Exeter Advocate, 1902-1-9, Page 4zeter tquavute,1 Vizae.T-1, Sandal's, Editor and FrOP TOTTRWNY, Jan 9 1902 -NOTES .41.1VD COAtilaN718 In 1890 the export of hone from Can- Ada- amounted to $600,000, In 1900 this bssd raised to $13,000,000. This woeld mean the distrittutation of $250,000 a -week among, the farmers a Ontario * * It is reported that the Manitoba Government have in contemplation the adoption of the Gothenburg system of eegrilating the liquor traffic as a sebstitute for the present probibitioe law yet unenforced. A statemeut of the religions of the people of Manitoba, prepared by the Censes Departmeote, is as follows:— Preebyterians, 6.1,322; Methodists, 40, 909 ; Episcopalians ; 44,871 ; Roman Catholics, S5,620 ;Lutherane, 16,477_,- 31ennonitee, 15.1 ; Baptists, 9,113, The total popelation of the Province s placed at 251,015, * A. Gerntan teener has ptiblished eta- tistics in regard to the zelative speeds on the fastest trains of the European countriee, .cording to this toble France leads with an average speed of .58 miles AP hour. England comes next with nearly 55 miles. Germany follows with 51. And Belgium comes next with 49. These figures apply to the faateet trains. • * * There will be very general Agrees smut with the followmg eta,tement made by ?fr. Sifton in a recent speech at Winnipeg; "Some of the woollen factories are closing up. They say the zeitson is that they have not stedeleot protection. I say it is not. If they eannot live on a 43 per cent, tariff, the sooner they shut up the batter," * * Over two hundred applicatiites have been xeceived by the anthoriti .s of the Ontario Ageleul Weal College at Guelph front those desiring to enter the short eoaree, commencing January Sib, in instruction in judging live stock. As zt cousequenee it has been decided to Inate two terms of it, or four weeks in all, instead of one of two weeke, the second to immediately follow the Met. * w After the nmnicipal nominations in Galt all the candidates but three re - deed from the contest, but four of them reconsidered the matter and accepted nomination withie the preseribea time. Now the tines - tion whether the election of these font, is legal or not bite been submit- ted to the Attorney -General's Depart. Mei% * The Winnipeg Free Mess is nuthora. ty for the statemeut that the Roblin Government will go to the country immediately after Use coming session of the Legislature, which is called for January Oth. Premier Roblin, it is further said, will inform the Legisla, ture that he does not feel bonud to carry out the prohibition promises of his predecessors, and that the Govern- ment will not enforce the Liquor Act. Be will then appeal to the countey, and the elections will be beld before ..Tune 1, the time set by the statute for the issning of the new liquor licenses. * AttLN. ICIPAL1TIES LOST NO MONEY. During the year which has jitst elapsed Mr. J. 13. Lang, the Proyincial Municipal Auditor, bus investigated the books of 160 municipalities, and in no case has any loss of money to the smunicipality occurred. Cases in which *Metals were short in their accounts have been made good either by the official or by his bondsmen. * * A PlaYSICIA'S onrxxoet In the journal of Health, Dr. Laban writesas follows—"I have often ob- served that ninths, who before the habit of smoking was contracted were eosolute, manly ad yigorous in men- tal fibre, became after free indulgence in this practice, timid, fearful hesitat- ink, • and irresolute. The mental starnina was gone, and the quality of manhood produced much inferior to that originally promised. One other defect deserves mention in this connec- tion—viz., the dryness of the mouth and throat. and the corresponding thirst, " produced by smoking. This thirst is morbid,a.nd not to be satisfied easily with that which allays native' thirsts It craves something stronger, .Also the nerve depression induced. by the use of tobacco finds a ready and temporiiry relief in the stimulation of beer, wine and alcholics. These two .causes, then, the thirst and depression, .are powerful temptations to drinking. • * It appears that iu the English mar- kets, the demand for Canadian cheese has fallen off, while the demand for pur butter has increased. This is no doteht partly due to the feet that more attentiou. has beeu paid to the mann, facture oe butter recently, and as a re - suit, the quality has improved. Refer- rieeeato this change the almietary Tittieaseys: "But if 'the cheeee trade has been unsatisfactory dririne the past year, those who have placedtheir chief interest in butter have had no ' eanSe to complaia. The move suede by :several factoriessof changing over: from -chee.Se to butter preduction,has proved , eserratted by the results., In this con- aectioh, it may he stated that,' if every ,e,beese ...faetoryein tbe colintry 'were turned into abutter factory, the output from them would not be sufficient to oyetstock . the Thetish riarricet, The veitelY .consu aiptien of ,butter in Great retai.n.is attio 380,000,0e0 pounds, ,rtrid eitie reesoe why Canetlian is not even • .greater demand theee thanisa°tied- the'etiSeais that full eepplies 'eannot vs-AY:wise relied on.,` is believed:, the. anisii".ehip.pees'e. Whsi -hold the best reputation Eneope butters ape, becwnbt g. alart,n,e, 4'0 the ineoeede.beirig made toeir ,oesieses by tae Cane. htil'antiole; tep thet don$Idei4=11216.e:ttadtidn,'Nv.11161)...t13:ey ad e. in prices this fall,, 1%7. earie, tbea .,t(le..;.iliser,e,ieettey,jn lava betWeen Oanedia teif :Danish:lent-ter is befOre eeenataTes FOR lor. Weave. It seems from a recent decision given in ?Iontreiq fake nutnicipalitiee aee halite for ditmeges estetioned by iey sidewalks and we thiek tisis shonte be looked ftee and make people thoughtful in VIcetern Th.e eourt in Montreal held that although the weather had been chaugeable on the daY gnestion the fitet that ice had preyiously been Allowed, to aceerattlate there was ground. for awardiee dam- ages. Title conveYs a lesson. It the sidewAlts-e be kept elear of ice end now. and then some stress of weather cattsee an neuettally dangerous eontlitiou there may be sotne chance of caping PAYOlent, of damages. When the isle is allowed to remain, bad weather isnot accepted as an excuse. 13,gYENVTI(ELOND BY exenon. The 26th minuet report ef the in- spector of liquor license for the Pro - Vince of Otitario has just been prepar- eti by the proviucial license departs rnent7 for presentatien to the Legiss lature wine it meets% in Jeunary. The report. shows that there was one liquor license less than in the previous 12 menthe- In the year 1900-01, there were 3,003 &epees, while the year pre- Vien$ there were 3,009, as againet $.010 for 1393-09. Of the 8,00ge there were 2,iin ordinary licetteeS, 39 beer and wine licensee, =shop and 31 whole - sole licenses. Deriug the ,year five shop liceesee were ehopped and there as an uscreeee in wholesale licensee of three. Exteneione, transfers and rewrote neritherei1131, ;AS against 439 tile year before. The veventte derived from the liceueee by the Province wae $301,076, as compered with $304,310 the year before, and $301.524 in 99, The tetnnicipalitiee received as their f21iare of the license Pee $210,462. while $2#9.4go WaS heeded over to municipal tteasorers in 1$99-09 and $253,533 three yeers ago. The total collections in licenses Uwe reached $029,433, or about $e•oo more than the t e ore. in. e colleeted during 1900-01 amounted to $11.70,-. while for the preseding twelve menthe they arnouuted to $14,339, There \VAS more drunkenness last ,year thee isl$03-1900, for there was an increase of 145 in the jail eormuittmente. The reports gives the following average of yearly come mittments for each petiod of five years from 1314 to 1900 ineitt5ive, as follows:, From 1376 to 1$30, 3,312 ; 15$.1 to 1a$5. 4,010 ; ISa5 to 1S30..1,311 ; 1I1 to 1895. 2.703 ; 103 to 1900, 1,004 It took $03. 762 to pay tile Sillaries of the inspectors and commissionere, and $10,317 for postage, etc. The report does not re- view the license year, but simpl,y eon). pile.s the various itents. WRY NOT !WAWA'. A "Young ?fan" in reply to way- farer in the St. Marys Argus talks good, sound hosee sense in the fol- lowing item:— I thud,: that in your article on marry- ing, you blamed the yottug. men too moch foe Pat Wishing to enjoy "wed- ded bliss ." It is true thitt the young men uoweedays do riot want to start as their fathers did. This could hardly be expected, on account of the:greet progress our country has made, and particularly in view of the develop- ment...in Ontario. I admit that there is a tendency izt our young. znen to roans, but the -reason for this Is found in the fact that they are not able to advance their interests properly by taying at home. Teachers are not paid as mech as they shouldbe. Every desirable position is tilled and in many cases filled by women. I am told that wetnen are actually snatching up the gr p and acting as commercial travel- ler, and making a success of it too, on the principle that •eto one can re- fuse a woman." As long as women work for the wages they do this dif- ficulty will be found. The girls of to -day are just as will- ing to inarry as they ever were, pro- vided, of course, that they can have some wealth and social position ; but the, question is, are they as able as their mothers were. Young women take situations so that they may easeetpe the drudgery of housework. I once heard a young lady say that she "just hated cooking." She made no secret of it either. It is likely she would not be attracted more by such Plain duties as washing dishes, or sweeping floors or dusting chairs. She might as well have said "I don't want to marry," because most, of our youtig housekeepers in Ontario will have to do their own housework. If many of our school girls would substitute a little household arithmetic for their Algebraetad a little :domestic science for there physiesandchernistry, there might be moee happy marriages than there are now. I cannot agree with you, sir, in your proposal to allow the woman to do the proposing .ets well as the men. It would leave too good a chance for some Sharp dame to tell her lord that he hadn't speak enough to pop the question an a so she had to do it. Her injured partner might then reply that it was quite in keeping with her ehatacter, that she was brazen enough for anything and then it is hard to tell, where the dispnte might end. I say, get married, if you can, but don't vim the risk of ruining future happi- ness by allowing the Woman to do the proposing. DEMAND FOR no-R6g. Toronto. Jan: 4.--"A stutiid. Piece of e ousense," said Ota. Dent, in spooking' of tbe perehese of herses for the Oen- Aden) Mounted. 'Rifles by buyers, not ander his direetioi3, ."tVit parties buying in one field for tho saIii 0 purchtiseiele be added.' ' This ereatecte cotepetitiort. : Which had' increeSea . the ,cliffieuety ,.rif., getting horses here: ,061. Dent thought Mecli 'better results .xyoolcl :, beVA .1.ieen, .ettiiiiied it all Canadian .liorseefen ;lige 'its ,Soit tie Africa Were, pees:based tinder ()tie ageoeST:.' Ile ditl'hot seetia'faVaili,,ba: .ly ireprested with theleelaes puvelaise ed, fer :the Meented Rifiese:`ifOri'.3'11",:.aid..:: he;. ss.in Teeny' ea ses they.",:bonght±;Whajt-. we rejected" He iid , o6ttig,,iiias. , of 'ecar•-• city of aoreei.offeeiegatist.tiete, ,tboteela'', the cleineed.threOghhiM: iS '..praetidalli null initeci..-",,'.,:q. - i x.o.tro,' ,-0,144, .5;000..,-,a, ineistiseehe Seed.. The colonel eeitl.:".rer reale, in . ()Maxie 'until' !Man. tyliee ,he ' Will': agairtS visie., Western Vaned*: tie'. Stitek'.e."„PorehOOS,' .r.tgigotr.4A.:'OgisT:..iYeti•011, T44: :::'obo.pt' !p:.:,.,t;,47,4141.641t.:„.' tre; ,'' g '‘,. ' 2,.. ' ', to ,I..,p4b.ti...y.,::for:4241i, iiii?1•014,13; i'''-'''Aetire .;iind teedele4.1;rtio..e14ej.O.tel'Sseert.iiisili; r:se.Aes sseles ,0 i 1 1 0, lese t141.4%.'d.f;Albeb.s.,::'.,Viii.d.0•.-.1)Y 'Opil,et;c1s-"Cf,.:Peigt - - Rai0'.Uilloi' ' ' . THE BURSTING ciF A CROPPEI-1,, Weodstisek, jans5.—Aboat 5 o'clock, on Friday evestiog nL new ehopper burst at the Platteville null and was cotes pletely wrecked. Two employees were standing near by. George Taylor was streak °a the side by a piece of flying atone. and, it is noderetood, is serious- ly iejered. Levi flobee eecinsed un - lied. One piece of stone. tveighing about 70 or SO pound% went through the ceillog, cutting off a joist about 10x3. THE MACOA BEE SHORTAGE, port Ruron, Mich„ Jan. 4.---OfOcers of the Maccabees Supreme Tent mite* bring snit ageinet the Port Roma Sainugs Beak to recover etnuethaug like $50,000 of the etealiug of Ghee. D. Thompson, fornaer ettpreme finance keeper. Thompeen was aisQ teller in the bank. It la elahne(1 tbb StOiea finids Were trust fonds, and emald not legally be converted to make good Ti4Olnp$On'a shortage At the batik, as was 400e. aceordieg to allegations. WRECKED EY ACETYLENE GAS. Owen Sound. Ont., Jan. Se—The acetylene gas generator in the north- east end of the O. P. It, round house exploded about 7 o'clock to -night. The cause is unknewn, The driver of en, ine No. .509 bed tost come in* and lex. Bennett, A wmer in the round house, tried to torn QIX the gas, but was unsuccessful, Thos. Clordon, the tornqr, went to assist bhp. Bennett had pat left the building when the explosion eccorred, 'Imitich almost wrecked tht. round house, When %i - don wa,$ taken from. the Ivrea he WAS horned almost beyond recognition. 11( was attended by doctors who were tristily summoned They pronounced his condition as critical and if Ile re- covered, he would be cripp!ed for life. The concussion was felt in all patts f the town and wrecked most of the windows in the PaCiae firOtet E HINT. In our etyle of elimate, with its stub den changes of tenmeratureesooln, wind aud sunshine often intermingled in a single darS—it is no wander that our children, friends and relatives are so frequently teken from us be ile<w- 1(.00 wide, half the deaths resulting 0 oin dorm; the last, oerente Boselleeo Gel -loan 14ePt "4'113 republivii,l'bound. by the closest your home for immediate vise will pre-_ anti These (seamy ties, tied they are vent Seliona 41clole$9, a 11"ge 11"tAf'" stow for the that One enemies, thanks bill, and perimps death, by the use of to Castro's machluations," three erlolir (loseR- For oiling Con' Regarding Gen, Metes, Andrade re - 8111110m! RellwrvilagQt's PRemmuila- marized that Mato Wan 'immensely rieh, Severe Coughs, Croup, or any disease honorable man perfeet genthe of the Throat or Lungs, its aneeeSS • man. much estecmeteend well supported sinipty NT'ulited"11 °,8 Y°"I' 411.9.ggrl in many quarters, When Castro was will tell Yon• Regular an', 14 el''• overthrown lfatos would possibly be a You ean get Dr. G. G. Green's reliable candidate fur the presidency. Andrade BEEN' OF PRATE 8RIP. 74VOLIUTIQNAttir VXMDITION' OAS' T.A-NPUR, tate neyott aneteet ?ventage"( Ottettea —01evereeteue 141..-elY to Fall at Aoy grime,Ctoitvo's Mno,40,oattoon —Ooretaalent Onnaoat Coatoreat Willemstad, Curaeoa, Jan, 6,—Lete to -day it itecasse dedultely known that General Riera, tbe Venezuelan insurgent leader, and all the other insurgents who Ilea assembled here, embarked en board the Libertador dosing the eight ead landee ise. Venezuelan soil tiles nierning near Vela de Coro, with anee and OW It is reported here this afternoeu that the Libertader has eaptured the Venenielan !janboat Zumbador, /404dOn. Jan. 6.—Art agent it London .41 been remitting half the pay of Use erew of the steenter Ban Rigle receutly re-eamed the Liberteilor, end anW the service of the 'Venezuelen revolutioeiste, te reletivee of the Men* 110 lana now receiveil ordere from the Island of Slertinique to stop payment is it is pre - Sensed here that the British crew are ;us lunger aboeril the stemner. 'Willentsted, Island of Curacao, Jan, 6. —Shortly before midnight last night steamer believed to he the Venentelen revoletionary steamer Liberatador (Den pessed severel times before this, port, signelling to people a -hare. An - ewers to those signals appeared to balm been received from the ehore, tied it is rtetl that the last membere of the revolutionary exp!ditions, who hail 3,4‘ semble4 on this island, embarked on beard the Litertmlor and should have been lauded early thie mousing on the Venezuelan coast, near Vela De Coro, Colon, Colombia, Jan. 6.—Generel Andrade, the former President of Ven- entla, who arrh•ed here from extrema yesterda,y, in on intertiew tide mornings, "It is not V03E11104 lett Castro who the enemy Colembia. The Ven- uelons breve absolutely no desire of ar with Colonebie. Venezuela and directly from this Callee. 4,, bottle of Inwe reeorded coot other as remedies at C. Linees. added that he himself was unwilling to teek reedeetion. TO CURD A COLD IN ONI3 DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggisse refund the money if it fails to eure. 25e, 13, W. Groves' signature is on melt box, ' The offer of five nurses from Can- ada for Sontb:Africa hasheen accepted by the War Office. The C. P. R. rourelhoupe at OW4n, Sound was wrecked by an explosion of acetylene gas, ond one of the em- ployees, Thomas Gordon, was very settously injured. .114fAliB A Z.:OTE Or IT, 'When you are leaving home to buy"The D. Menthol Plasti Plaster. It s guarauteed to cure the worst case of backnche, head- ache, stitches. Avoid everything said to be just as good. Get the genuine made by' Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd, A rather peculiar painful accident happened recently to Ala James Shear- er, 4th concession Eltua. He was up on a beam of bis barn oiling the gear- ing of his windmill when the sleeve of his smock got caught in the cog wheels and bis arm was drawn in to the machinery. The mill was stopped thereby but the full force of the wheel held the arrn fast, and it was an hour and a half before, with the assistance of his wife be was freed. His forearm was badly bruised and a good deal of the flesh cut away by the cogs, Since Father Rode The Goat. The house is full of arnica And mystery profound; We do not care to run about, Or make the slightest sound ; We leave the big piano shut, And do not strike a note. The doctor's been here seven:times Since father rode the goat. He joined the lodge a week ago— Gotinat4a.m. And sixteen breathren brought him home, Though hesa,ys he brought them. His -wrist was sprained, and one big rip lied rent his Sunday coat—: There must have been a lovely time When father rode the goat. He's resting on the coed] to -day, And practicing his signs— The hailing sigual, working grip, And other monkeyshines ; He mutters passwords neath his breath, And other things he'll quote— They surely bad an evening's work 1Vhen father rode the goat. He has a gorgeous. uniform, All gold and red and blue A hat, with plumes and yellow braid, And golden badges, too. But somehow, when we Meetion it He wears a look so grill), We wonder if he rode the goat, -Oe if the goat rode him. ‘"'.[aseee.eees. Rair(tottevelif. _Itave'ati effect be barnes tx.atcd' '. *1th. Eureka Har." ,ness Dn. it re, :sista ilia, damp, . keeps the reata.,, ,sr. ieft and abla.":8thehes.. do not face to chp.fa andcut The -,inuseeieee sea:lesselooking likee- :.,yeears,teilee asibrittiythe ,iforseee JUDGE GWYNNE DEAD. ed Away a▪ t Ottawa EarlY Thin novo I nu% Ottawa, Jan. 7.—Mr. Justice lawynne of the Supreme Court died at 12.45 tbis morning. The deceased gentleman wits In good health until about up to a fort- night ago, when he was obliged to take to bis bed. llo was attended by Dr. R. W. Powell, ono of the most skilful nrate titioners at the cepital, but at his ade vancal age, 110 being in his 8Stli year. ;recuperative power wall leaking. Yes- terday judge Gwynne was prononuced to be very low, and as the day wore on he gradually sank, ;Ind passea, away at the hour stated. The late judge Owynne was quite energetic, despite lus extreme age, and oecupled his usual place on the bench of the Supreme Court during the last term which concluded late In Noveraber Itittt. His mind was bright and active, and his thorough knowledge of law and great experience rendered him one of the most viatica members of the higbest court in Canada. He was a man of dignified but affable manners, and his demise will be deeply regretted. OCEAN RATE W.I.R. Mr. Ellerin:Ws Successor Esrected to Start the Affair. London, Jan. 7. --Commenting 1 the reported appointment of HenryaW) ding of the then of Richardson, Spence & Co., English agent of the American Steam- ship Line, as successor of J. R. talesman, Chairnian of the Leyland Line, which is aceepted as a fact, The Pall Mall Gazette this afternoon says it understands that with the ebange of Chairmanship will be inaugurated a notable war of rates be, tween the American owned lines and the White Star and Cunard lines. SPLENDID I S OL/LTION. — ' Mr. Chamberlain Again Finds COln. fort in Colonial Support. London, Jan. 6.—Speakang -at Birining- ham to night Mr. Chamberlain referred to the hatred and jealousy of Great 13re tain entertained abroadatiel denied that this was due to the existence of a yar- tieularly wieked Government. "This is no new thing'in history," be said; "and we must Maintain our Splendid isolation, surrounded and supported by mu coloni- al kinsfolk." ! :DORT 'DIMON atnievaeaoat esorterplo Only Ona NO7o!..!Lefi to elaueta: Grntnt •-• ' etreriiier naseeetiee Port Ilermia.jenasssealioseleyetee,afi, Ilte. Port ,.litieciu'EiCeateeaCeiteetey evas totaily,eseteeyee by to:night.,_ea'aiSr'. ' leeeesSheS �lie elevator- in,' . this :City s to„, !1:4)11*.ayfront upper lake po1s Tho linaiicialles is jx25O00. -. • • ' wiXtELIESS ,,TiTZSSAGOD - . . :Pii.,11,f6'Pi.11.i6iiii' 7,.,.,,,,:,e,...e„,.,,t,' :i„,:',...1.7.,''..,,..i.,i,,..,:-.,,,1:.,,,,;',',.‘:71:1,'iri.-0*.,t,d,,,,f:a.ell'4.:.,:xk,:::“.,.i, .10...n.r'..1.'1.1 1ktra'4''''!'j'il*.b:'''''t:i,j14'-'1;a1VOn.-'n'7'.'',..',..',,,, .., s . Noff.611-c;:el '.i/Y.:'ai''''''''1:.1,;..e'a,',':„.s-7bre•1')'''.t4'71'..1'4..:' a Tiii,eesen,'enci.:1,),?,011;1.8'' . i--ee.a ietli,. i',.I.0.. iti:',,,:i'li' t:e071,6:0i.la,:::'6:1:., el''::::,.16,,, ,,,,$'s:i.,,;.4,'v.;4,,,::„9.:.0.,;::-.*h;1;::'.,.:;,ili'''' :lit,;:;,t,o,1:..i.:1;if' v. II.' i g.,1;,.:- ' ,,,Ave6I'§ ''''J°.ii..,'',.''°, 11:.-,:11qii'.1r4sdt'46-fri''''';Ii9O-?ris..ti,a'-'01,'-.1:1-:0,3i.i,..\4'''Itt) tea.wirietesesee .. distance, :Ii,f:...ilea4:,s20 - ( K& K&K- BL0ci::":. POMO szs seeosnt or its terrible egeets, blood disease la Called the itleg 0all (Mitoses. It may he either hereditary ercontraeted; Rawl:die It way net be n eriete to have' the disease, it Lea. erme to pgrmIt It to remain. ht the, systeia. It may manifest itself ha the form of actotula* Aczonina rikengclAtig PAWS, stiff or etwoueneares, ttsletwee of the akin* 4raptiono or blotcheNstieerele the month or on tho tougae, Etre throat, out of haireosorderestatemasit, atul geiter41 depression Of the apogee Ilion have aoY a the4.OiY4ipeOtO,* 404t A*RUCt IrOtt 44,7O no telcOO to ewer Beware et eted fogyli treatment -•beware of miaeralpolsoao-r• beware of Quaoki. and Paktre, 0111Va rmw MEYWIROD _ is guaranteed tecure title disease, rt,Ter to cetera. Pat* 00108 Win protect yea* Our treatment 1. MA injurious le any way, but reeeheli the too' root of the disease and elinitnte, alt,p9isoa from ate system. The symptoms of disease gradually disappear. :The bloodhecentes pure aud enriched, the whole system Is cleansed and purified. and the patteat feels prepared anew l'oz the duties and the pleasures of life. CURED GUAkilikAVTIMD OR NO PAY. 25 Yours in potrot. 249,000 CA:trod, Oust:14010n Free, Question Blank tor Home Treatment and Books Free. DRS.M!NN IJIY& KRGAN Con Illteldgan *me, and labelby ittg, Detroit, litcho KL.KK K K 40+410.24+44.44,1444+44 The lung or Ikon& 4.13,,,,c1 klapper Then T tocekxdy IIande ar. BreNies to e.feet The Nappy Thougbtaange, and it's tite Range that ardent copiers have telten their cue frenn, ; ; ; ; : ; Rappy Thought Ranges are =axle in 6 4ierent sizes and 72 di r nt styles. They have all 4' the latest practical ilnprove- uleuts such as the CQrIugute4 ' Ove • P ,r lino a 1 T and a'rharouglx Z Ventilatien, appy Thought Their Cuell *Aiir Oven : • 150,000 Canadian Coale* I14...Imam:pond, Them, 41P4P4IP Write for illustrated pamphlet, NetrafoettiXed by The Wni. Rack Stove Co.,, Iiimited, Brantford : • sorm HEAMA1sT, Exeter Ont. Mishter Grogan fitaiotth Expositor. "rill in a quandary," says Clancy to me last 1.3athurdie. "There'sfourshows condo' to town nit walte an' I met fiford to to: thim idlin, I've spiet so much limey n'ata waT au' another (Idealy another) dome tie wake, Moodie *might there's a play in th' Town Ball intoitled "Th'Noinination," or "Who's th' Lucky 11janr Ivey pathriotic au' loyal CifiZeri shad take that in, au' in th' wurds iv th' North Ward Comedian *ri1 do me dooty." Thin there's 'Uncle Tom's Cabin, an' I haven't missed that fur tit' lasht forty years or liss. An' the Band Concert ‘Vinsilt0 noight—'tis both n. dooty an' plishure to a Ulna that. An' Freida' taught th' "Dainty 'Middy' wilt be on th' hoods, an, what man cud objict to a Dainty 'Widdy?" sick an' toired iv Uncle Tomi's Cabin," I says. "Pee seen It so often I know it nif he heart, from th' toime Uncle Tom runs across th oice wid Maize in his =tuns till he's gittin' Addy to go to th' ilia land itt th' lasht act. An'' thetlitile spache iv Uncle Tom's—'To be or not to be, that's tit' difilculte—sure ivrybody knee's all about it." •crigre somewhat mixed." says Clancy. “Ye've gob Ilamlitenixed in wid it somehow. wnd lo:ke Uncle Tom better iv they didn't have so many deaths in th' family. Av it wasn't Inc Topsy an' th' ould maid ye moight as well be at- tendin' tt funeral. In th' fursht place little Eva takes the grip an' doles amidst th' wails iv tie nagurs th' donkeys an' th' blood hounds. Thin whin ye're mtherested in Marks th' lawyets Ottld Vinks he's been here long enough, an' he doles too, but he turns up met year jist as regular." t'ink it's Lb" procession that makes it so Impeder," says Clancy. "A pro- cission an' a band will draw a crowd ivry toime. An' thin I suppose th' cludkeys has something to do wia it. There's a sort iv affioity between thim an' some folks. An' thin agin, it's a sort iv a religons play,a n' that atthracts th' goody goody payple. 'Tis a good ixcuse for thim to see a show wance in a whoile. 'Tis as nath'ral for some folks to go to Uncle Tom's Oabin as it is fur thun to go th" circus. They go as it =dither iv come, au' they'll go agin next year, annto will I. Ye may say, "That's me lasht trip to Uncle Tom's Cabin," but th' moment ye see th' blood -hounds an' thdonkeys it's all up wid yer good rissylutions an' ye borry a quarther might away." "Yell be gain' to see the Dainty Widdv?" I says. will, says °limey. ``Ay' there's annything I Mike it's a dainty wumman, whither she be married. or single. A Dainty Widdy, wid a dainty shkurt an' a dainty jacket an' a dainty hat is ;Pet about all a man cud wish fut . ID ell Wa'y iv um ri t MOSS. Bili put a sloechy pair ia shoes on her en' wheris her e am truss . Did ye ever see th ins M eRherson two dolls r shoes thnt Tole Richardson do be seine now? Th eve's. jist dandies. Chaps air good ale dainty. Me in leans says she wreldn't be winont thine ' Whin tle PDIercvirity iciguti? Irk ye two tvei' raisontt'itVC)aW1 1V.1 hne "X). ^ GROGAN. THE USE OF STRONG 80AP 1. WILL4A114' 4ThDYE 0 Lif :0 , Ott's; 'Ond Are- aliSoltitel ,gtreni.;Seal.y aeXp gee itt sutilight, .eito tirit -.Starts.eie:.'fade these.'imperishable eiSlarsi...s',NoS•Olthee.'d,YeS '14 the world ,haeerseeeheiv'etaititatierattit ':atree:gtIS; Diamond f)3'es:4re,,, the :.ineati:'.'eeOil ..g..4:Srp;,o.tiiapaeltoge will etilae" es.nin,eti i,i;titeetal as' three" eitelta' 1± you liire not yet scan thenew and :-tittapOto:.pioiti,00tt Dye,A,.pwipvt.t,114 ' 011511) BUMP The Exeter Mem e tilt Dec. 3Ist 1002 $1.00 The Advocate, 'Weekly Midi and Empireand choice of twoprem- ituos 15x23, two.color pictures, balance of MI free......... , 1.7e The Advocate, Family Herald and 'Weekly State and three beautiful pictures, 1 year 1.75 The Advocate, and Farmer's Ad- vocatte, balance 1001 free.... 1,85 The Advocate, and Toronto Weekly Sun 1.75 TheAdvocate, and 'Weekly Globe balance 1001 free . . .. . .. 1.60 The Advocate and Toronto Dale ly World, 1 year. ........ , 3.00 The Advocate and Toronto Dai- ly News, 1 year.. ...... 2.25 The Advocate and Toronto Dai- ly State and picture of King Edward, 1 year 2.50 The Advocate and London Free Press 1.75 The Advocate Montreal Daily Herald, and Picture of King Edward VII 1.75 The Advocate and London Daily News. 2,50 The Advocate and Daily Adver- tiser. 2.50 The Advocate and. Weekly Ad- vertiser. . 1.50 The Advocate and Weekly Wit- ness . 1.00 We can furnish any other paper yott want, no matter where printed, at clubbing rates, address ADVOCATE, EXETER, ONT. esetterediVeiliteleareersa-iteVeftWaiitTe i; MAKE THE AM PAY ▪ Progressive stock breeders, dairy- men, poultrymen, grain, root and fruit growers, beekeepers, agricul- .1; tural students, and home makers find the articles and answers to questions in every issue of the I FA R F R'S AEDITCAT. end ROW; seeteeeeset smiply.unequa.11ed and If you are not a1reau3- to theInciet helpful, best printed an..1 beautifully illusaated farmer's papo. published, we invite scrutiny of a sample copy. A post card NVi1.1.11ri.1 it 'free, Address : Ttog PS. ---Th e subscri) 1.1 i pro- per year, inclades s ,Xtnas NuMber. ffivftwvagmfeaw.,tiz,y Mayor llowland was re-elected by majority of 4,049 over Mr. W. -F, Biacleal), M. P, Ty,.,,it mtuiN A,T.tsalIA0P,:um.%Ept1114eNT flije}sMt 01)3. market affords 1egardle8 of expense. 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