HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-1-23, Page 6, ,�,!.!� , . ,1 . , . I : . . I I . . I I ,: I � I � . � -1711% . . � . . I � I . . . . I . I I I I I � � . I � � I . � � . . . . . . I � . . � . � I *�, I ,, - --­�____­ . � ­­­ I.- -_ --- - - I I SMMSSFULLY MANAGED. I I I � . WAITING, F OR TM CQTX, .f 4 - I __ ,, �; ,, - _�� - I - . . � .tpli also.1pline Is still, maintaineci A%W . " 4 , � I ,Z - On one occasion, whilst exaj � ., ni i in # , ' , 'lies, 0 'Of colur&e� It 11 the mechanism of the monster r'e,'01! ;V.JZ,e , I P" ra= -As I &W% � 911 I I . . ,Ought V- 1�0 in all. A ,certain small vi A,, 4 1. '__ .1 , 44 �14,�,4 6�_ - 14V got, a, --pilater Ili his toot, and � ,So4w, dontt 114 Itor, wishing P I I . I I %, A—amm"a= I . bis atuille: expressW her inumtIon Q� " I a vislaun"Ploliging to a lighthouse., 0 . , , f I to see how many . I seconds would elapso bofor-O it coiLg, I , I 1, P�Atiug 4� poultice on .. 0 wound. 0%v4_6 . i A � I . , , tu � . Al I 6� Aly" 4r,H& 1he bo,;. with the uat�ral 14 04h MW Pleted 4 revolution, took 4 rAVe_q01_ . . . Ish- dl*% Ak,m 114 Ar Ai-�� C lar gold Piece front his pock'at A 1"W - ____ I I . W -a i�s �kblkh Is bound up, in heart, I .V 4&,.� , and � .It '' tuee, ,,,oth Pow'de placed it, on the revolving fraxuO� I - 7 , , I of achild, objce � -1 ­ 't ,U,d to,the propoted . worR. � Watch in band be patiently, A, ofw 1.4, "__d11 , I I � ,., - - i 4/- .. , I - 11 . relliedy. I I �� wakited for the coin to Von , le round , " . I A0 41�� c i Xrowt Ituvo any poultaco," be � I . Jf # . P ti , � agaill to. Wbero he wao standing, but 4a eclared. : �4 � no gold piece, appeared, The se, � I A � . &OZ40 -ft&6 4&A �a Yes, you will," oald both father Good for Bad Tq-Ceth le ko minutes, still , . 11 .0 I � . .nd mother, firmly. The ma,.`ority . . I no gold-picce. - L , , _�Vll.,, � uas tuo to or -e against him, an � � Z;___ — _ - ___. , I �W at . - . , ­­ '_ -'— . t(dt =� V a poultice w45 ready. "'trange!" bo ox.elAnnetl. "What, dw�dqk CAS.11 �% ill buy '. I,= ,not So the patient. Oil tile, Piat Bad for Good Teefli, can be the reason or, itl- _ q P, ;4 2 5 ., 4 bqX of SWEET SOVORA ORANGES, or it . . - 4V ,vQa take S boxes we will 4141;0 the Price $ZJQ per b I , In order to as.certalil be walked % , , I . co.vrary. be resisted so stoutly that __ .'. nround to the other . si , do � of , the, , lamp 014" %%a or 2104 944. Ation. - 1. . g cane was brqu.4ht Into reiiiii ' ­11_�;;_ � 11 I . I . and in doing so eneounkerOd one of THF- PAWSON VOM1418810H CO-,, k1lVilteds TORONTO. , , � It lklas arraug-d that the muther 10 I I the lighthouse men. who touched his C � . . � I . i . ,onsigrunent$ Of poultry,13.u(Jer, Eggs, Potatoes, Beaps, lioney,Apples scliqiteA � fbould applj,r the poultice, while the 1lPV*C20AM*114qUi425C- 14&ro�014intaidek�04,pp,w�4OV75c,o. ' cap, * and said. In AA 0x!d."tonQr. � �: ��. � �; ,, .: � �, "; I ,,, ; ;.. ___ � �; : I 1� I ­..:"� . f th r, with up Ifted stick, wa,s to, Atull4tog-sorbywail. Samplt. �f the Liquid for 4he'PQ$tA.9143r_ 1 "Thank you. sir." t�j - 1. ''. � 1; I 111. �m _�wj;= 1_�__Vk ". ,,, , - I -4 - ,. vtaud at the b�dblde. The boy was I MAI.). & RUCKFEL, Moiitrm,aj. Tbe inan, scel.p * ,-*,I -1­"**",*+***-k+i, * �.--k+l- .. . 1. I.. �� �� . " . . . ,,g the Coln comin- ,-1-i 4 -;**4-k" , + I ,: U-1,4 that, it he -4ened his mouth" .1 11 - towards him I . , �.. bu4 pocketed it, i he uould re.vive sorneubing that �­��__ � I . ,blAi7- F ... ___�' _____V !Jig it, Was Meant for a t$pj . � .4 1 E 1Z, TE11 8A111 ' I would 1�cep hinq quiet. Antique SchooImWam­11Wbq,t is SWIN TO GET TIT = NIMI). _,­­ ,­­ -11". I— + I 10� 0 � Ste I.Ot PO"Itice touched 140 loot the -matter, ,Johnny?" Little .,John- I L -It is stran e that I grra,t g I , , . ' _g 4 ; USE TELVIROKE .. � o --big boys made m � et VV " r. I � e.nl lie operxd .h.s, wouth. riy Squancb. (sobbingly) --Some of 'Wife to mend ipy clotbcs,�, ro�nq T *,You—" be mman� the -boo -bo -a Mr. .Hridlo ,ri=v TO WEAK "11170113i *. " 00y PAU0911h _ In A terio of dj�sgust "I r ' ' "Rejlp S14 I'* said his father, I,U'vm.'I s A littW gu'g-sirl out on'the, asked her '. _ -1 I a Amn IS , to, View a, button on tills D, � I I Teat this moralva. and sho, . 110 . ' . api 11.4 the po'dilce. SchQQIm",a=--­Tha,t, was shameful, touched tt." 'An t X . ,P I Every Stlok— S!'"kU 9 his sklck- ubile t1le W-Qlwher pup,pup-play-ground.- Antique * RVERTMUZU . ..... -__111 EA �, E"S , '. Cree v;oae the little, follow opened The ne- m ake, 11 A UL 2--sHma ' `� i Lis mouth. , -it time they atte pt to in "You Psked ,11011" said Ur. Norrls, l$rR$_ MAXW,E:LL . I A Mat0l 'ail lilss iau�tady, ,come rj6ht to. TRIX,S HOW '-* ..I—l. In V),_ ­JJ it's 'With A, slight strug of his gh r , ouldvr$. 421i, � e," Johnny (hesitatilml. . "yo,$. What Ql$Q Should I 4020 , 11TROIZANWIAND , rut the UplIftq4 emne Awed him All the e"1110 to yiou,, ala.'al". 1-1 �O" "Yolk havtwt been Married , U . Every MOO— h M AJmTA2h"'=n I $,nt Q sit, c'. Hove I'd ra�hqr kj&4 the little girl. - long. �VQry M_ 1, 1grater tl 1, _ U a Perhaps yon1l take ,4, tip Is I . Ilk a, mirarto were the poultice was tme," . answered A Ve I rrmlv in Place Alud the toy was _+_ q7 front Ur, Norris.,. Z7 1^tQr0Wnl&; Statomont by 1 X014:xw� 90^XIRM 3"'V"3PXT01ArVV=V;MW. % . tim es In ted. Nr't" 41 101019rly "It- "1S'OVWA$k A A Very Interesting Statement U�r " ;; __ � 44,441 -T -TW" 4-114+Wl" ; ­17�xi e. twNw," mild Ws niother. C=PHOOD - =,DTG:KST1OX4 Woluan to do anything, that,$ fR� an Mora Lady-Sbe Itas VoPA,4 ., � L ' . .44W 1 +++-W14+f+1'4 r, . I * — � ==!;; , "; hs�- fq 11 tor 'will te drawzk out.4114 wt tal." I a 2anacea, for Ail fonlRle, Wealp- __ - - . q we On Zeads to 'gerious Trouble', "'ll'by. what (10 you meau?" nesa And Wants 7#Vw-7 womvA 131--,- fl-ot V., It foon to t1ult IM 4. Yaw Vork,'A lecal Wes Pro Vo A A. 1nNAx,U;Z VIRM - . 'UnIQss WOMPt Steps Are TAk- DO as 1 do. when, I want a in Canada to x4ow 16f it. Ta Ad , lu4 . Ib- parenui wtrl� 111ovivg trium- U4 P� 96 ealliparoa wim, .,a thAp 1-b,antl,c auv..y, whea a foir.11 volee On to Cbe* it-11ow This Can sbirt, mended, for Jnotglicc. I take it ,�, in L940,9A. . I , . V, natachla,_ill kew that Man rm - ,Ior,l. ont., jan. I$ (Special) a physician W. tile w4y in which ht � - , I 3�est be DQU4, 4 In nly band and hunt up my WU4. I 41T�rs, AIJUNAVOIJ of till . I 4 ". ­�.,. ­... , n . pipr-d from under %lio bi-O-vlotbo;-, * s plac'e. has writ- shook ba, d.9; his tRuder, Mica% I **Vw1'V,U Z,4 it 033, thq Tfrong 4 *Where's that rag�baq, Mrs. xgry,Ls?, ten for publication a VQry, 11trong let-- CQ"slitterata touch." � � I I1Zdl6TMIOn i3a trouble That is very I dolykand. in 4 Stern Voice. - ter Ilk which fille. chatins that Doild'allaoid's 001millilt for Me everywhaore Ii`dg-ar-"VcS, of course.-, that"is big . �. fs,,ot 1.1" __A�_ C04011104 Ili W;Wcy and v.wly child- ,' 'What do yat _+_ $5 touch.*' - �, hood. and ualq,,�s prompt t want A r49-I)OU Kidllty Pills have cured her of FO- . I Wo4z';u""i for?' sit*,- says. Suspiciously. "'RIO Weakness after she had tried The Royal Geographical Society, T� 741. U . 1 24,000 WORDS ANT IIOUR. Aire tahea to VoIlLrol it tile rc-'"It I'% " 1 want to throw this shirt 411110st. everything else. 359 1 The Fnw�h postal authorities have often very serious. It Prevents 111L- with 8.500 merabors. is the'. laramit ;;-= . . proper growth "wMV: it's all worn out, I Tills good lady. accord.ing to her at LrMsh ls� arr,ed of tile child and " *. .,A.t me r repi ,,, . arligo .societics. ,,, 11 2ast c. out a ser!Qs of highly ,e,o she domands!_ - SUaterilent, t5ullered for a. long tirne 11 . � sueeessful v.xperlwwats Ivith the rO "�I'c`"'O'18 tile 11011'slitatlou- 4'0 that ho "BUL I Put the garment behind ray with L-Idnoy trouble. enduring thQ Vcp 4,-VRV..4 tv-La tv ONE "AT. I . Is Unable tO, resist other dJ.Qv.v_-cs ba Men ad ftnoip ff .� vurl- tile inveution, of N. Menardier. � c�% SLO us " I a atest pain with a dIzziness an , tMmtC4 I Instructor at tile EVOW that are more diAngerous, 10ortunato_ ' ' ' ' gre, d Tako lowulve Ilroma Quinh.c, I'ablels AI ** 'NO. My dear.# X answer. 4TIrcrel ' I I -rolitecho4que. ana whivil, will revolu- ly. however. tile trouble Is . 11cadach very ill deriscK1,4% ofund Oa money If It falt% to eura. � 11 VPQ that � is 110 use in your atteruptlug to do Q9 that made her '. & NV; GTOT6 vZoutum !a On *A�qh bolr� 2* Oflealine cures tong staw. �i She was passing through what Is al- Vvrl,�e the tele,raphic service. AT. 1 18 CASOY c0fitV0110, Proper Tood- 0%vthing with it., � Mv-zar44or lgab di-co.wertd ,.t meatis by 4ot too mueb. but aWolutviy 1111ale-4 .4 *Let, WO WO IW silo rclterAtpa. Ways 4, Critical porl0d in ever,y lye- Ing soree. Try It. uhich no*fover than 21.000 words an � plenty Of fresh, Air. And Daiv�*s own , .. ,But Iva all worn out. I Man s life and her troubles ,were con. Man's axerage tompergature In 99 Large Sam 23i. Drugglatol, oft bovir 4u1n. bv, '0jF)PatVhJQd on a 1iInglQJ,`r4bIctq. fre-44y adullulst,ored accord- lyotl.# tell siderubl.'r Increased by this. Indeed d g m,,* kuhr. ; -'R, platan% 109 de- V;ire by e her life 011sadins Us Toronto. 11 .e Q. was for a time In great dan- Lrees. and a, chld*vu, lit ftrgea. I I �"iAD3"Ment Of S the directions, will boull init , , 4NOW John. you give me tbat gpe, . ­ ­ I . . 0%mXJ Ing to , 1. I Tibration. Tive2ve " operatars wvr�� " the ,914ficrer right, and ritatie both shirt 1* $h0 say$ In her most peremp�- .'Sho says silo uvod Dodd's Kidney I —1-#_- SATrIs., �" . - I 4Rt worl; on I!,,(, wire at the eillne mother and C11114 Ilappy� ,Nlr�s. W. 1,,. . - . ., , . ,%PE1.TZ­ I I 1� ory tone. BAXV11461� 1 WhIASIVU tine, arid Vie lire,; from Paris to 44$Fam, of Kingston. Out., Is one of Pills With the niost remarkable vs.- Mbald s UnImmaot Wes Burns, etc, ", , , I # BortleatiZ, were selectcd for lba ex-Ithe Trany h l" "I hand over the garment. suits. being almost Instantly relieved I 4 ,, � ?.'r.t 4 FARM w4r'fIg' . . rWi0wat. The vic,st realarRablelithe txath of this st,atemprIt. .,_; 4' "Why. John Norris.' she CrIeR. and ,,bc . In a, very short time 4QMPt0tOIY Rumlt% to 78 tivics r t1l,in kvva^ . with 'W�Tllftuly triumph, 'tills Is At Vill, . 9d and restored to gciad health. It.,I. s - . V, the United States 02 timew I . part of tire invelition Is that while I says: "When. ray little girl wasttbout perfectly good shirt. All It needs In ,s, . SEEDS I'll . thou:Fawls of wvrds are t,e n-' dis- three suouths old. she bad jndige_,_ _ lie Is viery grateful and Ili her let- Go large. .� — .... . Ilatched by lam Menardier ;�slp � s I * ter � � �m, tion very IM(fly. Silo was Vomiting shosays: "I Cannot find words to I., F the &line 'Wirt, V.n Le uscd fillu,01. atkil b "Anti then silo nlends It." 10000,000 customers ad diarrhoea, almost constant- oXpr4lss my gratitude to God for my ,111e public shellbi begar in Mall that I,r.,44esol�KO"t*t,%Xr,�wsmokno)nty "I taneoltsly for tile ditipatch 'D . -ks very thin, wolglitd Only — marvellous cure. Dodd's 10(bley Dr. ThopnasO 13,41ectria Oil has notblus: In me 1"9 "111- out for M61C."IF4 - ,f tole. ly. Shawl 1-— Ana yet W I grain,-; by the ordinary system at four pounds and, altholigil she hiNtl a � Pills are tire greatest medicine In 'comilionwith the boloure. 41exerlorating 'NighhuRuly Pit More PAOVXX Q , , Ibe world especially for those of my 008" Or 60*031k1l illedicillal alls, It Is 1, , ,n"J)r,i�4rnW1QXVr. present ill use. M, Wenardier em- ravenous aPpetito her idod did'her "070DONT Tom Power 26o 0 ellibitutly lire Awl really effleacloni—, $10 A . . 014 , � . : . relievinglialn AR4 huneuv�is, stiff1w"'for InAt"kul r4 . ploys a series of diallasons for lh� no good wilatover. I had tried sev- 49 - tORTH FOR 15C . 11 I 'I could scarcely move bon, or illplolat,ilkad itilisciest.ttii(Itios-eiorbttr,ts, WaNditlax VIKUW01twof tran.,mission of hV; mer�saqes. which, aral medicines Uut they did not belp licer bas only 4 per cent. of aleo- (eat I was so diz,, I oarcr,ocniavexits , r bloo.e# ,y, an W 60TV110 %W*491 orudoue ) u violent; hei;jays belog ail excelloat spedfla mr& ,"-' �, "W [;Nn' nV "I I ure grattiert4 at tho other end anti her. Then I heard or 11aby's Own hal. 0ooseberry wine pogsesges pains N�,ould shoa , WMIN44M.6y" UP 'A' started out, as it ,were, by all equal Tablots� and Procured a box, , t through my whole rhenulat%g I 11 t � n,tQngbs slud, bronoblat com- pwinvOrwortu 4 , ro"In a . '. N After nearly 12 per cent, and Scotch ,will$- #j.%,F, I 0 but now tbanits to Dodd's plailits. C 0'almn #- I � sumber of wicrotelephonic. receivers. giving her tile tablets for it felv days I . all ,O,p . I WoMp , ----------+— Loy, 51 per cent, I - _-1 i . the vomiting and diarrhoca, celts(.41. Kidney Pills I reel well and smart." I S5?,kr�W,,04rAfft0 V%4u. � I I _e � Thin c4ae and its cure has created .Rno Mediterranean lemonfi 4vJQ Memo . 0 1 Id Woo 40's 0. I EPILD1 PSY 6BRIDVO *91111 began to Improve at, once. and , C.141416 A send WA 4 � 1c; I 1311J. grew Plump and fat. I a.1ways give Dentmess CAnnot be Cured quite a sclisation and Mrs. Uax- oniv 20 o-, of citric arld. agallu s4Ar wwIth . a r*41111"&.0. i — her the Tablets now when site is ail- brIocalatu'lleatIonw.'asthar cannot reach the well's fill) and frank statemm.t at tha 2 loz. yielded by Ca Iforida, fruit. 15242wva I __ , ------ �� I 1 �, I . t, Ing t -d the result is vawa,,a good� � A raom,d r triton. of t1iQ air, Theroittealyan4 matter bom bt,-orl the, Subject Of 116 -W—_ -f �­-----­�"!� -,-- - ...,!T.! �V­_ -1 . I - __ � � , '* wo(mfn" anuthu%IvtbyQ"a1;tl1u- great, deal of comment. : . A 2)"*­9EAS'S TFIAT ItAS :LOIqG Ulft's Own Tablets are the best tIq-1n7i1t'rc:aied1'e?% bs,'fnfoi I- can - b 11 � � � ill J3AFr-Lr-D Xr-DICAZ SXILL. medicine I ll(tvc ever used for a ill(IR1110d contif Ion Ott lie n1acong Ill aW.'ex orytaltll Dodd's Widney Pills seem to be an - 'I 01 . i ,=:,-" . — child 11 Futirachlan Tate. When obiq tube N in. Infallible cure for Diseases or Women 15 � ' J)JRbe es, . I Z, Xr. X. A. Gauthier, of Bucking- These tablets will pron ptl .14mcd YoahAva, arurnbling sound orimpor as,well as for Rheumatism, t U . y cure all ill ;r, md �Vhon It 14 ernt ,,I, Cta.,40d r haln, Gives nin Zxporlenco for tile minor ailments of' little, ones, V111r.11111114-1111-111110 resil't, and unleso I lie InOmn. Briszht's Disease and all Kidney dis- . I niallon otp be mk- n- utnnd ihisiube reAured ordors, I ) " � �Me Benefit of Other Suffer- such -as sour stomach, Indigestion, to iig nariont oonddl n, I oArInsr iv 11 be do, — . - . ers from, This Terrible colic, constipation, allay tire Irrita- s1myo I t r-wer. nine i nq,i out of ten aro +_ . � xalady. - tion accompanying the cuttin of c n -ed br a mrrb, which In nothInR bar at, la. The 'United Kingdom produces 75 1� g gaintd condition of tbo lmucoa,4 sur are . teeth. etc. Tbey are good forchild, we %Vill pl,pa one JjontJ4 ad Doilamfor 4%ny million bushels of wheat, 78 mil- . : J�'r(jm .tile P4013t, J_*,JJeI1iD,8JJaM, QUO. ren of all ages, and crushed to a, Me of Deifnoss (cau"d by cat rrh) that can lions or barley, and 150 millions or .0 .:. to kitty th, t be cured by Hall's Catarrh Caro. scL I Ue vv a,t in our powder or dIs.qolve(I in wal.er cau 1,e n � d ,riture lortlrtulairs,freo, *at$ in a year, . ; town �of Umuo inhabitants few bUsI- given with absolute safety to tile X J. 0110NEY &00.,Tolado, 0. � � � 4% . 1, 1 4 k youngest infant. It vou cannot ob- Sold brl)ruggit-tp. 75c. SLIT q � 4 . nvss mix are, bett,or known than Mr. . n At. A. uauthivr. the ,youug and husti- tain Baby's O*n Tablets at your 11allIaPunfl,yAllils are tholleAL ZODUNTfor the TEETH 25t, . ��. � Ing butcher of Alair street. lie druggists, they 'will be sent Post p0d. A 0 � 1JL , .-tic or as at 25 cents a box by - ; � A wasn't, however, as ouergf addressing the J,)eninark holds the record for con- Wigg-"Vhy do they always have ­ .. - . � hustling a VOJJIJ�o of yetti'S ago as lie Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- sun*tlon of spirits, 4J gal)onq a Special Policemen at milway sta- - I - -_ Q is to-aay, aud ior a good reason- Ville, Ont. year, agulust less than I In England. tions?" Wagg-l'To keep Peonle I - ,,, , �, he wasn't well. 11avixig gone Into A GTJARA.NTR.ru-­l,J hereby cort,lfv __o from taking the tmins, of course." . I bwriiness ore reaching his majority his that I have made a careful che , - 1111cal -_ - .. desire to succced ,was such tliat no an-dysis of Baby's Own Tablets, _. heed was paid to keeping the body 'kvliicb I Personally purchased, in a Minard's LIHIMent Wes Dandful �1 in the state of health necessary to drug irtore in Montreal. My analysis ------ - ad,ft [1, stapd a strain, and in consequence of ontain A British sooldler is in hospital 19 TATCE NOTICEj V the extra demands upon the sy,,item ob, ­ltk Me'n I - has proved tho.t. Ito Mablets c solutelY no opiate or narcotic; days in the year, an Austrian :IS, a Free to (V I It becime run down to siatch air ex- that theY can be given with perfect, Ilumian 28 dtl,�S. . We publish simple, stl-�aigfrt testi- � � teat that epilopsy or falung sickness safety to the Youngc-st Infant, that monials, not pri�;s agent's inter- � AreyouaNvenkling? Are you. one of those unfortunate � re.mlted, and theselapses hito un- they are a safe and efficient medicine A Rocognizad Regrulator.-To bring the views, from well known people. 10, I I L,onsciousness becomikgr alarmingly for the troubles they are indicated digesitive organs into symmetrical work.. From all over America they testify young men who,'through ignorance and bad company, have . frequent he consulted physicians and to relleve and -cure." � Ing is the nim of physicians vdiea tbev- to the merits of 31MARDIS LIXT- contracted nervous ti,nOls, weak back, varicocele, gloonly took some remedies, but without MILTON L. HERST+,'Y, M.A.,S,., fludapatient. sufferIng from stomachic AM -NT, the best of Household Rem- forebodings, loss of courage and ambition, 16ss of confidence, . benellcial results. Finally seeing Dr. Provincial Analyst for Quebec. irregularities, and for'tbis purpose the)* edies. . I I � can prescribe not bing bet -ter that) Parme- . Williams' Pink Pills advertised as a Montreal, Dec. 23, 190:t. lee's Vegetable Pills, whiell will be found 0. C. RICHAI�Ds & G.b. bashfulness, despondency and weakness? Dr. McLaughlin's. : ' I i , , '' , I "', vir, I" . , ri" a , I I ture for falling sickness he decided,to - A . - - ir` �d 01no , 8 ? � . Electric Belt will cure you. ' '" ' L 0, a , �' the Post cannot do better than give 'Wife (laughingly) --There are some l 1* ��Jn� the e �e 1� organ. illro . Are you a middle aged man suffering from varicoccle, n e . � I give them a trial. As To the result , - I "'�11 I r Il'. �- � ' "P'-' ' n a , r., , Ur. Gauthier's story in his own encrui,atin.,ly funny jokes in this pa-* "'J"t'. "Ill.1, c t1rii, tl� - to i Ir -11111 -_ --- 4 � . . action in laulf.- on, ,',,,I they . prematureness, indigestion, constipation, rheumatism, lame - �', words . **Yeq," said Mr. Gauthier, per about wom6h going shopping all pei�fo�;, their duties pr-Veriv "Were you really happier before � - - k . I . back, etc. P Dr. McLaughlin's Electric Belt will cure you P , �, "for neaxly iour years I suffered from day and never buying anything 11 Z5 . I � � '. A woman thinks she loves- Natuive yon Lec,ame civilized V asked the , .. � � � I epilepsy or falling 11tri, which took Husband (hotly) -"Yes, -but they re when she fills th ock�. xNhite inan. "Well," answered. the . Are you an old man, declining before your time, having Me without Warnillit and usually in all. lies! " e house with r, I � ( , � I I I r ,; - 11ave and shells the nalnes of which she , I<afrl chlei, "I must say I didn't � lost all ability to enjoy life, with pro t I lost" 10f, - . [ most inconvenient ilaces. I am just +_ can't remember. . . all this.."worry v bother ray . . . I I s atic trouble, ,� � �- Lwenty-four yeai-s of age, and I think . � tr6i sers were� getting baggy at the. streh s and aches, and general . ,decay of J � 1, started bfisiness, too young and Minad's Unlrant Bel loves Neuralgia, "O'10 a specific # for kheO., l I I � I . . ers ? I can .cure you with Dr. McLaughlin's �� ,, I . JUie fear of failing spurred me to . 1. . wav's Corn Cure Is . I organic pow I I � . greater eflorts perhaps than was -- _0-----Z--- . Lber(-ii,to-.,itlofdartisatidw,trti. NVbhave � . . � . I Z 1, I Electric Belt with free suspensory for weak men. � . I never licard (A its falliug to remove evel . I � I good for my constitution, and tile .111 tell you," exclaimed the slim ,I Youmbednot,cougli all night and dis. �, . 'I will end you, sealed ,� I I I the worst kind. 4� . .1, ,consequence was that I became sub- individual, "that -water is heaven's I , I tnrb your friends; there N no occasion �for s . .free, my beautiful book telling I ' I I I Jeet to those attacks which came greatest,gift to.manl" "Are you a ( . . . you running the risk of contracting in- I -day. I I I , ab it if you will send this ad. Send for it to 'Without any teetotallist?.", asked a bystander, tal;-1 "I hear flammation of tbehings,or consumprion, out I I ; warning whatsoever, I _1�n6 tenor is laid up with a while 3-011 can get'.Eickle's A -un -Con- I . I � � - leaving me. terribly sick and weak- 1�g him cordially �y - tl�c�hand. 19�0` , tj]rraln�d ankle," said the choir bari- somptire Syrup.- This medicine, cures ' I 128 Vang,e Street, . ! . , , tone. "Yes�! th , 011. fil et VICLAUGHLIN TORONTO, OP111r. . . � 0 �after thev had nassed. I got. to sir,". was the reply, i"I sell milkvj . giggled t116 BOPrano; 'conglik colds, inflammation of e lungs 10 ., -1 1, ,.he slipped. u' a I � . I — , , P'on 6�i organ Peal.- ati(lttlltliro,xt.tyideht,stti,otil;le.9 it , I 1, .1 � r�'frc-a,(f tnei1r, rceurr`en­Ce-.,very muelt. ,.t I . . L . i46 rs-9 A. IX,to 8.30 P.M. - . . .. � I 1. � motes a free an(leitsye,ipectoraLi�n,%%, e consultzd' doctors and .took xhair . #tclli,; thr 00ach . � I I . . . I . . . . and Works Off tile CnI4. Par Over -11t3l Velies immeliate1v relieves the throat, -and lungsl .1 I I .1 � c fits still . from %-Ucid_)I1lPgm. . I V I I I iremedies to no purpose, tb La five Bromo-QuInjue 11'ablets curo'n, cold r P I I � . Is; . Uns. WrxsLaw's SOOTRigo OnRup han'been a4ra bg . 33REEM0 MENEM . I . � ,troubled me.. I saw- Dr. williams�, Inoned4. NO,,iire.N6F9�1i PF10025dents. � —_ , !-- I W � I I jdurqng of inothen for Moir ebildre athing, �_ I - . , n wh�Jo tee - I . . I �t _( - gums, 4hap pjjin, ;,,Ir() 1 . � I I Pink Pills advertised and detern3im,4 — ­ Itzoot _" the c1ffld,.r6ftevx the ��,� . �, ;tQr t1_J them' I did so, and the med-,' An africau,negra's brain measures WiDd 00110. MCUlAttla tdie stawath and lmyels, rmd J. ti,o , I I � � . I 13old k��dtuguinta -thrUlchont, the worhL Be oure ae4 . I . I � I more and kept on taking Lhum, until man, j05 !�Lohes. . . ]'#A* for �'�Xits- *%V1N=,aW'a Soo,raino Syuui.- _. V _RYBODY -7DON T BE IDLE — ' ' . I'me.aty-Ar(r ments a botLie . I I I ciue helped me so much that. I gof ,4j.6 cub,e inches ; -that Of -a white , bvrZrbwedy1orZ1�'-,rh0a1. � HNE WORK FOR EVE � I - :' I ,� . , . I ever w s, and am not troubled � at 1. — I — 'I' 1. . . I � I .­ .1 ''I �� - . I ... � . I I � I I � , , I � . . .a -niatter with Rash-, � I - � VVo wantmen, wonianand Childranto Workforusatt�tejrownMvhes, under tile Directiollor � . p1l. by -epilepsy. or the fear of th6 Tb, b uit�hy ','10'�v4LIisa,pp�ai,-ingfro'llI tilp I I _"'ha.*t,;P1 ." the:, . I . . I � . . I . -,-1 � I L I 1 - I . I I I I I - . I I ilere pbee e *tlessne! - I I . '10ATF, ,LIMITED. - I � . � Ats seizin me again. Thinking t moailhig..and Tes 38 Ili leigh ?.", ,"Al"sent-mindodndss, th%t's . 91-% � ns in * -'% N ,� 11 � . 'g L - . , ns cat - I ' 11 "I � THE PEOPL.E.6 KNITTIN" SY b .- s I � - L , � r ' - others similarly ,qTllcted, :1 . 1�, L nn�' � I &I 1. " "No"a` o 'I' The man.'S r . I'll I I �L 11 11 . L I ... - - ­ may be� _I,t are sure symptoms Ok won . � � ., � ' ' 4:1 '111 Earned. I � -6iy t -Post,; it may _ Doinot f4il to get 4, bottle of 'a d "Yes � 1h Iltall, $180,000) To Fill L r9a Gqhtraots-Q�od Wa es EaSI I . 1: . , .1 give my st - 0 the , -ulsed frightfL111Y." - 1-1 e ,a-, '. , !J,�Jd�, , ". bi 11 (Aut rlrized,Gag I I . 11 I �irllllunt0t;,it t,ied to 1hop. a runaiv�ay viot6r-car Wei wam 44�t�y more work rsi,, viislocanty;.at enZe�and in�ardertcl recure�ourcoopora.ion waiinutt'ne delay of corralpondence, 'we . . - herGravOIS' Wfi�m Bsk- _ 11 . . � i" this advertisame6t� The'Work Is shmple, ancl tho Ma I ,Perhaps . lead ,. them to give this Mot edicifte. 3�v_ . herowitli expictin our fwi plane cMnc is easily ope-rated, and,wiffi.tho Guide. requit-es no � I I � . . � . is ah eftectual m , I ,� ;by jumping � fro'nt, of, it,,and w, , , I I peat medicine a trial." - . � I I � I , .1 I in teacher, It you wishfojoin O.Ur staff of Workers lot us -hear from you promptly v0thyenlittande, and w9 will tend,mac,bind,and outfit, tabegin I .1 . . Dr. Williams' Vink Pills-im a, posi- .. ----I--- 1 Ing lfi8� coat at it." � , work at once, , . . � I . I I I I 11 I � - I I . 11 � I � I . � I '' , ., � W . L: . . . I � . . We Avigh ta Nettie tim mvim of fAinilleA to do k-nutt7,g for n es.,Nyenretheiritr�ida�ereoftbJs qat in qara4a 4yid are the In'tgeAt smitting "neerri 6n tbe bultinea � .1, I.. 1. I . . I Ir q3 �6 ht;aiiil�iski�ittitiglodtillob3lotirlttiyiiilybtaclittio.tliereljyeii;il)liiI nlqowpof . ,. � R In IMIMN inne li� Wh itb 401 Idod r I I , tive cure lor- all diseases arising fTom , Tapperton-­l am going to as1t ' � Al��.i,L�t�4e�:lwxio,)P.,�-.h��v,6boti,,u.1,14,-Ibproqu-�kitAtitk,ii,,,tI GWOe. All that. ve r % I I I 11 I Impoverished blood, . ,.or a xvcak� 'o�' Mr. Bidlion for his daugh-tor's hand A Clear, N­Itll� Skin,-Ernptions p. J. orasnary intel igulwq to qWdily le,mi,lv A. tht, work fnim th. -harmAlon ujulro.is th.kt you uno t1lo )u4o'bille p.ccojojLgto d1rootious. ThablachlHO Ong-INAd ,,. to xe hi I" %Vorki . , . � I 1. . I , I I xp i-iliLipi�i-o,)Nt,4,i�titli.ol�e,rati-,rimostiitple,itcaiiijoti)oosil)lynitikeaiiiiota'� . 1. 1. � I � shattered condition of the ne, r vo-us.' to-ni�ht, aii'd I ahi ­ so nervous, , I the skin and the blbtelles Which WOMbill ro"11174;"�ktdelndlid lwvliR�ot wboameola 86,tks.w.jA.XJ��t.6i1huiV% Mitt,nig.aiiii iwvcl are XWLblelo H�pplytb�dematki, w0j1v'e't-.%Jcen tlillmetliodofadvo.rusingf,irmt,rdbi��' - ,, � 1, I -i The prl,,d iym imy for raussisr,-a Ilicycli) mainiza ts sikim per bundred ; 3vuedpet's ­c�g. U., J,cr pair. KIAI'Thaivrlmuea ratteng. Jur, a p.it � , , '. I . I , I I I - dose makea. riew tall't think." Billington (Y�ho knows I)eauty are the rps-llt of implille blood al) I I , system.. Evei7 I . Tha m1w1drie gan, be opowl,1 by oily oita at a fikimlly, wid At our orlees. phy 01��,Tgoao 1=11y,zhoiilll �hvabla so Su4tabi,010111fielycs comeort 17. I � . I , � read ah�uell. and SaRn tnogh yarn to k0b I I I , -t use b in h i-o-usl. cawjeA by nnhealtIn' Rcti011 6f the Liver biteplan is to stod own ew,11 lillwhIAC To beginnon Mth P. modd air 904klog panhally TilttAd, atid remulsdup, lit %'Aa michine , Y. to bo ' -1 � I irich, red blood and gives.tone 'to ,,bo Mr. D-calion)-­No , e g e - 1 . W4 PIAT111:11011 611 (19"Aholdog,how the workN to be 40" V�btn f1mi"plo has Uou'llu shM avid Oturn' touso6aftL, I . I I wic pr.irf,fo�.tmidewckgots,tc,-Itiitt� And U 'ibliple 1411a MOP ( ''. I d Kidneys. Ill Wrl'ectilig tbis un. , � . I A lt,.Vr, 7'.01�ekid%41.3"tltyor$�lilwiiichylu kilitand i,atilt.[kUk6wtse%yltluiitilHbcd� We pvt,PT charges oj) ifli work'one tray, aiia otirworiers payrouirn otartes. Thawoft.aw wo. : t I I I Derves, thus curin such diseases s Iffr. iLiullion is very approachable.".1an -t i us 'a ntated. is -t 1APIC all't rapid y dolle, � to Ina'Ad ,, I .. I : , baying, a qapadfr I . 1. 9 , I tud r6swring the org. "a � ou thdimand Wt. 6a it m1putt. We bave Many ji�%noiko now In our waiijoy wlib ma uit froin timity4vii 1. 11 I epilepsy, St. Vitus' dance, paralysi5, "Eh ? Von't kick me out ?,, ,,,Not 1 healffiy action I ,ort . 1. I ,; , . . t6 their normal condition, Pa-rnieleels , to thirty VVA a Fockg or stow,�p mpqv� a.d wl..re illo tkine d(a WA ly Is 4evotml io %he work, yoa eati remilly sto lhaI frani 07 to sio Por week can 6 emily earsiec , I 11 . I ": �., � . I .� I ,% a fatoo our worktod ail the inArtrials, yariii etc., frea, find typexthing.1bat tx toe'bmivy tortu wrZ, We Aunwi-the Wai;hG6 otiv for the exelusive use ar oov depirtogto � � , I I rheumatism, 8ciatica, heart troubles a bit' of jt-'� "Won't he get. an-! VegetableTMS wlll� at_thpi same time � L I i, � I � fg.ke erAploymhm wiib its. jvho ffilt6t, in urde'r to becorfie a Tnem1mr, solut Q at Imst ft� 90A itrlwolsce..afia X'��Aahtio aC430rul'Ifis, io give us tho neuessar,j anurince tha tldqtvahfl� � , , a, I , I I 0. amiamia, etc. These pil)s are also a g�� ?" ',No i-ndeed.,�"' "I'm OvOy- ! c0pse the, blood, and the blqtches awl n%ewqimoqp,wAq#d,6r m14Ap�mprfntml. our Eiterelike are u%utna1.audt11,,i i0lifidowee 111ust beutub L811W1rW4rXX4tolNW",00. . �� � wing 4workAndo nofiskuathd viate, &Qmvurx&nr,w*d,aV4n6t nakeadist �Ctiou with 0114 and not anothar $ bealdtA' W —1-11.8 � I , . , LWO. .14 .1 111� . � I I ure for the ailments that make the ioy(_�d, What do � yoil think he wjll,� cruptieJus will disappear witbont. le. ,bushim fth,cli,les; � , � . � I I .. . i � � I � . "I I I � . . , I 11 I ;Ves of so many, womell a, constd �0,�_ � -T- ' I any tr I I ­ 11 11 I i otbers than tlim wiio wui avot to 6 khltitiiq� raru�. I I . ., � , I lit � ..I-e,ii IvLu.44;�! � � : , � .;we�� , I � � I I ole ar opAre time) wo V111 frop you "I � . � . inisery. They �u,e sold in boxes, the, . � , - I 11 I . a I I I.., ­­ I I I — -----.-- . I � 4%ati nove giv I Wr I ereval:4 As - 1d our � I I . "I . . tbe full ' , � e � 11 ''I I , I ­.- I I— bw make I rmant it to be. an to -A barove- . � � I � I wrapper around .which bears , . a win vioofljvo� io I � . ornao.e_g re . ;�e ,,, � . fir ammking mr0ally kwq. I , . _ ­ me-Dil Wffliams' Pink Pills for ' - , I , 1. 'page Mow . � 1 pWee ,6, th.t 1. . OX01f,.Oo�wlilebulueoidloYA"Illo . I Xdc.Vco�le. Can,be procured. fr6m - W I I It is just What ... . I � - � � Or"In"tal. VeV njjo�yy and ��-nrj4HVmgly cheap. of ordl=y Intelligence who tha ko�d . I � I C , lots, Lreve "I "I'll ��� ­_ � 1. I " ...k.1i.­..__­.1 F , .. , t i -.1 I I d�uggists ar will be swit by mail, , , ,, I is' wailt'r'd for 66 Y'a'asi'di'vision feuv,-_3 in towa thelost 1"i 'U e 43U Ara o n t a orwe I I � , � . . � � �� yardq, 0]�Cbawa, ete, It, is 20 cls.'�TCK RUfAING FOOT. . Itat,kljvti)noa.ivoi,keri�at'niift8(liAwatig 07, proyk%ed the landlino 1E00 fin,goca" . 11 - post paid, at, 60, conts 0, box, or Isix� , � " uninted and retails at only .1 V01v11t1(4T�:kqvAr1,ft rftldiled AW Jaaviddd 411 AID 11 �­ I � I I 4 . I I I . - i I ,za '. boxwE� for $2.50, by addressinf tae :4119t.thfnit� of it, T,elt 113 80111 �artieu�ars. Wei also pordei iigy�dii must 64ow OZ antlilvelba nantoorso ey ippoRtweirim do�newrik�oranv,r�f.)rellco�ti�, lid U pla C (in yonr Oil Y'raborlameyollin rant oxyh3fWfact.� I � I I , I � � �- � . � I I . I ' D I ICA -E ,� , � � ­,�iw�l Xedi6 � I . makd farm fence, poultry'notting', hM16 aild staples. � � . � 11 I I., � TH "TING ,,, 1. I`, I � I I _ - , . � 1ddi-ess: ,, P_ PEOPLE'S'KNITTING , N I I ITED 3"" . , no. 'J�', - , I- ', L . ,1)1. 111i) I j. . C,01�_ 1� . , ,­ , & , - Im ., , walkervitle, dnt " a : 6 n Pldg 99Tor, I I , `�, I I . - i �� - - ' ,e : Tha� Paga Wre'Fendi�,Go., U flid -r holaronces.-Expi-ess eqntps�io%13�nks..or Toronto Boislncss Houses. ; ', Read Woo- filpKin ! T � 1�1t� � I � � . � � Ge I , . , I- JAg6. �_ . I � vil.je, C .1 I �, I . .1 . . . %!"-,: ,� I . 11 I I I I .1 - � I . :1 ­ I I 11, _: I 1, � 1 , .11 . ,�...W. . � -1 � 11 ­­� 11 , 1 I I I . I I I I I . I I I I I 11 . I 11 '_ " � 0. i 1� 1, I I I 0-1 4 & J -0 § V N I I I k , � I. . , I �, I . 11 I .. I I I " .1 . . I L, � . � I I �11 � , I 11 I I I "I I ­' I � I I � I I I . . I I �) � �. � � I I � . . I . � � I I . " �" � I I I ,. � 1. . � , I � " I I I i -1 . I ''I I I . I I I . I I I I 1� I I .1 I I � � I ­ ­ L I �, ., � I I . . I : 11 �, I I I I 11 . 11 ,, I I � ''. . � I I 11 I 1. I I.. I 11 .1 I 11 I . I . ,. 11 I . I I I ,, � I , I., . I I I . �. I � ./ . I � �, � ��� I �, .1 11 I . I I I I . I . I I 1. 11 I I � I � 11 11 . 1, � �. . I I . I., I . . I I I ; 11 I . . 11 I 11 I . I . . I I I I I 11 I I I I � 11 I � , I � . I . I . r I I I � 1. I I "I ,;­ I � . 11 ­ I ,� I I I I . I . , � I I ,: L I � I � I � I I I 1, � I .1 - I I I , I I I I 11 I 11 � 11 I I I* . I - � . : I . "', 11�1 I I I I , I I., � . I � I I I �, I ,� I , . I I . ­ 1-1 .� I � 1. I I . . , ­ 1. I 1 - �'­ , �� �, 11 I 11 1. I I 1 I 1� I 'I., " _,� ,, : � ) ., '', i -1 � � : .1 I I .t � I ., , . � ", , L - '. .L­,�i, , ­_���.,, �L,�;r� �'I'­',',.;�,; "1h, I I!, , I . I 11 I I , _1s, I -A A 11 I " , " �' , .:,�:,L �,��,,: , �",, : I I I I . I I I I ,� .1 1, 1 L� _ �.L�� , - I , I _N _,',��­�­,,�"­.­ ':_� -'I.,11.1- - _�__�,, . 1� .., L� , . �,L,��11:11,'111 -1 I 11 I �' .11 11 � "I I'll "' I � �� - I I � 1; `,:� I , I I I I I 1, I., L I � �, .. � whbw I " , . 11� � ��:���,�������,�,i�k"��4k"".,��"A', "�,� I I . I 1, � ­ I 11 I I � I "I, "I �