Exeter Advocate, 1902-2-6, Page 1FIFTEENTH YEAR,
6, 1902.
1 will be at Rawl:sinew's Hotel,
Exetea •eveey Saterclay. for the pur-
pose of buying horses. •
Colts in 4xchange
I have a number of three year old
colts which I will exchange for aged
T. E. Ileaennonn.
We here unlimited private for in-
vestment likran fAri4 ee yilingo property, at
:0 *Molt of iaterect.
*. PIegeen &0/4-1traNS
BaTrtere,eto., Beete
nsalintr TO
Z have* largo mount of erivatefeude to
loan ou tam and village peeps:Hee at low
ra eee f interest.
F. NY. efeekturaet.
1ierrister, nein Street Exeter
Farties thInkleg at 1oan nNanitole% AT the
4entleWestTernwricseleciald apply to the under-
leemed ler prices 0 kepreved end other faran.
PFEaekvelith ehp awl dwelling' house and aere ot
lend for sale le the of Wineltelso. A greed-
epportunity for aey persou withieg to procure &geed
blatimelthbaisues,.. Wawa Mob; socobriek hove
eentaitalug tive Mat% frame kltehexi, with three
TOOM'Aiataa Weed Oield awl eantreer kluirm: good
0 -Wetted Wawa. tor hirther lurticallers apply to
Wineheees, Ont
. DERRY. eMond M•,„ tincer for County Berea hales prempav
teeterntel to, eed e/aereel tog •Iltrate. °nitre by teen
re;t:en cure attcutle-a.
elEll FOR SeLF.
The uctical,entel el'ering ter tele that dointle
n -Marro Una in the townthip tit Hay. IrP.Init lot 3.
caneatierne. wtom
ad b halt 0 let e, 'ehere on
the paraitts a geed briek home. heated by knee:.
n good tank barn rilim feet with a tying of 2.7: teen
there is a net cr failitet well that furnishes water fir
eide thetarn and abasing creek flowing nearly ell
Gae year reeled. All land Is ender geod btate of
oiltivatica. Want to irnmallattly and will
'Tat, pelses5lso March 1st, 20112, Apyly to
Tito. IlanvmHar 0
••••perlina,S1••• artw
lieute awl tot ea Main Street, Extter. Two dory
Leek cottage, frame stable and about half an Acre of
laud. Commodious &ening, (Tote -illy located, bath
an tare. good minimal. Pod well mil eisierm
A eplezilki, property at a renenable piece. -For fur.
Ger particiaara apply to 4. O. Staubury. Harrince,
Exeter, or ta Henry Ilateldeghaut. winehelse%
Tile undersigned Otero fortede that desirable farm
in the township 0 leiborme being West part of Lot
24. ermecesion d, centaining ie acres; eituated ut a
tulle from cebool and within a mite from rzmter.
There loon the premises a good brick house, trams
and other out bolero; good supply ot water and a
good orchard. Terms easy and to snit purehoser..
Apply to
knter P. 0
Reliable lady agent wanted in teeter to take or.
ders tor our eestem mad* direlie eldrts, walking skirts
and nvolerskirta. Write for terms,
Dommos OAMMT Co., Guelph Ont.
Stock TAW Sale
Boots Shoes &Overshoes
We have a few odd pairs of Overshoes
that we, are going to sell at half
their regular value.
Childs overshoes, worth $1.25:for .600.
Boy's " 1.25 " 75c.
Misses " " 1.75 " 90c.
Women's " " 2.00 $1.00
Men's Heavy Rubber, 1 buckle ". 1.00
Men's sizes 6,7,10,and 11, $1.75 " 1,00
Men's Rubbers regular 90c. for 75c
Women's " " 65c. " 550
Women's " " 60e. " 50c
Wthen's felt shoes $1.25 " 90c
Men's felt shoes from $1.75 to $2.50
for KAI $1.25
Horse blankets at 15% off regular
• prices. • .
There are only ft timited nutnber oj
pairs in each size.
Call early and secure a bargain,
• Regular sizes of shoes and Harness
always in stock.
5% off for cash.
.R. 11. SyVEET,
Treble's Old Stand
rn.ass meeting of business
men and. farmers will be held
in the Town Hall, Wednesday
evening, Feb. 12, at 7.30 to
discuss the question of saving
the perishable products of Hu-
ron County, especially our ap-
ple crop. As the matter is
taken up by capitalists the
Dominion Go-vernment ant
our Provincial Government
'have authorized counties _to
vote money for cold storage.
It,./s of the utmost importance
...to the public to take hold of
this matter and act promptly.
Interesting)addresses will be
deli-vered by leading men of
the County.
(intended ter last week-)
Tbe enild weather 011 Saturday and
Sunday has spoiled the sleighing. -On
Wednesday of hist week, 'while air.
Thos.Love was at work grinding grain
with his windmill, the bolt holding the
tail broke, the machine thereby losing
control of itself, it run with great ve-
locity until the wind settled. in the
evening, doing eonsideraale damage
to the ruachine.-Mr, W. Gibson de,
livered, seam cattle at Centralia ori
day for Mr. James Pollock. of Italian
Head, Asea., Mr. R. Ridley awl J.
Cronan, ent owing to some delay -they
did not go away until 2704., R. Ridley
going with theln to teake core of them
and remain on the prairie for a time.
Mr. Jerry 13MT/hey upeet his engine on
Tuesday evening opposite Mr. (*.Sher-
ritt'a causing hint conelderable delay.
Mr. Jas. Pollock and aire, of Indian
Head, who have been vatting friends
here for the past month started for
their home on Tuesday front Parkhill.
J. U. STANBURY, Bn A.. norm) Tile Collins/a
SNOW/ Reeribler.SolleitenSomryeConveeaneer.
ileum' to Loata-ikzer. Ont.
Rev., j. G. Litt left foe Naperville,
on business relating to the -North-
western College.-Mre, Lelia Boifinau,
of Platteville, and Mrs. Reilly. of Lon-
don, were in the village last Fraley,
visiting relatives -Sunday's sinew
storm has blocked the roads and bust -
nags in our burgh is very dull. The
stage was obliged to return last Mon-
day morniug, but got through to Cen-
tralia, in the evening: -Mr. Wm. Lewie
has a elapse and is quite ill,- Mr.
Henry Either mailed a lam number
or calendars for the piney holders in-
sured in Rae' Farmers' Insarance Co.,
tltis week. -Dr. arid Mre. River) spent
last Sunday in Clinton. Owing to the
condition of the made, they were un-
able to return until the later part of
the weela-afr, Chao. Zwicker has
urehased a handsome writing desk
torn Mr. O. Bearer.-5fr.
Fiukbeiner, concession S, hist a valu-
able horee lase Saturday. A number
of other horses seem to have the same
Miss Ellwood and Miss Easton were
the guests of Mrs.John Lewis Tuesday.
-Miss Where, was the gtwst of Miss
Lizzie Seeli for a few days iast week. -
ale. WM. Corbett'a family are vecoyer-
log from their sickneee.-The men
around here are busily engaged draw-
ing ice from the river Aux Sithle.--Mr.
Chivies Ram and :Tee nn reareau,
of the 4th concession or alceilliviay,
were united in marriage on Wednes-
day, Jan. 20111, by Rev. Mr. Deihl. -
The assistant teacher arrived at Brim -
ley and started teaching Monday.
WHIRLED TO DnaTin-liazel Per-
son, the ten-ye:y:601d daughter of Sum-
uel Person, of the township of McGilli-
vray, was the victim of a tereible
dent on Saturday. It appears tlmt a
eating macbine was in operation as
Mr. Person's barns, and in some man-
ner Hazel had hee dress caught in the
tumbling rod and wits hurled round
and round, receiving injuries, which
resulted in her death. Air. and Mrs.
Person have the beartfelt sympathy
of the entire community, in this thew
sad hour of trial and bereavement.
(Too late for last week)
The roads in our town are very bad
at present. -Some of the farmers in
this vicinity have been guilty of mar-
keting oats in which sand has been
mixed. -111r. Alex. McKenzie., of Ar-
den, Man., is home visiting finends,the
guest of his brother, Peter.-Xhiva
can boast of haying a lady. pugilist.
What wee to haye been a five -round
contest at the Atlanta Club, here on
Saturday evening, resulted rather
abruptly. When tbe lady entered the
ring she was determined to beat her
opponent, John. Round one she push-
ed the fighting from the etart, giving
her opponent a few hard punches and
just as the gong sounded she gave him
a left bander on the jaw, nearly stun-
ning.him. Round two John came in
to wen if possible but she ducked his
heavy -right hand, swings and lands a
heavy left on his mouth which brought
him to the floor and when he came to
his feet he found he had lost one of
his front teeth. At this stage of the
fight the police interfered and stopped
the fray, with honors in favor ot the
Deno IN ane OuTTEit.-On Thursday
morning last much surprise and regret
was exoressed on it bemeraing known
that Mr. William Atkinson, of the 4th
concession of Biddulph, had died sud-
denly. Apparently, in his usual good
health, he left home that rooming for
Clentralia,:calling on the way. at Mr.
Wrn. Colwill's, where he transacted
some business and then proceeded on
his way here, between nine and ten
o'clock., He reached here, but sad to
relate jnet is he &eve up in front of
the post office store he died as he sat
in his cutter. Parties in the store no
him drive up, but thinking he
was waiting for some,person, no atten-
tion was paid for a tine to his tarry-
ing outside, notwithstanding it was
bitter cold,but on investigation a short
time later it was found that he was
stone dead with his bead a little thrown
back. His remains were tit once con-
veyed to his home in Biddulph arid
prepared for burial. The deceased was
well known in his own township and
highly respected is a friend and neigh-
bor_and his sudden death will be a
shock to the whole community. His
age was 72 years, one month and five
days. He leoyes to mourn his demise
foul, sons -James on the 2nd conces-
sion of Biddulph; Rafe on the 3rd;
Henry at home and George in Detroit
-and one daughter, lVfrs. H. Carroll.
The bereaved flinnly have the sympa-
•thy of tbe community.
Edell I Winghann Geo. Newton has gne
Mr. Gen, ftesey„ fee Alberta. who bee' Ito tbe4iteil
rY be:loess in J. Gol ey'e
N. Switzer for the ,-..fthree weekee Clinton: Johnnie S4cCa.ughey bap'
been YlsttIng lus brother -In-law, Mro sta
returned bome on FridaYea-MrS. Rude repo to be run over on Saturday and
eon, of Exeter, wits visiting tker friend. '-berebY was semewbal bruised.
Mrs.R. Coates last weeks-asesses.will Kirkton: MIS John 1Jrqubarb has
Linton. of Cleveland. and jamee Loan weaased the farm ot. Mr. jaileas
tie of B: Cit• h el ited their era and will take seessionin one
tY Y. e s p, po
St. Marys:, Mr. WM. Box sold thel
house and lot on Oritario street, be
longing to tbe tate Mr. Nieol at 'public
auction to Me. -G, McLean fer *775,
Clinton; -Obas. ..Cierter, who is at-
tending to tbe rink, received a fall last
week which again blamed his ribs, hot
he is :wiring care and goon will be • as
well as ever. •
„ _
uncle, Mr, Fred. Luxtensfor a few days year.
last weele.-Miss Allie Rook was the Winghara; Mr. John K Swarte hate
guest of her sister. Miss Blanch Itoolt, disrosed of the gent Block to Mr. A.
•Winchelsea, on Sunday last. -Mr. melee, The peke paidewas in the
and altn. L Cella of Kirkton, were the neighborhood of $3.000.
guests of alle and Mee. J. Harmer on aralltonz The English church here
Sunday. -Owing to the stormy weatto and in elrosps eat hall are naaang an
er and the teal made, there has been a,.
poor attendance at school vas weeu. eisore 1-4'4 se rate from St. James' and
euetain a. clergymen of their own,
St Mere's; Maser:lig, honeekeeper
Grd B
anend, tor .1r I. Donnell. BlanShard, sister
MIN Beaarei af Point Edward* Went ofJWw.Martin of this town, fell
few days here leek week.-Mr.Oreere on the, eljetesda on Queen street. and
Port Frank, spent Tuesday here. heiete her nein and dislocated and
Ma and afreaae Mollard. who spent a wrist.
week With relatives in Hensalareturin
lett,,w was Spending a week in an 1.11), 11.4t1a7 afterllaaa leantlan
Allen Craig, hasreturneil bninee-eite, lla teroilfh ePeratlea .or APPendie
ed home Weduesda,y.-Mr. Bowie- Zurich; Mr. John Deichert, Jr., fo
winert, or Dashwood, wil5 here satur. eitis, e hope the operation will he
day. -There was a meeting held here thOrii"of re8torlog him to good
on Monday in connection with thehar- "ea" 44g4411'
hor.-A runaway which eaueed eon. Goderichz Percy Andrewe, who for
siderable excitement happened. here several years leas carried an a. meat
Saturcley. While Mr. sronug weekends busineea here discontinued business
ing wood in Mr. Hamilton's Yara last week. Mr. Andrews Woad re -
horse took fright and ran up to the iron moving te winuffeg soon as he eau
bridge and beck to the itlacketnith Atop wind, alt his beams -
where it was captured. heforeany dam- Mitchell: Mr. R. Sykes has puo.
age was done. chased the livery hosinesefrom (i.
8.Ingram,MiteltelLand took pueseesion
Stephen zawiday. The price paid was 0260
Sciroass Rniariere.-The followhig is eetikanu, Nr. Ingram to take Ave et
a eureeet report of the standing of the the JAores.
pupils ot .No. 3, for the month of Hay: Mr. Nicholas Hartung a the
January. The report is biteed on the Itabelon lineesticentubed to blood pots -
examinations held dating the inontli (ming on Tieneday evening. reaching
and tire standing of eat -11.1)4;1)11 deter- the age of alutia 64 ems. Deceztsed
mined therefrono The naines are alk- wati ;6 rttiattla of this township foe
winged in older or inerit:-V-Laura ;many yeare and his death at n emu-
Jory. IV. -lierble Ford, Charles S. parativelly eetly :gr IS inintrned by it
Sanders, Clititon Sweet. Homer Bag- lame dale of relatives and friends,
slum Roy Parsons, Ase Penbale, 8a- lie leavt a widow and family of ADV.
die Willis. Viola Penhale, Hattie WII- arid sons and daughters, nearly alt
Ii. Willie Triebner, Clara Beaver. Sr. grown tiln
HI -Minnie Sanders... Alonza eeetanotu era Jose h The .er has
Herbie Beavea Eddie Willia -P4041-1 old his fern t ti X d 11 '
i. i n ie en concession,
Parsons Mitchell Willie, Lizzie San- to his neighbor, Mrahomae McQuade.
tiers. Inter. IIT -Tommy Sanders, The farm contains 60 acres, and. the
Sam Hide% Alfred Weertb, Nelson nave paid wits saw,. 31 t. thogm.win
Sandere, Earl Ban, Violet Woods. jr, LaVe. an teietion sale of his effects on
IIL-Annie Hicks, Harry Triehner, Febjearkel Will move shortly to Bruce
RalPh =list HAW Paeseas. 81". II. comity, in the neigbborhood of Port
Cecelia Ford, Victor Sweet. Garnet Elgin, where he hasesecnred it large
Craig, Chas. E. Sanders, Hilda Pres*. farm
Won Fred Beaver, Tommy Penbale, „
Levine, A. Cooksou. Edith NVhittake4 ^neat' 1011112 3/r• Samuel Calmar*
may sander/4, End parsons. pave ej, has pule . ed the farm. lot IL on the
Harrv fiweete °bays Dearieg. Mete Sat e'"""•41-' '"''''t Pall" C-110" Mr. 309.
aleTovisle paying $5.800 for the same.
man Willis, Sam Stanlake. Geo. Whit- This is VA itcres the Masan Coleman
taker. Eddie Trielmea George Hicks.
Feed eaeseeatoa eseata....cheeter Len, w own, and it shows tluit money
sons Preston Deating, Johnnie Willis, can be made toelay, as well as years
Ago on a farm. Mr. McTavish bas
EarfShapton. Best spellers for the
mouth: -IV. -Roy Parsons, Sn war"' Seaf°11h, 11'1 bas Par•
}fertile Beaver, Jr. We -Annie Hicks. cbas"1. a home'
No. on roll 52. Average attendance Clinton: One who has seen early
for the month 45.5. - life in Hulletapassed away to the great
FR= Stamm% Teaebee, =amity on Monday at the borne of
The following are the niunes of the her daughter, Mrs. Pinning, in tbe
pupils in tbe Senior division of S. $, person of Mrs. Jones, relict of the late
No. 1, in order of merit who have tak- William Jones, at the advanced age of
en the higbest marks for the month 70 years. Deceased bits been living in
of January. Only the four highest are
given: -V. -Clinton Hogarth. eFleeda
Baker. Perry Windsor, A. Hepburn.
Sr. IV. -Hector Mitchell, Warren
Mitchell, Edna McNaughton, Rose
Wilson. Sr. IV. -Vernon Wilson,Ed-
die Calais, H. Mitcbell, Elva Windsor.
Sr. III. -Chas. Beaman, Leslie Mc-
Naughton, Flora Hepburn, M. Callas.
J.A. MeNaucierrox, teacher.
Around About 'Us.
Hibbert: After a long- illness, from
growth on the knee, Mr. Charlesalc-
Cutcheon died in his 20th year, at his
father's residence. He was apromis-
ing young man tied his death is much
regretted. His funeral was largely at-
tended. -- •
St Marys: While warrning a bottle
of furniture polish on the coal stove in
his furniture store on Walter street,
one morning last week, Ma Chas. Mc-
Call nearly got hurt: The bottle ex-
ploded -in bis hand but fortunately the
contents and glass flew in the opposite
direction. The shop got on fire, but it
was easily extinguished, but not be-
fore the walls had been badly blacken-
ed by the smoke. It was found neces-
sary to repaper the store. The loss was
about $50 which was covered by insur-
ance in tbe Perth Mutual Co.
Godericb: Towards the end of the
past week there were rumors that Mrs,
J. J. McMath was seriously ill, but on
Monday a report WAS current that her
health was improving, 'hence the news
of her. decease on Tuesday Morning
was sorrowful shock to our citizens.
The deceased lady had been recently
confined,. but rheumatism retarded her
recovery. It attacked her arm and A
neither limb, then passed to her left
breast and reaching the 'heart took her
young life. Mrs. ivIcMath was one of
our well known residents, her ,filther,
the late -C. 0. Crabb, being known' all
over this Western Province. The de-
ceased leaves to mourn her a husband
and one child, a boy of four years, and
many other relatives, with whom the
people of Goderich and vicinity sorrow
in their great affliction.
Cromarty: A very pretty wedding
was solemenized ort Wednesday even-
ing, January 22nd, at the home of Mr.
Win. Kerslake, when Miss Maud, his
second daughter, was united in marri-
age to Mr. Hugh 'McLachlan. The
bride, who was given away by her
father, looked eharnaing in a white
organdie dress, with white satin trim-
mings, and carried a beautiful bouquet
of coronations. The maid of honor was
little Miss McKellar, niece of the
groom. After the ceremony, which
was performed by Rev. Mr. Cranston,
in the presence of the immediate re-
latives and friends of the bride -and
groom, a bountiful repast was indulg-
ed in, followed by dancing and other
amusements. The numerous and valu-
able presents testify to the high esteem
in whieh the young couple are held by
their many friends.
town for the past year or so and has
been failing of late, although quite N°te*
well and her death was somewhat of -A
surprise to her. relatives. The 'Ontario Provincial Auction
Zurich: A. rather unlisted event oc- Sales.
curred at the residence of Rev. Hen-
derson on Wednesday, in the marriage
of Henry. Kehler, Sr.. to Mrs. Waltz,
both residents of the western part of
this twin:whip. The groom is on the
shady side of eighty while the bride
luts seen at least seventy summers and
winters. Neither were able to under-
stand English very well, and the knot
was tied with some difficulty.
Parkhill: Mrs. A. Gray, of this
town, died on Wednesday Jan. 22nd,
after it protracted illness borne with
much christian patience and resignat-
ion: It was known for several weeks
that her malady was incurable and
therefore when death came it was not
unexpected and some of the members
of the family, -who has been away
from the parental home, were at her
bedside. The funeral- was held on
Saturday and the religious rites in
connection therewith were performed
by her pastor, Rev. Mr. Cobbledick.
She is survived by her husband and
four sons end fivedaughters.
Seaforth: It was with -feelings of
the deepest regret and sincerest sor-
row that the announcement of the
death of Mrs: Kirkman was received
here on Saturday. :It had been known
for some tinae that she had been
but nothing Serious had been antici-
pated The sad event took place on
Saturday, at her residence in Toronto.
She.had been ill only about a week:
Pneumonia was the cause. Mr's.Kirk-
,man had beeira teacherin the Colleg-
iate Institutehere for about 16 years.
She was forced to retire from that po-
sition last summer, by failing heelth,
but it was thought by all her friends
that the clean& would prove benefici-
al, if it did not entirely restore her.
Sboe tater, with her sister; Miss Tyt-
ler, she removed to Toronto, where
they took up their residence.
Zurich: ' It is our. sad duty to an-
nounce the death. of Airs.Kilber, of
Beanapton, a former esteemed resident
of Zurich.. Her death took place on
Saturday evening Jae, 25th at the
family residence, corner of Nelson and
mill streets, Brampton; at the age of
43,years, 2.months end 20. days. Tiae
deceased Was a daughter- of the late
Absolom Friend, founder ofDashwood.
(Friedshurg) and is survived by hus-
band, five sons, three daughters, three
arothers' and four sisters, to mourn
her early demise. For the past four
years her life has bede one of sick-
ness more or less severe, which she
bore witlechristian fortitude and pati-
ence.. 11er remains were brought from
her late home at Branipton on 31013 -
day evening, to the reSidenee of her
sister; Mrs. Charles Frits, whence the
funeral was held on on Tuesdarafternoon
the interment taking placeat the
Bronson line cemetery. .
Oqunty 001104
The County Council was in session
last week, the hrst business being tbe
unanimous election of Mr. Donald Pat-
tieon, of East Wawanoeh. as Warden -
This gentlernau, although only ,p0x%
tially recovered from it eevere Maass,
was present, and fittingly thanked the
Council for the honor conferred upon
afeeere. Spelt:Man, Easter, and Lime
of Goderich, were appointed thelloard
of CrillSinal Audit. •
The various Collegiate Institute
Trustees were re-apponeted, the same
as Net veer.
On 'Wednesday delegation waited
on the connell, aeleing that periniesion
1.1a given the proposed Electric- Heil -
way to uee the county bridges. Ainaug
those wbo addressed the council
were Messrs. Morgan Dalton. M. 0.
Cameron, J. 13eck, D. McGillicuddy,
Dr. Holmes. Robt. Hoboes. and the
engineer of the company. Referred to
Read and Bridge Committee.
A, delegation representing Colborne.
Goderich township, VIM tuti
mid (loderich, and nwinhering nearly
la% wailea ou the counell Weilneeelay,
to ask for the early eonstruetion of the
proposed bridge Into Colborae. The
council S addriPS5C41 by Mayor Jacks
son. Sir H. Smith, James Fair, J.
Wallis end It. Holmes, Thus.
einuniell. John Cox. James Leith -
%voile and J. II. Lowery. (saiderieh
townehip; Jas. Snell, Millen; Reeve '
mug. ex Reeve Johns, Burns.
R. Jewel. A. Robertson, Wni. MIL
Colborne. alituat all of whom palatal
oat the eereat advantages and neces-
sity of the bridge being
arr. Holt moved, seconded by D.
fantelon that tbe council visit the
locality on Thursday, and find out fee
themselves the need of the bridge or
otherwise Both spoke in favor of the
resolution, width was opened by
'Messrs Bownnin aud Miller. The
motion was lost on the following vote:
Yea, Connolly, Cantelon, Chambers.
Holt, Lamont, aleLean-0. Nay, Bow -
roam. Ferguson, Ilaye. Illeks, Kerr,
Lockhart, Spaekman, eta Tor-
rance was absent ana the 'Warden did
not vote.
It is said the delegation was the largs
eel. that ever waited on the council
within 26 years, and there was a gond
deal of indignation among the dole -
gates at what they ennsidered was un-
fair treatment. They thought the
iniglit at least blew gone to Fee
the placa notwithstanding the fact
that aln Ainsley„ Ca Commissioner,
said it could not lw viewed as well as
in the summer time, they emdend that
to visit the place did not commit the
council to anything further, wol. they
think they were entitled to better treat-
ment than tbey got as the result of the
Northern and NorthWestern Division
Of the G.T.R., D.R.R. Erie and
Huron Ry., Central Ontario Ry., King -
stole ia Pembroke Rye BAY of gaiate
By., Ss Navigation ann, Iii.C.B. iri Can-
ada, U. A. Ry. and the Ottawa and N.
Y. Ry. Those attending the sales
MUSt purchase first-class full rate, one
way tickets to Ottawa or Guelph, and
obtain certificates to that efitect on
standard certificate forra. Ticket
:meats are supplied with standard cers
tilleates, and are instructed to issue
them on applicatiou. Where persona
have to travel over more than oue rail- -vas nee,
way to reach the place of sale they will
require to purchase tickets and obtain
certificates as above from cacti railway,
except front stations on lines mentions
ed above.
Buyers of ear lots, corning from
West of Port Artbier, will be given
the Saline rate as is allowed on settlers
effects. A free as will be allowed
with cede car or pure bred stock. A11
plarebusers who buy a carload for use
in Canada, and who have paid full pas-
Feager fare from a starting point in
Canad,i to dater of the sides, will he
refunded one ball their first elass fare,
or i' snob ptirehatier bas travelled sec -
owl class, a reduction will tie wade to
one eeut per mile. A. claim for the
refund west be accompanied by it, ree
eeipt Inc the fere.paiti and also by the
freight bill covernig the shipment of
live stock. These arran,,nernents tia.ve
been eninpleted with the C. I'. IL and
G. T. ite
F. W. Ilonstees,
Live Stock Commissioner.
Things Upset in Mitchell.
Mitchell. Ont., Jan. 26, -Sedge Bar-
ron gave judgment Ioniay in the action
lerougta by Fred Davie, ex-alaror. of
Mitehell, to uneeat Hugh Campbell,
alayor and Councillors S. B. Stuart,
Joan Blowes, and fame Hold of the
FUN? plaese The Oration of the first
nano d. defeudants ie declared illegal
on the ground of the iaterest which
was proven they took in the litigation
resulting in the awaiting of the by.
law air the closing up of Rowland
street.Mitehell, Councilor Hord is sue -
Wined, as the evidence did not appear
to reiteh him, showing his connection
with the gnestiore The aulgment does
not disqualify the unseated wentbers
from further candidacy from the same
°Mee. As a result of the law suit in the
recent municipal election, Messrs. B.F.
DaviaW.J.Levy and W.R.Davisonem-
bus of the public school hoard, have
reeigued owing to the feet that they
fernietted supplies to the school. It is
saki tbet certain members of the high*
sthool board will also be asked to re-
The provincial auction sales which
were held at Guelph and Ottawa, last
year in February and March more than
realized the expectations of all inter-
ested. The sales this year will take
place daring tbe month of February.
A. change, however, has been made in
the order of the sales. That at Ottawa
will take place first, February- nth,
and the Guelph one. February.26611.
As only a, limited number' of animals
will be sold at each :place, and as
tries have been received for consider-
able more than the number required,
an opportunity will be given to select
only the very best. Animals will be
selected that are in the pink of condi-
tion, and good iudividuals of the breed
they represent. No unworthy animals
will be accepted.
Persons wishing to purchase can de-
pend upon being able to choose from a
lot of stock of individual merit and
good breeding. The names of a large
ntnnber of prominent breeders is a
guarantee of, the quality of the stock
The animals to be 'sold at Ottawa in-
clude Shorthorns, Ayrshire% York-
shires and Tamworths. At Guelph
there will be only representatives of
the Beef breeds and swine. Naturally
Shorthorns predominate in numbers
and of these, there are a great many
excellent representatives. Such breed-
ers as Eton. john Dryden, 0apt. T. E.
Robson, Ilderton; A. W. Smith, Maple
Lodge; R. Gibson, Delmore; A John-
son Greenwood; J. T. Gibson, Den-
field, R. & S. Nicholson, Sylvan; W. G.
Sanders, Ste Thomast.A. & W. Whit
law, Guelph; W. Smith, Columbus; E.
Jeffs & Son, Bond Head; Jno. Bright,
Myrtle, H.K. Fairbairn, Thedford; W.
G. Ormiston, C/olumbus; F. G. Sibbalcl,
Sietton West; A.. Moore, Greenwood;
J. E. Meyer, Kossuth; and frilly seven-
ty-five other breeders of Shorthorns,
have stock entered. Among other
breeds, J.G.Clark,Ottawa,and ROD. W.
_Owens, Montebello, have enteeed Ayr-
slnres; D. McCaw, Guelph, Galloways
and swine; R. Reid & Co., Tamworths,
Berkshires and A.yrshires; Jno. A.
Richardson, South March, Holsteins.
It will thus be seen that there will
be not only a large number of animals
to be disposed of but that they will be
ell good representatives of the breeds,
as every precaution will be taken to
• secure this end. Buyers can attend
the sales, with every confidence that
they can there purchase what they re-
quite, and they can • look over the
stock in the budding before the sale
begins, and at any titne until its close.
Reduced rates will be granted to par-
ties who attend these sales, over the
C.P.R. front local stations east of Fort
William and from all points on the
EVERT HOUSER:NEP= must often
act as
it frtraily physician. Pain -Killer
for all the little ills, cuts and sprains,
as well as for ail bowel complaints, is
indispensable, A.vo id substitutes, there
is but one Pahl -Killer, Perry Davis'
23c. and. 50e.
DnnYn-In Exeter, on 3'401.29,8w wife
of Mr. Win. Delve, of a SOD.
$AEAltAS-At the Goshen line, Hay- on
the 28t1I January, the wife of Mr.
Shnon Sararits, of it daughter.
BEENNER*-At Zurich,on the27th Jan-
uary, the wife of Mr. John Brenner,
of a. SOD.
MANSON-At the Goshen line. Stanley
on the 2Sth January, the wife of Mr.
John A. Manson, of a son.
KOEHLUG.---WALE-At Hensall, on
Sita19ebsr the Rea 3. S. Hender-
son, Mr. Henry Koehler, Sr., to Mrs.
Jacob Wel; both of Hay township.
For..Tax.Toiens-At the rectory, Sea -
forth, on Jan. 23rd, by Rev. Rural .
Dean Hodgius, Ma James Fulton, of
McKillop to Miss Emily Jones, of
Gnax-In Parkhill, on San. 22nd, .
Mary Ann Gray, beloved wife of
Abraham Gray, aged. 60 years 10
81%nm/co.-In St. Marys, on San. 29,
Mr. Robert Sparlhag, aged 62 years.
111cCurroanox.-In Hibbert, on Jan.
22nd, Chas. F. McCutcheon, aged 19
years and 6 days.
ATEINSON. -In Centralia', on Jan. 30,
William Atkinson, aged 72 years, 1
- month, 5 days.
.Tons. -in Clinton, on Jan. 27, Mrs, •
Arm Jones,relict of thalate W.Iones
aged 76 years.
HARTUNG-At the Babylon line, Hay,
on Jan. 25, Nicholas Hartung, at the
age 01 54 years.
MANNING.—In Guelph, on February 4,
Mrs. Mattie Manning, aged 38 years, .
10 months. Funeral from the resi-
dence of Mr'. john Manning, Eketer,
to day Thereday, at 2 o'clock. '
The Baby
Then probably it's a cold.
Babies catch cold so easily
and recover so slowly. Not
slowly, however, when you
use Va.po-Cresolene. Then
a single night is all that is
necessary for a cure. You just put
some Cresolene in the vaporizer,light
the lamp beneath, and place near the
crib. While baby sleeps he breathes -
in the healing vapor. Cold 7oosens,
inflamed membranes heal, and all
trouble ceases. It's a perfect specific
for whooping -cough and croup. s
seepo-ccesoisie is sold by druggists everywhere.
A Vapo-Cresolene outfit, including the Vaporizer and
Lamp, which,should, last alife-time, and a bottle of
Cresolene, complete, 81.50; emra supplies of Creso-
lone es tents and so cents, illustrated booklet contain -
trig physicians' testifnohlttlg free upon request. Vatm
Cansotzna Co., rEo Fulton St., New York, U.S.A.