Exeter Advocate, 1902-2-6, Page 6LViI TROUBLES. FE EVIL or MISERY TO SUP, rEitgEs rItozrE THIS TROBBledth Ls Syeeptoroe mettle manifest by a Coated TOng-tie.. 13a4 Breath, Boa Taste in the Month and l'aileS Entered:beg to the Sit (mid. es, • (From the Brocitville Recorclerhd Sufferers (mot liver trolibles food the one of stlinost4oustant falser's, ewing worse and worse ualess aroniet steps and the peoper remedy ae taken to restore the organ to its iatural condition Mrs. Joseph Lee doled. ot Brocnville. vms euch eaderer, tent has been. halndir, re - eased from the trouble by the *oily nedieine tauten to thoeoughly re- store this important organ to its tonna! conditionend; disease has testencd upon it. To a reporter. Mrs. leoluere wngly gave he story for publication. She said - long three I -suffered severe .y from, complications of the liver trio dyspepsia. I would Awake in the srorning, with Reins under my allots/dem end in my etoineeit. My tonget• VMS lreiaeily cooled, and II fast a horrible taste in my mouth. was coniQtiroted and ot times met wail witted oats so Peelle, that f ?multi scarcely let it reell Oft the nil - ft IA a braiTESTV cl".1‘t eation in tant etornech t tins (het st het ae though there WaS (Is coal of hro in it. The pain WaS eSreCially .eveDp oiler teeth e. and uw months • Ii re teas one ef mieery. A friend advised rue to take I. Williams' PinPills. and 1 dial so. After esirar Brat hoe/ there won ft. ten- terial improvement, aind In the course of a few weehs hauler I telt thee I in completely ettreel. tyteneme was cleared. the Ised taste left my rations. the pains dteappeared. rind 1 ton as wen es ever I woe. Fore tehleg the pills 1 soldered from 'Iron'. ehttis thews. but it teles never o'ne.0 *metaled me. 1 en recommend Pr. Willieins' Pink Pine to antrone who neenee es 1 *' J'. Wniin 1H 'etor leant; end eteengt irk' linahler'ef new, rich, rcel illovd then strenothering evert: saran in the node. The::: do vet ;let trerele 14PM Svoiptosns. flla ordinere medicines Ina. but no die ratio to dee root 01' Ile. 111,41011e, In t wee thee' cure eetet diet -sees as hoer eon; niOney treetees, eteurna.- tisze. fro fit %gee S. elms" danee. boat trout lee. Niel: haveleebee, are. twit] tni the irregealarities that seahe the P'es of so many svotreo • of constant tisieery. Po not be verseacittl in lathe arav sueet tot e: sea. roes rheiuH mete **Dr. Windows* • Vire for Bede Peop/e" is on tile wraps:see around every' 110X. Tr ill -doubt. the pills rill be seet poet - paid nt A cents a Nee Or MX boxes for the Pr. illienis Medielne Vo Brod:es:Ma Ont. VABIEUIM Orie ounce of;Stinfiglit Soapis worth ruOrelh11 anDucles Two ounces of illIdUfd $Qap. EXPENSE Ask tor the Qethdeat Sad If yon grocer eetinet supyla, write to Walt IAMB/dd. 1.14rrIEP: TeIntatn* alendieg hineenete and, addrose, and trial eemple of Senlight neap V.Q1 seleh yen free of cert. eee. barrack between hlichni And Mooltan. Of course. too. we retaliated. Tont- noy is only batmen, Kipling. in mee of his stories, makes a young eat - ahem reprove his men for butcher- ing same Wounded tribesmen. "Leave them ethnic." cries a veteran. "Pon't try to hold them bitch. "IlleYdre seen their dead." d'he Spaniard is provedfaially rater - "less in battle, even to those of his ow kith mid kin. During both Care flst wars, the Government generals abnost invariably murdered their insoners. Naturally, the insurgents etaliated, end sorrie ghastly scenes were enacted: noeablY at Valfoghttat on duly 17th: 1874when no fewer then eighty -silt RepublIcan captivee were .shot in cold blood by order IA Ilia Cartist General Sahallo, Inere is a rriore recent instance. en another quarter of the globe. At sit; o'cloric in the evening. on AttgitSt ;lath. 16, the Spaniards proclaim. ed trartial law m Mertile: cod by anlenight 160 alleged ineurgents had been Keyed In diderent ilartn Or the elty. and driven at the point of the bayeenet into a tioy dr ngeon. siinate In the bastion of Son Setnestien, below water level. This modern "Bloch Pole" hail only one eamill window which the eentry outside firmly el osed "'to keep out the rain," , Other ventilntion then', reps ab.eoluac- I ty none, the night was tape of the hottest of the year. and it in, per. haps a matter for wonder that only Oftvefour of the unhappy captives were fond tlent1 next morninn. The remainder were led nut and slant, in the female, the fasnionable premenede tne city. in the prese ewe of Spanish !radicle while the nuanced l'Ands played the latest Mies - le -hail tames and the photographere i were busy with their centeras. Agala in tillerch. laditt, they seieed 1Sta un. ,tortned rola at a Secret n'eeting, ;and SNOt. theni all down lihe vermin. withent the SEMBLANCE OF A TRIAL. People treated miter tlate hion ollitle in kind as a matter of VISH CHILDREN. 1••=01.111 to suffer for the silts of their prede- eeesere. In the interior of the comparative- ly small islond or &Mar* a torpor - al and seven men were taken teptive and burnt alive. At Tt*aeon. HIS BEST, The late Sir John Steiner, Care of England's moist celebteeted musicians aud composers, Was Once 'staying in a, small Swiss village, and the Eng- lish clergyman was on the outlook for a musician. to assist ot the ser- vice - Stainer eves in th *Ake of the hotel when the etergyneen found him, and started the conversation with. "Do ,yon play the harmonium en “A little," was the reply of tben-e- organiet of St. Paul's Oettiedral. "WiUeott, then, he good enough to lielp Us Out of our elifficelty on Sun- day ? We will read the Psalms, tend the hymn shell be the sheeniest con "select," Added the dellghted parson. el will do my beer said Stable Mindanao. early in the war, twenty- Itt 4 SMIle• a three praeouere were tit:emanated with The eervice proaneded seetiefectoe- wooden swords. These are but same Bybut the congregation et the .lose pies. listened to a, brilliaat recitel. Wheo ottunt. you tem eade "the Amen_ the parson heard the name of his as - cane taught their roes a lesson in Stettint he asked htlit to dinner. "Do humanity. Yes, in thle Particular war -perhaps: although there are those who allege that the whole you smoke ?" he asked at trie "I will do MY bend reeponded Stainer, and the ensuing lamellter truth has yet to be wratert. The was the Prehogne or an entertainiPg Anterleane are Men of our own blotel exchaege of oxford rendnieneacee. and are, eloubtlees„ averse to need - lees cruelty. Nevertheless, of what things they can be goiltyonce they HAD LANE BAU are fully roused. was shown in the Indian War of 1870. when Maier Daher murdered in cold blood 173 FOR .13-CIRT .YEAltS. Apodaca -Mem NS omen and children, ldrit again, an expedition was TERRIBLE EXPERIENC ,A. NOVA SCOTIA GEN- TLEMANt AND HOW HE WAS CURED. orgentred agoinet the Peyote trite, and over two hundred were killed in o "round up." the survivors beim?, forced to drown thetneelves In Oweo's Lahe. On April With. 1871after some fightleg. the Federal troops captured a /Minim' of prisoners. This was - windfall to the eettlers. They ate Sash a Long retied of Suf- ering Eha ls Entirely Restored 01;tad Idea/tie by Dodd's cembled from every side, reeked upe y is Very Grateful on the coPtives. And Bridgewater, Id. S., Jan. 27 (Spen CUT Tridt. TITROA.TS John S. Morgan, o. Pro' trainent man of this plasm. has had a of a. hundred then and there. terrible time with his hastle for eight In 1840 the Austrian General Thiet. , years. bet now he is receorstig the nail had a Ittinther of Iiondatittal lame coegretelationa of his Mende an hie lee dogged in the raarket square of ;complete and satisfactory receeedy Tenigewar. In ism) tie came to rtg- '10 look at Mr- aorgan tottloy one land, and neerin lost his life while • would net'er suspeet that he bed Ott a visit to liarelnY and Peins* been the vietha of 50 much terture. brewer:a the draennen aleacking hint wed foe snit a, long them eked yet, with the intention or drowning him deom his own statement the pain he ill ft hUgo at of beer. Tide inch has endured must ilatta been Felwir. tiejt. be -the -bete, very nearly resulted , thiog awful. 110 saya: in a rupture or diplomatic relatiatee "t or eight esears 1 laa.ve tendered between London and Vienna. Ile most severe pain in nay back. I In 1876. In revenge for a. feel+. le rQdtato,” TOW ' re ill at. and abortive ineurrection, the Tura.litet i wide completely crippled up. . i isia Government let 1Q0Se upon ilith "I heard a Bodd's Kidney Pills as garia a ferocioun Mussubutea soldiery ',a remedy for 1101110 Bark. but. as 1 -'h ti h 1 --. then fifteen theitsand non-contbatants any benefit I wws begivining to lore o ar arous nmettecred noire had tried so ninny things without , and a einallar series of outragee was :[aii faith in auhtemd. Theeteoort perpetrated In Armenia. I decided to try therm and T can truth. Halm the lifether's Life One of Airing the last nurso-Turldsh woo ;fully say 1 am heartily glad I did so, there were anteral well -authenticated le the emed nate Coxe and Worry -How to Keep infitattee$ of Tun ks. captured by the "T bad run down in weight tO 13aby Realthy and Nappy. Roumanians, being crucified. in re- gamut 3.40 pouuds. but during the indigotion one 44 tee loose venge, the former ueed to light their I wit. iteier tne Palle 71 used in common (ideates of infaneto and it bivouac fires about the still -living aU About ten ly boxes). I regained aleo onia tit the mot+ EerlOtni* for bolues or the Ruskin wounded. i ationt 28 pounds. 'titan will Le weateted. otter tliteo "ssTAN uAnDAIIITMS. land when 1 found that Paddis t it tIN $ centre let the Cana ttle Of comma realized my danger. This latter terrible aecusatIon. toe. a . le i I s it, I II 11 iiiipimigitaecs wid hnd easy lodgment, 4'1,314 has been brought agairist the French i ero helping mo I attack the child's whole Suture be int- / .4447141) clout to them after commence ponied. At. Late uste. won of nude otestion, or any trouble a the store- unrazAzr, FRANCE. SPAINtuca or bowels. battede eiwu Taltitts AdietONG, OTT:MRS. should Le adminietet ed. They act Iwith promptness and perfect satiety Tehrhod. Deno. Ths„,„e es„„. flee, lit etrengtheiang the stomach and re- ' ma.; ..6:2.i iglii;i&41,70;_''''' row% the {mending ritatexial. hirs. Ger:mare War.. W. O. Toot. Mari:ham, eaes to the time any baby was a meanie Spent: to any (ter:lien -day (if the old, be won a perfectly healthy fote which hewn the pretty little child. 'Then his stomuch began to lereneh hamlet of Baeollies on the Morning of September ist. 18741, and eta will Mid hint by uo mauls Mt. XintIll dinuss the subtect, says Pearson's Weekly. And no "%yonder, for nothing that has ever been iterreeited to the Brit- ish armies In South Alnico. even by liner agents, can vie uith the ac- tion ot the Diattriurts la ttorming and burning tbis puce. Bemuse, forsooth, some half dozen random idiots were said to have been fired •from it by night at one of the Ger- man outlying pieLets, it was attack- ed jut before daybrealt by an over- whelming Corea its defenceless in- habitants massacred, and every building in tins place burnt to the ground or blown up with powder. Nor was this the only atrocity 'committed by the Germans in the course of the campaign. Pranc- times (armed French peasants not In uniform) wene almost invariably shot in cold blood when captured. Near Launois eix of them, after hav- ing been in custody tliree days, and a tacit agreement glean that their lives should be spared, were eventu- oily executed because some of their Comrades attacked a German con- voy, At Marcilly the franeetirenre in- flicted some damage on the Germans in fair fight. In revenge the Village was burnt and many of the inhabi- tants massacred. Seven prisoners were also shot in cold blood. ,Con- daris, a neighboring hamlet, suffered a similar fate. • SUPF'OCATED BY SMOistfe. e Cuchery, near Belval, was spared on payment of a fine; but the nester, the Rev. Charles Miroy, was arrest- ed and executed, the charge against him, being that of "inciting his cotin- treemen to resist the German arms." Nor does Germany stand alone. On ...Tune 18th, 1845, the French gener- al, Pellissier, at the head of a bri- gade of regulars, shut up 500 Arabs in a Cave near Khartani, in Alg*eria, and suflootted them by smoke. So late as 1871,. the Parisian Commun- ists murdered in Cold blood the Arch- bishop of Paris and sixty-five other hoetagee, the Dominican feathers, six- teen priests and thiri yeeight gend- eirnieS, In revenge somo tholisands, of insurgent prisoners were , executed by the Versailles troops _after their rapture ot the city, in eddition to about 15,000 surnmarilh shot for be- ieg 'gond with arms „in their hands. Concerning -the narnelees",lioerors perpetra.ted upon ovr men by the Patbans during the ieet Aftedi wen the Press waS iliecreefly silent. A.nd ,for a very geed `reaeon. Such things were ' dbnehaS Mays' only be.. Whis,pered between Irian And man. But the Service elubei know. „ Tho- oflicers know. And so dace every TOIMIlt:tr in every' 'calitonineet and trouble him. Ile !oohed pinthed and stard; Ins tongue was coated and s 'mouth otensive. Le %minted curdled Trull:, and was Wee constie pitted. After taking his feed he would screum with pain, and al- though be seemed always hungry, his food did him no good. He was so restless and eleepless that 1 was almost worn out. Ledicine seemed to do hint no good until we gave lum Baby's Own Tablets. I mac him the Tablets and they helped him almost immediately, but in a. very short. time he began to gain In weight, and is nOtV rosy and heal- thy. Baby's Own Tablets- cured ray baby when nothing else helred him, and would not he without them in the house." 4r, This is the only medicine for lit- tle ones that gives an absolute guar- antee of purity. Milton L. Hersey, M.A., Sc., (McGill) one of the best known analysts in America., says "I, have made a careful chemical analysis of Baby's Own Tablets, My analysis has proved that the Tab- lets contain absolutely no opiate or narcotic; that they can be given rt mum n. and apparently on good tot T . grounds. But then ft should be re - Membered that tho "Black Pings" invariably murdered their French prisoners whether wounded or un- wounded, under circumstances of well nigh inconceivable barnarity. d - Ohl Merchant -"Remember, my son to altvaers keep your expenses within your income." Youth -"I've got a better plan than that. I propose bringing ally income up to my expell- ees " Pale filet:1y cbildrest should se Mothee Ornveta \Verna Entertitinittor. \reale; are one of the principid causes of enderine in children rind should be expe.leel front the, system. In a cao heard reeentiy in the Court of Sessions, Edinburgh, an ar- tist was giving evidence, when the opposing counsel asked :-''Po you draw everything larger than it ought to be ?" The reply came prompt : "Everything eeteept my salary." kord*••• NOthing looks more ugly than to see a pereon whose handseire covered over with weals. Why have these disfigurements on roar peraou when a, sure lemover of all warts, corns, eta, cau he found in Hollo- way's Cola Cure. Britain's 60,000 postmen delivdr yearly 8,600 million postai packets. • with perfect safety to the youngest load s Liniment for Rheumatism infant, and that they are a safe and effective niedicine for the troubles they are indicated to relieve and cure." Such an endoreeneent, from so high an authority, sttunps Baby's Own Tablets as the stilton the sur- est and the most reliable medicine for the ills of children. Baby's Own Tablets are good for children of all ages.. They reduce fever, mare colec, pi -event and cure in diges ti on and constipation, •check diarrhoea, sweeten the stoniach, al- lay the irritation accompanying the etatieg of teeth, and promote sound. bealthy sleep. Guaranteed to Con- tain no opiate:nth:hashed to a pow- der or dissolved in water; they can be given with absolute safety to the youngest infante Sold by all deal- ers- at 25 •cents 9, biro or Sent post- paid on receipt of price, by address- ing the Dr, Medicine Co., BrockVille, Ont. I, The Bog of Allen, the biggest In Ireland, is in places 47 feet deep. Deafness Cannot be Cured bylocal applications. am they cannot reach the diseased portion of tho eer.a There is only one way t 'cure deafness. and that Is by nonstibti. tional romedieg. Be fn -ss le catite.d. byan inflamed condi ion of . he rflUtalls being of tho Butenehiali Tut 0. When This tube in in- flamed you nave /trembling soiled er buyer feet hearing. awl whon it is tint rely closed deafness is the reselt. and onlese r he inilarn• motion oan be tate ni-ut and this , elm eestered to ite normal oinadgti n, bearing s, 11 be a.> stroyerl f, raver: nine., asps ant of ten ore c naed by o t arrh. which is nothins hist aft named condition of tho ninecniseemv ace . We will give One Hundred Dollars for any ' ease of Deafness (caused by eat rib) that can • i 1.00 trired by Hales Catarrh Cure., lietd ior circulars. free. . F. 3. onENICY a 00., Toledo, 0, Sold by Draggli,te. 75e. Hairs Famby Pills are the beat, s g Russia kills three million ermines, 15 million xnarmots, and 25 million ro ;Tag A. COLO re tom tety. eareful or able tO discriminate Take'Leixative Bromo Quiniee Tablets. Al course, nor Nvere. they in this ease be- elements ratur,t1 the money if it fail.) to car0. tween the "Dispel:tot as"' hhand the Ii. W. Grove's signature is ea each box. 26o. ' 'A meriearios.'' To the revolted ne.-1. ----- Lives both were white men and en- The capital of nritish banks in- . emieS. So it has come about that creases at an average rate of sixteen the unfortunate Americans have had millions sterling a year. , „.„ l_ent°0T:E AT BOTTOM reitsit Page Act:1p Poultry Npiting Is eloseMished at bottom rind does not require rail or board support at cages, having strong straight wire (No. 12 guage) at top, bottom and in centre, canner); sag eted ensy to .n.ect. Tile "rage Atmee" nettingis r.eat appearance very durable and cheap. We nine melte farm and Inman -rental feeee, gatea, zeds end staples. Menefee of ?ego is your graitteateo ef seacillty. The Page Wire rekce.e.o., Limited, We:Iwo/Mc, Ont. lag nes porn at er well Nodal. Evereone who knows Morgan 'knows that ho means every word he mays, and much interest has been roused by the publication of his statement. Poild's Ididney PilIs are well known he a sure cure for ail caeca of Lame Back and Kidney Trouble. Denmark, with 36 bushels to the acre, holds the record in wheat pro- ducing. England grows 28 bushels to the acre, Turkey 12,, Russia. only O. ilfartrs IrIini ite MI LS' RUNE The world's ships carry 180 million tons of merchnndise a year, and of this one quarter by weight is coal, and one teeth wheat. 4111410•••••••••• A Life daved.-Mr. Zanies firenon Cameron. state-: "I woe confined to niy tad with Inflammation Of the lungs, at.t1 was. given up by the pliveleitinS. A neigh* bur advised Me to try Dr. Thomas' Eche, tric Oil, !noting that his wife Inid Usetl it for adman tamble with the beet resulta Acting on his Melee 1 met:tired the medi- cim de, id less than a'leilt bottle cured me; t certainly believe it saved my,life. It was With reluctance that I consented To a as I wits reduced to such a state 4 :let I doubted the power of auy remedy to do me any good.' Johnsy-"Wbat do you think ? lily wife's father told me before we got married that he would give me a handsome present on our wedding - day." Jacksy-"And didritt he ?" J car ey-"\Vell, I waited aver a. week, and as he didn't mention th subject, I asked him for it ; and all heneaid was, 'Why, didn't I give you my daughter ?' " For Over FlIty Years litr.S. Winston's soovinee &semr has beets alma to raillkam of mothers for then* children while teething.. itsoothes the chlld, raftros thgnua al.eys pain. mini wind colic. ovulates the ri,e,mech mid howels, nod is the best remedy ter Diarrhcen. Toe:icy-tiro cents a bottle Sold br_ droggInts thrum:boat the world. 8 sure and atk for " Bias. SPLKotArit'll tio01111043 SYRUP." The average English person eats 87oz, of sugar a week, an Italian eats but doz, and a Spaniard Boz. It may be only s trifling cold, but neg- lect it and it will fesTen its fangs in yonr Lungs, and you will soon he carried to itn untimely grave. In this coien try Nve have Malden changes and mune expect to have conghs and colds. We COM 1.1 0 aCoiti them, but we can effect a euro by tieing Bidden Anti -Consumptive Syrup, the medieine that else never been known to fail in cur- ing coughs, colds, bronthitis anti all a- ft:ethane of the throat. lungs and chest. The SandvelCh Islands resemble Ire- land in their freedom from snakes. One speeies only, is known, and ,that Is not common. , In wasilrg woollens and flannels, the soft soap„Made from Lever's DrY. Soap (a powder), will be 'found very satisfactory. British rai1way:4 carry 350,000 tons of fala in a year. ,Mio.ard's Linnent S the Best ea/ 1471 4o -4v .?-cr .d.144e, aziv T444"."4:4; oranges Lemons Fresh Fisk ef Ali Minds IrsviA;pwrs,,c.A.R, page..z-xwavaLgrost zixos.114" =oslo.x•-•teleas raE wtivseN con:111 ISSION (N),, L mi ted. T)IRONTO. shipments 0 Patter, Eggs. Pouineri HMV, Ewe, Ansr.e.e. Pot ,teef. Steletted. FRER thenneelontt dItPatedd r tilervie tete ee or -a; . 4, - 4.1.. . Worth As.kin. For ?' .t4s4wite....-nt,oleestepay MAW% WI ridnen VA thla sfeeentgoencae he 11-1 free by steer as leer . . einriersed,111140S 14. .. _ . 1/4'44,14.01"FIX-t9iPtirgtarM0-721 IltrorVrt's Pt 'nee'raertetronenettrIludlISP.0.01,0rataltl-Vitkoll XISPI.A, kt) 1). sereeer Inetere re pot Weerether met*: !sewn t *Ill. e)bgesterfof Wr to:- e.t.a aka en e Dr; IN, igegotee l/rWattittllOOnt*,statoalrok OVAQC. tee one hihrris:inr ply wimp, .0upot a Sits nsa2,z4i:I',:as 'o,. ,Seas., gto w * of gcr.. edited ettedee ein PlIt4.4 laltat114701/004ttlaat ter1304. ltdah Nerthrne ta e an KAP; Ste eet t I' Peva" %krt. ors Each persen in the Civilized world 0111441111tcF eta averege ef 891les ol eat xearly. ;lours tiuthut Cures laSrippe The Idnited KiegOoM has 80 blast France 4 Qs They Are Not Violent in Actlon,-eSome pereoue. when thee weal' teeeleense /Ile etosnach, reeere to lipsion mid Other plug* eche' taiga itre stagily in their ne 11411, but barren() perillaltent goal. Their 111:0 produce* incipleue elulis,, and if Per *hued la they iadare the litemmele nor ola tileX' net Want the intestines I* a bone - deist way. Vartneice's Vegetable Pitti "wwernil imrnovien' in this respret, and hove no superior. Franco has 11;70 school children per 1.000 or her pimuistion. Germany 144. Switgerlund ate. The United Iiingdom has 203. 0•••••••,11 Maps thrand* sta4 uark% an' ear .4Id. ' 1.1v11Te linen -Qat nee. 10 v.. cure lat c&d 058 dm-. No oare.No t 44r. Prato 244* Tho VOlytte5ina 131411'45 are fient• tered over It tuillion aquare ;Wien of sea, but compriee altogether only 170,000 square miles or land. Thelthrit Popular Pill, -Tho pill is the mese popular of all forms of ineilielna 3,33(1 0* pills the meet popular nre Panne- leehi Vegetable Pi !Inlaid:141Se they slo wirt; it is asserted thee inn do, awl, aro Nat pnt forworfl en any !wilt lout (donate to exeeh lence. Thew are compact mad portable, thee are easily etkee, they do not unitectee tier gripe, and they give relief in the titan. stuhhorn Tho average value or an English,. house is Z340, or a Russian. 4:40. CSSIII. C. C. 'Mamie eh CO. Gentlemen. -Last winter I received at benefit from the use of MIN- IlD'S LINIMENT in a severe at- tack of Laterippo, end 1 have fre- quently proved it to be very effective hi canes of inflammation. 'Yours, W. A. 11UTOLUSSON. 444 oa,,...r..A010.31111alriaallia. A VIVID DESCRIPTION. Wife-"Xt was a nice party. you say, John. I'm sorry 1 couldn't go, but ant really glad that you enjoyed yourself. How was Mrs. Gadabout dressed?" A CANDID STetTleetENT. Nee --"Ito you euppeee yo- will ever get 'tired of IllY ttlaliing IOVe to your," She--"Tliereht no reeeen why shouldn't." For Over eito/Yeitre VirrogrifTall.P;S:efilir t4evelillge.tila:tirenineril,. A' towhee to cifilloolt* wits g' IS,. at 35 0• eiee. twr010411;tizr„lizri..;,hix 14.4z7...ri„w' 47004444 tArt.ustotat tOS ir-tt. 1,r45-10 Ahr es4 fee" /4 ISO. lar ammo rteierrute et haw. 445, Flelellee-e"Yes, Gerinette heft tottld Out a greet tawny tlittbleitttai, and le. till turning them out." Quia--"Weli ea;.1;in.0 ublatue her?' 381 RURNSANIDOIIIIISES Soreness removeg at once. NG ft f clUADINE le promptly Don't feraot the nem* 1.o. 13dIrs of (Mout, Coxes ez;letel er Co., Toronto, arts Dariep Is a. 4417.0* tr J. los lo al as t. Itr.'es0410. 441 Tot. Iva 11.4.1104 tsor Kw. VAS 4SPPI Crfq31: 63. INat 5535. 41•111•••••• :.ettt Contury Coro, Stot sat world, motes uesasell 4ty. 1st oat. SO14* *o UM* raw *13- 18,4 to 1so4P44 olsst 71tt 11%4 tt Ws tt. to et atry Stott lbatioso-a. Throe ektron Corn. 3.7 3.2:0 trr scar, Is 44iP .14 ly 35734043E3 555135' 5333'3l:01Ra Com Omit° r's N4.440JP:.1 elcarsatrita, Marvel Wheat s 33411taatt..almsassIsaaittir *13(343 3.13.. ave. Wool,* 44.0 Otos %to ea Ala wt. nOtirtilteatothlat 1.104 • '031 11414:444 585.3110 sore. That par_r. OPoctt. amigo cswal fool so tan4-0J 1;1i. sts13 55 14 t us cos-Me:at toy pet tam. VIPS rapt. Viztoria Rano 1311.e1 31.ow...11.e to wow apv, elertt csItlo at a 5315.434.1554.15). Mart's!. •:ny Itoin., Poet will trcr71,0141. That pays. erornus Inormla. slog tosthatrrst V853 31.1 1.313511. ricslos ea 0 4 mu el toy os1 113168(33141. Pt 31.4131335 1.) 3 51 f :Il 'l" ' tord Is wsriso1411. '111.3. risro, ste.C.Fror too. ‘3.3. rat. 53 trY 44113 ett$ 15.1 5 s4414,, !mote 11.1.t ts fool 10 tarn Seat s:sattles PeotaluItAt Thom:4 1ltat-1521ot Teostote. laape„ Altslia,Plui(c,.-to tr trortts 1110,0).ssetostart) isii.Lsr .1.1; tt ocr vest antslos, tea. psatass. .11•0•71.t.1 0000toosooctoeocios000ttoseocue stooettoo•creettoott000n00000eteee. o • • E S u ' • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • 0, ELE01'1110) • ,••• • 0▪ ` • • • • s:i040-1 • -12ttfW: 0 Are you suffering from Merv% us 44: Weakness, Kidney, Liver or 8'4,- o raaeh Complaints, Rheumatism Pains or Aches in any part t your body ? De yet; feel yeursr • gereuvieng old too soon'? If you e re 11_ a. main with The weakness thee. tir, mouths from youthful fatly or • abusing the 1aW3 of Maitsre, I can „d cure you if you will use my • DE. Eris LA tFiil1 t23 • g it The product of years of steely, the et r salization of the fondest dreams of ti the Weak and worn invalid. It is not A As toy belt, but a powerful, life-giving Klee- irs tric appliance, which is now recognized -: by the highest and best in the medical . • profession as the only certain meats of . 4 restoring power to weak and vital orgaeS. : • The strength is quiticly restored and 4 o .. 0 losses corrected. Rheumatic pains eve a _ r quickly dispelled ,....ma all functions a the- : : body developed and made strong.. ,Ih sends the blood with a gdadeetne at 'masa O hound through the veins, carrying b,ealth to the body and happinceS to a O the hand: of the despondent s Xerox.. - st a ' Pay PVIzen Cured, 6 ..- ! , I know theeo is no better hvay to prove my confidence in, the won- 0 ; derfril curative power of my Belt than to cum you before Ieitele you to - ei o pay for it, and as' T DO KNOW that it will restore strength in 'every 0 mstance I em willing to cure first and ask my pay alterward. So if you : are weak, breaking, down, or sick in any monuer come to me, tell me o your tronble, and let me cure you, 'When you are mired you can pay tt . me. This offer Is itpen to any man who will seeure me. All I' ask is . ; that the man astking me to take his case under these terms gives me • • o evidence of his honesty and good faith. ..- ' re * CAuTiom .. ,. an imitation ef lily cushion elecerodes. My office contains Irene ..-- Beware of eld dyle, burning 'elective's) Belts, which aro urdng : - si eels a" thole old belts disearded as 118431C01 and dangerote by ptreens whose bodies - O have been veered and acarred hy the bare metal olootrodes. I will make speoialimenie to • O anyone having one of theee old book -burners, , , * r My Now Illustrated Book toils about my Bolt ande FrIEE how it cures the weakness or men and women.1 er it is FREE,.: : , worth roadies'. I will send it closely sealetli. free, O upon request. Qat, if possible, and I wilI explain at. : Book( 1 any Deli, and what it will do. I will give a tree . '1T . a END- test to evory seeker of proof ot what my 31e1t does. ' 13'; O Cral or \vete to da „ • I ! 't. +, ° . Olt MU kl hioLAIIIIIiL111 1311 Yonvo Strom. Toronto OTot. 0 1 0 1 s. O OFFICE liOURS--9 a.m. to 8.3o tem. , a osonoomfroces000lt•o••••o•esocooem•ci esos000Otteoecee••••