Exeter Advocate, 1902-1-23, Page 2FIRST IONT11 OF TIIE 'YEA
Employ It Usefully and You May Employ
the Rest of the Year Usefully.
tEnt4rt:1 Pot-xir4inG te ett of the 1,iirnieneop ot The leaves appear only ogee and
tietwee ti, itiq reor thiiinginsi44. Nine Mai
' 4414 nsul. a. west Bete et I:matte. at, heea 410. WA eltese great* arms are
oie Math:44s to etiliulta1 ttew. (*eget stretched, up tegzerd beaven in silent
pryer tor scoree of years, now
despe,tct from. Washlogtoe. say et ;
*---Rev. Dr. Talmage preached 'rem tnaleletl• . now robed in snow,
tbe following text :--Exm'
lue e!i. ur "'°wiPg tu tbe 9°d Qt the
terupests as be misses en
"VAS month shah. to (lute. ytin the or ' auntie% 1.4a. hoar -teem Jesus died belY prophets. be urges Ibti t° re*
already passed until eel the rivers ot
time have emptied into the ocean of
eternity, but note of all tho host,
ought. ,to rentier higher theatre eo
God, or tao lerger cement or make
more neugalficent reeelve thaa tilts
UK, first mouth ot tte yeer.
JAN. 20.
Text ot#1 leesettne Acts Bea 146.
Golden Text, Ex, xv.,
legs IL was the hour of the evening
know of the teeth ot the Son a gatiammisankraaVittt,
God. ? (Mark xi, 22-24 Gal ii 20)
e e A •ei
Ae Mephibosheth was lame through ay% Vier
no fault of his own, yet, wAs mune to eree
Uv e with the king and eat writinual-
ly at tbo king's table (II Sam. iv,
4; in, 18), eo we wile ere ail lame•
through Maul's sin svith°14t 601;t1q1ZZ7646119S
etrength, uogoelly, rutty 1;e heeled by NO
HMI wbo. having died for us, is noW
alive forevermore (Roue, v". 146 : SO= 0001) RECIPES.
2a.) Peter, in the power of the Black Chocolate Cake -Ono end
Spirit, preaches unto them Jesuo and ow-A:turtle cupe sugar, * cup huttet.
the resurreetiore as t Might ley l•he 3 eggs. * mile, 2 tea$Poons bale-
prophets4 and, telling them Vega leg powder in g cups flour, and a
Jesus Chriet shall cern° ageht to little said Two squares eluteorate,
reetegt all things et which Owl grated and, dissotvett ia a, little weit.
bath spoken by the Mouth ot alt His Itva:tee.rt 1:tan&cle tast:iirritvirnatowltahe rear=
h yard eosott.g.
t'utbu te.ccatir 0-042Qdrnia woe: Ilisuarr i.vgcguspiavI ,
Otis pastry flour. 1 cep chopped
ae.e s (tied ratAns, 1 cup chopped
°-./t th..)1014ieleorsPSLVarLaketainkgete-Ire‘rd: tie.- a
cake recipe °Jammer* from One Of the
hest cooks I know: Q'le egg. 1 cup
sugar, f cup ewet 1 teetepoon.
etzuhattlin.t. :paorottsr, Lteetosrp. o2on
ectur. If Geis iS properly unide it is
tho Most delicious sugar cake I have
ever entea. le ease Also be II:lade in-
to a leyer Calm, hi Whielt caso it is
hest with genuine whipped creent be-
tween tho Myers.
Stuffed Beef Flenle-eTeke 4 or 6
pounde honk, wash tract ley on Nome
ilweeing. roll and tie seeurely with
ttvlue. Pat it in v. double pan, turn.
over hot wator, salt, and let it bake
four or five hattra. For the dressing.
WU 5 Coinnlint creeltera, eeasoe With
sage,. PapOr and salt. Win% cold
thie will cut in nice elices for Sand -
beginning of mouths; it 41411 bo del 114 /ilheetewleT HUB1ICAN.4. an 0olgot;Iii, •(Matt. xxvii. 46, tio), Pent, that their sane may be blotted
firSt mouth of the yet= to you." 1 la Jety the Uwe stand teot f0000 peter onci 4ohn going in. ot and that the times of refresh -
The lent =oath of the year has glorifying the earth; in, Jame, 1,0 tee temple aa tets engstoa„ trig OMY eenie with the coneng again
passed out of sight, and the first a et teen etand defeino the- evInter, white too tioheileving Jews am -waned Cif the Lord Jesus. (verses 17-21 and
Mouth of till.' new year has arrived- lieder the some tree the child »Wye their forma the believers in Jou,' Sea 11.V.) To the Jew drat (verse
The, raiduight gate last Wetinesday with his toy, and, growing up to ablest met for hroyed ethoetoo teeet, 26) and to every creature (Merit
deeervee a. better mime, for she is tra or phileeophie mood and, having wae in heoyeo on th:tarvcio“ecehor atoll xt11;a4t1(2t,slol alrnta°tiognivsettithee gpQegoPefillit'
opened, end January ottered. Site Manhood, sit,s. uuder it in sentimene- the true teed. wile
ealled after Janus, the beethen peesed ox to out ege, rests hiniself I thn„t they, hos witaeases, O44da ter Ills name may be gathered (Acta
W. they pre
seppoeed, stdoil under Ite elletle. In these Jaeuar,y nothing witheet. film,. xv. 14), and Gets Fits EVe builded.
deity ho
over doos and eo etaigitt be expecte4 days the trees seem to say: ...oho 4. 5. 4s peter and John moth1 that He May take her to Himself
to presido at the opening of tne leaves that rustled their music hi i A Look. oa usot ho toolne and ceme again in Hie glor.y.
year. delis mouth- was of old Called the last summer are dead end gene. 0 eve. t - th• • th
No nig o recotee Pottle mg in e
tilQ wolf month beeauee, through the but the leases that will adorn tide
geverity of its weather, the hungry uncovered brow and these bare arms
wolves eamo down scatting food and shall lave as japeli beauty arid glory
deveuring hum= life. In the rata- as their Predeeessors. Only wait.
eats of the robe:tie ages an ry was dliere aro beatitilal and lovely things
repremated as though sutler -Mg from to come la your We. 0 Unman epees
the cold, end hoeing A hinedie of tatar. Oh. the tree!°airs the
- if they aro heard, and Ara aurprised
wood under the arm, suggestive a Almighty end tho entinite could have u thoh recent% (tied taut about its
the woreath that muse to rindled. made ono. Gothic archtteettire wets twos, wo doled 4sco attange,
'Yes. January en tito open door o ested by it. Bat for the arch
the Yearand through that door win "t$ bough owl the Pobittina of its
Como wbot long processions, Fame of haes the St. Chapelle of Paris
them bearing Pallni leaves and sue and other "specimens of Gettleic arch
merle% otters witit gorlaude et wonder the world has taken from ie
wheat and ot-hers with. cypress find would never have been lifted. No
mistletoe. rhey are comingaud many styles or suggestlyenesso-the
Iteithing Can keep them bait the tweet, few the victor. the willow for
evente Of a twelvernouth. It will. 1 the sorrowing, tee aspen tor the pit is God who woriteth (lea, II,
thiult, be ode Of the emott trentblInta the twpreete for the bure out mat, th grew. thialgs.utight,
svuY nantere fee* ho knew not of
durable rithee and rigittetatettese
Peev. viti. 1. "Ile gave heed,
xpecting to receive." ouct that. is
More than many bellevere do when
theY FerilY( toe lbee asitt and woude
ow much leelaer It would be wee
pray ta oxpeet, according te
V. 3; WI, 5: Joint xiv, 13.
la14. Title
me men was expeceieg trna opeople.
but Peter and dolut lied learned to
expect from God. if believers would
Jae Level of or tO la el to d of by
these words; "Cease ete trout Mina"
of all time. wilt abound with laliihtt ueeitio ourselves, they toe hem
blessing mei dieter. National cannot change their piece aud so to to tde moue of oesett most, of
aad n n
4 • Nazareth, rleerep mad walk." Silver
mementoris import will be settletl. Soule of them aro solemn mom- and how could /tot do this nor tell p.eto ntrn h they
Year of coronation anti detbrotte- !acute of the centuries. Ttanu God the power of max*. but those whr o 10 4 dwchbga, le
and eto ore t
nthat .ent, year at will settle Cittan ter trees, their beauty, their shelter.
Porto Mom end Pliiiippine anti their triterlactag braztelot-noe may
South Afriean and (Aimee destinies. for the troea in Juno time -corona.
The temeet year or many t deeado lion, but in January privatian of
past hoe dug ith million:1 of graves everything but graoeful street:4r
and reared itin xnl2lou o uerelage Let tho icortoelaetie am not tie Bite
altars. lingairist theta. "Woodmen. spatte
lee witt exreet greater evente that 'tree."
thie Sear thea Cr htletrie tor the. In this very Month of January,
Pletare of Life in the Ceara
The. urhtnettre• condittene wattle,
ist andine tertein cleesee limo,
zi uNCita %lig Watidar and
ha of travellers. aro in len%
aitCe.le of novelty an l
Ig °ranee Una a'vero climate.
%Ile prceauttero aid h the wild
coniphatare un emit -ars. ;he wither
ot "'the Tsere at d the Remote:tee"
AWS a picture Whieb, intereetIng teaches to pue in the cleildreree leech
but nett attta.tiNe.• boxea,
5 he
loo e the tereperetaire out- TWo Cake Vallingee-A Pica elling
doore, tho higher it must rite in- iew Cake ie Made by the foie
(tooth, Tett th dotal* altnioee lowing treettere until it, bows one
(1. 01.1,Utilti and putty for the cup AWOL * cup sugar. 1 cup
t4ret wesert, city PAIS 0011VOrt hickory nut meats, ettepped tine. and
Oyer epee tweets keg h.ttreu oa a small pleat of butter, var. tuanh.,
%teem t ey breathe the mane air as Or filling, bolt until clear 1 cup sug-
ar. tied 4 tableeeoorts water. Stir it
into tho beaten white of One egg
(Wieldy, and veld half ewe raisins,
mailed and char ped fine. Mid * Cep
Chapped lilehory Mit Meat%
MAMA Potatoes -The secrot of
otaleing good mealiest potatowi is to
lump theni hot While mustang, and to
have alsii the milk very hot. wham It
In added. Beat thoroughly and. iterve
In a, hot dish. Lay u. pleve of butter
on the top awl ewer°.
Roast With Breeselng.--Put, into a.
have neleher gold nor StiVer c4n 0
Iraglas and Partners with libn Wachlt1,11tel,TIoef:tttl=ltirt21=1Altc!.
(heath all such things. There ' -"""e-r" --
widow; bawr thwil 4utaucts, vanotli p nt a, d while fondly coated
to hho wi hoot 180.,eor ton, Iv, MO Mit tho hugo oven. en top of
ev. eine, a eta* octave% tol theY tdi skell T4Wit" Out
tzo het seem rehh, of this tnetwating atmespluen Pune,
ri must tirehge into tem ley out -
Wee Win. it would be well to ottor rod -
ereteder populatton hos Se 'WAIF two mouths awl. a o vat er, "UMW 1 Christ. or do 1 ege eittood, ono faviammn to.
etteateed there are so uwiny Utft ti A -it ' • - - Only seella to AV 0" thi k 1' - hhe ""*""te-e
. 4a ent e it ad been fought, betweee the • 4 ° _,441 (leendu ta. eh' lune:ea. mitre k
in they Wilier year to lititgle rind weep un
and of the Xing' and the army tee bavert Ott!" vdt" 1°, '1°44"14 et hich is he 80.1 any ttel ed
eheitherds rind travelers Juba rater CQ14/16 63Y4 "1 44 8t the wint.r ate diflicult to
2 and J. o'clock. at slight lUty"'*** gi45 v°•1 ;keep clean. The peasant Is con -
la to battle repotted in the 7. $. "VotUng leaPlag "d (1 mewl to Ilso in an ntinoephere re -
Tho jlaiald'i" "eels 01' Wel/411415 tho at tirtnim. the cleat Ira hind 6'4." 'Itis IltY "14 uti 0 e" 4° del Ut eltit mantas. dile wasin and
have teat wider sweep. The tires are of moo. the „room, to oal,t1w melt
handled irt furnacee not atvett and then. tho vierthdrawal of the seeno
but eeventy times heated. The ve- into complete silence. Them: slim-
locities whirling through the air herds end travelers repeatini in the
suMul t'bU seas "4 tusueUngtow'l, wit t th ett'd, SM14 af4 'Peter tu°k 11°4 bY tim right. rowel tho home vattishas in he tnaW
dented dernonetretion. Would to ur. • 'rtlee bwa's reeolvell 3treltstil. It T.148. in the sprIrg, Even In the cltioe the
ters o peop ex-
rdu e is n .t alwats carried away
by the OS there aro often
tItut off by Ice. ite.d.rett bootless
by frost, it keeps, and on the fret
warm tlavsefille the street.* weith per -
nit lout e: lial teens.
hollthet tan OqUat the at a
liwsion thaw le tne clieee. The
euow whiela ender the sleigh ma-
ne. s, Wan lite sand or powhorod
gla a. is tran termed Into a • thick,
nate eo. s elite!** Al hltik pedestrians
Lring into tie 'musts on their ft:et.
t it, putsant steels in his eluthes,
end lives nh ht and day in the snow
duels An. True, he taltee a vapor
bath once a. eeelt, on Saturdays, as
thorities would, if they could. stop tut Itet of rituelistle purification,
e4e, itedy whom. Urforeut.ateler, latwever, ho extra
eor stouter purposes might be put, blessedness 01' woe, and us the lAttliletbvt.14111wIttrslengeSYes were miraeulously jelled tO act tato the same clothes
greet inttritutents now enmity used
to their tuliebtleet Use in, the woreps armies of God aro mightier than the o. to
fter all the doctors had fall- agile teeming as they are with ver-
evergelization the teleeriteit, the "artnies diabolic, we know who will olp, put tho story in -tract n in. *In winter ho rezely takes them
forms, and a. doctor who read it told 0 on any o It r dey than that on
yeara 01 Age who Amu neve!' welitedt .fluientoi the of ids cab n awhile out,
Well might the people it a mane' in. reads a seas ; the het, teems
wille alt Meets of vermin,
ut lc ores tita thth thrown out all
blo miracle ((emitter iv. 1b. ede $
Was ACCOMPlifilted in a. rateheent. As
the ratiuutaine matte et -Mimeo- g 41- eY II ,hanw bun-m(11401y hie feel. end made te reappear With uulinpalred fetidity
zteql thlktitstt chioefocarotthhee orahorlwit op:taiga:tett. h‘0U8eht lhot t'on the thotothionttelithgeet:
tuntalt in the izeaveureethe
ceaea to tremble with the last. ran-
teatitaitt toed the hea'veriu enate to Le" aud they beard "40 F-144.441) uPr("ar
Itelatell up teltei any more eontlegreel TVA) thIll0414:5
thin of itomeeteatis and the foun-i Fang, hearing ut Wei twinning
(Irk% that make favorite be tiirhed t au the heaventi, sent. umbits-ti oredeee„ de; ecem so sow to bee
wrItten by tho prophot Muth the Ionic
non, thauld kap us a hart Vise.
totem, W. Bee hoe' few Would ever
expect that such word e would have
SUCh A literal fulfillment? And that
one of our great. difficulties and
tow Mao:smith ehops tor enaleath Iteogultuhtlilller;t!itleolithheerdluettintheorYthctilevrrie thatt God means jus %elute. Ile
Met eatue hitch. to the Nang and th.:*10., The heohee 8aw eilue noel
took solemn oettt as to tititi 1113'StAl* stud went htled with won-
Tize front door ot a. ettipendotts
year has opened. Before many of
you there wili be twolvo mouths o
opportunity for maliing the wore
better or woree, happier or more
raieeratile. Let en pray that it
=my be a year that will enliven:
the epeetly reaerriptIon of the Isemis-
phere. Would to God time 11115
might be tile year In altielt tho three
us oceurreneet ite and tiMazeineat. SO 011 the day
al:other tuuse eliephertle and tra-
were iu delusion volutot 6sy, bo& mcilara:geolcias(tc11:LiasPnItcla; 31, 1s.0 31;221:
embitesadots el the King 'entecost they were all amazed
this 1, know-etb
of (toil neil the forcee of Satan ett. ba d nied (iv, 16), yet the au -
114 -44 14)re434141. 4 if t unmetakahle Wet it coma
now in combat. the heavens au
s well as the earth in etruggle as
to elio shall win this world for
attephoue, tho phonograph, thin triumph, and we lime a right to
trteity bus suck potent tongun,. such, shout the vietory through our Lord.
etrong awn, 5te11 swift whin, such:Jostle CitriSt. The Ring of King•s,
lieeduing foot, that it oceure to me the Lord of Hosts, the trod of Josh-
tiett 11. limy be the tiegel that Si. ea tied Hereto& leads in tho eon -
thole eaw and heard in apocalyptic ilia. I have no fear about. the tre-
Vision when ht started hack and ineadous Lssuo. My only neer is that
cried out, "1 saw unother angel iete Will not be found in the ranks
tlying• in the midst of heaven, having and hilly armed, to do our part in healed man naturally clung to his
the everlastieg gospel to Preach: title campaign of the eternities. deliverers, and tho crowd ran to sea
unto them that dwell on the earth; According to my text: terhis month the healed and tho healers. There is
and to every nation and kindred that to unto yot& the beginning of so little power of God In the church
rend tongue and people I" They were months, It shalt be the hrstntaonth to -day . that the crowd has to be
tongues of fire that sat on the heads of "the year to you." Through it, 'drama by entertainments, suppers,
of the disclule.s at the Pentecost and make preparation for the other ele- concerts, etc.; but het some of the
why tett the world called to God by von months, -What hot, aro to Jou_ power that was seen on this 00 -
tongue of electric ere ? Prepare uary you will prohaltly be in all the easlon be again manifested, and the
your batteries and mkt ready to other months of the year. Prepare
Pet upon tbe wires tile world wide for them neither by apprehension nor
'message of ; t sensuina anticipation.Apprehen-
eion of misfortune W11I only deplete
yeur body and gloom. your soul oatd
Furthermore, this month of Jima- unfit you for any trouble that May
ary has the greatest height and come. On tho other hand, if you
depth of cold. The rivers aro bouted expect t000neuch disappointraent will
in crystal chains. The fountain.% be yours.
that made highest leap in the sum -1 Between these just opened gates of
neer parks now toss not, one jet, for:the year and the closing 01 those
every drop would be a frozen star. gates there will Ire many times when
The sleds crunch through tho hard you will want God. You will have
sever. Warmest attire the ward- questions to decide which will need
robe can afford is put on that we supernatural impulse. There may be
may defend oureelven, againht the illness of thebody .or perplexities
fury a the elements. Hardest of. of mind or spiritual exhaustions to
all the months for the poor, let it. he heeled and comforted and streng-
ho tho season of greatest generosity thened. During the remaining twen-
on the part of the prosperoes. Tiew ty-six days of this month lay in ft
much a scuttle of coal or a. pair ..of supply of faith arid hope and clear -
shoes or a eoat or a. Shawl may tie ago for all the days of the eleven
fat assuagement of suffering between months'
the int. of January and the lst of START mono,
,February God only knows. Seat-
ed by our warm registers ott wraphe,d - you will be apt to keep right.
Before the ship captain gets out._ of
in furs which. 'make us ineepeudent.
of the cutting January blast, let us the New York narrows he makes up
his miad what' seat route he will
not forgot tho fireless hearth and
take. While you arc in the narrows
-the thin garments and the hacking
cough and the rheuntatic twinge of of this month make up your mind
which. way you will sail and unroll
those who through destitution find
your chart and set your compass and
life in winter an agony. Suppose
each ono of VS take under charge have the lia-Loate well placed on the
one poverty Stricken household
or davits aid be ready for 'smooth voy-
one disabled man or ono invalided ,age alt the way aerOsS Or tile swoop
,weman. On the way home front 01 a Caribbean whirlwind,
such a charity, though the wind may NOV that the trait' of Months has
to howling and the night tenapestu-. started, let it pass, January follote-
ous 1 shouted tot wonder if we could ed by February, with longer dahe,
hoar a voice that was heard on Gal- and March, with its mrce wieds, and
ileeand at the gates of Nainand by April with its stuiden showers, and
the peel et Bethesda saying,„Blast may with its blossoming orchards,
and Juno with its carnival of flow-
tomuch as ye did it to them, ye did it
mo." ers, anel. July with its harvests', and
:Behold, also, as it is possible in August, with its swelteieng heats,
her she was doing wrong, its others
might think they could have a simi-
lar experience. What are we on
earth for If not that the works of
God may bo seen in us. (John ix, :l).
11. "Tho lame man width was
healed held Peter and John." 'The
no other month of tho year, the
wondrous anatomy of the tepee in
janhary, the leaves of the last yem•
aU gone end not so much as a
bud to a now botanical. Wardrobe
appearing, the trees standing with
arms strettated toward heavee, t one
of the greatest evicieneee of the Wit-
'doM arid the power of the Creator;
things width no ve disgrace the church
oiled. speedily vanish. Thia. man's
help came through Peter and John.
and he clung to his visible deliver-
ers. When. we learn to say sineerelY.
"My help cometh from the Lord, who
made heaven and earth," we will
no longer loolc to the hills for belp
(Ps. mad, 1, 2, margin, and Jer.
111, 25). •
12. "Why look ye so earnestly oa
us ?" Not knowing the .invleible
God, people gaze with wonder upon
the visible instruments by whom
God is gra.cioUsly pleased to 'work,
but if times whom God uses would
continue to be used by Hint they
must be careful to give God the
glory, for no flesh shall glory in His
presence (I Cor. i,. 29-31). As. soon
tta the instrument is willing to bo
magnified the power ceases. Con-
cerning, • Pharaoh's, dream, Joseph
said thattit was not in him to in
terpret it, but that God would
do it, and Daniel said that there dries
no wisdom la hen more than in
others, but that the God in heaven,
Who reveal.eth secrets, would make
known the dream (Gen. Xii, 16 ;
Dan. ii, 28-30).
13-10. "His name, through faith
i5 llalasntheld
e' oilthIlaadai
s et'ia:
coet, he told thorn that Jesus, whom
they had crucified, had by God been
raised from the dead and received up
into heaven, eo now' he again tells
thorn that the God of Abraham.
TSaC and Waeob had glorified His
Son Jesus, having raised leim from
the d'hul, arid that the perfect sound'
teas of tlus man who had been lame
•wae due wholly to the risen Christ
whose witnesses they were. We do
not know that the rnan had any
and SepteMber with its 41rifting faith in Christ, hut -Peter and John
leaves, and October With itS frosts, had, and as the raith of the wohiali
and November with its Thank.sgiv- of Tyre and Sidon brought health
ing scenes, 'and December With itS toiler daughter and the faith of the
Christian hilarities. 'March en i 0 centurion brougat health to his ear -
battalion of the months, in the whet- vant (Matt. yili, 10, 13; xv, 28), so
matte of the years, and the brigades their faith brought pnalth to this
of the centuries! , March on and join man., Who can tell tact possibilities
the months and years and ceuturies
whielt Is tales his bath.
Every village juts its vapor bath-
house, wretched wooden hovels,
where vepor is generated by pouring
eater on itehot Stine hearth. 'The
• p a* bath, often followed by nn
immersion into snow or ice -water, Is
a, vionnt stimulan.t urrder a de-,
bilitating climate ; the Only one. te-
eid a alcoholt in which the nettehik
One Altogether Without Reasons
Another is Reverse. he
The women of Paris are him' now
cataged in rivaLry in regard to who
shalt own the prettiest fox cub.
Every society woman has one, with
the result that the little creatures
are valued at from $20 to $25.
When they become too large to
handle, they aee sent to the country
and are there ,set free on.the great
estates of the rich. Fox cubs are
'Very clever and very playful, but
they never are quite tame, and
&nee hare only temporarily sale
hoese coraparlions,
When invited to spend a night-. at
the home of a friend, it is now im-
perative to add to the aightrobe and
the toilet auxiliaries a set of clean
sheets. Really fastidious people do
so. Nihon the Czar and Czarina were
invited to bo the guests of Paris,
their couches were fitted by France
eith linen from the stock of royal
tiaptry accumulated during the ern-
perorship of Napoleon III. The im-
perial guests calmly and quietly di-
rected th, ir attendants to Tem° V 0
the Irren.0h linen and substitute for
it the pieces wrought with the arras
of the Romanoffs. This, it was ex-
ploited to their, perplexed enter-
fairars, was the Czar and Czarina's
invariable custom, and et seemed ,to
them to be as inmerativo a piece of
ref =wont a5 the owning of inn-
viclual to nherushes, Now all • tee
sniart alt pretends to hahe been ever
strupulaus in regard to individual
bcd linen, and drapers are happy be-
ceuse it increases the quantity and
enhances titto quality of their sales,
since their patrons consider that
only exquisitely fine, monogrammtd
or crested shcete, ingeniously band -
stitched, are good enough for use as good work as it ought, and
wihn goieg visiting. might, because it is not properly
oiled and cleaned. Where it gets
1,2e6 miles of wire lent:tug against gurnified up-generaltd through the
rabbits have beeri built. by the Aus- use of poor oil -a, thorough oiling
tralian Governmente with kerosene followed by a careful
A million tourists visit Switzer_ wiping, and then -with an oiling
land in a yea,r, 250,000 are nee. with good sperm oil, will often
:lam, 200,000 Americans and 150,- greatlY rneelli its way el running.
Pan all the gravy Mid dressing • left
over from tho (honer rotielegbeef,
veal or mutton. rehould the amount,
be 31811).t add 0440 c014 potato. ciao
slice of fresh bread, ono teaspoonful
of butter, half a cupful 01 1101. water,
while thls mixture is heating chip
email. thin slices from the cold meat;
lay them on the tonne. As 41008 442'
the gravy and (bossing aro hot
r ad carer the meat in, a later
WI thick as Um toaet. Servo very
CoMpote---Ccok t
:syegether un-
til :syrupy 0510 cup of sugar, half a
Clip or wathr, two-inch pieces of
stick cinnamon, and. the thin rind ot
beef n. slicing oft the yellotv
part, only. leave ready halt a dozen
applies pared aril gored (the 'tart
*nos 'cook more quickly), and cover
with the boiling syrup to harden. the
outer surface. d.
e. Cover closely an
simmer until tender. but not brolieu.
If you use the chafiug dist]. cook over
the hot water pan and It is
he beeter
to coolc tfruit in a. double boiler
after the syrup is made if you cook
over the ordinar,y gas flame, or tho
fruit will, cook too fast and become
musby. Servo each half of apple on.
rounds of toast. If erott wish. to
serve for a. hot dessert cover with
meringue and slightly brown in a
moherate oven, sprinkling the mar-
k gee with chopeed nuts. Servo
-cold with whipped cream.
ehn.e Meat fee 11(..s--Twa quarts of
tart apples, chopped line, one pound
of beef kidney suet. freed from.
strings and crunabea, half a. pound of
currants, -washed and dried, one
pound of raisins. stoned, half a
pound of' citron,. shredded. one cupful.
of molasses one pound of sugar, two
ecient tadetipoonfuLe each of salt,
cinnamon and mace. two teaspoon-
fuls of cloves, twoenutinegse grated.
had two pounds of 'lean:beef, _boned
anti chopped.' Mix all well and let
Meet stand together for a week be-
fore using.
Marlborough Pie --Beat" two eggs
light, stir them into half a cupful of
milk to which has been itdded a tiny
pinch. of soda, and let this get cold.
Beat it intct a cup of strained apple"
same, sweeten to taste and season
with mace or nutineg. ; Bake in
deep pie dish with a lower crust and
lay strips a paste across tho top.
kettle- will prevent. the deposit c
time on the inside. hawse water t
very hard this is worth, knowing.
No housekeeping tradiefou dies s
hard in the faee of scientific cooltin
schoot enlightenment es that wide
relates, to the boiling of eggs.
Oett-b011ed Eggs. 0,Peording to nin
gimes out of ten, is put. en in boil
ing water and allowed to remee
from two to two and A Melt' minutes
Eggs interidee to be hard -belled al
ootigio tienn hoiUn Wilafiltacaries."4 S.Ttah.1
ntrlh;alevt ct:ten.trl ngt e".9 Qtcliv nao a gies4t aa 1741101 lewre eltshayit:
dbieged sttihbelee.ggTios tcoouogkb ..2;bg011 I:, fa: d
CcuoticIthewrorlitopr,lavvinhaichtheisy mbraosutgibxte pout
temperatere of 175 degrees Failrea
licit, and allowed to stand in thi
wethr front six to eight zranutes. Fe
hard.boiled eggs put in cold watei
bring to /7.5 degreea Fahrenheit
then set beck from the flre tied kwe
hot forty-five Minute% Cooked ill
thiS Way the albumen is reduced tr
a Jelly-like subetenew easily digestet
teed the yollis are dry and mealy.
Few househeePera renaming. at
they should, thet When it is MOS
eery to cliluto strong tea. it. ellottit
bo done with water at the boiling er
point. Tho poor flexor ot tea. Medi
=MIR at first and then reduced
such as is too often served at recep
tions and "at home's." is usualit
caused by the addition of bot, itot
boiling water to the hest Infuelon, A
lestion in this matter may bo brie
front the Ituesiatte. who serve tht
most delicious tea in the world, and
whe prepare it first very ettroure
up: lite it almo t ;43 eti-etlee of tete
This is diluted to the strength wish -
(0, with ua,ttr Lopi, to;liug in tht
samovar. Thisewater is nut allowod
Ip boil ae d ieboil but is renewer
tweeted. Fresh tolled water is ize
ted upon. oll C011naltignirS
ON A liCheIN
arable, Trip
fele ltfartla Conway ituring hit
traVellIng in tie holivien Amin.
tiled ed Vaearalea, by raft. a. Went
of Garton thoneand six hu i fired and
six t,* t, h ii he was given a hen it
car -to- r wetels, elattorm, Sint
Itti a, beau o --end on that centey-
n a made a. Memorable trip Lack to
1 Lisa.
( ra it tian was our engine, 44
ta, a. it gal prd os in tire midnight
4. r no a et the tui nee where, sight-, otta
I se we ftit the groteal as if it 1ree'e T -"A
:hiding' out ten wit us. elite Ivluiels
n TM re S‘Thi the ferise'g It not
tit' es, eet, cf mote re tie the ten-
th re (we canto In v ow thwart. a Inflre
a, 00i of revealing stalactite
Itt,ett (8 a ells and roof. Larger
a 51 brieheer It grew like a Lomb
lfrhoeindel.y.Moittle WO burst letrth into
1 o n we went, down gad down,
tt he lionater poets hew by us Hite 41'h
a. tailing. We ee.o E,wang round
eo ne s plutepea ; ent Of,
the 111 lit of tunnels. Thete, whoa
ter e 1, as they ft equently were,
some 1 to ;mew ttbout us with
U oti)n ef their own. Wo atudwe
• ng the nuogin, of g ddy precipices,
L nd over unpaved ridges with giddy
d e.ths belew. leanw went t ho
eltsis apreinst h stone fallen upon
ti o rails. The car was flueg late
tea air, lut tea safely ince.
he f tel. ight tees soon civet4
and solid night came on. Then Ito
tem tho roma..ee of this leindred wed
1 fty mile ride, and fancy was turned
freo to di nify our night with im-
weinery teriote.
hh.re Was no whom but Jupiter
and Venus were bright enough to
ca. t shadow. tlhe Southern Gross
was visi le jutt Milk
11 ay shorn Metea. s darted.
acroes the sky, awl the hilltops le-
reeted gashes of summer lightning.
Nene t again wo passed the house
of some railroad employee, where. a
Ught shoee eind dogs rushed bark-
ing teeth; but we ifurried on un-
e easingly; down: thee deem, rejoicing
in our furious Bight. t
elm not mcening the end of' tha
run came, without accident, at
"X am sorry to ,sec you neglecting
your -business this way, Smith. They
say that you don't spend hail an le
houratyour office."
"-Wall, a fellow must look after las
health,you know." • '
"Yes, but you don't. look am
tb.ough you were, ill. Is anything
the matter With you?" •
"My wife takes the Good Health
Bulletin,' and she makes 'out that 1
have a tendency to softening of the'
brain, with complicated symptoms ,
of Bright's diseese, liver complaint, -
dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, •
inflanmaation of the hunions,• cheina-
tion of the spleen, indignation ef the
esopbarrus, hypertropey or the pal-
ate, mid. ,besides. tette em not at
all well. She insists that I must ob-
serve rill the health rules in the But-
hitin, and you sea I've no tithe for
During the yecont mai-loci-tyres in
SWitierland, Alio general staa made ••
a 5erics of expetements ch a racterietic
of the most democratic army id Eu-
rope. They were designee to test the
intuence on the troops of smoking
being permitted in the ranlis during
long n.arches. A, stall °Meerde-
clares that the results showed ,Lh
balance of advantage to lie entirely '-
on. the side of the full pipe. 9.'here
were no difficulties of discipliace
which was really improved, because
smoking. kept the men more cheer
ail and less sensitive to fatigue. ,
on'e'WarBoiSera. '5'1''Ye-a---etsell'i41*(larnasnweeeretdo
development of the eolultr37," said-
other. "If this, ptomiscuotue shootr
sliallobgnor alltootillwgueeetsetatne wttiulrlIaletistafsikeoutliotlengLatihri4(t
If you aro living in a moth -Infested
house, it is an excellent plan, on
cleaning a trunk, a bureau, or a
closet, to get over all the cracks and
tweyeces with naphtha. A tan with
a long spout enables one to do this
reuldirly. a he naphtha evaporates
very quickly, but nevertheless de-
stroys tho eggs or larva that may
hate'found an. abiding place.
It is not always neceseary toeline
all the tins with paper on cake bak-
ing arty. TO grease them, and then
dredge them. u
with , flour is suflIcient,
for a plain layer cake.
Success in -cooking dried fruits de -
ponds on little cooking and long
soaking.. Alter washing the fruit,
rubbing it between the hands to set -
ten any dirt that may adhere, "cover
it with cold water:and let stand
over night, or even 't longer time.
Add the sugar to the water, after
drainin,g out the erult; boil and
skim, put In 'the Smut mid simmer.
gently till tender, You win be sur-
prised to see 'how hue? it will
be in flavor and in appearance than ul
when cooked rapidly rd without the
preliminary soaking.
Many a sewinganachiue feile to do
of f th ' 1n od , 0 eta ' -we .3 0 . g
An, oyster shell kept in the ,tea-