HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-1-9, Page 6I.., I : I I : . "I . . � I I - - 777M_. -, ". - I I - _M_ – — ------- "'.4 ,
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700l000 Voolllq in Lqudm Ave, I I I � W, " ,.. . , I I k . " h "W", der, 25,
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It is illegal i;.o practice JIM, otism " I i�',,_
. L.:-',' � ,
in'Belglum. I � � � 11 _-.0
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, ,�,t�. � - ,
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, I There are 4,000 mmexes Ili the body I I . � i -,-., �121'. �- (Good for Bad Teeth
. , ,
QXa, molul. I I I I . � �,,A�� i0
. I , 21 I
I h�i ., .11 �
OUC-11fteenth of fto inhabitants .of I � '. ,
Spam Are nobles. 16, ZV : I �.. � 1 4F 1 . .. ".,, I
I .,� wdral w"built from . . 1, ,,. Not Bad for Good Teeth
I i5t. PAW*s Vail A7W1__ 1. I I',- I
a- tax *it seil,-C.Qal� . .. .1 � P �11 I I 11 I 1 K4. '-" , � 6
., 1. -1 -11 k. -P 1-1. w6i�Z ===, "I - ", --.
Thero axe about r4nety deaths in �-.. I
S'Iia4espeare's plays, I VACCINATED ON NosE, 11 ;-,. -!:." .
I , _ ." I
I - GIANIDIAN TIME& .1 -_ - I 111azodolmt MAq,0 _!�
- ME .... , . I 11. "I. " I -Alto. I 1-1 _4 _Sq� &Ardtl 11 -
I Klalrl$ 411 the roTo per$qnq Sample * I
,ges of ideAt WM a ti , , I , � Atoro. or by pu.ft . FAQuLaftn4 Vow4sv-17$tu
. RKrope are ,eat . , I Queer Aeg . ph , g . 1� of the 1,1(juld fox the pq;st44e,3c.
usim. TIUMR 1tVQXD:E1t:FUL SAGA I _ _T@4 4, ... ,� "
. , CIT71 6 R1174<61144." I - I ALA. & RU
X full-grown elephant ' can ea li, , . " _r L
. _M, ;ePmV,UXTS Adx=_ ,NTS, 1�1 CKEL, Monte,a I
,, ��
. .— A ,LOA(lon (j�4)glgud) m! . I —_-__��_Z�_�- t
. T%roe tone,on. fts bacl�. ,edlco has I + -------- W, -------_-"ZZ=Z7=:,1 �!-��
,Begiumx,ii�,� Of 4 New Breed. A . 1 -.4- CASH vdilbayA box of;SWEET SO-NORA ORANG1;Si-pr_J1,
Thoroualibred dog* Ario les$ iu _. � ,,,,r lstrue)� out 0. new line by vaceinatillg 11=1 COAT. � I
, ,te ,a .E
.,.III _ JosXr,e_ �blmself on 'the rkose� lail does lErO . a You take 5 box
, . ,�Q
I ,teat than mongrel# _ T$o gLg; , not , 1*12,22' 9$ We Will make the price �$ZJQ V
� r I er.bog"
Blondin. I ;44114 any credit for the imtovation, . * 02 to 42 Mo. ,, (SU"e-9 'Mq or MO.) � ,
I London requires (500.000 cows to ... 110,wever. Neither. tQ Say the truth. NO, woman of tzksi� 11 'VV
I hPIPPAY it with dairy produce. To most reople it would geolm, to Ia. the example likely to be J, stg , a �(k $ herself THE OAWSON COMMIssioN ;0-� UMIteap Tv"QRTO'.
. argely to be With cglIgee CPO %PMO� r, I -
, � out ta4 .ful, e4V, A
I to impossible that 00 hone. by na'- , _ . � $1 ntS 0 , roultr _ 00. Eggs,
.1 wile, sun gives 600.voo times as t -r followed in fashionable or - garments. 'that "kre, becoming at tbo 1 .3, ,8�4 i 1'P'iRtQ0-9,, )�'9,Aas, Raspy, App!cs solicilgo.
Uro V, de:;IZen of A wArJ , , Unfashion —
, m or 41,
, , �le _____
gast, __ ___� ____ ' I �
much. light as the full MQQU. a tempomte qQuutl,W, could thrive in , able society. salne, t1mQ that they allow. perfect , 11.111 - -1 . . . . . . . . . . . . -111111111 ��� �� ;;;;��=:::Vl=s
� More people have died from c .amid the r�gor,s of o, The doctor 'Was Xca.U7 the vietim keedom. 1CM
.1 olds a, 'wild ;state of a, ad relaxation. Tbis simple R JuST -Dr"GM,%
uxul were ever wilw in battle� 11 Canadian climate. That this is po'-w- curious ACCIOVOU ,During 4 V40- house Coat is Speciii'lly desig4ed to
� cluation zittipg he absentrmin, .1 -et m -0 � ,5, 6U I ULD IWORES )k1r. 1"iggit-"Aro you :41m.
. 11.
, ., dedly =F
, . orn, _ g uevq 4 is ,, 0-st
� There Is one titled person to e,or IOWA by a recent incident- through writing that letter V , �
. ,up -L-0 �y sible is $It so hooter, scratched lus nose to 41147 A slight cut 0,104 ;shaped. I Carefully i rem, Vad or he ,4 -6 ,
- I - , .4
Ae sho . , jet( by on -
- A brace of mocs s. who � wa, the x , , , Or twq a
, . aa
. � -
- � Urs n9g!t-,P9A,r me, no � '10y,
_44� tickling sgusation, Perhap.s there terial I,,% eiderdown fl.allno ,01i; Mforts.1,04444411"V, Ithlopp'thakilija I , "
L -1 commoners in Rus , ppll
_. - g In
Were, ox,uping out in' the wood$ a, few , 4
. " ,
Out of ever.v three persous atruck was already an abrasion of tile sRill. pink, with hands of satin ribbon in , ho,vo only got 0 tile postserl %,,�
mahts Ago in the fmUemp north of 49ft and 0.14art � — _0
IDy liahtniug two reco,mr, . -Ag county. %'bought. they saw 0, Perb,QV45 110 used moire energy tliall he the g3amo shudo. bu he Inonne, call
rout! , , t t, I Large Uorta 25c,
1 Seventeen for cent of all .the doc. white =*use feedirg in the scrub bmow� At any rate,, the 1*ph was bo found Ili various Colors, and the 0114*Oino Coo, Toren% Theyo awaullmlicrof varleflosoftorm
1'. '. --I ... �q..--.." lloullw.�T's Vora 04ro will iinlovo*uy *I
i tors in Britain, livo in London. near by. Some scieutilic and painful introduced into the uo"� of the oper; ribbon, cim be made to contrast with q. .
I , ator. Tito vaccine lltook, and equally good,eg V a 67 Mem. Call an Voltv druggls� -.1.1,14 got g
- roperty stalking w.0 done ; , _ �
Quite, fifty per cent. of the V .tud Just - s riflea , got,, I reach and battle at, 0300. ,
Q Pugl"nd is jusured. _ a . some time later it began to got in Scotcli fliulng while F _. -
f 14 were beinge levelled 41 the game it t.L became., �1, gannelette, cotton T., . .. 'T, . ?Z�
I Its worIc. The docto , aware Ivelours and lice -lir sa ,YF4, LTRT'i 110i"Carm IlAys.
London .spends over cite million saxe4 its;, life, and starllcd the bunt- ot the distressmg. , ce .Q4 z-1b4tro'. Oro Lord Vor44rlkJr-,r can
, r4thipr , irace
� poulids "nit I all,v on funerals, ers by giving utterance to a i1ccided- � Ulan all appropriate. The froute are, There in a ,young girl ,-it AdAltur, de!Feeut, from joltil Milto , my,
alarming, uutptome. and the .4 . a. TIQIWQ
ly equine neighlog. , Unn" t� loose, and lap over
,,, in dQubTQ,brQastf-*fA tile Lebanon. -named Anna YuFmf that for a descent T, 111vo Mflly�upa
The largest swong.5 bank in the 1+ -was h scond urAl appenrapee of t4a vacroluatcaled fashion at Uu. upper portion, but Nall, whose eyes Are Stu r,
, vadom. Ift in Glasgow. A d;;hT;,Zlore4 hors , e front the ;%badoxv 11 , of are cut away bola 4 1 _.ted to Pop. __Jtl�,q p, g s_ -%t descent, "To eupitgh,#4
� Un!Wd 10 OF* soon dispelled Vic utystoxy w the waist In a fieSs the properties -mid powers of I
� . OWT A thOUSAIld ParMS are 10.5t,'of tile wands 4gA tLijs qno WtSp_ ,,,,-,the strawa disease. novel And attractive mannell. ,Tito Rontg1pa rax,B- She can = tureugh
r evQr,k day on British' railw,V,5. coedvil to biowso upon the twigg - tdc under-aiwi gores. gives a grace. m,ythltj Relaftess Cannot be curea
, ,nd For a low da.YP. until the probes- In
, ,g� un(l ,(lQ,sqrIbg9 a 1�
There iare 000,00 Pcoplecuiploygd branches. As voon as the inen Ellow- da ar,sumed t� more normal ,aspect. fully -fitted 9990 thekt, is univorsall. r � tile cow4tc)kt, 'y local 001calle'llm they canuatre;ri�h kh%
t . Y_ of closed boxvs- however thick and dlseliscdr�ir�jajlo.t ovar. It( .*Jaen .
- The sleeves are In bishop QPQQAIO they rlay to. way f, ., Vill* deglao4s. *44 that to by coolsilitt.
In Italy in rearing sMy-orms. ed thculselves, air 4&10101 back the doctor turned over lit,'% patients NICOMIng , lj�,Q**
� � � the to the care of a brother ultdic,o, un4 �'StYle. with varrow pointed cuffs, and
. To Crush a half-luch loubQ of granite Into the woods and"41sappeared. A U000 rfltledlev. U-1wes 1,* aAyq�d bfl*#
retired into private life. .00 will.'Ot -
Tbe next day they parraitcd their 'Q Mck I$ 4 turn -over Collar that, Rpor,*30%lan'tPutp, wbea lwa� tutla 14 ix�
. requires 4 weight of eleven ton , i. M - MAP4 Ma VOUZU In-linmed CQ:7di 10'a0glialmucalutullingg P. 0
. experience to a baud of r now be able to appeAr on an auti- has pointoill ends and Is cut In a 11'emcd 3�0u,q-Avlm arimblingswind I ,
ih4nty men ,
I Ia Poland it is it Venal oflence to and found that three or four of them vaccin,ttlon platroiint singlo Point at the Itsick axd work% orr Ole 044. forp h%rhok"_ ii�w% whimit 1* eatr4l,774%141
I �Fir 1. 444 ualvk
'0, lainIn T4104 care o, v4.d Ris .
I Qncilh Polish in any public resort. !...� .. .. ........ . 111�w TO dfQf#4,, Wifig rcn, _J aho 14001.
had al5a seen the pair of homes ruu. cut this coAt for a woman of 'a PAO 44X' ' "* 46*0�- N" "4--' 'Vi"" 'J 9futt, pa!fanoaaba%%-n,ut# , jbi � b
g . .,
.['44gre -q M ik a or %�tqrod
, rQ fort. rwdlum size ak y1n.ds of in
Y-ejgyat, different niog wild in t1w woods. At times Ittorial 27 to M11=114 09,1314M n. boil6p;Z W411 , 404
1 Wrlds ot houSe-lb, Imown and claFszi- the pair wero acepulpaiticd by .1 big ftebes W14je, 2-1 ZQ of *rJJ'4r.T'o_J 1_Jr,3WeVa rAlIfte (454%,41
�4 'Pt tVA*"
.# VIDEXAN TALK& or :If vards. 4 , yerds 82 Inches Wide Europe Is cuily pre -third Ow 5i V-u*t4by042Ar4-b.WhIch i's k1mbUll: bat Ralik,
. &d. red mare ond it ,young fval� 4 Inches wide will be Africa. ove-fourth that Qf Au,wrIca., ramcdca,pdr4tio
� U04"amuo'Ateurg.0",
xvarlF 0. t1tolls=d dMergut FewIng The 444ro Was Mogalged Us one . 4-cquiWa." and QUO-61th that Of A§J;J� WQ,WVMg1V4,Q;Z* 11pudicA Uglaiii4r-0,41
� Cottons Are =114ulacturc.11 in GrelAt ab"Andoned In Ow woods two 3 --tars, 1 ... .-_f__ � 4-as'34:111*�U§" I'mined)w V4% r1fratliatf,"
It 74 W 011794 by Awre CUMb care.. road
� IhUaii%. ago. Tho M-0 Ilarms are sur�,rastd THE CLAY 70TTER, WHO MS_ rallat4lel.-ay1ttg.tttin,grelleffQrt4ltel.',t Raigland alone comprife,i 42 ver lor c4c.411m., free,
I to V� Me tvam of a lualbcramu ,wh,% CAIMP BEING C=.VZ7.I) !'*efGlks- MOtberQrAv*s'Woru4Exw,,m r.,a.*C,nli',.N&Y&C.Q.,TOI044,0,
111M.Aliug for balf en, hour zfter LawarNa , vasailtimilsarocuro. it. I cent. of tile total aree, of the llrift,�h Sol
I you
Ineals L5 Vie, test po,ssiblil aid to dl- was drowrwd. rMxt T.UZ My A=OST- ,9 you let it 4juger bles. .bjVrqgg:#k%7.k.
Wye your elthi u hy, #� 'i 'Al
gel-aiQu. Tbc,�e =lwals la,r.ve m�Ajl.�ged to A =ACXB. la"UP14 JR Irem9dy IS so i0ap at bRud 2 , 11 . WAO �AMW.:rpitbwe tkobesL
In the United States only one mar- sutsiFt urmu, the teaver ruvaCaws in "
. summer. Und by brow.5ing on twigsll I
. dertr in, lafty is condentued to deat.h. in wIptRr for teveral yeam. Who A. X. Wideman of Duntroon, THE AUSTRAMANr VLAG. Mods Liniment Lumbeiman's F1' r d Taik abGut che-alp posWUrato"
. F54t considers �1 Out., Interviewed in Torouto- Before the Austrak�au flag w,q$ 19 INP l:tva, 1-1151b. go for a, i4amp", ire I -
I A certain zect In Re ARRoWs but that there Is a intecus 0 . orhed hip. I�repleljt. W,hVu IVAU
I tair slutul and ba4ftmers a sign of here for the rMiging of a drove of Tho Most lfo,r4css CArme of 00 desigat; Virewood 1.9 chra,vx-V in nun -U tlinn 31, ,
sau 0 1 i ty. hardy though perb-,tills stuated wild Rheumatism on Record -A were c4,lvfullY examined. Via coul- anywhere et%a in U.orarv. 300 raggots that V Faid Mo. 1C. layisin down
. po,a. lQU1410D was originally started I)y a costing ouly 7rp cepto. her partr. "This morning. my 0oar,
. Over a. million articles are pledged 1101-ses such its Are found on the Uving Noulkniont to tho
. Welsh mountains or in the cold and er of Dodd's Wditty. Wills. Y�Jgazinc. and a,s many at the de- whwl you wegat to the pos"Illce.11
with ,khe p4witbrokers of Lonaou ev- MgW were well worth notice the
� e ry , Ii, barren Shetland an(l OrRucy Islands Toronto, Dec. 40.-Tba wend Tbeg,reat lung healor Is failed lit QAt
I to the north of Scotland. t erful G0VcrNmCUt tQ01c the Matter up and excellegt mcdJ6116 told P-1 U14-410% Anti To Thate of ftlentary Occuixdloa,-
I Th �ixquils of Salisbury never ,4s: of A. N. Wideman. which cGered a reward for tile be.c,t suggc,�,, Cowitimptive ,*,;,Vru . U eurozi , Well who rollow siAdento occlli)�Allone,
tnnts . ,I,, in(*""' ai' which deprive them of 1r, r
wea., The wouderful sagavity of horses way Into the newspapers a tion. A board ef naval experts writs .7
I s " 'he can possibly avoid often avails 'to prevent aecidents in lutcre t 11cre. mildslics Elie Eeosib lity of l.l4o��'5 - .�s i air adil ". r.
deis , � . .9 Ile will be remembered appointed to e.xaullne those r 4abralle it rupra prone to disorders 0 Mle
I thwre nortliern, wilds in the early few w ,pnt in, otibethmatallil air px,,,�.lgo"q. Anif 14 a 111i�VnI4.134111lit Llduoyn than thote who lead
I Th% �, 130,000.000 on tba face winter. cOks ago, is still a C1141M of Qud the deciplon appeal% to ll.%,Vo noverrIgn remedy rtv all C01131110, cobiv,
Por Instance. th,e writer as the ,uark who was a il LAtio-facilon., hoar-,eqcs.s. Valil at- xcw, ac�s pedve tudeor Ilve.a.. The formor W.fll
w frightfully given univers. �,. in tL,0 vhpq, find Inv :1o,krinelveld vr�guvblp Pills a !Fo-
� Of th , r , ;to d0Wt know wil"A, once started to ,drive down nar1c Crippled ,with 11licumatism., being broucli:04 tw. ll� hit-# cure(I wany libe '
I Soap , Late on new Ice, at ,nightfall. After twisted and contorted out of chapa. suPpolit'd to ba for advant:(-d tu co 0 morativowithant question the loosit eM_
, T* 4-twx A coxii, In ONE U vy aloo. ri-"luftl' radortion tile ruarket. They (tire rually
: A ., -pyard at Ominato, Japan, ton hourtiv travel the borre. a V"y r, Ilo was fairly snatolied froirt it KI � wocurable, easily taken. act expeditiouis
11 at4 . Operation. was estabil Tev.dy Norman idnoy Tak" "'�`V_ '�o-o�'�t""�l-n�,t-,I"�',�'I'lo,cut,*. 7L Is calculated that lty 1050 andthey are aurpriflIngl$ qbaoli con
shed I,- S, . thoroughbred, came miserable death by Dodd's X I
i f.#00 years ago. 23o. . jilqra a
I to " dead ,step, and rctu';t'd to V Pills* and lie has been one of the 11r,ow -Pla�t'soarv.01-19,�R044tut�latu=�Oloo�oui.tO,�Ao�i 016: will be no Zoal left in 11ritain within 'Tacring their excellence.
= � �L forward. �
I About thirty-three per tent. 0J the . greatest upholders of Doddla, Rid- The, time of the pam,age ot the 2,000 feet of the Surface" Custamer-,"Really. now. are'thoce:
vigam ,sold in London are do Tile bewst liad by ber past .Ictions n,,.V.:PJllS in ca,iinda ever since. Suez Canal,
i of tobacco leal. "not =4 , inspired such confidence In her Intel- 9-1 miles long, bas fal- I Acp
Mr. 'Widaman still 1)as to uso %s fresh ?" Grocer-I'Ma0m. It
ligence that her driver, not daringi a lea $ram 48 .hours in IS83 to about For Over plity Years .
I In Russia yon must m"rry before t ttempt a turn in the pitchy stick when lie walks, as the diseane 25 at Present. WWATOV1,41 966yan 0 v slep to the telcilbolao
. � 0 it ;a XTiler W Ufa as call up our farm, you can bear
eighty or not at at), and you may darkness for ,car .of los left him with one leg shorter t1mu fttJA lit Yauul will ki"J.
I . Ing his — 'SO c1l 0 rtr the"UM"44rea while U0 ur,
bear- tile other. .1. a & fPaV9.0F;e1r.2l1Sy-4rX1 11111 beris that laid these eggs Bull
C- , 1,61 itattermhnuAtowt. �Mos
murry only five times. ings, covered bar with. tile sicigh ,W1tLh this exception, An B114 to Bilious Reallitelle.-Billolls KM ft ILI cackling."
. and with tile rie.ss, %Vl)iah IS " r � . Tasily-Ave M14 8 tattz
The atmosithere, It compressed, robes and stumped about on Ole Ica tiefect due, to , Ilf"ed by excessive bile In .—.! % I 9 .0 1, t v wa.:d. U0 $.-Oro *A, I ,,, , .. , , , , i I., � I , , ,,,I
. . W I the breaRing of his the litonuicb, bits a nuirketl ofrjr�ct upon r .. a. 0 1146-4.- 5 _ -"—,—
I 1. ould make a sea'15 thirty-five feet near her all through the long,�.st ,eath front taldric mercury madi- tile Mr-ftS, $klld Often nianife4tts
,%round the globe. night In his experience. , itself by
, cluts, Mr. 'Widernan Is as well as severabeRdacbe. This is the most AN- Irbe ecolet of 18A,J was the only
� The Bank of Frauce caii compel its When morning came it reveale(i am ever he was In his life. - tressing. beafill Clio one can have. Them ono during tile last century widdi
lite beAdaelles frolu cold, frolu fever, And 40
1 � customers to receive one.1jith, Of almost frozen mian and horswe upon "I never heard ,of anyt3llmg )lite from otber rutuses, but the nitl.c;t exernel. ould be seen in broad daylight. 111AIM NOTICE .
money drawn in gold. tile tea and aren water just thirtY the way Dodd's Kidney Pills warted %jungafallistbeh,lious beadikelle. Par-
. Forty-six per cent. of the post- feet In front of them. At the rnar6ls in ray case," said he. "They drove luclees Vogetable Pills will. care it-ture. For Nitta Year-s-mr. sainuel, Bryan During tbe ,year the z4flate 110tited
-1-wituy last year were inan's body was frozen into tile lee, almost tuvnedlalell?� It will tMappear hedford, wr%": "For nina , I to advertising litINAIMS 10mr-
oards sold in G( fftt, was a man's tuque or cap and a the nbeumativin cleark out at my it 'Ir yenrg
of the pictorial variety. system. You know ,work was slack As stifle 0,41 tbo Pil a operate. There is suffered with ulternted sons oil my leg- AIB NT will tontaln expressious of no
. four or fivo yards away. in'varthenware works. and X took a uotbing surer in the treatment of bilious I exPeuded over 6-100 to PlMicianS, atia uncertain sound from people who
'1110 DOrking f0W1 is the Only living Experiment showed that six teat I eaduche. tried evM preparation I heard at or was
I b ault condition pos- before the sleigli the Ire vas after chance to work in the barvest field. a . recommended for such diseme, but 00111d speak from personal experience iis to�
Qes,�es a five -toed foot. the night's frost only. three inches ,I I got soaked several times with rain r� crests cove,. on,-tentk of the i�ur, get VorMlef. latlwt was reenjame"Cled tile Inerits of this best of, bouselt6ld
tates thick. Had another step been taken and that brought on the worst at- . to give Dz Thomas! Belectric 01 I a trial, Remedies,
A midshipman in the United S Itack of Itheumatism I over heard of face of the world, and one quari�; of which has resulted, after using eight hot-
r*4kavy is paid as highly as a licutem- there would probably hit-ve been one . I was in bad live months. My leg$' Europe. fle.i(using It internally and ixternally),
wit in the British Wavy. more added to the ,unwritten fatal- were twisted out of shape. the toes � inaromplerecure. Iliellevoltis tile best
Somet Japauezo young girls, when Itles of tlla,pine region. pointing inwards. Wall nothing the. in the world, aud I write this to --- . - -
1lot Others know what It his done for
they desire to look extremely oapti- r The, mail carrier on the Gatineau doctor., could do did 'me the least .Keep MI ard's UnIMent In the House "d1c'"'
rating, gild their lips. oad In the ante-rallway days, once good. 3ky teeth broke off from the Q line." Stylish, L.xdy visitor (to -am-ill
The liquor tax yields the best re. had a, 'notable experience with a mercury he ,gave me, that was all.,o Vour to ton pounds of tile bark — b for the -hosWs *o
night in the late autumn -to. the .t.yl at Is the matter
horse. Ile rode up one very dark 'qlovv did you come to take Dodd's from which quinine is extracted to gas to HInglish. towns, and thirty
turlis to the Government In Russia, Vifty-seven gas companies supply t' gl
� 0 Oy vill'o w�_ 11
- ,CidnOY Pills 9` .M,. 'Wideman was the _o'no ill n
and tho poorest in Norway. w 'd
I win post office and -4alked into tile sked. tverago crop of the Cinchona local, authorities own gasworks. ith 71 o ? 2,t you are watching
Colored rates never have blue eyes. little store with Ms bags, where lit) a tree. L him so -closely V Small Boy -
Their eyes are always dark brown, was greeted with the utmost amaze- "A neighbor of- mine, Mrs. Boyer, *� "Mamma said Your liat Wastmough
- . brownisdi yellow, or black. , ment by the crowd . around the 'got me to try,them., -I did so to ooth Powder I to make a dog laugh, and 1,wrmted
. . ! I please her, but continued their ,usd T 20 MIPard's Liniment I's used hi hysIcIans to see him do it."
Alcohol as such has mover yet been stO'Ve- because they were curing -me. ��- ____ ____._______.__ � _ __ ________ - ___ , .. -
?, I � iound as a natural, original 'product. "How did you get 'here ? " they "And You ascribe your present I 11 11M I I I . 321100MV111M I - ____._
It walS always formed by art�, asked. "Row did you cross the big health and strength to Dodd's Xid- ' MAMOM110211W
I � The highest point to which a mark Hamilton Crack ?" ney 11111s ?11 . -
"What do you mean? How do . AM
. very seriously allected is 16,600 feet. � PC
'lVby, illan-ol for Dodd's Xidney Pills I would be a Nk
, cried the crowd, '*tile - 14
11`lr 0' EG AR I M YO U R mH E'A LT H
� Can ascend without his health being always cross it ?11 I I "I certainly do. 11,lt hadn't been
The most cxteusivO cemetery In the bridgo went n It e at, this minute," said "
- ..1.1 - .0 Out just at sundown. 'U". 1,V grav I
'Mliil - �44 71
IV -W*
. . .- -F- ca y.
. � � 1- &f, -0=0, In Much over There is no crossing there." .1 I - I I , \ I
1M00,000 human boings have been rr', -1 , I A ____4 — � How many men are sufferingy miseries r the want of a simple
c3 r ver aughe Inered ously .
I interred. aud said he had ridden up the road I-1.0NM iSTY TH BE, §T POLICY, . � remedy? They do trot live; they. simpjy ,exist. in the faces of
1� I 11alf-a-Lon of, sawd-ast contains 160 in the usual manner. To settle the Nrot . long ago a ship -owner. was De- I . . . ,."., Ia , " thousands can be rdad the story of a. wasted life and blighted
I � � . �, I I I
� � pounds of chaxcoal, 18o pounds of matter the men took their lanterns ,gotiating with an insurance coza- - � o �
r acids, 248 pounds of water, and 162 land walked down to the site of the , , ;_ * I hopes. joys aimd pleavureir are unknown to them because there
� . pounds of tar. � bridge. . pany with regard . to erfecting an .. � '. 1 � �
I . . Sure enough the bridge bad been .insurance on a vessel overdue. . I . - I . I � - - '. i vltalil� is being sapped. Vatie6cele, wasting drains have ex- I .
Three4ourths of the eaxth's surface Before the policy was delh-rered tho � I bausted nAture's, electrical Metes and taft them wrecks' upon the
� . cannot be cultivated, owing to washed fLwa-,7, leaving only some of ,ship -owner heard of the vessel's logs L, . 1. - . I
� mountain ranges, deserts, swamps, the orib work and the middle logs land wrote at once to t1le insurance . 0dres of life. I �. I
� . and barren ground. or stringers upon which the centre of coinpaiiy Lhus - .. . , , L . . �
I A church in Londo . n still possesses the r bridge covering -used to lie. "Sir, If , you have not yet made . ,,.�,� - . �
:L,�,� , - v. I �
, L' ""'I"', ." �
L la.� income originally given to iiL for These Were about eighteen inches out the policy you need not, for I '. �., �. ,, -z .. * M% "
. . I . . � !
� L' , - % � .. ro I
I .. - wide, extending right across the 3.50- have heard of the ship." - i I � ',.,1,..;:.�. I . . . . . . . I - hughlill's ENetHe Belt I
� ..
. uying fagots for foot gully Smd werii swaying with the "Oh I " said the manttger, who .. . I I I !
f b D Me a I
.the purposa v. . . I 11 LLL . I �
I turning heretics.. �'Trr(l I ,f i Is the grandest remedy of the age for building up wri4ced hUrnanity, 16 fillS '
.- 1. . , -!I I t onn, their 'uncertain. I founda- discovered t.hat the policy had not %%% /
. T116f6 tCfi,- hiheteeft 11arlianients i tioli" . . I � . been signed, but immediately pro- "' - � ". I �, Vic exhausted nerims and organs with the fire of life'L If VOU N ill ,So it While � �
I n - I . L " 0 U �
1 I � the I British Empire --ten in British -Ahd oil these logs laid single end ceeded to bXL'Ve it executed and sent . .. �, . ... . 0 I for ilro lmontlis It will restore youtWul vigor 6,bvery orKan of the I L4r;,w 1
, uits to do us out - " Ill in
I North'America, seven in Australasia, to end, were the =axks Of tile mail oft,, "the fellow we ' "T I
� 1L. ' 'L. . . C.'aly It is -the ,nly electrical body al5pliance in the world to-dity that wi `1 - i
L � .: , _ _ -h Africa. man's harse's shoes. Over- thirty ". . , . - I I I luse the life firce into the -r;eak6,nea parts, . " I
L I , 1 and two. in Soui * of the premium." I I k . . � I , I . - I 11 - I
. It I . I . I - feet of raging Water & a Mght of So lie wrote to the ship -owner :- 11 I I I . � - - . .. , ��' ., I It is curing thousands. I Con Lfll'rniSh YOU With testimofilals from those � I I
�L 11 I . Egyptian daxkness, the horse had -you are. too late by half an hour. I I ' LL I � . L . . whom I li�ve cured. Perhaps some of them yoxir neighbours. I .
I a . I L I .. � I
I 80AZODONT for the TEETH 25c; u�i,ialterimgly tmvemed th, t narrow Yo -Lir policy has been posted.to you." I . ' � .
I � I �
I I � — L .. L .
I _ .
So unhositating had I I " 0 t� � . ..
� . pp,thw L
I I L I .-4— ,. ay. , I When the claim lv�as made the con -L- . ,. % ,13 res 'L
. I REME, DY FOR SEA-SIOXNESS - hi.% movements paki� iiad.to pay,: as to have �Cfuspd L Re -ad thee a Encouraging I I . . � .
. . . . . i I
. . . :.0- ''I I I I � I 1 , L I
I I 1 I . ,been that the man, on ,his ba,61< w�ls would bame brouglit out the reail �L 1. arn still WeNrins it, ana -%,,,n1 tell I . " opxd ,L,Sifg yaur Belt I was jd�'e been Vearinq your,--uen I . . �, .
.., I Rcmedid4 against sea -sickness are all undonscious'1,4of his danger, And faots. I . I ypli about the result. I LJj vp by eight do L Ctoirs, and was L,ilgh.tl).r for nearly a rnontb. � I .
. I I h,,%ve gain- GIV'Q ' J
. . I I I A,UoYk, and am I - 1, I
I -
L, often badly want6d. The latest �Lp unawarb of the fact that"Ahe bridge , . ., I- I I I I ed about fiftPen pounft, �nd my' I reducedf to Us poundio, and eofiflt�vd u91mo,1 lt f,w ronStip, T '11#1 ,. . .. �,
. , pears to be too slin a v I . . I . - also. apol Jn6r t, $us nawy 'Witp ,
I, I I -Ple to*,ba I al- had been carried aivay and,that his baelc cidz2 nat'bot�.i -,Id n6�y, I'm luTts.-WIF, GrARAM4 IM . IL L-
L 9 L 7_f rr^re_on .. - �? i V,r -1ok rny'borl as ivoalc ae all Infant., it , -
. e I
- �
. , � '. ,__ _ ----- - �14 9 M a F, f CIAMB19, Gualph,'On,t. i I flqoce, Main. . . I , � . I I
, t TT-'� Of t110,ViRV bPq5t wa-,i d6in - the Blond' ct, hk fif Mload's* and talze 40 oth" e m��, fivc!r mohths sinue I startod !
: I �, 1. I I I imhs.l�y Of krl"Lt�,* -, ete�P�1&6',, ,' L I - I he pains. and w0almess have left r I
I I I L : 11 ,i�n 3_� to be upon a swinging stringer, . I 11 I I I 'rLonT belt hzw h�?,I.pm tyiy notvcs, `tIJC� 11 V, O'f L tho Be! t, aa�d. arn com, I
r I
I LL in L I t]14�,4, I MY taoh, and to teal the truth I havd I �
j : . 1. efrjcaciovs� it Consists merely Them Nvas awt a man in the crowd 11 LL SURPRIS , I- ft,n(j I havie gained Iii ;Iesh, and m�l .1y CU,r�!d. C611d, �haVo_ Gailled (;2 L mos palhd or aches a � I .1
I r A ED. L : , I I I
, � L I 1, �,,In S tLxr . UDU� Coo'k- JMU_�Ift�__T� N" 'y4URJ0fVyM'J 00111ng� J,ur Malt. I R101K, Uoelttoll I
, ,: ' rultivatmig the ar+, ot bre,�thing 'With of- observem whowould trentilre � tQ t looser.-= .. I P'll s.ince using
1%� I , 6 . .
." I L I , L , ' I . � , L%x 18%, ChG,thani, ont. "f 4 ',,*. 'I 61mte , I � � .1 1.
I I I I rapidity and proftindity. Thc.profOS- Make the saite passage next day 11-1 I ne8sie-I waq surprised when Mr. 11 I wo.�-It., bll�t,,, I .- I L .. 11 . I I .1 1. I
, 1:
.70�1 VAIVI n6t, tLceept AA lmj�t�jtiorx pf 'bA#
� IT, 330% Tb are are pwiY on the market. I
L L , �
1 I _01A4,71(" 64A�I,vwx-A;;�s, viho,o tuil Yn,eF4.t 4,thftt tibi �tvlo bDI'La and scat the flesh�. 6ra boin , ., . . IL,
'fil a 101)e Of Lhe byaln whos'e sen- thMv 116 bi� -be f, I oeered,vVl ' chf6a0mitebti6n of *_ 6 don Tot '.J.c X 11 " 1
-4 9 iob I iiex trip. ,,, I . ,
� ,f
. ljf"� -"Everybody else was !11 ' - L _N , , ft, I r Ia a Zt),vi- Dop't aaeQ It, Ili L'
. . I sor 'declarer, 'that the cew c of ��e ovil hroad dayl,ig'ht, The , mail cariqLr Dashleigh asked me to inarky hi.M. ", if re"Vo,tt2 6.-);1th 116
I 1 �5 1 -Tessic QA U T I 10. .
I L . I
. ' P — --- .. - b. 1, t, 'I Jull it, Li, bas
�'L 'y r__ I . L., I . -, i8 00d �1,heu you 'want your health, y r Vigw; to avoid 10 c� i 0. L e 01't�. .0 I
�Jbiljty affects, the stomach I,--- I — -_ f, & OQTF ca'ap.trodd is Iny apectal inv=ttlo)�. I'vi,hout L I
I I I - 11 '�111 belts bIlAet aryd burn lioleg In ili5, asli z,iA can Ou no cood. Like thd L 4g_j�.l tmde. � I
. , � �� I L , I
- I I I — , .. I
L and often th I . I 'ar I I �L 'L I . I I � I
I I c blood . iUIP111111. 1119 I t I 1% I I I'' � I I
I r bf-cathing deeply , I ; L . PAGE METAL OATES e�solqwizipl.lc�v , I I L I � . . , L - L
I , ,Vej,7,P
''. beconies charged -ith l I 11 I -1 I 'L , Z�o aneL can afford 11 E 2� ,.,�n vil�p a�whg. 039 pex"Actio'h, of PhyA1q,%1 atrpnp;�,h ohorild Tioad Mv beautl , ,
I � ' fl1116ti;at6db00% . I th Iny Meet* - , 01 I
_ _
- �' .
, ,
L the troubles,>aie lobe � I I touse*oodenbxies., Ughkpn.dyet strong onoagh to s 1 FREE - M -300K I . It t'11,34oi(r �tU, hgtb M lottaudli�mrlwes 1'eLit ,�Ii Dilliz , I I
. (�(,Aseqvently � ort U_ I I � I . I ,fi�dd_uf?Gn raqu�A ifV;o17 w 11 sojul this ad' ifyodan not
�, . � L P . . :1 U-111 ad.ntl tlilp o6l;, q o.�e;17 1�ep -
I L, g, ,aheaN,y, man on the exid while he kmalga'around El. . , I I L`1 I mlkyoluf _ , vl�10 I . I �', i
ses its caP,M,it - rc ' - - * -1.-� , L � I
. 10 :��,,'for maLTrig itsolf Umrlthbut &10in then.t to .3ag. %ifiey, wle neat in , , I 11 : I L A , It, a6ald b&, "tu,ilay.�, I I
. I I I L I
. I .
obnoxious, The remedy is iicither - ?Pearance, will Ihst a 1116flne. Will nots_&g nor get i1okety I '' , , , 'L . . , To L I �
I - I I - �Iqhofl are eup&ed with latchi,swhicfx all , - � � . , %I I 11 I-21RQU STREMT, ROWTO, ONT. I ,
�, -ubl(l therefore , � 11 I" 11 . , ow thew to be op6n'. M - , U 0 1, -1 L I ViA I I . ��
#_�xpenqive ror tro ,some, . . 6 �� I de ther way tindaresed acting. The o7ily,ge,ocl metal gate 4 DRM � ft] a V M c Laft � lours fa to 8'a
. r , I
" tj1v �g be fhatl.l low, ,nnoughin prico or . I 11 I I . 0 P.n.*, .,
.p(3 wl -iittl o', dilliculty in put- f gehel-6,1farlapUl-POIFS� We also niake r, arin and OrIIELMOnta? I I . 11 � I I 1. � 9 00d -s E L
, . Lt 'L " 11 pe]Ada� ponitty N0 , . I I 11 I 'LLLL . P . . I . I I . I 11 I
`� ting �t �," t,� (" ti's, . _�,_ _�,,, I ,, "I I I , , ? - : " L I
I � I I
� I .
� �. I I I 11 .11
I I I , , . I . � I . . . . . .:j ��)s a I na Staples. Tho Pap Mro I'mide Ca.,Umitpd, KfalVervillo, 11 ont: 1, . : . . . . . . . . 111. L MMM _F�" -11 . A-- OW MA - EPVIQP9%��F �_:15_19 1 . �,' 1 �.�
. ��'
.1 . . . ...
� . I I I �' I I 11�1 .1 . ,� , :1 � I . . 0�71rjll_ 1110�_ - �� , � , I . L
. � I . I I I I I , I _; I L
I . I I I I I . L . I I L I L I � I . I . I V
I I � . � . I I I 11 I I I I I I . . L I I 1 L . I �
. . I I I 11 I I I I I L
� .L . . ., . . I � L 11 I I I I I . 14'
1 1 1 . I I I I L I I I I ��!
- I I 11 L I I I I I I I L . ,� - I r I � I � . 1. L
I � I I I 11 I L I i I . 1-11 I I . � I I I k
I I I I I � I I I I .
I . . I I I I I 11 I I I . I - I �
� 11 . L I . I I I I � I I I � r I I I I I I L I I 1, - I 1. I I . � . ::
. I
I I 11 L. . I I 1 I I , I . I . I I I I J V
�,, , I I I I : I L . I L I I I I 11, I
i"AI I . I I ,, . I . . I I I I L 11 . L I I 1i ,. , � 11 . I L I � I ... IL . . I I I � 11 I I . I . . .. I 11
Mr,6..1-_ - I I ,,, I I I .� I . I I � I I I 1 I L " I I I 1, I I i I I I . .. I I I I I r . - IL - . L I .1. I I I I � .11 I 11 I � I I I I . I � I I � I �, . -, I I 'k
, _ ' �" ill�".""-,",�iiiiiiiii,iiiiii.�.�.�'- " ' I "-��' ���----- - I I I I . I L . 1,
_, 1��_--� - � =�� -, _� -_ ... 1�1 � I �,�i_. , , ' I Ii. - 1.11, - , � , r ,L I , I I I I I
��_ - _ I r -1.1- . I -1 - -1 I 1. - - . -1.1 I . " 1, L - . I . , I I . L �'. I