HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-1-2, Page 3,+WW1(49K.W.Mnii.)1(40%.****WeiW.341i****491E.A4,410.1,143,1444 evil- "What is it, Kittg! 8Pealt once. Smoothing bas bappeneet" • "No, rot, ulnae; not yet. But -bot • whAt in afraid of is that It will bappen uolese there is Soule oxikt ta 4 prevent it. Mies Vonnie " in a low The--gsack, Or i X The * Wooing Red - ic x , ...•. - biicr6oeinzatytothnae,t,Iswit:Zr ttieoe Ile/lee:IQ:* s"Plet-'' klote „ • Constantin -.4' or lvhat I 44 119141 g43i44 44) tell 5'Q' tA(**.4(..)wwwie,40;y4y14/K.A.},K.A4EVAp:4E4VrtcKe.W.0.#1141(4)+Whilp Withellt, hesitat1Q11, And thou (-Mink- . . • tin ?o, I ' -.I weer It." said Constantin. in, nleady Variey is tn denger-troo- CIttArrElt XXVII. "Come bottle"' said Coestentio b1e? zuddenly. ”Ay, $he loolied distressed, and mles. 'Twill be eat! tierouble inben the eileniet egett grow po her bande were trembling- tively thought ttet Mr hif no one can nein. Bue ,yoe, awtet, Noran brae it- , ball -come to her- '11 ne er ltliSS IdeGillicuddy. yOu, cart de soloe- lort largely, "Weil, I etereol" she, eahl, eiroOly, sbeend happen to wallt 'this weyeeto adeg„ That's wily I (allele tO Ye. ' Neither ilha anYone Blatt, evidently, cliatn:tilsayitilfawi ballet el late.'" be that VI was no tl?b901...3-AlwrIe. ty:;;-zructexneigitv-t,c,1",4ed: vould Se %%ere clissenttent volee, One come through the wood ads way t„0 ."thla Secret has lain upon my heart, t) they were somewhot eon ot, The cottage, aud how often until I told noneell I slieuld spake a Vallaarrassed with sash other, tet the sue hoar vusticA by tko boor 4.00t, gt way in whicie tliey avoidcd eacti oth- to the tiny orohard behind the house enpean. then... said nonstantia, "" it or die." erts eyes, Cot:atm:nee: tried to make to give Soule color to the servant's' a retrar.k. hut failed; so did Strange; answer, "Nat at home." "Olt h• urt' twttlitsh 4tetgruilictilleol.:114110Pg4Utchnoct?; tit"Irvelalattent eon then alt at epee they became two, she mud, looking appealingly. e_ge„„ , gware that 400'10101w was the mott net, Strooge. "If I met him now 1 n'ut tt'''''''''''4' ter with Barry. Id not speak to toim-1 couldn't n4y lord-ot” began the girl and 11e was purple. fin wan writhing, 'Faa ieo peabrann es it frightener wriggling, ia the most extraordinary ,Inde‘ and be Might guess— tlstopd u , waYt ond then the crisis came. Ile 'tier "4'7 14'6' grew Pal? " tbQ eamtantia drew ha& She ile burst into a roor etJaughter. dreadiel tbangbt' /54117 sPr'74-nge• t° eriresou- Lott.4.- ono too oe tatotott with n his feet. and Cow WI folietweu goo- ell. it;. ig le, „, Most tonecent dieregard for public Inle'ti eager reetsten5 haek tA)%"1-414 -lea te co"iniir 7' kiM't 1 f''''"Q"14 li •opinlott. lio wns /m4st., caring. tor The Cottage. Jost lettere the wood sit , .4 it Ittale 3 of 1,•00 Yarie..Y.° . A 4 that. ria ming, „himself iadoed upon terminated and the open nettle be- too rcsvoctarut'io aYs-01 or thollsneiotrtn. the InosoY sward as though be nauto gen that belonged to her bouee, sbe , , tranif- Do yoe think your raistret leo it/Alger SeprOlit MS 110114, and ,ditantagea her etnnPntdonn• 41'3'4°00'4d bitutelf eeotenically to the. "Don't tate things no much to mirth that- had been consomme; him,benrt." said Strang'', irt " len' Yedee' fO' tho last Jive itimutes. halii he took ber band in porting. Steen& regarilettitito with extreme "Nothieg is worth lunch griefl" i Se‘erity for a little while, tool then, Yet. how lig grieved! Tier; he overcome no doubt. 1)y jos mot ex- would grieve forever for the love de- oniple, gave in, awl brohe into exit., nitel binelie put tgilde his own terant laughter likewise. Even the feeliogs for the 11oulent. gun apolte tear of (COOStalltia."0 Wrath was pow. lids worldin sentiment to inn to %lees to contrel him. Norah watt 'Itenl her wound. Be was r"5ider- not low 111 10110WhIg Milt. Delight. • Obly perplexed by tbe tttrange loon Rd witb 0, Chance of eat:4;1111g at att witli evbielt rho an5wemel him, tintee. elle saw now a, splendid op- 4 13 that your creetirn she salt", Portunitet not to be neglected, and nlondY- geese ber 141irt1* full swing Witi1010, 4 "att least. it. is a good oaee" be FRFOle FOIM QtARt) DIRE QT Va. INPIRNC SOlIt FdNe RICHMENT. Early and persistent tillage, tillage then acteally keeps the leevee frolet showing, is at if well followed up. 1..eativi;v8at sfhoorulUdilttie titaltr they are whole litter lay staytng with tten and s on the grass ig wel started in spring, ring the sowe PUTEnn TEIN A PASTURE 'Metre there is running water, Abate ewe, to keep them in good tioeb, the grane will nearly Support them, A few -days before the pigs tog dun the sowo are pleneel in O. pee to boo temperary stied with bowel or elate reef Will do), where then will he drynend confined,- Ohl SOWS will ustially get olong larrowirig right Alen° In warweenier, bed young SOWS ettould be tamed toot kept woteb of, as tbey ore ant to lejuro their pigs. n hove Fayed it he again shown by testa at the Miseet and As fast as the pigs arrived. Putt- fotte. experiutent statlon to be ter- ting them in a baeket until she wee rible robbers. The raptd formation through ; then by rubbing her bag of soluble plant food by the action site would He doom zo I could piace of atulOsPherie agent in the ens° tbe Pigs on her, and after they bay( stoutly tilled soils ne the absence of one etteked there Is very little dam rPelapnir let:ebainbr ?miaon t' elsfseleilun followed tosabeLesty.teretr olat6illfg Irony' of my neigbtore at,,ncrlyopostwhauymaunsabdupt foofiltottwinaera.fals1:,teeoswto stooetel: bIttit ma toratgatigisAsttrhOeleituitousree.to the i, bteerisog. Ilacptaitwo aoydefautter'r I dttolilin:keee.apItflo nitilibliirt: taheeinweyltung Pigs and some *bet* Now that the tonnes !den is in the „bowels loose by feedirg eometbine e , greeianuring istpressed opon laxative, such as mall patettoeens e very frellueletlY at inOtltutes and cull apples. bran mash, or roots, but 'Freeberg. it mine, we are told, Iwo tut tabor ie expensive, very revs in st e o tomrse Ts I:10 ntilithb4 f worn I; 3111 It eitrti el 1ggi r holds water strongly. is the eenter give the sow Charcoal and fresn us to the coil and this niateried section thirake many roots. I also 3 and Make& alarming frocles. Tha'of bacterial action and of chendenl earth. erd have stopped. a. Utter Of _ ! trestrileltYria‘1,1Jell ettittitgetrreded,sheseTtitintbet1 Pla41"3 Rth;At CT ON Sal:LAS. nig by giving theni a. few treat* ends* two or three weeks old from seortre t COST -CAM 4 to 12 Yeors. would like to have tile petto Rt se itt he' houeeliold pu eaLnYOSSCflir" She, atoned as though to Pans th girl bee: hut Nitty Briatt /aid •let band upon her arm and held. her Oren ty. "tties Conetarsee, don't go like t11"t• near tee," she cried. dropping ter ttnees and catelting Coeetration eitirts. "You laloW-dall4t :rt. a° triles?--tbat I Would sell tem beam.' ldroui for the traellireee, 'Tie roe in lady that 1 neg. love on ray knees. eetu loved her, so I canie t you. (no ais. if yell will not listet tbought for the reorrew. end et eie, returned evasively. , 'who will? What frieutl bee rho upot ter'e displetattre. • n an 4172., 0. lir, ‘4 earth win ---her own mon is file As for Constantia stood Stella InthrSitt. tO Nowt!), turotel into a poth hetnt. wen unconeprotiticim geetiog ate Iter ttaa. ltd rlutrititt, to tile rinht nrd Tte voice wee E'0 tragical, so Tar terapanioue with careful coatempt. were even out of eitehte Car`40.0 cla Oonafeiv eitymult, tho 06;•1-r1 aki4Vr d hit Tier steregth. btiO Wif14 a gene; ete,h. went on 44„ Pnt ..o whitto with tioneet emottoo. tba teen found woe tueteinetene lor lite w000l. hardly bet:ditto tno ontlY tnant 244, e r ; *Ito fa lie ter. liad thin raciatien eettie Not:Mint enetter eat totnen fon " rat?' Olt, if env ,2,1thettiad nt.' with 11414; velvet °Id °Paid° ejcr1/2/in A wen ferttlieed Uri - dere and in in the hetet*, of foshion. ejtegtita is overlaid with velvet. 'II* 3re4e le eller° banded" bat the 'tion is adopted. The mote tout c 10,,r_ in aoil Inoue* provided a good rota i Leg only an edge of the red, and intebble et clover. as shovni' by Ina" e with it and tho nosh are ni hed exec:intents. Including Omen of the 11 s writer, leave rtear ly us Innat orgeme =her • r\VVittin'OPS619)1aT:egrg%I.e(11-TaltIontl‘4t:.flitlt1174114ncttile: 4 glibtobvttte,r inTetiebe''beirrigglitiates etalre tops re n teras and eimple silts. trimmed es. s inererated, or with velvet only aro. ;i-luctiiVi9v7ra.gitentirrlon`011:14,1116t,etxia: 0j:6:eccr that cashiers. i 1 It w ItOweter, equiti4 appropri40 affd ;tile for green nuttpering that are bad Mot others who Ite.nelle n eireatio in etyle. * Tlit. walet is made over a fitted „I taTWan;atideAter An_tiroae„.niteenttr4.130err 43-tbitie' ' °tot PdaetP:ert,411,1"b7d anrolltentbl 1 ttinieg tbut. close3 at the bac, but 4 weight of the root a and etentlele atte,it is thnt dues Mese the counter - o wieen Ls quite Wahl and frelooth. Tho 'derived from. the air. bunnies mate' felt the best experte find it diftleolt I ."*"Mist ProPer Is gathered at the Yolie 4 actually Inerettee in tho soli as a OW to tell. Then say they It ow I I and again at tt wast... It . ......el reto, result er good farming, alwayttietioctively. They tulip not only by 0 'bloases elightly over env belt, -vile 01 c diti i u, ,s tho !oohs of a, note but by tho - 11'net.-141t1,1telilni°i4litilglY. tell -hen iPsVjar4441:41xcect.: 4' 2.11C4actliteer4 aftwavaVsiPtrn Ole% 4TotiO7vgctulilel "eeI 'IS Ct::11.10t;0115 that a eoutiterleit -' the tontine: of w/114f ana yoke. The 1 wry imra. ubout 3,60,ifirA0 to 3n0..... t Wevel 044 in hhhoP otnle. with nen. 000 Ilts oud th Wit! . , tua t profitable. tio fi0oner doge note Must be wittely eiretaloted to - ton ettoifeht tuba- and the twit ,is4'11's in a eroP of Cloven in not 41, great,' a ceunterfelt apoear than its entecript 0 ng COMM. Tne eon° of hzereaff,,,, l'4 Mtn is widely publitilied. 'rime* etho `4 coerell 4,Idiet ils sliitiOnt rit the frout, We are, mare Met Ws la not 4.eare intely te, mixt by tekinx coan.. t :1-0 omitted in Moor of gathers if so but in the itglit of toe ak-este,e ..0,1 ; to to on 00 taatmut Lor rimy apts. t tortereen. Ti.e upeer edefe 19 toiriettetrlot tette that 11aVe etiewn even eosin/mon ate oegta dito ozeitootge ott r to ten iody,, land the eaten eerve3 to *CO year or for .Stitete ea.sity diseoveeed meek. ft I 4* AV% 41. gliO Fefa Mr : TO eat thie dri..'FI for a girl of 8 A. SERIES Or WADS I n teller iatowe of jut% what denottt- e FaMrii of egtl, IS :earth of raeterial 21 ; a ceittlietitittiOn for tuer wtoberareawt: jilnizr,"tti%b4ero tothleookeZiftrielltvt.taiteled `inetel-1 'Wide. 4 yard' 27 inches wide' onenteding crept. - nos Lit Amite 41,, McGhee wide win be todequete 'until accurote. tens de- littlern Ile deteete the epurious noto nionetrate tin et ntenth n of thew as easily au the reetier does 01' Can Tell MONET. Note Itni Eionth ogo, betore t!te theelcseuree on INCA eglirVit Ifrv;41X49 T.d-----------------------,51161Itl eti, de, /he r'ex ot the h'eli 'eal" Pretlwatlail tlitt' Ivrn'e "t'test• ,terfeit tlotes ie it tlicir busitteso the night of that, Want :melee: kali, ttnt tolb a thiett Idn of 4441air.i'IT ee7.7ee mIcerihaneil foe hr fin warm e *II would nave Leen dir4t-relt,t; htliteV* C'Y'DW., and al thy f1411red IL. kW& 47470;10,44 tp4111 00,, wend new toomt In reathereettu mill Leine Ow woold briAreol,Nti a'i a VAL thttr.id ern'ire I'll' teeratee.d teeeeneen oeteete igen Love felt Meted. tannatiotted. Wart.. relf ant of the rhodowellorong. rof,'-', (!, that 3:;041 tem throwo ocroes LP brolgat. Ina nowt .la front or them. Now thete were ail! lougtang• and '. Vat:tete:ilia ohtntat Paelt 1131'"!3:"14vy'' 1°.''?rriZ7"01-42;01"'111",,lteoltr'ilf444V"-'.412-0'Wilitre4r1Zi*gl--,;11 rho was e-ountet Fite nee Irite'lte she ay, i'48 ir frightuarto One 'Ii -u4 if''' taw level -ei.weet.,0* ong the tongs int vole pretty, it wee but a Welt- hand oit Nortihte arm, There little rnt;tionwil rammer__ wowed after all. she had reZeived in heroine. latoever, wen not in 4°' ore yen onow wool you ant ony. 11"r tardt encounter, in epite of 0, dallatell. She went fitralv,141, up to i oto ,i, „iwrured tinily. , IR struggle with her eeverer win ellie Wirt's' llgitte and Peered itdo iv' "Ao. geO-e: yo hcani, maybe. that the stern Laws about her colt Opt; ree i 34:ustlier letniteet Went tO Lorena lawn the gravity !lied front her! "Mtn. it's Kitil•lu she sith""re• obort a v -tot ago?" Fen and wae replaced no o (140t' 10 o tone of distinct disappointment; r•ric.,.,r0 sulg light that told its own tale. a tone that bertiered on iiiiettnet; Zo etttoyin, toontea. :4.0 ,, .c hear She made one lost SOMA for contiotto be so wan to tho finding 01 44, r•-',0. not cote moon in root ino i me, end then, nanguitated, yet, with. blow, owl to bave IL tuin out rutin- 1415 14,,,,It mornin.„ noon. . nfght, up out regret Ittr her ticket, rhe loathe% Inn aitnn alit "vonot •4r0 ICIU '4°i1/4”; ittPral 01 lialloiaore wi Afro, thin in'the general seenneeent, and laugh- been, I.itte?" fehe deitatitiled. with PP 41%fr tti until the Imo r00 Ilotea Ler :nit' (i ottriiinn A ince had emerged from Me tang lord"icel"„t'' rep' to llell rule 1 0 ,air ee. ci 11, V, ta 4t 1 re. nun os tilwehe. "Tbatna right," Fold Strome. with hiitell4 cletet that Irish ele1P1rtt Yttr, whit it* a vtoy old Newt of 1113,1' be- et nuick cense of relief, se; he watehon men anent) wetItt " t",,t° ern,"nr,;eent';',' teau ttottelantia voltiln. "l•-••••-•" Oen Was there a gniuteer ot hope in twine:4'o thtn caaaz '11:'. '''"VI° ""'"'''',"- -MO hot it irill't Oh, mine.' that reliet? Itall lova hornotted. Thr. ft" 1°"n'ar veal It .e. eirl stone'. "This is Tug: "Oh, butneno° she rola. looting. up pain Novel' ot Coto tentia, ha o titu- dor. en. ki, •olenotioy they have it . . • ' • " • - 4 nt . e not. , 11 1, , c. .., . . ei i Kant te run away.. t tote Oh, wo eitonld not. tto leteellinengen1 I "'nine votaint," tI'.'" i'aida '.et`eld I ihreVe her ariee wide, and then end "After 11, why mit?" taid :Take to ye for a moment, ii ye thni. . ty Lreuoitt her Lamle together Sverige. "There in an element 01 Planer' unit a 100t1 Clop and burst into comicality sannewhere around, end we 'rite euteh hart fallen 'two (Motto' teare. ••011, Wirra, Nemo.1 an' what aro all three:et& by it. There M cure- thee now. end bearneed the dove -vole ton toonne of ray lady thin?" nin ly no harm in titat." erred ceeltemire gown mid ninelio OW como!ii frantically. "Carrett, no is Calling you nettles" non MIL f"''Irr" Ih0 I'llit1411° 11441'57 4" Com.tentia. Was too horrified to raid Nowt S'aucIly. ”Ile nteen you Araglin, Constunela etne t Met it. have much patience with her wild are 0. comical element. It Was you wee Kitty Brian, the under -helve- w: o wade us laugh, wasn't 11.?" Maid there. a rirl tO Wit0111 Lody otestop erz..1114,,, nue said imperious. “Well, I don't fancy I was the Pest Vorle!" hod linna slkOallY hi" tab"- lo, "and listen to me. Dave you muse," eaid Barry. "I wee only the Ing Ler out; of a povertyenrielotti ° proofs? Is there no doubt about an vettful but insignificant match. Bete ettitin to train at; a servant. tilio Oise -disgraceful etary?" ter be laughing than crying any day. girl bad returated OM lontinees by a: , ..;:..tirrit doubt. itdus.., Feathersttn ought to do the croind pastionate atitlehisteet, that grew estilt nnithing. but somoTthuediglar..1 naughty boy! By Jove, what a with evory gentle word from her her " W _ tion tome into her tone. • "It's all so•indlet" Ilere be went oft again. 4 -gentle ntistinno- "Iltdt; Ve•rleYlli stn- toganged. I tell ye. By starting on , "I wieh we bettit't gone up there ele.inted ConStatala anxiously.. Thuredey. they'll nave a good run to -day." said Constantin, nervously,! "She is not ill? Una anything before Mr. Dundee; has learned the "You must confess 'we behaved mean- happened?" truth. Ob, it will be the ruin on- ly, shamefully, to spy upon him "There is nothing. mist " eaid the tirely of my ladyt Such a. shame to through his open windows, to detect girl. "nothing at ail," with a rather her. an before all the world. tool hire----" forced smile. Iier nervousnese seem- Ob, miss, if you can do annthing. do °OrinIting whislic,v, with that blue tel to groW upon her. "'It was only ;#1,. ribbon pinned upon his coati That's 0. little thrifie of iny ovoi X wanted '''' She drew her breath hard With a what 1 eall meitn and shnineful," In- to -to consult ye about. An / , kind at sob, as she again turned to terrupted Norah, with a little aunt. thought 11-1 met ye here in priva.ten the anxious girl. "Cm, I hope he didn't, see us," said with an -expressive glance at Norah i "And you," she said, looking cloWn ConstanLia. miserably. She looked. (who read her, noWeverP Ilk° a hook) ,on enler. 'how did you learn all, so pale and terrified that onee again "you might listen to me." I ttlinre Stronge's heart was contracted by a } "Certainly," said Constantin. Initty fidgeted. bitter pong of Jealousy. • graveity. °Norah, run 00 t° the I "why, there's ninny Murphy up at "To do him justice he doesn't house, and if Aunt Bridget asks for Ballymore.r she said at last. squint, and it would have been im- Me, say -say I am coming„ and that i 1 "I see, I understand. Ile Is your poseible otherwise to see us and tho n shall be in preeently." itweetheart-your lover?" *bottle at the same time," said Dar- She darted away like a swallow, I „why., We do be Iteepin' company ry, who was determined not to tokePleateing Constantia alone with- th4 sometimes," said the girl, plucking It seriously. "tfe gave the prefer- maid. ' shyly at her apron. "But faix, I ence to the bottle." i "Well," is,..11(1 the former, smiling don't think, miss, that there's much "It never occurred to me," said kindly, "what is it? You Mote Stronge slowly. sometlang to say to me? I She cast n, glance at Constantin. if "1 did 4 to me," said Barry. "I'm tt, I "There is bad newS, Miss Connie," •out of her clot -merit Irish eyes, as she - dull fellow enough, but SoMe instinct she said, and then again paused, said this, that belied_ her assertion, stood to me, and told me to mis- with a swift glance around her into and compelled Constantin, to believe trunt him. This. craze for total ab- the thickening gloom. "Ob, if I that there was all the world in it set stinenee was all a plant to get bini- should be overheard!" she said. ;far as the was =roomed. self _into the good graces of Lord Nil- I "No one can hear you in this cute i "May be ye think I sliould have teens, who can give him it push in of -the -way spot," retdrned Constane held my tongue in spite of what 3 the parliamentary direction next tie, calmly, though her heart was be- kuow. May be 'tis' blamin' me ye election. Bahl it makes one siek to ginning to beat with- the expectation are for spakin' at all,"-sbe said pre - think of it. 'of some unknown but surely coming sently, puzzled by Constantia's pain- Reuirtd. with yard of velvet to *aon who atIviee us to use et:e crop to eroded weed. It in no particular efe t feed another. Green Manuring Is a fort. It 15 a habit. 4 P refeeen countert 4cd elteate. "But legs, tenr. I Tilinge Itas ilono eoraethirin tenet; re Le tote so eaeny deteeteo beeaton in sonte feature they are alfttofit, wale lonely trim, 41 Illuetrate0. good platethlug for the rice. mit:line &Co the otiethres3 wotsted littie end other foctors bavo ant- i withotte wenn' u, word to tomeliody ed but the eyetem moderote eno. of inferior (polity. T013 in, veio ;eight give her a band. An* by omitl manuring with something. indeed, the main protection of tho hato none it, stifle/en. Inc that you leoupled with tillage, forms the bneia public. comille 310" are engraved Vic.r0 ti Ut eery one to do Mir a. Good of the grain. It Is underetoo.1 et and printed ,ennost regardless of cest f IL:CU (Ammo., tato vaunt anew eouree thnt true chemical farming and the yet ling noneront or„„ ,„t„, „ atm tool. Voiretuntlet's hand. and lot, sects to add direct Plant food to the in the en, eying aluiliril-u;t1TO' itTi; ttI4t INuttbity, and vrttittga it to sell. and on this 'tittle the farm bee nom to largo moblisktuerms. watt -an ,e,oinutikinG Ito nowt been operated. 'White te tit oat "t`to ' PoOrs ibakaant 84:0, an' no 'Pi° 4" 1" c'on mas" Iftt,01 wort:Men. 14 an praetiealle Inwood - Materials mid by the test'- . weele Beton to me, or &tend up upon in a limited SenFO as a mine ;0 lite for counterfeiters to -no as well. teepee ottoiteo „Terry tamseut ant „cry be exploited. and that lime, volt endThey nunit r n 13,Crt.t. an at a it threw, It the varlet as a oh) ant a ashes and titian% while er"1/1"1114 distitivantage, and of nerCFSity can- ., Femme, 11 1 thought it, would do any a substitute for fallowing, new Ur. useful olds under WiEe and Waited not have the experience to produce good to not lady. Oh, miss! to :tee conditions. the royal road to opt such perfect work. lf they get the the ince of' her, 50 Md. an' eo lonely, engoavings done oicely then fail hid MI it an the world was antbraY rt.° 1.b•ItIniledeitingelltpooforouriefla"lisamillng4 le in the -- - the ed- the printing, or if they get tho ene, e heel If trk,t'at the baby had neon te.t man% through Otte balanced mil rite gra-ring and printing done well they! ek to e.xpense of the future, unless very poor and ignorant from counterfeit tom. Tills way surely pays and the fail in ',wiring the proper paper. 4 "no not think of that. do not go other, if it enriches at all, is at tbo There is little protection for tho; ba it," tried Constantin buto riedleo pang at her heart, "1 will money. They do not rely so much try toot ettn de, promise yeto Judiciously indulged in. upon their own skill as upon keeping and 1 am glad, KiLty, that you came track of the sources from which they to me -me only. Ito one" -she lean- receive money. They know from ed forward impreinively, anti laid her baud on the girl's shoulder -"no one, ieuientber, must know of this but you and r. Think of Lady Varleyl" "I think of nothing else, miss," re- plied the girl sadly. To be Continuged.) 44irftederrtistr.r.401.1101ral•••••eimrrwasrr erercarrrorostrr.r.re I:I spite of at LeaSt Half a 133zell imitatore, Or. Cliase's'SOrae"of tineend ash Terpteitine tias More Than Three Tittles the Sale of any Remedy IlecommentleO ler Throat and Lung Troutelee. ' Dave you been imposed upon when asking for Dr. Chase's Syrup 01.Lineeed and Turpentine by being offer- ed an inlitation? Many have been, and we know, of seine who have changed their druggist as a ,result. It is not safe to deal withit druggist who offers inaitatiOnS' ante taibatitntes. Ate honest druggist will not Offend his cuetoniers by such questionable methods, •The ,use al Tr. Cibase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine has beconle so universal that on all sides are springing up preperetions of turpentine and linseed, put up in p.ackagoS efinilon to Dr, • Chase's, with the oto- „Sect of makiningales on the reputation of thie famous remedy. Ts not,this dishonest, le it not stealing, or even worse? For; besides the injury done to the proprietors of Dr. Chase'S Syrup of Linseed and Terpentine, the PeoPle are being deceived. • In seine eases, nO deubtt eVeu life is lost as a result. Are you being deceived? Dave you asked or. Dr Chese's Syrup oi Lieseed and ,Turpentine and been given an imitation Or ettbseiterie? rebore is no doubt about the virtue of this great throatand lung remedy. It is • too well known as a thorough cur fer b101ichitis, croup, whoc;ping cough, asthmacoughs and colds to 'need further words of coinmeenotion. What we want, to do is to warn you against these iniitations. To bo cerg tin that you are getting tile genuine, be surd (hat Dr Chase'sq...sortrait and signature are on the wrapper. Dr. Chase's Syree of, 'Linseed and Turpentine has reached 'phenomenal sales, because it cures when other re- oiediOs fail. It is fetr-reaching in effect, enring, the cold as well as the cough, and uprootieg the mast ser- „ious formS Of laPUChitis, astbnia,, and siinilar throat and lung diSeases. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Family „ size, tnree ninch, GO cents. At all dealers, or le'dmaneon, Rates & Conmany, Toronto, A haw:home and useful Christmes present for mother or graeclmother is Dr. Chase'str . Complete tleceiTlt Book. Illustrated folder free, RAISING rinS. whom they receive a bank note, and if it turns out had they take It back, The following from an experienced and get it redeemed. In some de - and successful bog braider will in- gree this pre'eetion exists among ft - 1 farmers nenetal institutions, which keep trace I have had good success for several years,raising pigs and pork in con - of the sources of their receipts,, f GENEROUS DINICLICEY. motion with an "a11-year-round"I O tors come in March and April, when' prices are higher than for latter pigs.DO YOU 13E1e'r eeee have tuitl (Leith an experience If there is a demand, when the pigs i „" ,,, , at our home." "said Dinkleby to his are four weeks old I sell to neighbor- •nain '5 a tleeatien mono Partici' friend Gootons. 'You remember our conservatory ?" "Do you mean that glass dupe dtess to another. The wearing of la board, about, the size of an orange- sitobeviestoageanitneh, troll bianvesenasevoenr ubneteil belt decreases the size of the waist. box, that is built on the side of e -our the pigs bave been oil from three ,,'This fact has been glea.ned from* millet dining -room V" Inquired Googins. tary circles, whet•e it is well knoern "Thot's it. I call it tbe conserve- tittys that a soldier's girth decreases after Lo a. week. Wheat middlings hao an ewith rnilk is the best food to start tory to please Mrs. D. She young pigs, and should be Md often a period of service. Ladies have; e and little at a time, Just what they found out thot Tommynt belt has a will eat up clean each time, There is tendency to give him a smaller cir- usually a good demand for them cuinfereeee at 4 that part wbeee his; when front four to six months old waist ought to be and they bave . dairy. I try to have my spring Jit- ar- Mg farmers or from two to three to for the eoesideration of ladies, mid it Is one which we may occasionally dollars eaeh ; if not, wean the pies hear one member of the fair sex ad - at that age in order to breed the astonisbmg number of nlants in there t not many 'orchids, but a lot. of geraniums and things. The other day she diecovered that said ger- aniums were alive 'with insects. She asked a florist how to get led of both as breeders and feeders, as adopted the belt jos' the old, old pur-', them -the insects I mean -and he many farmers 11 they can find leoo'd pose- The waist of a woman wiles° told her that tobacco smoke was the 1thrifty shoats, oval buy them when height is 5 fcct4 inches, "'judging by ' 'best remedy. So she took that box they have extra med. r kept high_ the Venus of Milo, should be twenty - of cheap cigars which she gave me grade Chesters, with full -blood bear, four inches. ' for a Christmas present. I couldn't smoke them because I had resolved 'to give -up smoking on the Orst of the year. Unfortunate resolution, waSn't it ?" "Very," said Mr. Googins, drily 'Yes. Well, as I was saying, Mrs. I).• took,. those cigars and, giving them to a man who was on the look- - out for it job, told him to go into the conservatory and sinoke for an hour."pjer0' Mr Dirdoeby pausea: and mr, Googins inguiren : "Did it kin the insects ?" . • ''Well," answered his friend, r e- ffectively, ot should think it probable that it did. It certainly killed the nlantS,end the (Teeters havea't pronounced the man out of danger yet." SOLDIERS AND SUICIDE. The French Militalre publishes sta- tistics showing that cases of suicide are very frequent in the Freneh ar- my, more no,,perhaps, than in any other European force., Among every 1,000 • deaths in the • arhey from all canseS, no less than an average of fifty (in 1890 exactly fifty and in, 1897 fifty-one) are -caused by self-de- st.ruction; ,while of every 100,000 men on the rolls of the' army no less than an average of twenty-seven CODXiIL S11 C CIO every year, Ainong the colonial troops the Munber is ev- en higher In the navy the pr a ct ce seen14 less prevalent. ••••meorrardirar......r.r.....•••••••, fr • 1 4: • • .1% I! • • e r • • • • • „ „ 0, • . • • • • * • , „ • • • k , • r • • 6 0111er-13o/et forget o teli Miss Arar tfervente-l'il Be Up and tell her eittut