HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-1-2, Page 4u • MUNICIPAL NOMINATION. -- " Abziorate s U fittPARIT TO FIGHT Stratford.--james Stamp wit • iV013 01eas. g.Sairiclees,ditoe and. Reap deo re-elected mayor by iteelematioe. ' Godericie—Mayor, NT., Ceneeron *1. 902 (aeelamation). Atioal*",d,--Maeroe, 13etebe1' (acelne). Uullett-L-ReeVe, Alex. Leitch, Com clitoris. Robert Ferrish. Wou Moon THLTRSDAT, Jaa NOTE8 4,4\7i 003.1jaNTS It -was announced cut •Saturday that t-Jee deputation, front the Methodist Win. Patterson, Reill'V Warren, re church and the Domittiori ime, who turned by acclamatiou. wish to interview the Provincia/ ear,- Biyth.--ilee‘,e. Sims. Councillors eranient on the prohibition question McNalley. Milne, Sloan, Stothers, ue- will be received tit the Parliament climation. School trustees, Slater. buildings on Friday next. Wettlaufer, McCommins, Potter, Bra vtOSSUSIAT WTWMOMINY ovit vwcrarEtut. ' Pear 'Mai SomettituR, "-tfiw be Pone toi4 th lee pootrioe--. or the Pre*eoce or Vatted -Stotes `.4 • , Stephen—Reeve, Sam . Sweitzer, SPUR 017.1.:WA CITIZ1PN sAYs. rv Willert. Councillors/ Fred. Wuerth, Four men Are UnW Making their way tits. McKeeve 'William Anderson out on foot 400 miles over a winter trail Stephen Webb, William Yearley, Geo. front Dawson City in order to make a Kellerman. further trip of .1,000, nines at their own Vsborne—Iteeve, W ni. Delbridge, expense to Halifax, that they way en- Councillors. R. eammi Jos. aawUins. .3ist hi the Canadian Mounted. Rifles to Jim. Moir and Jas. Ballentyne. Old dglit for their Eing in Smith. Africa. conucli ti",- acclamation. Tockersinitif —Reeve, Doig and /for - top. Conueillors, Black, Aikenlaead. The sari drowning accilleets that retteesee, ebopman, Elie, Mc:cough.- aie happeuirg almost daily shows the ton. folly and dan_ger of sk.ating on rivivs • Goderk.h_croutiemors, jas,, Ame and streams before a complete enrface entosb, „N„ Il„ Smith, Geo, Porter, W. is Inutile of the lee areas, After a a Int nev W A ljeKbn, Robert couple of promising rives ore sacrifIced, Thomps". W j.R Rome. 5r Niebo1. is a PLIv'ra t1,14( (4e'le° i5fre(' eon. David. Geo. Riltiatti ilirmtt drudger spots. Rink skating e. number, jn C„ Martin, jn ts decidedly' safer ahholtgb, more eon. I ' •4 Then. Nitftel, J. W. Smith, W. V. Goode. I Kidd. Winglicon— Mayor. Richard Van - Few people dreantpt tint the British stone, Mel). Councillors._ Thos., Bell that-vent/tent are feeding 4114 Shelter. wm.,,u.omes, Rat. meindt-io, J.Irwin ing 2S0,0,14de Boer women E1110(t. W. F. vitustone. awl 3. B :4014.214. Tio-,..rvou. of inerfelity is highSwartz._ . :tnI6t:nlut elteuges me to be maile in o Vd,;(51 Arawau°heellee'vv, Me, the concentration mums which will iqt0litart fovea, vinurblurs. ratrielg rt,1111(,4,. tiro ant stM the tees re -1 4 Connor„ Chas. Taylor, Win, Cameron iliuhr; t1rat. for tha, first thee el and F. AS Mallough 1rneclittuation) Otstiiry of the worla a nation at wiu. fleevielt--I,feeve, J. J. Orem:and W New Tort:, Dee. $0,—The Wriabinaton correspondent of The Times Fays Eer- imps 'trouble between the United States Ara cermany is said to be possible be - cline of the movenidet Germany is leak- ing1e oeree Venezuela into paying a. debt. It Ls not even Witted that the circumstances Pow surrounding tbe movement indicate A disagreement be- tween this comtry arid the Xaiser's Goverment, but that Gerniaity limy 40 seniethieg to cause friction is regarded tiS. nc. Means impossible, A large number of important vessels attached to the United Ste e navy ;tee going alnut lia a leisurely and digni2ed way in lo- calities that are not far removed from where the Cter.rans are likely to do their work. If Octruany makes a move that rum up ;against the Monroe doetriee will be celled to aegoitet inetanter. Ger- reenv will net be allowed to& anything that eeems to tend toward permanent • occupalley Of tiny territory until she has given eatbfactory wsuritliCes that tile •oecupanez,1 nil! um be perineuent. Initt rill terminate within a stated plied. 'This is about the po.,itien this countr• ,v bin taken. awl taereieny lies excepted. elide-, Brawl dou tor Cie v.-envois:tied' -1-• (' Strong', elaildreta the &Ei1 11e11117 Schuller. John SPence, Tho.?, spite of 1?.1.1rN lar,log....inta thou 14*Aash itw MeNee. John -1 St. Marys—Conneillors, J. L. Web, seer, ta E Whelibatra, R. C`. Hunter at.•CirTantiti, O. Lawnie, j. O. •Vons"tatic. J. thin. tele:dee 'see etizeirlo.eceording Platiee W.. T. Or.Mniti, R. T. Gilpin. caatattitia•lia• t Irt:N to) Ihe( .•i t11:e134.11•3013, 1). t 11 - ' eeeee of eV. Weir, J. S'it?',31.':112, .2-4. 3. Thateseitla, ieeese GO:h. 41. L 3Fu.,0E's nese fd. Elieevaa. feteegis. lioteinen, nag wee 11:2,0de k lent Strar-,4enta. i5.41.4140 4410,41'weistevs.,... "7;•- L,;;T:114USh:;,,i1 1,14',•• 70;2&:ut-12?, :14.4:14 W.32"41. A. leditt eenth weed, ieletMenaladlz; rt. 1..4)0:431204110 eaee nee etse. 7.1-, litee or Me, SndlOO Zi.a,4,k,au.Jb IR. I4.4,4t1 Eq- , lit1441.34 .11t-3ilid18„f-4246-: est fro23:412.1::t., en t et,N3relli etelel fittr (Am:3pH 4, ;ii..114 :teen:eel d. 1L',ta ;ans. 3 .ittlal 33-4, l'a; vett it, 44t,iA itt.4 •Sae e. laeseee, Sleds/ .1g1,,pv.- )-4 11131 11. fl13.1:40111e3r3', T. S. F3*r41 Vee ece,Ne1.4 eetenal ' W:de t:a-dde Wine -74"111;,"d* N-41144 • tqf WillOnitc1,141 Pt CieLraqaa, Tt'e, eve_ Seel 7iene Seise Sane tesalay e..:O the re"etisee anoe-een ' , • , it • • tit:r.'1PF tteeLt,v T".r,11.r- ; t-41 dyVae, Veat'0,04a AN APPri0111 TO [UNARY merrer,o*,,mmown• 191"51,',U1itilitS TRAPPW Gtaelesdt.N Stz1.11,11-.4.Y. 1 , Troops fon .11,ore.e.s,41fara of ttle. Statiloun ' eeseedeneatee 1.9;aen tin Soteet..a• eat Vstraeoutsia.'s Itevolaiae; Wu4tlut.7 Aral% 4 ‘1,0'4C-; '4 -=,, en,F141.- Z`?, 0 .44: t?, 04 ^44, ia a,- I Vrod- 13Q5De44, Jen Ifaneiseene, - Le er. 4 4 3';31 ,l 1 4. r4^”. ,,,14,.4,1 Nk, eiu Blu,•44 , t I ,'4,4.110 .1044 4•4-44 Mit 4 -%. J. 10:01WO':,,, 3476' ,,, q,1334 .4.4,4'it4 Hee es; laa.la S. M. Edvende. e ate f'.', 'e,„ eel 31-d eel. :atom: :gc olli- Pral'n'.111—:"IF^Y$W., 1). N. 314.4.4. 4 st'Nttilihili 1!".00''. i'4,..':02,211.- Vtillater41. 2',,, Jae, .areee held, M. VI. :41.1°131,.:1% J1014:1 W4 4.,, 3,, NI. . r),.....2. -.1,,,„ nv.raPlitt. J. tiiilesele. B. I: ri ,: , , L ,. 3.] "2•• , 7". •:444,1 I',,"„r,W,4 14 "0.1 41..tp,. ;1. P. 1,15%31411-,44'ils 11 11.“141t -C14 ' ,I,C. „;%it "2 .1 @ha neenente‘V. Smith --• , s . l' e e d le:4S? 1: ,""Etr Per ;cede el leuettee..1. 6111.,-,-..e7m, W St.1 .3;13,'. v.!.iillo 3.., '48 4".' 4' 6:',.ttt 41^ , ft ---eil 1 1 pr. 3. MI 2 2 imii,. .T. R. fl,,voilittli, A. 1/4, J ... ‘4,.. ,,t,,,,,,..,,,,,,.. Wt+,12,, q , 0•y 1.4„ zee'. iee I,. '%13. !EN." tut pats • 63.3."; ;4Rica 24. „ taihnes ieeen.:e tto eeneceey, Id., of tl.e tioreete ", tyat.v.-11. z -47,r7, eeee. geetee,ter 1 at veedeel, le•nee vdeids ' n1.3413r.tteeirel hp the destere•ti 4, Of lit:. read oed vet:leo:en. The s'.,e • ent ervite:del by tor: e tees,a - save:Klee ee Qi.atterl etiorg!..di",.• f14;.1:1 4. 3,4 44. Tut 7411 co. ip,At,41144,• Ica " t . tta (11t1w.-.t, trh,,rin ipoi ';,t,e. t /4 , 61a. 4 ie “,e1 eid; es in Sammie t 11"" Ott-, twai IL; Ein, St-ztea frPito ' 131''xtz1011• 4 IM'e* avb 1701 /alit t 1.';'Srie •"41 tft lee ir al formed overa balt.ntiat 1,1 „wool, Till. nst, of trip t4s 1.,,,Itaitning thy, fee 1142Ine.-)t. 0.4t win b. disrout 71041,4 tip. hlys \vv.-, 'fulling a s166igil 11164M • 1.,(4°6i1;11( ;11!lh ;1;1.; (.701;t4166;i1Ilpi:g. 1v16,4fI.SySi,:11,!,:r4.,:lx411111!•Ar. J.'hi 111 Jai..., ",) 1. ..i......1 by •ticket titril at ti.atinvan °test. I -- Tie telsneepli lise , in the intesier id the .0 valise 14eVe all 1,:ni cat. Tire ee ehel of •cedeter Mete e !LIT reeetea e a of the revelntieneve awns .; 7 ''t t 6 .A.:::i 'a ; I/ _V .4_4;a3,;;;-er P.M !3,-"°. 7.,•..4:3 1 , niti.en. of Wrraii ke . ited 4 ti-lve ceserie sek11 then tele p ;co. '.i he . Veneenelen (aamaii.ient tisli, ,. e•l teat , the lent* nielt ie in the vidO ity of the ' febrA of >eartarita (an id toad in tbe •, ('aribbean Sea belonging to Veneeeelei, , where the Venezuelan fleet. h 4 been cep. e entree ed. es' eel. in toe bi.,tory. of Vitellt41 Wfv"1 16,15 c.ts;..,6 in font,' CQiatre8 three of 1 MORE SMALL -PON CASFS Toronto. Dee.23.----Fifteeti lien' Stliall- B ille...D Bid A Li PIJALEI ' . a '' ri a -1 I BO' T ' I ,, ,,,, much bad feelime between erhir-b Ise new Wil • 1 . ill a D . H...1,.. a:. at 1.1u,:yrz..., ,:it, ttow, say- , tryek. to.day. In illivigh timiethip, utor,yrixt NOT ReertSretm 111Tu qie -Inivoentas 1,16,134nut WWI .. :RI Kent eounty, eight new raFeN are re. Waliet‘ 4V.V11 (N12(13,' eXls'i411.1 st 41 It 1.1" porte.1 in tWo families, prm eeiiably NESIV AGREIPAMNT. ?a:MI tti say vilirli tor tvbere it inuyenId, traceable to Dover township. Five Beeauset etnne peel& liave had or more (melee are reparted from illumine znurinte te no ullInion of the'P tamp near Massey Statiesa, eVer.Onia. own, their lainines.eleis been boyeotted Single eases are reported in 1-sbcalie and the danger is that r( .2.11 front township, Hurou county, and at Buck - country *8' well as town may followraddiet, camptt -whittley. This state of affairs is much to be re- • geetted, especially when it can be 'WITH MUCH DIFFICULTY. traced to those who NVete Sapp,t1S0d Windsor, Ont., Dec. 27 —Vtlien Mrs. to she* better exempla, One of there will be away shortly, but he has Henry Paquette, of Sandwieh East* .eown the seed of discord and these who was awakened last night by the crack - remain, instead of Hying peaceably to- ng of of fire she opened her bedroom door in great haste, and the flames at gether as they did before his coming, once leaped into the room and caught will have to fight it out between them - in her night-dresse The frightened woman selves, while he will be fattening new astures was burned, but not serioinly. Her p. • husband jumped oot of bed and the two grabbed their three children and Clinton: 'A very charming wedding managed to get out ma the house just took place in St. Paul's Church on in time. The house and all the furni- Saturday, the 28th Dec., when Dr. J. to thture was destroyed. Loss about $1,000. Y. Eon, of Toronto, led e ess altar Miss -Marga.ret jeroirna Homes HOW IT IS DONE ,of Clinton. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. 0. R. Gunne. Apart The first object in life with the num_ Canadian people is to "get rich" the from the invited guests a large g her of town's-people:were present, to second, how to -regain ood health,The first can be obtained by energy', witness the ceremony, as the bride was highly esteemed in the commun- honesty and seeing; the second, (good ity. During the service the choir health) by using Green's August rendered appropriate music. The happy pair left the church to the strains of Mendelssoho's wedding march, which was well rendered by the talented -organist, Miss Bentley. The guests then repaired to the home of the bride, where a, bubstential wed- ding breakfast was spread, after pax, - taking of which the happy pair left, by the three o'clock train for ..the east, and will make their home in Toronto. SIX RESOUHD, ONE DROWNED. St. Ca1,1;arines, Dec. 28. ---About 6 CHILDREN MARRIED AT SARNIA. o'clock to -night seven small children, ranging in ageg from. go merhile skat- „ Port Huron Mich. 26.— A bride ing on a pond near the Grand Trunk of 13 and a groom aged. 17 were the freight sheds in 'Vie/Tilton, broke contracting parties to a marriage through the ice, and all had narrow solemnized at Sarnia yesterday-, and escapes from drowning. Six of them the circumstances of which •are under were reseiteca'but one little girl named investigation by the prosecuting °fa- Floesie McDonald is still under the ice. cers here. The beide is Ella Sharp, William Darling heard thesscreams of who lives with her mother and step - the nrifortunate, children. He very father, Mr. and Mrs. Buffington, at heroically grabbed a pole and jeniped the corner of Commercial and Sarnia into the icy water. Six of the little streets, while the youthful groom is blower. Should you bee despondent sufferer from any of the effects of Dyspepsia, Liver complaints, Ap- pendicitis Indigestion, et9., such as Sick Headache, Palpitation of the Heart, Sour Stomach, Habitual Cost- iveness, bizztness of the Head, Nerv- ous Prostration, Low Spirits, etc., you need not slitter another day. Two doses of the well-known "august Flower will relieve -you at once. Reg - tiler size, 75 cts. You can get Dr. Ge G. Green's reliable remedies at 0 LUTZ'S. ones clung to each other. One succeed- Nelson Dabol, son of Mrs. C. Dabol, of ed in getting' hold of the pole Mr, Dari- Michigan street. The ceuple went to • Ing held and had strength enough to Sarnia yesterday, accompanied by the hold on and bring his comrades, wieh little girl's mother and. stepfather, -and him mit of the water. The other little in rirpeuring the license the ages were girl by this time had sunk from view giVeu as 16 and 18 years respectively.. and drowned. Dr. Vanderburg- and When Prosecuting Attorney Cady be - others after au_ hour's work restored to came Cognizant of the affair this morn - life the six children; rlrive of them, it 'trig be started an ,inyestigatiati, bat it Wasfeared,could not TDO brought to, but is not likely that it would come under after some reinetes showed signs of the jurisdiction of the Canadian courts. life and at seven o'clock were said Though the mother claims the girl to to be out of clanger, The names of be 16 years 014, birth records at the the children rescued were: Four Ram- county clerk's office indicate that she seys, 0110 'McDonald and one Lea ine3r. was but 13 years old December 5, Flossie Yfcl)onald was 9 years old, and Young Dabol has been working at tbe . • , Grand Trunk freight sheds, and will merritton. 1, ve with his bride at her mot ei 'Report of a Preterit nvess Atter the Protocol Was Signed—A . Citillun Despatch Contradicts the Wash- ington View. Washington, Dee, 30.-0)&10. adviees received in diplomatic quarters here in - dictate that the Chili -Argentina eontro- veiny is again opened. According to these advices the Argentine Minister has ixdornted the Chilian Foreign Office that he is unable to concur in all of the terms which were already agreed upsn heretofore and signed. In partiteler he specified two points on which the ar- gentine Goyernnient refused to sub- scribe first, the withdrawal of police from Ultima Esperanza province, 1311d, second, the submission to Great Britain. The formal refusal of Argentina, to sign has not yet been submitted, but the informal statement of the Minister to the China's Foreign Office is regarded aa a. serious interruption, if not a ter- mination, of the proposed settlement, Santiago De Chili, Dec, 28.—Senor Portela, the Argentine Minister to Chili, has not ineisted upon the modification of the protocol "seemed by representatives of the two countries, Ile will leave. for I3uenoe Ayres on Sunday. Washington, Dec. 29.—Advices re- ceived by Senor Infante, the Milian 'Charge, to -day conkmed the news that Argentina cannot accept all the terms of the prof:ova heretofore s'igned for the Settlemetif,of the dispute add that some v w neeessary lfl the- enstrement. Senor Infante continues to express his firm coevictions that there will be no war because of the present misunder- standing. ,,CANNoN BALL" WitECIED. Railway Accident ort the Boston ale Maine on Saturday. Nashua, N.H., Dec. 28.—A dense fog, and a misplaced sIviteli hi the north yard •of tile Boston & Maine Railroad in this City caused the wrecking. of the "Cannon Ball" express, bound from Montreal for Doeton, at 8.25 o'clock this morning. Twe men were killed instantly, and about half a dozen persons were injured. The engineer and fireman were killed., aSieivuer,avlerepa.bsrsuenisgeedr$ buotf "ienainurnioens were not serious.. Chat nu Ce D evt, ice Married. Nice, Dee, 28. -e -The marriage . of Sen- . ator Chauncey ai. Depew to Miss May, Palra.er at the American Church here. hes lmen concluded. This cereniOny,'fol- lowed.. the celebration of the Catlailie roan tage vieo at lc,rotre 41)10 10.- ore Home KnittersWan THE HOME MONEY MAKER tee To Work At Their Homes 'Under tile Direction of A Pair la 30 Miaates 'The GLASGOW WOOLLN CO. 37 TORONTO To Fill large Coat -rads— Coed Wages 'fay Earned. We want a few more workers in this leselith one% and in orderto secure your oo.operation without the de/ay of correspondence, we herewith explain our full plan in this advertisement. - The work Is simple, and the Machi14e. is ensily operated, anti with the Guide; requires no *ember. If you wish to our staff of Wors let us hear from yon promptly with the Contrasts cram'. formolnd re. mi;,-,1;r0,17110,44,i/eGfr:rxon„.. 2lattachloan oolillut a otitir aguattQariawa:rztvz xovrtacieesso 'TA er-V.z.::eh r47.1 tixtcor e7y4.4. OUR 10E11410i> OF: DO/NG BUSINESS wtsh M secure the .5e41,4ees of f4r3.illIes to du toiating tor t:s icrA men. homes. Ow metitc9.1 la the Sanaa as OiltlyteEt gr,,g161:14, 41r.0 tile ititradoectso thts plan Rua the cos.c.;-ra ;i; Matl. esp•tamee, we tle'ire tem nide t product.. an -Zachlue by whl!..lt ail Wads of eearalee *nett - e. :sew ii.-;ce by ctir regranr tb,ram eau'i,4ne E740:31e 0111,V4,..413.rr,1 hien...geese3 4.0 I134434 oese trete nee esissreedlon 44j4 14., „Mt reetifre 56 teat • nee the unertne dir.;;;;Ii 'ret. n; ,20 ^ r „ 1arr.s="0,.. and titc't 4 ; r.34';'.%e pitstalie ;26 Its 41:66*. 1'"001'1 Law is fow tiioa,thiv. Wool- -,;t1 I .1313 aro en. • • - * - *, 10442 44. 4 • tAt trar, P•._tet-rthext•ra Wrzugitolre4 r*".1 st;,- Oritgui.;"s, faririshes an t „ )„ 13ith tii r1.01 -4.$;:e84 ,a• - a - ore enipkeihrr,t. ; are aVt., 1-.:3.t 0-z3, . v r iLltereet 1497,111.e..-..-;,,, . • ;' . .•,t,,i,a-rs 44444' 3.4%; 444, '43 e3-44 .3.. ;- , t4:ag13 3„-,4 - a. t :rrf . 1.1 I31 t'‘'- ' 41..114. ,i4 o3r ' 34 fi"3.1nf;6". ,",.'••••;",,.13 references as te, eer berieete and .letnartte, "We P4IL2S2 -eSk Von M 433 the same, in order: fbat We le3:7 UaeW with when], we are. dealiag. WC tave!"in us brae: 4 =Antler as as -494e. eavig-W3rel L. show von 'what Our wm'is 2St ead ue elterly ray as to the '- tanchttae., it Zs lest whet we represent. tit to itoei and wilt13343144 .tzret, '' %1'2.343g• t ,r44.z43 for 41, Or refund t;Tte fa 403a43.'3, EaeDa inacblue. seenMR17 1,fieU61 witth Olnfit. fe set 1,r,r 1313-0:1;tc-ssert, erot a emit,. or Gto,!:.',41vIE.s• '2;2112tet1 fl.-.4",Ing ..t.,:ft-IroOng. 411-to$1.1 •":733.'^:"i ha,a 13'13 3r to 3.14 aaa Cra'a-it • 113 4:•taii'.;ar ..-.Ecrat, Sigiaeta.. ST,Vg.unti at if -44,1 aaae ,.!,;•,•••,,,a• • 0:4-gi":144.t. with rersittaY6c76,„ • 1.'a"19, 43.: -3..t of. widwit we raft ferea'ar4 rnaetritte en • erattt c.) --,.i. .313test-4v. • . Itest,"ectfull;47.yents... WLL 3431 1.131;11!ria otp..7 1er4'T•1ot4VP4--E.,"epesee 4',<It;;patiti,a$ 13at4igsw ea neat, Vott..c.J. .1c yam or:/lrtlan9 tLeatextrtne, erei ece 4 39e.3ertr.113:4ng 444e 7-rre:ertz,._ c'-::•4 1r,:',14a,t,;,e pk,'0„.4. 13 3#313 or4t2 t3t-4) 13va-4 Ota clitara'..-t t4a-za t te1V.,:':',7,7 1.1' '3.'4a4"34,4 plc 423,3. a.",z,c;t 1313 1343:73134 34; •4„1",,,i,..,1 831 t134-•• 1399a e re LC 4'4 • ' L 34r4 ' Li,'" • t..M1 6 4213.3: ,'3 141 43 2.3,1,a44,(95!'- 4," A r3-13'' 3,3 urat'P ,a ;3‘.7374".: to ' 4' 3. I , • • ; V:4 f.,e„ - , ' „,• '14 f`,44 .3' 3." ' • ., 2. ; ".„ " '' • • , ' , , ' 4' r 4 0 r -•41U A'44 4.74 '4'-=-4'4 ,4 40 4.4, 44,4 ...I,* "4 • , " -4", 4" 1394134 , t- r " r 0909 014,11• tie 011. •••. **r ea.;•• oorsaa41 ve••. ^ eeee, -., et- ,"e.404 1110. •.• • 0•11•11 oftits% •;•*•.• ; • • " 14. "r.' P • 4 "4' 4 C a • t• f4ii7;.:::r! !al ;j: 't 4 T7,. I 4 • , 'uu""' , c-Att-,,, se, nen nave 4 • * In tho 4K47.44 4 .4 44 IL? 1144' 14%7 4h"4'44 13.144 11"14 • . t • Leg,: etti r,..Vorttl at""or i'ir 1-• :rot cif 66.11,' ir• •••• .... ****** . 101.1 ..... .11+••*. # •.. . .... .. • .. . ***** ..... • • T the Traito for tbiq rtr-rd iteml • , 4,1 • cs133134 9 Pt, ma ft 'r -'r after rA'red .• 44'044' 4 4' -44.44 4-',44 4 4I1 -v 1•. '4"4° ,14% 1 itLVI what,., Cr /161,1'0 /6111 W!14l '13',.3.1; 4 4" • • ". 4 `"V(0."1` 11etryou raw ; r 4 Tirrt.,arrtne• oitweyr 4, 11 z of totualiir. earn, and an we ghee lance. " ‘"::). ".7,41 it.0 7' 11.1 lit9 CC-) (71, r %.-1.1,...t.-&-2,cmy $ w.,x 40,4 ww 41 it 4144"441 AAA ilk 14,4 1.1U t 4,0 ti e CARNEGIE OFFER ACCEPTED. Stratford, Ont., Dec. 20.---A special lecting of the public library boatel WaS Iltlid 011 Tuesday evening when an offer of $12.000 from Mr. Andrew 'Carnegie, the multi -millionaire, for a public library in Stratford Was brought before the board. The conditions ac- companying the offer are that the city provide a free site and expend, annually one-tenth of the amount of donation of $12.090 for the mainten- anee of the library, it was resolved, by a unanimous vote, that the offer be accepted and that the council he recommended to cotuply with the con- ditions of the donation. It is under- stood that this offer is the „result of overtures made to Mr. Carnegie by a member of the board actingteeSitirely on his own responsibility. The local circumstances were laid before the 'millionaire with the above ntentioned result SENTENCED TO BE HANGED. Ottawa, Dec. 28. —Stanislas Lacroix, found guilty of the murder of his wife and an old man named Thomas, was to -day sentenced by judge Curran in Hull to be hanged on March21. After sentence was passed, Lacroix said he would commit suicide before he would be hanged. The crime for which La- croix is to bear the heaviest penalty of thelam was committed August 21, 1900, at Montebello. About a year pep- yious Lacroix and his wife had e dis- agreement and separated. On August 23rd, 1900, Lacroix, who had been drinking heavily, purchased a revolver, and on the following day he called at a neighbor's house where his wife was staying, and shot her dead, and also Thomas, who was in the house. He then barricaded himself in house, and for several hours defied arrest. --ee issue—eve-leave no room for improve-, K K ; —lc K.,' —A K K • ESRS.KENNEIL)Yik KERGAti Specialists In the Treatment of iiervotto, Mood. Private and Sexual Dlser-ses of flea and Women. 25 Years in Detroit. ffirNo Names used without Written Consent. Cures Guaranteed. Thousands of young and middle-aged men are atm:lane sweet to a premature grave through early abuse or later excesses. Chas. Anderson was one of the 'victims, but was rescued ha time. lle alya: "I learned an evil habit. A. change soon came over Inc. I could feel it; my friends noticed it. I became nervous, despoil- deot, gloomy, had no oinbition, easily tired, evil forebodings, poor circulation, piniples on face, back weak, &CAMS and drains at night, tired and weak mornings, burning sensation. To make matters worse. I became reckless and contracted a blood disease. 1 tried many doctors and medical firms—all failed tiU Drs. Ken. nedy & Karon took my case, fn one week felt better,. and lo few weeks was entirely cared. They aro the only sellable and honest Specialists in the country." READER—We guarantee to cure yon or 'no pay. You run no risk. We ba -re a reputation and business at stalce. Beware of frauds and impostors. We will pay $1,000 for any case vre take that our IITEW MXTHOD TREATMENT will not cure. We treat and care Nervous Debility, Varlcocele, Stricture, Weak Parts, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. Conaultation free. Books free. Call or write for Question List for Home Treatment., DRS. KENNEDY 6 KERGAN cor. mil)heifteotItAjleigli.eibe st N 8c Kl• '„ &A'..:-X.41.K. . • 3• 333▪ 333 tf.s /..!A Think before you Buy When buying a range think before you buy ati&.then you will The King of Ranges "Buclids lloppw- Thought"' • purchasers! Range building is. a odes FP have the tinstin.ted recotamendation of 150,000 previous happy g buy a HappyucxThought. In. buying a Happy Thought You i:frf , specialty with tis—it's not a side Nir jok BEET SUGAR ENTEAPRISE AT • LINDSAY. Lindsay, Ont., Dec. 27.—At a meet- ing of the central committee .of the sugar beet enterprise held here to -day,, it was decided to take hold- of the canvass for the 5,000 acres required. N. Elockin created enthusia,sin by of- fering to be one of 25 to subscribe $1,- 000 each for the purpose of building a factory should it, becoMe" necessary, and the -municipality refused to do so. Messrs, Shannon and Ellis, delegates to Michigan, were given charge of the canvass, whichwill be conducted in five townships, and foe which the County Council has already voted the money:. The water and rail faeilities for bringing beets from a large area of country, the remarkable showing of the test plots and the enthusiasm of those Intel ested, justify the belief that a factory can be secured for this town LOCAL OPrivrox is strong in fayor of pyny.Rai,- am. It cures coughs and colds with absolute certainty. ,..Plea,s- ant to take ancl sure to cure. Manu- factured by the proprietors of Perry Davis' Pain -Killer. nient in our construction of the „‘ Happy Thought. eP .4? fk? . • / They are naanufactured by TEX NirM. BUCK STOV C O., 14rnited, Its Brantford - Write for an Illustrated Pamphlet. • • tit3 Cii-V-44,144441*****: • HEA.MAN, Exeter, Out. Mayor William Still of 'Orangeville died suddenly in his office. Mr. Geo. Elliott's store at Crandall, Man., was robbed of $1,000 in Union Be nk bills on Christmas night. As CREAM.—"The D.& L Emulsion of Cod Liver 011, for those suffering fi om severe coul.,dis and hemorrhages, is used with the gren test ben efi L. Ida ufm, tured by the Davis' & 'Lawrence Ce,. Ltd, .Tacoh I3ennett3 of Baden, was crush- ed to death` by a tree falling upon, bine, The leanly of Rev. Colin Sinclair^ of ne St. Thomas are suffering froni poison contained in deemed salmon. A LONG RV:Caen of Success in Cur- ing ClltS burns and bruises, as well as , • all bowel complaints, is held by Pain- s Killer—over 66 yetua. Avoid sub- stitntes, there is hut one Pain -Killer, Perry Davis', 25c. and 50c, 1 • !t ex' $ .04413, One Doliat 2404v•isg Adveruseo rablisned Piteml dIl Inserted fa YRINTIM moderate I Ind -ertisiK * Teeth elan (11f1ze le t nevus. ffellege of 1 tIviduato, (with bona' Alloudral neatest ma evithelia11 T4i. T- ,cuvA. Ont. (.1,1114133. 114. -1' "i;•atit41441V'r; 4444,44#7.11r4.14444 * znati valcc. L 11411144 at, f ti,zo 3,4134.1:34.;Ti 2 :4 Pa,* IMP: 83-4303143*34343 r Th (t' Paid up ReserVe J./ 'geese ad, nsteiwitho annum. Open every' A genera CURRENT Receipts. S inernios. Fr.,C ROL We sag mocl SHO] A GRIST] DC • "Havinf...) are prepa PUMPS, FITT • ' Pltutab We ptt., Plumbinf. We chnee 133401 geeseinien•e..3 e. •