HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-12-16, Page 5es" THE eztter tivociatv, s published every Thursday 11,1orning at the Office, ,11%fAiN-S`I'REET, -By the -- ADVOCATE. PUBL. I SH I NG COMPANY „ TEEMS OF SIIBSCRIPTION. One Dotlar per cuinum U paicl in advance, $1.50 ' if not so paid., • ..E.c1,-wort105.&-42,e ' No paper discon Wined ou.til all atrCaragqs are Paid. AdvertiSenfents v..ithont gpecilled directions W111 he published until forbid and charged, accordinily. Liberal discounS intide for transcient .acivertisements • inserted for long periods, Enery desorption ffi JOB PRINTiNO turned out 14 the finest style,- n1.4 nt moderate rates. Cheques; money orders, Sm.:, for advertising, sUbscriptions, etc„.to bo made payable .11 Sanders EDITOR AND PRO) Professional Cards. H. KINSIMAN, & DR. A. R. KIN& MAN, LDS., D. D.S„ Ironer graduate of - Toronto Liniveristy. ' DENTISTS , Teeth,extracted without any pain, or auy,had. effects Office in Fanson's Dlock, west side Main Street, Exeter. ' DR D. LTON ANDERSON (ID DS LDS DENTlST Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Post Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistery, (with honorable mention.) Alluininum, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made in the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an- aesthetio used forspainless extraction of teeth. Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter. Igedie21 DfiltT. P. McLAUGHIAN, MEMBER OF, THE College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician; Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office, Dash- wood, Ont.. 11 -Nr. John D. Wilson, Office and Residence, 200 gneens Ave., London Ont. Special attention mid to 'diseases of women. Office hours., 12.00' to 4 Aimpriess. Logal , DICKSON 51. CARLING, BARRISTERS, SOLICI- tors, Notaries, COnveyancers, Commissioners. Solicitors for Monons Bank, eto. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices, Main street, Exeter, L R. likattso, BA, L. 11. Dlogsox p W. MADMAN, (Successor to Elliott On Glad- • man,) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Con. veyancer,`Etc. Money to loan at -lowest rates of in terest. 'Office, Main street, Exeter. , Auctioneers JJ BOSSENBERRY, Grand 3end, Licensed AnC- ,.. tineer for County, -Hurob. Sales 'promptly 'attended to; and Charges moderate. Orders by mail • will receive every attention. - „ .1BROWN, Winchelsea. Licened itictieneer , 1.1.. for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex. :Also for the township of, Usbornc. Sales promptly attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged at Post Office, Winchelsea: , ininranee. ELLIOTT, Main St., Insdrance Agent. Exeter. The Niolson-s Bank , (Chartered by Parliament, 1855 ) Paid up Capital. -...... ..$2,500,000 Reserve Fund.... , ........2,150,000. !lead Office, Montreal. JAMES ELLIOTT, Esq. eirENER' AL IANAGIIR. Money advanced to good Farmers on their own notes with one or more endorsers at 7 per cent. per annum. -EXETER BRANCH, „Open every lawful day from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m; Sat- ', • urdays 10 R.111. to 11).111. 'A general ba akin g buSiness transacted ' CURRENT RATES allowed for money on Deposit4 Receipts. Savings Bank at 3 cents. ' • •• DiOnsO?f. CLuttrico,' N. D. Iinimox;- ' 'Solicitors, , Manager. aREDIalioN ROLLER MILb We have remodelled. our Mill to the-ayratorSys- . . 'tern, the bestYPlan 'for inaking Good FieLai ,Thosp, desiritig',GOOD Bread Should.,giye uS 'a trial.. OriStilig 0 fOlillItIO. SliitEITZE Havinsr just Opened UP' business we are prepared to supply all kinds ' PUMPS; ' „FITTINGS, WATER.'TROITGIIS, • e WATER TANKS,. FANNING, MILLS, PI alul)ifig Wo pny epecial attention to all kinds Plumbing.. We do anything in the 'line of 'Wood ' work, and REPATRING Of , anv description. Charlton & Kedah. North Town nap, Exeter, Erttptions Pimples, bolls, tetter, eczema or Salt rheum, Xre signs of diseased blood. Their radical and permanent cure there- fore, conSistS in curing the blood. Angus'her, Sarnia, Ont„ end Paul Keeton, Woodstock, Ala., were greatly troubled with bolls; 'Mrs. Delia Lord, Leominster, M'aser., had pimples all aer her body ;so did R: W. Garretson, New Bruns - Wick; N. 1. The brother of Sadie E. StOck- mar, 87 Miller,St.,. Eall River, Mass., was affictedwith eczema so severely that his hands became a " mass of sores." These -sufferers, like others, have volun- tarily testified to their complete cure hy Flood's Sarsaparilla * This great medicine acts directly and peculiarly oh the blood, rids , it of all humors, and makes it,pure and 'healthy. 11001)8 Pim,s cure constipation. Price 25 cents. -ZL's4 Ell."COTIVIENDF.0 BY PHYSICIANS. Over fifty years a household remedy for ',Burns,. Sprains,: Wounds, Bruises Coughs, Colds' and all adcidents lia ble to 'occur in every home. -r-"es CAUTION -There 13 only „GNP.' POWYS extract. Be, euve you getthe genuine, .z.-. sold only In sealed bottles -1,tnnrelg -tv:5-.,-r,(1-.Tgqv In beif veraiipers. The King's coronation will take Place on June 26 next. • , Mr. J. A. McLaren, the well-known distiller of Perth, is dead. , STOPS THE COUGH AND WORKS OFF THE COLD, Laxative Promo -Quinine Tablets, cures a cold in one day: No Ouse No Pay. Price 25 cents. Another valuable find of iron ore, about thirty miles up the shore from Sault Ste. Marie, is 'reported by Prof. Wilmot. The War Office has agreed to take tsto move squadruns of Montreal Rifles for service in South Africa, and nearly 900 men will be sent from Canada. In 0 collision on the Illinois Central Railway near Perryville, Ills., an oil tank exploded. 'Ten or more persons were burued up With the wreckage. 11•22.1.011entscittiossorrygeszonnpasser(10.11 r T 01C011 k 1 liangS Oil IYou have used all sorts of cough reme- dies but it does not yield; it is too deep seated. It may wear itself out in time, but:, I it is more liable toproduce la grippe, I f 1 pneumonia or a seri- ous throat affection. ; You need something I that will give you! strength and build* up the bdy , will do this when everything II else fails. There is no doubt i 1 a 1 about. t. It nourishes, 1 strengthens, builds up and 1 makes the body strong ,and I z healitly, not only to throw 1 off this hard cough, but to i fortify the system against - 1 I further attacks. If you are Irun down or emaciated you e should certainly take this nourishing food medicine. EcoTT &-TIOWNE., TORONTO CANADA all druggists. ti • " " ' 1 553 t. -.SA. 13'....' ,...7..7 : 1 Ti -ie Whole St -or ti,s, ifi ... hi (r'..sidi,-: tr)..,..-;i:':;::,,".r i 'rr eh,: t., ,,,/,,, ',.,'1,.;,7„1,1.1)../1,;2;.:;,;1,/ ,..,1,1j1,1,11,1)1,i,":11.!...f.:i ,,.:1,,i/1,,b1:3/1111‘,,,:11,111,,,i}7,'LI i il C:111 1 -11'.,.Ire ' !:1;ice Siati.on 17.,. 5, I .elin - in: i e li..,n ,:, n o 11.1.1,1 1: i,.,...,. '.:: r. I' ),..1 t.7.`,Y ill t:tE,I11- 1;111 men i,t ..'0',.' 4 ':::c I Im, e no hosi- '11; ' o in oqol'n 0 ''on l' ,-- 1'•-11.:', 55 1.,,,,,t nif,;:ly t ) li,..vo i),,;: ; f, t 61'11 i In tc,:flifti ' y nofi 3:::-.,I.:..0-2.xa1ly. ,' `.1.'yfd ffi1E„54 ‘I,;C, rid 100. iOL iea.. Ln.. -4, -.21. -6,,M.,11, -.1711171.111,7.7.,,,,,,1,,,,c111:"_.. i4,..,...r....."-,...,..s.1.,.1r,L.1,,erit,......-1,41.7,..1c.e.v4r.r...7.--,...i.,-..fie I 774fo0e. After, wooas nosvhcaine The Great Englisk Vernally. Sold and recommended by all druggists in Canada'. 'Only reli- able medicine 'discovered. ,Six padkages guaranteed to Cure ttll formtktd Edi -nal Weakness, all effects of ahtise or eiceSS, Mental WorrY, Excessive use of To- bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt of price, ono package $1, sig, $5. 012C will please, six wilt cure, Pe niphlets free to any address. ,The 'Wood Company, Windsor, Out. , 'Woods Pho..;,e)Ilcalino is ,s'old in Fixac% by J. sV. Browning and C. Lutz Druggists, THE TREill‘f 11111111.(1) totNAL N THE, IUN TED STAT E SENATE. i'2tQPOS.'J '20 '51'XIt.1.11:Hi1 OUT Ni5II1-• 111 1.5ppTle10 T,D.E.A'VY 1.;6'.T ES 'Washington, Dec.. 16. -The Senate to - Jay reWied the :11fty-Patincefete Isth- mike Canal treaty by the decisive vote of 72 to 6. The vote WRS reached a few minutes before 5 .o'cloek, after , ctl- il0it five hours' diScussi9ii bebind elosed dooes. There were, 04 eensat1enal' in. eidents during the entire time: The des bete `was confined -exclusively 'to a dis, eusseni 61: Ole merits of the agreement end the policy of its in'ovisions. The principal_ speech o -f the day was `made' Py Senator Teller in opposition to the treaty, and he was followed in ,repid sueces.s,ien by 'teeelVe , or fifteen ether. Senators, who spoke briefly either for or ageinet the motion to ratify. Sen- ator Clay WaS one of the southern Sen- ators whe spoke in adeecacy of the 'treaty. Hp contended that the,. treaty should be; ratified liecause it seeured he abrogation • of the Clayton-Bubeer ideate. Senator Mason 'expressed his gratificatien that American ,diplomacy had Succeeded in securing such a tri- umpli as was this treaty over the olds, - in el Ha y-Peeincefo te agreement. Senator Bacon's speech was made in connection with a.motion to amend the treaty. In presenting this amendment he said he was in favor of a canal, and ,,vould vote foe the .treaty with_ the Davis amendment. He said he opposed Lbestreaty because he did not believe it would give the United States full control of the canal. He said , that nrce t Britain rejeeted the amended fruy-Pauncefote treaty, but sent up an- other treaty about identical with the former trcety as amended, except as •re - perils the Davis amendment. Ile con- sidered_ the fact as the most important feature of tile whole controversy. There was an exceptionally full Sen- a'. -.,vhen the time arrived for a rote, hut the cerhakiby of ratification had be- rOiflc SO Okppctrelst that there was comparatively little interest in the proceedings. The votes on the amendment succeeded each other quick- ly. Senator Culberson offered an amend- ment to insert the Davis fortification nmendment bf the last session. This was defeated, 15 to 62. Senator Bacon then offered an amend- ment striking, out of the preamble the words:--"IVithout impairing 'the general prieciple of neutralization established in article VIII. of that convention," also the following, words Inc article II., re- lating to the purehase of stock, "Sub- ject to the provisions of 'the present treaty," also all of article III., relate, mg to the neutralizatibn of the canal, also all of article IV., declaring against change of territorial sovereignty. All ef this was embodied in one amendment and defeated, IS to 60. The treaty was then ratified by a, vote of 72 to O. Those who did not vote and. for whom no pairs were announced :-Daniel, Jones (Nevada), Patterson and Quay. STOPPED THE RUN ON HIS BANE. A. New York Jew Closed OM Jewish and Christian. Sabbaths. New York, Dec. 16.-The,World says: --The eager -eyed investors in Jamie towsky!,s bank, at Canal, and Orchard streets, where a ,run has ben in pro- gress for several days, were surprised Saturday morning. Whew a sign appear- ed on a window of the institution. It read :- "No money will be paid_ out to -day es ii, is the (Tewish Sabbath." , The depositors', though' anxious to - get their savings .1:cad the sign and were re'coneiled. f`We will be around on Sunday early " was the general com- ment. \Alien they flocked to the ba,ek yesterday morning at daybreak there was a new sign in the window. It read :- "No money will bepaid out to -day. It is the Christian, Sabbath" "Jannulowsky is all right," said one depositor. "A man „with a head like his won't fail Guess UR leave my money in his bank," and Inc went home with the crowd. ' TELEGRAPH ininviTiES. The new barracks of the ',Salvation Army were formally dedicated at Brant- ford. - A young man named Ball of Adams- ville was killed by falling out of a Queen .Alexa:'.dra has consented to hecome ptitroncss.of the Victorian "'Order of Nurses. "Mr. C. A. Holmes, the third victim of tile eeasoline explosion at Hargrave, /\ Tan., is dead. „ Eight hundred persons took' part Inc a breatl riot at Vienna They were dis- perse( 23 the police... Rebellion in the.Philippines ie reviving, and the American authorities are con- centrating the peaceful natives, In consequence of strikes a,rid stu- dents' riots in abou twenty eliussian toWns, martial law has been.enforeed. Otte squadron of Canadian Mounted Rifles will act as scouts under the cem- rimed of Ieeut. Casey Callaghan, for- merly of Toronto, llecruitinrr for the seeond of the two "additional squadrons 1:Vide(' to the '1 Mounted Rifles will take place at On- tario points on December 23. The 0. P. 11. engineers on the eastern clivieluli Icave 5)10(10satisfactory arrailge- meni,s with. General Superintehdeet Spencer at 'Montreal regarding their Fr, new seliedule of pay, 11; is said that there are forty well- developed eased of smallpox in the Town' shipe of Dover and Tilbury, Kent County, both of Nvhielt townships have is becn isolated and guarded by the' pa. „ MYSTINIY. fag REPORTS. 'Phe Tenant 4) t the Klouse dJ Mrs. Dennis' iNiund Ora • W;.(shington, Dec. 10,---Santuel C.. Pres- ley, a, printer, 39 years 010, was„feend 4ed Ped .this morning in room at. 1,119 1C Street, the liollSe adjoining that of -Mrs. Ada Oilbert Dennis., tile . elod::-.•te, who was, fuye ter iously, assaulted a week ago in her evil, apartinentee Owing 40 .the proximity •• - the two housee, the death eed foiense nnevements of Presley are beieg hivestigated. Pres- ley left letters 'directing lus, burial at Many; The police found in Ids room it key fitting the \.eetibule, door of the house WIlere AVa8 asseelted. t. boy named Lonsdnle, -who saw a man weersImee from the, Dennie house late on tin: molt of the attempted murder was tah-cn to see the body to -day, and: said 110 ors A rist,tite sure he was lite arid a slouch hat, the kind worn by the man lia satv, mas found in the roont StalLIS thought 't,CI" be blood also ,Ivere found en Pee sley'e garment s. 'British Bit -e Stock_ Trotle--Wheat Letver,The Y1,s1 bl S ap,p1 at - eNt. Quota:0,011s, MODda" Evenin, Dec. 16. ' Toronto St. Lawrence Market. Gram receipts were light on the street niarket this morning.. erthes were steady. 'nbere were 2,100 offered. ., Nvneet-1vas steiuly, eeu be or white $eli- ing at 72c to 7Se per ha, 400 In: of -goose and 100 im of spring at 07e per Mi. Iierley--Was steady, 700 hu selling at 033,42e to cse per bu, Oets--Were 0 shade easier, 700 be selling at 48c to :We per bu. ' .siay-Was steady, 20 loads selling at 1610.,5u to $12 for timothy and $7 to $8.50 for clover. Straw -Was steady, three loads selling at $9, • The V, iSilde Supply-. Dee.isn'00, Dee.10,'99. Wheat .. ...59,;:;50,000 01,082,000 57,093,000 Cern ..11,187,000 8,138,000 11,580,000 Oats 5,742,000 0,987,000 5,382,000, 22;865388;0000ft" 11,,218920:000000 21,840221,00800 The visible supply 01 wheat increased. 4,- 1.10,000 bushels vhe past week. , wheat de- creased (12,1)00 bashels this week last yeer. British. Cattle :Markets. London, 1)ec. 16.' -United States cattle 6%il. Christmas stock. oe sheep, 0d; lambs '7d. Trade nun. Montreal Lave Stock. Montreal, Dec. 10:--"Pliere were about 503 liend or' butchers' cattle. 20 (saves and 100 sheep and lambs minted for stile et the East End Abattoir' to -day, The butceers turned out stroitg, and. thei.e. was an active demand for anything woaesately good, hut: the com- mon 8tOt.k. Wore SIOW of sale. and InDID.,;11t lOwev prices -man on Thureday's market, but hieker than they were, two weeks ago. Arr. (leorge Niehelson honglit $1x of the limit steers on the market at 444.,..c per lb, innisev.- oral. sales of prime cattle were made at from 411/2c to 4,?,.).e per Ill; pretty good cattle soicl at from 31/,'e to 41/1e. The eominon dry cows aml thrlity youm,.; steel: brought from 2/4c to 3e per lb; canners paid 11/2e to 2e, per 'lb for cattle. Calves Sold at from" ;,42.50 $f) each, and an extra large fat 0011 was held et $30. Slic,ep sold at from, 2y...1 to 3c pm: lb and lambs at from 314.2e. to a little over 4e per 11.1. Mr. A. Richard hou,,,,lit 73 good lamb8, weighing 0,600 lbs, at 4e per lb. Fat ,hogs sold at about (le per lb, weighed off the ears. mast Buffalo cattle Market, 'Bast Buffale. N..Y, Dec. 10.-cattle-Lite- Ceipts, 4,800 'tend; generally lower; best steers, 36.40 to .see.50; medluire to good ship- ping, $5.75,to $0.25;_common to good butch - ars' steers, $4 to $5.o0; export bells, $3.90 to F4; stockers, $3.25 to $3.40 for hest: feeders, $3.00 to $4. Veals--Tops, $7 to' $7.50; oth- ers, $4.50' •to 30.75. Hogs-Redelpts. 1.'0,- 100 head; opened higher but weakened soma. what at the close: Yorkers, e6.3.0 t� liglit do, "S0 to $0.10; mixed packers', $6.25 . Lo $0.40; medium to choice heavy, $0.40 to liti.00; pigs, $5.60 to $5.70; roughs,' $5.40 to $5.70; stags, $4 to $4.50. Sheep and lambs -Receipts, 17,000 .1.16n.d.:. active and higher; choice lambs, $5.40 to $5.50;' good to eholce. $5.10 to $5.30: mills to fair, $4.65 to $5. aheep-Cholce' handy wethers, $0.05 to $3.85: i:einiuon to extra mixed, $3.10 to $3.60; culls led ...common, $1.75 to $3; heavy export ewes and wethers, $3.60 ,to $3.75; yeariiugs, $3 llU to 11.10. ' Chicago Live stock. Chicago, Lee. 10.-Cattie-neeeipts, 10,- 000; active 'and 10e to 25c higher; good to prime, 30.25 to 37.65; poor to medium, 3.90 to 36; stockers and feeders. 32 to I:4.25; cows, 31 to $4.50';_heifers, $1.00 to 35; . canners, 31 to $2; Texas fed steers, $4.60 to $5.40. Hogs --Receipts, 48,000; opened active and 5e to 10e. higher, closed. weak; mixed end butchers', $580 to 36.45; good to choice heavy. $6.25 to -35.05; rouge' .heavy:„ 35.00 te, $0.10; light, $5 to $5.90; hull; or sales.'.$5.00 .to 'Sheep--Ite- scipts; 16,000; sheep, loe to 1,5c higher ;. lambs, 15c to .25c .111gber.; . good to, elioice wethers, 33.75 to .$4.25: we.stern sheep, 83' to $1 native lambs 32.50 to gpa fa • weet• are iembs, $2 to 1:14. • * _ 'Montreal grain .altd. .1 Moutreal, Dec. 16.--Gralif7,Busines 14 rathbi )vithout much ellengb of' Pi.(feeq.a No. 2, 'weite oats were quoted.' 115 5tee ex- - store, feed barley at alke mid rye at ("41e,r, peas sold tit SO1/20 to Sic high freights we,:it ami at 82c middle freights, buckwheat at 531/2C east and No. 2 bartey at 54c east. PiourThere is rats demand at steady prices. 'We quote: -Spring' wheat patents, 34.03 to 34.30: 'winter wheat .piitents, $3.85 50 33.05;,. straight rollers, $3.05 to $3.75 ; strong bakers', $3.80 to $4, aud straight rollers, in bags, $1.75 to 31.80. Steal--Busluess was retlinr quiet. at $0.50 to $5.60 per barrel and at $2.70 to ,;'"' 75 per leeed.--'llere Is a.goed demand, and as sup- plies are -light, prices aye 81I11 at .$21 for Manitoba bran awa Ikt 32,1 for. Shorts per ton,, inte4iledcisneg--1')114gie.si:e 18 ID>CIDO.011 ells" I tY' to the market, hut prices are limn. Finest sem-em- ber netkes, 3.01.4,e, to 101,4e; finest Ontario Oc- tobers. 10e to 101,gc; finest' to5vpshIps. Octo- bers, '3,0c to 101,6e; finest Quebec octois.ire. Butter -There 1:t a good jobbing deniand at unchanged prices. Vinest townships fell crearner, 20.14,,e to 20%c; .finest Quebee..fall zireninery,201,40 to 201/20; under grade ercain-' ery, 19c to 1.91A.c: western dairy, 151/2e to 16c; Manitoba dairy, 1.4c to. 15e. Eggs -The market Is active and firmer: Mato 28e for strictly fresh. 22c for seleritell Cold storage and 170 to 19e. for ',Montreal Previsions.,The market is quiet Init. gteatly. We quote:--Selerted heavy Canada Otort out mess pork, 322 to 322.00: henry Canada short cut mess pork, $21 to $21.50 Canada 'shOit cut 1.6itek pork, $21. to 1621.50: heavy Canada mess pore,- long: ent,,e21. to F2150: heavy, Cull:On short ent clear •pork. pi to 2.i...'5.0:-.1;,,,ht.rhruidii short eat elem. pOrk, .$20. 50 .;110 $21; 'pure On :Militia, lard ,sIn 20 lb 32111s; 11'i, c.;"componnil refilled 1:1r61.' In n'(5od pails, 20 .lbs. 81/20; Tread hrsial, In 20 11) woed Ils, $1.95 to 32. and (51 at. 31.72% to e4.80: 20 lb pans, 24c eer it) less; hams 13e to 14c and bacon 13e per Len dinist; lliftrkeete. Clesing•previotis day. Closing to -day. 1)ec. ity. Dec, 500y. .1hIca gc.) . , . . 7573 7073 751N 791A, New 3.ork 837/ - 8273 8414 Toledo . 8.11/, 8 84 $5 Dtilutli, .1' nor, . '77,1 731/2 715)5 itjinuelmolis , 7073 ..75 ' 7513 Ille-ml'ee 2 nor ',13, '97 741)5 711)4 7)etrelt, red 831/2 05 824 $61,7 82,-;43' 82% 81% 82 British- ,IIItirl.zete. Buffalo. N.Y., 1/ec. 16.-Plour st,ead:;; hest stout spidu,,, 3,1.25 to I54.50• 1)111)011' 1(1 50515 1)1'11)g,, SI to $4,20; lial;.ers° snrillg', :323 to 53.75. low grades wlViter and 55) '11: '2..7.25 to $3,.. but finntly \vinter. 33.75 to $4; '0 tent \vin'tcr, 34.25 tO $1.50; clear,,$:: .50 to /3,75. ern c1 -or flour $'3 50 to Vi 1go lour, 33.50 to $4, Wheat --Spring dull; No. . nor Hamm, 811/2e; winter rioh11551: No. °)' cd, S7c, Corn weak: No, 2 yelloxv, 741/ No.. 3 do, .70,Vic; No. 2 core, 70e; No, s :(1o, mho., to 603e. oats weak"; NO, 2 1•73c: lOo 15 do, 5134e; No. 2 ruixml, No, :1 "syley, 030 to e'Oe lull; No. 1, 70c, eke ,EXtTERfilARKETS; ,. . cHANGED EAcii. NvEDNEsDA). -wheat , .,.., 74 75 Berley, ,..2.... 40 . 50 _ 40 40 Peas-. - - - - . • 75 .,80 Potittoee per bag 45 50 Hay, pot' ton... - , ..... a 00 7 00 Flour:, p'er e Wt., Tonere.. 1 75 2 25 15 , 16 17 17 Hides, per 100“lbs 0 00 0 75 ,Live hogs, pcI' csvt 6 00 Deessed Hogs-. . ,... 7 85 Sheets per owt ... „,. 1 15 131'an pee clet, - - 1 00 ClOver, Red ........ 5 00 5 25 Clover, Aleviee ..... , „7 00 7 25 Geese per lb ............ 0 Turkeys ..... ...... - 8 Duel(s - .... Obielren ......... - .... Dried. Apples ........... 0 1,4 " About a year ago my hair was 0 coming out very fast, so I bought a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. It stopped the falling arid made my hair grow very rapidly, until now It is 45 inches in length." -Mrs. A. Boyclston, Atchison, Kans. There's another hunger bl than that of the stomach. Hair hunaer, for instance. Hungry hair needs food, needs hair vigor-Ayer's. This is why we say that Ayer's Flair Vigor always restores color, and makes 1 the hair grow long and heavy. 31.00 a bottle. All drunIsls. 21 your druggis < , t cannot surply you send us one dollar and we wi 1 express 2 you a bottle. Be sure and give the name of y,our nearest express °dice. Address, J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass. hai,M=SulnIrdtati: Cook's Cotton 3oot. Compound Is successfully used monthly by over 3.0,000Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask your druggist for Gook's Cotton Rool Com- pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and imitations are dangerous. Prioe, No. 1,81 per box; No. 2;10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 3 -cent stamps. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. 'Nos. 1 and 2 sold and reco:anneuded by all responsible Druggists irk Canada. , No. 1 and .No.2'are sold in Exeter by 0.• Lutz and J. W-. Browning, Drug- gists.: President Roosevelt i8 disinclined to accept Mr. Carnegie's gif t of ten mil- lions for educational purposes in the shape of stock in the -United States Steel Trust. AN IMPOSSIBLE thing to find is a plas- ter equaled to "The'D. & L" Menthol, which is beingimitated. Get the gen- uine. For side aches back -aches, stitches, nothing- equals it. Made by Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd. A gasoline...engine exploded at -Har- grave, Man., ' killing Stewart Wright and R. D. Sykes. Three other men who Were Inc the engine house escaped With very serious burns. • During, a fire in McCarthy's Bros.' gun shop at Stratford a caseof powder exploded, blowing but the pin te-glass WindeWS. Several -firemen and onlook- ers ,Were cut by the flying glass. :TO CURE. A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets'. All druggises refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. E. W., Groves! signature. is on ezsch box. • Frederick Schults. a prisoner at Sault Ste. Marie, pnder sentence of death, etteMpted to commit suicide by. cuttine. his throat with a piece of coe- set streel. He Will, probably recover. 'MORE .COLDS are cured by Tyny- Baleen) than any other one remedy. 15 cuireS quickly end certainly. .Beon-• chial affections give way readily to it. Manufactured .by the • pi,opidetcirs • of Berry Davis' PainKi1ir.' . A CARD • " o 'We, the undersigned,do hereby agree to refund the money on .0 50 cent .bottle of Green's Warra.nted,Syrop of Tar, if 15 fails to cure your congh or cold. We also guarantee a• 25 -cent bottle to prove satisfactory or money refunded. C. LITITZ Annual Meeting of Horsemen. The annual meeting of the Dominion Draft Stud Association was held at the Rattenbury House, Clinton, Wed- nesday when the old officers were re- elected except, Dr. McIntosh, of Bruce - field, who was chosen president vice Sohn McMillan deceased. A committee was appointed to draw up a letter of condolence to the widowand family of their late president. During the pre:. sent, year the AssociatiOn has been successful in securing a reduction of one half in the railway rates for the cartioge of registered stock. Notice of motion was given that on December 1st next the standard for registration be raised to to five crosses instead of four as at present. Dr. Blackall of Clinton, and Mr. D. M. Cole,of Belton, were appointed representatives on the 'Western Eau, board and 'Messrs. Alex. Innes, of Stanley, and J. Henderson, of Belton, on the Industrial board. The Association bus a bank account of one thousand dollars. There was a large attendance of members at the meeting, - HOW IT IS DONE The first object in life with the Canadian people is to "gob rich" the second, how to regain good health. The first can be obtained by energy, honesty end savilig; the second, (good P00151)) by using Green's August 'Flower. Should you boa despondeut sufferer from any of the effects of Dyspepsia, Liver compliaments, ,A,p- pendicitis 'Indigestion, etc., such as Sick liearlache, Palditation of the ileart, Sour Stomach, Habitual Cost, iveness, Dizziness of the Head, Icery- oLth Prostration, Low Spirits, etc., yot; need not suite], another day. 'Two ;loses of the well-known August Flower will relieve you at onco. Reg- ular siOe, 75 et;. Yen can get Dr. G. Greeus's reliable remediee at L xeter---dor ROLLER Wholesale and Betai Wheat Wanted For which the high- est prices will be paid.. Wood Wanted Timothy and Glover Seed bought: COBI3LEDICK & SON THE CHOICEST CIIRISTNIAS GIFTS OF Would be one of our Pianos or Organs. It would be a thing of beauty and joy forever.' A lasting present that will evei.• bring the greatest pleas- ure to the recipient. . . Then our Sewing 'Mach ee, Music Books &Songs as well as smaller musical goods come in for second place, . Call ancl see us we will be 'glad to greet you with a "MERRY CHRISTMAS." S MARTIN OUR PRE ISES. 'We have mOved into our new'pre- mises opposite the Centeal Hotel and. are now open for business. Oue pre- mises are modern and. we give you modern and up-to:date goods and made in the most modern style.. \Are- Personally . . Cut Every Garment That's made up at this establishment -,-as well as fit it -and look after all the details. This is ,only one reason why our prices are moder- ate. G-ent's Furnishings . . . Come and see us in our new i)lace of business and exatnine our stock of Gent's Furuishings ' Bert. Knight EXETER MURRAYJ. Manufacturer & Dealer Portable and Staionaryt En gines and Boilers., Plo-ws, Land Rollers, Mowers,, Etc. Iron pipe and fittings, re- pairs on, Agricultural Im- plements and general ma- chinery promptly attended to, . FOR SALE. 30E. P. Boiler, 25 H. P. F,ngine Com- plete witb Pump and Heatnr, also about 1500 feet of inch pipe, • 414-- 41..4 '•• ' ••• • Trcde 513;s0,) • 15195 ¥05..; Ar; 00027573 I TONE 1/i1)Jli (3ERVES) ?OAKS VC:9 57020(401 f4d11551 205; ;VELA: I Ms 1. c,f Prof. rfo,o,rD,1 ?Lir, r; 1), trinintl2 ivrii 11i:1 11111)11, 1,11'1'1 (11.1.1111-, 11,1 2..,50rn•c0 10o1504,Li T.T1)1111, '0 00150) have ,tIso 12,110 0t411,)l)0( • CfOr„, an I 42:5 DAVIS & LA walt,Nof;:, co.,