HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-1-2, Page 60
TRY IS ON T2 -3::Q
,who bvvnothing to lose -and thel
S'oeinlists, for At is well known Viet
*Veit a tax would, hi France, gezeliln
assuMe an iaquisitorial eharneter.
Tbe Stote lies One great reeource.--
the rellweer cernpanies. All tile rail -
wan ettncessi011e eitpire within the
oneessions Nay. Be,ne:i.t thirty or forty years. and the
r,seet , o Improve Stnte'n lliees then bene Goveremene pro -
) 't By agneinn to proloag the
conceselons for another twentyeave
Ea5. POP11,11P4P legOK1A Is • or thirty years. the' .stsz.te wouid be
Y snnshinth feIr L'aele to raiee 4100.000,000 -from the
wine. It is also the land erreat railivoy cop:maiden; and this As
e, The State .eterte out witto what, probawy happext soorwr 91.
essemption tliat the French citie amen. eneanwbile„ tot the State is
revenue unit xillo exists role- lapparently spending money In antlein
nenni$ Lepton of the above deal. it CAA MAY
ramie mercy as Cant ee isqiieezeo mit „eau been on the taxpener.
of nine, reeks Joesph Ilreeeretie inn Tbe French taxpayer iea gond.
the Lomien Veen anil• Vet fnt silite",eaeeegoing, jog -trot kiodof mimed ;
of tide it is TanaiDie fr.P.4i the two thr; grua.abies. kick% end -pays,
• ,Iraeet. Let Eee how the Thetate is evidently determinee
Feench enreeroment manages its ite4to try Vie texpaners" powers of re-
e eme. It was estimateti that this tleistanee to the utmost, but let the
yeer the tot el rell,"Ptt.ae from Cll ipmch politiciare bewere They
sources wawa' Ourt to 6.7,1412.06?«"dare wilfully 'Shutting their eyes to
no, and that ten expeenitere would „the future. mid the time may not be
rtzn hAo. .-nieneenneenti, Mace leaving ,far distant when the tax -bearing oni-,
• mt.-10B bet:avg.?. tie the right eido. 'enal. goaded to de5peration by the
Teene estir4ate9„ lhowever..„ were se:_wcipbt of bis load, will throw it. into
mend.3.4 dqkw: ti4it as the vest'at 'the mud. together with those who
of 1,-,-7,tqs of increassed extontlitttre the' are seated oil top.
snzD.f,E, f•••itirice to the geed was getter -
into eel eetiattated dennit et'f, =TING Tawr,s,
inlenell.737. M. tiowsrrer„ laze aetutal
vet-6;ms •_.,!t.?7,.:erce.lily 11°Sek'.edi fac-1,!; The Cry of an Infant
Good for TUtcl Tepth
Not ]ad for Coed Teettk
gasont-1.4141412$g tante Lieten Ihne4r 7SCI.An
4,ona te- matt tor Mertes, 6.,wtple tor p..0s4t4e ser
14,1, 4 Itnctent. noSnattin
eges, without let or hindrance. An
insta.uccv in point, is Poole, in
Dorsetshire„ which was made ft, -port.
at the expense of Meicombe, which
was At the time PlAcc a some im-
C portence, but hae since greatly di-
mankonoi$:lieledolit'ubQtrtheleuil-Co Kin, or sore_eo,ne t
may erect, a besseon, er seemark
whom he hon. delegnted authority,
is titat its epee** may enter any
naan's lend to erect fortifications, if.
such ere deemed necessary for ea-
tionel protectiori. preset a num-
ber of west powerful fort,s lie hidden
• the beautiful coverts of the Ii4tri
of IdoeurtnEdgeMnbe, along the Corn-
isb coast. just beyond Devenport.
Tire Xing is Patron Pareneent
COOXID STOB Tenn, BOER tatiol iibe:fell"esuyinliEvinnVitrodi atfY threeasP°4;
WAR WITH A WORD. neglects to OH vaettet Parish, the
King is at liberteeno APOoint tds
wn nominee, who will immediately
ke over the vacant living,
en -
y its reVentles,-London Anewere.
XXL5 Ara▪ jesty'a Vowero Are
Wider Than Atesst Deople
1 you happen to have a nitre,
Mine in your back garden, the King
is Perfeetly liherey to gout some -
gee to dig out the mineral. TilA cid
law wilicix gave the CrOWO tttia right,
has uever beta repealed, The coact,
Went waS made In days valve kaat-
pare .was a ranch rarer and more ex-
estIontstr4 EF.:::,11:.X4. it vo,is tnoegnt Si„,fmal of Dtstrcss. ,„Isensive conarnodity than it is
thet tne Ferree.. of wo
reeetete uldej 1 „
Covoe th'n ennOt. The calemiationli Parolee never etT PateFi there is Pr„esent. Oild WWi the very existence
ti,i, tsw:cstg ctat! to be %vivre. for. es !jeattee voey gotel rrasea for it, The ''of 'In, kingdom Might ateliva,d UPOn
t.wv:'-'r4i1 .w:ittP1 ae, ri:;4ffet eettniatee,!nny of a bone N nava," warologssullielent supply of gurspowner.
Itr15,,-; is far tee eine niee menthe of :sif,cfral that there in something wrong. The Killg "PaY be Called the figure -
tin! enor a nencitt nalence of ..C.3.-lit-4gy ieuistlets ought to aet. to w,orit hteft at the Constitution ; but his
etass.or5t. ow," evern ileelineen tiert;ineleedianny to tali one whot that 1010r,sneogenernitir now 45 the
ti cl stEN.!• twoliversionth the!senietriiiig 'wrong may be. If the moYas .rcerogative-are
-A sti‘ivernisiesst wifi he, face to „fretfulness fuel irritation aro pet , PAR AMER IVAN MOST
• --,, vrish a tiN:oit eMze“.174/4-T liCie. 1 Ct-Wft.,‘I by i'„Nterior, eoutees. it is con- peopie eeppoete If he. chafe to eNert
ll • * • ,
liflasivO Arild.40 that the crVhig babY ail the, rights whiell fine his in the
V-. 'M r(w1Tig.-PL ;'Is ill- 1:iihn nniY frinfe Innd.• iodIgimn4 'letter et the tem. he could Create 4411etou. P.U.1.. Dee. au. Mr. M.
. " thing to do in to fieltainister 'ladies :sucli a. revolution in his realms war!I Onniek. tia) IN01.11-4nown black,.
rissl ,ff:;. s.t.‘,10.,:,,,,; •titioation. • „ ,
%Wenn Without tree etiolate% would tan ParlitrinenVe utereeet• f this place. known all over
. -s' cues to
polvers to cope with. to d as the man whom. inidd'n
. •
Fo? ledirofittion. ele4eniesenese. the e Suppose that Mug Edward VIl. uein ills saved front detail. OS
t.eNz:,1 ur t,p tE-63 Q‘,S, Mita 4
nrriention eecomeareeleg the cutting made up his mud that. tize lleer il by le. IMO often even weer-.
Penne „roe. 44i.C.,:,44.4:f.liy. ff4 la r:%t:wart,' , ,
th:.!11, 7,;.w,7, 4:44),20,,,,,t, go tr. ifg I.C422. 1.illicitevu, constipation. war inu.st he stopr.cil at any sacrifice. viewed regarding his caee' and le
'cel;:e. MIA fir:MP fevers. then mar- lie mig,ht make pcsice by royal pro -:ever ready tet 5Upp1y the Amts.
' VVIAR6 11621414 etql4liff,5 L4INV OM% re- elamatiore aed hand CrVer Cornwall ••1 hod been a, victim to jr,,Janex
.s'q ilk' CO24,114a1 ..
4 8
f'i'o i'S ilt.',
44.'4 t:7:;;;4.1.:444-
11..s: ZT:::4 'thOfr.fir4iLl3fAz,t, tit,:_ta5CS. oraipacanvcd: 1.;:iitnIcte3 114:wee: tt4 it..1;aernplr$i,eiloonf tholizittttrootr Ivotti Kilfititer; Wrebtorde MI!.
nineolled t.trathitrt3" (31tter hard. if he were, Iii‘e hie onn fernmice; in it, recent conversation,
, er,;,. Z,,--1424;a•Pli9; ,V,'''"-:'0 *114 ilnliii),,,, ;‘',001 pro- cestor Fdiverd III., rever etalteet,, ogled eon num It was Bright*.
IlMOCiValtill tEh!,-,Ili, 1...11114'0 Own unless Dgistiwr. he might proclaim 111...sg..e, Bh.,, Collniek rs
tri.. ' vo,..i.7„ l'41,at,Irn g‘lArz-,' e9il.fib4rtiTID to 470737-0in no war rigFinfat, France, with ill -T,' oNs 'f- "Not at first I didn't, but Melt 'I
04,, 4,C il.,',4 Ze Or 4,41,f;w. ,t -r;14•4 drugs; tiary sot forms? the return of Brittany to 'found sit out I was startles'. I can
`s,,•,r„.:,1. ilaaf44f," 1.55mitaile le eithy envoi he- the Brittift realm. Asti' yell. In tints° days, „vou tram
4 , ,..1 ,..,,Tr a_l, ..cou, ttaz,I,F g.i. d1iC?,111:7 gok the rcpt. of The law ot Engistrid lays down liknt Ill0kliilVli Discirse WAS incuratzle. I
no ir.,:ti3 mai/4w- %1I'N 12:4111N6:1' 11"310VC111 lift VTiltim the Crovon mar not Levi) up en army iwent to five different, doctors. 'I'hey
. ir 4 ewer, je ips 14.s;,-(0.! VAQIpt9 cl,ro lee elven. to the 0: More than 0- certain sire ; lint it;:eould do no good. Etnaity Inv 11We
•, ,t ci e, ar.;-,,, Ncippolv, a tntord. Mits. Walter Brown, flees nit Woke it obligatory to reaitt-land e went to One Who Loyd tri tight
1' ;'. :l1N d', ifrwri:iwi--,:nail,.T. tinel f:07',5; -'-'*1 have never Ulu apy coldlers et all. Cowen . out there Wit5 DO UM taking my
. sit.:4, ii.,^4114(C44 a2t.ivti opoy vcifiki,s,r,:o fer b. -thy tirM, aid (Menge'. our King might disband the money. I could not he cured. I felt'
17 l, .4.•4r,l;,,,e .',1i„t;t,^ ti gle,,,at, .4-1,-, nvtirrh goall: 419 illab.4eti, own %lb. {lairs, nrmy, disminirg everyomn Oust it. was all over."
li isi- i , ,g.v..;!• ih, tig-461., 44 ti,,,,,,,,,,,-,?, , pets. I wsitilsi not Ise within:It th110." from tho 'ootnnunnh'r"we(*Mefllowctitkoi ,x,;;71n111.0yWptiisnerl! COMO to take POild'S
Eum..-,n,A vaxe..4" of paws teen Teniete Awe for re
vele ee the bentileet druzinner-boy. Ieou
4-.-4`;',..,4i4" i V;i4li* it i74;47 LAI 04 -el. :oll drug stere9, or will ha mat di -I do the catne thing with the eienn.! ''Well„ ime day a outteuter end
eeeeni no InoterVe io.,f4(0,13 if 11.0 nee on r,, -...1.5p& of wire or, epots ts, dirchargIng admirals and A.11.'s were taliang of the death or a eleinb.
nen ne use tee 511 0,q 41 -0,-.,,,A, omt ,,,,o,j b:.., mil4„,,,-,,,,,iop; an pr. •wimazin. tome ; 4:toti then nught render the bar. arid my customer said he wee
ren. no wet 1..mcalle7,14, vy.,,i itmezmue, oat. country quite heiptess by sellOran oti eptite blue if he had taken Potid'a
nne note coneee Zlt flint 1,,r4rs,:e
r. t. ioi„is Vag:41 her 1.14',04,3t1 'd lim
fily,:•..f*fgAi', 4!', 4.4- Of ril-; MAI vtitmxted.
4 ,1,44:0114Z 1 V4414 lit!,tc•,;,• ,
tiL4 +AA czotip,;,,-iottl ma tio”,elhoca
ot Ii7.3t.i,lwe on Alto, t4,biect. Among 0
Ini!5i'.1C.'i4Mtli of tb o eowetre. witielt'ereet tenni!, tee Aroma eituatoon 15 fiX1Wraherell that, hen •than thhsY '41'6 " 1"8'5° " well t'rr'InY 4g "Cr
CE,;',..4:','. tt4+^ 0.74,tAT4.4. 4'f ti, wlit*..w oittv$ 1, ctialvitli 4,7 watthed by the Brt,,years ego. Queen victoria eiti t4s;4414. 1 COIlld in my life."
. letiteritieetzt etel will le: no nionthe eit2 110" Pnwere in very deelded fasint
en ro7I'll, or liT,'.-: tr i:.fin1 oPl:criilF, **Do yoll mean to Say that three
re f,' . A CP , ; , + ' ^m ,.1.1, i in ; boxes of Pod ¥3 Kidney Pills cured
`"-'• • `"Q"'-'1 ti*jr4 " flre m to Comte Lord Curnen, the Indian' Ion* In 18,-. thorn was a ^ you cif Bright's Disease of fifteen.
1417,;c1tv.-,cieci.. 14 Jiidif•-ic,'03 e• It , vicerov in leo inq hie tour of the trosidit haste Parliatranst to put an ,
tS'e t•siNt titaNtien in ine of s,.. vetst . 2"‘ . ' -. ' ' end to the purchase en' commies lone P.:,$.e1;.1.!!3.s.231:inr.rIlltilgut?,:
• A.,-.1* of renene :let...1 Ftencionen to illl'il;:ir ilt,A7.4se*enbtaillile' ilitte, leletT41:171enreeti g 111414tre% in the tinny. The Home of Lorns t exectly what
• mean. I WAS So 6VIIT and sore 1
C '.N.,.,' a ti,.+1,4°7,::,74.4,01t iti I 0 i •‘, I4 0? i cc zmil f,,,...,we - .,..: . P . , , threw it out. But the power Of the .
i in tl t i I ii 1 Oa P 4 r 4 Ai V4PlitON LI untemr. could not stoop to pick up onething'
., • . 4 - , ,- ' - P 9. -9,, 4 -a- .,.. q4 - -. .r..-.1 %Iwo icutlim which Crown overruled the deeleion or the
-couldn't put on mg sboes. If my
fneeenee ot V.2r1nnelenZ., oa o ; ,t.! tr:All ;; iltts, - 17,', ' 7.,,;,'" 'io nusio, is tyro Upper Nouse. and pUrelittee became a
wife VAS 11D113 Abe IVCAild tell more
oete rgeeneene et.; fur elovertinoin," - - - - - e lilting •of the poet.
• illt-wt.3 Mat the new amenr. Ilabib 131- I ' when a enoten c i oi about Dodd's ladneY rills than 3
peel f".. ci.4 1 Pti3.1147, Ulii, 4.1 up
tereentenenn ny Memo, t lel t, bee eaereittel remarkable dela- ei °tinned n ga can... .
relCaged before the end of Ins tenni
I 4A.I'l U. 1111e+L-0, er retets,3 s in %whom dims:Lions. Ile has
• tar, Connicit is now 'fifty-eight
. it in by royal pardon. If the lnine
Inert lilt itirAll',A1.9 il: tinier tilivvtim4 iisull larr,e reductions iii taxes years old ;old the pienure Of health
ee. pletteed, he tould 11Ornetliately par- ,
he uot ttrol)all4y 14;!,,i_ IAN ,,yat, a the „ s ill tariff Own. bas hinted at . - don
all criminals, and so at once ono streolttlf•
nest Orations. ior the di;!..ppoitatfiii,nrrall 0f vallnu lill1t9' lind 11" i.e.' lempty every gaol in tho kingdom. Wiesal........411.
*11);071itita.t4 fejeene dee Lie rrenee,.neaeett numbers of pritenue's from tae
,,, AS for the Cabinet, which British
triende will vote omit -1st a lean "who 't'l" '157 stmt. l'h'2`14e 1""-Bure9 (IA' subjects look' upon as the. actual
governing power of the realm, it is
' hot by elicit methods, it is Said, not once mentioned In the British Grown. to izOornauder din. Belgium 'and
T" raten LEGISLATIU:'':* [tint Meter Remo= eubdue the fierce! . • •
Gonstitution. lt is perfectly within
It le Cerletin also Chet ill royal prerogatives to turn the Cab -
r• ' 1. et °Worms" atvil of Lew Istatideeti
large ,trilenteen au they had never been
teitire. In Afehanisteat inet out of *Ince, and for tbe Ining done in hunnut lour, aud a number
There is an ever -Increasing trade;
1 winch ere neleg coetleouln: krratittele does not exist.. Leery colt- to appoint his own ndnisters, cboos- of the peasant girls living in Itel-
11 by the Member of Peputlen ' mion is tooled upon by Ng such as he pleases out of the
en. meek, gium aua Brittany can always be
tout •any regatel to tee Malicia) the Afghan as prom of the neannees Priv3, council. Geort,
re ''"• ri,--"perimadee, to part with their locks
;It'zoluerir.47.3 thereof ltas a meet die- tn the ruler. llistorY shows there Is nie this. Lord note
in cf.:change for a sinstli consideratio,n
tibtroie, elect on tine annuid budget. only one way to gmorit the Afghan, WAS IIIS OWN CITOICIl and for this purnose many dealers
4 -"Ms. au a ringie Year--.1811&--the and tholls the way of Moine lice
all tie Prirne ntinister. Most of the Civil have agents travelling in these dis-
ronendnecnts sand new Jaws voted aut.-limn, whose i real heel ,crushed
, Servants rank ii law as raemai reCr- tricts to beguile the simple giros.
lug the five months' debate ort the . signs of discontent.
to the Crown. and could also Many people believe that much of
3'..90 budget resulted in a permanent tin tbe other band it is pointed out v.4nis
increase in the national expenditure that the Afghanistan of to -day is 130 SummarlbY diSrniSsed* the false hair sold at the preset -day
, Ordord, • Cambrid,ge, and other is taken from the scions of aead wo-
of eome £1,2n0,000 per annum. deeent from what it, was thirty
There is the army, too0 on which • years ago. Abdur Raman weeded great alit,indivei.SuitleieSinany special privii_
owe their Iolanda- men. This is, of course, ridiculous,
France epends an average of £26,- out the most turbulent aniong the as the human hair, after death,, he -
00(1,000 per annum, riot to speak of population, and the others are be-- emes ibeY enjoy --such as returning conies too brittle to be twisted into
embers to Parliament, and freedom
412,000,0e0 for the navy. This ex- This from certain taxes -to the Crown. say
the forms deraanded by fashion. To
pentliture is, by the very nature ,01 ginning to realize tnat there are ad -
thee much of the hair disposed
einne,A ntweys tent"; to iricronse. vantages in settled governine.nt.
f The King, if he so demred, might to- of as "human" at high prices is only
A cutting down of the military effec- militates in favor of the solidity o
xnortOwt bY 'rGYS1 Worranti elonnte cunningly -manufactured imitation
tives would be very nrumPular, and the 'new regime.
Certainly there .16.5 • each PariFh in tb° whole of those would be More in accordance with the
there is, little hope of retrenchment not been o.s islands into a university, with the facts.
in this direction unless in the some- yet any of the anarchy in .Cabul or full privileges such institutions en -
what improbable event of Frence, itieLersLilloefs•-thies ittiasreobhaabilrytit.hacelebeaaldw-
teertnany and Russia mutealfy agree- palisoThlesielereetlwallskhthelvinasevslatatilLetiu.rce4sitillYt i'''''''''
it is estimated that .bver 40,000
Or be Migh t, inane a wider change q
ire; to reduce their armaments. Since itwthe,evet.:leath °I the old ameer. still. Ife has the power immediately pounds of the commodity are exe
1n75 France has spent the enermous the country te, not. out of to elevate every
end child among- his subjects to the
singl° rnan' .wman ported annually from ' that ,toWn.
sum of S41,000,000,000 on military the woods. in London. and Simla.
peerage, yid mane every ully two-thirds of this finds its way
peeparations, and a third of this the opinion has all along been that
thike. er'slIlt ble'rt. 11:2
amount placed to a sinking fund nothing serious would happen before sweeper an earl and every tramp ,mFerrance being the' second
the spring c‘en i
' 'I it happened then.
By the old statute known as "no
exeat regno," the Xing, May, of his five , hundred people are engaged in
own authority, forbid any or certain Marseilles ' alone, whilst four of the
of his subjects from leaving the largest rno.nufacturers export between
coentry without perinission, end at tbe°1 something like 100,000 chig-
2. Witb That Dread Male
'ft= Tears. --Treated by
Ave Different Doetore.m
Isiterany Rescued from
Death by Dodd's
ALL TDB SIM'S OP \VAR. KislueY PIUS he would have reen
O GVADISTAN, eitennuoortu.stioeolipapiolnpirsoyeurit)freinh, eutl clioterefilatTsillaxt seeat btahdintinegn,
ln 7,7 Vor
oat, food, 43nd atorni which 130,3, row 10 hire a man to do my work.
Itegan to taletteddn; Kidney Pills
lie military arsenain contain.
•aitit receard to the, royal prerogo., mid before I had finished the third
1%° e"urir.1°146Awct;v^ t°141IF sz-pite of the favorable news tive over the eervIces, it may le le- / W030*. NVOrk again. I Can
Wa.telhing tits • Doings
the ZIew Aram.. •
,1;nti cry ciititietrined as signs of T11.4:44:illea.l.
would have sufficed to reduce the
funded debt by 27 per cent.
Large sures ate annually swallowed
• up by civil and military pensicns
(about, Z9,500,000), by education
Z8,000,000), and in the escal and
general administration of the coun-
try, none of which items is the Gov--
ernroent able and willing to reduce.
What, can be done under such cir-
cumstances'? Contract a 110W 10a11.?
14 WOITIC1 be absolute folly to clo so
except as a last and dangerous re-
- source. Aecording to the Bulletin
Oiliciel de Statistique, issued in May,
1901; by the *Minister of l'inances,
the funded debt,, together with the
floating debt and annuities t� ' refl-
,ways, amounted on Januaey. 1 last
to the colossal oum of £1,203,765,-
805. or -80,006,63:2,022 fen, of
Which the funded debt alone occount-
ed 1 or Z1,196,487,2.52, arid the an-
nuai interest and charges on which
• require something like L'22,000,000.
fl'o, further increase the' funded
debt under such circumstances means
, travelling fast along the road to
national bankruptcy. As the debt
cannot, be increased, -var. ions a ttemp te
have Veen in a ,In to intrOduce an in -
The most sCrious rebellions against
the Authority of Abdur Raman did
not occur until he was firmly seated
on the throne.
Love of strife and plunder is still
strong in the Afgban. So, too, is
the love of revenge. Abdur Raman
put many thousands of his enemies
and possible enemies to death, and
the Indian authorities believe that
tUe relatiires of those deceased ene-
mies are not too well disposed to, -
ward ITabas 1.711ah. A11 thiha.s con -
no responsible British au-
thority think e for a moment that
everythieg will necessarily continue
to go well at Co,bul.
Do Not Delay.-Wlaen, through debilV
tilted digestive organs, poison finds i,t4
way into the bleat', the prime eousid r
ation is to get the poison out as =pia.
and as tharcaighly its possible. Delay
may mean. disaster., 1)artnelecos Vege.-
table Pit Is will be found a Most valuaoh,
and effective medicine- to te,sail the
trailer with. They never fail. Thlo-
at once to the sea o4 the trouble, aila
work a permanent 04114.
In the preparation of the hair.over
Marni 0-' Trust her? You surely
don't think 'she could keep yonr se
the same time, he may command any
subject tkilio is residing abroad to at
once return home. 13y way of en-
forcing the latter ceminand, he is
entitled to seize the property of' the
person who refuses to Obey, and to
enJoy the revenues arising from such
property until the reca.lcitrant one
returns. ^
All the realm of Britain, and the
,CFAS surrounding it, ore suppo,lied in
be vested, in the CLI'Olvtt. COnSCgifellie-
ly, if any subject
and .without leaving av,,/111, all liis
ProPert3r inverts to the ,Crown. In
the sathe ,wav all 'treasure' trove
bo -
longs to the Crown.
So, -too, wrecks become Crown pro -
3)e14 Lir and certain' royal creattires
Can be claimed by the CTOWYL '1'116
principal of these, ore whales, royal
sturgeon, and 814'allS, At one . time
110 01110 but the `1<ing- ntight own a
swat', c..,..cept by royal p;rant;
as the 11n4' may grant a
Iconic t ax. These attempts, howevercrot,?" , 11.141,' cliarter to 'a oni'vEirs:',:ty, so he tu ay
tnet , with 'a storm of protests her. with otliCr Ihtngs and slie 1jt 113121,z/3 41, port, anA, 111 cioipg so,
frnA".lt 1404 the 141420I'illg cIrlsses",- thr".1I"'" t,r a In plc on 0(h' ports' 'pet, p*viI-
bons every year. In Paris,,,it is stat-
ed a 'hair -dresser does a similar
trade to the tune (4 15,000.
Tne hair first arrives at the naanu-
fac turers* in huge sacks and consists
of all colors. It is emptied into Mi-
ttens() boilers and every particle of
grease is thoroughly removed, after,
wards being thrown into a bath of
potash. When dry it is nnally pas-,
sed through coromon flour.
The color mostly in favor at pre-
vent is of a reddish brown and chig-
nons of this shade fetch anything
from e10 to
Lady'Snecrwell---",1Jave yoer daugh-
ters' accoinplishen ranch in Music?"
lhafortu nate T'a,ther-' 'Yes -the 10(.17
below •linve Moved,' •
;,*- •
s Unit fur sale everphero
, . ,
"Yes, I have seen the day when
Mr. Ri en, the 011aAre, not
have a pair of shoes to cover his
feet.'" "And when was .that, pray?"
the time he was bathing.''
EETE oRitti‘icEs
of S or more boxes. We have
lee, lee, eine, el6004 zee sieee.
Co,s 1.Imitecl, Toronto,
The Dawson Cornrnission
If U19' Potatoes oxen law lcts outdo lere,tene*
Dossib'e These Countries May
Draw CIOSO Together.
Marquis Ito. 000 of tbe MO,st emi-
nent Japanese statesmen, ia a, recent
speech, remarked that Japan stands
between two widely different and COP-
P9Ong Ch11441-tiOn.N. She is the only
Country Unit enderstalede Inie ideae
in which China livea and Moves and
bon hor being, and titOse whielt aro
dominant in 13firolie and America.
Her 381158104 18 tO interpret the one
the ether. and thus to !seep the
feace between them.
This /5 43. mission whit% does not
seem inipoenible of fulfilment. inlo
eorreepOndence which recently pnesed
between the Feaperor of china And
the AlikatiO, In C01111MiOri With thu
wo want the see.
eters of men, neerien
gee emto roe ta 'Nara
tirocekeittene men*
*gees enct 4tiker
noes at their ewn
homey. Wo sesmait
yarn mei melerial.
and pee for ettworkessentin• Fortieth:or
Tile People% gratinile_SYndionter
(1.1tnited), Terente,-Sfit.
Salm o Cilead properatitri.
s Csid Sores. Chapped ifmniffe
Chinese apology for the murder of ntle Or Skin Diseases. It Is net
the .Japanese Chancellor of the Lego- OnSeithetioe but a healer -THE SOVER.
Oen, indicates that it may lInve Lien firalLtit. Largo Eloxee250. Oftlire
boon in the minds of both. The Ent- stem, ot, Tito opead;oo co., Toronto.
Peror expresses' toe nope that the
Mitad0 "Might be Ornoteol5IY di.nnts". prevalent oxe most exempt from
ed to draw closer 1110 bP4'9 Cancer. It would he a Ciirieliki thinX
friendship uniting the two empires.'
, , were it established, not only, ne at
"Else Masada revilwocate4 tho Ic164 present seriouslysuggested, that the
Id deelared his earnest desire that below* potato is 0. atulter_ootivo to
great work of reform, depoulmt cancer. because there existed for
epon the Fuiperor's sovereig,a will, three centuries in *Were! beiropesin
might neon be in effective operation. eomaries 0, most malicious pcoodico
This seems like 'something mere .tgalont, the wholesome "oar.
dtillemtpanittepleiruloglefil"gew311 recaaullilere*sovelr-ril Skeptiri an -This is unhappily tin age
eign, if it Is uot overt:vied by the slit 2,1eipt,k;,1*:4,1„lanit 41417J:4 oiAeopinitgot riapottt
remqienarY Blnrirea5 dowager' thie,,.") !liver :44,P41"1434. MI:AA 4 illit Br. Thomas'
Is hope that the Emperor Will nrit-r" •,II;eleierie0-1 14 a Hirai Me which oast he
rallitecerewroilln no. r tiaundderwlon odtont6elois"01-1 ,,(1 frielanel:yilinfiTaine4131110pele.anrrtrieooltnli,iocroiltelliz.breundynnstottroeunwpiseilennit
In the time of James I, there were
no fewer than 09 Royal forente in
Greet Britain.
An alliance between Japan and
Chino would not he intely to take an
aggresshe form toward Other fla-
tten% but It would impose a ebech
upon the aggresSion from without,
It -would pOstporie indefinitely the
dIsmenthernient Of China. It would
For Over Fifty veer* ,
furnisk an Asiatic balance of power 1 Vita W#Nogow SfiaernINO serer has tarn lead bp
which would promote the genera enelenbeene weenie e a
Peace: and it might bo the incans of : einienteretunienticenereeed ienler.'„Iff,Niett
leading Chinn, by slower steps, along 11°413 -
Lite /lath Of progress which Japan ultfor qiits.Witiatow soostuse tivaur,"
elgOoll Of madams far seer ehtelreo Nieto teener.
lets followed for thirty years.
OZOD0111" Tooth Powdor 250
Ammil 4.4.14/14
The foreign population of the Brit-
ish Isles numbers 3118,000. Gerrnans
hold the liven place in point of milli-
bars, Russians seeond, French third.
bares LIR1111001. Coles Barnhill
A British patentee must be careful
not to infringe on any of tim specill-
cations of the 1,614430 patents al-
ready issued, or he will be liable to
tenfold cobts.
A. Cure for Rben nettiten.-The in tension
of uric field into the blood veneils is a
fruitful ellib0 of riteumatIc pains. This
irregultray is ONSIng to a deranged arid
utibeelety eell4iitiell of the liver. Any
one subject to this nidufel affection will
fled a remedy in Parmelee's Vegetable
Pills. Their aetion upou the kittheys is
prononuced 0 id most beneficial, nue by
restoring huskily action, they correct lee
puritiesin the Liana.
Gladys -"Did- he kiss you by sur-
prise?" Ethel -'Dear rue, yes! Why
I hardly had time to pucker up my
Stop. the Caugh
nod worn* utt Ilia C510.
Laittelve Brome.Quinine Tablets cure a cold
In one day. No ...ure. No Pee. Price 25 ettitil.
Young folks grow most when they
are 111 love. It increases their sighs
was cured of Amite Bronchitis
Bayof Islands. ,
I was cured of -Fit-clitl Neuralgia
Springhill, N. S. A MODEL CIIILD.
I was cured of Chronic Rheumatism Diekie-"Papa, were yen a gooder
by ATINARD'S LINIMENT. boy'n me when you were as little as
There are the United ICiegtIont
only 003 Sti.rnis of over 14000 acres '111r:f
Thee never wan awl never will be, n
unlvereal panacea, bi one trinelly, for. all
ills la which flesh is heir -the very Return
of many curativee being ettell that were
tne genre; of other and differently awed
dismees rooted in the ayteent of the
emit:et-what mettle reileve ono ill la
own -would aggravate the ether. We
nave. however, so Qnlnitle Wine, when
obtain able hi a soned unntlidterete4.
state, a remedy for limey and greviotts inn
By Its gredual fuel Judicious use. the
frailest tentens are led inte convalescence
and eirength, be the influence winch Quo
nine exerts au:neutron own nistornetvee.
Itrelieves the droopieg teethe of skose
with whom allelic:state of warble des
pendency and lack of interest. In life is a
deceiee, and, by tranquilizing- the nervee,
dinenes to sound and refreshing sleep -
imparts vigor to the action of leo blood,
which being stimulated, courses through -
ant the veins, straugthenture the healday
animal Nimmons of the sistent, thereby
limiting activity a neces.sat7 malt,
nrengthening the -triune, and gieing life,
to the digestive °vete, en which naturally
demand increneed Substance -Malt, im-
proved appetite. Northrop ne Leman of
rarentonhave glyee to tee Mantle their
superior Quinine -Wine at the usnal rem,
end, gauged by the opinion of scientists,
this wine approaches nearest perfection of
auy le the market.° All drum:nets:011ie
Inditnholds-the world's record as a
cattle owner ,with„ ,48ei-
Miaard's Liniment Relieves Itaraigia,
Dundee, Scotland, exports over 1,-
600 tons of marmalade a year. •
Train up a servant in the way she
should go, and the first thing you
know she's gone. •
. •
14) firit&A. COLO INT
Take Laxative Bromo clienico Teeds. 4.11.
druggists refAnd the looney if it faill
B. W. Groves signa,ture is on each be= 530.
Albert Co-., N. DI -
slightest. idea; mamma managed the
wilole affair.' '
The Groom (very weal thy)-' ' Why
did you marry an ordinary chap like
mor' The Bride -"I haven't the
'SOZODONT for tho TEEili 256
, .
r ,g is rar-general for Ireland
says that nearly 20 „,per cent. of the'
people of the, 1,,Inera.ld Isle the oi old
age. There are, .lie ,says; 212 Irish
men and women riew living over 100
years Old, a proportion far above
the average of most nations. In
speaking of the prevalence of cancer
in Ireland the report notes the evi-
1 deuce that the most prosperous, the
most, populous and least Celtic coun-
ties suffer most, from this dread dis-
ease, while those s.ections where the
1 Celtic race is purest and a lout ter-
Inilk, meal and potato diet is most
Pu. -"Yes, indeed, Dickie. I was
always a very,..good boy; but, some --
how or other, I had a great malty
serious anq path -tut .misurrderrit;uad-
ings with-lny parents.''
Beware Of Ointments, for Catarrh
that eentsin itier,eury
as mercury will 111:e1y de4roy the «nisi) ot.
omen and completely derange the whole system
when cuiraring It through the,inneoes surface:it.
Snell articles should never be ,used except: on
(1104401:1131 0144' from reputable physician as the:
&image they, will do is.tett 1 1(3 40 tawi eerie 3-ou
ennpossibie derive from them. Haft= elatarrit
Cec, mannfactured by F.-I...Cheney ea. To-
ledo, 0., 00344111414 30 merettry, slid liked in-
ternally. acting directly Imola the eleod and -
'iratoons surfaces of the eysteni, la tonne
Hall'* Catarrh Onre be sitre you get the gene
ine. It is tkou internary.and meat> inMeletlo
Ohio, by Pi e. Cheney & Co. Tekintoitrals
Sold by 1.7r115gist44, price 71e per botte.
Hall's Family Pills are the beet.
• '
Three rivers as big as thee.= ninine:
would just ecp.tal in volume WO Gan-
•ges, three 'Ganges the kiosi.s*ippi,
and two elississippis the AM:ranee
Minrd' s lielmest 'CureA, e c,