HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-1-23, Page 8t.
! -Note, the immense values and cut
tin prices announced in Stewert'slocals
rz this issue Every bra . bonl
level has a special and in every special
there is a bargain.
up a ease of New
consisting of the Laa•EST
he quiet season we will
l i q.durt. ements
Suit for $14.00
suit for 12.00
Solt for 12.00
from $3.00 and upwards
, .,-,WILL,
BE AT THE...,..
Two days
ad SATURDAY. JAN. 3t5( HD. ist
can early and avail yourself of his
service, as rhis is a, rare o -
to have your eyes properly
free of charge, No guess work,
a scientifae certainty. Difficult
?S accurately fitted. ALL wattle
lktall IWO of Artifitaal E1es Added
pkat rstrc sUfa ....... a4f DOINGS,
Tli (rnlytlti:i,,;, that, some people
le ('ep is lett" litilrr5*
Postage staimps are egotistical when
get stiit:lc on themselves.
Women's boots and shoes half solei
cents a pair. Gi o :11:S;aSO.ti.
Carse boots and shoes half ,soled, 35
411 cents a pail, Gan MAxacsx.
R(v, NV. Martin aandlev dll
. ;
exchanged pulpits on innday.
We half sols gilt men's line boots and
for 115 to 40 cents a pair. Euro.
One year ago yesterday our late he -
anieen pissed from the scene of
The rumor afi,aat that there was a.
of smallpox in 11ensaal1 turns out
be a case of weasels.
The hockey boys are down to good
practice now but we would like
a test of their mend.
A terrible cart! Ladies Black As-
trachan fur coats $25.00, reduced to
$,15.00; and ladies $38.00 Black Bosh -
fur coats reduced to $25.75.
For itching of the scalp, dandruff
awl falling of the hair, use Turkish
Scalp Food. Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter.
Several in town have received in-
vitations for the 20th Century Ball to
he held in. Hensall to -morrow (Friday)
night. ,
$1.00 in advance pays for the Ad ro-
tate till January 1, 1903. If you want
b please a friend send them the
Owing to several cases of small pox
iiafthe section, Shipka school has been
erased, but expects to be opened again
its about a month.
A large number from here attended
the Thames Road Presbyterian tea
ort Monday evening and report a very
pleasant time.
In our item last week regarding the
sale of Mr. Ross' stock it should have
read Mr. P. G. Harlton, purchaser, in-
stead of Mr. Hannon, as stated.
English Stock Food is the .cheapest
and best food on the market and all
the best stock raisers in the surround-
ing country use it. Sold by C. Lutz,
Now listen! Men's $16.00 and $15
dark,full hide Australian coon coats
need to $11.75, at Stewart's.
Mr. Wm. Hawkshaw,the genial pro-
prietor of the Commercial House, is
confined to his bed from the effects of
injuries sustained in a recent fall into
the cellar.
Mrs. Russell, who resides ,on the
brow of the hill near • the bridge, was
taken suddenly i11 Monday night and
Dm some time herlife was alis air
She has, however, e , somewhat improved
since then. p
The special services in James St.
church are being well attended, and
awakening much interest. The pastor
will be assisted next week by Rev, G.
It Hazen, of Sarnia. Every one will
bemade welcome.
A:number of counterfeit $1 Canadian
billsare in circulation. The bilis are
numbered 876,432, series B. and are
`tedMarch 31, 1896, They are very
badly printed, the face being blurred
sand not at all clear.
A number of farmers frbr the towrt-
ebips of Stephen and Hay held a 'bee
On Friday afternoon Iast and hauled
the brick and material for the new
residence to be erected in connection
with the cemetery grounds.
85e flaenelette blankets, reduced
2. pure wool'.blan-
id, 50la-
tie` � C.. mid n
67 � ,
` dt '2.1 at Ste art
reduced. S w s
e re $
The Doininiota Presbyterian, wrestl-
in.'with a. vexed questio ?'• en :tires
ing/with , q
"twould rater, hold'Fhether:yo z ,o:
'fowl social; and give $3 worth of fowl
ter it, together wit 3 worth of tithe •.
*Ad $10 woriof tem er, or,band oy e
tothe ehuieIt t
ihard. cash?
[Viral w.ill,have �' �sargl' enough topropose
a ., :of settlin . the
,the, g .•
Among the Militias changes the fol.
loving is announced. : kion. Surgeon
Lieut.- Col. W. J. R. Ilolanes of the
Mel lluronRegi:
nrent is placedupon
the retired list, retaining honorary
rank of surgeon -lieutenant -colonel
31r. Thos. Kestle, of the 2nd conces-
sion of Stephen, is having the. brick
and material hauled for the erection of
a new house on his farm. Mr. Win,
Dearing, Sr., is oleo having material
put on his: farm for the erection of a.
new bank barn.
• The Jolly Pulls Co. concluded a
week's engagement here on Saturday
night last. The performances • were
very interesting„ consequently they
were greeted with big houses. .:lir,
Curt, harness was the lucky holder of
the ticket that drew the gold watch on
Saturday night.
• looke! Men's $2..00 Blank
Corsican Lamb fur emits and $23.00
Australian Calf coats, and $23.00
Rock Wallaby coats, all reduced to
• $19.75, at Stewarts.
Mr. E. J. Emmett, who went West
some months ago, in writing front
Taylorville to the isvoe sTE, says: -
Rave school in Southern Alberta -the
Rockies 35 :mile$ to the west; wild
climate ranching county, rattle graze
out all year round. Fine people here
and I are a o. o
(n h o school, ow which, is
attached a salary of 5604. atyear c.
Sevet•atl inquiries have been made As
to tris close season for rabbits, The
game hews,. of the province state that
no rabbits shall be shot between the
15th of December and the 150. of Sep.
teber fo1
though theymay
be killed h• any other means then
the use of gnus or other fire -arms dur-
ing the close season,
A nuntber of people iu Toronto have
been arrested. and fined lately for fail-
ing to properly register births, xnar-
riaag;es and deaths. There is at sharp
move on throughout the Province 1.0
insist on prompt registration of vital
statistics, and it might he well fear peo.
ple here to see the.t their affairs are
..egistered before compulsory action is
taken, which involves a fine.
`teserS, E. J. Spackman R. II. Sweet,
J. Rcnalle, S. A. Poplestone, SV. Johns
Geo, Hemmen, R. N. Rowe, N. C'ob-
blediel , R. Davis aandJauzes If. Grieve
drone over to Mitchell Friday afeer-
rzoon. to assist in the resuscitation of
van t)ddfellows Lodge in that town,
which had been defamer for some
years. t large number were present
irons Stratford and other places.
.Air. \Vin. B;(widen, of the firm of
Batwden & 31cDonald,wilo has been in
the Old Country for several weeks,
arrived home i
io nc c n Tuesday another
i t
z o her
shipment of entire horses. There were
ten in all -.two hackneys and eight
shires and clydesd(tles. With this ship-
ment they will have twenty of the
best horses in Canada,the latter ship.
went being a particuarly fuze lot of
:Cow's your. chance. Toadies' fin
est quality Electric •Seal coats. with
Sable or Mink Collars and Revers;
City price $00.00, our reduced price,
$39.011; quirk if you want one. tew-
Mr. B. E. Young, ledgerkeeper art
nhoMolsons Bank here,has been trans-
ferred to the Clinton branch of the
sante bauk, leaving here Monday to fill
the position. Mr. Martin, who has
been junior clerk here,fills the vacancy
of Mr. Young, while Shirley Bolder
t e the position of junior clerk.
Mr, Young has proven himself obliging
and courteous and his many friends
will regret to hear of his departure.
oaantiet Lost
On December 30th, on the 2nd. con-
cession of Stephen or Hay, a black fur
gauntlet. Finder will confer a favor
by leaving same at this office.
T. P. Smith Co,xinir
If you havedefective eyesight don't
fail to consult with T. P. Smith, the
Noted Eye Specialist, of Elora, who
will be at the Commercial House,
Exeter, on January 31st and February
1st. See i4ad" in another column.
Main St. Methodist Church.
The Rev. Geo. Jackson, Chairman of
London district, will preach Mission-
ary sermons, morning and evening on
Sunday next. Collection and subscrip-
tion in aid of Mission Fund. On Mon-
day evening following(27th) the
Rev. Dr. Henderson, ,assistant Mis-
sionary Secretary, will give an address
on Missions. Dr. Henderson is one of
the most eloquent divines of the Meth-
odist church. Come and hear him.
Child's grey Persian lamb fur caps
$2.50, reduced to $1.39; and men's
and woman's Beaverized fur caps,
$2.50, reduced to $1.90, at Stewarts.
Painful Accident
Chester, son of Mr. Silas Stanlake,
of Sodom, met with a very painful
accident yesterday (Wednesday) morn-
ing. Re was engaged in cutting wood
in the bush and in some mannerstum-
bled and fell against ns
t the: axe he had
previously laid aside, e cnttin
a severe
gash completely across the
palm of
the hand and severing an artery. The
wound bled profusely, but he was im-
mediately driven to town and Dr.
Browning dressed the injured mem-
ber which required seyeral stitches.
It will be some weeks before he will
have the use of the hand again.
Dogs Poalsoncd •
Considerable excitement prevailed
here over the poisoning of a number
of valuable dogs on Saturday night
last, the result of which :many high
priced and valued canines have passed
into dogdont. Two of the animals
were opened and the autopsy revealed
the fact that strychnine had been used
on meat. The following are the' losers,
-. N. D. 'Hron, ud M.
Jasviz:: JecMrkell, houndu;dMr. Jas..
J. T. Westcort, terrier and
Mr. S. Fitton, , hound, That it was the
work of a fiend is quiet evidentand,
every means•will be taken to bring the
guiltyculpritto a :
participation in his
just deserts; : We understand informa-
tion' has already been laid and; the
trial .will take place on Saturday next
before Magistrate;; Snell.
1pL$ bs
Pcesd t boble
e co d•
pure linen towelling, reduced to ,:5ee
Stew arts. ?,
Liiceose commissioners.
The following have been appointed
license e(alnnlissioners for • the three
ridings. of Huron: West Hnran,---Satni'l
Sloan, James Stevens and Hugh i.Ic
Quarrie. South Huron, -D.
son, Peter Douglas and Rem
y Doyle
East Huron,-ieorge George
Fortune and A,Littlejohn, Th e fel-
have been appoutedfor South
Perth: Joseph McIntyre, James Nagle
and 13. F. Castner, The following
have been Appointed for NorthMiddle-
sex: Dr. John Gunn, .Thomas Bogue
:ind D.�4MoKenze.
A r a& P.. ill, SOW home,
The members of Lebanon Forest
Lodge, NO, 14 A, F. 4. A, ?1i,, Met
in their new ootee on Monday night
last for the first time. The hall was
uew and; the officers were new, but
notwithstanding the latter fact the
exemplification • of the work in the
lst degree was done with exception
credit to those in charge of the chairs,
consequently the event of the first
meeting was most pleasing to the
largeuutnper of nieinbers in attend-
ance. The reales are possibly the
nioselbandsonzely equipped of any in
the district, and IS certainly A ez'edit
to the order. It is expected that the
conseeration and dedication ceremon-
ies will take place at the next. regiebir
Meeting in February'.
Here • you are! Men's $10,00,
$.38,00 and $35,00 dark natural com
coats, reduced to $0,75, at Stew-
South Ituroet ea:Seatturial society
The annual meeting of the members
of the South Iluron Agricultural
Society was held at Dixon's hotel,
Brumfield, on Wednesday last. The
reports showed the society to be in 4
eroz s condition. There
were prod for prizes lust year nearly
av tltousentl dollars, and the scut wars
closed with at surplus of $574 iu the
treasury. The following officers, and
directors were elected for the current
year: John McNevin, Xippen, presi-
dent; Thomas Mussell, Usborne, see-
' vice.president. Directors. ---Messrs
T. McGregor and D. Melntosh, V. S.,
Brumfield; Thomas Fraser and John
Murdoch, Staple ; H. Smith and Rob-
ert 3Ie Allister}ay; IV Dixon and
E. Christie. Exeter, and Rober
It' ttrdie, Kippers. Mems A, F. Scott
and Dr, Armstrong, Brumfield; were
tippuinted auditors, Messrs, Thomas
Russell. and John liurdoeh were ap-
pointed representatives on the board
of the ZVestern Fair Association, Lon-
don. ---At as meeting of the directors
subsequently, held. Mr. 1[. Z. McLean
re -appointed secretary -treasurer,
and it was resolved to continue the
spring show for entire stock at Brum-
field. The date will be fixed at a
meeting of the directors, to ,be held
alt llensall, early in March.
Yc Krtightca of Ye Rod.
Yo anlruaie meetyng and selections
for yye goose and trusted men to sit in
High office for ye year, A. D., ]002, in
ye Antient and Honourable Order of
ye Ise* Walton Club, of ye Village of
:Exeter, was held on ye 2nd day of ye
week, Jan. 14th. Ye members were in
oodlye number, Masters J. 'Muir,
N. Dyer nurdan, H. Specimen, zan, It. B.
Samuel, I. R. Carling, 0. Il'. Sander:,
A. Walter, F. Knight, Jas. Davis and.
L7. Cunningham with ye Medical prac-
titioner, J. A. Rollins. H. Spackman
sat on ye creel atssunred' ye sway for
ye eyening. Ye vice-creelman, John
Muir, who had returned from ye voy-
age on ye high seas, in troth had been
to the laude of hys birth° called in ye
vulgar tongue Bonnie Scotland kindly
presented some of ye men in luigh
office with ye small but handsome re-
membrances. Ye Fisherman Hurdon,
Muir and Dyer were placed in
ye coun-
cil to do ye writings and ye laws for
ye order and ye weights of ye fish
caught. Ye goods and ye trusted when
who were chosen to sit in ye High
office are hereby noted below. Ye
High Creelmen and ye Captain, John
Muir; Ye First mate, A. G. Dyer; Ye
Slinger of ye Quille and purseholder,R.
B. Samuel; Y -e adviser of ye Laws I. R.
Carling; Ye Equerry and Ganymede,
Jas. Beer; Ye Practitioner of ye Medi-
cal Art, J. A. Rollins; Ye High Pris-
eator, H, Spackman, to work in ye
harmony with Ye Grande Prevarica-
tor and Cordwainer, A. Walters; Ye
Grande Publysher and Crier, 0. H.
Sanders; Ye Mascot Fatte Boye, Jos.
Davis. Ye man who had sat on ye
Creel, Past Captain Hurdon was offer-
ed ye thanks of ye fisherman on his
goode work for A. D., 1901.
Good for warml $2.25 fancy wool
knee rugs, reduced to $1.37;and $8.75
dark. grey goat robes reduced to
$6.90; and $9.00 Saskatchewan robes
reduced to $7:75. Clearing prices.
About fifty members and adherents
of 'Coven Presbyterian church met at
the Manse, on Tuesday evening last to
ex p_r�ess their esteem for Mr. and Mrs.
J. P. Ross, who are leaving to reside
in Chatham. An address was was
read, appreciative of their work in the
congregation and two upholstered
oak 'chairs and a handsome mantle
clock, accompanied the address. Mr.
Ross replied expressing their regret.
at their leaving and thanking the con-.
gregation for their kindness. A num
ber of others spoke and the remainder
of the evening was spent in ,social in-
tercourse. The 'following is the ad-
To 111x. and Mrs. J. P. loss.
It was with sincere regret that We learned ofour
intended departure from Exeter. Associated as you
have now been for about seventeen years with our
church and taking the ,deepest interest in the affairs
of, the congreglition, in the session, on the Board of
Management, in the Choir, in the sabbath school and'
in all the different departments of our church "work,
your zeal has been untirin and it has been
g best
endeayor at all Mines -to comate the best abe" '
ests of our church' and of its>.individual members.
Conscious of the severe;lotas we' shall sustain in your,
removal from our church fellowship;. we sincerely
hope that the path. of Providence which: you now
follow may lead to continued prosperity in temporal
and spiritual life.. In taking your ,de acture you and
the embers of your, farroly,,carry with your the es.
teem and affection, not only of the members of our
congregation, but of the entire community, and we
assured ed thatthe e c
in Chatham,
with which
you will unite, will be decidedly advantaged by your
advent while the memoiy of your Christian charas-
terfwiflbeesti mulnsto,our workers.' As a,smal
token of our: esteem and good Wishes we ask you to
accept this clock and those Chairs and we praythat
the God of all grace may so overshadow ouve
that; as amongst us, So in the future, you may' both
continue to grow• In the favor of God and/man."
. ilf, bfgi;zrN, Pastor.
Joni; it .
o srm .
'�: W. D. wnEEs
D. McKay :':
n � Mc. Ge � :.
W. ii.{ oN? NER
lir $
W 1
E er.
d sR.
ai•, LANs iso
,44;4 ,,4444. .,,._...... ... A
iia er
_. 6
G. r
r, W. Y
. L�AAD71tA
N •
s . feria .. a
hur '
h .
�t'�ll: . k'i= liY, fi ,Exeter; 2101 +Ja '
, D.790L , t ituaa9,'
Look! 35e. 25e.and lsc.f ncy and
Tweed Dress goods, reduced to 15e.
or 7 yards for $1.00 and 35,40 and 45e
fancy figured Black Dress goods, re-
duced to
e duced'to 25e.. at Stewarts..
etpsecu!& usbortae Mtricuitural Society.
At the annual meeting of the Step-
hen 8 Usborne Agricultural meeting:
held in the town hall.r•ecently the fol-.
1 n o rens r a c YIP
f e-
own Wrc wee le d a th
ensuing year:. President, tJohnr Alii.,
son; lst vice-president, Jaynes Ballan-
tyne; 2nd vice-president, Ed. Christie;
sec'y-tress., A. G. Dyer; directors, W.
D. Weekes, W. D. Sanders, Rieh.
Coates, 'Win. Monteith, John Del'
bridge, John Hunter, Silas Stanlake,.
Jr., Peter McTaggart. The financial
statement showed a dificit in the fin-
ances of last years' fair to the amount
of $50, wiriett Was due to the feet' of a
•slight dropping off in the gate receipts
and increased expenditure is prises.
Conned met pursuant to adjourn -
meet, at the Town Hall, Jan. 17th.
All present. Minutes of previous meet-
ing read and confirmed. Woods-
Muir --that Geo 11 Bissett be appoint-
ed clerk. -Carried. Davis -Harding --
that W. S. 13alkwill be auditor for.
1902. Muir -Davis -that James Beer
be the other auditor. -•-•Carried, Wood.
than Jatnies Grieve be auditor, No
seconder. iatrding4-Wood-that A,
E, Tennant be rear pointed A inenzbei'
of the Board oil .Health, -Carried,
Davis-WWood-that. A. C Dyer be ap-
pointed assessor for 1902, salary SM. -
Carried, Muir fierding •that James
Creech be reappointed Street Commis -
loner for 1902, salary $3;x0. ---Carried..
Muir -Handing --that the clerk order"
six copies of the Municipal World Far
the use of the council. -Carried, liar -
in -�-"moo...-tc e
d d Batt the lark prepare
alig hew to confirrzr, the appointment
of the aassessor.---Carried, .Vood
Herding ---that the clerk be paid a
salary of $100, Davis -Muir -in amend-
ment that the clerk he Haid a salary of
$115. The reeve declared the motilin
carried. HardingMnir---that the
following accounts he passed and or-
ders drawn an the treasurer for sante;
,'sborne township, $1 for use of road
scraper; J. E,1lignatn.lt:urrnaer handles,
45e.; G. II, Bissett, election expenses;
$30,53; postage, $1; P. 0, box, $1;
:Municipal World, sal seriptton So.
i Carried, Wood -Davis -that is that tenders
P, be asked for printing and for use of
scales. ---Carried.' Davis--Muir-that
council adjourn to Friday, Jaan'y at
7,30 o'clock p. ni.-Carried.
GEO. 11.13issLvr, Clerk,
.Presbytery Of finnan.
This Presbytery met in Blyth on the
21st inst. Rev. N. Shaw was appoint-
ed Moderator. The roll of the Preahy-
tea'V was made tip for the year.
Grants from the Augmentation Fund
verc applied for, for tze
con reLatiors
and Union church. The minute books
of sessions were examined and attest-
ed as correct. The remit from the
Oen era] assembly, re the appointment
of Sabbath school missionaries, caused
at ling discussion. The matter was
postponed to a future meeting. The
report ft•oan the \V. F. X S. was re-
ceived as follows: Amount raised by
societies $1393, and by Mission Bands
$359. These amounts compared favor-
ably with those of 1900. The Presby-
tery passed a resolution appreciative
of the work of the \Vonrens Societies
in. the Divine cause of missions. Rey.
Mr. Martin and John E. Tom were alp -
pointed to audit the treasurer's books.
They afterwards reported them as
correct, and the treasurer's report was
adopted. Rev. J,Anderson pressed on
members of congregations the great
of the home mission work. A
committee was appointed to draft a
resolution regarding the death of Rev,
J; Robertson, Superintendent of Mis-
sions. The Presbytery resolvedto hold.
an adjourned meeting at Hensall, on
March 11, for the consideration of the
remits from the General Assembly. A
large attendance of ladies attended
the annual meeting of the W. F.M. S.,
the report of which is above. Much
interest was displayed during the day
in their work, and a large public meet-
ing was held in the evening.
Death of Mr. Youngs.
The good-bye words have been said
to a loving father, kind husband and
valued friend and the dark, gloomy cur-
tain of death has been rung down on a
brave and kindly life. Those, .who
loved him well have carried him to his
last resting place and he now sleeps
the eternal sleep. We refer to the
death of Richard D. Young, an early
settler of Stephen, a worthy citizen
and a man noted for his strict integri-
ty. The blow is a sad one and although
he had reached the alloted term of life
his death wits unexpected,
thus the
feeling of regret is very much intensi-
fied. Ile numbered his friends as many
while his -gentle kind-hearted nature
won for him the good -will of hundreds
of acquanintances. Born in England,
he came to Canada 57 years ago with
his wife, who now survives him, and
settled in ,Markham. About thirty-
five years ago he moved into the town-
ship of Stephen where he tilled the
soil for. about twelve years. After
which he retired from the farm and
moved into w
Exeter where ere he has lived
ever since --twenty-three years. ago --
preying himself a most worthy citi-
zen: He died at the age of, 80 years,
four months and 16 day. He was in
his usual health until about three days
previous to his dearth when he was
taken suddenly ill of inflammation of
the bowels, and laying a deadly hold
on •him it made fatal progress until
the vital cord was sna ed,aat about.
10.30 ;Saturdai night'. ht. pThe deceased
never took an active Part iu public or
municipal affairs,, yet throughout life
he,evincccl an intelligent interest in all
questions' effecting the public good.
.He was a life-long Conservative and
a valued member of the Methodist
church.' ile leaves a loving wife, one
son -John Youti htrrdware in'er pant
Crediton. --and two daughters --Mrs.
Alfred Glanville, of Stephen; sand
Geo. la vii e, of Saul1St.-Maria.-to
mourn the joss'of'ii dear husband and
parent towhoinwe extend the genu:
ine sympathy of the public in'•tlheir'tied
bereavement, The :.funeral,' ' which
bank place on Wednesday,"•wits attend --
ed. by a large number ofpeople :from
the town and townshi ps pw:hich wins
nP a,...,
•a most gratifying tribute to his worth.
The Rev.
e GW: ]are
win, A-
B. : condUrt=
e4. kiie "funeral l service. By
re I
Pst of
the-falteily a.nenorial'service
'will be
held in the James .street • church ireirt
Sunday Morning
E. J.
'will soon be time for Stock taking and we want to clear out many
lines of clothing by that time. And in; order to do this we
. putthe Knifeintothese lines 1 have almostcut prices in
Below we quote you it few prices:-
- Men's O ercoatf} was.. , , . , $ 7,50 for $5.50
44 44 44 1L75 4. 8475
44 4, "" 44 7.50
44 Suits - ,4 ... 12.00 i4 8.00
44 44
44 54
4"-410.(.:0 44.
„ 4,,,::,, 0.75 44 .5,00
Boys 2 piece Suits, sizes front 22 to 23411 the way from 85.50 to '$5,50
for $2,76. This is a grand opportunity for any one needing anything
in the above.
headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sandford Ready Made Clothing.
That's what every one wants when buying furni-
ture, and when value is coupled with new and
up-to-date styles, it makes a combination,
which hich is certain.
o win trade, these are the
points which have made our furniture business
what it is and which will continue to increase it
in the future.
Picture framing and, all kinds
Repairing airin rom tl attended to.
Allthelate fir of .Be
accounts due xx1 v
erly & Huston must be paid to W.
C. Huston on or before Feb. 15th
W C. Huston,
Manufacturer & Dealer
Portable and= Staionaryt En
gines and Boilers, Plows,
Land Rollers, Mowers, Etc.
Iron pipe and fittings, re-
. pairs
e-..pairs on Agricultural Im
plements and general ma-
chinery promptly attended
ALE. 30 H. P. Boiler, 25 H.P. Engine Com-
plete with Pump and Heatnr, also
about 1500 feet of inch pipe.
J. 1k/11.11313AV
Real EStatC Exchange.
The Sale, Purchase and Exchange of
Village and farm lands and properties
negotiated at reasonable rates of com-
For Salo.
Several Valuable Farms i
v l n HAY,
IVRAY; also Three very desirable Re-
sidence properties
e-sidenceproperties in Exeter.
Partite Wanted.
We hare purchasers for good
and in the vicinity of Exeter, or who
will:Exchang e
Bawden David �'m aid 11111,
Valtiator, Manager
OFFICES: Dickson .& arl
s Nezv
Block, Exeter.'
Mr. John ."P,gekel entertained'. a num-
oftheir friers ds•on lndayni ht
disposed osed
loldfurniture by,auction,of
en Tuesday
Aaaittoo al.
ovals on is age,
Beautiful gifts, never so Cheapp. Our
fine display of Holiday Goods is
open and ready. The newest :nov-
elties, the best selections the most
appropriate presents for one and
all at fairest prices.
Christmas Attractions.
Do not fail to come in and see our
Christmas Attractions in Watches,
Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware Nov-
elties, etc.
A new supply of Wedding Riugs and
Marriage Licenses for the Christ'
mas Rush.
jtanding (ger.
For one year from Dec. 1st, -for every
baby born in Exeter and vicinty
we will give a baby ring or pin..
Mothers, bring in your babies and
get fitted.
E$eter;Rca1 Estate: agency
- Buy or Sell a Farm
13uy or Sell Town Prohpert
Borrow >, or
Collections Made
WANT;' ., "
Your Like Insured
Go ;to the- Old .Coumlt, � r
R FURS:;..
Gall" at tti'c Bndetsi •ne
Office over*°Il: S pack�riian s Hax•(lav,tre.