .75 to 4; patent :winter, $4.25 to' 54.50; at', $8.50 to $3.75; cracker our, $3.50: $8.75;, _ 2 a; rye fiat . . rine,highr; No." northern Spot', 821 .e;, p o ;tee dell; No. 2':; l ed • n01jeE asked. Corn settled; No.;2 .yellow "641/c Ng.- 3' dd r , %,c;,,,,No. 2 Corn b31. c' n s dull, ,'Noc'2' white, 471 e No.;,`3 do, No. 2 inixecl,.-451/c; No. 8 do, 45e. ley*. 'spot offered ::64c'to•G9e. Rye,`-Nn..1 6f e: in .stole EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACH \\''I LINES X' hire u 7: Barley. 45 48 f}.ats Peas 78 5 Potatoes, per bag ,, 45 50 HaYy, r ton e t p 0 00 7 ¢o Flour, per cwt„, roller..., 1 75 2 24 Rutter...-. ,,.. 10 17 gs ,.. .,. ., 1$ Hides, per' 100'1111. , , , . , . , 4 00 5 00 Live hogs. per mt, ,. ,.. 5 50 Dressed - 7 06 7 25 Shorts per ctvt 1 (15 1 13 Bran perewt 80 100 Clover, Red. , , . , 5 60 v Oa Clover, _tlsj kde + , . , ,. , ;; bib' 7 25 Geese per lb , , , 7 Turkeys , . , , , „ 70 Ducks . , . ,. . , 7 Chicken , . 0 Dried Apples. , : , , .. g oohs "I had a bad cough for six weeks. and could find no relief Until 1 tried Ayer's Cherry Peeto- rat, Only one•fotlrth of the bottle Ired me." 1.. Hawn, Newingtelt, tot. Neglected colds always lead to somethingserious. They run into chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, or consumption. Don't wait, but take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral just, as soon as yourcough begins. A few doses will cure you then. 't'hrtS 4isit; i4C eilonsb for an ordtaan-yr' rabI ,e,.3use right .for tarenshitas, #osrse, x,.:as, bard, colds, ate,; 01, Most ecenonrfral fa,r clinenie casts and to gum eta nand, J U, Aai`T4 40., lkwe°Il,(,lass, weR T911.,Err� t MTV -E', W VIC T c• f;.E1.'EVES G1M , ;Tc.'i:ii0 Ott left!. `,ST102. C201.8. VM7dF0210 1t+20 ltr8 U.S 7Sle Sts:n, 11F1E:1 SHAVING. Acid darscra ,s, Irritating .'Witch Hazel preouret{ors r1r'csento1 to ha'"thocame as'1 Pond's Extract, w:d::r e»siii sours and otter G7.^+t•',I;i "awed alcohol," a Coolly y poison. NM SEE Foe\ The Farmer r .r anddener The Housewife Theyeostslittiemore, They aro the ordiorth a narryy• keet ind[ sold eTor7where. Loos annual free, D. M. FERRY £ CO. Windsor, Ont. The Whole Story in .Ietter `PainiCitler (rcnxr nJ.vra'-) From Ca t. F. Loge, Police Station No. 5, 31ontreal "We frequently use PEnnF DAVIS, Pan;-Kzars:n for pains in thcstom- ach, rheumatism, stiffness, frost bites, chil- blains, cramps, and an afflictions which befalimenin onr position. I have no heel, tation in saying that Parrs-KirsBn is the best remedy to have near et hand." Used Internally and Externally. Two Sizes, 25c. and 50c. bottles. Several business houses were burned at Tamworth. STOPS THE COUGH AND WORKS OPS THB COLD. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets, cures a cold in one day. No Clare No Pty. Price 25 cents. A little Boer boy of six years shot and killed Private Hughes, of Dover. Paul's milk waggon was struck by a train at Woodstock, and a boy named Hillis had both legs broken. J. Murray, a Montreal hotellceeper, was fined $20 or two months' imprison- ment for selling a C.P.R. ticket. A trunk from New York containing 6,000 cigars was seized at Montreal. There were no revenue stamps on the cigars. Mr. J. B. Walker, Secretary of the Lindsay Y.M.C.A:, was killed by an electricwirein the boiler room of the building. Catef�fig BYO1� Su6S�iiurCS • apd tm�itatio�s; At the' present time the Diamond Dyes are the only pac? age dyes `.abso- 'lately guaranteed by the manufactilr ers. The neat. o u 11. e g . p p la . t . of .the •Dia: mond D es :: s y .: . y ii Nought faith ninny ''Smit: tions and vi le dere ' t tons ' '� . p In the shape of home package: dyes.. These intita.tlons, are sold by.Some dealers for the sake of the extra profit they t1 r d bring, ar dmain ti _ y errs a ,. sou `Wiz aid .tvold trouble' trod:disaster,' refnuse .` these ^adniterrated 'dyes when they a .e'offered to yin;'aind insist lip-' ' din getting the Diitlnoud Dyes. "[n ee Thetin ti '•t of Diamond ' will-_; + pond Dyes be pleased to send:post.free to any. address their' Diamonci Dye' Mat' abet u otic (, g. g y., - a lover of pretty rooni ore lments, eerite,to & 1tichardson CO.,' Limited, '.2(10 i1Monu .tain St.' ?1f1)11txe}el,'P. • Exeter ---or ROLLaR MILL,$, Flo()T7RA Wholesale and Retail. MU Feed T CONSTANTLY ON RAND Wheat Wanted For which the high. -- est prices will be paid. Wood Wanted imothy and Clover Seed bought, COBBLEDICK & SON Pianos and Organs T... POPULAR PRICES AND EASY TERMS OF PAY- MENT, ��LNT= RIAlaNOS, We sell the celebrated Heitzmatf, a Co, riatto (The Art Piano of Can- ada) the choice of Royalty for their tour of Canada, . If you want something cheaper we can show you .Pianos of other Milked - Whitllr Will he no disgrace to the ;nest elegant parlor. Sowing Machines. In sewing machines the earl ;t• the New Williams Baa rmarad and \V bite, also needles aatld supplies for all Ulach- int's... , Tt -he' latest sheet inusic always 111 eek. CAM., AND SEE l'S. S. MARTIN OUR NEW PREMISES. We have moved into aur new pre miles opposite the Central hotel and are now open for business. Our pre- mises are modern and we give you modern and up-to-date goeds and aside in the most modern style. ' We Personally Cut Every Garment That's made up at this establishment -as well as fit it --and look after ail the details. This is only one reason why our prices are moder- ate. Gent's Furnishings Come and see us in our new place of business and examine oar stock of Gent's Furnishings Bert. Knight. THE LEADING MEAT MARKET. For Fresh, good and the choicest cuts of meat, call on the undersigned, While all, our cuts of meat are the finest, we make a specialty of meat delicacies. Meat delivered to all parts of the . town . . John Manning Oook'o Cotton Root Compound Is successfully nsed monthly by over 10,000Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask our druggist for Cook's Cotton- Root Com- pound, Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Price, X10. it, $1 per box • No. 2,10 degrees stronger, $s per box. No. i or 2,mailedon receipt of price and two 8 -cent• stains. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. 521Mos.land 2 sold and reeommetdedby all -� responsible Druggists. in Canada., No. 1 aaad o;24'fi iltr- l'Erete` `' iy O. LuEz and J. W. Browning, Drug- gists. (Trade Naris.) 9 MA(E YOU "ST Ot ,o0 t re,-.TNYY13 : l 'TONE NERVES -1::- (dR1(E y0a1 4VEI.t! ,. Dr.])nrttssq .,Mad. Sut. hn i„ _ • P oft Petit. ITnslntly r lnsetno, 1ientrear nice ,tribes .,n imam. Stant ct_,1'r,vi,q In: pertnisa,�trtn ur;n Lis,iti�nn. �'` 9,itas Olar1, 5.t -,t. Grnce'lls,st tai,Taronto,. VIII at tLeY Itnvtt:zisaysed it vita. tp,r ti'astrasglts: .: rile. and •eet 1.0o Bottles: &;.L-1tPR1 1 CLr CO., Limited R lib Ceti' t,ivl' The-tva snu t ,tlipox„patieuts;whn have spent sow thne n the. Isolation .#do pita), Logdof, were released iav'•the;; Medical Idealth• Officer Monday,