HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-1-2, Page 8EC S 0Doiet. watcli the clock," (le seves place in the pules of Ally young: man who is AM bitiOUS aDd striving for I success in any line. Doti% he A Witte server. Remembo that you Are work- , ing, for mom> thau a stipulated sum for a stipulated numberof hours, Keep your employer in your debt by doingu little more or a little better work than is aetually required, of you, aud sooner or later there will come a day a reckoning when you will get your pay, Au iirtiele which will prove of the widest interest to all those engaged in teaching or who may be intere4ed education, is one in the January' Cos- mopolitan by Elisha Benlatuin Au drew, ex -President of Brown I:Traver- SitYy. W110 for the first time, in a lead- , big magazine, has had the courage to show the great evils resulting from the private contraet sehool-book system - educational oiacials eerrupted, sehool- books, often the poorest selected, and the prices paid by the ehildren them- selves a the highest -an annual tax g,oing up into the millions whicb be very easily avoided if the proper organization were brought into this etrevt. Xpecials. you want a suit or an Ove Mkt call. and F.ee our specials. d and Sege suits, worth. WA for $14.00 Twecil Suits. worth $17.00 for $13.00 Overcoats with Yoke, worth .00 tor $1)3.00 1 Overcoats w rth $1.S.00 for $15,00 Panthip. r,mt&tag,s wa1 to der fo $ SIM nd $304. t gatra wee (iOODS EROUtifIT HERE WILT, BE C FREE OF CI1A.R GE, erieve's old steal, opposite poetoffice . TAMAN .74'99"r"""v41 AL DOINGS, refeeleetttleteenteteetteteatte teepees oz :timidity. Jan- 1thly Pim Belong Pawder hnk bv ('.ute, Eseten Wellien'zi beets and ehoes half soled, cente a peke Ono Manezox. Coatne luats mid Ames Ira soled, 33 t440 cents ;t pair. Ono. MANSON. We held eoie all mens line boots and Aloes for 33' to •leteifilliS peir. Ono. Idetteeox. A full aesortment of Perfumes snit. able for Neale. presents at C. Ltitz's drug atore. Exeter. Mr. Geo. 'Miners, has moved with hie ttvo sisters into the bowie vacated by R. C. V. Trvinalee, tm Huron etreet. Robt. Luker has 4.eceived word st the illuess 4 her brother. Richard Ipker, thtnanotple, letge is quite kaw. 4L00 in utivanee pay e for the Aden. eate till January 1, 19ire. If yon want to please a Mend send them the Advocate. It is reported that there is a eingl twee of sinaypos in rshorne township, bet we are in doubt as to the authen- ticity a the repoet, ns no one seems to know where it s located. he porse ontaining a sum of mou- sy and a note, lost by Mrs. John !fett- er:tau, of Stephen, and advertised le IOLA week's ,Advocate, happened to be " ked up by an honest mate:11ln Thos. _ ipton, of the same township, who tan returned it to the rightful owner. Brnssels Post; -B. Gerry received it very nice Christmas present on Mon- day in the shape of an ebony walking vane Nvith a, goldihead, with his initials thereon. Mrs J. V. Crocker, of Exeter Ur. Gerry's instep, was Santa Clause. B., G. will now be in position to put on style. r I 15o. the dozen for choice marina - oranges ...et Stewart's The grand jarors who visited the noose of Refuge -recently reported, "They foetid 77 inmates and some of them poorly clad; Mr, and Mrs,French are well adapted for the work allotted them." The inmates enjoyed their taestomary Christmas dinner, on Wed- nesday. It is supposed that all the rooms of the Exeter Public school will be opened on Monday morning next. At the time of writing a principal has not Iret been appointed, but a number of applicants from first-class teachers have been received by the Secretary of the Trustee Board, from which we are assured a choite will be made. A case of smallpox has broken out Hensall, a yoang man named Kydd, son of Geo. Kydd, of that village, hav- ing recently returned frem Manitoba, brought the 'disease with him and he is now quarantined at his home there. RIG to be hoped the dread disease does not spread any further in that town. I $3.50„ $3.75 and $4.00 ter of$ far drevieg gauntlets; *MO forlargest size Snkatehewan Robes. Stewart's, .ee fvste1ss chandeliers, com- with lamps, for sale cheap, apply ds olive. et Felted, n Exeter, on Chriettnas eve, r netnntlet. Finder can heve same - 'Meg at this office and paying for LIS notice. eve Advocate. Every fanner should have a fet n journal, and there is none better the J;'armere Advocate. The ADVOCATE and theFarmere' Anvoeeeru till JOUR- ary 1903 for SW. 'MU PAitity wittew. i The play entitled "Titat Dainty Widow' was put on in the Opera, .........e..... IStewart' has ;t,. big fur sale on. 'Bargains are tile order. .................... • Messrs Beverley & Huston,who have been cooductingapartnersliipfurniture business here for the past year or more, last week dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Hutton .willcontinue the business in the old- stand, Gidley's ... Oera, 13lock. We have not learned what Mr. Beverley's intentions are,but ' itis to be 'hoped lae Will continue to re- side' with us.. , Miss Collins, who came up from Lon- don -to spend New Year's day , with AfissFanny Eatter, met With a very naSty secident while a,t-the home .of , ieafititter; , On Tuesdayeaight, basing • stepped. in to aii , open trap ' door -and fell into the cellar, sestaining a severe- ly eprained abkle, and was otherwise bedly- shaken up. .. ,She returned to 46r , twine', WeApcs407.1110 t. •. , The f oi.i0witig fram the4l'siew Yof-k, Charcbroan of last week,hasleference to' A 1,,fornier ..ilector of., the 'Trivia Itternorial Chnrelee--“Netice' is hereby ' given. that an the' 13th, of ''..DeOeln)./er, 19°17 ..9' chlist LII,N,P,f?tRit,I:otbi: -reseno0 tie' t,he„, g Jahn A. Chapin, - , ea,„Jued tne-e.evite , my/y. Ministry, -Vetiosett. fr'atite,hiown ittlne fde., t latyir est , Htintt, t.mvectija ,eenoral haraittl'erigavO.R:"8341•36°t4; ;Thos..; elDavie% x ho "r), latuga ' House here, Monday and Tuesday evening, drawiug very slim audiences wiz tweasione. A few of the cher- acters wete very good, especielly that of the Dainty Widow aud the vio- Meet, hut apart from these the com- panys simply no good. eporeeieted. The following from Mr. H. Towle, of MaeGregor, Man., is one of the many testituoniee of appriciation of the AnvoeeTte that we receive at this tiw renewol season. *elly time bas expired for the Globe and Anvoneene and I feel that I cantaie live without the Anvoeneen, I would just as soon think of living alone on some desert teland as be without it now." Resigned the' riticipeisitip. 1r. S. J. A, Boyd, who has been Prineipal a the Exeter Public School, for the past two and a half years. last week resigned the position, and left on Mouday last foe Hannah, N. Dakota where he will assume eharge of a ewspaper in that plaee. Mr. Boyd as a teacher has few equals and is uniformly obliging and poptdor. His resignation Mille as A great surprise and his many friends regret to hear that he has deeided to leave town. 1.O. F. Meet Officers. At the regular meeting of Court,123, Independent Orderyoresters, held on Friday night the following officers *ere elected for 1002. viz:-R'N. Rowe, 0„ II, C. R., J..4. Rollins, physici- an; James Aeilith Rollins, Jr:, P. O. R.; Balkwell, C. Re Martin Salter, V. C. R.; Geo. E. Anderson, R. Sec'y; A. G. Dyer, F. Seey; Same], Martin, Troasuer; 3as. Weekes, 'S. W.; re Ma- guire, 3. W.; Nelson G. ICeddy, S„ B.; David Mill, I. 13. Officers lustelled. At the last regular meeting of Leb- anon Forest Lodge No. 133, .4 14`. and A. Me held on St. 'John's night, Fri- day, the following officers were duly installed for the ensuing year, R,Carung, W. AL; Rob't Knight, S.W.; L. B. Dickson, 3. W.; G. A. K. Me - Lead, Chap.; B. S. O'Neil, Treas.-, C.H. Sanders, Sey; II. N. Anderson, S. D.; Dr, Amos, 3, D.; W. 0. Heston, 1. G.; T. 13. Carling, Sr. Steward; T. Fisher, Jr. Steward; E. Christie and N. D. Burdon, Finance Com.; Dr. Sweet Dir. Ceremonies; S. Sweet, Tyler, Oristildill Sold. The Exeter grist mill, which- has been owned and conducted by Messrs. Jos. Cobbledick & Sere on Monday last was sola t Messrs. Thomas arid joseph Barvey, of Hay and Usborna, respectively. Possession will be given March 1st, 1902. Both are men of prin- cipal and honor and without a doubt will make a success of the business. We understand Messrs. Cobbledick & Son will be compelled to run the rnill night and day for some time in order to reduce the heavy.stock of wheat on hand. r Jelin Beaman, of London, spent •Nwith. Just think a ADVOC ! chgaP Readhlg. ew Year's day w his sou W. it! The ATE, l‘lontreal Herald and a picture of Id - ward VII. for $1.7$. See c,ad" in an- other celutan, sneind be Curbed The disgraceful scene opposite the Presbyterian clutreli Thursday night last, by two or three young men from 110,y township, is another illustratien, U any were 'needed, ef the nevessity of eurbing the disposition and lan- guage of men who make our Nein street a place for the use a vile slang and for conduct unbecoming any respectable class of men. That the air should reek with bad language and suiting words is evil enough, and it is time tbut steps were taken to prevent such eharacters as we refer to making disgraceful public: exhibitions of them- selves, Free Speech and the right of every man to express bintself and pOrately is clearly limited ley the proprieties of social intercourseand the amenities of pablic life, but a bias - Phonons barangne such as was exhibit. ed on Thursday tight is roost disgrace. Ail to any iviUze4 eenintimitY. An example of such characters is about the only means to bring them to their senses. $1.39 for chairs grey Zersianiamb fur caps; $12.50 for men ustralian ceon fur CMOS; $32.50for men's prime dark Canadian coon coats. Three of the biggest fitr bargains that we know of. Tleey're nt Stewort'e., M44140101*. The meeting held in the Town Hall on Monday evening for the nottein- etion o Reeve, cooncillors and School Trostees wa well attended. Atetbont o'cloele Geo. fl. Bissett, town clerk, took his seat. and after Ing the the object of the rneetiog, record- ed the following notninatiuus, vie: - Fon RnE'vvee-W, K Levett by Jas Deer aott I. A. K. McLeod; 1 Arm- strong, by D. 11141 and A. G.Dyer; W.G. Bissett, by J.Toni. and L. HerdY; A. Q. Bolder. etos. Davis and R. Rogers; T. B. Carling by E. Christie end R. It. Rogers. -Fon COX.T.Neaa,..014----John 'Wood by lueeitutuu and Jas„ Weeks; John Muir by Jas. Weekes and E. Magoire; L. Herely by T. B. Carling and D. Mill; Jos. Davis by A. Q. Bobiee and S Pop stone; L. MeToggert by Foplestone and A. q, Mohler; F.sans by W. J. Calling and Thos. sett; Woe Harding by J. D. Atkin. san and W. Johns; 0. A. Ross by N. ft Colibledicin and T. 13, Carling; W. , Leven by J. A. Rollinsemd C. IL Sanders; L Armstrong by Q. 11. San* tiers and N. D. Hutton; Jos. Senior hvJ. At. Rollins and C. H. Sanders. e 'FOR (WOOL TRCSTRE. W. 3. Vert - lug by John Evans and L. H. Dickson; H. E. Huston by. J. At, Stewart and II. Spackman; P. Frayne by T, 11.Mc- Callum and E. J. Spacknian. During the hone for reeeiving nom- inations Dr. Tette was called upon to present to the ratepayers and those intereated a statement of the finauees and a brief talk on matters coneerning the cemetery. 'be Doctor dealt with the luatter in a very creditable and forceful manner, pointing out the many improvements that had been accomplished and the needed and neeeuy improvements that were Yet iequired to be done in order to get the grounds in a properand creditable con- dition, During the evening- several other gentlemen were called upon in same behalf after whieh a vote of the meeting was taken and put on record, asking the incoming council to grant a liberal SUM to further prosecute the work. The vote was taken and carried ummimously. At the conclusion of the bora, for receiviug nominations the town clerk was asked to resume the chair when the usnal addresses followed. The old council all being present, except councillor Muir, who has not yet re- turned from the Old country, gave an account of their stewardsbip for the past, year, showing a very creditable record to which not a great deal of fault was fonnd. Several of the nom- inees were also present and responded as they were called. Since the nominations all have with- draevn from the field except the follow- ing,viz:-For Reeve W. H. Levett and I. Armstrong. For eonncillors-Iohn Muir. Jos. Davis, John Woad, Wm. Harding and L. MeTaggart. There being only three nominated for school - trustees they were elected by ecclam- atiou. Volt Wascittski-Gillespie. , A quiet house wedding took place at the residence of Mr. John Gillespie, Wednesday, when his third daugh- ter, Etta, was married to Mr. Stan M. Von Wascnski, of Detroit. Rev. R. Millyard perfornaed the ceremony about three o'clock in the afternoon which was witnessed only by the rela- tives of the bride. The bride was giv- en away by her.father while the cus- tomary assistantswere dispensed with, there being no best man and no maids of honor. The happy. couple, tiook the evening train for thew new home in Detroit. May this be a most peace- ful and happy voyage through life's vicissitudes, .. Won the Parlor Suite., • The keY...Contest conducted by Mr. R. II. Sweet was lit:might to. a close on Saturdaylast, 'MT. R. N. ,Bowejleid- ingthe hickY keythatNon'the a handsome parler -The ctest was a 'noVel one. ...)V-...keY onwas- given with every $1 putchase -of goods, -arid the party holding thelueley key. -that wOuld 'unlock a padlbek," that waS 'at; tact:led', to- arpiece ef the furniture got the Set. dt Bundreof keywereout, :aria= SatardayAll gathered- at the store to try theit luck,ljut tliete eould only be ene, that falling.ta MreROwe. it ' , has been hieted that. it ' was, not, a 'fair, deal and that the furni- tnre.: had. been. petchaded freeze 'Mt'. Rwe'This latter statement is peel- tieelyanitrop a the writer saW ;the inVoide (7f,the goads :which, wad sent by the Great Weetern Silver *are Co. of Chatham; arid 'we, have everY reason' to,thinkithe,OtheleStatelnents of un ft4rile$ ttr-6 -e41.41%7' 37-176196'147a6214124wm PERSONA.Lg:1 etteeeetsevatementateeneemeaketnet Miss Olive Wright, of Loudon, is home. Miss Xinsman is visiting friends in Mitchell, Miss E. Huston is visiting friends in' Mitchell. Miss Merle Goula is visiting friends in Brown City, Mich. Mr. Ed. Gorby, of Seaforth, spent Sunday in town. Miss Webb, of 'Jensen, is visiting friends in town. - Mr. "U. Cunningham spent New Year's day in Toronto, Miss Gussie Bolla.tid has returned hotne from Wallaceburg. Mr. John:Williams, of Zurich, was in tovvn to -day (ThursdaYe) Miss McKay, of London is the goes of Miss Ethel Farmer. Miss Ruby -Pickard,' of London, i$ .Miss V. Jewell, ot BoWanville, the guest of her sister, Mrs. N. B. Oobblediek. Mr. John Taylor, of Chicago, re- turned to his borne, Exeter North, WedneSday. Me. and Mrs. 0. ICnight, of St. i Thomas, spent the holidays visiting friends in town. The Misses Friend, of Tendon, are the guests of their cousin Miss Ility Armstrong. Mr. And Airs, Will Ross, of Clinton, spentNew Year's day with theformer s parents hoe. Mr. 3. V. Crocker, wife and son pent, atew days laet weelewith friends in Hohnesvilte. Miss Id; L. Brock, of Waste's, spent a few days here this week, the guest of Airs. 3, Johns. Mrs. John Chappel has returned . home from spending the holidays -With friends in IteheU Mr. jolin Crooks, of Clinton, spent New Yeat's day- in town, returning Thursday, zooming. Mr. Rola Leathern reterned Mon- day front London, where he spent tlae Christmas holidays. Mrs.(Rev.) Holnaeswho was visiting relatives here, returned to her home in Brussels, Monday, -MISS AIAPY Beaman and her cousin, Miss Belle. Ileitinathare visiting friends and relatives in town. AU. and Mrs. Gerry, of Brussels, spent New Years in Exeter, the guests of Mr and Mrs. j. V. Crocker. Mr. John White, of Windsor, who spent a few days in town during the week, returned to -day Thursday. visiting friends in town, mee, Simpsone of London, is' the guest of Mrs. R. S, Lang. Alien Myers, who has beeu mimed in London for spine time, returned home last week and will remain for a time. Mr. J. A. Stewart was confined to his bead through illness last week, but we Are pleased to state that he is again eble to be around. Mee Wm. Dayman of Whitewood, N. W. T., arrived he town this mom - log, and is the guest 4 his brother- indaw, Mn. John T. Westeett Mr. Wm, Greenway, who bus been • visiting friends here for the past few weeks. left for his home in Crystal (.'ity, Man., Tuesday morning., Mr, Those Ileaman, of Hargrave Man., is spending a few weeks with friends in and mound town, the guest of his father, Mr. Jerry Beaman. Mr, Thos. 1`,Zorthye of Fort LInron Mich, and wife and family are visiting friends in and around Exeter, the guests of Mrs. Northy's father, Mr, John Front of Usbortne The holiday season brought the customary pleasant reunion of the Hogarths at the .Old lamily home Elnalale; those from a distance being Mr. J. W. from Roseeille,the Fro- feesor from Hamilton and Miss E. J. from. London. Mr. Wm. Zoe left New Year's morning for Nebraska. Mr. Yoe bas been in Xniling heelth for some years. • and he thinks a change of eliulate will better his condition. It is to be hoped ' that the cbange will have the destred resat and that he may ere long be re- . stored to his former good health. M. .1. g for the English. Church Ministry,' left 'Monday evening for Crumlin, where he will resume charge of the parish. Mrs, F. Frayne attended the mar- riage of her sister, Miss Johnston, in London, New Year's day. On her re. turn home she was accompanied by her father, Mr. Johnston,who remains her guest for some time. Miss Muggie Macuamee. who has been residing in Woodetook for the past few weeks, spent Christmas with friends in town, leaving the :following morning.for Ann Arbor, Mich., where she will m future reside. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Landwer, after spending their honey moon in Toronto and. Niegaria Falls, returned to town Saturday and spend a few days with the latter's patents - Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hicks, prior to leaving for their home on RiyebSide, California. SEE!) TIME AND HARVEST. A good time to think most soiously otthe harvest, is seed time. The Ae- cision you make then will determiele t5e, value of yonr crops later. The growing competition in seed selling is an increasing temptation to unscrup- ulous dealers to make extravagant claims fog their seeds, both in price and producing qualities. The wisest farrnereare those who are influenced • roost by what experience has proven to be gotta and true. Thousands of seed sowers in all sections of the. coun- try. sow Ferry's famou's seeds year after year, and have the satisfaction of good harvests to justify their con- tinued fidth in the Ferry firm. Tney pay a few cents more at seed time, but realize many dollars in better crops at the harvest. The natural consequence of this confidence is an ever increasing, besiness. D. M. Ferry & Co. sent out last year more seeds tholean y other seed house bethe world. Tbe 1902 catalogue of this house is now ready and will bp found a useful guide in selecting the choicest seeds for the farmer, the 'truck gardener and the flower gardener. It is sent free on re- quest. Address D." M. Ferry & Co., Windsor, Ont. , Miss Rosa Fitzpatrick, Of.leendoneiee thiegiiestof MreeN. MeetveV... Mee. 'Fkaek Foreet; epeet. . . .. . . Setiday with -hi e :parents.,,,here..-: • Frank TaYlOr, 'Lot; Letittale,i Spent.Stiee day Abider the par.:elite!, lelef heree, . : r , ' Broderick, Of. :LOradoti. Spoiat'StindaYWItlifri'eradstrateWn. , , . • Mies , Mee& ofNew', Yerk eiter; retttrnedhorne - sa:tnrdaY:night.; . „ .etitid.:MeSe 11.6116A-41 „.epente..e.' fewdays itt t. Marys;,,thie Xr.Bennett;,, Of:TorOn to, is the gue St2., Of L.liteiciaogliter, 'Stewart.' •WilSa•Craig,',.•; is tbe guest,of Visiting,ak her lewit. • „ n Jellies 7' ' ;ireservestezdidekleii, spreid 'a thin boating of , • Er.REHNED he 'eiseltideli pioae titurg, , !Ptrioltetin°16r4aroltg sI:-, UIGfUiifl ii:toten IMPERIAL 011. CO 'IrrAllneeseguerin, zsmenawentszunomns" JACK ST We have again placed into Stook another Shipment of LADIES' • JACKETS se have now a very large assortment to chose from. Every , body who needs one of these garinents for fall and winter wear should make use of this grand opportunity and secure orie as early as possible. , It is needless to give colours and pewee as you will find any shade and price to suit yourself right here. We might also call your attention to Fur Goods they are bQaquamer to move out, It is well to buy early • 41 this OENTLEMEN. Our Ready-to-wear Clothing Stock is com- plete. So when you want your tieW Suit or Overcoat just call at the old reliable. E. J. SPACE:MAN. 11eadquartra San the Celebrated W. B. Sandford Ready Made Clothing. ...._„ostimmwomommilowineimumwomi urn ture .'Etnportum GOOD VALUE YOUR MONEY'S WORTH Th,at's what every one wants when buying furni- ture, and when value is coupled with new and, up-to-date styles, it makes a combination, which is certain to win. trade, these are the points which have made our furniture business what it is and vrhich, will continue to increase it in the future, Picture framing and all kinds pairing promptly attended to. LINE.ticua bIPCTORS W C. Huston, OPERA ROUSE BLOC :xotgrIal Itato Agncyl R•HICKS IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm ID' YOU WANT TO Bay or Sell Town Property IF YOU WANT TO Borrow or Lend Money IF YOU WANT • Collections Made IF YOU :WANT Your Life insured IF ,e7 OTT WANT.;.TO Go to the Old Country By ALLAN LINE • CASH PAID FOR FI1RS. Oil 'At' the lindersiped Jon* SPACKMAN, Office over H. Spackman's Hardware. Exeter. 119411101010 cel2 ro • A CHEERFUL CALL TO CHRISTMA.SBITTERS. Beautiful gifts, never so cheep. Our fine display of Holiday Goods is open and ready. The newest nov. elties, the best selections the most appropriate presents for one and all at fairest prices. Chri*tmas Aftractions. Do not fail to come in and see our Christmas Attractions in Watches, Cloaks, jewelry, Silverware Nov- elties, etc. A new supply of Wedding Rings and Marriage Licenses for the Christ - teas Rush. 5 Standing Offer. For one-year from Dec. lst for every baby born in Exeter and., vicinty we will give a baby ring or pin. Mothers, bring in your babies and get fitted. The Obk5-q. 104 4pitit1nf,'" ;The:.1)Onfinipit ent , . , , , to.itdopt.a 41.13.0,-v!, . tn,?inVeStigate',the'TPV0sP6:00-tOis!.',.- " R. HICKS. .46diaatqadetralikAltrAMWASAMMffi 11=A Progressive stock breeders, dairy - poultrymen, grainre..root and 'fruit growers, beekeepers,. agricul- ttiral, students and home makers find the articles and answer's to , gnestrens,. to, . every issue 9f. the and 1-10ME IVIAGAZWE simply unequalled' andintiisi)6.0ble. .11 you are not already a: ,stals,briber `-te the -most helpful; beSt piinfecl7and •,beautiftiny.illostrated fartner's..pap,04.- - published, „we -invite .serutirly of a. F2';'• , saaiple ,Copy.': A poSt,ard 'will it free., Address : Yleitifelet,,W*1.0 ',LONDON, . .5.--r-The.,,seiSerit • Lt)er 'yeari inctddes ali%) tho bl4 Xmas Number " Agenl'a 5