Exeter Advocate, 1901-12-26, Page 677i; in the tolvor,'arld, through. L(.,sson'1X.--TlIO tall of that with the they os- oI0, lia, osnoth- rsE b AND U01' of g I 1 Ss 0 'at. pi Iibp-it is tile Stop oil fla wiLh, When 40 years Old it", �'ul), S IR CHnISTOPHUR TURNER'S h1g)"; wiLlI two rr cUrr,hige to, t a ii of 1)6thlellonk his, no. hi", Would I i. a v above the, � top rl h,�t is how tilaL IN tEaESTING LE TTE R. till) Wate' So -Wrt it 6 oa hn urilizaited tho chur`ch­�mark,'of salt JA�Llld would deliver t O��COIA hey are n- lit post ion abut they ood not, Cot, tho' Great, to 'produce kind dol ver itlf.o.b. at O, 11J)011 the st t title � llad, not, colue, had fikiiro',quito out of the, , qliOstib�t for boon Advantages. allY of oul"e011jorics L� colulpote'with.' nderfu for Usaster, 'low' a The'Presen Time i� 0 but tile Co,pt in (if niands tier till s well iwitil ahead of But, now" after, Tha t, ngineoring ,in( rcod liaJ IlITILS' t'do land wlhave til, lter their ethi� B16 Ir essbaol� laua.* 11111 [lolls )a,q S , , , �, 4 � ' t to those iif �Ellglatld is to lmor6, uctile dIltiilt, 110 I$ �6y: air t we Iiii 6 I t But no w till:n, the leaf, in my sub, �cbin, at the foot 'of Qio Ili, haild of till nc6ording ta ot of �ho Nrlioniellt of Lord, Chat fie I-, British Company do, arid: hhi ullo, yvtle Otit) '1!11o1l8!1r)d Nin Hull- I I F 11 itiontilastQr, Sir Christopher ne, by "'lilt � ni Torouto, u' . Ject, nd 1 plant, the whlte�.41ios lnd Illast, WhilO nothing, i's everyhing ancli �uiine�is, iotholiq with,thoso. IAlmd aud 0 little palia troo mid th on the Dominion Iron' & it ce hol ro- thG DvqtwLat Of A00041twe� Qttn%yL%.1 b llightshdes waviug this way'.as if they. Imew writ do iill by I'lis p S LQeI collipally's pirint "ill, (tlpo Bro- ridize, our dif I 11cultios and' dellcionfii . .� D Well � PS Aiielespottell, frota Waitington Says Lit() myrtle, 'Ellis US, and. we wavc., bck %gain, fo r Lesson X.—Bloses ',al d pllr�ra-oh toll� Iva find those Ill, a, lettior pub- Just fancy 80 wagons arry- �e no illore Ir.,, 'They, went out front (ut romby onders of, �tl'Oy al'o our, x. G oidw, ext,,:, lislied Ili Tilt, London, C61licry, Guar- iulg 50, tons each arawn . by one on� tho f o I I O N V i r, , I , 0 xt J O (" I i 1 " '30, ,,.L by woriders of bl Own llou6holcls� -,Our$ I , Ilail Ixiii, �t: Of His presenc* tile substance f %,Vftich is given gille, and, then that with c',p ; tile of hail! Put olf� tho�bla6k, and put will Show wonders In the I t6ill. Moses dial Aaron below: ,)in whal,; is done oil' any ',)f our -io earth," life rapidly incronsing. Forty 'oil, tile tile Nvent"to ill Isra6'i w I th " Ili Capr Drotoli I have visited tile and Ili tl or Northumberland lines, I Propose to Show you t1lat thQ years. now 400 years once, fullerzill bell and 'ril)g tho, wedding their God-givoil, they whole oft4ie aria 6oll. "I oinitted to the sozrns Now I cn travol froat Mailif;oba, to S'litit till tile hoarse arid 'wei, lories of time ill which Nye live is wonclOrful by tile. people as tile yvith, tile niffgaituac or the vary front. 7 to 10 fe(A, and tlia cora� for disaster, and wonderful for New York in less thn till -co herbut halso tll(, colapi-elidlisivo' party call: deliver the, coal I f.o.b., at ing, for. there must be lighti all d Ili other times it; wolild have , talell Now tile sill[) Conics arorm& tllO und tliorouL"tl nlallrlui� Ili lesthat.r. $1 per! ton. , Tilt,- three lother -words clit to. MILViaoll with tile i shdes ill this picture, is ill till oLll- throo groat headland. Sobl' shO `wIll hoin leLord that he should let, Is- tllill�` is being carried on. There are company will be able to pigs days now arc worth strike the whoiri ""arid we will 90 raol . go Alcy Scorned lin I d turn-' t 0 Companies, olle owning , I lt� less, s1tool blooills Ors. - Need I aruo t1lt, 0111, time Oil,, world other days. of aboard her. To going ed with. conlieiript (iv, v, th about i -)o I illiles of rail- less tha,or 10 per ton, nd steel ails Es wonderful for disasler ? ars tot-, Strips kl haol a rouh tilito by tire life, pralctically greater now t alout. 111,11glitor for slii.ps Coring Ili. I _1)� o God humblod 11hortiolli and way, nd 1lo port racilities; 'tile otil- at bout $12 so that you will See -ui Non. hiind of, God it was bowled out hij, h his 950 years, Now silo. t0dellies the Throw tun dreadful 1) Iris people by oConiprltly 0WIling tile Steel plant witaG we Strait havu 1"), coliticild 'with. IIt, is all, opilQptic, his 969 years. out� tho Platll<s- Block not lip tha,t lind. tile lar".6 numbor of coke, ovens The ore runs about 0' to 52' por Lesson xii Blessings of vulsion after collyulsioll, frosts 7 11 g I V a y with crnbracin.-' , 10119 1-17) Golderi. Text, 1. Cot-, v, 7. 0� tile OLLO-Iluffiliarl typu,' very diS- COLL,, 'd, ca a bb put into the wo�pks poundill- it with, sledge hninter of Ilion P. Chases ri d ostfriends, for yoA, will have' oter- ­U111.1st, 0111, pi,issov fe"Orit front our �old-fashiollod �out-of- at ti,boullt $1.1.6 per ton. 0ro is bo- Line'dIns and the IT or, is' iceberg and f ilting it with fur- Qury, rilty of ro,unibil. Stand back arid for us," There is no Erolu (late beo 'S. site chosoll'by ing LIA it es mr abroad from Dell 191rid tile conling tiree wil'I not be reqw1rod wariltil OLhol* Illilli(i,ris 10 tile of. sin, but by t1lo company is, in ,ny opillionj un- C011tainhag tile above naces Seven thries heated. It is 'It I I I So lollg� to learn to read by, pino knot H -as laste si' - womler to me it 1.1 girt';. board tier. to n I 11 I'll led. icy IaVO all ext.onsive T6toors, shoot rich, nor well to If ',ntag'c -in,, by oil this sido, ' nd Or seated oil shoornaker's be tile d6ath of -,t This pal alto niiiinals.slain I)v ('��ocys ro to tiie harbor, t no! tot, grazing it anil illet' will iForgusons, havo to 'study s- itlic, i aors shooting hand, to p I r ov 1 d -odonifitioit MIS HM-�,S AT Er -uid it tronoirly w,tiilo wlitchinc rowell to oleatill iderable di.s,tailco, b6y9rid tile 'si�o 611 tile Other i � the c are alwho *ollter. slowing up for clothing for,.kdam and of li,htii Stow is it iiaturalilrinor Iloilo of tlicin stides gtile. gates into tile City. harbhave built iTo lso in tho nain oftorcol' or piers til At, thL 103 Whole fleets of rati and r IDE NTS OP T 1! E gosies poor wani's door, and his childreir: BATTLZ ltar I -acil's sw depth ot the water is 35 to el -0 arid. flotillas of orlds swcoping all Illay go down and bathe fit them, If n lsi ad _-xii, 13) TOLD BY'AN r,:k_BU1GF�ER.' arid hor6 in the Passover la.mbs feet arid on t h es o piers they liavo'� S� Ouc the philosophers of it hundeLol, yLars' about it like a I)SIi-drig whq§e, blood sprii! loroc'tol�i .� ill t 'up-to-date Stet�m arid lowforind- ago were called up to yccieei lit a lives, smack ff . the banlcs of N S. S S O'. N1 onderlul Resoluition oi-a Britisb� of caily. dri von anticion- ]arid, while the nd St Paul class with our boys arid girls, those co S� Soldier With Both Legis typical of tile great Sacrif! 0 -1 trivancesJor rapid,: louding, arid -di tSho Off. and the 1,aiser der Groso old philosophor.3 would be Sent down L f rush, by. our world to the foot of the Class beoiallSa tljoy� YLITTERNATIONAL LESSON, b whs�O. blood AUorio sill 6 n' be, pit' The dm, is ,brought froiii Besides that, a t has by sin been darniaged in its in- aeto, auswor the questionsi, F rue where i1t. xists In enormous Mr. -DEO. '29. away� (Acts i�,,' 12) Burleigh ar corre,, 'of 6,-� wrefl-birt Vryhodd: passaffe of it,, tornal machinery, nd over nd noin libraries juLall the juportallt Lesson XJ�Tllp quarilities, and,wlierc towns T �essoh. Revi6" 27). Golden ("00. tons are loaded in scivitin to cight ,"There is still afspuric as to IIONV t,ho furnaces have burst, and: the arid cities of theland. Illstor'ical'al- ec.xt oi the 3 W of Rod Sea, (Ex. 13- Nvalking beams Of tho ruourittlins, coves and poeticill the Qqiaxter's Less�o -1. Goid- Text, X111, 1. "I will silig, nto hours, niakilig the revan v6y4gro In closo.the Wors LICLually were at Co- have bioken, or, Ile h,ath i it thit,�ty 'flours,, arid the discharge is lellso to Col.' and tile islands have azino table.� far all who desire to en� Text, Rom.. viii.., 34. tho Lord, f, u s lose gulls. Hera, lado thbri effected in seven or eight- iours, ts all uirw frora shipped a sea, and the great bulk of walk througn them or glorlously.," Tho Lord who it a accoiCurt'.1 !�L ve. Obt. �l . , , 11 ., Lesson I.—Joseph. sold into Egypt x tho S I ca anc I I tri� tire world has been illned with accl- Nvay , througl all of which figur�es I have verified by the Boer' side. Th.k. account is fur- SEP DOWN AT TIETEAL X-xxvii, Goldiall I laxt, uiliphed, over the hosts of "Phava lr� is �he lb -s of a-cli, Lain of � L 6,:600 to�i aii.4hod by ono of'tho I'low, dents that ever arid ation throatcued I moved 0 . p MMEDIATE DEMOLITION. of Quick infomation, Acts 9. "The pat.r. the wbo fterward in title full� stonmer,clischarging llure. After dis- with us. I. give it is narratod: The n O,,S the ore is carried from the information' is supplied by Piet Nei, Nowspaocrs all around 11.9' Nith eilvl)" sold L of tinii .. becri the Son OF Ola"96 But it scellis to us if �Jbut, Clod was iwitit. hii , When it last as a Septeber CqUIlloctlal" cIdId is Lt kon : from Mary, God rilanifest-i-in the shtile disclilarging',- wharf tow a holip and who ws'a corporal in the.-B"''oer hundred years were especi little a )OSitioll nigh:Oqul, to that three hays old. rancid nd Creator of. al rl whose �goings about & quafter ok a inde c , -rizod by disaster AVC See tile whole world day everything tile. child has ever wo ill, P -Lilt Ili our torce: -to rill lve ilic� y volcurtic be- or uscd or played with. touches tile forth lit in of old -Om' distant, 'opposito the blast ' f tirnacLs, of lientQni: es, Olt —thri froin w on b and " 'At th6 battle (Colonsio) some of h tile nov,,spz'tper at tile methe only. SSMor or siii- lUch. it is run a, cau.90 an earthqualB is ont ther's heart and. brings her child y a broaldust table through the tile oilly Jud�w of all mankind.,' carried'up, Tiie,ste6l works are iot us were hid under the xiver' bank'$. before tier. o if we ave, in right ners, y L ent thers towards carto hushed up. When Stromboli ne-spalor at tile toatable, -11, latiolis with our Lard yet coniplutc,'butithey lread nd � 0 hlangwlihi. and Cotopaxi and Vesuvius Stop , "era" here and there between. breathing, let foundations of thoi I k to its ploy in LIiL present condition of af� When. with murderous' Muser fire 3lossings of gospol Proclaulation: t1ting Ili the, book- wil�l spe. EAT FRUY=. fairs atict cover about. 250 used lit close range, not, moro-i- tll,,.LI4 oarth bewre I SovGn thouand Do you not know tht nearly all tile of 1-iiiii, nd the Cruelty acros. ho coke oviatis '(6f,whicli, 800, yards, we had sht down Ili two centuries record- missionary societies of Joseph's brethrea, tothe brother It is Good For Both P of' the Dicia, thre ar-c ,100) and' blast are horses and inost od Ili the ctrilor-tre of the British hom tile father so lovoci will sug- Medicine. -to LIS well as tho.'irifantry. escort to Col. Association ! Tr' I worLinq, but 1 fluot will; regard tile emperor, vvfthin it hundrLd Years 'and nearly �cst the troLmont which, Christ re- all the Bible societio and nearly is be- the by-products, such as tar arid qul- Long's battories, brt� dead and: goes to ancient Antioch and miLd the iltile from L-Iis.brotheon, the Jews, Tile Curaive, value of frillt gre. splendors of his reception is met by t philartthropi6 movO­ the be n ing niore and more lixgistecl upon phato of ammonia, they fiavo yet to wounded remaining Lipoii tile field, IL leents ­ 01 iris is oil the I With eo ill 1,fInd-,a. satisfactory .rfinket,� fori� t116 werit Out� With' cig4t inerl, Itqvi g llq�lrt Will Say by,those '%vho a stladY of'.diet- several an earthquake that nearly dostroy§ cleep gratdtUdO,' "All for trwhile� ' ldelLt�y is into ini- recommended for W4010 of theM' Title rolling rail and ludle teamsi ccolliparried by tIfe 6triperor's life.. Lisbon, fair and Lesson ll.­Joscl�h in.�prison (Gen. otics. CrLtPes -arc beautiful, at, I o'clocl­;� oil the Ist of L)cellity- �'Vbilo infidelity is, thus tile "plato It ilis 4re still IiI course. or con- to � ,try ' and tile guns away, xxi the dypept the C( dwindling 3 I fly xxxix, "But the. was Novembe'r, 1775, in six minutes 6 . .. . , IX" _4.0; xt, 15). o I cleii; I.e%t,, anacnila, nd r' - Chos With 'a:L the whcel �t Mtld�.tilll hilst th6 i.)&ttbries Lord. fo dmoy, to out A:nol liver troubles;, claps they are a6fo to h,6, iBoer fell off Iris horso, and the 000 have d 111O i's ulaking a )Out a thLo us"ad whadsliowd ' Vol ta PIUlnS, o ii.� i 0 ore ma d O fill qu A y 0 tion, ill 6 rainlite.. is t be L " f'_" tw Y, cornrad6sr wriLes of them, "Por thilt It is, v . 1:-, ant* Of Win ot-11 I ­ ;. for gouty and rhoumatic -tendenciew.' rail I on"they re �shipping in ��aro- a, the last nothing Nvant7 Wonders 01 S rill Co. A nd -prison'er that thor Lord, was iding were, Shot tinder tliura. T' rope i told rite l -taking iv6, signall! ing but a, trurnet, -,Li and 'Ila' 4io acid fr'its, lemons and Steamers' clirryirig'�,Jout 4,500 bd". Iiiiiii arid he, EL. prosperous il 1, . 'ill L; � ii. -X a r tilu-tl America feeling , tile throb' 1,500 for uars It(,. w:ls a mssionary at (xxxi, 2, It is hard to - wait are pt ticulrirly good, for toA.Ia§gow,6t b 6k','Lb to s or,tais obirilney in Boston partly or fully the, liorth,. Ii-,qug I somach. trouble.-, MIld i-houniatism., ror ton: arid lit a 'lower 'price to halt nd� _00 miles day -by dy tinder adverse ftrid _try- is Sil- I ippil g to triaT in. I' t. LVES, destroyed. front post oflice -and 'sontotilnes, il�ig circlimstirrices and see no,pros- I It is not sil leicilt, say, tire" ,tdvo-' i Cates of ti -16 fruit Cure; to Cau a, Siriall MODUCING, LAND. Then we tried to locate bur, its yet, But the disasters of otbor etile th-M-1101110t(Ir degrees below pect of dolivaraticc, and,bo ' I C"I_I . 11 had their counterpart in later zero, lie SIC qu_-iat1Lyi at-bre�ali or. dill"er unseen Il- criv,vIed cautiously pti out of doors. -in winter, ly forgqtten,by those whom we have OT'c , - —Th � Of L, (,Ile I Coal � prod a uC­ -it from two to cighti poun S, tion will uildoubtedlypribive: more in- , nd who be used to Should e, istance,. and got ridar- tiMeS. In 1812 CeraCS IV" Call -,lit wrapped in rabbilt wovoll to- befriended z d' f"nyitrd soine, di f oranges stinft� They -is 1.6 square 9 in 1882 Said: "Is it possible? help us 1�, thGy were riot so sellish tore ly, killed - a bLille t � splashin L' fail U in the grip of an,eartliquatco, of grapes a, day, or, i se; P nd ungrateful. Live ag coal-produ 'land,, t Sai. belyind in Chile 100,000 square miles of land, YOU do,not ntean'AO. do re,es below, the cur" goii Cy, the number to Irliles oand , on thb fr6n� of, all rock by voicllic, force. upheaved to four zorO?" 'I d o, and I Losson . 11I.—Josepa exalted, nbe in It day may vary . froin' computed roughly - to cont I in 5:500,- whipli I had paused for it moment.' and seven feet of permnent olava- happy.- All for Christ! whoro x1i, Coldell Text, I two to six., 000�,00U,tons of coal. . At present Thon it was that, uut, 80 feet i, dis� here ny oti I ter being that will 30. "Thein that honor ' I 'A hLaftliv. -orli of the bag-ard, face, tion, ill 1854. Japan felt tile goolog- is � t Yo I Nvill body Live llits are bei 'ant, I sliN�r a whito" 11.1, workea, In'uddii, - icaJ agony ; Naples Shaken in IS5, rally Suell enthusiasm? From the prisoll lie is Sud- depends,, UpOZI a pek6ct balance of. tion to wtlic4 they have acarly coin- witil, twb gleaming, burning eyes, A-1-exico, it,- 185S, Alendoza. in 1361; ,;owing their fingers foods taken. -There are many other pecring over the barrel of a rifle. oft to oducato donly exalted to bo ruler over ll the, Pleted two' inore snarts; onolat'a, N-Tarlila terrorized in 1863; tile Ha� thetr boys for title Gospel ministry. land of Egypt and, seccn:l to Fha- f�ctors entering into tile (Luestion, depith�,fif 660 feet, and the other S4_0 Tire khki for, subli he was, waijan Islands by such force uplifted I�o ' but this feature must', 6ot :be forgot- probably . thought that Ile had laid r nine years no On the raoll, (13), nd this When he was but feet, which, will produce" over 6,000 and let down in 1.8111; Ne -vada sbak� t_�bje until tho'courso through ql-ar- 130 years of h ten'. Few people there are who; call t8ris'por day; one 3i'500 -toiis p line out. That pause was my solo tile .age at wlitch or OR in 1871, Antioch in 1872, Califor- mar scl g'keep ealthy, without fl�tlit. Chnce, so' I fired, i iind Shot him !IT loot and colle-O nd tiloolugi- our Lord Jess— began His public Orly, tire, �otlrer 'about.: 8,,UUO,, making nia. in 1872, San Salvador in 1873, lqoxv absurd, sonic one says, to be the forelicad,,blinding forever those Cal S 0 in'!, I i'a I, y be completed. Poor mirtistry. It was al -I ccornplisheq a grand total wh en all tile pits are white in 1833 what subterranean ex- told, to cat fruit when everybody . burning ei That poor" klilai mus6 widow putting her into the witllou� e6rt,on the part of Josef:lh. working , ofi 16,000 tons L per day.iTh.0 I Ischia, an island of the utts it., Yes, but ho�v' do you eat have, been a mail 'of rare cottrage, a, -Lor(il s treasury, tile face of emporor� Tile Lord did it all Ili own gobd it ? Do )roll take it clefinite amount Ilion. work every da�' 6xcopL Sunday. Mediterranean, beautiful Italian or president iiii- tinic arld, way. oldleiry of,tho best i'idltiqns watering place, vineyard clad, Stir- ressed.upon the coin of it, tile sanio as,yo,u do of ineat The,supply appears to, i.be without of tlj`64:;hritiSh aj� I I'ci , it ri-d I that 'lot SO conspicuous as the blood with Lesson !V.—Josepli his bro! h- arid potatoes, or do, you catlt"as limit, and the difDculty,l forsce foi rounded by all, ntural charm. and ,,hi,h she earned it. Iql1jions 0�, ren (Gen. xlv, 1-1.5). Golden, To xt., botii��_1_111,; had been blown oil bo- I 9 them is to find an utlet fori'their historical reminiscence; yonder Capri good mon. you do candy low" thb� knees fire of and wornen, but more R011- x1l, 211 "Be not ovcrcorric, of , If you Suffer vom an cuto attack total iiiroductiun,'so as to kodp tire th oman em- o sumnier resort of the P one of our TIC had 'tied wonreir than Inen, to whol, Christ Is. evil, but overcoiric vil with pits fully runnin'g­ Up' to the pli perorw, yonder Naples, the paradise of indigestion after- a dinner- of soup, tire sbafter,od tumps w! th his ptities of art—this beautiful island sucicionly last After porhap u Chrit first s 20 years Ile. who. per- me��ts, pickles, sauces, salad, calce, Rut practically. tb�ir critirc-prod and Christ forever. formed things for, him ei his ronixining toppled into the trough of the earth, pastries, with spices alla cohiciduenta tion been sold to Canada and. the Stron-th managed to : Those t1tings I 1�ay be use I him to licap coas of fire upon the - -1 . I 1 4 1 8,000 merrymakers perished, and ' . ca want - ' onough*to bli8ter tire skin, to. say Ui4tcd, � Sta", � but, they :must, ..now pile together Low broat sorno of the you to be alort. ' I,walt you to be heads of those who li�lol treated Ili gather'and in so far down beneth 111 nothirig of the delicate- lining- Of, tile [!lid other outlets :and, will be bound how Stom, ch, : work of loose stories in front of him. w� tching all theso wonders linieoll_ so cruelly (Rom. 2 and a pray do�not aver that indi- -O '61 -or t4o reach of hulman obsGquies', that it . t f 0111 tile ll�eavcns lovingly he did t into 110 one of, the Infantry escort s, -I r and the earth, t whoti, lie saild, �1!13o gestion arises f�om tile morsel. of parth and South country coal in the btedly, and de �wty be lid of n n of them, not grieved. nor angryi;Nvith ndou "to do, its It s sald of Mose. GO(r has classified them, �,hcther cal- fruit"taken at-itlie-enct. Mediterrallon' 61 and in this" or pleasing. Tire oil or Ithe gulls while life rei.irame "TUP, LORD BUR1r, S v no, preserve f(vc macl for they are being assisted bv the policy The putides Werp thicli d' with 1. I selves, f God did'sond me before Belibriest ith- your sto " " c 's6i ti purpos4s are harnessed in tra eq that Yet' to' rise 5)� So a onth. no moroL.t � I I at , home tile Jews 'ShaLl of the * pro all Europe weeping, ll break' and in girt ca - iis blood and it. drenclied- 'tile one day Li Lit axi rig. our, cxp,qq,,ts. their-tbro 1por, n6 " w i o In G1 o d 'tr u q, I u x u r i el S . o f,', I i ft"t ur 6, , s tic i i' a s ap�: L� A �71 At NC Nh' I Y "the O' I bc� rIts that need food,ijuto wbich tire, Ili, t tot loosen '.%lid a, 0 idrivon by as�,V6ro hearts to s:inpathize nd Chris- tile �evit 1, re life,f6r,thomi I.y must, answer,. ple6,,, , pears fruit Walls to pry. LWV while, t (�sa r zech. Xiiii, I m, 0 Iftlibs rcstLd.' llis.Leow�yefflord held othrslul 'enter.. Iry, I on y S a I Itell I fl-Ve 'Tnb leex-geri c to e, 't r at., qparin,:�fy morc, fie had rix�prove_ so whils tilde IlLot rq-Alco C ay by VP �'l < Leison V'.—Doath o`f 'Jo b e cru of d'i"bit, , and. it r P14 onoifor d e �nay ;Arn. ithe il..15-20). n,�Toxtk I's. Xe L2 Dilillarn 'his, poucl y �-by od, at�"do, 'ari '4w Ill, do 0 Slilit0d 0, YO Llr out, do., on their. him wbi'Ch tile ngel rueasurea heaven of "the Christian niacidhory "So teach Its to numb in of 7 t to relorthumberlili but with, the rule of douth: this Way Or that, 'for we are, free that we,, inny apply out, c ilys needs, arid. see 'to it that,fruit forms backs,.fhey'do by'ruachinery. lu'tho� -M14A,DY LIS171,, -pa, �tuc. agents. ut lier6 iis till a� rt O F ca c I, nical "t d of the Ind!, i,61ripolago ril to But -'Ivliilst- 1; in �irtds of AVTIO a -so 'many 'n.'Ln art d li ro lid I inost fdritilo island of All tile arth, SO 1011g� go no oile remerabovis it— havO one's love or d boys, i tin canto up, motives- o r h - fruit that'l carinot,eat," rft so lie looldllg� at: tille dead I 3,000 tons per (ly. I'll Ili tile grip of the earda- laid by tile lilyl, of- the Almighty cerity questioned,,anel "There it is gain. Dec-.tlise 'Strait 901dier, we heard a faint voic& ask - and mourX,tin after mountain God in,sockets Chat no terrestrial or brqthron should conic him you is svnk to a depth of:about 2000 feet., carilaot cat of food t� Tile coal is ing for t. drink of water., A few loaded below jnLO'trUCkA S t ut,Ps away we found a oes down and city after city until atanic. prossurc can ever effect, a request To to' they meal endiriti, with fruit, it, of !of. tivo to r forgiveness af r ns, which ;ire, hoisted.fo tire ish officer. Ile beveiago of ll the worlid,-proadcod world's, redeniptciat, roll and Years. was grodt, grief to hit, Surface, w1i I cro, '011 they aLlt0- -to Oil fi, that island, which produces the best Arid along the track,the_cax,of tile had enjoyed his.forgiv6nessifor,�,,1�7 course, war tI 2'apple, or­thejstrw� ghdsL astropho. One hall- roll to tile 0 It berries that did tbe- harni. ma lt 1 Cat I y Up Olt to' I a I r repeated the words, ,�t,S, -IlesL Cat, depot, of must be a grief to our L 1. OrCi w 1) 'll doesn't firtnt maka' tile blood I toope(f (!own dreditliougand people dying, dead I the I have no aljxint�, those .whom ITO hs iiv,�shpd - ',i n�d thin ?" on oi- are two nd pt, my boUle to his, Ilpq, loming nearer hoito, air Agn, 31. but the track. I alli only lie ed and.justinoll quostion their Iar 0 In. Tile. coal - slioics oil ti -le, 'from which k g r d I, I y ISSG, t4o great,. crtliquake. which till!"t f r; o Salvtion -Lind scck� ain 110 0 ur indolence and untai'll'- th�Diz on f6, -what is -or to ob t� I l; by mighty lz of it. Ask any doet ad of th, nd from down to one-litalf of Charleston, fui'css God will dischargo us and their own inste, Iand Ig who has pra eed Z�l, for -will t �'t cdic�nc for tell role h. 'get' solne Stoker nd so ieft of H;- of; '114) ra bel witit his 6,yes (ir, fnd Ila y -lit look at the disasters ci Other or z;h d Carl, "O to and'i re gin wol�lz besl,o.,v,,e., "I Eiis going d frool U p it of not talle it, for narrot was filled At the mouth. of tile GafiG�os rc through wj6iL us- O V 10, t Y 'you thz blood t oo to th.0 blood, ' M)d tile 0ii do Uxco islnds—the the Sun- So my brLthren;' wrch ll, tile Lesson oppressed, in to tile of thick, sdcl�y oid wot, I fefof and tile Daklir'Sllabai fit ii'llat'are Ivy. If things T�'-ffyPt 'Golden text, Oil own rail- s arid natural litcicls of poor w,idili_kht of October, 1877, oil ��Ooln to 1,urn out right': 211., "Cod It Tile frorn oard their groart- the the, colycciv,- ina.11 those three islarlds,the cry , W, nd God r ttpits is abotit joy, IT, things sq6m to His ' rl� cither Cove. able i cor, vu lnovocl lie A cyclone aroso ari oub %Vro�g, throw. it the' ti of thei blod.i e lir� to, 20 �la nd iris 4ditl'on Tlien inadc sea over those throo peoplo siTiningi b of- fl-,lia), hold fast, Y to have heir'O'Wtl "CorlicS 'both fk, o d modl , '_1 lail ,ohle zid 0�,you �'t most ols. nd of, -population, of 310 them ,or 'lit lw-riad , '-',Q 'y 'I - , , '' , " " " , nd -0:1.5;000 w6ro dro to oall t) saVed st it rueSoon o tho jlgllc� itrigs, b �k� tot?, of itho you a eye" ditsoo Alone N io. etile hinil oil of ess W li itli�aisc'v wsno n! or i a ��Goldoii Text -to pass ly'as rL cy it n'our w. clono on th oce, IItti tt h opt S 800 TAi I Os bick f'r vetip our I�V,17 shud'poular -cl h o i i tI d To StIie wili prin r )Oirr" cyet bpi -'an explored cc, ig 1,110 Cyclone and al ter it wo ox- s�itcl Litor all iecour- every moillont, to go to the i of tile sky, Limit Frail to!' of tho'nlart who was bairt, was to,tho a n (I lio IN' hetold us before we ro� itIli OrIL ofi theqC ojL(, occason, ditring 1, lod'15 giver, 0,vo hir lassood, Morse and Bell ard -1i to destro Israel, at 110 h, ot, to two being ai I t Li r, the barometer iliMison I Licto how- r�. I I had fllen, but; at 11 o'clock at ilight )rought under corrij _�Ivcn to kill all' the tho ii%Nv, nor the chillrefi, nor Lo'ln6d- `p�oilcctcd at the now there 0 I but to where the coal will'bo to ealithe witi(low, of tbo Old awakened tile Shock T�,Cori has groater, wonders to rc- mlo,childiven, slibuld brill Iq lip wa's rapidly;, anno,unced that' ill., the Nt,av All the, lights out. ill s, own son one of theso ina)[e. hif& inces August the Surface in of 6, 'tile r wing tile, worqt of iti, N rilsh- those. thilir (1c ined �y God to_bo the Ilattl Rad OMI ZI I- unu wido. it, st boing Sri', the skylights (!own into does not make Ini dlf�ci where,. of Israel from the power of Egy' M Lion to EQUA' p things the TO XNTEMCAN COAL, dnwe tand, but tho' higho�r the qfnd- Lcssorl� VITl —world's Toillperance arto'light, Mr, -tul to th o' cont, or, flic, coal Sion, groat nnfiil tIlthe polnt the 11rospGob, We lc�qson V, S-.0). Gold, 'Toxt -her hos 9 anif tile, t will co thrint from heaven if we (to Isa, v, 22, "oo ss coal, unto thern dhin, lilt no� -o Inighty to drark wine,#" ho, I S Inverness, fi I T TJ Z D F ril r T, so These six of their w to ally, Amoricn �coftl 'except to tocs tipon the, covefous, tile drunk- IOur great ship Ohl, what graild thijig it, is nd ill tile I'll'ost oil. Lhe t�pii eatd, I I grip tof thtl dcSpettojy� wicked, arliief, t* oil the per- olwile of 1) h 6S p 11 ancl long before the, Collie to port, that verso, tile, worldly wiso.and tile I' a t�, pcsto the Not will tho.�r Ciril g 'S, L' LL u to the w11011111,0111., Of I'l glitcou down, down, down un, IIVY COMC down ro a Idil 'of olarid pl,ma an,,] out oi,61 with,' tile, eight woes upon 'I'll rei I f itper mall th, IV tihe T1. 1,smNT ONEE U)c scribes Lind Phari.96csi of At afeall- Ali, ��ou rievor TER L01 A1, itil or, N'ort. , V lilt' ill Iwail� to see a Cyclone at So to-dy we tal'o our Canada's Steel and i.Coal., 'You will t4krof '%ll notin his ruil t iz Ily IU