HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-12-16, Page 1tc er in a in 01 fr WI 00 d: 0' fes ca to oi ca tr of 81 fri 81 ki 00 81 ba Ir 0' FLOV13,,*E,t47N-TTI • • :711:#.:(i.t.§...t.)..A.y•-„••p:E...cifi;..)(1B...ER C. 11. SANDERS, , SPF . .IN ' _ , C . ' 'ISTGIIIS P ESE f4 . , . . .. . .. , ,, , , PaShWOOd The Christmas season is once, more With us and the little oneeare anxious- lY ineking ferwartl fel' Santa elans*-- ' On Monday evening the annual Xmas. entertaintnent in connection with the E •• ). 4' ' 1 ' 1 ' ' .1 11 I ' , farigc ica c laic 1 lel e„ w1 ae ten- dered and from swInit, we ,ean le4rn wt , a ....i exicel •ny thing Of tliekTind eV.er given' in , the elnwch. --On nesday night the entertaintimn t. in • the Ltatili erian church, here, will be given; Let all who desire to have an evening's amusethent, be in a,btenclance at these entertainments. -The hunting season (dosed Saturday and now ofir sports- men are lost as to how they • shall spend their titins....mr. Darvid Pfaff ,is again around after his severe Illness.- Mr:William Rhode moved with his family to , his farm' 0.1-1 -., the 19th .eon. They will be naneb missed. in the village. ,-,mr., -Charlie' Ilohlbein: will held •ST1 auction, sale of his farm sttick and iinpionents (to di)) Thurs., itihrea uirinobinegi• day.---mLngaspt6T0hpliersgclt:t(tryh gathered at ; of Mt. Ilerman Theiler` and spent an evening in triex.r•inient: . ' ' • , LEG ' AMPUTATED: ' - On Thursday last Drs. . Reillins ' and McLaughlin amputated a leg •from one: of .Mr. Charlie Stephen's boys. The little fel- I. was only seven Years -old andatood, the operation fines H He is doing well. ' cently Of the yin:age' Of I-Iensall. :The' Ahrf.itcicer t's-sliTus\i-ies.I.i.Yagheletnedresi?nionfellyY'haactbrena i i ' s . - - - • ` IcielaniP;ell',1:1(!el;lalesli'trtileejletirTinhe',3 VI egeutlePeine street which mr. , se,ruton , had very ' • • : . , • eel -13'1°11'0)1Y fitted up for the reception ()this bride Wbols very highly respect- ed, and has' been an active member in the ,-mothodis.t'ehnrch and' a "member f th ' ••• • f ' • - ' o e Gault or litany years. ' • . , • 1 , B, lyth: Two car loads of flour,. mill f3313OIT.111.'11113dellITanhda‘aess11113,1ii‘o*efdsifxerlhil31-ewt-Qii.,`ItYhtths ranrie111). 33s./nPolittei3•1geillir 313oaPd6sis elaclpielcIttebdes mr. seese is pushing ale election vvorky. ahead rapidly and expects to have the mill in runiffng order by the first of.the new year ' .p, lo• '.u.' .0 1, , ...1... , D.,c . ., . •,,,1 „ at II . n iicse. It), I mobil Szt, Mrs. Tires. ittimariv, of this town •de- parted this' life afeer a prolonged ill- ness, For. Some weeks she had been imProving, in herd th hitt shortly before her. death took a severe cold which brought on „a fatal' atita,ck of ,•pnen- monia. . On Thursday the funeral took Place. Afterla, service in Sb. limes' church, condi cteo by Rev. Mr, Berry, the temaiDS were taken for interment to St. Mary's church cuictery, Brin- sley! •; ' * ' 'BruSsels: Last Friday eve:Laing an-, other member ,of Geo. Lott's ironily, Mill Street, died in the person of Ellen iirrehrirej4 Ilth'el itsteleee'ngdi rdi '1ollfgSb'tyeerr%frs8ohlde whi,3s1st October% The funeral 1.vas pi•ivate. , r . , , . . Three 0 the children, vizthe,oldest daughter, a son and a six intanths old baby were ' also down; but favorably progressis ,beinetuade towards reeev.. ery.--• ' We are ple'aeed to stateand , we hope the family who havp been ' sorely afflicted will soohbe outof gm,,,i.mtinc,-. Clinton: The liquidator; of the J. Iii• Otealy Dairy Company has sold the ` - ` company's factot.y at ,Olinton to Mr. - , , . , .1 01111 • Li . A.3.."(xleo-oi butter Minnhic- t , . - , e , . : - - - ' over, who will. shoitly move to thwn to make this his home. Mr. 1.1eUrc•g- Or will give his eta tire time 'and •ibility ' to. the "creiirnery. busines in or'der• t -o' make it a 811CCOSS. • He h.,s naid „ash tzti•ntdietio•acctoionryu, e, and .tite,/;cls '''N'''e tin-ci-er- s wholebusiness on a cash basis,l'"hu'aN13'1.1nst,. available each to pay for supplies without waiting'' to • 1 realize onbutter ma.nufactured. . , , . , Clinton:, The death of Mrs. Mary Rance °centred at her resiclen'ce, Clio -- ton, yesterday. Mrs.••Rance Was a na- •• • • •• rive, or Clinton, and Med there all' her life, 'over sixty years She v• s • 11 - . - • \ a l‘e known s a charitable and 'Christian woman' , ' and bor•e herlorig kolliction with patience and ho e Of a glorious , . . , P I - . . - iereafter. She leaves three sons to mourn her loss-Williana, of Bntte, Mount.; Alfred, of Horey '&' Co., and Charles, of Jackson ',Bros., Clinton, She wa8 well known in London, being an aunt of IVIrs'' John Callander arid - ' • . • ••• sister-in-htw of Mr. Geo. T. I-Iiscox, of London • ' 11100 11 Mr Alex Mustard our • • - ' • , • ' . ' - enterprising 1\I I1,, who ts always oo ong at some a gsin Is hue. ,, •• 1 '• 1-• ` f • thn • IC 1' 'la's juelf completed the pin•chase of a large, quantity of pine , to be delivered at,his ' '11 her He ''s. • fc • lco• ' mi e. 1. a ,o ma 111, .S01110 improvements in the machinery, having secured the necessary air a. ' ' • - - ` - .•11` - ratus forcuttinar logs any length from six feet upwar`ds. Mr. 'Mustard has also rented the Ba,yfield saw mill frcan ; . , Mr. Wm Jowett and intends running .. . t, it the coming season, be mg pm hay •- . . chaise a, laige quantity_ tunnel an that vicinity. . - , Email: An investigation was held by Police Magistrate E. B -Smith at Lucan last week to determine the origin of ,a fire that occurred on Oct: 8, and which destroyed the barns of Pat- rick Nangle, of lot 22, con. eftogether . sr al conten ts. Mr: NIA. n ge wh had - his stock insured. in a local company. After a most searching investigation it, was. found that the company's sus- picions were unjustly founded, and that the fire was an. accidental one. The magistrate said that, the evidence exonerated Mr. Na,ngle rind all mem- bers of the family from any suspicion.' Clinton: • By the death . A. of Mr. " A took placemr MonClay last', Clinton. lost an -upright and es- teemed citizen. Many,years ago Mr. - . , Monteith conducted a saw and carding . ,„ .. mill on a branch of the Maitland river on the 13th concession ot Hullett. Sub- sequently he carried on the same busi- . . ness in the Kipper] section until he moved to this town some 'seven , or , eig , years ago after w am e- htl• hla took ite easier. He had 'reached the ripe age of 75 years.Monteith sur- 'v•ives her husband, together with their - family of several children, two of their daughters at home. . - .Bayfield: Another of the old resi- dents of this vicinity, in the 'person of Mrs Ma.rgaret Fraser passed away on • e • . Sunday last. Mrs: Fraser was born, in the town of Inyerness, Scotland,„in the1816. Her maiden name Was • • year,. t = McPherson.-- At the 'age of 25 years • . • , she was married to Mr. Alexa. Alexander Fraser and a few -years after they,' • wi , 1 oun arm y-, enn ra th • P 1 -g ted to ,-, 1 7 thg 18-d, .d fitl d :-"ritnaca, In- t 0 year t o 1111 se 4 in he contady.ef aa; erlo , 8 Sell wtlere it I'. Fraser die 111 . or y . a er Mre .Fraser removed to Goderich town- . ' .` ' , •, ship with her tam ly, where she resid- '.- • A - ed Until her death he was much and deservedly esteemed by all who knew 1 1 h b lo 1 ' h her and wasitpri c Le vec m her ON. V11 home. She ,aves ave- sons and one daughter, John, of Bayfield; Alexand- - f El * ' ' d NI t 1 ' • er, o ' ma, an ary, a -mime. ' . ' . : Spafor,th: Miss Minnie Cummings, of W. Pickard & Company's millinery eStabliShineilt; suffered a very severe and, painfril accident OD Saturday nightlast. She Was Washing a pan of gloves with gasoline when the wise- exploded and her hand, on which had the glove, Were Most seVerely burned. Her brother, Who was pre- ' ' t - ' ''b • sent at he time, was also badly urn- ed• in his endeavors to 'ant calk. the . , . flames. 'Miss Cummings had the • gas- in a dish, while there was a lamp at the opposite side, of the room, but gasoline, 'escaping, formed a gas; . . which became ignited from the slarahp; and filled the room. with fire. GttS0- , is a dangerous thing to work with, and people should he excedingly care. not to have any light ardund while using it. Despite theexceedingly pain- of her burns, Miss 'Cumin- hags is -progressing as well as could be '1"hs, ectsd''and he ' 'trio from1 e r ese - mile i • ? .• . .'''. ,, .,,,', .ezttra more serious uipiry 18 itmeed marvel- ---s-e--------;- " — Bay,field: We regret to ' ea.y, ' th; 1W.nilialiniermTaLC111(.)nnerOfi'stifleYlitlalnggsvealnYcl iiiitili19, ••=thirls'tcic3)3vuecP :133)13es are e,litertai:11(' 1Park.11a, IVIasx. Pad. cfp_ra, fourgyca.' 0 d son of Caeo. Padden, of this tow; Who has beep *th, cripple' from bit•th, hi heen,tak.en hoY hls fatheir for. bre:Italie) to the Sick. hildren's I ospital Torm t ' ' ofint-on: on •priday nigfi't one ( . • - Mr. A. A. Schraink's span of , Wel , ,. ' k , out. f - • Isilt 'gel eh :),(IndSvica•ghee nel?ol tusn dis) ri °Li teh eof:)..' •3 , 1 • - A , . , . , 111.. 11,111 was ying c eau on a back street It i. ., , , • de°istt,esivnapsesruffaenrdingtktero,eu4aOsnui%ttaci'sjc, e, 00 1111.1C 1. Or .1t. ... was a vain:1h tr • .i. .1 f ' : ..' rtr' - ' P ." flhIOa ,. airtihtech,Bellig:h sMerh.plc?),IFteri•ytegv' hstaclenileiet aehhopt-si, years, bas tendered his res4 , . • nation, with .a. „vie.w of • entering th Philadelphia college and fitting hin is. ee,ilfsitljog! AUfirltelVileZIS,IN14111vb°jtke. regretted. .H . . • • ' was a g•ood. citizen, and an excellen teacher' , . • ` • • ' Blyth: Burglars entered the stot .s. of NlessiAnderson & Elder NVedne r day 'Inel 'milled themselves libel ally to overcoats.' underwear, sock and silk handlcerchiefs. Entrance wel ltihIeLd'Uwii)nYciol(N)N7 711.1illtgb et 11 emiliiiii).1 eel : -,11 aNlifrotc.1 , ' ." 1.00m. Messi.s. Anderson & Elder hay, . • la° idea of the amount of their loss tin - til they look throngla. their stock. Th burg -la -1-s are••th he athateurt • • supposed - ' Varna: l•trr. S. A Moffat in'oved -b ",,o.sido.n.. 0..,1?sweelsnsday of last wreck stamping his household effects on Tues. (11- On Sa t nrd c't - evening th ' ieni bei:s. and adherents3.6fthePresia;tuer'im ' •h ,t • t h• 1 d t eau" nu- a is 'Ionic an Presen a '. i ,au„ .ca, Miss wi : his cl• ght. • Mande,with pretty dia nc .broochan ,nea 3 in° 1" • d ' - tl worde.c1 address a slight token Of theii • .. s' ' 1-• ...ap.pr..eciationof her services as organist Alter the presentation a pleasant tion was •spen in in ercourse. N t '' social ' t . ' Ir "Moffat and family will ben] nob' rnisse( in the church and neighborhood. Wi wish them success and happiness ir their new home. Wingham- ' A aainful accident ha ,-, < • 1 ' t - P pened. at the Glove factory on Th us day. ' One of the employes, Ida Holmes,had occasion to use a 'steam taii, and unfortaina.tely turned it toc fat, so that the full force of the steam , struck her face; She was ,severely scrilded, and was zit once biken to Mr Ch • ' ' ',' has' •• ' ' aprnan s, whore she temamed since, receiving,every kindness and at • t' • ' ' ... tention.' At first it was feared thai her eyesight would be 'gained; but al latest- •• ' t •she ' • -.. , •• Bea.ccoun s is iccof eiing. • sides her face, her arms were also sev. erely burned. The riceident • wtis in. , d . • ,. .. • ,, ' dce parnrul m its iesults. . . . Skate's Eockey Sticks' Silverware • • Table and. Pocket . Cutlery Carving Sets , . 5. Decorated 'Sil.vermrare Carpet' Sweepers Sze . . ,- , "9- ., - , ' - 6 Sze . S , ci. ,e , , 1 ell-w4Y ,A. ver pleasant affair took place •on Tuesday evening of last Week, at the i•esiiienee of Rotas MePherson,it being the marriage of hie eldest daughter, May, to Ni H. Pordy,of Grand Bend.' The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. Tbilinleam A number of friends aisci: relatives Witnessed the ceremony, after which all sat down to ,a• sumptii- PUS repast. . The young couple ' are highly respected. May their barque sail 0,•ently down the Ctresur of'life, is ltri h:evrits 11eC Englishtheiirptirlili!innell fiii:oi enni (-las .t-tellinidr-. Mg jury, in God,erieh, on Satauslay; ,• me, shar,v,•of Grand Bend, took charge of , the. blacksmith shop during NIT% English's absence. -Miss Nellie, Mc- 'Pherson :visited at Grand Bend hist w.001- ,c-.'-'1Wiss• Alice M. Wilson visited 'Mrs. A. IV. Humphries • and ' Miss .A. Florence last week. -Mr. 0. H. Wilson attended the Fat Stock show , . in',Grthelph last week. -Mr. Joe Foster, Jr ; is all smiles -it's a daughter; also ..111;•s. j...J. Carruthers a so -n.-0. H. • AA.T,i,Iscini.irld H. Ellis shinned hogs last 1Q1 -Me John • Bentger paid 00r Village' a Rying visit last 'Monday.- Mr. Lox•enza Bullock, a Creswald, _ Ninth., t•f.ter an ithsence of 22 years, is visiting his lirother, Thoa.'Bullockanad other friend§ here. --Miss SusieWickett ,is visiting' her brother, Henry, att the Boston House for * . ' Xmas. groceries, oranges, lenions,can- dies -nuts aud,apples. -' - -• '& , . . . 13ISILOP &. , MONEy, To...1,0AN,born.Co-uncil I.T ' - ' . se.. -1 ''' (sonnet' met Dec. llith pursuant to• statute. All the niernbers . Present. The Minutes of the last, meptin were , g iead and apProyect. 'J. ne expenses of the Board. of Health for 1901. amount- ing to $21.50 were 'or"clered: to be p-iicl , ' . ' ' to ,t.he Glerk jet distribution. . The taxes being all collected and paid over to the.Treasimer, the Collector return- ed his .1'011 and was paid 'his' salary, 100 copies of the minutes Of proceed' ings -of Couricil w,ere ordered to be printed for distribution. • Accountspresent..----Try aniounting to. $001.62 wete passed and orders issned in payment; council then adournecl to • Meet Dec 30th after noinination meeting,. . F. MORLEY Clerk • ' • We have unlimited private funds for- in.. vestment upon farm or ytnage property,. 'Kt o west rates of,interest. • Dickson & cantara• 'Barristers,ete., Exeter. __....ss .CiAndebC ye, - ' . * . Mr. 'William Smith, of Moorsville, , h . 1 .i• \Ili° has hec•-'11 vertY i ' is' w e* '14 e g a( to say,' able' to .. be 'IrOL1/1C1 0'1111 --Mr e' • - • R, ' Simpson has been on the sick list for tin.. past, week.-. Alts•jannes Atkin- son, of this place, is talking of build- mg a sugar -beet factorY.-Mr.. Fred Ra•Ins.Y.• e Lentlient±i--Y,i(s,11,t--in,gltlaro.etnonntl: this vicinity. -M s Witt . It vi. visiting friends in the of. Adare, is , .. , , -village -Mr Albert Carter, of this ' b ' , ' • Toionto ' • • place, called Op. friends in loronto on Thursday. -There was a larg ge crowd attended the surprise 'Party at Mr. 9.. Lewis' on Thursday evening. Every one seemed to erijOy themselves as they came home merry in the Wee' , , , small hours off the morning. ---Mr. W. Flanagan, of London, called on friends' in the village on Thiu•sday.s---Mr. .r : s , o a .s xe, Waite Blackv•ell f B• d 1 M' h le •'' is home visiting his mother and sister, of this place. -Mr. John Bayhen, of "Manitoba, who it was reported, had the smallpox, is home a,gains:---The far- mprs took advantage of the snow last week by hauling logs wood and grain. . '. . , They ,were sorry,_tnat it •didirt stay.-- arson, avis o. o entra la, are P D • 0 f C ' 1.• ' ' - shipping- a munbet. of turkeys from,: ,a* • • -- - , • this place.s.:MisS,Ella StittOn, of Cope -i- town„was'horne•attending the•funeral'' o herbrother on e nesc ay.- r. ' . f h W d 1 M E O. Jones, of • this place,- called en friends in London on 'Friday. -Mrs. Jas. Waistell, of 'this place, is .very ill. It seems.to be loss of 'power. ' . . ONEY TO LOAN. M i have a large amount of private funds to loan on ta,rm and village properties at low rates,ofinterest. , ' P• W. GLADMAN,1 Barrister, lkla'n Street Exeter , g Christmas Goods FOR Christnias' n preseilto . Nothing is betteri than a nice pair of • shoes orslippers, We have a. fine range in each for . mens, women and children. - . . • , Froth 35c. and upward we have Rub; hers of all kinds; sack and felt , boots; a fine lirie of over shoes to be cleared out ab half their regular, value. . •' . ' • , . &foe -Keys belonging to the, Parlor suit ,N,..to be.retuaned on Dec 28 at 2 P• m. ' - ' A CALL SOLICITED: *. - ••;,'. -.......,.:-.. K. 1-1 mET t, 'Treble's Old Stand Crediton -, ,, . , , • •ly Collins& J. G..STANB.URY,... B. A., (fennel c., Stanbuty) Barrister, Solicitor, Notaiy, •onveyancer moner to Loan -Exeter, ont.. . ,' AftsG,eorg eEilbet has returned borne , S% StM, where lie .has Aeenminworaultking e. this , ariea-1111111er.. -- AirS. b• s . Jone-of Marlette, is visiting her par- enta,, Mr. and Mrs. Mathew°Wirier.:- We` are ple.ised to see that Mr. Fred. Kmits, is distinguishing • himself ' as it :1-11,Sb-class shot at the different 'matches • ' s 1 f t e vi 'laity. or town can ooasto h' -6" ' 0 in , , . , is more of ,these. -Mr. and Mrs. "' red .1.4. , .t .' ' -1. -NT , ., w a ' t e LI • ais, , .1.-nc i rs. • • ID. ais , o ersey, Mich .".••fire the guests of Ms and 'Airs '''''.• ',..• - ' ' ' Mathew ic.inkbeiner.-Our merchants • i - tr. v" g3. t ' 1 n ' ais th ' o. exCe 9, e - 0 eis in re - ••••"-113'' ' decorating their windows.- . Santa Claus won't have to go far for his sun- i• ''••-•-Mr W • le Lewis Of M•tnit hi p ie.,. ... . . es y ., ,.. Lewiso .c, is visiting his father, Mr. Wrn. L, .ifter an absence of fourteen years - ' ' ` ' ' - - : • 'A . nanaher of the farmers to this vicinity havepurchaSedbroncho ponies at ffie sale recently held in Centralia. -Tile recent . . . , ' V rains haye caused the . . river to raise. at an alarming rate. Mt. Geo. Ilirtzel has been obliged to use a boat to get to his barn this week. -Mr.'- Henry -Eilher• attended the In- surance meeting at -Zurich last Satur- day. -Mr. Ben McKenzie has returned horne, after a trip through the North West. -Mr. Edward King, of Port Huron, is visiting his bro hets,Eli and Albert. -Miss Mary Gaiser has return- ed home from ,Blenheim, where she has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Aaron .Browti,for sometime. -Council meeting was 'held , in the Town Hall, Monday. The municipal pot will soon begin to boil. -Conrad Voelker has. returned from Elkton, Mich., after a brief and pleasant visit. -Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Morlock and Mrs. joseph II • t • • 't'•.* A • - ars are visi mg relatives 111 urota, Tit -Mr, Wm. L. Lewis- has sold his house o , o r. ame es reic er, h d 1 tt M. D ' 10 t ' h h .- 11 t k ' • f tl w o wi a e possessuan o te same iii a ew wee sgs- r. enme .ei. ran , • f k M B ' 13 t • d- ,of Detroit,. is -home for 'his Xrnas. holi- a,. --S f • h h. d th ' ays. orne o mut oys a eh first skating on "Monday ' evening.- Mr. John Brown,ofReed Cit3r,is visit- ing relatives in this vicinity.• -Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Holtzman, of Detroit, are spending their holidays here -among' relations. . . ' --is•-- Eden . , , Your correspondent wishes the Ad- vocate and all its readers a' ' Merry Christmas Miss Adde C. t , .-- 1 ayes re tarn- . ed to ,St. Thomas. on Monday, after visiting. friends here for the past two weeka.--Mr. Ernest Boswell,- of Exe- ter, wras the guest of Miss ?.'RettielEss- ery on Sunday. --Miss Minnie Luxton, who'has been visiting•friends in Hb - bert for the 'a 1, la ° s • t see weeks has re- turned. hotneP.--Alr.' T. 13 ' rooks,who has been working with Mi S. Skinner"for . the pastsfour years,,bas been engensed with -with Mr..Geb, Rodk' liar the coming' . . T '• year.' Toni saysthere's no place like Eden. -Mx.• paul Coates moVecl, into his •fine new house this week. ' We wonder , who will oceupy the home stead. ---Miss Pearl Hunter while play in g at school had the misfortune to dislocath her knee. ...• • ;Ansa Craig. . Warden Campbell and Councillor 3radley have been appointed a corn- nittee with power to settle with Mr. 1. J. Robinson for the damages to his ' .orse and rig; caused by defective aanking on the county bridge; west f the village. -John Alexander is con- .ned to the house with a very sore .nee. He caught cold in his knee virile putting in some piping a couple f weeks ago, and ilthas since develop- d into thna flamatione-A collection in id of the Sick Children's hospital was alma up alining- the school children ist week and they were successful in [using $7.50. -The blind hero,Trooper lulloy, delivered. his lecture here in he Methodist church a short tirneago, 1ev. S. Knott acted as chairman. . TIP LA'rE NIGIITS endless . - ' ' engage ments generally run down? "The D s,. Is '' ' ' -:"'"" Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. II will one u 3 11 tmake i your system and you feel yourself again. Made by Davis a Lawrence Co ; Ltd.' , ' .. fisght. , At Mm Montreal a an who killed an. other • - 1, • Uee31 S ' has hpen sen nce ec1r3o1 st'svsell011t ' while tt naan who stioleliggir,milelai''' , •t°L3l• 1. e mp1 °yet has 1 aeensent t ni 0 peen.trary for tlhee Years. ' , - . CHILLED TO TILE BONE?. A , tea- spoonful of Pain -Killer in a cup of hot water sweetened will do you ten times more good - than rum or whiskey. Avoid substitutes, there is but one Pain-Killer,Perry Davis. 25c. and 50c. Stej)hen Council ' The Council, of the Township of Stephen convened in. the ,.Town Hall,- Crecliton, OD Monday, December 16th,• 1901. All members present. Minutes in of the •previons eefing were read arid approved.. ' Anderson--Wuerth--that lY By-la'Ne• 7' of 1901, appointing de- puty-returning Officers . and polling ")ooths for holding elections of 1902,and By-law No. 8, of 1901, appointing Au- ditors,' having been -read • the third time be passed and the Reeye and Clerk sign the same and attach the seal Of the Corporation thereto. -Car; ried.-.K, a: E.Huston waitedIrpon the 'Council, asking them , if they had . . . considered the advisability of encour- aging faryners an d others to set out plots of trees in the Township; as he rea- o d at the resent rate of destruc Pe P . . non, we. would be without woo m d ' - - • • Th C n '1 • twenty years. e. ,(...au et promised • to give the ma.tter their consideration. 0 ' ' f '12 4 r ' rders to the arnount 0 - $ 9 . i were „ asse an granth y t e mune' . P d 1. An. 't ' -6(1. ta,te* ent Will 'be given in. , i erniz s d Trn , , the Reeve an reasuret s _mamma ' F• ' •• I, report, which will. be issued in .a few weeks. Council adjourned. Nomina- tions for Reeve and Councilmen will take place on Monday, Dec. 30th, next, from one .m. to two ' rn. ' ' p -11 EP. "I' Clerk.' ENBY I ILBER, p. . . , . „ • St. Joseph ,..,.. . .. We understand that there a can(t1 cut from St Joseph Erie for the purpose of running u throughby a shorter route. give two or three men with suthmer s work,and as there al who follow the oceupation ing we expect thepromoters no difficultyin letting the Mrs. D.,•Sillers and., family, field, Manitoba, are visiting father and mother, Mr. and Jennison. ' It is. over fifteen since Mrs. Silleri left these no doubt she will see a great changes in both faces and places. Wife ofRichard Jennison him. with a brand new boy morning last. Dick says it but the next time she.. wants. a present of that kind she can to someone -else. -Mt: T. Cora-517de, Drysdale, •purchaeed a thoroughbred Yorkshire hog fronrMr. D.E. of this place. is. to . be to -Lake boats This will shovels a are. sever-. of ditch- will have contract.- of Holm.- her aged Mrs.•Roht.' years ,parts and many -The presented on Sunday is ralright„Monteith,which to make • • give 'it a Wilson, his new with k • - eptquite --The Sunday Thursday school steadily. , Beavers Christmas b the look- ' • • t moving o „Kirkton. _ M our of. ee• •b last' Mts. Fred a little - ' . finish-, -'--• The box Social lady is .` . with pro- •sf,d1s,,,,.an name. ' A their' store The share- in should the scales 'the them tix- they , -A 'Seri- .rind is ass- h the went toe and cemetery. r, ound. church as vvell as and Wm. : get. for the community stables.- blown the ,, dist and notince.d reside„ces o any village, the , . Grand Bend Mr. Henry Willett, of Dashwood ,as here Thursday. -Mrs. Maria Grill ., . as gone to 'Exeter to spend the win- )r. -Mr. and• Mrs. Young "%vete' ita 'arkhill one day last' week. --Mrs. tubbs and Mies Julia .Allen,who were i Parkhill for two Months, returned ome last week,-Mr.,Wilsoinwho has een on the..sick list, is slowly recover- ig.-Mr....-Bossenberry, vvho has been 1 Montreal 'the past week, returned ome Saturday. -Mrs. R Gill spent Vednesds.y in Dashwood."---Xfr. 'Allen uci Rumford were iti Exeter, Friday. ;.•Mr ' Ra,velle Who has been on the • - ' ' - • .ck list,is slowly reeovering.-Mr. G. •avelle is. occupying the addition. of i 'torr -Mr Purclie -.Was-united in 1: i,riage to Miss May McPherson on.Brussels uesclay the 10th. Rev. Mr. Thibadeau ?donned the ceren.iiiiny;• ' BIRTHS. NIAwsow-On Monday Dec 9th the , , • wife of John Mavvson ' Stla con Me- ,, , • , • Gilhvray, : s, ,. . of a daughter. BROWNING. -In Caledonia'. Winn., on December 13, t6 Dr. W. E. and Mrs. Browning, a son. McFABts-l-In Biddulph on Dec, 16 to , Mr. and Mrs. Oscar, McFalls, a son.• ' ' - - ' Fai...quhar.. . T. Cameron has moved into house. -Ed. ' Kerslake is down' f ' 0 blacksmith's ever.- ur are • • -•. busy.these days shoeing horses. teachers and officers of the School. held a meeting last night-to order • simplies.• Our is going ahead slowly,' but- a , . . `.- -..,-. aruaging by the display at Bros. they expect., a large trade. -The Box Social held .. Teinplars Tuesday night is being , . ed OD' with great interest. , • • ' (Intended' for last woOk.). J, .G ' • " ' •• t . . Gardiner in ends Nits. Ct011tley's place -,*neat The,family will be much missed village as they are highlY thought -Mrs. T. aruetop a rag T C' ' had Wednesday. -- Mr. and Stewart arehti y 'entertaining ' : PP! -.' daughter.-Eplanain Hewitt,is Mg' AVM.' Fletcher's" Stables. Royal Templar§ are ha.vinga next Tuesda ' rii ht. Etch , ' '' • Y g , " asked to btang a ' box filled visions and containing her good 'program is being' 'prepared:- Beavers. l3ros. are haviDg nicely filited-up 16 Xmas.- holders of the weigh •SCales here take the Matter of repait•ing into consideration ' and have ecl, np . and Covered in so that woold's.erve the public better • ,:i t •i • B. NT 'IT ous -accic en ,, iete. r. • . enry mote laat weelc.- 'While killingpig stuck the knife in his leg tie the doctor with all posaible speed, had- .five stitches put . M the mg ,Passfoore- la now'cloing can he expected.--AleXander• Turnbull both busily engaged ting :material on the ground rebuilding ,Of their bar las and Win.Fletcher;who had his•barti down last summer; has rebuilt; now that the buildings are completed, has one of the fiDest. failn , , the line. If Itis asthma, bronchitis, croup, ,,,.1., ,,otICA'O'n,rrtherIn'tar. Ali mARRIAnEs. BATTLE- HoDGINs-In Lucan, on December 5,15-v• theRev.T.I.A. Thomas m •f - _IN • ' r. Brittle, o London, to liss Ida, C au,g er 0 1. eo. . o gins. 1 ht I NI • G 11- d ' , • . RowentrE-WEEKES.-At the Trivitt Memorial church,on December 18th, ' by the rector,. Rev. J. W. Ten Eyck, M 'PlaT R l'ff t 1M- rt ' r.,i . 1 IP owc 1 o iss i orence A. Weekes; late of Ashford, Eng - hand. ' ' Hensall , 'Around About ' -Cs . . , . t The friends' Of our respected towns- Brussels: B. Gerry has leased he man, Mr. Dune'an• McFarlane will re- Wbollen factoryto Lockridge - fi d Bros 'of Wingham who will take t 1 ' th t, 1 h b - ' • gret o earn a ie as pen con ne o ,• -, . ' , ,. • td his home for • a number of weeks, possession early in January. , owing to a severe attack of rheunia- ' St.' Marys: Milton Dutton had the third' 'his. • tistri.-We have this week to chronicle end of his finger of right s ' * f a machine the death of Mr. John Houghton,. of hand cut off in the gearing o., . 'this village, which sad event 'occurred at the Maxwell works on Monday. at his home on' Wednesday Dec 4th St NI • • TI • I; t t • aa.t. t • ,. • . ( • .. • . , arys. , ic, a, es -.1, t 1 • on o after .a very painful 111nese of over four ,st, marys, business 'places is a new Years, which he bore with much fort- grocery -In the sbop formerly occupied, Uncle a,nd Christian patience, The de- hy Mr. Melville as a fr,uit store. The • ceased was a native of England," and new store will be conducted by the • was born at Marcam, Lancashire. He firm of Melville, & Simms. .' emigrated to this country, in. the year . rys a e. r. - enry . owar a • • i• ) ' - • ' D d 1' • 111' II ' 11 • d h• d 18,99, taking up lot IN:(,. 26, on ,the . 10th the misfortune to'have one of ,his 'toes concession ofsklibbert, and upon which. badly hurt While loading a straw cutter he continued to•reSide -until .about. .18 into ar wa ()none day last, vveek.. years.a•go, when he moved info Hen- ., • • ,g ' • - 'di • nd I . • In religion be wgs , • ., • , s is improstugvetyrapi y a ,wesaop.e, piseopa to see the,genial Ilarry. soon ou• his han, , and in pc:antics a Conservative, rounds ,,,ain. , • • ; •., .,.. and Was an honest, industtioria- man , , c• , , „. ..,•.-'s and mitchrespected, He was married, Mitch.ell: Sunday Mrs. Jane Gta b it,M, the year 1875, to 'Annie Leeming, relitof the late Geo., Gralumi, died 'it daughter of Mt..Thornas Leeming, 'of her SOB's,-reidente, ,.at the age of township of Ilibbert,, who still sur- ,yerirs, and three months. She hadhecn vives him, together- with three sons, di only a short brute. Twenty-tive William, Leonard and Wilfrid; a son Yearsago her husband accidentallywaS', line driught,er haVing died some years killed on his .farmi ' 3rd, •concession o, •-: she ago. The deceased Was a member of Fullar•ton, while buildinga straw stack. ' • - • • SODS of England 'lodge, Exeter.bv St. Marys: Sensation was cause A. ' ' ' ' (.12 Whom he' was buried in the Exeter in town at ten o'clock on Tuesday The service' in St. PaiiPs night when a ' tramp, who gaVe his here, on Saturday rifternoon Mime as Geo. Johnsen and hailed or- ;ohne hist, was conducted by Rev. Mr Ten iginally front Stevensville, "Montana, Eylc, of Exeter, and was well attended.. gave hirnself up to Night Cotiatable the The fatnilY have the pyrnpatliY of the Page, stating that he was the cause of in their bet•efiveinent" On the burning down of the fine bank. Wednesday evening, of last, week, at• barn of Mr. Win. Bartle, situated three line hour of 6:30 p. m., at. the Mahe- iniles east of Mitchell, toWn,- 'on the parSonage, Rev. G. ,Tewett pro- Stratford road, on Friday morning fill, the, words that made two last. The barn and contents were to- hearts bear as one. ' We refer•, to the 1113 consumed by fire. Asked why he ful,ruitore marriage of Mr. Alfred Serf -Men,. a pros- did such a thing he ' replied that he - zest e t out supposed he was ,•p . a''• d n of •"' 'Johnson will eX• perous , nd respected . ,,, _ drunk.. to Miss Minnie Coxworth, of be takereitber to Mitehell or Strat- tOwnship of Tuckersmith -,11. and re- ford fru trial. ons. • Kirkton • • Charles Irvine will erect new foim- . , alone under t•n ' shis bas next summer. Mrs. Thos.. Blake is very sick,'with . . : . . ,nsilitis.-IVIr.Ar hut Francis intends •ecting a fine new residence the cotp, g suinMer.frIrs. Philip; Blackla,r is ; the time Of writil very .lsick with. , ' • ieumonia.-On Shn ay,eveningsome a k no w,n., individuals 'attempted •roh- f • R '' - ity' at the residence o Mi., ,ohert melancl, hilts the lin --4-ttantlers "vere" ightene,c1 ftway,-a-Misa BellasIdaale-, acid•took a' Change. for 'the worse on - 11 Ike] 1 1. o' n indel,Y• anel-,w' '- --37 1 tiLt-r=2° "'• ieratiotisfot appenclicitis.-ssAgain the rk. angel,. of death has visited our ininimity`S-and claimed for r -i" -victim, arothY MaIdoney,wife of Mr, Patrick Brien. The 'deceased had been alit- ring for a long time from coippli- tion of diseases's:butt bore her in- ' rise suffering withpatienceand with, Lt murniuting 'till. the end, which " n Saturday. 'Through all her me o : . , ., ,, , [ills and • sufferingS, she was quietly . . signed and submitted herself to her aavenlY Father. She was 1;'"wrmi."11 more than average -intelligence. (e had a great, faculty of olaking close eridthip witb better 'acquaintanceS'.. ie was ' a moat' affectionate wife, a Id ' nc.,,ighbor and .a, loVing meting', d a true, . devoted Christian woman. et loss a s-, e' leaves to ' mourn het h O rid, three, sons and one -daughter. O' was.born ini the city of • Litnerick, ;bind, in 1810 rind emigrated to , , . anshard in 1868 and has resided here (in I her sad demise. T1A0 late, Mrs. f3rien was a constant umber of the • , >.ata rli nil i ili-iiirah. DEATHS .,, ,, , ; v -t. T CP t NI d 1 iiamErtn.-..n in on, on on, a,y Dee, Oth Ale. Monteith, Sr., aged 76 years, b months. . CaBBIEri•-In St. Panl, NV an Dee' . . . • ., n. ., cm , - ember 13, Maggie Foster beloved ,. , wife of 'W. J. arling, formerly of Exeter. - ' ' • . ' • ' O'BRIEN-In Kirkton on Saturday ' • ' •‘' ' Dee , 7 Dorothy, 'wife of 'Patrick „ , ..., , , O'Brien, aged 6_,years,7'months and 22 days. • • 't , Your.' • .• Throat , 5•-.; . . . 0 g'. Gargles can't go back far, ,f, il enough; sprays don't • a.. . reach deep enough • but the '1 - '. • , , s• ' , . sks, si..egs , air you breathe . touches " °•-',11ttitii• ' Tht -\.,, ... every part. en why no • put some healing Medicine' . • in the air and let them go' along toaether ? That is what Vapo-Creso- , ,.. ., iene is or. t puts me t- f . I ' thehealingd' . . . eine right on the, places that most A need it. You now see why it so quickly cures. tote throat, b r 6 n - hitis boars nesS whoobing-cough e , • , e P .. and asthma, , . 20 .vano.c801,,,,, is sdici by druppists ocery7ber, \i'lporizer aid Lamp, which sbould last a l& le and 1 bottle of Cresolene complete, ti" • ' l supphes of Oro:minim 25 cents and, o cents, Illustrated booklet contalnitm physicians' toad, 'Imnn roritInqt 7Anvr, monlfrre• NAvil..C.PP,ni ito t Uo