HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-1-16, Page 8We have tapeiied: rep :a ease of New Goods, Consisting of the L .TEse TEIXGa in • WORST1GDS TWEEDS AND SERGES, .And during the quiet season we 'vil1 offer special inducements. 1 nobby Worsted Suit for $14,00 A good Serge suit for 12.00 A fancy Tweed Snit for 12.001 Striped punts from $3.00 and onwards; LEAVE TO CR ORDER EARLY. YM W. TA .i EYE SCIENTIFIC SPECAL1$" ^4 1),.. SMITH 474. TUE.. COMMERCIAL ROUSE, EXETER Two days only FRIDAY Lad SATURDAY, JAN. dist FEB. fst Call early and aasaail' yourself of his valuable service, as his is a. rare op- portunity to have your eyes properly tested free of charge, No guess work, but a scientific certainty. Difficult cases accurately fitted, tlL canto Oi'AR.tN•TI:O. A Intl lino oi' Artificel Eyes added to oltr stock. Aletiellneeel09f LOCAL DOINGS. go usAssarzemasaseaceemessaavo WISHING. I wish I bad a horse and sleigh, The riding is sat fine to -day. I wish I had a girl, to ride With me, elo a snuggled by nay side. I wisb, as the might air grew chill, That she might snuggle closer still. I wisb, that, when the full moon rose, I might have courage to purpose. 1 wish that a soft -whispered "Yes" Might oxen complete my happiness That's what I wisb, hut as you see, ,lust wishing brings no Me to nue. So, sitting here, my thumb I twirl -- 1 have no horse—no sleigh --no girl '. The anew Masonic Hall Is about eorepleted and the brethren will meet therein for the first time on Monday. +ev Caning neet. Mr. ,john Wood. shipped a carload of Cattle to Toronto last week and an- other carload of expo. t cattle to Liver- pool om Saturday. 'Note, the immense values. and out in prices announced in: Stewarts locals in this issue, Every black -bordered local has aaspecialand iia ever} special there is a bargain.. Mr.. Jos. Cobbledick purchased the brick in Crediton on Tuesday for • the new cottage to be erected in connect- ion with the cemetery, tenders for which is being advertised in this issue, poeeial seri ons, conducted by the r will e co a � tun eni eel in J,`a !xn es street Methodist church next Sunday and Will Continue every evening for two weeks, with the exception ef Saturday evening. Every one will be made welcome, lltr. Geo. Pedlar, of Port Huron„ and brother of Mr, John Pedier,of Stephen. has been in town for soiree days with a view to establishing an organ, factory here,. There is also some talk of ai door factory laking established here by soine tnaan from I.Vinglieina. Good for warm! $t5 fancy weal .knee rugs,reda eed to $I.37;and $$.75 lupi: grey goat robes reduced to $0.00; and J,00 Saskatchewan robes reduced to $7.75. Clearing prices. 'Stewart's, .. t certain minister, during hies die- course one Sabbath morning, slid; "In each blade of grass there is a ser mon." The following day one of his flock discovered the good man push- ing a lawn mower about hie yard and paused to Say, Well, parso1, I'm glad to see you 4'3] ,a a _ � Gd in P • •T alit a n your , F, y sermons short` Mr. Il, H. Moir, formerly of Exeter and son of the late George Moir, has received the appointtnent of paymas- ter in the second Canadian Mounted Rifles. The position empties with it. the rank of lieutenant. Mr. Moir Inas, seen service in South Africa, having been secretary to Col. Steele who coin. niandeai the Str4t .iconaz Uotee. He was uaentioned by General Buller for conspieuous bravery and efficient ser. rice. Some mouths ago Mr, :noir. carried Miss Talton, of Tborndaale. The days Lire lengthening. Women's hoots and shoes half soled. 30 cents a pair. Geo '► exsox. Coarse boots and shoes half soled, 35 to 40 cents a pair. (xi o,:l etesox. Huron County Council will meet at Goderieh on Tuesday, January?Sth, We half sole all men's fine boots and shoes for 35 to 40 cents a pair. Geo, Marmon. For itching of the scalp, dandruff and lalling of the hair, use Turkish Scalp Food. Soldby C. Lutz, Exeter. $1.00 in advance pays for the Advo- cate till Jannary 1, 1903. If you want to please a friend send them the Advocate. English Stock Food is the cheapest and best food on the market and all the best stock raisers in the surround- ing country use it. Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter.. ' Look! 35e. 25e.and.i8c.fancy and Tweed Dress goods, reduced to 15c, or7 yards for $1.00 mad 35,40 and 45c fancy figured BIack Dress goods, re- duced to 25e. at Stewarts. The roads are not the best for trams these days. Some are nearly bare while others have an abundance of snow, thus making it .bad for either the cutter or buggy. The heaviest storm .of the season passed over this section of the country about 2 o'clock Saturday morning. A high wind prevailed and a large amount of snow fell. The presence of a bird known as the Grossbill, not unlike arobin, a native fo of -the New England States, is• taken ash an indication of a mild Winter. It' has been all right so far. The Spring Jury sittings of the High Court of Justice for the County of Huron will open on Monday, June 16th,. before the Hon. Justice :Street, and.the,Non-Jury sittings of the :,same h Court on Monday, March 3rd, -before Justice Robertson. $1.50fancy Ta Tapestry table covers, large size, reduced to 89c; and 7c pure linepttowelling, reduced to .Sc. Stewarts. The directors of the Exeter (lemetr y would respectfully request 'all Lot owners to present .their certificate of ownership to Mr, , Win. Weeks,'who will;give.them a. correct deed for their lots. In case theaaertificate be lost a new,tleed will be issued on application, he• stoI ice de ertrn T {, ;po p, enthas adopt- edew orniof a ?x form. postal note. ' It will be brought into use as;th estock of old forms of each denoinination becomes exhausted. The'new note will.difier' somewhat from the old in the printed Matter and will bear. ax , portrait of Icing Edward V11. The• manyfriends hereof r.. Wm. M ,Boyd, traveller for A. M. Smith &; Co., will learn with regret that be was taken :very serioi,�sly,ill with hemorr- hage e torr- lxa e`of he lungs at !Appin the `other g �. day, .butit is;`thdtlght,that he will be Able to be removed to" his" home #n London in-. twa.weeks, The Forest Standard in its account the Concert in that town on New .'ac's night, thus refers to Mr. M, Vincent as an entertainer:—Mr. Mac Vincent captured the audience at his first appearance, and his Cow songs and recitations created much laughter. Be was encored every time and often had to respond to the second encore,. each time be assauuing a different cos- tume end character. His last selections proved him to be not only agoodcomic singer, but, to have & fine voice to ren- der, in an iappreeiative style, patriotic songs leer:werc tteetltrte lair eti fe. Mr. J. P. Rosa disposed of his store The meeting i.f the South Huron stock by auction on Thursday to Mr. Farmers Institute was held in; the `Jas. Mannon, Jr, of Shipka receiving Tomei hall, Exeter, ou Saturday last. i `40c. on the dollar. The. attendawlire at the afternoon meet- ; A son of Win. Waalper met with a ,iia„ was only fair, considering the. h painful accident at the flax mill last important native of the meeting. No' weer, by his hand corning in cantaet doubt the severe weather partly taus- with the brakes, smashing the top of ed this, but there is not the interest one of his fingers badly, The latest germ to be discovered is that of faatigre, ,A French• hysician says that some of las ,are born with it an the system, which explains why his advancement are worthy o1 the many persons so constantly complain y of fati"ue eyen when they have done deepest consideration, The concert iia nothing to make them tired. Lazy the evening was well attended and a people, it seems, ettenot help it ; their very interesting program +vacs render systems are in the "possession of the ed. newly -discovered bacteria. If .(his be true,, the statement that some people are "born tired" - t last 1 01 is ai �a explained. municipal ownership. ]fere is an illustration of the success of M n unieip l Ownership ;-,-Neepaawa, ha, a townt so large as Exeter s had upwards of a year's experi- ence in the ownership and operation of a lighting plant and telephone ser- vice by the tnunieipality. It has 1,400 incandescent lights installed and 150 street lights. and has 120 telephones. The cost of operation for somewhat more than a year has been $5,'76.31, end the receipts have amounted to$7,- 801.73, showing a total gain of $ .D22 - 30, The service is said to be exeellent� as well AS elieap anal profitable. taken in these conventions there should be. The farmer is the back- bone of the country.. and is the source of much of the wealth and prosperity of the land, and any means used for Now listen! Men's $10.00 and $15 dark,fall hide Australian coon coats e to r ,. rdi1 to7u ed at 1 $ Se. a t r : wts. The neaitizy Way- to Bathe, Never use hot water, Make the bath short, cool and frequent. Deter- mine by experiment whether you can stand cold water, Heron feel invigorat- ed it is beneficial; one may use tepid water, but. never hot., One should bathe twice as day at least for mere cleanliness, says Prof Anthony Barker in an article on $'eme Physical Cul - tore for women in the February De- lineator, The morning bath 'nee' eonsiet of squeezing a large sponge till- ed with cold water once on the upper part of the chest amd once on the back of the neck while standingin a tub. Then reit vigarously� witas course towel. After exercising another bath shoeld be taken. However, do not neglect the exercise Wyatt cannot take the bath. It is, better to exercise end go without bath than to bath and not exercise, Dropped Dean. Word was received here on Friday last of the sudden death of sell. Thos. 'Ward, of Si. Thomas, a former re - Ii. John enultuute, who has been very ill, is recovering. :tai. Jaaines, of fen' A.ppelle, .t55 a., i visiting at Mr, W. Lev itt's, A'Ir. Wm. Levitt leftToaesday morn- iA for Detroit S fi ton hitsiiies, , Mr. N'carutau ]3issett returned Ilichiuond. Mich„ on Monday. silent of Exeter, but who left Here M. 1 m Snell,ltverpnian, iseuunu many veare ago and would be re- to his bed with an attack of t7-phcaid.. Miss Jewell, of I3owivaaiville, is the. guest of her sister Mrs«. N. B. Cobble - dicier Mrs,. Chas, Brliliaaeoniha', of London, formerly of:' Exeter, is visiting old .friends in town. MOssrs. Charles and John Sipe, oil Snowflake. Malt., vas hi town oin Thursdays last, Mr. Jos. Woodhull, of Detroit, forin- eely of Exeter, silent Mondays with friends in town, Miss Olive Wright returned to Lon- don Friday' after as pleasant visit with her parents, I':xeterNorth. flanuelette blaanl:ets, to dnee( :lir. Wm, Staanlake left Monday to to (i7,4c. and $_.50, Lure wool lal�an ;ieeel�t to situation as blacksmith. with kets, reduced to $2.18 at Stewarts Mr. Clark of Dens 1 , Hensel]. Hiss Jima. Davis returneoi.'llonday Presbyterian Church Meeting, night to London after a short visit The annual meeting of the Presby- with her parents, Exeter North. teriaan ohureh was held on Tuesday, Mrs. Geon. Floyd left Monday morn-, last. The meeting was one .of the best ing for Sweetie where she �svall visit in the history of the congregation and. hereon John, fore few weeks, the attendenee the largest, Thu total :an ou ret of money* raised for the re- i' itis. (Rev.) Down, who bias been gulatr schemes of the congregation visiting imme,ii1(ti rnecditonlit i here omenef'ltn e d 4 'a8 $1859.00, being the the highest, y $250.00 of this amount was .given to Mr, Stephen Powell and son, Willis. nissinaas and charity. The following left Monday to attend the funeral of officers were elected;- Manager, r, Mr.1a'oweil'stinole, Ltionatn.',dPowell, at G. Staanbur• r, W.1). Weekes, les S. Nissourl. Laing and Jas. Jeekell; Treas., James lllr. Henry Cann left Monday for Iurray; Secretaary,J. Senior; Auditors, . Hensel', where he will take a position r. Amos and (f. A. R. McLeod;' sh- as bartender with Mr. Wm Iiodgins. rs, Messrs. G. Dow and 'tVm. Muir. Miss Bertha Hall, Exeter North, t vote of thanks was passed to Mr. J. nave a birthdaypaarty Tuesday night Ross for his interest shown in the No which about forty were present, nasi° of the congregation as their Londesbaarocarrespoudent:--".rlfiss L. leader, Refreshments were served by Shobbrock,accomlxanied by hercousin, the ladies at the close of the business, leave gond to Exeter on a visit to tering which mucin satisfaction was friends," expressed the congregation t closing Miss Rose Fitzpatrick, after a pleasant visit with friends here, the ,guest of Mrs. N. McAvoy, returned to her home in. London, Saturday. Mass Violet Willis, who has been spending the past month with friends in and ;around Exeter, returned to her home in Marlett, Mieh„ Wednesday.. membered only by the older residents. A. dispatch from that city speaking of his death, s,'ays, Thomas 'Ward, fore- men of the Michigan Central Railroad shops and one of the oldest and best known residents of the city, dropped dead suddenly this evening. Mr. 'Ward had just returned from work and was sitting can a, lounge reading his news- i la Pe . when he fell. back and expired witho-it the slightest warming. Hee was in his 67th year. Robert I). I:ansl"ae, the well-known National League base hall umpire, is a son -in -lac aY deceas- ed. Child's grey I'ersiatn httnb fur caps 2.50, reduced to $1.30; ,and Wren's and woman's I eaaverized fur caps, :50,reducedto$1.t0, at Stewarts. a On SVi danesday evening of last week n the Auxiliary of the Women's men's Mis- sionaty society of the James street Methodist chureli spent a social even- ing at the parsonage. After a friendly :1 greeting the gathering was called to D order by the Pnstor,when as varied and e interesting program Waad carried out. Refreshments were eerved at the con 1'• elusion of the yrograim, after which n all returned to their respective homes feeling delighted with the'evening's' entertainment and kindly hospitality d of their esteemed Pastor and ^worthy+ wife, th Everybody wonders how the Family D Herald aand' Weekly Star, of Montreal, secured the right to publish that re- tnarkable story. 'The Man From; S Glengarry," written by Rev. C. W. d Gordon, of `Winnipeg, under the nom w de plume of Ralph Connor. It is easi- ly the best story of the day, and it is a said thousands of new subscribers are . flocking to the Family Herald and Weekly Star so as to be in time for the c first chapters, on January 29th. Fami- ly Herald subscribers are certainly in i for a big treat. Their three pictures s the Ring, the Queen, and the beaati- ful "Duchess of Devonshire"—are c alone considered by many to be worth a a five -dollar bill, yet one dollar pays q for. the whole outfit. s • s Now's your chance! Ladies' fin-, it est quality Electric Seal coats, with Mu Sable.or Mink Collars and Revers; w City price $50.00, our reduced price, $39.00; quick if you want one. Stew- a arts. n, A despatch to an Amerian paper fr from Lansing, Mich., contains the llowing concerning a former rector a of the Trivitt Memorial church:—It is announced here that Bishop Davies has deposed Rev. Ernest W. Hunt' from the Episcopal church. rev. Hunt was for a couple of years rector of St. Paul's church in this city, but near the close of his ministry found imself out of harmony with the doc- trines .of his church. He expressed his views emphatically and he: resign ed. under rather unpleasant asant ci' rcu P m stances earl last 'Summer. Y ..Rev. Hunt' went to Detroit where for a short time he. conducted a boarding house. He is now preaching in a Unitarian church` at Bangor, Me. The minister is an Englishman by birth and received a :through education In London. Ile occupied ministerial posi- tions at different places in Canada and calve to•Lansing from Owosso about three years ago.: A local' • •minister says Rev. "Hunt voluntarily withdrew from .the Episcopal, church. Since he resigned St. Paul's church • here has not permanently employed a rector. led In Detroit Mr. John Ford, of the Lake Road, tephen,received the sad and startling ntelligence on Monday last of the each of his beloved daughter, Ellen, ho died in Detroit the same day. The deceased had been sick only about week of inflammation but her case was not considered at all serious, in fact the attending physician had been ailed in about six o'clock that morn - ng and pronounced her condition not n the least alarming, but gangrene et in and before an hour had elapsed she was a corpse. These being the ircumstances the parents were not pprised of her illness at all, conse- uently the sad news canie as a great hock to the family, who have the ympathy of a large circle of friends i their extremely sad bereavement.' 'ss Ford was a bright young lady ith many friends who will learn with• profound regret of her death. Her ge was 21 years, 19 days. The re- ains were brought here Monday vening and the funeral took place. am the parents' residence yesterday Wednesday) to the Exeter cemetery nd was largely attended. Look Isere! Men's .;$25.00 Black Corsican Lamb fur coats and $23.00 Australian .;Calfcoats and $23.00 Rode Mealier)), coats •all reduced t.; , n $19.75. at Stewarts.' Tbe J 11, oa yi►u11s. • The Jolly Pulls Com an y oPened a week's e.gg emeet in Gidley,s -Opera Rouse, .eon ohda. " _ y evening last. The performances have been of a ino$t in- teresting character: The•mind read- ing tests by. "Pull were , very dii cult•the h notic subjects , yP ,•asoeirce great anis sement;tbe club.seeingin'g Mie Fevre nernnstclee v ,r a the red Ie ee to 'o net „ d Songs byRice and RayrYy;ond" e ce .:t. to et " ' h -. er wt of l :, g i h flex's ec a1-' ie y. P x sial.: o .. a �: A t m k it *eh g' . e V. ,•a1? . e , f a s- ' ' r `b1 anti ' ;tidies Blac A 3' . • to ri e c L ,. to A. _ l i! ' edu � to ur' c' � is " .00 ce ' "p=an f a t.aoh o 25 r el.. ri 15:04 .taiXd 1a' xes;$c 3.l10 $lacC�,73oeli- a ti- fnr,�(s) ,tds 'redoeed to .$28.75. , t ftverage ew a tainme,tet Here you are! Men's $40.00, $38.00 and $35.00 dark natural coon coats, 'reduced to $29.75, at Stew- art's. Council Proceedings. The Council. for 1901 held their last meeting: at Town Hall, Jan. 10th, 1902. .x111 present. Minutes of previous meet- ing read and confirmed. g Evans. Armstron — that the following g ., win ac- counts be passed and orders drawn on treasurer for same:—C. Lutz, $8.48; Treu iaine, & Snell, $77.52; Advocate Printing Co.. $1.00; H. E..Hueston, Insurance, $4.80; James V. Dennis; ringing bell, $26,65; T. A. Amos, disin- fecting public school: twice,$9.00; . Jas.' Creech, $5,60,' wood for Mrs. ;McIntosh; H. Parsons pumping water, $6.25; the Sutherland -Innes Co. refund ,, un of taxes, over charge, $3:05; Mrs. Slavin, refund of taxes, $6.80;; S. Sanders, postage, exchange, etc., $3.32.—Carried. Muir-- Armstrong —that a vote of thanks be tendered to the retiring Reeve for the manner in which he has 'filled the position during the past two years: The Council ad jou' �o rnedsinedie.—Cirri-, ed. 'The ;Council 'elect ;for 1902 met "' Town Hall, at pursuant to statutes, on. Tuesday,' January 9th, and took and subscribed to the different'oath`s' of office in the presence; of the -Clerk vizr:—Reeve, W. H. Levett• Council- Wingham: rA respected resident of lora, Muir, Wood, Davis and Harding:- : g. town assed • awayfrom this' life on Minutes of last meeting of l A g . 901 Council -Monday, Dee. 30, at thea e'of 74 earer read and sined..Har ' - ? dun _M ,._ � ,.: ,.,,, g - . g nip th at —Mr. John All gg Allenby, About twenty Council adorn to Erida evening, b ow J 3' 7.30,: 'years ago Mr. Allenby moved to. town p. m., for the purpose of appointing Pp in from Listowel, end has ebntitrned liege g'. officers etc, and the Clerk .s application for the ask for as a retired citzen.Three years ago positions of Asses- he had:; his" foot- taken off by the train. tier and Road.Comrniss' bcorer,—Ca,xi)ed He leaves a wife and grown, up family G. H. BISsETT. • of sons,andldaughters, forwbilln`axmuch e C r k, ;ey�ipptitlly is expressed, - Around About Us Centralia,: Joseph Glavin and Thos Ryan are visiting friends in Wallace burg and Port Lampton. St. Marys: The natural gas test well is down a distance of 1050 feet and a very strong "salt" find has , been struck. Contractor Mc0atcheon says that the indications for gas are e. el - lent and he expects to strike it within two or three hundred feet. -. Bayfield: The election for' school trustees, which took place in this vil- lage on Monday last, resulted- as fol- lows ; Wm. Brandon, 96 ;• John Fer- guson, 74 ; John Whideon, 69 ; Tudbr Marks, 44 ; Thomas Cameron, 56. The three highest on the list were elected trustees. Mitchell: Before His Honor, Judge Barron, on Thursday, George Johnston was convicted of burning the barn of Mr. Barthell, near Mitchell. Mr.John Idington, K. C. prosecuted, and Mr, Andrew Monteith defended. The'sen- tence was twd years, less one day, in the Central prison.. East Wawanosh: John Hoare, of lot 28,' con 2.'was the owner of 100 acres of fine land, but has added more. to his possessions. He.recently bought the adjoining . fiftyacres es from M.Lo - gck hart 2 000 being the figure paid. ad. It P is a fine piece of land and was consid- ered to be bought at a fair price. Goderich: Alex Badour,of .theMait- land con., is quite an extensive owner of farm land, but was not quite satis- fied with what he had. He had: 238 acres, being lots" 77 and 78,' Maitland. con.. but recently bought the farm ,of the late John Evans, of 80 acres; there are good buildings on the place and the price paid Was : aboutr .2000. Badour now! owns 318: . Mr. w acres: Goderich: If- s, of the 9th cont, had many trees' like "the- one `he 'recently sold he would soon become" wealthy from his bush, Last Wednes- day day he sold to the Messrs Ransford for the Stapleton Salt' . Works, five large 12 foot losall' gcut from a soft elm tree which measures 3863 feet. .Three of the logs were first class and -the other two. were not so.sound; bat .neverthe-" less he received $35.50 onistasgammatencerampammonw E sSPFICKKRI_' BIORUSH SALE OF CLOTHING. will soon be time for Stock, taking and we want tax clear oast ninny lines of clothing by that time. And in order to do this we have put the Knife into these lines and have almost cant prices in ,two. Below we quote you a few prices: -.T Men's Overcoats was, , , 45 45 44 55 44 44. _44 Suits ,4 64 44 44 44' 4s $ 750 for $5.50 11.75 " 8,75 10.00 `4 150 ,12.00 " 800 44 10 f.'0 44725 44. , , 0.75 " 5.00 65 .,,« 5,50 " 4.5Q Boys 2 piece Suits, sizes front 22 to 28 all the way from $3.50 be $5.50 for $2.75, This is a ,rand opportunity for any one needing anything in the above, GIVE UB A CALL, E. J, SPACEMAN. Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E, Sandford Ready Made Clothing, E� :urc: orium GOOD V YOUR MO EFS WORTH That's what every one wants is when buying furni- ture, and when value ' L1ln a is coupled with new and up-to-date styles, it makes a combination, which is certain to win trade, these are the points which have made our furniture business what it is and which will continue to increase it in, the future, Picture framing and all kinds Repairing promptly attended to. FU1EPFL t AU accounts due the late firm of Bev. erly & Huston must bep :aid to W. C Huston on or before Feb. 15th 1902 W. C. Huston; EXETER FOUNORY J. MURRAY, Manufacturer & Dealer Portable and Staionaryt En glues and Boilers, Plow, Land Rollers, Mowers, Etc, Trim pipe and - fittings, re- pairs on Agricultural Im plements and general ma- chinery promptly attended to, FOR 5 LE. - - 30 H. P. Boiler, 25 H. P. Engine Com- plete with Pump and Heatnr, also about 1500 feet of inch pipe. - J. IVIlitit?AV EXETER Real Estate Bgchangc, The Sale, Purchase and Exchange of Village and farm lands and properties negotiated at reasonable rates of com- mission, , For; Sale. Several : Valuable Farms in .HAY,AY, U BORNE,' STEPHEN and McGILL- IVRAY; also Three very desirable` Re- sidence properties in Exeter. arms Want ed. We haveurchasers p for,good farm and in the vicinity of Exeer, or who will Exchange. APPLY TO WM. Bawd' en David Yid Mill,': Valuator. Manager. OF' ,s' 'OFFICES: .:. S Car ' Dicksonn Carling's Block, Exeter: St1VTarys ; Mrs. James' S Capin f P y. C arch h St. orth n sh ed an' d;fe PP 1e nearher ho •' e� ori i}i h`hursday `morning gad,, etistnixied a ftacture: o the. ` f left arm' "near,' the wrist Mrs; Sp.earn's, marry friends ` will` be, glad "to know that she is improving nicely, R.}IICKS A 'CHEERFUL CALL TO CE[RISTMAS BUYERS. Beautiful gifts, never so cheap. Our fine display of Holiday Goods is open and ready. The newest nov- elties, the beat selections the most appropriate presents for one and• all as fairest prices. Christmas Ifttractions. Do not fail to come in and see our Christmas Attractions in Watches, ()locks, Jewelry, Silverware Nov- ' elties, etc. A new supply of Wedding Rings and Marriage "Licenses for the Christ- mas Rush. 5J'tanding Offer. For one year from Dec. 1st, for every baby born in - Exeter and vicinty we will give a baby ring or pin. Mothers, bring in your babies and get fitted. - R. NICKS. EseterReal Estate Agency IF YOU WANT Tip Buy or Sell a Farm , IF YOU WANT TO Bu or Sell Buy Town Property �erty IF YOU .WANT TO Borrow ow°or Moneof SIF YOU WAN T Collections Made e d IF YOU WANT Your Life Insured IF "¥0U WANT TO O`- G to tri` Old .Country r BY ALLANLINE CASH SH PAID FOR FURS. Galla • t tike Undersigned 'JOAN SP A.Cl( M A 1°r, Office,over H. Spackinan's; Hardware. Exeter,