HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1902-1-2, Page 1AL 1.?Th.XES
Hockey Stieks, Silverwar
Table and Pocket Cutlery,
Garving Sets,
Decorated Silverw
met Sweepers,
e annuit , ng of ti
ehorne Branch Agrieoltt 7
ty,' will be lielditt the Town Ila
ter. on Wetineeelay. January Stin
at 2 O'elaelt p• nu, tor the purpose
electing Prinidetta, vice.Preeldent pod
pirvetors foe the, orating year. All
enembere and interested perties nree
eottlially invited to uttend.
Men, Ciesetaea Aeth.
President. tieteeeTrea.
Mr. aril
visi, ing t arents, 3
.1( r. and Mrs
rrhen, the gees
• d On Prides
steshfr.Edgar Buswe I vxstted friends
' eiat've. Christmas and
IIatelihee qt Andel son. were the
gnesie of eees 44101 yrs,. wittuivy.
Mot ellay.-hir. laixton, of North
Where, wee visiting his neck, Mr. F.
Letetona lest week.-3In Chester Stan -
hake, 44 Smiont, vieited friends here on
Sarsley.- Mr. and Mre. John Hornier.
"tvil ftiends in London for a few
-eye thie Allen 31eDonald
terontarty„ was the guest of hi
oaten. 31r. John Ihreton, on Sunday,
Mi-ses Clara and Tillie Win(' were
e guests of the Misses Luxtons on
box* a '.'stRei ittntrant,
Ilene fee tar= audl vaieset
rateeol inter $t,
Fe. Cit.anottirit
riarriotert Malin ,Strc
Iveroetee, estni1IT4nee,e0! Ilereel We% .
tee et tteTlezweep et.riee. teedevela, I
p.„.e.pe, Inv -sane Va& r le9 et the
tuari,ve, itfaifilV
E;`4t.C11,e1.3t tin nrdifor4 mot c•thtirt 8.aviitig,•
the (•••-ziate. itar:E(1 Wasfer4, sate .0.! the
ar,ssiipft•iinthoneuree oflifl3deuttce
4k-Na-;ta, tby �t
T.Scl„orci. (taC hifercthe nrst day
t4-101 pan, Ft'VE4.1.40.
Seit:itirro ter Itainitt
aieenrater tettorrennustr.slate t
o, tkcir ktiTZ!!' ta.u3sof4
att eseUensen, the tall lettietilen, ot •
die bettt et:their eemante aea die
42'..`in'eti:c the tt•ea way) beel • te tkee-4
ette. r tee Abe at,z1fl sail Ir bt slater
eeeentleo eietraat( erects straw:het eerc.a.
remie nee entics canal
:4 et....er.r wheel re-eire sten have tee -el
kifa(41,1 or awe- pave
fr, arq,: •;;Ibor., rialto er,
eeettateeot tlavo leen teevlvvit by lein
e suit 4E320144ton. IWO at leeeter.
lay of Iterentlier a, It. 1LItessos a;
falters for adrainistretor.
Election Cards.
To TOE RItilons of Runt.
Louts Ott firstunto,-IlovIng been ropastut
ingal to allow any namo to stand in nomination
for Reeve:or ltitt, I literhe solicit your votes And
U1ft*11445*. 14.( cc 61a en calor to mul.e Lute.
er, as in the post, what it should- be the best town
Is the Candy and aSStire One tut4 411 tbat 'KW
diseharge the'diitieff pertaining to the ollice without
fear or las or. Wisliing sOu the eomplinicats ot the
fieaSen, I re.Main,
Yours Itespectfull.Y.
lf. Guar.
Tants Rom -tons or EXETER.
tams on Gas -mum -I it candidate for coun-
cilman and ropectfully solleit sour support. If
elected will einleavor to promote the hest interests
of tbe toWn generally and serve sou ki the hest ot
my ability. Wishing you the compliments ot the
seasons Onl.
Yount Respectfully,
•Jorts Woo«
To 11E.T4D
.,The irteeting will opqn at 1,80 o'clock, when ad-
-tsses will be Riven in the foRowIngorderi Chair-
. -1.15 address. Address by D. Drarnmpud, Fag., of
IttIo'subject,nreedingand care of dairy 9attic, fol-
• yed by disoussian 2.80 o'cloek. Address by G.
*4. Cottrill, or lifilten P. O., subject, How to
build poultry lionse and keep the poultry htxtithy,
rliscussion.till 3 o'clock. Address by Miner tick
Esq., Oshawa P. O., subject, Fruit growing from a
cOmmercitti standpoint, diseussion till 4, Veto*.
Address by A. limes, of Clinton, on "Draught
Itorsest" "What he liras, what he is, Ahat he Might
be.". fihort addresses are expected from local gentle -
mart. A question drawer will also he opened when
questions on generalsubjeet,s will be a •feature. An
evening meeting will he opened at 8180 o'clock, when
interesting and nistrtictive address Will be given by
the delegates and others on subjects suitable to e
t -nixed audience. Choice selections of vocal and in.
strumental music will be rendered. A bright and
instructive meeting is anticipated. All are cordially
welcomed. A small admission fee will be charged
gentlemen, ladies free, at evening meeting, to defray
expenses, •
Nfelsxns, Si' Sitnais,
President: Secretary.
Christmas Goods
Christmas Presents,
Nothing is hettea than a nice pair of
shoes kalippers, 17,re have a line
range'tittl'euch for miens, women
and cbilalieny . -
From, 35c. and upwaed 'lye have Rub-
bers of all kinds;, sack and felt
boots; a fine linerof over shoes. to
be cleared out at half their regtilar
value. . .
ZtIrlete, Steatite') 1 West Tille-kzertnoitht The, residenee
It Mr. Charles Webee had ft. severe Ter • 4)0X. ---"W°0 Are pleased to say Christmas aud :New Year's viSiturS 1 pr :AP'''' Ile", rY. (•.art" was the made_ of
:vtilteaenefern;hf ebttetia4rtelifweel:cotryueemodsinaeFrippeaclirrieri tfhiiittit,,,.- zeptleonthrdtedoLaeoreandisn haeavsee euvertessehin liebv.t.u.beep ...,,,n inuttwotro_ulitnwoutittenisdieift4. s 0 :ePtcsat'zietilbesclyist"::eidde)etvpsiet:dise'tapoliftitilLtV:v.looltullissog'ipaP:peniee:::‘
etas Ile is still very, welit: bat hount,„ - At. present Dine houses are the 3rd concession of Stephen reedetei
tinereetinecl, but the sick aro steadily the sad intelligence of the death of
Of the 241d. VOD. Rev. Dr. Gifford, of
liopee are eotertdbled far his recaver" imp': eiug., The medivAlheelth officers, hist:abet', Philip CaUte, who clkel in cunten, tied the nuptial ;mot, miss
-NIThile Mr. Elearr Galltuallt son Of ler, If arers And Niern, easels am busy plymooth county, Iowa, on December Mary pepper, ,5ister of the groom 4i4
A feW days age, his gun exploded an
Mr. Jacob ealimath was out slAddtirl disiot 'cling the hones isolated. laeh at the aavanced age of 81 yeate theduties of bridesw,o. while lilt,
was literally blown to piees.e. Luckily 1:4 .seres-Tbe etege riuming between 1 month rand 14 tiffs. Infirmities of Frotok, Layton perrurtued duties as
oft wiatout, a pent; 37,ia. smcl croditon capsized on the old Age was the cause ot death. elr. i guvroubnasonilmeoann.tuTeh2enzbultiragstcocounlreattics.
however, Henry goe
Scratch. Some soft. soow Accidentally y . al on Saturday evening last, Callfes has our sympathy.
tions of their many friends.
ot ieto the end of the barrel causing thr.b - 'IP e4g1:11:tiedPtgrIsselltrsern aaup(irfsoingisuelut; Iilimen
he accidents
dre alarm sounded arid for e. while
p ift the snOW in the ,tlitch, Wgway:,70 tanaa,_,,The residence ns
,•--,rm.-ft.1111.,,^','"""'"'"'"'. 3litchall; Christinee forenoon the
Sodom h saY 140 orte was oertotts17 John Harvey, 2nd concession Stanley.. there was glIeg, excitement in tnwn,
fell9Wing evening.-zi3fiss Hazel Prou
Manchester on Friday, returning t
A sleigh load of Sedoraites drve to
' eenway scene, Friends of the futilities and ttleertiej,:iztahvse,,reeni4ettefieutibveciturf,4t;b2de:x
contracting parties were there from
was on Xie. DaY A gliLY and rhattve It was timid that Couch aeScluteider's
driving homeward front his farm in r tr. hlk t
41714171,1‘5111"'Isa711311111eeractieel:1 ttiNeS4:ilutras ea::: 43:111;e1J:auit°4wallebati;\vi:4;rverre4;;;h:diCIP°;0'14!;:: t el' 1%3:i fi."eplffifitenft:::: ittltlItlywfh'ril:IPIsfit171:1::'11;1(1A'n. 41:lit:it 11111!4111Piti°n1qt;Iffk41:(11;4714./7241,.
Arti. .!Iii$$ Pollie Alward are visitie
tbeir former teacher. Mies Fergiwoneet 1
Anburneeehe Mr. Aloes HOwarti wAs 11
Hay the hit 'mete. The horse taking
edvantage of the sitiettieLt started at a s „4., . i;dut igemilttlueeseeedre: ittrr„„at. Iff-htt:iit.rtniriee. 4piqeevu. saluit;.. Itietiprusosfilmf:Ildit4t1 i tea 14, ItetiftArtriallpatgininfirteb.. e Act:. i.,044,1
1 wra 0, gmaa sueees.„; ,..ach, nut hong al to . - Mr,lital Mrs, IA einof Wawa's nty a. iong, Iliiptty alai prusperoge
-4Y pose beit was eaptored before , e new English •sua Selhonrne sat down to the most euntranotis of night. and the wood ueerbead iguiteds
sliglitly injured by being thrown i V«, is ring in Port Huroienalise Alice (Moine ;end a more 40vial party could won the are, itthen ()wavered. 1
ftrm ling very far. Mr. Howard blot Mel tor': ;pent Sid/bath with 3lieu Della not he had. 'rile presen„te were mutter- ;Asa semen, Isla waking great ilea
odi...__The chastmantreeentetaninspent set o. Parieltill.-Miee Rose Cantaor ous, .costly end grand 'de and "Vie .tir„ e. inn, ion41.140y it N8,44 imego% viva
whieli toot place on Monday evening t I-110. .) Spent Xmasemder thetetrent. i Beatty will reside in fSgmoritiville. - "film,. ,
well vele-IA.1'M* Which speake well for than e ztro eltilllitg relatives hero, metaled nee he theme e .
ArQUild Abinit r8
elgee 4v -ore -nen who spared no pains in i Mi r '' 4.•:'.'..4' 14)51(4t1, ten rer port
anion. tilt' pupus an, the aecasina„,i lite e A inet week, where she intermit.;
and 3tre, Joint Saloom of e111141.1 to is ee ht for eolue thine lleaservices
Ira, ere vcsjong friends in 8144 in 're will he greatly ntiq.s.,
DID11041 Sodom...a:di. Silas Stanktke, BroPhe )7, of Tortes
who has Iwo) $107(4'144.; from en ee tt .1 her eisiter, Mt% W. F.
tn and family iere vieting Mr.
Fnds. Ate •
Tipling hes
54411.14.' •1 the iittX IH5 40 vW11, Whitt
hatlexen offered Mr
' last week. --Mr, A. 31, Wileon Winton: Mr. R101341,1 Wileon
" tleiver to be shipped to South fi the etel of his levee dieter and 44.4. fi
-Greee Church Choir, a vat. of the reset ne takens
naldend nS11:ti• xat)O0 deSerieebetit411itMdbot31ral.Lobon alittin
1 a rna• , u fp?, , I emne excellent waste. The neessene Min aseattie. sold Id
At the midenve or
tit,lrbt14;_••N s
1w:1:x06111ydeemetted with ,4sp.nt,g...;.„ Inne(.t 4n,1if...eas w4.1444
s ottC44g, a1,.e4sto .new1 leon, of
1 R. .r.Baty.futh (44' 041 ee
to he $A10.,
ltodgerv Ule
gBeatty, was nuited • . *Mertonn e
; Ilating awna lai
t-dli to alas jenny ,a,„ .h, " - I Teti+. dated Drehallgl elm tree the other day Chase MeLeo .
et daughter illf the frolv •1 l5,A5,0g cementing the a. IN Z a
in sotertnit, ropttited (caw eirge isnot
loony was nierfol Hied deaa. - "Yevudt dr potrott. who. !Waldo* itt the trent and four pails of
nt lacuna. in the es te e 1 below, startled Miss White honey,
liderton; Mr. Eugene Patted, of Isnssiliwilleslgge14,4"sTe%;1,"trietidn244emmieTit.setweli
lidet ton, had hie leg broken below the
knee on Drilla* la bile he was titling
a horse. the annual fell, crushing the
etre The helve- was eet by Doe Lang
and Lang.
Ilihbert: .At a *sparrow hunt in
Hibbert the other day some '1,000 dead
birds were reduced by the ea tains uf
the enntent mg eules. Thi. o coulee, i ary wits presented to blm liy Mr. J.
Wit/tips timee birds retained from pre. e MeCloy, jr., and Mr. Charlee Alexand-
vions hunts in other parts a suunt ii Or, 011 behalf Of the Sabbath school.
et t. 31r. hbellinglaw made a, very feelitig
le The test a the evening Watts
i lily enjoy71 by itInilow.prprestful;t:,,,, _
.1t I elks.4,1,St0b4illinu........1,0.66.siglasv apazingbu,nei
I II, bad elute 1,1 their deecend-
guests at their home on Christ -
Day. Tile Ocetniiion Ms the ilf-
Inniverhary of the marriage of
314-. and Mrs. Thorne, and it brought
dher four getter:dimes, one of the
fourth being the child of Mr. and Mr-'.
Frank Dunn, of London. The nioe
children of the aged couple were among
those present at the -celebration. The
compnn,v UltS indeed at happy One, and
%vas the Jargert over gathered to mark
such. an event in Mitehell. A pleasing
event that transpired daring the even.
lug was the presentation of IL purse of
gold to Mr. ttnd Mrs, Thorne. Mr. and -
Mrs. Thorne are 75 oeul 72 e'ears of age
respectively, and they still enjoy re-
markably good health. They are
natives of Devonshire, where they
were married. Since their arrival in
Canada thirty-four years ago they
have been residents of Mitchell:
Maryee A goisarliome Weftfttif
rehilniatNi On Chrlettuaa day 81
tplebra0. the m:.444.4itee of Mr. J.
heringlente whet' his oiece, alias
eitherine thorny 314 -Kay, was roar -
fed to AL ViTeravehrth untidy, it A.
f Theme% The la idea; nown wes of
4tite silk entrain Nvith (welsh -ten ot
mbroidered Mussels net, find G
inef Mechlin lave_ esetght reith :sprat
44 orange levee/nen. 44lie Wit" i tended
ly her two eleiera, 31illie and Visa
Kay, 'While the esroont WtiMlppOrttr
by 31r. Al' Metier ot the afereh.
Rents. N,epenee„ brother of the
it e. T mown). watt peaforniell
Pleteber, tenoned Ly
Tusteranit theMenday evening.
Don -other vety nItetvent hut -
e mut no enienne and tnie. thee er of the late John AVIlitet_ and
v The bride was given away by teen letoratheree-Dr. Duncan McLeod.
1 father and was beautifully attired one e the best known physiciatte of
n ream silk atul tarried 4 bouquet 41 *if' " *LAI last night, Dr Mahood
wars e CapeItreton 181, bah)
014' olent of Mee &MOUS SeOtilf•
den arnart, einnerort 4%114 31("Lit'04.1.
Tli t 'a his parents moved to limit -
ton. I 04.t. In 1870 he entered Teinity
roiv ity. Toronto, graduating with
bride Was made the reopieut of totter the e° of a :AL p* and C. M.
vaittedtle und mete,. presente, testi. Itt arteg of arei he came to DK -
tying to the esteem In which tilee was rah, ottvre too bad iiinee Med. Dr.
held: The groom's gift to the beide Melo . had **need as Supreme moll-
wns a beautiful gold watell and ebain. c-4PtoivitT of tho Knights of Mecca.
'lie groom ts one of Ottr 1110St popular Orr",
young mere baring tanglzaain Stanineht
fele a nittober erse 0* r
aerie able htunvii. ',rue tomtit 411)44*
Will reside in Egmoutiville, in t lushonee
recentlY poreltatted by thegroorn. Tbe
best, WiShes of a large eirele of friends
and acqualutances is extended to them
in their joureey through life.
J. o. Sreentrae, et,,Sennerle Polliast
Sueoleire) Bodge; bolleitor, weeny, t:enveeencer
Moose to 1/4/11...Stteter, Oat,
31r. and 3Irs. James Lewie, of
Wha,,. are visiting evintives in this
vichntee-The annual school meeting
of our school was -held 'use Thursday.
Mr. W. Wenzel, who has Iwo
trustee the past nine years resigned,
and 31r. Samuel Brown was appointed
trustee in his stead. --Messrs, Albert
Cunningham, Albert and Arthur
Zwicker have returned from Loudon,
where they epent theirXmaaholidays.
-A aleighloed of Bzeterites were in
the village last Saturday. -Mrs. Wm.
Neil, of Rodney, is visiting his sister,
Mrs. Robert Sweet. -Our street lamp
seems to be a thing of the lust. We
Mitt:tit indeed.-31.r.and Mrserredericie
Fahner, of Michigan. are the guests
of Mr. and Tobias Fatuaer.-Mie and
Mrs. Matthew Morlooln Mrs. jos.Haist
twa Mrs. enry Sweitzer have yawn-
ed front ore, 111., after a pleasant
Visit wit eelatives„-Our Dr. is kept
busy .vaccinating .the people of the
village , and vicireity,-nliss Lizzie
Either, of Detroit, is spending her
holidays Imre the guests of her parents.
-Master Fred Smith, of Exetev, was
in the village a few days last week. -
Mr. Morris Mums, of Zurich,. will
lecture on A.friene in the Evangelical
chnrch next Friday evening at 7.80 p.
m. His lecture no doubt will be very
interesting. -Mr. and Mrs. Matthew
Winer spent last Sunday in Xippen
the guests of Mr. ane Mrs. G. Dick. -
Mr. A. L. Bertrand has been on the
sick list last week with rheumatics. -
Mr. E'. Simi:180m formerly principal of
our school, spent last Saturday and
Sunday in the village 'renewing ae-
quailatanees,-Mr. -Moses Brown has
returned to his home in Elktone-lelich.,
after a pleasant visit in town. He was
accompauied by Mr. Christian Heist,
who intends visiting his brother for a
few weeks. ---Nominations was, well at-
tended in -the town hall Monday last.
Election Will be held next Monday.,
when some of the aspirants for mum-
cipal honors will be sad. The 'meeting
of our citizens was held in the hall
Me n day, even in g. --Messrs. (Thas., Wolf,
Alonzo Ilocle,ins ;nick Samuel Eilber
were, appointed Police Trustees 'for
the coming year. -The serni-anniml
business meeting of the Y. P. A. was
held in the Evangelical cburch last
Tnesclay night, the 31st of Dec. The
follewhig are.' the. officers elected:-
PreSicleilt, S. la. Holtzneen;Vice:Pres.,
Miss Em 1148 Finkbeiner;Sec'y, Herbert
K. Hillier; Corresponding Sec -'y, Bern-
hard Brown; -Treasnrer, 11lichael
Schwartz; Chorister, Mrs: J. G. Litt;
Organist, Miss Lizzie Wuerth; Asst
OrganiSt, Herbert K.Eilber; Libratian,
Miss Edith Beaver; Ate't Librarian;
Miss Lydia, Finkbeiner.
1902. -One more year gone. How
time flies! The pest yeer has been a
icotable one in the world's history.
-That grim monster, death, basbeen
111Wrii 04' ?Ift48
late Mice Steatemrin delta
life on Friday lest at the pod age
O1' tri Mr& She was born in Corn.
Ivo), Eine, where elle grew up to
women:mid and WAS married 'to
James StOlternall Sh011t 1840. They
shortly afterwal it retme to Canada
ul settled in Reaelt Te., where the?
Wed 13 years. They then moved
Hitting* and took up the farm on
, • ea *kW'
yarns*. ;AIM Stoneifinn Was a Meant.
dist to e Melt t hureli ehe was much
at Melted. She died at the residence
oi her somindaw, Mr. Stint. She
leaves to mourn her JOSS5 her son,
Harry of Chiselhurst, Mrs. 'ferry Yoe
of Staffa, $titrIC.
DRATII Or 3Inea. Mt: ---Wed.
nesday Mrs. R. 31unn passed away
at. the residence of hereon, Alex, Born
near Marrow, Scothoul. She came to
Canada many years ago, and settled
in the eastern part, of the rovinee.
•With her hushatul sbe mov to this
section over50 years ago. The deceits.
ed who WAS in her 80 years, resided
for sf tile time with her son Alex. She
was" an estimable WOIllans and well
liked by all who knew her. The fun.
eral tnkes placeon. Saturday, 28 Dec.
to Rodgerville.
astesaa for lust peek.)
There has been quite a nice fall of
snow just in time to make sleighing
for Xmas. -Mr. Rohlt Stone, one of
our most enterprising ycomg farmers,
intends building a new Week house
next summer and is busy preparing
the material for it at the present tirne.
It is &serious question in the minds o
the young ladies -which Is going to be
the fortunate one. -Mr. joinn.Baird
has accepted the position of carrying
the mail between Shipka and Ithiva
forthe next three months, instead of
Mr. F. Heitzinan.-Alr. and lats. _Mak.
Forest, of Iiillsgreee, attended the
Xmas. tree entertainment of Graird
Bend Presbyterian Sabbath school. 4:11
the 23rd and called on friends here
before returning heme.-Mes. David-
son and ber sister, Miss Betsy Webb,
of Vassar, Mich., who have been visit-
ing their brothers, Stephen and Rich-
ard, also their many friends, -returned
home Thursday. It is about twenty
years since they left this settlement.
They express surprise at the many
changes and improvements.-Mr:Philip
Baker lost a valuable sucking colt from
blood -poison a few days ago. It was
bred from that cerebrated Shire hose,
Beltshazzar.-At the annual school
'fleeting of S. S. Ne. 10, Harpley, Mr.
George Shirritt was elected trustee
instead of Mr. Rob% McLinchey.---Mr.
Philip Baker intends putting a wall
under his barn next summer; also a
tement -,root cellar under :the gang
way, Mr. CAMeyers, of Blake, having
SeoUred the j01). -At the annual meet-
ing of the A.13. Hue schOol seetiop,Mr.,
Louis \Wrier was elected trustee. in-
stead of Mr. T. Towel, retiring. -
Grand ma Baird is eRending the. win-
ter with bee daughter,Mre.Geo. Webb,
-There is a good 'deal of uneasiness
felt in this locality owing. to two fami-
lies being quarantined on the 18th coP•
on account of smallpox. Several are
beieg ,va.ecinated ae present. -Several
from tlais section attended the, Xmas.
tree at the Boston Methodist church
Xmas. nightand report a good pro-
gram. -On Christmas eve, a n Umber of
the friends of Mr. and Mrs. John Love
assembled at their onte ringing with
them a quantity of oysters, and. after
Keys belonging to the, Parlor 'suit eperleing,-the evening in social cliat
• to be rettianed on Dec. 28 at 2 n• and music eley repaired to the dining
, room an there satisaed the inner man
with the delicacies prepared, after
which they sang a far well to the
R. 11..SWEET hose iind hostess aed. returned 'to their
, ,' homes well pleaeed With the`byeninge
reble's Old' S.and atmicni.ant'§`'
nations and ferns, The weeldmg
th WaS played by 311ss Yitratiblitg.
on, of Clinton, The cererumay being
over, the gueets then repaired to thtk
dining room to pertake tif good
things provided for the {W4'0610114 "rite
th der of the lted Cross and
:Wee of the Red Create fie
,a,ctesennans, 111(7.4
t«, 1,11111.
sktql, who is in
t "te 10,West .A.dam
t . a that!) echoed of ectiool eeetion
No. le Titekersudilt, eif which Mr. Shill.
inglaw lute lieen tittperintentlent for
41 Ulf/DINA' DT years, took poaseesion of
their heautiftil hoine, end eft,er sae
reading Ott vers.' ItIndly wonted ed.
(frees to Mr. Shillingle,vr, by Miss A.
Tavish, beautiful roll top rink aocrob
Nairn: We are sorry ttt bear that
Mrs. Robert 314'Intesleof the tile yard,
who lute eta been in theaneh a • Ina Itb
-coy7.441re :to/. 'tos,
Ian; gol ..i.
eine,erete hope ehe rue be 111014, SU -
eliSTOI Olin some of the neighboring
'**-hu attended the same 'lfnt1,rn: One evening last tveek
Ed. Cantelon All unpleasant ex-
perieuce and what might easily have
been serious, atAuburn bbS. liehad
been in to supper, and while coming
out of the dining rOollItiltepped bit° an
open trap door and fell into the cellar.
Very fortunately his injuries were
only elight.
ivEDDRD,- A very pretty wedding.
took _plate in the Methodist Clinreh
bete New Yam's Day, when oue of the
town's west highly esteemed young
ladies, Miss Florence Arnold. daugh-
ter of the late Wm. Arnold, was, un.
ited in holy wedlock wit lt 3Ir. Harry
Shawl of Bieholn Cal. The bride, who Goderlch: On Christmas ere, Woe
was handsomely attired in organdie, 3. MeCreeth, eldest son of Ale. Win,
over white silk, and wore a wreath of MeCreathernd Charlotte Mamie, eldest
orange blossonte, was attended by Miss daughter of Wm. Young, were joined
Vino, .Arnold, wearing white organdie, in wedlock's bonds, Rev. .TaS,A...Atider-
arid both bearing beautiful bouquets son tying the knot, a the residence of
of roses. The groont WAS supported the bride's pavents. Park street, in
by Dr. Fred Morrow, of the Medical presence of over fifty relatives and
College, London. The bvidal party en- persona' friends of the contracting
tem" the church to the strains of parties.
Mendelssohn's wedding march. The
ceremony was performed. by Rev. T.
Cobbledicl:, pastor of the church,
and.Wela witnessed by it large congre-
gation. A -wedding brealtfasib feast
Was served at the home of the bride,
%Ids° was. the recipient of numerous
and valuable gifts. The happy coupl
left by train for Niagara Falls and
Buffalo before proceeding to their fu- Bayfield" We regret to record the
tore home in the Flowery State. death of ' little Johnnie Murray, who etivRRIA.GES.
waS, operated on several days ago for
periostitis. Last week we reported HANSONL-TwEinniLU-At the residence
favorable progress but the long strain of the bride's father, Ailsa Craig, on
ended in heart failure and the little Dec. 23rd, by Ree. Stephen Knott,
fellow after a gallant struggle died last Miss Mary Jane Tweddle to Mr. jolan
Thursday, aged five years and seven
months. Johnnie was a bright, win-
ning tittle fellow and leaves a large
place in his little home and ill' his
heart-Inoken mother's affections.
Goderich: Geo. McMahon, one of
our oldest residents, died on Monday,
aged 70 years, after an Illness of many
weeks' duration. The deceased suffer-
ed front more than one complaint, and
from the time he was attacked nohope
was eotertained of recovery. The late
George McMahen was known to'almost
every citizen. t
Lo' -In Parkhill, on Sunday. Dee.
22nd, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Love, a
MoAnearext-In flennall, on December
284 to Mr. and Mrs; Jas. Meearthur,
Meat. passed of very gnietty here. --
There wa.i no services in either of the
churches en account of the outbreak
of small -pox in our village and neigh-
borhood. -We are glad to report, how-
ever, that those who are afflictedwith
the dread disease are :getting on nicely
and if preekution As taken We think. it
ean be knelt from spreading. Every
one sbouldbe vaccinated at once. The
Board °Ellett:1th slacteld look after it
and see that itis done andpueish those
Who are c#reIess in the matter. -At the
annual school meeting here, Mr. G. Kel-
lerman etas again elected trustee.-
NotnieetOns for village trustees took
place in :1.1/losser's Hall on Monday
evening. ,Several condidate,s were put
111) arid:angle time of writing we 'don't
know if May:have reSigned. If itnoret
Simmer dOwn to three their will be an
election This commonly report-
ed that seiserai of our young people in-
tend joinihg the army Of benedicts..
This xnustsurely Mean a cold wieteie-,
Several people who used to reside here
came hOree' to spepd'Xinas. holidays
with friends, among whom we toticed
the f011oring.---Mr. S. • Willerf Buf-
falo;Mi'. T. Willert and Miss (*Luise%
Caro; Michigan; Mr. F. Gieger, Pigeon,
Mich.; Mr. and NrS. C. Winmer lia-
dianna; Mt, 'Rudolph Eifert, of Iudian-
na; Mr. OScar Snell, -of Boston, Mass;
Flossie Snell, St Thoma; Mr. John
Nadiger, Pigeon,' Efich,; Mr. O. Eoliste-
in, Alichigate; MissCiara Brunner, of
Pittsbnrg; Mr. Charlie Morlock,Hamil-
ton; Mrs. Simon Thon and children,
TIowaid (Jit-, 'Mich; Messrs. Jacob and
Fred Gossinam, Pt. Huron; Jacob
Shoemaker atid Honey Lafoted.Pigeoti,
Michigan; and several others'who we
have forgotten. -Mr. Jolni Hoffman
was in ,Toronto Monday. -Me. , Peter
Meisariii is still confined 30 t,he house
bosYen our Illegeetad itt nhnlY 14 door througl, illness. We hope soon to hear
he has knocked Ibis ,summons, orne of bus p covry.-We heard ovt(,
have moved 441 44 ,a,nd others come in affair hi um, burg W "",,;' 'it other
to our midst.' Xew resointions are al- day4.t14. hreer4eeeze".,0W. Keep away.
waY.s made, hut how' many are koPt.i fr0/13 teen, ‘youne linen
happv and 'prosperous,'nev year to end
Ailsa. Craig; A quiet wedding took
place on Monday evening, at the real -
deuce of Mr. Richard TWeddle, when
his eldest daughter, Mary 3., was unit-
ed in marriage to John. Hanson.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
Stephen Knott, in the presence a only
afew of the immediate relatives of the
bride, who was the recipient of num-
erous and costly presents. The young
couple have taken up housekeeping at
their new home on George street. We
Mitchell: weueeefeg,elopgthe orDeeaberl2t11,Ph1ipdilfeS,'
Enron road Thursday evening with aged.81Years' 1 M.°I" mid 14 days'
Mr. Stoneman's huge furniture wagon,
the horses got int'? the ditch, u,psetting
the rig on ,top of. the, d,riyer, .1\1r. Wm.
Lashbrook, and causing such injuries
that for a tinae his life wasdespairedof.
He was unconscious -for some tinie,and
was brought to his home in Mitchell by
a neighbor, where his injuries were at-
tended to. .Several ribs_ were broken
and a deep gash on- his head, wes
brought together- 'with ' fourteen
stitches. He is now doing nicely and
Will be able to'he out to vote for the
progressive ticket election day.
Iiuliett 011 Friday ,afternoon of
last week the scholars of S. S. No. 4
presented their, retiring teacher, Mr. light the lamp beneath and
Will. Hamilton, with- addrese
igned by eorge McVittie and
ont_ Drea he -in Inc vapor while sleeping'
myM(..)on, it) which they ex-eressed that's all. Thebealmg soothing va
their sorrow at ble kaving, together goes all up through the note, gm r
with their, thanks for the intexest he inflammation and restoring the parts to
had manifested in their welfare: They
1-1.18o gave hlint. a gold chain end a, pair
of cot buttons' of the same precious
metal, MieS Nfetitchlan S« S. No. 8
has 'been engaged by t .trust,ees of
Hanson. - •
MoCoNELL-0A,I,M(TRIX.---At the resi-
dence of the bride's father, On Wed-
nesday evening, January Ist, Mr.
Leonard MeConell, to Miss Mabel
Caldwell, -daughter of Mr. Sohn
Caldwell; of Tuckersmith.
Wasomeen.-Gen" aseen.-At the re-
sidence of the bride's father, on
Christmas day, by the Rev. R. Mill -
yard Mr. Stan M. Von Waseitiski, of
Detroit, to Miss Etta, third daugh-
ter of Mr. Sohn Gillespie.
Get Rid
)f you have eatareh, why
don't, you try to get rid of
it? first thing
know 1..lONVI1 into
Y6ui lungs or stomach apd.
cause serious trouble. You
.uSe VapO-Cresolerie at once.„,
-The« cure is so easy and So pleasant..
.You put sotne CtesOlene in the vapor'.
healthy cdiaditiose '.Doctors prescribe t.
vueo-Cresolette ,is tc)Id droggiate
Lramr, which sliontd fa:st a 1117000
Cr-,solene, 'tco'ITITSete, 1.50 1414414&, erie.2f dents Zak( •
-'y 1141115 t55floflj41a'.f('e�4.)a
c as or Amittf