HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-12-26, Page 1FOURTEtNTH'
.•.EXETE13.,;: ONTATZT.0
Table and Pocket ctitlost Oarpet•
Oav' ng Sets,
Decorted Silverware,
c., &
We have unlimited priyate funds for in-
vestment upon farm or village property, at
o west rates of interest, • -
Barristers, eta., Exeter.
I have a large amounto.f private funds to
loan on farm and. village properties at low
'rates of interest.
E. W. GLADAtAlst,
Barrister, Main Street Exeter
Sale Register.
TUESDA.y, DEo. 31.-Farni Stock and
Implements, the property of James
Taylor, Exeter. Sale at one o'cloele.
H. 13rOvvn, Auctioneer.
Christmas Goods
Christmas Presents,
4 "teeing is bettea than a nice pair f
- shoes or slippers, We have e fine
range ip each for wens, women
arecfchildren.. '. . . "-, • - - - -
From 85e. an upward we have Rub-
bers of all kinds; sack and , felt
boots; a fine line of over shoes. to
'. be cleared out( half their regular
value. ... . . .. ,
All Keys belonging to, the, Farber alit
.1;0•!de retuelned on Dec. 28 at 2 p.
Treble's Old Stand
Mrs. Jas. Wilson is spending Xtrazis.
with her mother, Mrs. J. Baird of
Blenheina-W. A. Wilson was in
London last week buying dry goods.
-The annual School meeting of S. S.
No. 10 will be held Thuredtty 26th inst.
-Miss Maggie Thibedeau is engaged
for the Pleasant School for 1902.
Miss Laura Jeckell is home from
Goderich spending the Christmas holi-
days with her mother. -Mr. Thos. and
Peter' Case, Miss Nettie' MeTaggart,
Mr John Case and sister Ann, left
Tuesday morning for Thorndale to
attend the funeral of their Cousin
Minnie Wills, beloved wife of Mr.
W. G. Duffin.
Kii kt01.1
" 'Miss Lizzie Sbier,s is convalescent
-Miss Bella, Hazelwood is improving.
Mrs. J., Cameron is very loW a,t time of
writheg.:seClifford Shier is intepeoving
-Sloe/ely, after his recent illness. -Mr.
t A Bryans returned home from
London on Saturday last. -Mr. I. E.
Elliott left on Tuesday on an,extended
visit to Georgetown. -Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Elliott were presented with. a
fine baby girl on VVeclnesday.
The Y. P. A. here had their semi-
annual election Of officers on Tuesday
evening,Dec. 17th, when the following
were electecli-President, Miss L. Wil -
hams; Vice -Pres, Miss Ida Wells;
Recording Secretary, Miss C. Then;
Corresponding Seey,..Heatrice Stein-
bach; Treasurer, 111r. 'Wes, Scheollig;
Organise, Miss Ethel Willi:oils; Asst.
organist, Miss L. Rennie; Supei-intend-
ant for the junior Y. P. A., Miss L.
Faust; Assistant, Miss findresys.
Soaoor, RE1-OT1T. 10110Win S the
standhig of pipits in S, S. No, 4, Step-
hen at close of year 1901,
Sr. Auiy, P. Morlock, W. J,
ROWe, F. Amy. Jr. (Mark, A.
Yaegc,"r, C. Rowe, le Preszeator T.
Roeszler. SteITI--E. Amy, H. Mor -
look, E. Wein, VV, Poeszler, N. Brovvn
end W. Sinith. Jr. III -W. Morlock,
C. Rowe, D. [Castle, C. Clark, %V, Ell -
1 e. D. Smith, W. Wein. Sr.
Dieteick, Seliwai•tz, W. Preszcator,
M. Itistle. jr. Wim, Gr.
K -ale, E. Wein, A. Wein, E. 'Castle,
3. Chapman. Sr, Pt. 1.1--1-1. Weiti, N.
An;y, L. Morlock, IE. Schwa -L -1z. Jr.
Brokenshire, C. Eilber, E.
Sellee:Aee, O. Wein.-Average attend-
ance 39.
J.L W. MAY, teacher,
. •
Seafoot REPORT:-ThO foliowing is
the report of S. S. No. 1, Stephen, for
the month of December. The names of
the four highest are given. V. Pleeda
Baker, Perry Wiudsor, Clinton Hog-
arth, Agnes Hepburn; Sr, IV, Melee
Mitchell, Hector Mitchell, Rose Wil-
son, igeno Cafes; Jr. IV, Vernon
Wilson, Rebecca :McCoy, 1 -Dive, Wind-
sor,E Califas; Se. III,Leslie MeNaugh-
ton, Enos Windsov,- Flora Hepburn,
Clarence Duplan; Jr. III, Samuel Mc-
Coy, Major Ridley, Gafford Hogarth,
Vern Sheardown; Sr. II,Chas.Grafton,
Elzworth Ridley, Fred Conway; Jr. II,
Malvan Callfas, Gordon Wilson, John
White, Norman, Heaman; Pt, 11,
Lillian Robinson, 'Eliele-Collfas, Roy
Callfas; Pt. f, Margery Hepburn.
Best speller for the month, David
Baker. - ' •
J. A. MoNattortrOix Teachers.
0. M. Walker -
Geo, 13:then,' the young man from
here, who was taken down with small-
pox at London last month, upon his
return from Brandon, Man., where he
went to help take in the harvest, has
been dischavged from the isolation
hospital, having fully recovered from
the attack. No more eases have been
A child out at Dixie is said to be ill
with smallpox and there is consider-
able alarin and nnich vaccination. The
mother and child ha,1 just returned
fewer a visit with a family in Stephen,
a member of which had just arrived
from Michigan sick with smallpox and
the child. is supposed to have taken
the infection. It is to be hoped that
a further diagnosis will reveal the
disease to be chicken pox, -It is but
seldom that we are called' upon to
chronicle the death of a middle aged
13eVS011 in this section but on Tuesday
typhoid fever carrietTaway one in his
45 year. William George Jackson was
born in Huron Township,Bruce county
in 1856. Five years ago he moved to
Hay township, near Fansville, where
he married Miss Elizabeth Dignan.
She and two small children surviye
him. Six weeks ago he was takeiadown
with typhoid fever and despite good
nursing he securnbed to the disease on
Tuesday evening. He was a member
of the Methodist church having profes-
sed conversion at -the Crossley- and
Hunter meetings here. The deceased
likeda genial, kind-bearted man, well
by all who knew him. The fune-
ral took place on Thursday morning to
Hayfield cemetery. --As A. MeMorrin
was driving past the Observer office On
Tuesday Afternoon-"` his horse,
which had apparently been feeding too
high, began to jump and kick with a
vigor that alarmed the onlookers. Its
heels fanned the old gentleman's face
several:times, but fortunately he did
not get struck end no damage was
crone except to a shaft.
Mr. Wen. Hero and wife of Hamio
ta, Man. are visiting friends around
Zion. -Mr. Ed: Francis, of Michigan,
is visiting his brother Harry here.
many friends of the family will hear
withdcep regret of the death of Rebec-
.eit Taylor,. beloved wife of M. George
Heywood, who passed to lier reivaid
on Saturday last at the a.ge of 65 years
10 months and 16 clays. The deceased
had been in her usual health. up io
within abont five weeks of her deinise,
when suffering froth the.effects of en-
largernent of the neck, it eventually
affected the heart, and growing weak-
er daily and despite the hest medi-
cal skill and attention she gr•aclually
sank until -death put an end to her
sufferings. .Deceased WtIS a native of
England and came to ;Canada when
about thirteen years of age and seetl-
ing in 1. -bot 11,15 made thee her re-
siding 'Aare ever since. Mrs. Hey-
WOOd WaS Of kindly disposition, a good
wife and mother and as a neighbor
she had few :rentals. By her friends as
well as by the sorrowing husband and
one SOn, 'by whom she is survived, her
demise is deeply mourned. Iler re -
ma Ins were interred in the Exeter
cemetery on ruescley, the funeral be-
ing largely attended. The bereaved
hushand and son have, the sympathy
of a 1'i go circle of friends, -
Clean or Tu.\ leas. ---.111r. Geo. Hey -
Wood desires to express his thanks for
the many and sincere marks of sym-
pathy :Old frjendship Svhich they have
received from the neighbor's a nd fie en ds
luring his wife's illness and after lier
isiseearile /iv :xoq rae eirrea nIll slatnalana
• 'al -
euteree aegeo pini etsettesevole `eine° 'Einem
SMALL linb34inately for the
inhabitants 'df this toWnship that that
most cleeaded of all cliseeses,eniali pox,
has been contracted by nurnerouts of or
residents There are at present fif-
teen eaees quarantined moetly on the
14th and 16th concessions reaching to
II:tell-wood. The disease has been
growing at an alarming rate of late
and :ts a precaution the church in
Dashwoocl has been closed indefinate-
ly. The Board of 1-Ieitltherree consider-
ing the itdvisability of compulsory
vaccination throughout the entire
township. The "disease was broeght
into the township fr•din Parkhill last
fall and has been increasing unknown
Lo either the health 'authorities or the,
people, from the fact that medical
treatnient had not been sought. It is
to be hoped that the disease will soon
be stamped out. `
Mis$ Annie Harrison, cif Plugtown,
is visiting her sistey, Mrs. Geo.- ',Rook.
-Miss Maggie Luxton, of :Sarnia, is
e"pencling her Christmas lioiiclays: with
her parents • here. -Mr. and - Mrs.
Switzer,. of Alber'te, are visiting thee
son, Mr.Norman
Huuter is making preparations for the
erection of a new barn next summer.
-Eden purposes' holding their S. S.
anniversary, and tea on the lath and
201-h of January. Partieulers later. --
Mr. Samuel Skinner purchased a hand-
some colt at Mr..Seell's sale, Stephen.
last week. -Mr. Will Lucan,
was 'Visiting friends here on Sunday. -
Mr, Geo. Bagshaw, Who lies been en-
gaged with Ige. Geo. Rook for,the-
past four mouths, returned honie Sale
orday.-School closed on Thursday
hist for the Christmas holidays and
the teacher is taking his well earned
holidays. ---Mr. R. 8. BesweR attended
the P. S.examination at Mr, IL Lane's
school. of Stephen, on Priday.--Many
readers of the ADVOCATE, as well as
your correspondent, was wondering
who would occupy the Coates home-
stead: That curiosity has been Satis-
fied :twill be seen by the marriage no-
tice column, Mr. Frank Ode tes having
taken unto himself a life parenpr in
the person of Miss Lottie Dickens,
daughter of Mr. Thos. Dickens, of the
same township and has taken posses-
sion of the homestead. We extend
A grand. entertainthent waS,held in S.
S. No. 5, McGillivary, on Dee. 20th, it
being the occasion of the ' par•thee,- of
the pupils end. pavente with (hair
teacher, % Mr„.. 3.' W. Lane.' It was -a
decided. success and many expressed
themselves' as being, ' the best Public:.
School entertainment they eyer at-
tended.The program ' showed that
a great deal of pains had been token
by the teacher,pupils and people of the
'section. Theentertainment commenc-
ed shortly ,after one o'clock, when
lessons, were . heard- from Pint 1 and
part 2 clases by Mr. Edgar Buswell,
and the 2nd class by their teacher.
An hour later the programme "com-
menced and by this time the „ new
large school was packed to the door.
Visitors were present from Crediton,
Mount Carmel, Centralia and Brinsley.
In the absence' of Dr. Rivers, who was
to have taken the chair, it was Occupi-
ed by Mr. Edgar' Haswell and a pro-
gramme, consisting of seine fifty pieces,
was rendered' ' which showed that the
Scholars wereable few anything in the
lineofchoruses, recitationdialogues,
songs, readings, etc. Addresses, were
delivered by Rev. R. W. Knowles, of
Crediton, • who spoke on character
building. The chief 'points of his ad,
dress were principal, push, punctuality
perseverance, 'and prorninence. lEtev.
Father ,Tiernan, of Mount` Carmel,
gave.a very able address on Ecluhittion
which was ' ' 'ten ed- to'with great in-
terest. Rev l „.• T. IluttotenfCentralia,
thought' the, hour too late to enter in,
to an ,' ad.drese, but "expressed 'himself
as 'being pleased with, the entertain-
ment. The -Fairfield quartette, com-
posed oflgr. Windsor; ,Miss.Ida Wind-
sor, Mr. and Mrs. Hoyes and Miss Cora.
Windsor, who presided at the organ,
was warmly encored. as well as the
graphophone selections by Mr. George
Lightfoot: One of the chief pieces
was the pantomine to "Nearer. My
God To Thee"' which Was wellrendered.
by Miss May '" and ' Ettie .Coughlin.
A.fter• the lastehor•ue (A parting song)
by the school, May McGrory.stepped
forward, and rea.d:the following ad-
dress. • -
151e...1. W.. LANE.
' DiArt TA -1.0111.M.
' 11 al'ing iCaElICd With deep regret of your intend-
ed depnxtrute from amongst us, we desire to here
express -our sorrow at tieing deprived of your services
as 'well as to tender you the heartfelt gratitude of
both parents and children for the faithful and efficient
manner in which .you have discharg,ed your do le
O s teacher ,of our school.' For the three years you
have been tvith usyou have earnestly and faithfully
striven to promote the interest of,: the school, and
the high estimation in which you tire held,.by not
only the pupils but theirprtrents, confirmiCtheirhigh
'.,appreciation of your good work. By youY kind and
amiable disposition you have endeared..iyourself to
the hearts of all, . as well as ho 0:e able we 00
have iniparthd instruction to us,yes' instruction,
which n after years we will not be ashamed of, and
if at tiny time the question may be asked. "Who
was your teacher" each one can proudly say, "Our
teacher WCI.S a Mr. Lane". And now 000sk , ou. to
accept this writing deslc, and cha:, not for their in-
trinsic value, but as a slight memento of the days
you were..our faithful director, We visil you a
wrier' Christinas and ni,happy New Year and hope
that the Great Alw.ighty may bless and iceep .you in
health and strength, Signed on behalf of school,
• • Mac. McGrory
0. S. No.di,hIcGillivray Josephine Coug,hlin
Dee. 2001,1001 NellieBmvis '
. .
Jennet Maguire ,
M. :Tr H. Lane gave a very suitable
reply but could not, express himself in
his usual inanner, -I-Je has also been
presented with gifts to the . value of
ten dollars during the three years that
be has acted as our teacher.
Lucan; Mr, Eli 1-lodgins, of Lueren,
lias purchased the property on the 2nd
con. of 13iddulph, popularly known as
the Cr'ully
Wirighern: Mrs. L. Fife met with an
accident last Thursday:' She tripped
over a box in the yard, ancl fell heaVily
hteikiug t,
Grand Bend
Mr. mullaud spent Saturdey„iniPark-,
11111.--A large num b eF • of '‘w.,111to- owle
have been eCu 11 thie locidity-latelY•
-Mr, „Hannon' Gill retueiled ;home
from Exeter FI'ide•Y.---Tbe.PresYterian
Christnms tree pissed off vevy;quietly
or] Monday evening. Proceeds about
$50.00. -Mr. Ross, Ivho has been at
the Soo, Teti.irned home last weelc.---
Our slidernaker, .Mr. StacIden, who has
been visiting in Goderich, returned
home Monday. --Mr. Newell, Canada
Company agent, spent a few days liere
last eyeek.--Mr. He -Smith spent Thurs-
day in Iledford.-1VIr. 1,V. Oliver
moved into his new houee last week
bere.-The IVIethodist Christmas tree'
was fairlY well attended: Proceeds
about $25:00, '
WEDDELL-A pretty wedding took
place on Wednesday afternoon at the
eesidenee of Mr. Alex. Rennie, who
resides a little East of ZuriCh:when
his eldest daughter, Miss Minnie, was
united in marriage to Mi.. Edgar
Broderick, of the same township. % The
brideenteredthe spacious pallor on
the aro] of her father, whilethe beauti-
ful wedding march was played by her
cousin, Miss Rennie, of Zurich, and at
4.30' the Rev. Morlock, of Dashwood,
performed the cerenionY that made
them tnan ancl wife. The bride was
assisted by the groom's sister, while
tbe groom was supported by the
bride's beother, 'Will. The ceremony
over and the congratulations extend-
ed the goests, numbering about fifty,
snt down to an excellent spread after
which a very pleasant time was spept
socially. The bride received a mag-
nificent array of presents, thus testify-
ing to the esteeme in which she is
held. - The happy couple wilthake -up
housekeeping in the township and the
best wishes of an are extended.
J. G. STANB1JRY, B. A., (formerly Collins &
Stanbury) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer
Money to Loan -Exeter, Ont.
GM' public school closed on Friday
for the Xmas. holid:tys. Mr. Bloom-
field, who has been principal of the
school the past, three years, was pleas-
antly surprised last Thursday evening
by a large company of young people,
who presented Mr. and .Mrsetploorn-
field with an address-, on behalf of the
church; school and League. Mr. Bloom-
field as presented with -a set of books
and Mrs. b. with'a carving set, therby
showing the respect our citizens htve
for thein, On Friday morning Mr.
Bloomfield was handed a beautiful gift
by the ;evils of -his" rooni„ We are
soleeetee.toee Mr.:tiled:Mts. Bloomfield,
but trust that our loss Will be gained
by the people of Bridget), where he has
accepted a-. situation as principal in a
large school.--Mr.Solothon, of Detroit,
is Spending his holidays here with hiS
parents. --Our barber is doing consider-
able whistling.- " What's the matter?
4. girl. --Mr. W. W. .Kerr has Moved
into the dwelling lately -eccupied bY
Mr. Geo, Bleomfield.=-IVIisS Wilson,
who has been 1st assistant beacher,has
banded in her resignation to the trus-
tees:" Miss Wilson was a good teacher
and ,won' many .friends while here,-
Mr.Ed. Wurm, of Zurich was in the
village last Sunday. Ed. conies quite
regular of late. -A number of our
citizens gave a surprise perty to Mr.
and Mrs. Dayid Brown last Saturday
evening and had a pleasant time. -Mr.
Daniel Oesereicher is ill. - We trust he
will soon recover. -Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Mills, of Centralia, were the gaests
Of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lambroele last
Sunday. -A large number of our boys
have been spending their evenings
skatingon ponds near the village.
What we need is a skating rink. -Dr.
Hutchinson, of London, Provincial
Health Inspector, passed through the
village last Saturday- for the 14th con.
to examine the Smalltime cases. -The
ong-looked for Xinas.: festival in the
Eva.lgelical church has comea,nd gone.
The church was crowded on Tuesday
night and all were delighted to hear
the beautiful recitations and songs of
he children. The program consisted
of too pares, the first being dialogues
Ind recitations in Englishand German
ind part II, of a cantata, entitled "A
Chime ef Silver Bells.." The little ones
lid their parts well, and a treat is
lvertys in • store when they decide to
aye anything in this manner. The
hurch was beautifully- decorated and
he -different corn:mit tees, who had the
entertainment in hand are to be cop-
ratillated on the efforts they have set
°At in making this cantata such asuc-
eSses-Your correspondent trusts that
ante Claus remembered you all this
ear =Wile wishes- you,Mr. Editor, and
11 the read ers of the AD V COATE ft happy
ncl peosperouS New Year. -Messrs.
ohn and Charles Sims, of Manitoba,
re Visiting "frieeds in this vicinity
fter an absence of 23 years. -Among
he friends from a distance, who are
pencling their holidays 'here, we to -
ice -Misses Tillie and Clara Wind; of
etroit; Mr. Moses. Brown, of Sebe-
aing, Mich.. Mr. and Mrs Rho'
rupp, of Mich.;
Misses Mary,
illie and Rosa Finkbeiner, of London;
essre, Wm. Sweet and Pd. Lawson,
f Detroit. -Mr. Charles Wolf is on
he sick list. His many friends trust
e will soon recover. -Our merchants
ave been very busy the past week,'
ttending to the wants of the public,
amts. week emnes but :Mee a year,
O wish it would come oftener.
WEnneNee-A quiet and pretty wed -
ng took place at the residence of Mr.
°lin Mast last Thursday, when his
dest daughter, Miss Mary, Was wad-
ed to Mr. Michael 13eavereeTr. of this
llage. The happy couple will reside
the residence lately oecuPleci by Mr.
eo. Holtzman. We all wish Mr. and
rs. Beaver a long and happy married
0. •
FIRE. -While lighting the gas jet
one of the windowe of ,Mr. Ches.
wicker's store laet Saturday evening,
e gesignitecl end destroyed consider --
le goods, consisting of' furs, hats
id caps, Otc, The loss w as fully coy -
'ea by insuranee.
I tOtGetiee 0/1.11K,VS*Oalltill,"Aetien
Ar AbotitUS
2;. W. Burni'lal.11, 'h° pt•ernissorv note. Philip Holt, K. C,„
ei''vhaase;ki.ir:Oefs:tiefictia bern 4108 t3prl 011rl s fB°y-1" P. 10110SilaS; e'En't (24:aji? Pal °011.11;11(s ifec")1E-. c(1-)enfot1.-
pi-etelfces from the I-101-1. Bal" direettia that judgment be entered for
lantynedviis sentenced by Police Ma- ealetee(f.intiffs for the sum of $376.1-5
db9kilsYtl'fioLtle' ;1!)t'Lerlaln:f'ttt'w8°trYaeL'it°ris.di°11.11.241ill•?egs--4w1Q1Liluel!)(e)CtBs.finle vS,'Orentin et 01. -Ane
stop PenitentiarY. no. action send:Lir to the above,
1011 11:l!11 for plaintiffs for the stun.
'of $380.52 with C)StS.
V. Town cif Gocler-iell and
McDonald' vS. Town of Goderich, tevo
actions I'm aceou til; of eteceidents occur-
ring on the streetS of the toivn,
pOSLp011ed tO the 25th of January.
Speers vs. 1u .S ing .was postponed
tothe firSt Weekein anue ry,and Van.
Peet:mad VO -Leve' was iettlecl; Met of
Ydn; s an
litiOl-7for,:the price of Silt 11 and
1.Ve.11'; the -defendant -being W.
Fe. --Young, cv ell -known fanner in tin.'
niwnsliip of Colborne, who cleimed
itleit the wori: had net been cloile
cede:ling- to conti-aot. %V. Proirclfont •
'fcrie""afiffee- M. G. Cameron for, deft.
There' were a large number of witnese-
05111 .tJi case, and• a conclusionriot
being reached on Saturday -an edjtati•n-
thent WaS made to Monday whou the
caee was further ncljourned to Decent-,
Zurich: .11fother Ilse has taken are
her abode with het' grand chintent.ee
Mrs.' Henry Thiel. The 014 dady is
now nearly 95 years of ago!. an.dA4as-
been living alone, ,these 'years,
but her .extreme ergo' and enfee14d
cmodition, made Re-me:ices:Ley to have
Some one look afted:ber Comfort.
Mitchell: Thursday afternoon of
lasteseapvev4eebk eiMn gr. A. ti.1...N41. ptsileers rioistvioetwolei:
J ereey bull, andhie leadi n g the
brute in the, yard leViWiletne-41,1igeeed
and savagely atfackfaV owners -seiz-
ing him' upon, his Bolf0Jand throwing
him clean over his bieWie.Before the
at tack could herenenI'to yte un g
num Who were in the )44,ra:1 to Mr.
Casey's rescue and beat the beirte'bapk,
thus ayeeting either serious injnry or
death. • ,
Hayfield: Prone the statement which
was laid before the village council on
Monday we learn that, there is now in
the treasury the Kim of $567.36. The
largest item in the expenditures, is
$725 paid the school treastiver. $247,-
96 was paid for reads and bridgee and
$50 for purchase of lend. The' col-
lector's roll calls for $1297.08 Of which
amount, $700 has been Collected. Dor-
Mg the year the corporation received
froro rents $59.77, licensee $8.4 and
county tree surer $10.20.
Byfield: A quiet wedding was cele-
brated it `the residence of Mre John
Frazer on Wednesday of last week
when his niece, Miss Harriet Frazer of
near Listowel, was united in marriage
to Mr. James Donaldson Jr., of Bruce
Mines. "Mr. Donaldson is a son of
our respected councillor, Mr. James
Dooaldson, Sr. Tbe ceremony was per-
formed :It 11 o'clock- in the forenoon
in the presence of. a few guests. all
being near reletives of the contracting
parties. Our best wishes go with the
newly wedded couple for a prosperous
and happy life together. May their.
sorrows be few andtheir joys many:
Parkhill: One of the oldest citizens
of Parkhill, Mr. Sohn Chisholm Ross,
died on Thursday, 12t11 hist at the age
of 94- years. Mr. Ross had the misfor-
tune to fall some days before his death
and break some of his ribs, which with
his feeble health, hastened his death.
He was it man of ,very, 'unassuming
manner, who believed implicitly in the
honesty of all men. lie was an. oblig-
ing -neighbor, it kind a d indulgent
hnsba.nd and father, whose losS will be
greatly missed altholigh he passed the
alloted years of man. Rev. R. Aylward
conducted the services at the house
and at the Nairn Cemetery on Satur-
day 141-1.
.County Court.
The County Court opened on Tees -
clay, December 10th, before Ju`dge
Doyle with a large number of cases on
the docket.
The grand jury was composed as
follows; Thos.Neweeme,13russels (fore-
man) Alexander Cox, Goderich ; Rich-
ard Delbridge, Usborne; Patrick Sulli-
van, Stephen; Hy. Hamilton, Mc-
Killop; 'Alfred Lewrey, Brussels;
Thos. Mills, Grey; Robt. Mosgrove,
Hluevale; Thos. Robertson; -Colborne;
W. A. Ross • Goderich; Wendell
Schmidt, Hay; W. II. Willis, Seaforth;
Thos. H. Taylor, West Waranosla,
There was no criminal basiness be-
fore the Court; so the labors of the
grand jury were light.
There were twelve civil cases on the
docket of which four were to be tried
before a jury. . •
The first of the jury cases was that
of Robertson vs. Lewis, in which Mrs.
John Robertson, of Goderich, sued E.
N. Lewis, lessee of the Bedford block,
for damages on acconnt of an accident
which -she sustained owing it was al-
leged, to a defective stair railing in
said block. Mrs. Robertson in June
last visited Dr. Whitely's office and
when she was coining away a 11.1142,' on
the stairway to which she was holding
gave way and she fell to the bottom of
the steps. Her arm was broken and
she • sustained other injuries.. 3. T.
Garrow, K. Q.'was council for plff.;
W. Proudfoot for deft. The jury re-
thrined a verdict for the defendant,
and ' the action was dismissed with
Donovan vs. 'Archibald was an ac-
tion for wages. 3. T. Garrow, K. C.;
Lor plfr.; Philip Holt, K. C.; for deft.
Trial postponed.
Fraser vs. McLennan. -An action for -
bill of costs. Philip 1 -bit, E. 0., for
plff.; Proudfoot for deft. By
consent of counsel His Honor directed
judgment to be entered for plff.for $11'5
and costs.
Pas'emore vs. Andrews et al. -Action
on a promissorymote. Philip Holt,
K. C., for plff; Wm Peoudloot for deft.
Trial postponed till the next June sit-
tings of this Court.
The remaining eases were 011 on the
nonjury list,
Ament vs, Town of Seaforth occu-
pied two days and a half in the trial,
twenty-five witnesses being examined.
The plaintiff was William Ament, of
Seaforth, whose horse fell and broke.
its leg while being driven over a gran-
olithic crossing in the town l of Sea -
forth. The plaintiff contended that
the approach to the crossing was not
in a proper condition, and he sued the
corporation for the loss Of bis horse.
-Some coler was lent to plaintiff's con-
tention by the action ot the town
'council itself in having the epproach
properly- graded. shortly after the acci-
dent occurred. a. T. Garrow, K. C.,
arid R. S. Hays (Seeforth) were come -
sol for plft Proudfoot and S. L.
Killoran (Seaforth) for the defendant
corpotertion. His Honor gave judg..
mene for plaintiff for $130, with fall
Con nty CourCeosts. Proceedings stay-
ed for thirty days,
btu' 23rd, at 11 o'clock.
The grand jury brought in the fol-
lowing preseutment:
The jurors fop our lord the King beg
leave to present: as follows: They have
ex:mimed the jail and find five prison-
ers therein and one lying dead. The
rooms are kept clean. The prisonerbave s
eci complaints to make. The new
residence for the jailer is a spacioue,
airv building and a credit to the coun-
They further beg leave ,to report -
that they went to Clinton and..examin--
ed the -house of refuge, ...and found
Seventy -seen persontherein and
.some of -them poorly • clad. Mr. and
Mrs. French aee well adapted ,for the .
workallotted to them.
All of which is respectfully submit-
ted. '
Taos. NEWSOM, ,Forernan:
Elwood. -In Hensall, on December 29,
to Mr. Mrs. M. Elwood, a daughter.
DELBRIDOE. -In Vsborrie, on Dec.11th
to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Delbridg,e,
0 -con,
Fou. -In Exeter, on December 22nd, ,
to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ford, Of a
usces-On Sunday, Dec. 15, the
A ICAifeof Dr. D. A. Andersen, Exeter,_
Ross-Counia-At the residence of
the bride's parents in Clinton, on
December 1Stb, by Rev. Dr. Gifford'
W. :T. Ross, to 31intde, only daugh-
ter of 1141e Arthur Couch.
HEY -STE,Lcx-At the residence of
the bride's mother, 14th concession,
Hay, by the Rev, Davidson, of Var-
na,Mr- John Hey, Jr., to Miss Lizzie
Stelck, both of Hay Township.
Co.teTES-DforeENsaIn H i ddulpleSauble
Line, on December 18th, by Rev.
W. Stout. of Kirkton, Mr. Frank
Coates, of Usborne, to Miss Lbttie
Dickens, daughter of Mr. Thomas
LANDeraEa.---Flecas.--At the residence
of the brides parents, on Christmas
Day, by the Rev. 0. W. Brown, B.
D., Mr. Roberb Laudwher, of River-
side, Cal., to MissMand, eldestdaugh-
ter of Mr. Robb. Hicks Jeweler. "
GUNNING.-TAN'T,011.-At the residence
of the bride's parents, con. 10, Maus -
hard, by the Rev. Hart, 'Woodhant,
Mr. Frank Gunning to Miss- IVIary
Taylor, of Blanshaid.
HALEvtaLE. -EAter.,.-At the residence
of the bride's parents, by Rev. C.
Fletcher, Mr. Samuel Balkwill, of '
HIanshard, to Miss- Annie, only
daughter of Mr. James Earl,of Elim-
BEarcxe-EENNIE-At the residence
of the bride's parents, on Christmas
evening, by the Rey. lgoolock, of
Dashwood, Mr. Edgar Broderick, of
Hay, to Miss Minnie, eldest daughter
of Mr. Alex. Rennie.
RANoR-In Clinton on December 15th,
Mary Ritt,tenbury, relict ot the late
Thomas Rance,eaged 60 years.
.MTIRRHY--ilit St. Marys, On /gond:1,y,
Dee. 16, Mary ,Ieene, daughter of
" David and Sarah Murphy, aged g
months ltncl 13 days.
HEYWOOD.-In Ushorne, on December
22nd, Rebecca 'Taylor, beloved vvife
Of Mr, George Heywood, aged 05
years, 10 ni.ontlis and 16 days.
111c..M.Anox-In Goderich, on Dec. 23rc1,''
Geo. McMahon; aged 70 years.- '
Don't Wake
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Did you know you could
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Vapo..Ctesolene is sold by clruggists everywhere.
A. Vapo.Cresolene outfit, inelltding the Vaporizer and
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CSOLialA,Co„ leo Fult00. 8t,, kieW York, U.S.A.
• . 1