HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-12-16, Page 8Jpecials. If you want a suit or an Over - Coat call and see oar specials. Bitie Worsted and Serge • suits, worth, • $18.00 for Tweed Suits, worth $17.00 for Overcoats with Yoke, worth. $22.00 for Overcoats worth $18.00 for 'ill • e • $14.00 $13.00 $18.00 $15,00 Pantings. Pantings inade to order for $3.00 $4,00 and $500. A good fit guaranteed. GOODS BROTJGEIT FIERO WILL BE CUT FREE OF CHARGE. Grieve's old stand, opposite postoffice. W. W. TAIVIAN c LOCAL DOINGS. 1 : • ei atfesexaisaseakaUlta/aS.WalawaatataseiiaSER. a Christmas next Wednesday. We ‘visli all our readers a Merry Chr•istinas. • Nomination day a week from next Monday, Dee. 30th. Look out for the Firemen's concert in the near future. • Absolutely Pure 13aking Powder sold by 0. Lutz, Exeter. • aVornen's boots and shoes half soled, • 30 cents a pair. GEo -.N.rANSON. Coarse boots and shoes half soled, 35 • to 40 cents a pair. GEo. Maassoaa , Brussels school was closed last week owing to the prevalence of diphtheria. We half sole all men's fine boots and shoes for 35 to 40 cents a pair. GEO. MANSON, School closes on Friday next for the Christmas holidays and open again Monday, •Ta/1. 6th. I Stub proof Rubbers, Stewarts sells them. They have no equal --try a a pair. Is that cold back again ? Try my bestRum. It will cure it. F. J. Knight, corner grocer. Everyone should use Dashwooa flour. It is the best. F. J. Knight corner grocer. A full assortment of Perfumes suit- able for Xmas. presents at C. Lutz's drug store, Exeter. , W. J. Roy, of Winchelsea, has pur- chased the general store of W. E. Doupe, of Woodharia. Try Bolts pure Malt Stout for a tonic, recommended by first class physicians. F. J. Knight,corner G roc - The Orange Brethren of Goderich, intends holding a monster re -union at Goderich, on the lath day of July, 1902. • $L00 hi advance pays for the Advo- cate till January 1, 1903. If you want to please a asiend send them the Advocate. • The little old frame building north of the Commercial House stables has been torn down and removed to Cen- tralia, thus removing another of the oldest land marks in town. , Blyth Standards -Miss Grace'Haw- den returned home on Fridaa evening from Toronto suffering feom blood i poisoning. We are pleasedto saythat , ;i the young lady is now much improv- ed. The .rink was the centre of attraction for the young on Tuesday night, it be- ing the first skating of the season. A • large number were in attendance and enjoyed the exhilarating past time to • their heart's. content'. Mr. Wm. Page, of town, will bold • a shooting match at Cromarty on Fri- a- - day, December 27th, commencing at one o clock m the afternoon. The first event will be a live pigeon match and the second- target shooting for turkeys. I ... In accordance with a new rule on the Grand Trunk, the mail and smok- ing car must henceforward be the last . car in the train and in the rear .of the passenger cars, whereas formerly they were always in advance of the pass- • enger- coaches. • • a , A concert Will be given in, the Pub- lic school ay a number •of the pupils of MI'. Boyd's room toaaorrow (Fri- day) afternoon„ ' from one to three o'clock.' An • excellent program has been arranged, and the little folks mayaxpe,ct a treat. ......-........-- IBuy yam. Xinas groceries and fruits ' at Stewart's, Quality and value combined, The beat and nothing but the best ' . ,........---. The directors- wish to ahnounce that questions pertaining to the yr -effete of the cemetery will be discussed on nomination night during the hour for nominations from 7,30 to 8.30. The directors hOpe thoSe interested will be . present during that hour. ' Next Sunday morning the services _ _ at James street church will beconduct- ed by the pastors Rev. C. W. Taro -we, B, D., and will be appropriate to the • Christmas season. In the, even i Ing NIe. Chitties Down, a candidate for the ., ministry, will preach. The offering • fotethe day will be on behalf of the aai acerannitatme Fund. ' Haat eetutere for Oranges avples -* 0Y4e1..$ Zwa. ell lauds of dried fish. ia J. Kaialit • Rev, MillYard will Preach a Christ- mas sermon in Maiii etveet Methodist Oh oreli oa Suuday mottling and in the everiing sona service will be fields • \Void was received here last Week Of the death of Mrs. W. J. Carling, who died in St. Paul, Minn., on, Fri- day last. Mrs. Carling, WaS a native of Seafortb. imd Mr. Coating a son of Mre" Tait, of this place. Sittings of the division coma, for the filet quarter of 1902 will be heidas fol- lows:-Goderich, jaa. 3, Feb. 1, Man la Seaforth Feb. 7. ()Linton, Feb. 8;Brus- sels Feb 5. Exeter Fea 12• Drinean- non, Feb. 14; Hayfield, Feb. 15; Wing - ham, Feb. 6; Gorrie, Feb. 4; •Zurich-, Feb. 11; Crediton, Feb. 13; Blyth, Feb. Miss Ella'aforloele:entertained about thirty-five -of her feiends on Friday night last at the nicely appointed home of Mr. H. 13uckingharn, Main street. The evening's entertainment ppened,with genies, social chat, etc., which continued till 12 o'clock when a most dainty and pretty luncheon was served, followed•by a program of 'varied dances. The evening was a delightful one to' all in attendance. There is more than broken Dutch in the following: "Id vas a case of lofe at der first dinner," said a young man who went with his sweciaheart to be married by a New York magistrate, the other day. "I go py her house und •board mit her facld.er. She coog der dinner, rind it vas such a ,lofely coog- ing dot I fell in lofe righdt avay al - misty," It is not often that the kit- chen stove ,plays so direct a part in the promotion of matrinamay;but there aye many marriages cemented by the aid of • the oven, and many, alasathat it helps to melt and dissolve. .N.1r, Herb Ford who, in company with Mr. John Snell, left here some months ago for the West, in writing 'name saye: We ave about 150 miles North-West of Portage la Praivie in Dauphin Co. Moose are plentiful here in fact they are thicker here than rab- bits down there. I have shot several since being here, the largest of which dressed 660 pounds and one 500 pounds. The former was a monster and could eet beds from a tree ten' feet high. We never think of shooting partridge here. 'We pick up sticks iind throw at them they are so tame. Elkare num- erous here, but I have only seen one. , • On Wednesday evening, Dec. llth, the following offteers were duly elect- ed for the ensuing term in Sons of England B. S., vizi-President, W. Sweet; Past Pres„ R. N. Rowe; Vice Pres., R. W. Dinney; Chaplain, Thos. Hartnoll; Sec'y, ,T. Senior; Treas., H. Spackrnae; Committee, 0. Dinney, W. Pugsley, N. D. Iinrclon, Wm.Dearing, Win. Vale and Thos. Heaman; Inner Guard, Rd. Crocker; Outer Guard, Mr. Spackman; Trustees, J. Spackinan. W. Pugsley and W, H. Dearing; Auditors, N. D. Hurdon, R. N. Rowe and Geo. Davis; Caretaker, Rd. Crocker; Medi- cal Doctor, Dr. Amos. Night of meet- ing, 3rd Monday in each month. Visit- ing Brethren welcome. The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal is this season receiving a larger number of new subscribers than ever before. Their three beautiful pre- mium pictures are generally regarded as alone worth far name than. the year's subscription price (one dollar), and. it is no wonder that thousands of new subscribers are being added. Old sub- scribers, it is said, are renewing months ahead, just to get these great pictures. The publishers are at their wits' end endeavouring to catch ;up with the mailing of pictures and are appealing to subscribers not to become anxibus, as they positively guarantee that every subscriber for 1902, uew -or renewal, will receive the pictures. The Zuricla Herald says:---Applica- tiou for a charter to build a railway from Woodstock to Goderich viteSt. Marys, Exeter and Zurich is to- be made at the next session of Parlia- ment,by a company composed, of prominent Woodstock and St. Marys capitalists. There is no doubt the charter will be granted. The proposed line will traverse the richest farming section in Western Ontario and as soon as the charter is grail ted the line will be surveyed. The distance is about 70 railes aucl it is intended to have the road, completed in time to handle next season's crop. The new railway will be a great benefit to this section of the province more particul- aely to manufacturing centres.like St. Marys, Woodstock and Goderich. ;Girl Wanted, , • A good girl wanted. Apply at the Central Hotel. For Sale. , Three fir•st-class chandeliers, com- plete with lamps, for sale`cheap, apply at this office. Keys, Keys. • • All parties having keys from our store will kindly return them on Dec. 28, at 2 p. me as we are going to open the lock ana present the lucky person with the handsonae parlor suite R. H. SwEEr. Injured His Hap. On Friday night last Mr. Henry Lambroolc,while on his way home gipped and fell on the icy walk in front of Mr. Chas. Snell's residence, injuring his hip so 'badly, that he had great difficulty in getting, home., lie has been unable to get ti.bout since. , Firemen Efeat Officers. - .&tthe t meeting of the Exeter Firemen the following officers were elected for the ensuing year, via: - Samuel Sweet. Capt.; Silas Handford, 1st Lienta Wni, Oreeche and, Lieut. Geo. E Ahderson, See'y-Treas.; Eh Snell, 1st Hranchman, John Rendle, 2nd; A. Bagshaw, 3rd; R. Dinhey 4th; Jas. Taylor, foreman of hose; Geo. E. Anderson, Assistant foreman; Albert Ford, Suction hoseman. widows ea the Presidents. The United States Government has , ; always bestowed. a fostering care upon loved ones left behied by Chief Exe- cutives, ad in a number of instance it has been joined in this work by a sobaitous The provision that has been nide for Mrs. Grant Mrs. ' Garfield 8nd Mrs, Melsanley, and the widows of other famous national per- sonages, is published for the first time in the January Delineator, in an arti- cle by Weldor' Faweett, entitled Not- able Pensionera of the Nation. The illustrations; which accompany the article show the present bottles of these illustrious women' with some of the interiors of the Memorial rooms. PC. Yes, the biggestit f • ' Cavan lleadiaa o o men e ara • -` women's algal class fur coats we have Sttst tannic of it! The Anvooaira, °vet' seee are at Stewart's They Melltlaallfierald and a pieture of Ed - certainly have the drop on the felW41'd VII. for $1,7a, See "ad" in an- businee, • other colunin. „Every farmer sboula hive a Farm Leditie Ftly Oaperioea, special journal, and there is none better the values $3.0°, $4•50; $0•25; 8s•()°, io Farriers' Advocate. The ADoeA'rs Ln4 uP $35•00 eaellashu'ly now X -'s and thelaarniers' AnvooaTE till Janu- a niasStewart• e Prizes Trateu at Guelph. ' An terusuar case. , , ' Mr. Honey Smith, Hay, succeeded Some time ago a man named Wil- in capturing ist prize forhis thorongla son, awl wife, Wei:e committed to the bred Shorthorn steer at Guelph last Irouse of Refuge from the township of week, while Ala John Moore took three Howick, on the order, -we aoderstand, seconds and two third prizes for his of the Reeve and County Conmaisioner :slack Spanish chickens, for the distriot. Subsequently Mr. weado„ - Wilson died, and Mvs. Wilson has en- . The Treaet memorial eimmh, was tered suit for damages , against the persons who committed him, on the ding scene of a quiet but Pretty wed. lagrounder e,andtb ha ti shceo itiniedn notitu) waseNnVtarit to t comeiaere- °Ili' llg yaeusdte rl‘dl.tiyss,‘,17Fille.°1/1'e,l‘nire,e. I ej'Ah:i 1 iWPs eReokwe, s- tore improper. Clinton New Era, were united m the now tamus el .inace rimony. The ceremony was periorm- Take the Local Paper, -. .. 7 Do the city Papers say anything in NonuYt th230Reoe'ctiakj,.:N:kiteTrenwhEic'hektialet 1,c`ehgaantg.'det.0 Y'Doetut` hbe)yealciotYn?taianIsknsotaicne,eoxf- lhottytnyonedoople took the es,esbeg team London where they will spend a the schools', lodges and hundreds of ;--ve days before settling down In life. matters of local interest your home The ADVOC k.TE extends con ratulat-• ' ' g paper publishes? Not an item. Do • they publish a word calculated to draw4-' ....elc prise? And yet there are men who brated Their Golden Wedding. There was a very pleasant family trade to your town and your enter - take contracted view in this matter,,. yiW,, d-„,,,- e d gathering, yesterday e o s ay at who think if they don't get as many the residence or r. and Mrs. James square inebes of reading matter in Torn, Main St. on the -occasion of their home Raper, are not getting the their Golden Wedding. Both were worth of their money. Itreminds or - h°1:11 in Ciwnwall anti °am° to Cana" of the men who took the largest pairs: in -the "forties'" TilhY were tharried of boots in the box beemase thei price n flownianville in 1851 by Rev. Mr - was the same as the pair that fitted. Garnett. They made their home in olailii6n: b uTtadkoent, don't the let. tp ;gee It.; di f yahleti ,wmacnati. ttnhaOut° iwune stair 1°85f D3,814vitgni°,1.t1h, neyearroBo.ov Nev(ti paper 91..it of your home. • , to the 5th concession of usborne, just East of Exeter. They occupied this A lovely lot of fancy Cushion eov- farm for thirty years. In the fall of ers, 25b., 40c.` and 50C. at Stewart's,. 1883 theyremoved to their present re - also a fine line of Xmas. Handker- siclerree in Exeter : ' Mr.' Tom is 81 chiefs. ' '• . ' yearsand Mae. Tony '67 years of age. 4 ------Close can. : •...--...... ofpTheiruchildren are J. Elgin, Inspector blic Schools for West Huron; What might have resulted in a ,seri. James K. deceased, Mrs. (Dr.) Sweet. ous accident happened at 'thealepo t of Exeter. Gregory H. 'principal of here on Friday last. It appears'a Mr. Piiblic • schools, Vancouver. Nancy Oreery, brakeman, of London, was as- and Mary at home, and Frank W. K. sisting in sbunting, cars and while on cutter for the most prominent tailor - top of one slipped and fell. to the ing firm of Toledo, Ohio. They were ground, a distance of about fifteen the recipients of many useful aecepta- feet. A number of cease to which the ble presents from their cbilclren, engine was attacbed,were being shunt- grandchildren, relatives and friends, ed back to the car from which he had including a George. 111. Guinea, date fallen, brit luckely happened to stop 1773,from a nephew in New Yorkettad when within about two feet of wheee a purse of gold with the followieg ad - he lay, or otherwise he would have dress:- ' he crushed to death. In the fall DEAR GRANDEA...A.ND GRANDMA. --- Mr. Creery lit on one of the rails of the It is with pleasure and gratitude that track and sustained severe injuries to we, youv children and grandchildren, his back and was otherwise shaken assemble at your Wedding Day. We tip. Dr. I_Iyndrairn was summoned, thank our Heavenly Father for the and dressed his wounds, after which many blessings which have been be - he was taken to his home in Londoo, stowed upon you during your lives, Paid in Fon. , and that in His goodness He has per - says a writer. The postmaster sendS Every editor has received them; 'pitted you to celebrate this your Gold- theto the editor, but r the postmas- en 'Wedcling in the full enjoyment of lpowers. m. ter is not to blame. For instance,there all yourWelwtpray ptlaichyastyal 1,1 o1111,1"mw ybeeeipngsopwaerresd. us three notices o ophis paper e t stop ' h to each, other and to us, in your usual was a man named Tim Short who sent didn't warait any longer. We worilder- good health. ' We ask you to accept d h' tti tt U e w a was the ma er. Upon invest- „vs„, this purse and its contents as a slight token of our esteem and love for you. found Tim e wish you a merry and and pleasant igation of our subscription list we never paid a cent, and he stopped the Teas short $2.50. Re had a happy New Yeareanic many i•etrarns of your wedding day. paper as a matter of economy to rie. Exeter, Dec. 18 13, A few evenings ago we stepped into w nubile School Board ill'outes church arid Tim's melodioliatenor sang Minutes of Public School Board out clear in that soul-stirriog song, meeting held in the Town Hall, ' Mon - "Jesus Paid it All." He :night have das, Dec. 16th, at 8 p.rnewith all mem- been mistaken, but his earnestness bers present. The followingas the or - impressed us. .The next day we 'sent der of busines•duly submitted and ap- him a receipt in fell, begging his par- proved: -per Chairman, minutes of don for not knowing the t he bad made previous meetheg; Per Grounds and an assignment of his liabilities to the Sanitary that a ventilator had been Lord.--Wiarton Canadian, placed in the well covering in accord- ----- . ance with the wish of the Board of IWhat say you to a ladies lovely Health; per supplies corn. that the Electric Seal Jacket, trimmed with janitor had been permitted to substit- sable or raink. A good Christmas ute coal oil for the salt ordered; Mr. 3. box, don't you think, Stewart's. Senior and H. Isniston, that the books — be closed for the current year, Dec. Disuthsteirneg.t's a nasty, beastly and dis_ ber of financial statements be ordered ' 25th at 7 p.nx., and that the usual num- 11gnsting habitindefence Of which noth- ing can be said, says the Clinton New and distributed at the approaching annual meeting; per W. J. Carling and Eva, itis that of spitting on the side- R. N. Rowe, that the following tic- walk. The annoyance vvas bad enough when the avallss'w were board, but it is a counts be paid: -H. Spackman; hard - great deal more objectionable now that ioagreeesplianrcitsr,ies4$.255.4; 3hAs.dvD°Iegantea'n,PLirriotn- granolithic bas been laid. One cannot • bolt for tree, 50c; Times, statement pass along the streets any day in the and reports, $10.50; J. Grigg, school week without seeing abundant evid- ence of thoughtless and dirty practices,- supplies, H. Spackman, brooms 55c. but the abominable enisance is infira Per J. Senior and H. Huston, that the itery worse every Monday morning. school be reopened Monday, January bthat the sup - Not only does it offend the sensibilities p61.tie'a s retga anii,:d1Lper bybhe principal be Pro' of Pedestrians. but it is a source of trouble to businessmen, who are co•m- enred by the supplies corn.; per J. Sen- ior and R. N. Rowe that the scrubbings pelled to wash the walks in order that of the School be imder the supervision they may lereetit a respectable N aP- otthe janitor, that the -fixed dates, be pearance. ow all this could be the Easter, aliasemmer and Christ- livOided nl if people would only use a little judgment' but if if they won't do that, able s bhe°4xdt,aaYnsc'hantidmtehsaatstmheaYtwbe°a'lue4V: it will be necessary for the authorities to step in and make the practise illegal. ed wise" hy the Board and of which due notice shall be given the Janitor. In several of the cities menwho spit Perja, la:Aston ,„ana w; J. onaling, in public places are liable to serve that the salary of the Janitor for the penalties, and an example 'lei* would ensuing year be two hundred and fifty have a salutary effect. , dollars and that his duties shall in_ Council Prodeedflins. . ,-. elude the heating and conveyance of Council met pursuant to adjourn- all water required for the, yarious rnent at Town Hall, Dec. 16. Absent, scrubbings of the school. Per H. Councillor Muir. Minutesof previous Hustim and W. J. Carling that the meeting read and confirmed. Arm- ' engagement, of help and supplies for Strong- Evans- that the following the scrubbings of the school be left taxes be refunded: -Stephen & 'Us- With the supplies coma per II. Huston borne Agra Society, $17.00; Dyer & and R. N. Rowe, that the Inspectoral flowarcl, partial •refund $18.60; W. visit of the Board be made 'Thursday, Johni,' refund clog tax, $1.00: a, Ron_ Dec. 19th at 9 arta net W. ,T. C r g, ; • W a lin dle, do$1.00; L. Hardy, do $1.00; Mrs. adjournment to Friday, ,Dee. 27th at Sutton, refund taxes, $5.95. --Carried. 7.30 P•m• Leyett-Armstrong-that the follow- 3. Gaiocis Secy. ing accounts be passed and orders (leaven on treasurer for same : -Wm. Davis, 75c; D. Braund, rent North End 'Fire Hall, $2.09; Wm. Kuntz; repair- ing snow Plow, etc.,•$2.30; H. Bishop & Son; shovel, 85c.•'J. F. Russell mis- cellaneous accounts $3.00; H. Spack- man, glass and putty, North End Fire Hall, $1.75; Jarhes` Creech, charity to Mrs. Sutton, $8.00; S. Sandra, salary, $55.00; Geo. H. Bissett, balance Salary, $25.00; secy. Board of Health, $5.00; Dr, Amos, salary, M. FI. 0. $5.00; E. J. Spackman, material for flag. 64c.; L Hardy, linabere $7.20; 3. White & Stn, printing $85,06; Stephen & 'Os- borne Agr'l Society, refined of taxes, $17.00; Dyer & Howard partial refund of taxes, $18.60; Dickson & Carling, $75.62; (Tames Creech, postage 50c. re- fund dog tax, J. Randle, $1.00; W. Johns, -$1.00; L. Hardy, $1.00; refund taxes; Mrs. Sutton. $5,95;) Wm. IL Dearing allowance for tile, $22.00; James Creech, for use of horse. $10.00. -Ca vried Fvans-I evett-that By- law No. 8, 1901, to provide polling hooths and appoint Deputy returning officers, as read it first and second time, he DOW read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Armstrong-Levett --that Council adjouvn to meet at call of Beeve.-Carried; Gao,H, 13Issiera, Clerk, 11.1r. rP. W. tIttwkshavv, of London, spent Monday in town. • Mr. Fred FIa,wkshaw is home from TQri°:1°onaleft it. Mr. Billingsy inorning last to visit friends in -Detroit. Mr. M. Vincent will take part in a ciincer•t, at Forest on January ist. Mrs. Fred 'Kessel, ,of Carson City, Mich., is visitine•at Mr. Jean ICessel's. Mr, Hilary 13rowiting, of Markham, is hottie to spend the faliristinas holi- days, Mr. Morrison and Miss Melville, of litisseldale. visited Miss Alma Brooks, yesterday., . Mise Jean Ilawkshaw returned from a visit vvi tb friende in London on Thursday lasts Mr, T. Gilbert and daughter, of 13rins1ey,were pleasant callers on the ADVOCAI'IC Gill, of arena. Bend,laas been visiting friends in town during the past week. • Mr. John E. Toin, T. P. S., of Gorier - ib, and Mr. F. Toni, of Toledo, Ohio, were home attending the anniVetsftry of their parents' Golden Wedding ',s-estet , .112HcEma' • • \Ve have again placed. into Stock another shipment of LADIES' JACKETS so have now a very large assortment, to choose from. Every body whe needs one of these aarments for fall and winter wear should Make useof this grand opportimity and secure one as early as possible.' It is needlese to give, colours aad prices as you will find any shade and price to suit yourself right here, We might also call your attention to Fur Goods they are beginning to move out. It is well to buy early. in this line, GENTLEMEN. - Our Ready-to-wear Clothing Stock is com- plete. So when you want your. new Suit or Overcoat just call at the old reliable. , E. J.' SPACKMAN. .1idadquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sandford' Ready Made Clothing. amaaisitiolatizaiViliffitiffinigEMMEMMAIMELMEOMIEWIIIKEENILEMaa. aio.•••••••••=ionTne. GOOD VALUE YOUR MONEY'S WORTH That's what every one wants when buying furni- •' tura and when value is coupled with new and up-to-date styles, it makes a combination, which is certain to win trade, these are the points which have made our furniture business what it is and which will continue to increase it in the future. - Picture framing and all kinds Repairing promptly 'attended to. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Beverley ifuston. OPERA HOUSE BLOCIC R I -TICKS A CHEERFUL CALL TO CHRISTMAS BUYERS. 13eantiful gifts, never so cheap. Our fine display of Holiday Goods is open and. reticl3a The newest nov- elties, the best selections the naost appropriate presents for one and all at fairest prices. Christmas Attractions. Do not fail to come in and see our Christmas Attractions in Watches, ()locks, Jewelry, Silverware Nov- elties, etc. • A new supply of Wedding Rings and Marriage Licenses for the Christ- mas Rush. ..rtanditig Offer.' For one .year from Dec. lst, for every • baby horn in Exeter and vicinty we will give a baby ring or pin. Mothers, bring in your babies and get fitted. R. HICKS. ;*i'dth,WArittralchtiAlWk,A5MiValiaMillialid6474 &T-4 MAKE THE .z • FARM Progressive stock breeders, dairy. :c Inca, poulttyrnen, gl:ain, root and fruit growers, beekeepers, -„agrice - tural students and hoinVe)nakers -a find" the articles and arlsWers to a. questions in every issue of the "••• . . . 9 zi C,ASH •PAID FOR FP 1. FARMER,S s \ - ., - ,, _ •.-- ' "'V Call at tli,6\Undersigne,d ADVOCATE 14 ' ' . i , , JOHN SPACKMAN, 1 MAGAZINE ."'''' Office over IT. Spackman's Hardware,. ••','• and HoME --,-, :a t 1 ' , Exeter. . . Aam' F[11,1,1-,), ICK For Bread, Dins,- WhiteBuns, Brown Buns, Graham Biscuits, Cakes of all kinds, Cream Puffs, Wafers, Fancy Biscuits, Plain Biscuits, Wedding Cakes a specialty -Iced and beautifully oenamentecl at a reaso- nable price. Oakes or Pies made to order. XXX Bread deliverecito all parts of the . town, on Moudays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. We will be pleased to ' call on you. . We are agent for J. Garnmag & Sons, Florist, London. Floral designs for funerals, or flowers of all kinds on the shortest notice: E. A. FOLLICK:. . ZsgtIrlieal ::itto Agoncy • IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm IF IF YOTJ WANT TO Buy or Sell Town Property IF YOU ...WANT TO • I3orroNv or Len(.1 Money IF YOU WANT Collections Made • IF YOU. WANT - Your. Life Insured IF YOUVVANTaTO • - • •,„ - Go to the Old Country simply unequalled and indispensable. El If you ar e not already a subscriber to the most helpful, best printed zinc'. Zi beautifully illustrated farmers paper 1:l2 „,. e Ite invite scrutiny of a „Vs, sample Copy. A post,card brine, are it free. Address : 1, THE WILL.laile1 WELD 60,, 1.01100NI, CANADA. _ 'of :„ per yoftr, Melt -odes a:3s° fife rk Xmas N'turi.1.)er. Reara'kilallaRa9failaP ?aelietW•Parateaaakaielasaa The Misses Lottie and Bernice Duns ford daughters of Mr.Thos. Dunsford,- atho formerly resided Hay township; but now of Marlette, Alicia, are visit- ing friends in Stephen, the guests of their uncle and. aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W11),Dii ETO rd. Otto For Slle seCOnd-hatut, double-barrelled, la each loading, hammer lees shot gun, nearly new, the property of the late hdet S. Will be sold. cheap. For inspection call at the Advocate offiee.