HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-1-16, Page 41 (5zceter orate A -farmer on the market 'Place NR -T11011 v NTON'S ifISTAKE, eently turned, up with a load of fence. 1 Olans. IL Sanders,Ectitor and Prop reels coeverted intoecordwood. In al 'short chat with. oily feel huntine scribe Jan 16. 1602 he etticl, he pulled dowo an old' fence, NA= nee tmeosze, • awl realieed eeough out of the •avoiol. to &mid him a, brand neer wire fence, exsTVAre 13Y A good lout here to snake fence far- mers, also, to citizens as to priee their e The„,„ „"en i„ West Duh„ram id winter heat will cost tneone-Petrolea sn'n ' • wAtta Willat Queeies couit- tY,LTh Wien a Ia/beral Lost Itis Hay fa„rOavia in Canada is according sea*• to the Canadian Grocenthebestfoader received in South Africa, Th,e New Zealand hay is like straw, mad is fed ooly to oxen and moles. The hay front ehrgentiue b all from alfalfa grass, and Stbtaeth:s.zse04nwalleleUe rttutaetf it T1e siatwies predicted that the Dritish Government ferSouth Afrreafrom the Dominion. will have to bring all their hay requir- kind of hay comes from the United ed w of (tinder Ihe overlook the DROHIBITION THIS SESSION, Toronto, Jan. 12. -The World has the following in its Sunday edition:-- "Premier Ross and his colleagues have settled their policy in regard to pro- hibition, This session they will pass Ikm abolishing the sale of Raptorin Ontario, said law, however, not to go into force until' it is approved by balf the total voters on the lists in 0 tario. That a the half -million voters in Ontario. two hundred and Afty-oue thousand ramet go mat and vote for the Some Mud of compensation mese will go with the law. Whetber this eompensatiou to the hoteltuen will be paid by the monietpalities or lay the pie/voice is not yet known. Nor is it known whether the reference to the people nill be ou the seam day as the general election or not. Ent the general eleetien nese at band, long before the 24tla of Dlay. As for tbe law itself, it will be good and strong. even More etriegeot than the Manitoba law. It will be Draconian or in Its rigand is so intended, it order ouce forever, to sicken the people of tbis province with this kind of legis- lation, Everyone but the clearcut probibitionista will go oat mid Sile it with an axe." Tie. Canadian Bacon Trade itt Great Britain In Danger. NOTES AND COUMENTS Janine Wilkinson bas giyee Judge rnetatem favor of a Riattenton battery- ° lalan„ to the effw ect that the Divise Court has no euriediction over. a soldier in an action ordebt, • * DEVESCR On' TUE VLIRla Bilskin advised. every girl to have six sweethearts. coincidently: It was exnellent advice. That mist 'Aged person, the first. is frequently a winnali whose heert aelaes for friendship, but wbo. keeps the richest store hidden for her king who.; be stunt come, Those who were never ber king, who never eould be her king, call her Dames by *Y , salient fact• that all she gave them was friendly interest, and, that wee all she intended te.give thern, for a conscious flirt -that is, it woman who eonspi- cuously preteeals td love -is as hoes. sible as a conscions hypocrite. In Let, tbe first is the ouly remaining artist in friendshipand world: whiell knows not what friendship is makes good the deficiency by maligning her. • * PlOnsioNA Liar AGENT. 1 VREC• VgLITRIVin After hearing so much about t succees of the anvil free delivery o poetal matter in the Cuffed States, eannes stro»g eriticism of the plan from Senator nation, of Illinoie. say. --'This rural free delivery is uot satch a pnpular thing as some people seem to imagine. I have heft melee ing a lot of letters from people who do not like it in the least, It is well, they say, to have letters and papers brought to the house, but it is better to o once a day to the eountry store and. et them. There was nothing = wbolesome than the daily trip vallage. It was the event in od o ta which lightened. up es life. Ile met We neigh - a chew of tobaeco, end eet. tbe r;M the far hors, el •tied the aLffaire of tbe nat:iim The naneel store le the fartner's club, The rand delivery Inteineee is doing away wath thet elob. Then there alT a lot of folke who don't get the benefit of the rural eerviee, and so they In% like in The &Men y has got to atop Somewhere,. and theao whO nre ent out gate nnsng. to kirk." * * are growing aartlingly More nomthroits of railway engiueere, of pilots and suotormen, tieing Su - at their poste. The lives and Rube of seeres, hundreds, are thus it/i- v-rifled. The pilot of a crowded New Yoe; City ferry was reeently found at a eritieal moment, stiff in death. The engineer a a lightning expres% anuaniug at full speed on a "slow" sect- ion, with his band on the lever, dead. June 13, 1000, a clilestgo motorunto did not stop as usual at a steam road croesing, ;Ind an engine grazed the rear of bis electric ear loaded with passettpts. Re was found with ster- n% eyes: stone dead. Two New Jersey engineers, brothers, have been stricken with paralysis. Have mon- ovals records of nod other similar •eases. What is the matter? Tbeir -work is exceptionally straining on their nerves, and if they did not have the rest of one day in seven these sudden deaths would be, expected,if they dui yet actually happen. Right here, too, is the cause of reilwar ac - dents tbat often cost stockholders front hendreds of thousands to a mil- lion or more, in the crash of a second of time. Therefore, "pions" reasons ;aside, there is danger to life and prop- erty in Sunday steam and trolley travel. Dauger every day in the week beearreeof it. The cruel tyranny of Sunday work, thus enforced on labouring men, has made white shieis of millions of our countrymeu. It is no longer safe to rule on sleeper or day trains -nn trolley or ferry; aucl capital and labor both have cause to cry out against Sunday Work, as an enemy. Do I help this enemy, by influence or by example in firvor of Salday work in any form?---Niagare. Times. POSTOPZICE STATISTICS. From the report of the Postmaster-. General for the year ending June 30, . 1901, we have taken some fignres con- cerning the postofficesoillnron county, The following table shows the gross postal revenue of each of the account- ing• offices of the county for the year mentioned,the total amountef money orders issued, and the amount paid to the poetinaster at each office (includ- ing salary, forward allowance, allow- ance towards rent, fuel Ann light, and conapeesation on postal note, mooey order and savings bank business). One or two offices in the county have been accounting during only a portion of the year, and these have been omitted froni the list. • ACCOTINTiNG OFFICItS. ELE 't •=•''2el'a 6 -6, -vg 0 8 0 6-41, er- Ca ,4 Auburn , Hayfield Helgrave %Rep miller Bluevale •5 8 n. o fao ta FLe $ 358.78 $17,845.13 * 241.79 532.63 10,618.49 333.67 560.08 4,282.47 306.45 105.49 8,663.47 69.05 335.66 4,480.82 182.86 Blyth , 1,359,59 6,097.86 • 602.79 Br ucefield 404.84 3,721.77 194.34 Brussels 2,041.96 14,17122 091.86 (lentralia 316.15 1,663.36 130.68 Clinton 4,317.71 18,530.60 1,760.86 Oraubrook 189.65 1,577.23 126,99 Crediton 602.67 9,350.50 385.21 Dash woocl 371.08 1.850.40 202.82 Dungannon 662,57 13,651.01 325.87 Ethel 420.81 5,709.53 222,76 Exeter 2,305.29 16,388.81 92642 Fordwich 652,65 14,165.01 419.10 Goderich 5,829.41 19,611.05 2,178,06 Gorrie 001.87 12,569.75 480.74 liensall 1,275.74 9,331.48 524.59 Icippen 362.62 2,258.35 196.28 LoncTsboro' 396,40 5,114,91 178.87 Seaforth 4,082.06 14,182, 66 1,801.59 Varna 483.07 1,777.18 174.71 Walton 319.03 2,825.07 167.02 1Vinghani 4,141.37 20,315.68 1,b51.91 Wroxeter 833.91 10,017.20 447.43 Zurich 080.59 8,733.85 393.05 To cure a cold in a night -use Vapo.Orese- e. it haz been used extensively during mole than twenty -1'0a: yfars, All Druggists Roeutanville, Jam 13a -Consternation reigns to -day in Conservative -circles in West Durliant, beceose, after all the ltigattg i countetion with the irre- gulealties in the last election in this ridieg, it has become known to them that Charles Jonas Thornton the Con- servatve eandiclate, has committed tne identical venation of the election law that eves eommitted by Mr. Kiog, the Liberal candidate in Qneen's County, New Bransuick Tiamely, personally pay - hag the eleetioo deposit, inatead of do- ing it through, his regularl,y appointed fireencial agent, Mart Menday. At the nomination here on Wednesday last Ur. Tborntee paid his deposit laituself, baeo in„o previously taken the precaution to get from tit; bank two hundred one - dollar Dominion of thumb bills, instead of depositing a marked cheeks, as was dope at hie lest notidootian by his SO - Helton, Mr. R. R. Loseombe. It is star - prising that Mr, Thornton amid have made tbis irregular depesit, for ecetion ha of the Dommien elections aet ly Antes that no payment except with respect to the personal expenses of the edidate shall be made by or in behelf of uy candidate otherwise than through agent. These particulars are published in a Statesman extra issued to -night, with this comment: --"The facts about Mr. Thornton's, deposit for tide election are as herein stated, but, as everyone in West Durham knows, Robert Beith would not take any such advautage as 'as taken by the Conservative eandi• ate in the Queen's County ease. The Liberals voted in the House of Cora - mans for a motto eonalemniug the ac- tion of the retureing *Meer an that in' stance. They also eoudemned the Gov - raiment of the day for sauetiening the tient of the returning adicer. The elec- tion in West Durham will be honorably odueted, but it is well for the electors be upprieed of these bets before they go to the pens en Wednesday. Jan. U." A great niany undesirable hogs are *ng marketed by the farmers threngtout the Prinillee of Ontario. Thew are being couverted kite bawl). anal ftrewarded to Great Britain, auti because of their quality, are sold there at a lose, This loss must ultimately be borne by tbe lavaliere, although the packers at the present moment, are being severely punished. As an example we quote the Condit- ion of the trade at the Geo. 3lattlaews Camping's factory., Ottawa, for the naonths of November and December, 1901, and the first week of January. 1902, In November, 1901r a• total of 8970 pigs were received at die factory. Of these 5793 were 4'Selecte;1602 were "Lights"; mit were "Light fats"; SO were "Heavy fats"; 97 were "Sows"; 5 were "Stags"; 13 were "Criamles"; and 220 were "Stores"; these latter being lean rigs; and unfit for any pur- pose. Of o o hogs mewed at tbe fac- tory in December, 1001, the "Selects" numbered 2275; the "Lights" 1172; the "Light fats" 720; the nideavy fats" 51; the "Sows" 74; the "Stags" 7; the "Cripples" 32; and the "Stores" 217. From the 2nd to the 4th of Jamutry 1002, 1039hogs were received. Of these, 270 were "Selects"; 502 were "Lig ."; 156 were "Lighe fats"; 10 were "Heavy fats"; 14 were "Sows"; 0 were "Stags"; 7 were "Cripples"; and 92 "Stores". Tine makes a total for the nine weeks of 8951 "Selects"; 324 "Light"; 2120 "Light fats"; 117 "Heavy fats"; 185 44Sows"; 18 "Stags"; 65 "Cripples"; and 529 "Stores". Total 15190. Pigs termed "Selects" are those that can be made into the best class of Wiltshire bacon, and are the sort that have made Canadran bacon fatuous on the English market, In order to keep up the price of hogs, the packers must receive the sort of hogs that will make the finest Wiltshire sides. To make this the packers must have a inooth, deep,Wellted pigs, with a large amount of lean meat in the carcasses, in pro- portion to the amount of fat. They • must be well finished, and weigh on reaching the packing house from one hundred and eighty (180) to two hun- dred (209) pounds, On the pigs termed "Lights" the packers lose at least one dollar per dead. The "Light fats" can be eta t up and put into the retail trade, but too large a number of these ligbt pigs, would at any timeeglut the local market. The "Heavy fats" can be worked tm, When not too numerous, but will sell for at least one half dollar per hundred, live weight, less than "selects". "Sows" and "Stags" are very poor property, and can only he used in supplying a very inferior trade. In order to be of any value to the packers, "Sows" end "Stags" should be made as fat as possible. "Cripples" • are of little or no value to the packers, and are always fed ata loss to the far- mers. "Stores" should never reach pork packers, yet thousands of them are sentevery week to the the market by the farmers. • If the farmers continue to market such a large number of undesirable pigs, it will seriously injore the Cana- dian Bacon Trade in Great Britain. and will bring about greatly, reduced prices for hogs thou,ghout Canada. F. W. HODSON. /OVN €0 • e * vss.,4 NA'4!1' inPERI(AL On, CO. it) dinner time any tin:1015a good .4 time to use is ,. Cor.,v o .1 , 4$ CA DIES. • They give a light that's rich and intl. • 11 !lent No odor. A lian' etylen,5o15 ' everywhere, , DEVOUCU LAWS IONOWST., qt. Met Juntiee Meredith Expresee Rim Opinion. Toronto, Jan, Ie. -Joshua Curti and his wife, formerly Mee Melinda May Abbott of Port Perrni were acquitted. by Chief Justice Mernlith on e. eliarge of bigamy ia elle Winter Assized yesterday morning. They were •arrested in Terontonon Thanksglying Day, after having lived here for some time, They were marrlet1 in Niagara Falls, N.Y.. some mouths ago. Curts bad been mar- ried before, but had gone to Ohio to get a divorce. The application was vigor- ously opposed by his wife, but the de- cree was granted. After waiting some time Curts and 3fiss Abbott were mar- ried. Wilma lie MIS arrested lie was charged with having oemmitted bigamy In znarrying while his first wife was still alive, and the woman was also accused Of bigamy in laving left Canada to go through a form of marriage with a man, wbom She knew to be already married. The Chief Justice 'heard the evidence, and an the application of the counsel for the defeuce took the case frora the • jury. His Lordship held that there was no- thing in the evidence to show that Curts had any desire to evade the Canadian criminal law by going to Ohio for a di- vorce. The defendant had gone to the 'United States, the Judge declared, be- cause of the injustice in Canadian law which limited ihe granting of divorces to Parliament, where nine-tentsh of the people could not afford to go if they wished to be free from an unhappy mar- riage. The law had -not been violated in this rase, and it was one in which the Crown might well have refrained frain prosecuting. Cutts -was discharged. Airs. Curb was placed in the dock, and at the suggestion of his Lordship, a verdict, of not guilty was returned. More Knittersmotto THE To Work at Their Homes Under the Direction of A Pair in 30 Minutes 14„Nowl,„F„,,,' The GLASGOW WOOLLEN CO, jAri 137 MELINDA Me ronowro, MAKER *• . To Fill Large Contracts--Cood Wages • Easily Eartmi, • TWO SUDDEN DEATHS. Or. Kingof S. Thomas and Hr. Thos, roster of Brampton. St. Thomas, Jan 13. -This evening Dr. A. H. Mug fell dead while getting out of Ids rig in the stable. Dr. Xing was one of the cleverest veterinaries in Can- ada. For some yeas he was professor of anatomy in the Toronto Veterinary College, and afterwards Principal of a• veterinary college in Cincinnati. He was a son of David Xing, farmer, out- side this city, his wife being a daughter of Donald Turner, inspector of Elgin House of Industry. Deceased was 45 years of age, and had an extensive prac- tice. He was a prOminent member of St. Thomas 'Kennel Club, and very pop- ular throughout the west. Brampton, Jan. 13. -Mr. Thos. Poster, head shipper for W.. E. Milner & Co., grain merchants, dropped dead at the elevator this morning., Heart failure was the cause. , Hr. Devlin 4r.t Halifax, Jan. 13.-1alr. Charles It Dev- lin, Canadian Commissioner of Immigra- tion in Ireland, was among the pass. gel's who arrived bete this evening on the Allan Liner Pretorian from Liver- pool. He is going to Ottawa to discuss with the Government the representatiou of Canada at _the •Tnternational 'Exhibi- tion to he .held at Cork this year tin- der the patronage of tee Earl. of Cado- gen, Lord -Lieutenant of Ireland. Watts Extradition Case. Windsor Jam 13.--Magistrate Bartlett this morning committed J. N. Watts for extradition on a ' ehatge of kidnapping his six-year-old daughter from Spring- field, Ill. The Magistrate declined o ac- cept the responsibility of &daring in- valid the divcate of the Springfield court that had given Watte' wife the custody of the child. The defence will appeal the ease to tae 1lig1i Court at Toronto. We want afew more workers In this locality, at owl), and in order to secure your co-operation without the delay of correspendence„ we herewith explain our fell plan in this advertisement. TI5heeaZi°1;14opiseratiedPflea'naewditthibrao aetshiclineep requires no teaoher. If you wish to join our staff of Workers let us hear from you promptly with the Contract, order form, and re- Machinavisigh.SITPe0ntis, itIemOrwofl• mittanue: OS a guarantee: and we will send rierf0I II140 *owing msciOn°41l* machine and outfit to begin work at once. euraele; aeul higher tweed. OUR METHOD OF D01140 BUSINESS "We wish to secure the services o tamilles to do knitting for us in. their homes. Our method is the same as adopted In England. We are the introducers of thls plan and the toreest krattiog concern in Canada, niz okiter „190;_ealaerleuce. we beve been able to produee -4/401114W‘ m4Vhiltel, lsr eviiich all itinfla of eeamieee knit. ling is now done by our Family hianhinte thereby' gnobling anyone et ordinary intelligence to opitekly learn ter do tbe worn from the instruction Oniae. All wo Madre _ta that you use the =chine eecordirto to directiome, The Machine being' made expressly for this purpese, and the operatien so elmele. It eaenot possibly TftSIce a mistalie In its work. The greet demand now is fer SteChingS, Wood- men's Socha and Motormen's Mittens, and as we are un- able to eueely the demanti, have taken tide method of Ad" vertising roe more Untie The large eNport trade ten the North, -West TerrItOrieS, Fetish Calumbia. and the Rrittsli C01911104, terniehee an UM- linlited demand for our goods. and, with tbe combined. 50- oreration of tho 3110,113' faMillea WO aro eraPlOYin, *nether with the large amount of Itilittitig we aro able to turn out, by winch we save rents, insurance, interest on capital, etn. mews is to undersell any manufacturers el this Clues or and twe have sale for all the Jointing we eall have flrrned The price we pay for finisbed bicycle StoeliIngS IS MOO prr hundred, or at the ran> of 1.Qo per pair; woodmen's rer:us, r,e,, and motormen's mittene, neo a. pair. All ether werlt In oroportion to size. The meant:6 can he operated by any one of A are! at our prices ally energetic, fanaily should be able to amtain themselves eomfertablye and In time be IX source of bo'leaendent comfor uur elan is to send out each manilla to beginners with .t) Ere% or steel:Ore partially tainted. and remaining in tbe raa •htue ready to be vontinuea, and also enough yarn to nnit ono rale of aample socks or steekinee and a alunge • complcle TuStrtletloa fluide, showing how the work is to le der. When the samba have been finlebeil and tented to ns eatlefaetory, we send a quantity of yarn. r"ii krit and return likewise when finisbee. We chum-see:ell 'work one way. and our workers pay re era (-barges. Tao worn', as we here etatee„ b eimple and raohly done, the maelline having a eepaelty of ten thou- .e•ee Routes a minute. We have many persons now le our ce • ere -mei can Unit from twenty-five to thirty' pare of • te or steekinne a day, and where the time of o. Ovally ad.veriteeri wleoovetlav:goir,ko, a•solitycaeannzredea.dily see that Med or We furnish (Mr Workers all the materials, yarn, etc.. erre ono everethIng that is necessare• for the work. We P" 'n'elellff the umellilleS Mgr for the exclusive use or e'r"len••• to tasio employment with us, 'bo must. In e-oee te-teeneLe a member. send us this Contract Order glutted by them, and At least one good refer- orte,,1 •110 romittfurg accordingly, to give us the necessary • eeeeeee t'fr.",4 the eraretilles oe valuable yarn wemay send e,- le time will not he wasted or misappropriated, e• 1,10.mi* aro ralltuel, and this confidence must be es- t-II-m.0d te Stra4 to succeed. Wo guarantee fair dealing pen w"-rno e. vme»t for work, so do not ask us to deviete • e -e ner forma as we cannot make a distinction with ene re* not enniOer: beeitles, wo are doing an extensive bible re -e• ere welt- be governed by business prInciplea nsoe eeneeeeeturee PriCO °Of tne machine is 115, ono Pool- 74nooThrolinvtatiri.,,Idfort0us. any others than those who will •o* 14-,•• t,mp after you commence. and bave don o an e -e- els ne work enual to the purchase price. and wish, to Iva win take back machine and refund the neel for same, after deducting cost of our ex- • arin, ' ta Largo Demand by the Trade for this class • eo aer workers can depend upon it year after year. if oon Armee with us (whole or spare time) 'we wili ‘..(01 ammlic I with work as long AS you do it satisface trait- ee- 1.0 end return it promptly. We entrust our work- teree ounetities of valuable yarn, and as we give 550 0 0 II ECT 10 11 WITH itliSS Edith Milner. a Hamilton girl, wandered away from ber employer's • house at Uxbridge, and was found frozen to death in the woods. A young eolored man mimed Charles Thonms, who bad beaten his wayfrom Spriuglield„ Ohio, fell off the bumpers of an M. 0. R. train at Niagara rails and was fatally injured. PamI &Celery Compound Strengthening and Health -Giving is the Best Mid -Winter Medicine. This Is The SeasonMhen The System Shouldbe Fortified and the Blood Made Pure. A.t this time when thousands are confined for hours each day and night in badly ventilated homes; offices, stores and workshops, the system should be fortified and the blood thoroughly ‘.cleansed so that disease may be successfully resisted. - Paine's Celery Compound. is the best naid-winter medicine for all ailing, weak and run-down Men and wotnen. It is the world's great disease banisher and system builder. It quickly farm- ishes nutriment for the inumerable nerve fibres; it arouses the organs et digestion to brisker action; it enables the wasted body to build up flesh and •muscle, and dissipates the seeds of deadly . disease. To . all who leave sallow faces, hollow cheeks and sanken eyes, :betokening ill health, we say use 'Paine's Celery Compouncl and m you will find a new and happier exist- ence. New blood, feesb vi, energy and activity gained in January and February will give you A solid found- a,tion of laealth for the corning spri time. Mrs. I -topper Thornhill Ont saY4i:th very great pleasure and, satis- faction" I wish to add -my testimony to what has already been said in favor •of Fairies Celery Compound. For a very long time I suffered from general debility find, run-down system. Having heard of Paine's Celery Compound, I determined, .to give it a trial, and 1 am nappy to say it has done for me 'More good than I can express., For ten years I cloctered with other rnedi- cines without any •good results; but, after naing Paine's Celery Cpmpound, I am perfectly restored to health. can eat well digestion is good, and my sleep is sweet arid sound. Altogether, I am a new woman. "I Always recom- mend Paine's Celery Compound to my r refernneeS as to our honesty and integrity; we "Tent ask, you to do the same, be order that we may know note whore we are dealing. We have, in as brief a zrianner as possible. eodeavarad to Phew areu what our work, is, and we fillinahr sal' as to the machine, it le Juet whet wo represent It to be, and will Poata tively 00 leveret/dug we claimfor in or retuud the filotiolf. Each machine, twelve!, packed WW1 an outfit. Is Set up tar work, therougbly tested, and a sack or atocking warded: itnittee 'before boxing and shipping. Should you declao te engage with us. it will be necessary to semi us Cash Con- trast Order Form, properly signed by you. and at leant one geed reference, together with the remittance. accordingly. upon reeelpt of whieb, we will -forward maeldne an olnett reacly to nOMMence. Respectfully your; OLASGOW WOOLLEN CQ1, al Melinda Street Torcnto Onr Refereocee-Expreee COMO:Mice, Rooks, or TorenP to ug* lieSS HOnhea, 11 sesta wish to examine the znaebine and see the mee terial before uudertalriug the work. woe eAll do so by sending PRO as a guarantee of good faitb, and to defray exeense 01 shieeinn and we will send everything to your nearest ee;press eel:Wenn leaxIng a balance of twelve dollars to pay the agent luta ea cents for tive return cliarges on the money te We are So frequently and unnecessarily asked If One 0.111 leant to knit without a teacher. We' say. Yes; it rantirea no teacoer; any person 01 ordinary intelligenee who can read the anstroction, Guido 'can learn to kuti nt once. 01Z37/Nn vortm- .00 Cash Contract Order Florin, Oleeeow Woolen co., :a Melinda Ste Torento, tlepaeneea deeire _to do tbe work as Oeseribed. IOU tiseiriout. and encioro 1115 to Pay for OW) 41,11ltoi;littila a macmne, together with material. Insitesetione. ermine. neeeseary far the worn. the eanne tcv rtlit by Express, CHATIOUS understotel and agreed that any time atter 1Iron nnas amount of work equel the purelitre pee' ., en and wish to dIscontinua that the Olereqow Weelen Coe'en tae back the machine and outfit, and efter detiethig Cheer expense, refund mo the amount paid for raree. Sender or head of familY (if peosible) must cee,a here: Inglname 111.14 V.4.q.4.14. 044,194 toil, ...GI 44 ......... ...VV. POP Ct. 00.11. w000,..m.sa . ••• ..• .... ....”4/171n1 County a mq.e. ... . . Nearest nxpreee Office lo at ............ .... . ..... For reference 1 name the following pereoe: ...A.... 011.0 40 . . . sotto% .• . t ... .t.00 t. Be euro to uso this dorm when epentling your le ;len- ience for the machine and outfit, which you leo,e1 ; in and ho.vo signed by at least one good reference to ta proper place, Tem* all and return to us, and atro fr;-4 here how much time You can (been: to the worka°-e how you wielt to be paid, weekly, montheye or as you roal in tho work. 4NOW. ... ..... 00...... .. ... 4. ..... IV" 40. ..tw ..... . • .1•41•441,1•1 Send your remittaree by Exprese, Money Order. Inene- terea Letter, or PosoOfflee Money Order, anti we nen promptly forward machine, outfit, mid eimple nueZe doing the work. This is the best offer ever mono for tit; benefit of Canadians who want to work and mane moue:- at home. ANY OTHTIR COMPARrif ante K '`• K: ac K DON'T BE AN ASS, liver are bottle a pair of skeet; or a suit of clothesoouare particular as to the honesty and repatation of the mordant. Your heattli is of esorehnportancothadeither, yet you let quacks; medical faiths and other humbugs deceive you by tbeir,deceptive offera of something for nothing. After being de f lauded by these medical Sharks you tbinicall doctors are rogues, whereas, you alone aro to blame. Why not first demand from them evidences of their honesty and responsibility as spocialists. We have been located in Detroit 2S years and can give beat of bank references. READER Axe you a victim? Save you lost hope? Are yon contempla- ting' marnage? Das your bleed been dtseased? Have ysnt an3r weakness ? Our Neer ttetbod Treatment -will cure you. What it has done for others it will do for you. „CONSULTATION FREE, No matter who has treated you, write forms houeat opinion free of charge. otter, _aes reasonable. BOOKS FRES. -"The Golden Monitor" (illustrated), an Ihsea.set of Alen. Jarlgo l'ers=eo used vultbout vr,rittera consent. Private. ?So Medicine sent C. 0. D. No nomes on boxes pi- envelopes. - Everything confidential. Ouestion List and cost of Treat- ment FREE. DRS. KENNEDY & KERGAN, Ho. 145 SHELBY STREET., DETROIT, MICE, It now transpires that the peculiar religious sect in Stephen township, Enron county, who have small -pox in their xnidst and who ,have bothered the provincial bonrd of health with their aversion to •physicians, are Dowieites, followers of the notorious Chicago apostle. One of their n I) m bee furthermore, has caused more trouble for the department. BY some means or other she got out of tbe quarantine houses in Stephen and made for Jordan 'Reach. Her eleect seems to have been two -fold -to escape quarantine and to preaah the gospel of Dowielsin to bniel sinners. ' Now she has sinall-pox. And as she has exposed many persons to the contagion in her enth use tsin to preach since corning to Jordan,the health nuth oei ties are apprehensive.. The local officers are said to he alive tort,heupoosnsisi.alities, and are taking all pccati lit,`IV-IT'OAIVIE ABOUT. The Whole Story in n. letter: hrt Itler ^ (rrann:S MAXIS%) From Capt.. F. Lope, Police Station No. 5, Montreal:- ,Wo frequently use PEnna' DANIS' l'Aix-Kmrsit for pains in the ilon- aaz, stOtess, frost bites, chit-, blains, cramrs,„ancl all afflictions which befalimen hi eirrapasit ion. 1 have no hesi- tation in saying that 1,A ie the beat remedy t.) have nCar 1..t hand." •'1. raed Xnternally aard Externally. Two Sizes, 250. and 500. bottles. 1741'° 21/rUr' PIONC190 Ph0611110able Sold anilreeommen d brall The Great Stzglish. r. druggists in Canada. ray reli- able medicine discovered. Sin • packages, ggaranteett to afire all forms of Sexual Weakness, cal effects of abuse or exeesd, Mental Worry, Eadessive use of To - 1. bleep, Opium or stimulants. Mailed on reeelPt • The 'Wood company, WindsOr, Ont. Woods Phosphodine is "sold in Eeeter by J. W. Browning and C. Lutz Druggists. In more than 3,000 schools in Great Britain . the boys are stodying text •books on Canada, which set forth her histovy, explaio the Domioion's system of Governme nt, and laY stress upon her natural resources. The books are supplied free by the Dominion, 'and Lord Stra thee n a', CA-nada's High COID- Drissioner to the Mother Country, will give valuable medals next spring to the scholars who•pass the best exami- nation en them. The airli is to irri- pres British y o th with the ad van tage of the Dominion as a Geld for migra- tion. of price one package Sl, $5) winPre=valets free to any address.ase' ,Many ladies living in distant meal six wilt jure. .t districts and regular lasers of Dia- mond Dyes, finding it impossible to peocare from their general deft at 'pat- terns for the making up -of mats and rugs, asked the manufacturers of Dia- -mond Dyes to supply them froth time to time aa required. This eeceesiteted the i n porting from. mnean ufacturers in Scotlandof the best Hessian, the em- ployment of artists, large plates to print from andthe employment of a large staff to priue and color designs. The manufattu ears of Diamond Dyes are DOW in a position to supply their patterns by mail as well as through the best Day Goods Merchants. Sheets of patterns and designs sent free to any address upon receipt of a Postal. The Wells & Richardson Co.' Limited, 200 'Mountain St., Montreal. P.Q. Ian