Exeter Advocate, 1902-2-6, Page 8, Messrs. luien & eleDouefi have L. 0. L.Mect.
. disposed of two move of their excellent,
etallions this w.eek, Me, 'Robert Alex,
. antler, .of Forest, having, purehesed AP
WoOdiaiidt tslairte 'Weighing .eteeut
2100 pieiode, auel Mr. Aug.ue MeAlpin.
ol Alvinstou„ • purehaeing Chest er
Priece„ a elyde. ,Ap .WoOdiand is
big loan, ix yeere elet and is ii, meg-
nitieent epecheen Of a. heree.,}Ie hts
won. Perim medals, and eixteen first
.prize diplemee, elves teetifyiug to his
,steepely quelities and geed 'breeding.
Chester leeince is a eptendicl epecimeo
and is a horee.ofexcellent propertiens.
Tbe farmers in the vicinity Of where
these animals .are owned on congratu-
late theneselvee on baNing Snell horses
in 'their midst.
A druntreer Wel an eXchenge hew a
Preaehet in a rieerhei towo teeted _the
effects of hare.1 times on his coegrega
time At the eenelueion of his eerie:on
he !said: "Let everybody be the house
who are paylog their debts stand up:"
instantly everyneamwornanenclehild,
with .oue menelori rose to their feet.
The preacher .s cd •thero and said:
"Now let every man who is notpaylog
his debts stand n .." The exeeption mete
edt a Care worn* -- itegeY looking'lUdl. Robert Oaribriereef Farquhar, and Mr,.
edam], etothed ill his laet eummer Alex, bras, Clinton, the tomer'
taking "Thederdramage," andthe let,
ter "The draught horse, as he is, as he
was, a. ird as be .roiglit be," At the
Creeliton e ti • the • 1 delter
We have opeued. up a ease et New
Goods. consisting of the LAMRST
And during the quiet season we will
offer speeial iodecements.
A nobby Worsted Suit for $14,00
A good Serge suit fee P.00
A fancy Twee e Suit for 12,00
Striped pants from S3.00aticl upwards
Owing to the very roughweather o
.Sariday last the attendance at the
rhurches was rather Oho.
MISS Attlee Broeke, Exeter North,
Js taken eherge of the post office con-
fectionery for M. John 43rigg.
rse Pb Kidney Pills for Lena/Back
aud gicluey Derangement% The hest
told eiteaReet on the market, Sold by
C. laitz, Leeter.
Rev. Wm, tileDonagh, of Stratford,
aformer pastor, will occupy the pulpit
lo the alum Street Methodist church
Qi Sunday it.
The doe, paisening caee tried before
Megistretes Suell arid Gregory on
Jantalry*.4505 and adjoiarned for
week for fuether evideace has beeu
Tureisti Scelp Food reetoree grey
baire to thele natural en/or, relieves
and. iteliteese of the aealptand
Fatuotes heir growth. Seta by C.
The Exeter Hoekey Ciali played a
with the Ailea 'Craig teem on
t ley night last and dietingniehed
thenieelveshSdefeetiug their
tso'Ore of 11 to 5.
Mr. Melo:wee of Leedom biepetted
the I:Teter twit offi on Friday last
arid unteh to the credit, Gif oar worthy
pat/wooer .zeid assietuite, the repert
was met gratifying. being A 1 in
every perticalart
Mite W. C. Heston, while stauding
on a platform at her biome one (MI. -
11.4 wo.e. got too near the edge and
aeeidently tlippoa suetairdug pain.
fu l injeries to her arm and hip to.
gether with e Eiwert.* sboek itt the fall.
Size wait et Inge
The South Mixon County ()melee
Lodge held their annual meeting here
on 'eneeday last, Netwithetanding
the very stormy wether a large Pune
bet were in attexidauce from all perts
of the district. After the usual pre-
liminaries the following officers were
elected for the coining year, viz -A,
W,Mo G. Hanley, D. Alo W.
Craig, Chap; Canteleia, S,:, W.
Aeelerson, F. S,; Beacom, Treas.; F.
f 0 IV 1)
It was iloarilmously decided to celet stable lo the rear for small amount,
brate the comiug 12th of deity ie. Gott-
erielt alai the elext manual meeting will dt
rill Lost.
A stick jpin, bearing the name
"Sophia." Viuder will coefer a favor
by leaving same at this office.
The old. buildinge on the Stnale pro-
perty' receutty purcbased by the -:Mol -
sons Bank, were aispueed of by pub -
He auetien on Saturday. lest, "
Thos. HeirMala,. Louden 1004i, pile-
ehasiug the north building for $18.00;
Mr. John Soetheett, the ceptre for
$14, .2'0; Caleh Heywood, the south
Davis, D. o .; eecoo, Lecturer, for $26,50 and Afr. Awning, the
he lield in Exeter,
revelers", Institute Meetings.
T e supplimen ry meetings of the
South Huron Farmers' Institute will
be held at Hayfield, on Satureley, Feb.
8tio Zurich, Mondee, Feb, 10th, and at
Crediton OD the followlog day, Teee-
day. Each of the afternoon meetings
Will eoginieuce at 1:30, and each of the
evening meetinge at 7:30. The speak-
ing deleeetben will consist Of Messrs.
a W. Nash, of Toronto and Wm. El-
liot of Oalt. At Zuriele they will be
simplimented by addressee by Mr.
suit, slowly .esseaneel a perpendicular
Position. "How is it my friend," re-
plied the minister, "that you are the
only man in the cougregation that is
e ng, regii ar
etable to meet peer otiligatioese' "I f.ji,n ull eitnentee by '.T,. let.
run Z. liewsPaPeee" meerk4 m"' ewWe Cooper,' of Appen, Ma the eubject,
ed, "and the brethren who etched lip "The °Olden Hoof." lu addition to
are ror sithsteribers, et es the efteriaoon meetinee there will be
pray,' emendated the minister. Aud, if evening neeetinge et tad* piece. ean
there was ever a pathetic appeal it was tbe meetings win be interesting and
made by the minister in that prayer,
When he prayed that the people who inetroctive, shoold be largely at.
stood up might pey their sebscri tended by the farmers of the respec.
tive places,
tion fled be forgiven, the poor, ba -
sterved editor with teere streaming Dc,tt 9I mt5e134”41"g'
donee his pinched cheeks. ebouteei itite John Muuwng received the sad
"Ainen, Bro. Jewel Amen," iqtelliree Tuesday of the death 9f
Talk .eboot values ea- . Wart
11has th
s tbe drop on e fur
besiness this tease:di-and values' are
iuleieg No
e to order y reed-
upply any periodi.
U\ coontry or in any
e able rates, Order
Mrs. Atte Manninho g, wdied in
Guelph the same day. She had been
for over three yeare from
paralysis, during which time ehe had
ay down juet now.
Me. eirnold Finleo, ehiteet for the
Molsone enk, was in town Friday
lookiteg o.i.^er the lamb on which tbe
new bank is to be erected. The plans
are to be drawn at olive and the wet I.:
of erection will be connueneed as soon
as the weather will petiole
We neknowledge rept of an invi-
tation and cannplimentarv tieket for
the Second Annual At-flome of the
Huron Old Boys Association. of To.
:onto, to be held Friday evening, Feb.
2L1t, DOI Mr. E. Flootly is President
and Mr. R. A. Walker, Seetetary.
lt !mem to feed English Stock Food
to fatten cattle. They will not go of
their feed and will put on fat rapidly.
Iceaely all farmers now feed Englieh
Stoelt leood to young pige. It keeps
them healthy and makes them thrive
remarkably well. Sold by C. Lutz,
Constable Creech desires us to an -
flounce that, he will not be responsible
for gates broken or destroyed by the
snow plow when on his rounds, and to
avoid trouble ramiests all parties hav-
ing gates opening outwards to either
keep them dosed or unhinged during
the winter.
Did you ever notice how careless
some people are about covering their
horses, when leaving them standing on
the street? Sometimes a blanket is
thrown over the animals, but not se-
curely fastened, and in a few minutes
their coverings have blown off,and the
poor dumb brutes suffer, sometimes
for hours, from exposure to the biting
The severe storm commencing on
Sunday and continuing till Wednes-
day,was the worstoftheseason,laasand
rendered the roads almost impassable
in many places. The trains have not
been impeded in consequence but near-
ly all the stage routes have been. sew-
ed np. The Exeter -St. Marys stage
has not put in an appearance since
Mr. A. E. Hodgert has applied for a
patent on his new steel silo moulds, or
curbing for building cisterns and silos.
The rings used, for which he has ap-
plied for a patent, can be employed in
hnildihg any size structure, from five
to fourteen feet in diameter. Mr. Hod-.
gert will fulfill a lot of contracts in this
line the coming season, consequently
his new device will serve a very effici-
ent and -useful purpose in the prosecu-
tion of the work. •
At the last regular meeting of the
1.0.0.F. the following officers were
duly installed for the ensuing year,
vis:-J.P.(.. Geo. Brook; N. G., R. H.
Sweet; V. G., J. G. Stanbury; ft. Sec.,
W. Johns; le. Sec.' , A. E. Fuke; Trees,
W.Trott; Warclen;R.Davis; Guardian,
E. S. Spackmam L.S.S., John Hinds;
`R.S.Se J. Rendle; R.S.N.G,, Geo. Jew-
ell; L.S.N.G..D. Evans; R.S.V.G., J.
Atkinson; leS.V.G., E. Dignan; Con.,
A. Hastings; Chaplin, R. N. Rowe.
Mrs. W. R. Hodgins and Miss Kate
Hodgins, of Hensel], met with a very
unpleasant experience while driving
on Mill street :ihout 9 o'clock on Fri-
day night last. It appears they were
about to turn around when the cutter
upset, landing both occupants in a
heavy henleof snow. Their cries at-
tracted attention and wining hands
were soon to their rescue. Finally all
was set right and, the ladies went on
their way rejoicing that the mishap
, was no worse.
10 to 15 dollars each is what you
save on men's and women's fur coats
at Stewart's. Perhaps you bottee
look at them.
iiege at r
euffered e, great deal -in fact bad been
an invelid, almost from the eel* The
w. ekill of the best physiciaps WAS sought,
and she WAS cared for by her imme-
diate relatives inel friends meet as-
siduously and kindly, hut notwith-
standing all, no human power could
avert the stroke of death, About the
middle of December last she went to
reside with her sister, but the change
diet wet seem to improve her condition
and gradually growing worse she suc-
cumbed on the day above stated. She
here her long illnees with, loving pa-
tience and in the calm security of pete
ofterwhethan inunensecrowilthronged feet faith posed to her eternal iet.
the treacherous element aud disported She was highly respected by all her
plalety and roirtie to the music of the lequaintances aud her death will be
Exeter band, The prizes Were award- sincerely regretted. The remains were
ed41S follows, vizi-Gents' best costume brought to Exeter yesterday (Wednes.
let, Sandy Bawdem 2nd, Jas, Hawden. day) on the evening train and the fun-
Ledies" best (ostume, lst, Miss Edna eral takes plaee to -day (Thursday) at
two o'clock front the residence of idr.
John Manning, Sinew sheet, for the
Exeter cemetery.
it the AD OVATE office.
The fnney dress carnival held hi the
Skating rink, hero on Friday night,
was atelleeese. The ice was in good con.
dition and the dm -meter costumes were
ettitepresented. The ice wasreeerved
natil roue o'clock •for those in eosturee
Mc( annul. (Oriental' Lass;) end. lilies
Lillien Robin:ton. (midnight). (tents'
Dane Costume, 1st, Ray Fanson (Dr.
2m1, Win. Muir, (Yankee).
ltaee, 2-ndle(ope»), lat, V. Hardy 2nd,
IL Walters. Twoeuile race, by.,
O. Sou t eot t ; 2nal, F. Smith. Boys race,
1s1, Edgar Bissett. find, F. Hamden.
Did you say %fur coat? 'Well ve
eve seenall the ,coatsin town and.
Stewart has the Stork that puts all
he others in the shade. 25 to 30
pet' cent. is what you save on a fur
at, just um
tined met at call of Reeve atTown
Jan', filet. Absent Councillor
is, Minutee of previous meeting
read and confirmed. The Reeve ex-
plained that the object of calling the
meeting was to receive and eousider
peoposition from the Molsons
through their local manager, Mr. Hue -
don, offering the Council 20 or 25 feet
on the south side of the Smale proper-
ty (recently acquired bythem) as a
street allowance. The price asked was
$10iper foot, frontage. leroved by 3.
Muir, seconded by j. Wood that the
clerk he instructed to write the Gener-
al Manager of the Bank advising him
that the Council consider the price
asked too high. -Carried. Wood -
Harding -that the Council adjourn to
Freday, Foley 7th, at 7.30 pan. -Car-
GEO. H. Bisseerr, Clerk.
House of Refuge Notes.
The House of Refuge committee met
at Clinton on Monday to deal with a
number of business matters in connec-
tion with the Refuge, previous to the
meeting of the County Council; all
members were present except warden
Holt, Among- the items of business
attended to was the re -letting of ten-
ders for the supplies -A. Couch will
supply the meat, J. W.Irwin groceries,
and .T. A. King bread. These are the
same as last year. The five years' lease
for the electric light and telephone
and contracts having run out it was
decided to make new arrangements;
the rates of $100 a year for the former
and *00 per yearfor the latter was con-
sidered too high and it was left in the
bands of a committee to deal with
these matters. The committee were
informed that there was,,a plentiful
,supply of water of good quality from
the artesian well and the inspector's
report for the year ending 31st Decern-
ber which was prepaid to be submitted
to the County Council was readand
found satisfactory.
Board of Health Meeting.
The Board of Health for 1902, con-
sisting of Messrs. Tennant, McLaugh-
lin, and Hazelwood, the Reeve and
Clerk, held their inaugural meeting at,
the Town Hall, Jan. 27th. All present
except the Reeve. Minutes of preYions
meeting read and signed. McLaugh-
lin -Hazelwood -that Mr. Tennant be
re -appointed chairman. -.Carried. }Jaz-,
zlewood-McLaughlin-that Board ad-
journ to Jan. 31. -Carried. Board of
Health met pursuant to adjournment,
at Town Hall, Jan. 31st. All present.
Minutes of previons meeting read and
confirmed. McLaughlin -Hazelwood
-that the Medical Health officer re-
tain theenstody of the FOrmaline Re-
generator, but any of the resident phy-
sicians may have the use of the ma;
chineun application to any member of
the Board of Health. --Carried. Haz-
lewOod-,-McLaughlin--that the M. He
0. be instructed to leave a bill of costsi
with the occupant of any house disin-
fected. -Carried. Hazelwood--Mc.
Laughlin-thatthe Municipal Council,
be recommended to pay the account
of the M.H.O. for disinfecting housee
re diphtheria outbreak. -Carried. Mc.
Laughlin -Hazelwood -that Board ad- Bert Westcott. Ir. Pert II. --Willie
journ to meet at call of Chairtnan. Snell, Trueman Elliott. ItTo.on roll 4,0,
Royal Tottsplars.
The Huron District, Council of the
Royal Tempters of Temperance met in
the Othifellows' hall, Seaforth, on
Wednesday last week, There was a
good represeutation present, every
council he the ementy being represent.
ed. The appointment of eonunittees
and. the reception of their report$ on
the state of the ordeatemoorance work
and other matters connected with the
order, took up the time at the begin-
ning of session. The relation of the
Government to the Prohibition ques-
tion came up for tousideration, and,
after considerable discussion, resolu-
tions favorable to the immediate pass.
ing by the Legislature ore prohibitory
measure and depricating the referen-
axon system were passed. After the
election and installation of officers,
the council adjourned to meet at
Wingham June. -An open meeting
was held in the town hall in the even-
ing, and was fairly well attended, con-
sidering the fact the Collegiate Insti-
tute entertainment was being held in
Cardno's hall at the same time. The
chair was occupied by Mr. A. Hale.
Mrs. Colin Campbell, of Goderich, dis-
trict chief template gave most excel-
lent address on cane influence."
Short addresses were also delivered by
Rev. Messrs. Larkin and Walwin, of
Seaforth, and by Rey, Mr. Andrews,
of Varna. A piano solo by Miss Sper-
ling, and vocal selections by the 'tin -
tail !quartette were well rendered and
well pleasing to the audience. On the
whole the meeting was a success, and
the gondeattendance and the interest
manifested shows that the organiza-
tion is in good working shape, and is
doing a good and healthy work M the
Exeter School Report
Class A -Fred Sweet,RussellFrayne
Anna Martin, Mabel Jennison, Herbert
Gregory, Lily Robinson. Class B -
Millie Martin. Class C -Winnie Car-
ling, Victoria Miners, Arthur Wood.
Class D. -Viola Davidson, Mary Par-
sons, John Gardiner, Alvin Brintnell,
Vera Cobbledick. No. on roll 45, aver-
age attendance 40. -
H. N. Anderson, } •
Sr. IV. -Hazel Browning,Edna Dow
Vera; Rowe, Mildred Ilyndman.
Trevethick, Venette Frayne
and Irene O'Neil Neal, Harry Gardi-
nex,'„Ene.,efaliereee, Grover Bissett.
No. on roll 50, average 38.
C. Vosper, teacher.
Sr. ILL -Olive Gould, Jenny Welsh.
Edna, Bissett, Fred Smith, Harry Ren -
die, Dolly Werry. .Tr. III. -Nora Her -
tore Ethel Vosper, Mary Brock, For-
est Crews, Blanche' Sheer°. No. ' on
roll 48; average 39.05. -
May Gill, teacher.
Sr. III. -Sophia Werry; Willie Bis-
sett, Case Howard, Millie Bissett. Tr.
III. -Lula Martin, Frank ,floweed,
Douglas Stuart. Margaret Makins. No.
on roll 50, average 41. '
H. E. Walrond, teacher.
Sr. II. -Lois Birney. Jr. Mc-
Avoy, E. Brickwood, W. Amos, G.
Acheson, E. Wood. No. on roll, 51,
ayerage 43. -
H. D. Pringle, teacher.
II. -Annie Long, Edith Brock. Sr.
Part IL -Edith Heideman, Willie Bir-
ney, Olive Wood, Harry Carling.
Mid. Part II. -None. Jr. Part II. -
Latiuneer Green._ No. on roll 38, aver-
age 27.
J. J. Irwin, teacher.
J. M. Robinson, eac, ers.
Sr. Part TI.-eGladys Ford, Birdie
Boyle. Mid, Part II.-LauraMcFalls
BISSETT, A. E. TENNANT, ,average 30,
Secy. °he* then E, Cierling, teacher.
Mrs. 'Wagner, of Michigan, is yisit-
ing her sister, ars, Hale.
Mr. Russell Howaed, of St, Thennee,
is ViSiting his weeds here.
Mr. ,11. Larnbrook is able to be out
around again by aid Of it Stiek.
Misi ElleringtOri, Of Lumley, is the
guest of Miss Edith,llyndineu.
Dr, le le Follicle. of St Marys, vis-
ited his parents here Ude week,
Miss Edon Heddeu, of Creditor, is
the guest otaws. Wm. Redden,
Mise Addie Morlock, piWiner, re-
turned from Mitchefl last week.
Mr, James Walters was in Toronto
en business h
a few days during t
Mr Aaron Cuelmore and sister, Mrs.
Them Prior are visiting friends in
Miss Maud jecleell was in Guelph
the past week waiting on the late Mrs.
Miss Tillie Yager returned Saturday
evenieg from it visit with friends in
Mrs. jam Hawks -haw spent it few
days at her brother ,Tolen's, itt MeGile.
ivray, last week.
Mise Mable Kemp, who has been vis.
Mug friends in Seaforth, returned
home last week.
Mr. Esti Heywood left on Wednes-
day of hist week to visit friends in
Rrighten, Iowa.
Miss Victorie Bagshaw, of Stephere
HA her sister, Mrs. Sample. at Fol.
ten lost week,
Mr. John Davidson who has been
igaged in 'Wingliaa‘for some time,
eterned home last week.
Miss Walker, who was the guest of
Mrs. W. 11, Levett, returned to her
Miele in Idderton, Satniday.
Ilowaid, son of Mr, Stephen Powell,
who broke his leg while at eebool some
weeks ago, is able to be ord. again,
Messrs. J. A. Stewart, Joseph Davis
and C. H. Sanders attended it Maeonie
function in Londoo Feeley night Inst.
Messrs. 1. R. Carling and R. C. 0.
Trenudue attended the Masonic At -
Home hi Wingham on Friday night,
Miss Gussie Holland left Monday
morning to visit iu Guelph and Town -
to before attending the millinery op-
Miss MeEiven, of Clinton, who was
on her way to Winchelsea, was storm -
stayed here on Tuesday, a guest at the
Mrs. E. Sanders, accompanied by her
little son, Eddie, returned to her home
in Zmich Saturday, after it pleasant
visit with friends here.
Mrs.Drown and dough tersehmet and
Ellen attended the funeral of Mrs.
Brown's nephew, Mr. Wm. Moore, of
Ste Marys, on Saturday.
Mrs. WinePlewes and daughteaMiss
Lillie, and son, Frank -,of Tuckersmith,
are visiting friends in town, the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. James Walters.
Mm. A. 3. McTavish, of London, is
visithig friends in town. Mrs. McTav-
ish and. Miss Erniline Howard visited
friends in Greenway during tbe week.
Mr. Fred. Porterfield and Miss Ea-
hoon, of Mitchell, spent Thursday in
town. They were accompanied home
by Miss Vina Porterfield, who has been
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gould
for the past few days.
Around About Us
Moray. Henry Brinker has moved
to his farm near Greenway. -Enoch
Connor moved to Michigan last week,
Seaforth:' Mr. John Ward disposed
of his fine residence on Victoria square
to Mrs. Nelson, of Brucefield. The
price paid was $1,275. Mrs. Nelson Tit -
tends coming to Seaforth to reside.
We have not heard whether Mr. Ward
intends moving permanently to the
west or not, but we understand that
since going to Manitobiehe has enjoyed
much better health than previously.
Wingham; A happy event took
place at the Wiligham Rectory, on
Wednesday evening of last . week,
when Miss Bella McCurdy of this:town
was united in marriage to Mr. George
Tervitt, jr., ofaincardine, formerly of
Wingham. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. W. Lowe. On Thurs-
day evening a wedding reception was
held at the home of the groom,s father
Mr. Geo. Tervitt, sr., of East Wawa.
nosh, where a large number of guests
spent a very pleasant evening.
DrysdIfe: Mr. John Howard, our
hated mail driver, met with a rather
unfortunate runaway accident, while
returning home from Kipper), last
Wednesday. He was proceeding on
his ,way homeward, and when opposite
• Wagoner's corners the roads became
impossible, causing him to tern off his
regular course. 4.5 he advanced his
horse Suddenly took fright, breaking
both tugs, thus freeing itself from the
vehicle. IV then ran honie at high
speed. Mr. Howard was Obliged to
secure a passage the remainder of the
way with Mr. A. Murray.
Hensall: Death has again entered
our midst and taken away another
much esteemed old resident of this
section. On Tuesday 'eeening-Mrs. 13.
Hoggarth passed to the great beyond
after painful suffering caused by blood
poisoning which developed a few
weeks ago from a scratch' on the hand.
She bore her sufferings with Christian
resignatiee and has passed, we have
good reason to hope,to the land of the
blessed. Mrs. Hogga,rth was a devot-
ed Presbyterian, taking great interest
in all that pertained to the welfare of
the church. Seven montns ago she
lost her only daughter, Mrs.- George
ease, grief over whieh, made serious
inroads on her heafth.. She leaves be-
sides hoe sorrowing husband, one San,
Williarn, who resides
o gaoodW4igfrn
t ,
"J. SPACKMPirls$
'will soon be time for Stock taking and we want to clear out "Deny
lines of clothing by that thne, And in order to do this we have
, put the Enife into these lines and have almost it prices in two.
Below we quote you a few prices:-
341en'e, .Overcoats was... - .$ 7,50 for $5.50
" . " • .. s „ 11.75 " 8,75
— „ 10.90. 7,60
12.00 44 8.00
" s • 10.e0 '4 7.25
.... 6.75 o 5,00
" „ ...... 5.50 n‘. 4,60
VoYs 2 piece Suits, siees from 22 to 2$ all the way from $3.50 to O0.50
for $2.75. This is it grand opportunity for any one needing anything
in the above.
Headquarters for the Celebrated We E. Sandford, Ready Made Clothing,
A large consignment of Spring Goods just in, more
coming in a few days, consisting of
BED R001,1 SETS,
A Few Prices
We can sell you a good bed, room set for $10,60
and a dandy for $15.00.
See our line of Sideboards, from $7,60 up. A
beauty for Slam
Bed Springs as comfortable that you hate to
get up in the morning, from $1.60 to $4.00.
Mattresses filled with sweet scented _grass
from Georgian Bay, for $3,00. Hygeine Health
mattresses for $6.00.
Alr. James Spearin had
the end of his thumb cut off one day
last week while working about, a
Machine in the J. D. Moore Company's
Seaforth: Mr, George Stogdill met
with a painful accident at the fureit-
ure factory ou Monday morning,
While working at the shaper his hand
slipped and 'came in contact with the
knives, with the result that the tops
of three of the lingers on his right hand
were taken off.
Brucefield: Two gentlemen from
near here were suddenly brought to
grief the other nightas they were driv-
ing home from Seaforth. They had
got pretty well loaded up with corn
Juice before starting out, consequent-
ly were not particular as to bow they
drove. All went 'well until coming to
a pitchliole of unusual depth, when
suddenly and to their great surprise
they were landed to the bottom, the
cutter breaking to fragments and the
horse escaping.. They finally managed
to collect things together and get to
their homes, sadder but wiser men.
St. Marys: Mr. Robert Sperling; a
well-known and 'highly respected citi-
zen of St. Marys, met death suddenly
on Wednesday morning. He was
stricken down with heart failure while
in his barn where he was attending a
sick animal, at an early hour in the
morning. The discovery of his death
was made by the hired man who went
out in the morning to feed the stock.
Mr. Sperling was a guest at the Meth-
odist parsonage until midnight on
Tuesday, and was apparently in his
usual condition of health. The Rev.
and Mrs. G. W. Henderson were en-
tertaining the officials of the church on
Tuesday evening and Mr. and Mrs.
Sparling attended as guests. They re-
paired home shortly after midnight
and Mr.' Sperling went out to his barn
to look at an animal that was sick.
About an hour after he came to the
house and informed his wife that he
would stay at the been for the rest of
the night as he was anxious over the
animal's condition. In the morning
his man went out and found him dead
where he had fallen. His body was
hot yet cold. Mr. Sparling had been
leaning against a low board partition
when the hand of death was laid on
him and had fallen over the board and
ovaslound in a doubled up posture. A
physician was hastily summoned and
pronounced death dile to he.artfailure.
The deceased man had a severe attacx
of typhoid fever last fall and had com-
plained since, at intervals, of pains in
the region of his heart. Mr. Sparling
was a resident of Blanshard township
for many years and was a progressive
and prosperous farmer. Recently be
bought the Hedley farm within the
corporationteind moved there some
time since. He had always taken an
active interest in church work and has
one. son and one brother in the Metho-
dist ministry. Ile was highly esteem -
'ed by a large circle of friends vvho will
be shocked to learn of his sad ancl sud-
den demise. Besides his wife he leaves
a family of six sons and three daugh-
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