HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-1-2, Page 5zap
ezeter ttoratel
pubUqled every Thgueday Mousing at the OfIke.
e-, EXETER.,
-,----By the -
TERMS OF StMi.onwTtox, .
Cate nolinrper annum it psid advsnee, $1.51).
if not se Paid.
as,derve.gessAale e,...twee gee. .es3exeitca,
eTe pew eiseentleeed amtil 411 errqareees are paid.
Adveniseinents without specified direetines will be
poblislied until forbid and eherged eccordingiy.
!Liberal diSoment mede for transciene advertisemeets
inserted for loug, periods. Beery description of Jon
PAINTING* tereed out in the guest style, ,end at
moderate rte. Chequee, nomey orders, oc.. for
edvertiong, subseriptiens, etc., to log:, made payable
Ohas..11. Sanders*
graxou 4,Nns PROP
Is aCenstitutional disease.
It originates in a scrofeleus coralition
the bloed and depends on, that`eondition.
It ofteo causes beedeche and cliezinesS4
iropairs he taste, smeltand hearing, affecte
the vocal erganl and disturbs the stemach;
afflicted Mrs. liirana Shires. Batehellero
vine, Y., twenty consecutive years. 4.4,.
privea her of Um sense of smell, made het
breathing difficult, and greatly affected her,
genOtal health.
She testifies that after she had taken
ra_anY ether medicines torit wittlent Meting'
effect it was radically and perreauently'
cured, her sense of smell restored, and her
genera heeith greatly Unproved, hY
Hood's Sarsaparilla
This great medicine has Wreoght the
most wonderful cures of catarrb„ according!
to testimonials voluntarilY given, Try it.
., 46 50
40 40
75 80
Hay, per ton 6 11)4) 7 005"
Fleur, per cwt., roller.,, 1 75 2 '25
BO ter 15 3,0
Egg. , _.,,,..... - ..... 17 17
Hides, per 1W lbs . - .... 000 6 7
Live hogs, per ewt......
Dressed Hogs . . 11 7
Sbots per cwt.., - , - .. I. 1
010Ner, Red : - ......... o 00 5
Clover, A/Byte .. .. . ... 7 DO 7 ')0.
Fremes lx3e eroxtr,wreofe ANOTHER MAN -,TUMPEB VESTER- Barley--
NATIVt-S. -Oats .....
Only One Citesi Ailiiiitted-That nh
Cie Wits 13, Spy -Admits
Nvexinping Nativege-Buraing 01
Dovoiut0ntBuildlogo Defended.
Graaf Reinet, Cape Colony, Dee.
wino:Indent Seheepers, who is probably
ee most hated of all t n pri,soners now
in the hal'uls a the DiritiA,. and whose
rioi was reeently Snepengleel, owing to
'113 phyekal eollapee, to -day teetified
own behalf, He made a vigorous
defence, rala denied six a the se' eu
bitne,"..cre SA hit which lie is charged, fle
declared that in the Other ease the man
kiI11. was a native spy, n -ler had been
tried regularly and convicted.
Selaecpers admitted whipping natives
had been found. guilty of conveying.
qerination to the enemy, so-ealled nu -
armed uative scouts being, in ids opin-
, simply spies. Ile said he hail had
hem wiiipped frequently= and justified
eir shooting,
tleelared that the leeting and burn.
.g o4 Government buildings were re.
'weeds', in accordance with Dewet's pro.
elanraica, Seheepere aeeerted that he
,heav2s fed end treated Ids prisoners as
well 'tie Le wes able.
"oMAN, & Dile A.. IL
Torento 1Inveristy.
Tee rooted without argy pet% or 4411" bad effecte
OffIre Fansea's 131o4,, west ehle Nate greet,
fll 1.
• -----DatiTIST
- Muter Graduate of 'remote indtersity and
C'ellefse of •Peotal Soottoine.ol.0144410.- Also
radliates et Chleego Sehael of reest little Vent ist
(with honorable i4entiou3 • - • •
Atiguniouni, Oen cad Yulehnite Plateingasie in the
:neatest monner pee -slide.. 4 r Wm...hese an.
aesthetes used forpeiniOsestrooties; of •tqcth.
• Won, fgle tioeis meth
tVl.l10 aerc, Exeter.
T. P. MrLAVOI11-1N, :111.1)111Sg. TOR
1:,Yetego of elgyeeeese, emit Snree sse Ont:tri%
Cr'ie (04^
dello p. 21.4
ifeol to 4
f• t1lItliO•TiOf .1 1.
intilitIO OR Wit
$101.1,T0 4VlNG.
danoeretose ns
reperegeMa enerestedel to be 'Oho rerneolV
-.4”e eareet, ishieit CIPHysie#E1P4 ete3
la ',ow:40%14110,P a lieu pe1s4n.
ri• ;•r
&THAI, Oat., Dee. 2'.-L .V night a
yotTg• woman, Miss lIenunerley,witile
staying at Izer sister'e, Mts. 1O1ii-01es,
g01Ilp144ine.1 tom:voting iasly friead,who
bad called on Iter, tint she was suner-
..v from a oevere sore throat, and wos
told that a 0:wholle acid z:olotion was
od far it. AS there was none in the
nse„her young 1:11y friend v.:Innz
(41 t44 „Qrs1 her -lane vz t4104
i Wionittrley, whiz WA.; alone, pi go
1 tho Oodathout and Aso% It. t
ft .104I1.%,7441Vt.". .17.O.nrIt*,4,11W
114(0 the 0 nU;r4-4,7,
4;46%47; t%e DkV,V,ag
T.:; Pee.
t.• • 7.0
4, , -11_ ,, !!,,,T,s-,,,,, s-. ms -^r -, Z ) 4,7 zr. EiT. on tolttiriiiii3 lulu,: Inter, firaa4ti 1 47.; ,.-. :.',.--:,4 f,er .";'-,' -: ei, of twit'', etre,
her In 1graleta.'r line ti Irlriti44.A4tvozzyfriatt
1 ,-''.5, 7, nel,e,T.
,11.A.., L 11, 11 '4 the 44V 1t wilie,1% ,..ht„ gamst ;114/..,,„ -,:,,,,,,..„.
.7111rilieall 44:el B,"41F, quielay -,umr.„. 4.,.. i' , :', .1
°cdcs d ., to .o.e,i ell regoeiblo IgoetS 41,S4$0 tUi relit' lit . K, ,
• gs FO1.r.or: g V
-ITthe glialgartilitate girl to !I44pitrps39e.
; 1' '
4. ,?. leee 4 IIShe il:fei e;srly till.. inornittn.
, ,
, go;, , 19 this ei.o. Two
t*, Lave
Ij ....N1tRe1t1414;4•ttit ,101=,
1",einfe • iinreo 14V7 -144
.',1gegeteeniolos,s4e. H4. -1i V1:33
r(,..1; 1,7;0 CAOr: ancrattl,,u
ittitt*W.N, „•.•". :'t=i
E tido Er.,,14170-, locia 1ittott!t, ••t,
fee,11/. ttf, 1:4444,444 1:-.,t,,rrte: 4.44 1,7sanelv
444 tuLl tt «77 4.4 r antaisall
14 I'44 Vikr041J'1,
COW stlital===,04=0:10.=PAC.701=1=44
Th nL; ank
(Chiriseeti he ParlitSont, Is15)
Pahl Up . . ...
Reserve Fund.. . ...... .2,159,009.
Miley advaufscd to good Fanners on their own
notes with eue or more muleteers at7 tier cent. per
Open every lawful day fromles am.to 3 pan; Sat-
urdays 19 a.m. toll p.m.
A general banking businesstransacted
CURRENT RATES allowed for money on Deposits
Receipts. Sayings- Bank ;it 3 cents.
Memos* Er, CAtiVO. N, ifrignoe,
Solicitors. Menai
We are giving excellent
satisfaction since, Re-
modelling our mill.
quantity of shorts
on hand.
-Having jest opened up business we
are prepared to supply all kinds
We pay special attention to all kinds
We do'anything in the line of Wood
' work, and REPAIRING of
anv description.
Charlton ez Keddy,
North Town Hall, Exeter,
ed woo t!,:l yeere
It is a saci thing to see fine
ruit trees spoiled by the blight.
oa can always tell them from'
he rest. They never do well
afterwards but stay small and
It is worse to see a blight
strike children, Good health
is the natural right of children.
But some of them don't get
their rights. While the rest
grow big and strong one stays
small and weak.
Scott's Emulsion can stop
that blight. There is no -
reason why sucli a child should
stay small. Scott's Emulsion
s a 'medicine with lots of
strength in it -the kind of
strength that makes things
grow. -
Scott's Emulsion makes
children grow, makes them eat,
makes thern sleep, makes them
play. Give the weak child a
chance. Scott's Emulsion will
make it catch up
with the rest.
This picture represents
the Trade Mark of Scott's
Emulsion and is. on the
wrapper of every bottle.
Send for free sample.
Ooc and $z. all druggists.
The Whole Story
In a.. lett,-er
• onnurr •
From Cap' P. Love Police SlatIon No.
, 0, rAl °nixed! equently ine PEER r
D.s.vn/ PAAN-Kix.tra f or pains in the ston-
' trek rheasaatanst, 6h:times, frost bites, chit -
I blv,ins, era7nps, and all afflictions which
befall1non oar 41' 041(40, I haVe no hesi-
tation. in ea"iug that l'am-lixxxEn is the
best resnedytj, have near at hand."
Used Xnternally and Extotnally.
- Two Sizes, 25c. and 504.,hotties.
Rem oar. vacate rehooplicaine•
The Great English Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only reli-
able, medicine discovered. Six
packages guaranteed to cure all
forms o Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To-
bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
of price, one package $1, six, $5., Win please,
siz will cure. -Pamphlets free to any address.
Tho Wood Company, Windsor, Out.
WoodS Phosplaotline is sold in Exeter
by J: 13rowtiing and. C. Lutz
Dr ugg is ts.
sli tsi)-; 411
tor a s44l' irL
i•tttliAtt (4.
oz. l=-=-41.1vm"-..crsminanarei.....t.m.
lie Just 'wanted to see it Ire Could
it-e:teseued be' Tufo-Vocollo
sejoux Vor Three floarse-lie Rai
Told No Ciao ot Das Plane.
New York, Dee. 29.-Jolui Pinover, a
yenng, wholesale liquor dealer of Mid,
dletown, N.Y., and sou of It retired, deal-
er in the same line of this city, to -day
jumped frem the 33rooklyn bridge. He
is still alive at a 'hospital, *where the
physiciaps say it will be impessible to
Id ll for some Itours 'whether he will re
What caused Pluover to take the leng
amp into the East River is not known,
wiless his own explanation is accepted.
Ile =waged to tell the decters that he
st ply -auted to see if lie ceelt1 do it or
ot. The leap was taken in the after.
Poen from the girders near the New
York tower- motorman saw'the man
go over and notified an officer. The po.
lieeman on gazing into the river saw the
jemper struggling in thewater. The
Government tug Daniel Lamont Was
near, lowered a boat 'and the man was
fished out, apparisatty BloOd
Streamed from hie nose mid mouth.
Quiehly taken al a hospital. he lay allm
ren,eieua far three hours' then awOhe
Dna told who lot was andwhy be had
tame the leap.
a, Dee. 2.9.--.101111. S. Pilo
over, Wirj illistr 04 from. Ilrooklyn bridge,
is maiiager of a wholeetle liquor store
bere owned by his father. Samuel Pin.
ver of Nes-4 Yorkdebit left hie bear4.
bonfire here la+4, night. saying he
reZwen to -night. Ile bas Leen
pretoi-live 1 NeW Year'S Day ath-
k-11- icir„inmstiou Nt 1tii the Y. 3E.
'1°. A. 110 144145 been melaneholy of later
• i.:Inted lie iniglie commit Suivitht.
(11 111 go 441 1t"1( here leliev
he nook the iti-Ap 110tOriety.
*4.7.b 4114414C44)1. Sue:Ione:I to
V4r44 1)44. rrieninent
t't tity wa3 seem
a i '1 4"4" 14"04 4, '1.444' 1 lend
net he le liyved 1:te reeeta i4itte1t41m19
Cit%; st,14. 4. 4 4. .4 Ilkw-Aais
wc1, 4, Cr f.':1;:st,1 \4 "el for
on ace %out a viiiot Vol
yo.tura.ay, Ava, ;
lit 4if vm-,0,11rar.,313 ,
4*1 11a. 04411 trade 1101:1g 4411 in (tioori.
lleitani at Cho prs Seat time.
;thereon: nt nottittsteal.
"44treal, Dee. 81.• -Mr. Mar-
coni arrived berts 3nt night on
las way ta OitaWa, aceompanied by Mr.
Smith of thc Postoftice Department. Ile
Say:. t)lataii ViSit to Ottawa is Merely
to thank the Govornment for their
eourieSy to him, but beyond that he
would not go into partielilare., His sye-
tem, he says, is far beyond the expert -
mental singe, and he express:es absolute
conadence tu his ability to Aral acres -
the Atlani le without cables. Whatever
the publie misunderstand new about the
matter will be explained at the propel.
time. Ile has all the capital req ib -es,
rhid he is not here to enlist more, hut
thinks it might be a practical a.dvantage
to have the support of some capitalists
on this side of the Atlantie. To -morrow
he will be given a lurcheon by the El-
der -Dempster Steamship Company, and
in the afternoon he will go on to Ot-
tawa. His • stay there will be short, as
he is- anxious to return. to England.
Tliar.11:ope le Again Reported 111.
. New York, Dec. 29.-A Paris des.,"
patch to The &ill repeats a despatch
from ,Roine saying, that the. Pope is ill.
The New Year's reception ,the Diplo-
Millie Corps has, therefore, been post-
The Belleville Sun has suspended pub-
-The United States battleship Missouri
was launched at 'Newport News.
Mr.' Alfred Boultbee, Inapettor of
Customs for Ontario, died at Tbrento.
A T., H. IS:, 33. train struck and killed
Arr. John Maybee half a mire from Pen-
Hun. II: C. Plunkett was ban-
quetetr by the National Club at Toronto
on Saturday vening.
The Liberills of Russell County will
meet at Vars to-MOrrOW to select a can-
eidate for the Legislature.
Four persons were killed, and eighteen
injured in a, collieion on Ile Chicago, &
Northwestern Railway at Malta, Ill.
A substitute petition will be accepted
in tie Two Mountains election, trial, as
t he original was lost in transfer from
Mr. Henry .A. Anderson, while work-
ing at his engine. in the M.C.R. yards at
St. Thomas, was struck by a shunting
• .
engine and killed. ,
Reif. 13r. DeWart preached his first ser-
mon 50 years ago in -Wesley Churtil,-
Hamilton, and preaching in the same
church yesterday he recalled the fact.
The Canadian Packers' Association, at
the meetine, in Hamilton appointed a
committee to inspect the "output of the
factories with the objeet of keeping up
the quality.
Stanislas Lacroix was sentenced to
death at Hull for the :murder of his
wife. The prisoner made a long and v-io-
lent speeth in court. He declared he
would not die on the gallows.
It WaS announced on Saturday that
the deputation from the Methodist
Church and the Dominion Alliance, \oho
wish to interview the 'Provincial Gov-
ermnent on the prohibition question, will
be received at the Parliament buildings
z42n Friday aiext, ,
,,;,• •04.1
'1,111.1 74.0441
••T•iltr.• ltoteatt Qtantatt
:r"•„ttltartilay E4'4 thY. 29.
kst. /41035,011.47es :4nel-tot.
I„,•ut of nr.sla %a.: on ato
nooroigoe. 1,ges,ei leee
eteas;e: len in Otsio el white
4 r• -t 74t- Ttize•
$ turtlitt•ii Is$: G.).* c at tly4=.
Potatoes, per bag., ,
Wholesale aud Ret
NW -Feed
Geese per lb . - ...
Chicken -
Dried Apples. „ „
"I tried Ayr' s Hair Vigor t
iQj my hair from falling. O.
I a, bottle cured me."
Q. Ectuacr, aratctioo
Ayer's Hair Vigor is
y the most eco
al preparation of it
on the market.
it goes a lorig way.
esn't take touch of
it to stop falling of the
. make the hair grow,
-1....zstore color to gr
I' y,00loisio to tole &eilit*; tit
57e ,e.L.„ • ; _
et,• ;•, dee, 4.' -,J- le e snios; ;
eee. e .
41 V.'f. , 4 lo 1 entra .$'14
t-3 z t.,a few 4i41n444,
tot C rv, et.
t•l'. i. VO;eg oteetly. three blade o
$9 p.c..
1.4a- t Ituaolo cattle Olarkot.
„ rettic-
gfakatt3i'l t14
:::?.01 heed.; gtr' „it 0L era.
• eg,10 to zoe .14liglit do .00 $6 ;
ugh:est •et -1 ,, , 1 to , meth 11 tc
oboe,. It, , 80.511 to „el.'s .tess, O5'.44 to
loilefles. 95.4o to 84.014 etaes, ,tok
s3.$5ete mine to fair, 81.75 to $5,75;
$4,71 E.‘s•ris and Insults- iosoil to c.aoiro.
Zheep. eigidvo wetisero, $•4 to $1.23; risen:urn
to vetnt edxgel. $3.2:. to gi• vulle anti vote.
mon, $2 OSPOtt ME'S fool
wellststee $4 1.0 44.1,244 Yearlings, $4.15 lel
Chito ve Stock.
Chicago, Dee. 4109
44)4*11 eteatlin nesstetious nominal: aoosi 1.4
mime. $6.40 to 57.25; peer tO mellitus), $3.7t
to $5.119; et:golfer:1 ano feeder:I. $ti to $4,25
tows, $1 to $4,05; Itelfeieg, $1,50 to $4.2
eannero, 51 to $2.20; belle $1.75 to $4.50
valves, $2.50 to $0f, Poxes 'fed steers,
to $4.20. litme-Iteetipts,,18,0094 naive antl
SWAM to 10e higher; mixed anti butehers'
$5.ee to $6.55; egged to Choice heavy, $6.31
to $6.721,1.: ronj.,ii heavy. 415.00 to 410.29.
bulk of sake, $1.90 to $6:40. Sheen -Ito
eelpts, 2.1,000; e'tteirgy; good to choke ',meth
ors, $4 to $4.50; fair to choke mixed, $3 tt
$3.90; western sheep. fed, $3.25 to $4.25,
native lanabs, $3 to $3.03.
Montreal Live Stook.
Montreal, Dee. 29.-Gralu-There is some
eable demand for C.autidian oats, but bids
arts not sufilelent. mid it was the same
with Manitoba wheat. We rinoteg-No. 2
white opts. in store,, 47%e to 48e; teed bar-
ley. 561Ose: rye, 62e. .
Flour -There is a fair demand for emelt
lets. We quote: --Spring wheat patents.
$4.05 to $4.30; winter wheat patents, $3.85
to $3.95; straight eoners, $3.65 to $3.75;
strong bakers', $3.80 to $4, and straight.rott-
ers, in bags, $1.75 to 81.80.
Meal - m
The arket isquiet, with prices
quoted at $5.50 to $5.60 per barrel sold at
$2.70 to $2.75 per bag.
Feed -The nutrket is fairly Ream and
firm. Manitoba bran. sold at $21 and
shorts at -$23 per ton, Including bags. On-
tario bran in Milk sold at $20.50 per ton.
Cheese -The market is quiet but firm.
Finest Ontario colored, 1014c to 1044e; finest
Ontario -white, 10e to 10%c; linnet, town:"
ships makes, 10c to 10yee; finest Quebec
makes, 9%c to 10e. •
Butter -There is a fair trade, but oil lo-
cal and on export account. 'Finest town-
ships fall creamery, 201/2e to 20y4e; nnest
Quebec fall cmtmery, 2014,0 to 2014_,c; un-
dergrade creamery, 19c to 19Aie; western
(14111.41,1514c to 16c; Manitoba airy, 14c to
15e. .
PggS"-the, market is fairly active and
prices are firm. Strictly tresh, 28c to 30e;
selected cord storage, 22c to 24c; Montreal
limed, 20c; western limed, 18c to 1.0e, and
culls at 1731c to 19e per dozen.
Provisions -The market Is rather quiet
but firm - We quote: -Selected heavy Can-
ada short cut mess pork, $22 to $22.50;
lietivy Canada short cut mese pork, $21 to
$21.50; Canada short 'cut Mick pork, $21 to
$21.50; heavy Canada mess pork.„ long cut, -
$21 to 4121.50; heavy Canada short cut clear,
pork, $21 to $21.504, light Cnnada. short cut
clear pork, $20.50 to $21; pure Canadian
lard in 20-11) palls, 11:yge; compound refined
lard In wood pails, 20 Ib, 31/2c; Boar's head
lard in 20-11) wood pails, $1.971/2 to $2.02%,
and ,Globe at $1.72% to $1.80; 20-11) tin pails,
%e per lb loss;- hams, 12c to nic,. and bitetng
16e per
Leding Whent Mar' ket.s.
Closing previous day. closing to da.
- Dec. , May. Dee, May.
Chicago . , 78% 82 77% 81 -
New York ......80½ 87 • 8514 86
Toledo .... 89% 88% 881/2 88
Duluth, 1 nor... 76 79Y, 7,1% 78
Minneapolis 77% 78 ' 77% 751
Milwaukee, 2 nor .. 77% 76%
Detroit, 2 red... 89y, 8912 89 , 89
St. Louis ....... 86% 8634 8534 .86 -
'Britielt Markets.
London, Dec. 28.---CleSe--Wheat on pas-
sage, cielet but steady.; cargoes Walla, iron
passage, 29s 3d paid net cash; Parcels No. 1
northern spring, Steamer January, 304 paid
net, Duluth Inspection; maize, on passage,
rather easier. English country markets of
yesterday, firm. French Country merkets
of yesteeday, quiet. ,
Liverpool, Dec. 28. -Close -Spot wheat
firm; No. 1 etandard California, 6s 50 to 65
51/2d; Walla, no stock; No. 2 red winter,
,no. stock; No. 1 northern, spring, Os 21A41 to
Os 441; futlires quiet; 6s 33441; Alay,
es 441; Spot eorn steaslY at 5s. Seed to 5s Od
tor old and 5S = 01/241 to oS 7d for new' tgi-
'' three inactive, January 5s 5d, March 5s
31/241, :May 5s 37,43d; flour, 19s 3a to 20s 641.
Paris, Dee. 28.-O4e11-Whent, tOne dull;
; December, 211 902; March.' and lune, 221
elie1E reel.
151441'4. 5414444441 41044,
01114 wo 'Leila exoze se •
, 01P:47Qr.'M114441E4 ,
' tIA'Z'o''41511
1141414411-( 1II*4( e 4.
To wire11eititita Azigtzt-mo
ue. It Las be zn teeil caw:Lively dutr.'rg 044104
lz niptra y.iw. 11 Ikirt'a:nto
1:48 14 f% (14;a-474°,24
1 t1itr144
1 14;tr17.1r't1a4t8t44.°84;
A.venzag, with a gam lying under 114.
.arre, Itrame:..4eaielLe '4444' "%Pe -gong 1 ;a
10 1V0, 10144.1-,
Twenty.five gyp4-tzut romponiPs 11
• rutted S1,a4k,.44 hove I 'via eon, o„
it id with :t t .4 1:t14.,,rHe41,v,
TO WM: 4t COM rs O4 Det.Y
Take LaNativit omit (lain ;W. T.411.
;lets. All druggisot refund the money
If it fails to 011r8... 210. E. W. 4I1'44ve45
10 on 4401. 11 box.
rmir Lat,
lizlt.n 'WM Ivo twit trains at full spe.-3
on the Sault 14141licit Of the 1.
Mr, 'Henry Paoluette tkl
had a narrow es.ralie from a ilz t. tint t
destroyed their dwelling at Sandwich
• •
14nAst;nozit cgrettalde aceident happen
va. tho Memorial church rectory,
London, Monday afternoon.as a result
of which Whittle, the ilvv-year•old
daughter Of Rev. C. C. and Mrs, Owen
is suffering from serious and painful
injuries. The childwas *eying about
11. the house and aceidentily fell into 41
boiler of scalding Nva ter. She.was in-
stantly removed from her 'perilous
position mid Drs.Moorennd Cline were
sent for. The physicians found that
she had been terribly scalded on the
right atm, the whole of the front of
the body and on the right side of the
back. The doctors hope that although
severely injured, the little one will re-
cover, in which hope the many friends
of the family will join.
William Still, Mayor of Orangeville,
died very suddenly in his business
office about four o'clock -Thursday.
Mr. Still bad been feeling poorly the
greater part of the day, but bad been
at work EIS usual. Between three and
four o'clock be became worse and his
sop, Elmer, who was with him, sum-
moned a doctor, and theu went to get
a to take his father home. A lit-
tle later the doctor and son went out
-to.get some medicine, leaving Mr.
Still with another man, Who had just
came in. The sick man was setzed
with a severe vomitting.spell and sud-
denly fell downward on a lounge,
where he had been sitting. When the
physician arrived Mr. Still was beyond
human assistance, and in a minute or
So life was extinct. The cause of
death WOS either heart failure or the
bursting of a blood vessel.
St. Thomas, Dec. 29. -(Special.) --
Henry A. Anderson, Michigan Central
engineer, whire working at his engine
at 11 o'clock this morning, was struck
by a yard engine. His right arm and
foot were crushed and his face injured.
He was taken to the hospital, where his
foot was tunputated and the man am-
putated at the shoOlder. He died at
4.30 p. rn. He leaves O, Widow and six
children, the youngest five weeks old.
Port Huron, Mich., Dec. 27. -Maggie
Madwick, who is in jail here awaiting
trial 013 14 serious charge, received a
letter to -day from her aged husband,
Elias Madwicb, of Watford, Ont.,
whom she deserted seine Mine ago,
stating that he had just received a
letter from his brother in England,
stating that he had fallen heir to 550,
000. Ile begs her to returntohim and
go to England with him to claim the
amount. He did not know of her
arrest, and wrote a letter to Chief Of
Police Petit asking him to find 'his
wife; and telling of the fortune which
had come to him. The police will pro-
bably release the Woman, providing
she goes direct to her husband.
We, the undersigned, do hereby
agree to refimd the money on a 50 cent
bottle of, rereen's WsArranted Syrup of
Tar, if it fails tO CUP() your cough or
cold. We ;_slso glisirantee a 2.t -cent
bottle to prove satisfactory Or Money
ref1.1114Q(1, 14IT47
Wheat Wanted
For which the
est prices will be pal
Wood Wanted
Timothy and, CloverSeed
maid be one
Pianos or era
W044113, he fa thing of 12:e'6441y: p„v
-6441eye4, A 1110414fl4;• Ing-ent 1141t
Will eVIT lug ^i-
nre the 14,
14:4;;Fs aS, .V411
'4'41I 411
We Itovo znt creel .31...' s s, v4'01'
I18 !!%1'14= 01714 '-4"t tlie 4.,4o• ' `'.',
144'O ilt4W P1014 4'4144' toinoe .
• g • sieeaton Onoe';'
moth and solz44444.., .
111:0111 114 tio,. 1.o let 11/414, „.
. C .
bun, 111:044; .st i4i.,145.4.011
--as well IS tit it- 4,, /1,7,14 ..ftcr
all the details. 171„1, ' isiy 4„44e
reason why taw pri, „
Gent's FarnibliingA •
Come arra see us in our
of business and examine on
Gent's Furnishings
MY plane
stoek Of
Bert. Knight
Cook's Cotton Root Cagoule
Is successfully -used monthly by over
10,000Ladies. Safe,effeatual. Lodlosresk
your druggist for Cock's gother Real Coin-
pmad. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pi1l and,
imitations are dangerous. Briee,No. 1, $1.pet
box; No. 9,10 degrees stronger, 13410? box'. No.
1 or 2,mailed on receipt of priee and two 2-ettit
stamps. The Cook company Windsor Oxik
larNoe 1 and 2 sold and reconunended by AN
responsible Druggists in Canada.
No, 1 and. No.2 Ort, Mkt in Exeter by
O. Lutz and J. W. Btowning, Drug.
The Farmerrr
The Gardener
The Housewife
They cost a little more. They
aro worth a great deal more
than the ordinary tind. Sold
eVerywhere. lees =Yang free.
D. M. FERRY & Co.
Windsor, Ont. "
(Trade ', •
I,awe ?CU A!'l?;'1,liki
, islaKE You t .6..1. I
itsiifi, '4'4"l"- r.,2,:zs,
MANE Yfsti ST,'W,t.,/
rsr..rogrftepg, 1,,Ini. Svpt.c+)*ts],r ^ 4, T,,,,,11't,'1
1,1 1 It',11:171-,n'S''1;',Allile'ri" i's;' :::I: illil'I.C1trrniirl'Ll
474i es t11y 4.1.vo. 4iti()13 ,.,,,i 1 t iv): il,t,„u tlei.t -5', -1
1,111,,t1 Qiftel:., $tiot th.,,,, 1 -f -,v,”'"` 'P'1, t;
• :.-.^Ce. 11.11c1 31.00 .7.a)ttlps.
1\41V.:-1 41 L41. '16N01 c O. L.miteci,
t,24 1,I784'
CI rah am BIOS.'en's furnishing store
.at Lot t don, On was dainsigedby gre
o the „extent of 87,000 or $8,000,
No SuBSTITCTIO foe "The D. 4: L.',
Menthol Piaster, although some un-
.scrupsilems dealers pasty say there is.
ReooMniended by diict ors, by hospit-
als, by• tlie clergy, by everybody, for
stiffness, pleurisy, Sce. Made by Davie
LaWrente Co, Ltd.