HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-1-2, Page 244:4 +;* 0;* 9.:,t 10. •Itle Pink fo.t. 44,4r at 4, "cot will murder me like te dog?'" Tborae was tell white. Ou the contrary yon will die e.e a mom. shoule, ieconspitatoosiy. d with no violeace, Conroe ;tow. untg to-uight you may think it over, Tiaeu I must, ba.ve ney Answer. Think. it over—your frienete against. yout ifo and a fortunel" otegainst ray hentor mann" nAe yoe pleese; but' you can't deey the fortune—X.10,000 awl no condi- tions whetever. You will portion. bst I really reuet. not let you ve out of eie' sight, until you have dcntly. The ex -burglar turned the leerTNI•iesoral 4aeaneottle-ab:voiltil., thca cuitght himself. He becl Itis gloves ia his right hand. "What. do I say?" he whiseered. voice wos gone. The cheirman looked alarmed for a. 111010Ont, so white laad Thorne tura- -Then he teucned tie.* olocuic inittoo, The door opened, end the pretty girl whom. Thorne had played golf oith entered. ' She looked. ot Thorne for a moment. Tborne w "I 11 answer 'Yes' for Zit-. Tborne." leneen Ue un to the door. znc4trte on (via uuteigiven me en un.swer, That. will ilaS- your devision„ I ion sure. owl neologiee for 4 tBiug at se/eh an noun. teaOLD-A,GE EfABIT, nut, welt -vie ea. t Tooreta to the con Will certainly seree me better. You b s 6, the roclat. aces, sa overcoat May leep itud eat, not I muet, e ad his stunly• snouldere, and east Your guest Ineenwhi/e." - /ar$. Adviee to Those faineeell into a ohairthe comfert of Who Are Getting Olci 'Tor why should I look.Old Oar - 'winch he ev without idently appreciated. Ile lirtg? Answer me tit, nowt" hies. won in eveniog clothes, Thorno felt Inv a1 021in a demanded. She. Mtn been blemish. arode until it awas ule Ir lereah- lionora Costigall fOrnlerly, 41rs. Thome ws irritoted, tben autueeti 1 -lie eueoezieled judetteerec mie2. the co lle goZ hitt/ his clothing stop - ler send: d 1dtfae slaty down to where • "Mr. 'Intorae, goofl-raornizigi" nebt eat. in due seclusion. Yout exe linker-occur/lee. sir,"bJ2 ey were fitteehnig an ofuelet `I'lectrae retorted. Odlt is ottiy ili/laNs , .,e1 over to wleene els guardian Minutes east midneolte. owl you arekZW212 1:0 e.41 O. 144...41Oug neWSpa.- La full coeetug tleees." 1 -en toed soone for tint, first, time ea "As you win, sie---sts you rain but tbones- ,5 faya gaad...a10:4711 bag. May I ..J1- Old going to the ban% its soon opeek vettn not; qttietly and in corilt- t.Ien:o fere tett minuttner The steoug- e' gem afiefely tntetneee-like. '11torco ceuld not eeeepe eagle aS ite said: °You carite itt of erour own accor uy d•ar eir. Suppose you pronefol likewise Wien your domineers. lily on- ly eendition is tizet 1 be alicoved to enter my nen lit tett troinutee." "" inyudier said, euziteldno his menus tegother. "You are tile right, eoet,. I wish 1 v as we 'finistt breonfast. 1 euppose tat will accompany toe?" Tri • rtif. een—yee." thiren" 'o to 61,440. Pere you challenge pose you the iestarit in the 41004.9 of the baeneo oar Mr. Thorne." lie said. n toy intrusion of eelf elou2rt4 Inetzlifintte Ilut rrec.d. whot I per- ultodiffit and ined aeuee you zaeaa ago... levitate el/unwell2251021 01 tile Very Ill. 'Th 22Thoa.r. svotzo (CUS2.0' 221 winch you aTaeely that, the vieitur livened yourself ail, present. As you gnarl ly as if n•urciairag for La°°''. ant not tt man tif cf°1°Ilee' e/g.tne of veiled sztreasna. do not 1lLe fov* LutSOUtetits. es 1 • Dey Seattle 410 Ant give," bo pro,. ebaoe to use it. On atielt OCCasiOxIS I eeet-h4. **N-0,1rn 1hnow. 0,114i es1),,rt „to 14ircti aery10.0. and have the ithoet yot000r in•rougit. I haow you wore ou-'30 ildr stoma ntental. foe one of tbe cfevt,reat linenteal ''T;149'2 OW°c°442"5 10 Me t19 ne tors tn 144221e2221, ain a gentle/10,4s 011C:riding froot of Into fitetent 4 421 weo liveu ten tee goottnene 122422s212..1410W y4714.11e0 1.121451 u1ar j7 2221 W12 *t.' 1matra,iist, uky xvgitri spitliez; untiotabteJly peneel the night antler to When, otiteas loom ;tequila -ed. .11.-" 14144aWS. aVvaiting Ir0ssible lawn er?" Imre. and l'e'X IGO means lose sight ..yed•oenew 4..rof0und tv,....,„,„„no. of ne, eau:114er we visit the 42 2411. or not. Ilke ie eentneittnel to eernain iit "A. wbat?"' Teorne gaeped. "'You stravtioa% given, tnn rue. it part t suientooeveteintir I alai 'a, hiwyer." " a eat/34°a (4412* tlt eerlailt '40 tenifed. 'Yee a bzo- glee ' • •e 4 Yee thee.e3 tieaW eew class distine- 11.,t1„1r4"chintrY 1,nY ,0112""... tiow, enOW. OAS 42444144 42' ne'ze ‘e:„4tee to tile "anl; Ivor* PainfullY ri.o v* ley arent"etautte and senrefeli are ilina°rt, •Lhorfic tbonfilit. giving Idol &want. 4.222 22 10 reeeit steno conclusiofl. ereparisig to (alter the eetule the rielei„toont„en 1,3314 in ensinri t,tr,t,t,. What, could he 1401, do with £1.0.000? 0,611 aa ot,estus in trait eoheuee„ 1'12142221establiehed where k0000 aro, tLeen...* Titeem rue, 140144 inn' Wan 114.411 ft/1101401 us 6iffin trent Ate he Of to KA in motio :ion %void' we how Iteen drilling for the woe' of comfort leY oral). mar - bin wee -is front the enjoining, houno. vied. ,°,1121 in a 1“410 or WS aWn— wisittlx tease. Sixty ciecontin oOaletnlIng of a so0INLY 4412212. eerefill wore. will plereee the last on- lota Professional exPeei" tee: of Meet lining about the vault. 540Wed kin'''. at a Wawa) What tool let tee Inteide. ISIllifilin wtre1t1 do fo:' him. with his ..lkit. =att.., Thorne eiene. owteret, fritendo:— 114; well -laid. well -guarded. ori. eoa 1* 422 tellittrf leo tills fore tairrefeillyentonipatio.r.ed opitero of Iline't you hoow thot if witat, von o ft;e1ft• Ilikloloi 'intern mrO9 tbo in true eT sei de . i teleone .. ALI ......A -C.. 4) . W tie nieeft us yenx profess abou. fee zee would traderstelid that some It/n-410+0. elfin net , mein ad been MS ri patron or tOs earn. Re celled at Ills house, and of Lay b22:4 fr,e,sids litre in the mitt. lazed golf with a ntco girl that 110- t:o4:4241ne Ilatilz, auti that. you will 140 ;nil there. Site wtts the clueirman's 21(2 44.1' Ile oat of trey roinne WSJ (Ian/litter, and Thorne felt certain tatoning Mar. 1 shell end a warning f that if he ((1.4.2224 her to shore. 1440 ma. 0, ufai ulnae „our eve worthy !With. 11*:21 She Woultl any yes. Yet 548e,b4(..akers and yeeueeeee decidedly :hew conl(1 he acne lier to'Share life tiitettedortobie—if wlint you say is iwftli i.?int on. =01) te Tear? „(111 Thenagain, it wits ... " In' , true. Don't you tItitile, though, that 1 Inn ehee(4.22142102'WaS I. perSOnal friend. you lied better av lee me m to y bed lie wm hneel' tile clerks. ti'lley re- for the lest of the snipe:it? Suppose eeefflieed litui as a ttiukted friend of 2.14-01 too at the pawn. ofnee tte the old aree tine o'clock this aiternoon." net, all a 'quo:AeoZt of monoy. The l'ito stranger ignored 1140 suggentioit gang wouiti neurder Win if Ito refused 542.1 21314 again aS ito rammedto nssist thenl: 41.1$t ttS thoy Welthl ro- 'Air. Thorne, you hood diseoverefl 1210-0 o.ory other obecacle to come nee very roasou for eozniug Ivre. My pieta oectipe from detection. ourpoire le to enter the vault, of the Tho bureL's doors stared at theni nel-Counttes Bauit the night tater certain largo sunte of ensit. uggregat- iron 4:50tutinif. as I utalerstanel. axe SALT AND PETTEnt, THE XING'S CLI.113S, Many Think They .Axe Only for Seasoning Food. Salt and pepper, as generolly con- ,sidered, are of 041,11.10 in bringing out the Vaitte of the loon to which they ate mided. That they hove any yak - tie front a. health etandpoint is not so generally recognized. You may know the.4, lump el' salt is good for 4: horse,. but yoo do not stop to con- sider how important ealt is for your own well-being. la eastern countries coudiments, such as pepper are used 1.0 profusiOn 411 foues. Gastric troubles common enough In other coo/M.44,S ore conspicuously absent: and tbe free We ol.pepper has much to do with that. Mee. etrtit and pep- per work against fermentation. lthen the stomatit is out of older, or a-9 the common saying is, upset, it is in slate of ferittentatton. Organizatione of Which Edward VII, is a Alember. Tt is eimebtful if inany,people are fully awore how pOonounced havo been the claims of his Maleeter leilkvard Vit. to be Considered le.S. olutunan. soya the London Ile is, howeece, Quo oi the most, prorairtent suck in oreat Britain. and has belonnea to eountizing like twenty elubs, The nutiorit-Y of etito instieutiens whose litembership lists are honoted by the inclusion of his mune therein are of a militane de- eieription, init when he rtscended the throne he wan ateo a member of se- Veral eStalliished for purely social. purposes. Among the best Itnown clubs, once patronized. Or still patronized, by the King may be 241021- 1he United Service, Junior • United Service, Army and Navy. Aforres's loving end, faitioul heuee- A certain very wise phystelan who Marlborough and 'loyal Yadat; bue his Alit'esey's connectien with elute - girl; but that was twenty yearn were ems, advanced to the point, whore 1.2124 noisy „ ;toe. ?distress and Maid had beea t scein the tunimpertant thing ihouora.ryo.1 cvlu''s2' '1443°M' Pin 14P" 4a• 0222 t11 . . . 0 ntakiog the ewe wen, is, osivocatina. iisinni .,,,Ar.n104100 noel 14.14)P'a.B°S.itIlle eaundg th0ei m1.7 1:21 ht."; and eathalaa awls° igaPartallt Y'Phe United Service Club wes esteO- 45 oticeoWY aged. 4el2. alm0at a alle"; the oso of pepper and salt even in a ebeuee,do at No. 116 pain Neu, les .rusentattent at. Sigilt 39( the,_Pluaalia glass of' milk. It improves' teue flavor. use of members js ceelined t521 o six - buxom Nora site used to unteue, !-to renlarkablo dcenree, o. iota.- you teen ouneeeee an et whom meet. he rv° P4d i•berd con prove to your own satisfaction, nevol or military onenon t.vbese a gee° ti4/4"a' 11U0 the real' 04 titi'bY tatting two giasse$ of utitk'notto, rook IS at *cost ettuivalent tbat of 440" Aft111411 weot 9n* rel:e4;';''' in its original eimplieity the other a major. ,proonoent outoog, tiloso 401 *1121, giorY bol 1.e1040 131° b4",nelianened by the addition of a piriell belonging to teat, stun are the !lune unts quite linidhed tun t.lAQ a'att cf salt, ono rt. as,sh of pepper; then of 1:mut/ridge: Lord liolzerta oval t. 2122 in eine again—tide 03‘vol;o fead'ii.ip a little of each. The ellatICeS are tiaed a ()leek.)). Tee enere,nee ea is a tri ,s 010er alar to let them in d'Ye' 'that you will prefer the seaSoltell yen., lege one-,:rj4„. ir.SM—witilo the HAS N LOVE FOR LUXURY, CZAR OF RUSSIA IS NQT FONT SOCIZTX, fre xs Dared 1)y Banquets and Eat Steong Contempt for .tiquette. ° Mamie.% I/. has tite greatest mite- paah,y to every form of luxury', tiree mom Portieularly at Otte table, lin ioeels are restrieted to very few dISIteS and ore attenden by very few guests. I,ilte ail ou.sy Alga he 0441 with feverish. haste. Ile Undo it bte Possible to enaceal tile boredom ta- int:toil upon him by long otnoial halt. (plots. On the 01-11en hand. lie joie unreel and leughs freely 'when at bie ease among 1185 UW114411..0 associates, liis vonteumt for eeiquette ia etreilifeet all his habits, '41.1xile WS father: Alexander 111., WAS neeuStollied to drive tbrough Ste Petersleurg In a brilliaut and shRlAry Null:lege. the Pr0sellt near usually drives in a, sintioin 011041 carriege. Ile has sup- preseed the cortiOu of cavalry whitit used to keep tbe street deer for ids aeber, and often the polfece aro un - Aware of the rout.) illtendS tat take. PEASANTS OP JUSTICE Russian peasants frequeolly travel ituudreds of versts wnit then, pint - tame, confident that tha SOVereign. liesicles improving the flexor will personally consider their cases nIdell Wel ninnutimen 'lend overcoming tho tendency toward "Mall "h5eriPtiell ja 1°' U° h v ette ono. lle reade11. gpoer.ovdearr;lititja. ittheolunfit,Arrothetaisvoillttleolilyloatitisineghlionattitty0 itinulicdracieh4eletutsittelelotganiter.y Selytin,ucio4hittitil;nmnS 1.4\10 ttillio0VV, oterget rod pencil, Ito uoverefore that cliaogea tile face of us. .ule eau (trio e , numvs glies these who attempt to dereivo him or give Incise information, Roth 120 And bin C.:4,4%4in aro estremely popular throughout Ituselo. ate line MO comrades1 neither try- ing to exercise ventrol over the 0114.. t aold in St. Petersburg thee. II a happy niarried pair wero two-, /entre even on the Ruesien tbroneo " " Prams $eieeecti at rendolla It 15 no mimeo. sriw foundaoon oz etto ,tv tea they driivt.; maitt tuba:ire! utntety. 24vaiti nfrli e. it unal olue tahttaesrhi:otbbu71114.4sst t0:0 -t tt14221 e4::..;aItehtlf4"..voi;illii110111tost, f411to 4pEn7:0(Tvuttrilito.at,tulatetiegiiiticivi:ezateogazleit. III.1414,7;00,4111dtrvdetilt.0 opi.nree tritt$::garst 142 drocealyal,,.014...,cyris,a0titt,sffit.rilferectuOvri,ttwalgg. owever, atee rout 2214 WQ**2(1 sudliug. They intentionall,v 24 niten site told they WaS young. iv orie womon Is... .0.1.etzed dineettionu ara. to. 0041410. 1 h'ers- at thiS time Was the Indio oT n;%'n14,, 1.;!iteelii‘elur,41.0;14naVI:ornue"Itaa. tee direct re tile Of oveivating, weibrigtcm. 124 leen ft, Wes joinc.4'S0341*. " ettea heareet 011 24' V";"t Iceanatient manticatio24. cud weeLeeen b a 41. 11418'.22211 ut.st 124 e•er* 4$4116 *1211"* 4* '2.'244022 means undermined seese yeenee later 103, i.ord woeseley tine " fisying which Mat e ene: She Waa thhlY °154/11"//44 1.31 p.'111S. At the extrettate of life. yOuth tle 122' *222021 upon, the aropla , VerY junior OffaCer 1110 y. teeh wo W(44 together °"° nevi old age. It is wisdom to ounce a big aeW het° to get /Carl" b20 diet much the mune A. eltild'a CZARINA, AT IIIS SIDE. Tito young sovereign frequently re - lumber:411p list of the simile'', or 141 eno Poo ' bo -c14 but rtn '1°1' 'ald' Wiline'ierinentation, the pepper will n e'' I tint Led Service Elute, "aim tire ean:Iris.elas rieoesei jo 11.19c1:t411404UOtilll: 14 "iwos confilo of Min,_0„that 'oriali of changing ttiierobes to 1004*. ched mo the truth of iteetut,O loing t/ne. of Ilse best remediee for a dia. • 8110 begun to bo 014 t" t'aY 11. 42,4 digestion is hot. water, to was born, did Katie. and whet* vOlelt ball been added sait and papri- ehe was. fourteen* tooLing 'and aetlag ',Le:. If taken a fel/ hour and a half twenty. 'teem o great help to her. teeeee beeakfast.. a cupful of tf..is lint When she 'Wan twenty, "lent get.,"vory vatatabto dont; wilt cot:300,447 Ling 0111' sari 8110, VI'llea 5174 Was 0:apse the etoinacit and leavo it in tweneyeeve, 'NO,' eitya ehe to dohnitY good conditiou. Out of one le -mama • • the German Emperor and the Kiln' of tho Belgians. Lord Nitelieuer 42218 been a member since 187T. ',the handsomest service club. bow over, of which his,blajesty Is paten, is the Artny and Navy. This, wheat tends at the corner of St Jame: equore and Poli was erected In lenil at a total 0051 01 011-10.1lUd: Which, &MOOD was ettpended fure and they Waltaftl in. Still In a trance, Thorne pusited through the gloss door. and in another instant ydaeed there. The dea/ win be secretstood before tho chairman—his 614 2. can learn tee ceeeet date ewe Lien& -The father of the nice girl ti.rough as.sistance, "Print you etut„ looked tee burglar over with business *rad doubtless win. 14220 1 ronitiLe detaa as he put them both in aware how well you know AlacArdle ebuirn• glee' Spurnley 421 the bank." 1Well. ray boy"—the old enan's "I as.: you to see theta, and ascer- tain for ine the date of the arrival of this vast temporary deposit. win then complete ray attack onthe 2'22_111., which tan by no porisibility fail. You will receive £10,000 in eyes were shining. and Thorne eaw tbere was denying his confidence— look down upon the hussar, to whom. he is' known as -ornamental "well, nay boy, 'rebut is it to -day? rather thanuseful." eees you knew I wouldn't have lSecond to none" la the proud et— - seac e that, pile of letters—I wouldn't e " of the 2rat' Dragoons (Scots (reys) ; whilst the Pith Lancers have long been. uaversally known as "Death or Glory Boys.'" The regi- ment who claim the distinction of being the =cutest and best-nrilled— the Olst Lancers—were, until their throat, taken from the cities current. Electricity was applied and the wo- man's yoke returned, but when the week expired her vole° was Test to her again. Now and then a case praseats all amusing phaso. Ono women possess- ed of the idea that her heart was growing to her side, refused to Ira- provo under the treatment accorcled her and the doctors, knowing her conilition was duo to hysteria, plan- ned to get rid of her. Medicine Was prescribed, Made up of the most nau- seating drugs and the patient was ordered to take doses hourly, After the first. day's trentree.nt the woman said she was well enough to go home, and the aoctors congratulated themselves that tho expelling decoc- tion had p•oved successful To their surprise, when tho woman' left the hoepital 21110_asked that o. bottle of .the medicine be given her, as it had furnished her more relief than any- thing• sho had, taken. Every ,observ- leg physician lies noted similar cases, ood W°rimr WaS It'atie' n‘lt th° neurieltment ulteuld 'lie very &Maple: ho*°Wiled u5 up and looltetl us I.r. in old age it ehould grow planter INIZVE T S. wd maitre at Ion desk tat a foto flour, soulettmee receiven his mininters 2122.22 d asked his questions, and ,,,,,,'"" e.aluer. e be, "I'll give you a. trial,,,"4". net s. e Better sort Sittilst: by 14ine at !we eitibrolid- (222 adviaer5 after tuldnight. Ins con - m vans he to nee. 'Dot OB fori ----or-4 oft,* lie says to Katie, 9t's young, u 2r33 IT :3ery or tleelSieWOrlWhen a, eeragiler ronglvely W011en WO Want,' 832»21yS s,IcIng 444%crealticdQ9rfiluttulie3ljw he, 'and I'm thialunyouere afteratOeS 4000t:;1:1llver and Irt 2%:igelieeandPreinfestoieal'er mistaking title for the Old Latilere' -, ..;v ..tat Lao ratts in. the sere e I work, ordinartlY, of 0. ddelyrd Itil tilts Czar bays, "Wt. no. I4Slia, / 'Seri/Hann. ome. whielt,' says he, 'is in the meat oi Disease. Mania bete. eitio do not ilitieurb ust eet. block.' .1411,141re Ilan a Soothing. quieting et the Icahn*, Tile neavena tie% en wee tttion the nerves fetal is au iee jeuely inetiunes bee Ceat and 14('C5 On " 11)-110ir VaYS X to :resell at that. . o. innle. rettledy, With *ler Work. Oeleelf is an aeRrawielt/Ica n'ICE1 It IS 1101 oerlteets knows% to all tile 1.0221*1, and is more 222144 211(14(2 teed sn world Mot the, correepondenee ite- medical prescription. 1W1Int Nieltolae IL and. the German Onions a00 akin a tonic 401 14.0. Lmi,eror: Much on Ituportant twette nerves, but, people wilt bo lon'''•ut",, Mons Is carried on Itoleveen the two prejudiced because oi titter odor. nreigne. Is la tho Renton late thoulellons purify tilts IslOod and se. For ineionne tee telegrams fy,esserally 0,443 declared t•ck tom up the tantiotr, the appohtiment, of n otme ., 71:0'seemw:ht, "itu.va a horror of j444.2 24114 beta, were written by both Few Von AI altlersee as Cootie:older-in- iteit.:°"t4tuftueathats12100111:titt ID)ocue:let72:de"hty- p:iltiotraQiEttilkwnigillit:iroatt11201inao Irehtt,°i:neesibilup lug there. Watercress is a good alnniund if Um two ntonareits with. the ithne- brace-up for the syliteut. lilt ceeurt is not the 8010 eXplanatioa f title curmits departure zrom the custom iii 4111110Matie 411111 princely eirelell to employ tito 1‘'rettelt lime page for stun iuternational come Jae ttleatiOVS, 'Am. I going -out to bent for wrinitleo .• ruing the curative pew,er end rheumatism bRore me owo ere, "Ylfilotteue uungestunt aud Oeception, ther get -s grey in her -hair? No, I. 'and. "twiku then 1 began ,e41'1114I2tray`ovCr lute ei as thoy came. They're all Wit Id um glory bel where I con't fan over !Alm eteitoufne nuns ttre t2*o01'fe!4 teem Ituni,.tals. A welter t21 ileattin nuelsou intblicenton, repornt clue ei that. 01 a Yining Wotatto Who eaullot steep 4V1.100114 tint revolving a bypouertute injuatton oz pute +eater. "Whisper, darling," MrS. Mullaler brie betimes sue 30 getout; 41 quiertrer udiled, impressively. oold ego le a grain of Morpnine with tattli lapse - bad habit, like drinking, end if ye and: 11.13 leave is no waa iter give way to it ye won't so easy learning of tho (let:option, the treate break it off, Sera there's a new Meat '.22041(21 11210 a, charm. year to every twelve menthe, hut Another ease, Says 22. contemPoinoren. that caret make 5,.0 old 84o2211218— Is that 01 2442 elderly lane. towering never, darling, mail yo're Willie' to from imaginary parttlytes, who (multi bet" NICIC-NAIVES OE BEGINENTS., Zola the Britioh. Soldiers oj'oller" One .6.n.other. ThLi e fe Guard is not oblivious to tho 44201, that he is the "Gentleman of the Guard," but to bis fellow - soldiers he is simply "a. feather -bed soldier in tin waistcoat." %he Ifousehold Cavalry do not recognize the existence of the cavalry of the line, whilst the latter in their turn disdain to notice, the artillery and foot soldiers, terming infantrymen "gravel-r.rushers." Tho dragoons lurve let anybody but you in hero cash for your part of the work, with for all thero is in that pile. But I whieh you will in no wise be connect- 'can't rerun) you anything, lad." One' ed. except as I suggest. I must have accurate information. of the de- poele. This is my ono safe way of seeuring it. What do you say?" Thorne "tees already measuring the raan's well -set figure, and .142411444114 to have his boots. Tile burglar smiled again aver gleaming linen. and int- xruteulate bittek. "It's of no use, Mr. Thorne. Don't think of it. You're a good than, but you can't afford to try me. 13esides, Pm armed like a battleship, and buralars don't box when they can reach 22 knife." "But I can, and do, refuse; and you will leave this plaee immediately sir!" said Thorne, boiling up, and Yearning again for his boots and a good grip on a cbair. -Leave at once, sir; and be surci I shall lose no time in notifying. the police." ''1'0 be Mire, ray dear fellow, of etairsol" The burglar stretched himself, find looked about for a bigger chair. As he did so, Tliorne leaped forward. The burglar wheeled, clad his' left shot forth. Thorne. se,W it, dropped 11s•shoulders, and let ie pass °ear; then serve' back his own right with all his strengeh weight in a sleired at them, like an owl at the mighty upper -cut eime d at sun. lee could not tinders -Land. The the other'ea.a.nerugular. But burglar laughed some moro. the burglaa• in place of dodge:ye., '11.3 22 all right," he said threw himself on Ins tiptoes, and bent., forward, catching the blow ha,rmleeely with a shoulder, and, springing-, back quickly,. displayed an exceedingly ugly knife. "Don't do it, Mr. rehorne," be said end still thee grin noel not left hie Want a confidential clerk who can firs. "It's sure (foetal. You, cank 't looafter my businese. Inn getting refuse. You (4214 w a't arn the, police. old, anm d the girls int m ae hoe 11 make you a. fair and plain propose ;more. I'm satisfied that you're safe teen, Lend me your aid for a fee of aild I hereby ask you " to 0(21110ZIO, 000. 1r you do—all well. If aroUnd liva with us, be my busi-, vote don't—why, then, my dear Mr. ness representative and ticcept stl- 'Thome, I must tell you that you we ill pend of eentl ,000 anailY for the pre - hand went over l'uornes knees, "What's up?" Thorne's eyes were glassing and his tongue seemed thick. Beside, him the burglar sate as imperturbable as ev- er, studying the ceiling critically, and Thorne knew bis lifo was in those most merciless hands. Xt was like suicide. Thorne caught the glis- ten of the chairman's eyes again, and suddenly getting up, put his back againet the door and said: "I came here tceday to ask wben the Mid -Counties Bank would. receive that big Government deposit. Don't stare please. That's what I came bere'for. What I now say is that I don't want you to answer that ques- tion, but press your police Call stantly. '41114 4212242 is 41. dangerous burglar. Ho plans to rob the bank, and tried to make me a party to the crime. Now weevo got him here, arid if we work quic21 ly. we can prevent him signal 1 ng 1i14 coaled orates, es he surely will do. Press your button. at once, eir, and I'll keep this scoun- drel busy until help comes. . Ring, ring, sir—eing! Now, you villainee'' That the Chairman only smiled, and tho burolat laughed. aloud, Tborne Thorne reelect to' a chair. The chairman epoice: -Thorne, ie was a test. I wanted to try you, and rely friend, the jun- ior member (1 tho the Plynapton Detee- tive Agency, °acted to assist toe. I not bo beneitted by the use ve drugs Spinach bas , atealemal properties or the oleetrIo current. By pro -tan and qualities equol to the meet indi- go 01 2411 bluo pills over made. Parsnips, It Is now coutelithal by scieneists, possoss almost the earao virtues that are claimed for eareale" ranged pla4 he was informed by a 421421212 supposed to be uninterested In ins case, that magnetism, not elete• ericity, was entat he needed, anti since then Ito hos shown marned improve- mina. meta under the coastant application. Beets aro fattening, eVeit a moder- of a. woodea imignot, painted to re- ately learned man Will explain hoe sonable the genume arttele: ete.Use of the sugar they contain. Still naotaer case is that 4:41' 11. woe Ordinary Ilium beans, some inte has man who cannot speak a. word une said, aro good to allay thiret, but less she is in a stoopaig posture. iter the sante can be said, with equel months her voice was lost to her ale truth., or a, pitclior of wetter. together, but one day while bending Asparagus is efecaciouS hi kidneet over caressing a eat. her voice re- aioneats to an eatene that le not ,yet, talla whoa her .body is bent to iv perhaps thoroughly appieeiatetl. . turned, and since then sho eau only Oueumbers, aside . from suabeairk right angle. 4111 ellorts to reeievo her emitting properties linown to readers were of attack avail until ono t 1 ker her of fneetiotes paragraphs, coriMin an teio attending- physician. inlet her acid that is helpful In cases of dys- that she could aot 420T cured until she pepsia, had undergone et tong course of Cabbage, in Holland, is regarded treatment, but ventured the Informa- so tion that she could be relieved for as something of a. blood purifierbut , the period of ene week by tem aprsa... the authority is vague. in oeromay' cation. of "raw" electricity to her its efficacy is purely sauerkraut.. Parsley will assist good digestion, like cheese and ants, but a quantity in excess of ordleary capacity has to be consumed. Therein lies tho joke. Pumpkins are an lngrcdiont.I le it pateat medicine that is guaranteed to cure a variety of ailments flesh is heir to, but the world is inereasiog in inhabitants,who de not believe all they hear. • first battle, Omdurman, the uewilling recipients of the motto, "Thou shalt not kill." Now it is a eaSe with them of "They that laugh 'eat laugh longest." Artillerymen speak of the "Royal Regiment' as distinctly apart from all. others. Tho Aristocratic "Royal Horse" hold aloof from the horse and field artillery„ who in tarn have no respect for the garrison variety. The "Royal Engineers" who con- sider themselves superior to all other corps and call themselves "gentle- men," are dubbed by Torinty as "red -coated bricklayers"; mmand: oeigh ill their otto eans '`everee .ha'' er they are informed that fife aro everywhere oleo. I The Foot Guards look in cr itempte ii at their brethren of the lino whilst the Rifles claim to be of far greater importatce than their cometedes, in red. The killed "docks" e c fielder l themselves '`-pre-erninent.', Tho RoYal ' Marines, ow ii lg. to "thei r doeble duties 1)1(1402(1 and afloat, are .nhjeet- ed to chaff both frem soldieri and eailors 22211211, 1.1,21 ha,ve gaine 1 the title -of "neither. fish, Iasi , nor . . fewl."‘" NOO-combatantS aro alse tie) 'vie- tinis of Mr. Atka:Le' ihgenioue chris- tening. The Medicel Staff Corps are known ae "Poultice earallease . and ''SawboneS,' and the , ltd Ceoss 1220 142 by them is, according to , 1 the . Tonunies, a brand eileonfying . nee they should not be killed, Title ;lea they attributed to Cern.' ' But of .all connected with the ,Itrany none gee a gree,teL: stating then.; the Army eeerviee, Corps, for, if cavalry, artillery, infantry and inedi- fnl, st ,f1', agree 011 4) 001 it) g else, they ale Aim te'effeefeee,l0; feet t the i4.4.0. 111 s G hi 9.121211.4 Lions object , to nal.reors,01)-• served a. keeper in a menagerie. "On one occasion a looking -glass in tee hands of a, small boy so frightened and excited our bergeet lion that we feared be would injure himself. The wretched youngeter liacl drawn a, ham:Willa:or from beneath his coat, and held it, beforeLhe leing 01 bo 214t4 The latter loolcee end juroped ler the rival whom he thought, ho saw. The bars of his cage dashed WM back agai a and, 2242 22 , W)2 i le be filled (lie whole, ItOtiSc With tertiee roars, 1.• be, found so soundly asleep to -mor- sent. Irotl're ehe kied 2wa.ntI've are theie hoeeeiceeeeee ,etid seL1 110-v0- )(flown- several °Lhel. 1, 06 111 fern ,at daybreak that your frienda pr11vc;c1 you honest, But C-04/10, 2012 a, t, Tliey are known fe) Tourae oy Life welch lions have been thrown into will not itesitale lo sulnanctn. tk ' elte you .t,ar?" ' ' somewhat imainletioes :leen .LflErt Wildest _pante by a ntirroe being, dee Lrecee.'' , Tee ell ('411412 411412 sin] cohlie f`Illtek Train,' 'e- 14Y'r,./14: , 2ad Up 44 e ore ecru, IIORSE SEeTSE. - If a. horse could speak this is what he would say:— Don't hitch ine to an iron post or railing when the inereury is below freezing. I need the side OIL my tongno. Dore t. leave' ine 11( 1.042.021 in my stall at night, witlx a big eob right whe.re 1 muSt lie down. Don't compel me to mu. mor22 salt than I want 1)y mixing it with, ere/ (1+4 2.5 „ Don't think because 1 go free ander the:whip ,I don't get thod. Done) trhip ne LI I get. friglitened Oil taioroed or I will expect it eiext tittle, and; maybe, make trouble. Don' e t,roteme tip tall, for' I have to earry 7011, the baggy, runt inysell. too. Try it yeurself, sopa time. .Oon I say W112) 2. unless you,rileau. Don't melee me clique: ice-cold 'water nor put. a frosty bit in my mouth. Don't run ana down a steep hill,- - Den' t leen me to a blocl,:tead... TAucia BISMARCK. A LESSON, When the Gerznans defeated the 312.001 the victors felt it, almost. a humiliation to be obligee] to use the language of -their conquered enemy. Consequently Prince Bismarck at- tenutted to use German in his com- munications with. Russia. which was t that time extreraely friendly to victorious Prussia.. 'Into Russian fa*' - 012121 011.220, however, brought him to ids senses by tut answer in. the Rua. sian Language). lip hiStself Was ablei to read leussiosi, but was not pre. ptued to translate 41 tee connnuni, eaEiOns front St. Petersburg, and had not a single subordinate in his de- partment who could undertake the work for him. Although °emu -in is as familiar to the Czar as French and English, tho latter language forzns a happy neutral inedienn for the correspondence of the two mon- archs. Thus William II, done not neod to Ilse the language of his here- ditary foes, nor Nicholas 11. to stoop 1.0 the eznploymeat of his Imperial brother's tongue, which has no right of precedenco over Russian. • 6 NOT TO BE FLOORED. He had given her the eitgagenaent ring; iutd. was telling her ,fairy. stories about tho trouble he had in securing a. pure white flawless stona when he saw a sad look creep iiito the eyes which, a moment -before were glowing with sunshiny happiness. , "Whet is it, my own ?" he whis. pered. "Oh, Harold. simpose--" "Yes, se-eetlicert ?" "Suppose we should got Inarried--” k Avo. will, illy- clearest l" he leesecl, wi tie • a, $10-n -week 112rve. "And ,4 51402 (1 Jose this ring in the fluff of our velvet carpet ?" leor-dinoment he was dezede ' Then brilliant' thought rushe(1 athwart 11*22 innate aml hr.: said firmly "We. NV ill have polished fleors !" WIVE; LC CI OLD let)Olde 24 4IIFN. • ca11 be neaten out eo thin that it, allows light to PaSS througe it, in Wild Ch. CaSC, though 41. still ap-. pears 1)rilliant; yellow by reflected light, it is green as viewed .tw trans- tnission—that Ls, by the 114144 that , Mrs. Griraeseo,'ll;;ow the w 1 d passes th r ioobst..,Tothi,:dbyyin cuieeliaisefg. do you' get rid Oictu:t n $'tale 1Lreau? fect can 04.25 b I have to throw lots of mine away." garapsise,caendofhgooldhliT-Ilgeairt,ubeaotwelocanpillai(t;oeyoel fiCfr)rs;VSotiratLiori;e—T dt o 'hialter.elerhino as° ys' riele01s1 and the light, Iv hen the gold will ape ? Just 'tido it eway from ti e i:ear seeni-Leaeseeecele and Of children Mrs. (1 ranee- ` eFT d 22.1151011* color . nevay frora tee 11iih1r ? What - then airs , Sam tte—` 'Thee. the Cuba Ili ip r Led :LI 6, 000 0 ILI a es( .it foul eat up every c2entlilisesi,121101'41111 oi it '' , 0 ,,11iii)16y•el•eaal17,..;T:14-jv)re,W({4ct.nil1 ti,i1,