HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-1-9, Page 8• Spacials. If you want a suit or an Over - Coat call and see our specials. Blue Worsted and ,Serge snits, worth, $18.00 for $14.00 Tweed Suits, worth $17.00 for: 513,00 Overcoats with Yoke worth $22.041 for $18.00 Overcoats worth $I$.00 for $15,o0 77nfings. 1',ntings made to order for $3,00 4,00 mat $a ie. A good fit guarantee d GOODS BROUGHT }121U WILL BE CUT FREE OF CHARGE. 1 S' v t -. opposite rte e s old strand . h e ostoifice C , pp t p W. W, TAMAN LOCAL DOINGS. ail 80,81,08044,04$08,3$40$444816,01v The Ontario Legislature opened Yea, terday. . Absaticately Pure Baking Powder sola lav C. Lutz, Exeter. is omens beets and eine: s helf soled, 35 cents a pair. Citi M axeov. Coarse boots and suites half soled, 51 to 40 cent': as ;path On~ta...Liesso e We half Boole call men's fine boots and. 'hors for tel to 40 Bents as pair. th o. 451NSSo The new postage stamps bearing the Ring's head were issued in England Wednesday.. .full hssortmentof Perfumes .suit.` able for Xtnaas, presents at C. Lutz's drug store, Exeter. Mr, C. Bessell, of Preston, is here 1 latttint; on the metallic ceilings in M. Fitt+:n's new black. $1.01 in advance pays fox. the Advo- cate till Jaann;ary 1, 1043. If yim wan t to please a friend a ;end them the Advocate. Harold Jarvis. supported by :Miss Agnes Dunlop, and either celebrated artists, will appear in Seaforth on Jan. nary 22nd. Messrs. Carling Bros. are hawing an addition erected at the rear of the machine shop occupied by Mr. Wes. Snell, on Main street. Miss Elsie McCallum, who has re- cently passed the Normal school ex- amination, has been appointed assis- tant teacher atOrediton. The original mince pie was made of mutton. The modern article is said to be made of equal parts of meat,suet, raisins, and sudden death. Rev. Hutton, of Centralia, occupied the pulpit of Main street Methodist church on Sunday, the pastor, Rev. Milly:ard being indisposed from the effects of vaccination. Have you interviewed this office re- garding your subscription account? If not, pleased do so tit once and start the new year with a clean sheet. While 'we go to press the annual meeting of the Stephen and Usborne Agricultural Society is being held in the town hall, the particulars of which will be given in our next issue. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brown, of London, formerly of Exeter, died in that city on Monday, aged six days. The remains were. brought: here for interment on Tues- day. Mr. Wm. Tapp was in Listowel yes- terday giving evidence in a horse case. It appears a livery horse bad been hired by a certain man to drive down here and the horse afterwards dying it is alleged he abused the beast. Geo. Reichert, of Hensall, was brought before Magistrate Snell on Tuesday on a charge of assaulting, Detective Westcott on New Year's day. The defendant settled the case by paying costs, which amounted to about $5.00. St. Marys corporation owns its own. waterworks and electric light plant. During the year the revenue from both o arces amounted to 8325 expendi- ture, i $ x endi- ture, $4728; surplus, $35598, with which to reduce debt. This looks as if muni- cipal ownership might pay. Orangeville is likely to have a tele- phone system of its own at an early date. ` It is proposed to fix the rate for business phones at $15, and for residential phones at $10 a year. ,The Bell Company charges $20 a year now. r'The new system will be an independ- ent,one and ;purely local, for . the pre - Mr, Wm. 'Vale, Exeter :North, has purchased, the frame_ house 05.16•. ion.`Ham on s farm and will mode it t down an the five acres of land he re- cently; purchased east of Mr. Sain'l Bradt's property on the Lake. Road, and, is having brick and material haul - ,ed to have -.a foundation put ender P a same. oderich ..Si nal in The G g an item With : reference to the; Collegiate Insti- tute of that pla a c , s ay ys,---The aw5irds. the school examinations ons were as follows:. Peter Adamson memorial scholarship e: : Form 111. mathematical Edwin J..Eacrett; 2nd, Lottie McMath. (As neither Mr, Eacrett nor' Miss Mc- B Matti returned to the school this resin on . of the conditions of the seholar G sh1 vas. Pot ' s` h C '. e n d )'9 1" . d . i� 0. i! 0 0� fore npt iwe.rded.l., B We understand that Mr. J, P. Ross who. .rias been coeducting a general store bare for some time intend selliu out in the near future and will hnov with his fa:nily'to Chatham, which his head quarters as general agent fo the Confederation Life A,sseranc Co. elcoae Readinit;. Just think of it! The AnVOQAT>f, Montreal Herald and a picture of Ed- ward d VII, for $'1.75. See "Rad" in an- other column. Gantitlet Formad, In Exeter, on Christmas eve,, a for gauntlet, Finder can have same by calling at this office and paying for this notice. Sarieeers' advocate, Every farmer should have a farm Fournal, and there is none better the armers' Advocate. The AuvooA.un. and theltarriners' Apyoc TE till .anrol.- ary 1903 for $1,85, Gard of Thanks. I desire to thank the ratepayers of Exeter for their liberal support on Monda last in electing me to the Council Board for 1902: As a, council for I will endeavor to discharge any duties with that zeal and faithfulness that the ofi'a,ee demands, I am Your obedient servant, Jones WOon. , HockeyClub Organized, Seaforth: The many friends of Miss 2+ r wasemagaer At a meeting of these interested in S. Dorrance trill regret to learn that g the genie: of hockey assembled on e Tnesday night and organized, with is^ the following effacers, viz.: --don 1'resi- ✓ dent,W. l e =e. President, 1_. I, >, tt,Yiesidet t Vii, D. , e Comise . The famous Jolly Pulls, who gave such an interesting entertainment here some months ago, will again ap- pear hero in the opera houso� for a week', commencing encing Mondaay, January 13th, He will be supported b as strong Vaudeville Co.,end the people nay ex - pea aa. week of solid fun. Strictly clean and of the very finest. Ilia►strat-' ed songs etc„ etc. There is .ia good laugh in Store, ecene and have it. Appointee Principal, a pi>4taht d 1? aaci#t I, Ma Ii N, Anderson. who leas been engaged for a .lumber of ytus as teacher an 'lishoree, was the SIAM'Ssfiil applicant for the principalship Of the Exeter 1'nblic School. We consider the Board has made a wise ehoit;o in selecting lin. Anderson, Ile is a man of undoubted cluailifications, possess- ing tact and discretion and above all whose character will command re- spect. His duties con►mencedonMon- daay and be has moved his family' in to the residence recently vacateal by ?Mar. John Reiland, on James street. Look Out. Toronto was flooded recently with plurious quarter dollars. The counter zeiters diad their avork, well so far a the looks were concerned. The Marian rex:, lie -.u• the 1.001, date and looked b from the mint. By feeling thein an expert could discern they ave not #lie real thing. It is in the tin thaat aaza rl►o y voulel tell they wear no genuine They lack entirely any Sem blame to the ring of silver. To giv idea of how these coins were eircul rated, it is sufficient to say that in one wet -goods emporium the proprietri /Mind no less than fourteen of ala bad quarters in counting up on Tales day. Rouse Earned, The dwelling of air. Credit Staanl:dce as little west of town, on the 2nd con. of Stephen,was almost totally destroy- ed by lire on Saturdaty° night last. I t. appears the fire started from aadefeetiro chimney in the upper part of the House and hack gained sinth headway before mhoticed that it was impossible to save the building. A number of neighbors were soon on the scene and. by their ardent labors succeeded in saving the entire contents, including a large quantity of wood stored in the wood suet?. The loss, although partly cov- ered by insurance, will be consider- able, and Mr. Stanlake having a large family will be pot to much ineon vonienee. Tarred with the Saute Stick. A preacher once said: "Editors dare not tell the truth. If .you did you could not live. Your newspaper would be a. failure." The editor re- plied: e plied: "You are right and the minister who will at all times tell the truth a- bout the members, alive or dead, will not occupy the pulpit more then one Sunday,and he will find it necessary to leave town in a hurry. The press and pulpit go hand in hand with white- wash brush and kind words, magnify- ing little virtues into big ones. The pulpit and the press are a saintmaking partnership." And the minister went away looking very thoughtful, while the editor turned to his work, telling abont the unsurmoutahle beauty of the bride, while as a matter of fact she was as ugly as a mud fence. The Vote in Exeter. The municipal contest on Monday last passed off very quietly. The fight was principally centred on the Reeve - ship and both candidates and- their friends worked hard to gain the vic- tory. It was thought the contest for reeve would be a closer run and that a few votes either way would decide the thing but it came as a big surprise when it was learned that Mr. Levett had 50 Majority. Following is the result of the polls, viz: Hurdon; 'Vice -President, • Jos, Davis, Connhnittee, lt', Eawkshaw, .0;, Evans, V. • Hardy, E, Dignan; See'y-Treas, h. E, Young; Capt.', I Snell, Practice will be held Teesilee and Thursday nights of each week. Bliss Jaffray, of Toronto, is the guest of the IMlisses Johns, Miss Flliott, of Winghaw, is the guest of Miss Nettie Walters. Mrs. Wm. J'enean returned from aa. visit at Brand Bend Tuesday. Mr. Wm. Garr, of Sarnia, is visiting relatives and friends in town.. Mrs. T. Oke has returned from a visit with friends in Biddailph, 3f,'rs. Vine Porterfield, of Mitchell, is the guest of Mrs. Henry Gould. Mrs. (Rev.) Graeey, of Gananoque, is the guest of Mrs. Geo, Samwell. M. Fred Elliott, .of Winghnzn,spent New Years with Mr. James Waaiters, Miss. Ida Cottle returned hove .mina.. avasitwith friendsinLondon,saturday, Mr. Geo. Bawden, of Lucan., was in town Monday exereisiug bis fronehise, Mr. anti Mrs, Pat Ball, of Mt, O w. mel, visited friends in town Monday, Miss L. Woodh:all, of Detroit, is visiting friends 10 and around town. Miss Mable 1 emp is visiting friends in Seafortb, the guest of Mise Pick- ard. Miss Cora Powell r'a .row 1 left Tuesday to visitfriends in Woodstock and Lon- don, The Misses Huston, who were yisit- ing in Mitchell, returned borne last Tele Mrs. Mrs. IL Bargees, of LOUdorh, as visiting her aunt, Mrs. John B. Barnes. Mrs, ' '. C. Huston reternred hist week fro►it a visit with her parents in Goderivb.. ',Mr. and Mrs, Landwebe left Tuesdey evening for their house in ;River,aidc•. California. M�� m, E. Treble returned. Sa tuedn - } after' a pleasant visit with friends in $ ort Harron. '- The Misses Seldon,of Ingersoll spent a few days this week. the guests of Mrs. Geo, Saanawell, xo Mr. Harry Browning left Tuesday • evening for Toronto to resume his medical studies, ve Mr. and Geo. 'MTr'r. Holman, of • Bayfield, spent Saatnrdaay and Sunday with. friends here.. r Mr. and Ars, Ilelges, of London, o are visiting their: son-in-law, Mr. Jas. • Dearing, Stephen. Miss Lor.anie Rooney, after aa, pleas- ►:nt visit with friends here returned to • Bittfalo on Friday. nl Mir. Wm. Bawden is expected home shortly from the old Country with as number of entire horses. Mr. IlaareyBuritess,aand sister. Miss Annie, after a shoe, visit with friends here. returned to London last week. :lir. R. N. Creech, after spending the holidays with his parents here, return- ed to resume his position as teacher at Oriel. Mr. and. Mrs. Sorel Bradt attended. 1 the funeral at Parkhill of the farmer's brother, who died last week of brain fever, Miss N. Hedges, who has been visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Jas. Dearingin Stephen, returned to her home in on Lon- don, Friday. Mr. Beach, who has been engaged with Mr. Bagshaw as baker has return- - ed to his home in Watford and will not return. Misses Lottie and Bernice Dunsford, who have been visiting friends in Step hen,returned to theirhomein Marlette Mich., Friday. Miss Mable Follick ]eft Tuesday for St. Marys where she will take a sit- uation as assistant in her brother's dental parlors. William Moore, son of Mr. John Moore, left Tuesday morning for Lon- don, where he will attend the military school for a term. Mitchell Advocate:—Miss Morlock,. the popular milliner in Messrs. Couch Schneider's store, left for her home in Exeter on Tuesday. Mr. Mike Kennedy, who was engag- ed with the Sutherland -Innes Co.,here for some time, was in town on Tues- day shaking hands with friends. Mr. Richard Seldon and daughters, Misses Annie and Myra, returned to their home in Ingersoll Monday, after a pleasant,visit with friends here. -Mr. John Muir, who has been on an extended pleasant trip to Scotland, re- turned home last evening, a large number of citizensgreeting him at the depot. • Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bowerman, ,of Willow City, N. Dakota, arrived in. town,Saturday t aY ni ht and.. will visit friens here. Bothg were former ret sidents of Exeter, but have been in the West for a number of years. Reeve 1 2 3 4 total Levett, W.H. 48 59 70 76-248 Armstrong, I. 62 36 33 67-198 Councillors. Mnir, Jno. 74 80 75103--332 Wood,Jno. 91 80 41 100--315 45 Davis,._� Jos. 7 5 64 81 ..65 Harding, Wm. 58 48.47 82-235 McTaggart, L. 24 23 63 50-160 Took Prizes. • At the Huron Poultry and Pet Stock Association, ShowatGoderichlastweek Messrs. Carling Bros. and John Moore, carried away the foliowing prizes, thus demonstrating that they breed a. very superior class of fowl, viz:—Carling Bros, Andalusians-=male, 1st. Brahmas- light—male 1st; hen 1st; Breeding pen 1st. Plymouth Rocks, Barred—hen, 3rd. Bantam Game—male 1st; hen 1st. John Moore, Bantam Game—Cockerel. 1st; Pullet lst. Spanish, Black -wale 1st; cockerel 1 and, 2;. hen 1st, and `3rd; pullet 1st,and 2nd. A largely attended' meetingg Y was held on Thursday evening when it was decided without a dissent- ing voice to hold the<seventh annual show in Goderich, ;competition to be opened to the world. Officers were elected as follows:'.. -President, A. M. Todd; vice president, Colin. Campbell; 2nd vice president, C. Knight 3rd vice resident John Rowrie'4 Colin Caton - ell, 11, Jr., :secretary; F. E. Bingham, trees e bre. "DIiLEcrORB.—Wm. Carter, Constable; D. A. Lowry,. AlfrBaeker, russels; W. Taylor, Wmn ha y, ., g m Dr. Seat t John: Daly, , ,Sea or f th - Y, , A. J, rigg, -AKafir James gg, J. A. g,Howson, linton; Wm, Carling, John Moore , xeter. Around About' Us Seaforth: Mr. George Stewart has. purchased the interest, of Mr. Colvin, in the firm 'of, Colvin & Winter,. butcher, and : took„possesion last week Clinton:. 'While Mrs. Nimmons was repairing the paper on, the.ceiling of'. one of her rooms on Monday, she fell from the table on which she was stand- ing against the stove and, broke three' of her ribs, .Kirkton:—Mi'. Wm. Elliott had. :a' bad runaway on Thursday. Ills driy-> ing horse ran away acid completely demolished v, moI shed h's u i cutter, while Will , W s-• e ,, caped unhurt. He sports a brand new cutter. now. Gaderich: ' 1'Inis week':the resid 'nue of John Bain, `';Britannia Road was the scene of a pretty wedding, his: g youngest daughter„ Y g .Katherine Mcg Kellar, and R. ' E.Trout,' of Wiarton, having been joined in wedlock's bonds. at no on New Year's day, The nup- tial knot was tied by Rev.Jas. Y A. And, erson, pastor of Knox ch.rch, relatives; He andfriends to' the number ....,... of nearly 100 being present at the ,ceremony , sbeis laid up with ii, very. sore Anger, the result of blood poisoning, and has. hadto have a portion of it amputated.. Rirbton: Mr, Reuben Shier has disposed of his 100 -acre fauna north of a •the village to Mr. -Bent. Beavers - of Woodham for a good figure and will leave in the spring for Hawiota, Man., to live on his new• faro►, Varna; A (inlet wedding was soletoe • uized at the residence of Wm. Clark. Babylon► line, when his dal► htei Lucinda was •married to .Chas. Reid, • .cattle dealer, the ceremony being per formed by Bev, T. Davidson. • Ailsa Craig; Mr. Christopher Qua ick, who has, resided in Ailsa Craig for the past fort' -five years, left on Wed- nesday last with his fancily for Detroit, where they will in furtiare reside Mr. • J. Ousiek, of Eetroitspent New Year's in town. Ray: A t the school meeting on Thursday last Mr. Geo, Dowson was appointed • trnsfee in the place of the retiring one Mr. Bob't Stephenson, Mr. Stephenson has Ailed the position satisfactorily for 3 terws (0. years) and'. is tired of it. St, Marys: Willia:n Guest. charged ;. with, a astaaalting DAY Fiddler was fined $5 and costs by Police .Magistrate Sharp on Monday. Tile plaintiff and defendant are Downie farmers, • and, the."serap" was the result of t4 dis ppute over the disappearance of 4 tuck, ey, Clinton; Miss Atha Jones, who has for the past seven years been the eflici- ent organist of St. Joseph •eliurch, played there for the last tune et last Stndaay'sservices. She has been enc. i ceeded by Miss Minnie Reynolds who presided at the organ a atWeduesday's services, • •Clinton; Mr.Oharles Wiltsie, of the London Iioad,was married 'Wednesday!, to .Miss McUregor of town, the eere• - J. SPPICKIVIANS°BIG RUSH SALE OF CLOTHING. will soon be time for Stook taking and we want to clear out many. . lines of clothing by that time. `And in order to 'do this we have put the Knife into these lines and have :almost cut prices in two, Below we quoteyon an few prices:—, Overcoats. was , , • , ,$ 7.50 for $1,10 i. ., i,i1.'ia8.75n ii ii 10.00 ii 77.50 Suits 4' ,,,,,, 12,00 ""8.00 "F a J0,00 " 7.25 "' "" , , 6,75 " 5.90 ;E4 ., ,.,.,...,,..,. 5.50 " 4,50 Boys 2 piece Suits, sizes from 22 to 281111 the way from $3,50 to $550 for 52,75. This is a grand opportunity for any one needing anything in the above. GIVE US A CALL. E, j. SP ,AA, KM . Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Satndford Ready Made Clothing. atony being (performed by Rev. Dr. Gifford at the Ontario street parson. age, In the evening a reception was tendered the young couple at the hone of his parents,. Constance , . pretty but quiet event took place at the hone of lire. Dale, on Chrtstrnas ei—ay. when leer youngest daaghter,Miss Harriett, was unite in marriage with Mr. T, Knox, a popular young man of the Haarloek neighbor- hood. The bride wa,s attired in a pretty dress of cream cashmere, in which she looked charming, 1\ 'ingbam; John Aldridge, one e the contractors for the buildings of th Iron Works, has applied at Osgood Hall to have a liquidator appointed 1 the estate. Mr. Aldridges claim ms 81,400. This step: it Is said, sets asid the aassignrnent-. The motion will li argued earl • in January, The proses will probably prove expensive, Ansa; Craig: While helping to load a caar of lumber for Mr. Gillies on Tuesday, Mr. Dan Edwards had the misfortune to meet with an evident. While stooping to lift a board another one fell froom above, striking him on the bead and inflicting a nasty gash. The doctor hound it together, and it is hoped he will son be alright again. Clinton; A, quiet wedding and one of interest here, as the young couple are from Clinton, took lace on Xmas. day. At the manse, in 1anover, Rev J. L. Rowell performed the ceremony, when Leslie G. Sage was married to Miss Edythe M. Coulter. Both are well known here and their friends wish them. every happiness. They have gone to Preston, where Mr. Sage is employed in the fnrniturefactory, Bayfield:—The other evening, at an entertainment held here, a couple of young men named respectively Spen- cer and Young, who, it is said had an. old grudge against each other; peel- ed oil their coats and were about to. fl ht when they were separated. Young was locked up for the -night, but Spencer cleared out to avoid ar- rest. Next day they were brought up before Reeve Stanbury, who im- posed a fine of $1 and costs on each their fun costing them $3.50 each. St. Mary's: The residence of Mr. Clove Myers had a narrow escape from fire last Friday morning. The child- ren were playing at a tea party in a front room of the house and had a lighted candle on the table. By some mischance the window curtains caught fire and only through the presence of mind of Mrs. Myers was a calamity averted. By' the time help arrived she had the flames under control,' :The curtains, carpet and couch in the room were badly' burned. Tnckersmith: On New 'Year's day a very pretty marriage took plaice at the home of Mr. John Colwell, when his eldest daughter, Mabel, was married to Mr. L. McConnel, of Bracefield. The ceremony was performed in the evening by Rev. R. Henderson, Hensall in thepresence of a number of relatives and friends. The wedding supper was then partaken of, after which the evening was spent in dancing and social chat. They will reside in Bruce - field. Their many warm friends wish thein every happiness. Stanley: A very pretty but quiet wedding was solemnized at the resi- dence of Mrs. Isabella Johnston on. Christmas morning when her, daugh- ter, Miss Bertha C. Johnston, was united in marriage to Mr. R. J. How- ard of Smith's Falls. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. G. Yel- land, of;Bayfield, the- bridal party standing in front of a bank of ever- greens. The bride was becomingly gowned in white organdie entrain trimmed with valenciennes lace and insertion. After the service a dejuen- er was served and amid hearty con- gratulations Mr. on-gratulationsMr. and Mrs. Howard left for Clinton where they took the three o'clock train for Ottawa, Montreal and other eastern Cities. "THE MAX FROM (LENGARRY." 4.11 Canada is, indebted , to ` the. ub- lishers of, the Famnil. ' .Herald uan !Weekly, Star, for it has lust leaked Dort that that:;g eat paa.por has secured the serol rights of `that , most absorb- g.Manfrom len a r ; hn stor ;::"The gvG g . r $,, .'V Gordon ofWinnipeg, by Rev.Cha,s . , ,Who writes ander the'' non) ..de: plume of ''Rail' h "Connor'" 'The•'pimblhcation, • in• in a week' r t we earn twill be o 0 Just as soon as•the•Famil Herald Sub- scription De artment<' have : entered "b i . ��pp bfren renewal cr trona: ' oiisands ew s the ,th, ,, , . : . � , :... P dine ,.,, o r in oat at office tli t have a t h a P in the . past week or two. Fanmiyy raid- readers are to lie, congratulated. he :Will certainly •get'the' ear's sub - t.011, price in this story alone, •- .i mporium. GOOD 'VALUE YOUR MONEY'S WORTH That's what every one wants when buying furni- ture, and when value is coupled with new and up-to-date styles, it makes .r . �' - � s a combination, which is certain to win trade, these are the points which have made our furniture business what itis and which will, continue to increase it rr iu the future. e'I ei � Re air.0 Q promptly �,tt1�3C�.e�,* tt�. Picture framing and • ���, �3:n~d • FU1EMLL DIREGT01i All accounts due the late flrzu of Bev. erly 8& Huston, must be paid to W. C. Huston on or before Feb. 15th 1902 W. C. Huston EXETER R.]EIICKS FOUNDRY J. MURRAY, Manufacturer & Dealer Portable and Staionaryt En gives and Boilers, Plows, Land Rollers; Mowers, Etc. Iron pipe and fittings, re - pars on , Agricultural Im piements and general ma- chinery promptly attended t0.... , FOR SALE. 30 A. P. Boiler, 25 H. P. Engine Com- plete with Pump and Heatnr,' also about 1500 feet of inch pipe. J. SIU 1��AY EXETER Real Estate Exchange The Sale, Purchase and Exchange of Villgeand farm'lands and properties negotiated at reasonable rates of com- mission, For Sale. Several Valuable Farms in HAY USBORNE, STEPHEN and McGILL- IVRAY; also Three very desirable Re- sidence properties in Exeter. ' Parnm Wanted.. We have purchasers for good. farm and in the vicinity of Exeter, or who ',APPLY TO Bawdenado �lw DavidMill pi, valuator a o . '' Manager” FI ES OF C Dickson & Carling's New e w B1nek, Exeter. • r e'- rand. e ra Th G pt 1 Hotel ;:and sever- al G H to ever - al other buildings on Saskatchewan avenue; Portage lit Prairie, wore:des- d , b: troyeyfirre . ,The loss is about: $75, A CHEERFUL c LL TO CHRISTMAS BUYERS. Beautiful gifts, never so cheep. Our fine display of Holiday Goods is open and ready. The newest nov- elties, the best selections the most appropriate presents for one and all at fairest prices, Christmas .Attractions. Do not fail to come in and see aur Christmas Attractions in. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware Nov- - elties, etc. A new supply of Wedding Rings and . Marriage Licenses for the Christ- mas Rush. , 5J'tanding Offer. For one year from Dec. lst, for every baby born in Exeter and vicinty we will give a baby ring or pin. Mothers, bring in your babies and get fitted. R. HICKS, Exeter Reai Estate £ncy;, IF" YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm IF YOU WANT TO Bu or Sell Town Pro e t y � r y IF YOU WANT TO Borrowo>l •' Lend Moxley IF YOU WANT n Made # c• o s. • IF YOU .'WANTCoicy ,ti Your Li insured nsur. ed IF YOU WANT TO Go toh teOld Coru'n r BY ALLAN LINE CASHAID P FOR FURS Cl at the User' ! d l nod �. S JOHN G SP A RPiAN �. . Office .S ackman s Hardware. e,1 Exeter, " .