HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-12-12, Page 844' to, ".""' -'''4.4ati"'"'"•-•aa4,aiitta":""loa'at.arv:a",-,,•rartoa,a.r. • •-•• •••a- to -- II I4'i••• %.2) :isorasaaassaii==alaat giTot •-• alata J'peotals. • If you want a suit, or an Oyer - Coat call and see our specials. Blue Worsted and Se suits, worth, Tweed Suits, worth Overcoats with Yoke worth Overcoats worth rge $18.00 for $14.00 $17.00 for $13.00 $22.00 for $18.00 $18,00 for $15,00 1 ' ' , ,. L ( ( ,,,. , . The game se'l on eloseS on Sat u'llar ----"""'"'""'"----a•-` . ----a- 1:,,e,..I,, , ' . • • • , Stub proof: Rubbers, Stewart •sello . them. They have no equel--tey • a For eoughs and (nads, itifluenza and - ' - ren$U$0 Wit-MIVS 0"01,1111S01.11.• ^ Oki Fen DOWIt by G. Luta, Exeter. 4 ' 111r. Elawkshaw, proprietor at The fall of snow ou S n (111 Y n /glib the Commerceal L-[ouso wet with in has broueht out the cutters - and accident, on Sanday last which might sleighs io full force and the moray easily have. resulted seriously. A trap jingle of the sleigh bell rings out the door in the house, bad been left open wmter song. :trio not MIL n the opining „ ,o • While setting one of the large plate rlaWasnaw walaed into •the cellar, glass on the north side of the entrance sustaining several paintol "anises and to Mr. T. ritton's new store it was a severe shaking up. No Innt11i \yore cracked from oue side to the other, broken but it is wonderful, considering thus entailing- quite a loss. his very heavy weight, that it had not resulted more seriously. o The holiday rate arrangements on- _ the radrOads for pupils and teachers Died in Oteeolt begun on the 7th inst. at a are and Word was received hem last week a third, going until the 31St inst. Re_ of the death ot George John turning, these tickets will be good un- who died in Grants Pass, Oregon, a *tat111Y20olthegenejeshort tune ago. The deceased there r1)ei;s gefare n, fol;ersideit 0fExeter, having December 21 and 25, and returning on residedhbo eit'ethei with Rurheistyn,Qtpoerr severalzti te 26th, and for New Year's, going on younger December 31 and jannary 1 and re- Years, bot in 1880 the family moved to turning January 2. A are and one. Oregon where- they have resided ever third rate will be issued- On the 21St to since. Mr. Hiller took sick in the night froin cramps in the bowels , and died the 25th, and also the 2Stb: to January the following afternoon. Hence his 1, good to return until the third. d ath W'IS very unexpected Fo'•:5ale. Wedded. Three first -c ass c ian e iei, - plete with lamps, for sale cheap, apply A quiet wedding took place at the at this office, Presbyterian manse yesterday (Wed Dix Kidney Pills. '— A sure relief for lame back, lumbago and all Kidney and Urinary derange- ments. Sold by C. Lutz, Exeter. Cheap Reading. just think of The Arrtroca'rE, Pantine.s made, to order for $3.00 ward VII. for $1.75. See "ad" in 'an - Handkerchief itiaZar. The Ha tatkerelrief Bazar, "'older the auspices of the Williog Workela of the bloat Motional elm' eh huld in the sobool hall, Tuesday night, was a : most gratifying suceess. attend- , <thee was large, the hall being packed • . to its utmost capacity. Tta iLetot, RON'. J 'W. Ten Eyck preside(' in his usual happy manner and a choice pro wascarried out, The opening selection, piano solo, by Miss Veva Ha wksha w, was beautifully rendered. The singing bY Miss "-lardy, airs. Billings, Misses Ida and Amey Johns, and Miss itleFaul was much appreciat- ed and each nunther heartily encored. The patriotic songs by Me. AV ilsora.of Toronto, and Mr. al Vincent brought fourth much merited applause as did also the recitations by ?Jr. Vincent, who always pleases his audience. The Piano solo by Miss`E. Gidley was ot it high older and was well received. At the conclusion of the program tea and coffee and a light lunch were served. asii fitting conclusion to tbe evening's entertainment. ' About $40 was real- ized from the sale of handkerchiefs etc „ Money to Burn. About a week ago a young farmer, who resides near Ilensall went into the Molsons Banks here ancl drerY a little over $500. The teller gave him 'Montreal Heritld and a picture of Ed: 54.00 and $'500. A good fit guaranteed. GOODS other column. - BROUGHT HERE WILL BE CUT FREEOF CHARGE. Grieve's old stand, opposite postoffice. Faritters' Advocate. Every farmer should have it farm journal, and there is none better the Farmers' Advocate. The „ADVOCa'rE and theFarmers' ADVOCATE till Janu- ary 1903 for $1.85. To the Farming Public. ••, W 'XISTTAMAN m It you keep cows for ilk, butter or a • cheese, and are fattening calves, cattle or hogs, or poultry for market or for eggs it pays to feed English Stock EVIDS'aVaftWO:4' 1 4 Food. Sold by O. Lutz, Exeter, LOCAL 1)0ING-S. 1. Keys, el'a-act's'i4•"a'''''aa'--"'•'•"-aL'''°"''''''''-'''''''''''''''''''''' store will kindly return them on Dec. Mr:- Percy Cann is learning barber- 28, at 2 "P' 111', as we are going to open ing with Mr. Edgar Westcott. Women's boots and shoes half soled, 30 cents 11 poly. GiEct Matasox. Coarse boots and shoes half soled, 35 to 40 cents a pair. GEO. illaaosoN. - Seven thousand horses have left Ontario for South Africa this year. We half sole all men's fine boots and shoes for 35 to 40 cents a pair. GEO., NIANSON. Read R. Hicks' Xmas."ad" on this page. Something interesting for mothers. "Municipal Nominations will be held this year on Dec. 301h, with elections on Jan. 0th. Is that cold back again ? Try my bestRuna It will cure it. F. J. Knight, corner grocer. Head quarters for Orange, Apples, Oysters and all kinds of dried fish. F. J. Knight. Everyone should use Dashwood flour. It is the best. 'F. 3. Knight corner grocer. , . Rev. J. W. Hodgins, of Silafortli, and Rev. 3. W. Ten Eyck will ex- change pulpits on Sunday next. the lock and presentthe lucky 'Jerson with the handsome parlor suite - R. H. SWEET. Gytit For Sale. A second-hand, double-barrelled, breach loading, hammerless shot gun, nearly new, the property of tire late Ed Sanders. Will be sold cheap. For inspection call at the Advocate office. " I'What say you to a ladies lovely Electric Seal Jacket, trimmed with sable or mink. A good Christmas box, don't you think'. Stewart's — Tax Notice. - Tax collector, James Creech, will be at the Town Hall, Exeter, December 121h, 13th and 14th from .9 o'clock to 12 o'clock a. m. and from 1.30 o'clock to 5, p. m., each day for the purpose of receiving taxes. -All taxes not paid December .14th, 1901, five per cent. interest will be added to the same. JAS. CREECH. What Next? A rather unique affair was given by Paris Congregationalists. It was a left-hand social. Each guest had the Mrs.: Tait disposed of her household right band put up in a sling, and had effects by auction on Saturday last. The dwelling was offered but not sold. Try Bolts pure Malt Stout for a to shake hands with the left, register name, eat -in fact, do everything with the left hand. A proverb was put on tonic, recommended by first class the blackboard, and a prize was given physicians. F. J. Knight,corner Groc- er. $1.00 in advance pays for the Advo- cate till January 1, 1903. , If you want to please a friend send them the Advocate. Owing to it defective boiler at the power house which was under repair to the one who could copy it the best with the left hand. L. 0. L. Elect Officers. At the last regular meeting of L. 0. L. No. 924, held on Friday night last, the following officers were elected for for the ensuing year, viz: -W. M., Thos. Williams; D. M., John Oke; the lights were about three hours late °1?a1)-• Bert Oddy; Lec., Aaron Sutton; on Friday night. Rev.O.W. Brown, B.D., is to preach Church Anniversary sermons 'in Lis- towel next Sunday. The James Street pulpiti will be supplied by Rev. Henry Dir. Ceremonies, C. Dew; Rec. Sec'y, Geo. Miners; Fitt. See'y, Jas. Brant- nell; Treas., H. Lambrook ;Committee, John Spackman, A. Williams,D. Dew, Sam'l Stanlake, John Ford, Irvine. pastor of Listowel methodist By your Xmas' groceries andiruits Church. , , at Stewart's. Quality, and value A number of Exeter dogs made it combined. The best and nothing , raid on- Mr. Win. Dunsford's sheep on but the best. , the Lake Road, last week and killed , two or three. We understand the shooting Match. . owner of the canines have put up The hootng match on .Saturday for the damages: • onms,••••••=111=1....r...r........av ' 4,•••• Yes, the biggest lot of men's and I - women's higliclass fur coats we have ever seen .are at Stewart's. They certainly have the drop on the fur business. ' '' - Blyth's school population is about sixty-five less than it was sixyears ago ancl yet they have one teacher more. afternoon last etween Mr. Fred Kerr, of Creditor', and Mr. Wes. Snell, of town, for a pecuniary consideration, resulted in a tie, each killing fifteen birds out of twenty. Owing to scarcity of birds the tie was not shot off until Tuesday afternoon when ten birds were shot at by each, Mr. Kerr killing a straight ten and Mr. Snell five. " A Successful Man's Experience. It was decided at a special Board A well known business man has said meeting to ,ask all' the teachers to that if he was a,young man going into hand in their resignation. business and had only $500 to start, on, Messrs. Carling Bros., seta num- he would spend at /east $200 of the berfancy chicken this week to the Ont- amount in advertising. "For," he . aid° Provinicial Winter Fair, now argues, "who on earth -would know being 'he'd at Guelph. They are a fine where I was or what 1 had to Sell, if I lot of birds and with doubtjes bring did not advertise to tell, them." The back witii some of the orizes. gentleman in question has built up a It is expeatecl that the new Masonic very large business through advertis- Lodge room will be ready for occup ing and koows whereof he ,speaks.- Exchange. , ancy :thout the 27th of this month. •If - this be ,the ease the newly elected Pied While oft a Visit, officers will be installed - in the new There died at the residence of Mr, hall, and the dedication ceremony will Peter McMartin, on Sunday morning also take place the same evening. last, Percy, the two year old, son of Torltish Scalp removes dandruff stops falling out of the hair, promotes - its growth, relieves irritation and iteb- ing of the scalp, gives a beautiful gloss and perforne to the hair and restores gray hairs to their natural color. It is the Best Hair Restorer on the market. Sold hy C. Lutz, Exeter. ' Mrs. JohnMcMartin, of Paisley. Mrs. McMartin came here sometime ago to visit at her brother-in-law's, and dur- ing her stay the child was afflicted with tubercl osis of the brain,and gradu- ally weakening succumbed to its fatal effects. Ile Was a bright little child and vvill be much missed in the home. The remains were taken to Paisley for A man down in Mississippi went to burial, a nervspaper office to have a not,ice in- serted Othout, the death of a relative, Euglisti—Waite. 'What air your charges?' he asked of A quiet house wedding took place at the manager. "We charge two dol- lar's an inch," Oli-bf said the farmer, "I can't affotal that William, he was six foot and three inches in his stock- ings." . • The councillor who will Introduce a by-law reading something like this: "It shall be the duty of each citizen to keep hi S sidervalk clear of snow, or in eases the ice cannot be removed with- out injury to the sidewalk, it, shall be his duty to strew ashes, sand, or other like substances thereon,"will certainly hae a seatin the council board for the residence of Mr. Nelson Keddy on Tuesday last when Miss Olive Waite was married to Mr. Sidney English, Professor of Music at Hamilton. Rev. R. Millyard conducted the ceremony. The duties of groomsman and brides- _ _ maid were dispensed with, and the ceremony was withesSed only by the membera of the household. The hap- py couple took the 5.10 train on their honeymoon trip for London, St.Thoin- as and Glencoe, after rvhich they will settle down to the sterner realities of life in the city of Hamilton, The Ad- " •• -190.., , vacate extends congratulations. , nesday) i, afternoon whereby Exeter contributes to the happiness and Coin pleteness 6f another distant home. We refer to the marriage "Of Mr. An- drew Lalinnie, a Popular druggist 0 Detroit,,but formerly it resident of Exeter, to Miss Susie Tait. The cere mony was performed about 4.30 b3 the Rev. W. M. Martin, 33. D. There vvas no best man, no maids of honor arid no one to give the blushing brid away. The ceremony over,the happ) couple were driven to the clepot,wher the y took the 5.10 train for their fut ure home in Detroit, The contracting parties are prorainent in social circle and the warmest wishes of their many friends accompany them to their new home., The Advocate joins in extend ing congratulations with best wishe for their continued happiness and pro sperity. ' 1 aelrsAsc,112car;i .en14:01cl line nteaonfodf;A013xcem.Y aaestu:Shliti e:vvr in da erki vis. i, chiefs. ---- Property Sales. ., , Mr. J. N. Howard has disposed o 'oneslannclred and twenty -fie acr farm in the township of Hay, bein Lot 4, east half of the east half ot Icr five, Concession 5, to Mr. Moses Gardi uer, of Exeter, paying therefor $2,500 Mr. Gardiner is now one of the larges land owners in the county. --His la tes purchase will be used as a pastor farm. Mr. Howard has also dispose of his town lot opposite the foundr to Mr. Thos. Russell, Thames Road for a good figure. Weunderstand Mr Russell is negotiating for the purchas of a house in town,but if the deal doe not go through he will likely build on the lot opposite the, foundry: Mr Howard is also about disposing o some of his other properties in town. Mr. Sidney Snell, of the 'Loncloi Road, South, last week disposed of hi hundred, acre farm in the township o Stelthen, to Mr. Daniel McCurcley, of Farduhar, for the handsome sum of $7,200. This is one of the best farms in the count. Mr. McCurdy takes possession March 1st. Mr. James Taylor, Exeter North, has purchased from Mrs. Orr, her lots of land adjoining his own property. The price paid was $50. , , House of Refuge Notes. The House of Refuge Committee met at Clinton on Tuesday rnorniug. They audited the accounts from June to December; decided to ,place fire insurance on the driving shed and contents discussed the drilling of the well at 'the House of Refuge and also as to the advisability of investing in a clothes dryer for the Winter mouths. There are 78 inmates now in the House The following is the report of produce grown on the farm during the past year as certified to by Manager French:-Oa.ts, 290 bushels; barley, 85; beans, 8 ; clover seed, 8 ; onions, 40 ; mangolds, 1080 ; sugar beets,- 160 ; turnips, 650; tomatoes, 8 ; carrots, 12-; beets, 15; parsnips; 5; plums, 8 ; potato- es, 521; squash, 25 ; cabbage, 770 head; cauliflower, '100 head ; ,ritspberries, 1050 quarts ; citrous, 15 ; hay, 18 tons; corn fodder, 1 acres. The weather was unfavorable for grain but hay and roots and vegetables did well and are of excellent quality. We built a dry earth"closet for the women and a tight board* fence at the rear of the house for better division of sexes. A number of maple trees were replaced and were mulched with saw dust yet several died from drought. 12 more plum trees were also planted and are doing well. Ourfall plovving is done ad the soil in fair condition for another crop. a bundle of 100 fives for $500 and loose change for the balance. " On going home his wife asked him where he was going to place the money for safe- ' ty until the next day when he Was t� give it to a friend, who wanted it for a ; time to pay off a mortgage. 1 -le re- plied, "in the drawer." She thought ito would not be safe there so took it from him and placed it in the sitting e room stove, between the upper-outer, lid and the inner one. "None will , 6 find it there" she said and as the stove was rarely used she said it woyld be safe till next day. The very next day s a neighbor's &lighter corm in todo some sewing and to be out of the way went into ,the sitting room, and find- " ing, it rather chilly put a fire in the ii iffiiiacg="11,11"r •_=211"'"'ara.,011re? Vt/e have again, placed hito Stock another shipatent of LADIES' CKIF-T•', so have -11(.11Y VQt'y large assortment to ehoose front. Every body it'll° neects one of these garmeots for fall and winter wear should make rise at this grand oppoitunit3- and secure one as early as possible. It is needless to give colours and prices as yoa will find any shade arid price to suit yotirself right here, „ We nai<xlit al -so ell] your attention to Fur Goods they are beoinnino. to move out. It is well to buy early in this line. GENTLEMEN. Our Ready-to-wear Clothing Stock is com- plete. So when„ you want your new Suit or Overcoat just call at the old . E SI3ACKMAN fletialquttrters for the Celebrated W. E. Sandford Ready Made Clothing. IIMESSIIIMIIIIISIDESIDENNINIZEMEMEM • , S t ta stove, uuk 'own o re farmer s wife. " When the man came for the money,„ the farmer, who had not been home, came and asked his wife for it. She told him hnd judge of his surprise and horror when he lifted the lid to find only the charred remains. Takipg these. up as they were sinouldering he placed then r under the stove and rushed out to his friend, who said 'get into the rig and drive to the bank," which he did. When he arriv- ed the manager, Mr. Hurdon, told him to get the remains at once. He then drove home again only to find' that Ins wife seeing the smouldering heap had taken them and put them into the fire,thus destroying all chance of recovery. ,,, Council Proceeding's. , Connell met pursuant to adjourn- ment at Town Hall, Dec. Oth. Absent, Councillor Muir. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. Arm- strong -Muir -that the following_ ac- counts be passed and orders drawn on Treasurer for sarne:-Thos. Flynn, la- bor, 50c.; James Creech, cover for Gas- oline Engine, $1.75; Fred Gillespie, freight and cartage on gasoline, $1.50; Fred Hoist, tile $10.60; James Willis, timber, $7.00; J. T. Westcott, saktry as Truant officer, $10; A. E.' Tennant, Veterinary examination, $2.00; H. Parsons, pumping water, $3.75; Tre- naine & Snell; electric tight to Dec. 1st $78. 73; W. J. Hearnan, cool North end fire hall, $8.00. -Carried. Evans. -Levett-that the following 3:tersons be appointed Deputy Returning of- ficers at the following named Polling ubdivisions. Poll No. 1, at Silas Llandford's, residence, J. T. Westcoct, D. R. 0.; Poll No. 2, at Weekes' mar- ble works, James "VVeekes, D. R. 0.; Poll No. 3, at Mitchell's office, John Mitchell, D. R. 0.; Poll No. 1, at Town Hall, Geo. H. Bissett, R. 0., and that 13y.law be proposed confirming said tppointments.-Carried. Owing to the isgra,ceful condition of the road lead - ng to the stockyards at the G. T. R. tation, and in view of a largely signed etition of the business men of the Village and farmers of the surround - ng County, asking the Clouncil to ale some steps to have the yards InZiveci to the East side of the track, t was moved by W. H. Levett, sec- ncled by 3. Evans, that the Clerk send opy of this Resolution to the G. T. R. Officials. ---Carried. Levett-Armo trong that Council adjourn to Mon - ay, Dec. 16th, at eight o'clock, p.m.- arried. This being the last business naeetirig of the Council of 1901, all par- ies having accounts against the Cor - oration will kindly hand then" in efore that date. GEO. H. B1SSETT nuiversary of James Street Church. The services of last Sunday. and-- the ea -meeting on Monday evenin.g mark. d another very successful anniversary gt it a !") A ill the history of James St. Church. rDespite the almost constant rain an _ 1 Ladies' Fur Caperines, special values $3.00, $1.50, $6.25, $8.00, $10 and -tip to $35.00 each -buy now for , Xmas --Stewart's. - , Higgins-liutueston. -A very happy event took place at the residence of the bride's mother, intent interest, by those who were , 1VIrs. S. B. Ilinnestocls Renal'', on Wednesday evening, November 27th, at six o'clock P. mo when her eldest daughter, Miss Mary A. was milted in marriage to Mr. Robert Higgins a prominent yourrg farmer of Osborne. The bride, who was handsomely gown- edinwhite organdieolooked charming, and carried a bouquet of white roses. Rev. George- Jewitt performed the coreinOny, which made the happy couple one, while his little daughter, Ena Jewitt, rnade a pretty', maid of honor. The wedding march was played by Miss Higgins, of Exeter, sister or the groom. After the ceremony the happy couple were warmly congratulated by the assembled guests, numbering about sixty. After which all proceed- ed to the dining -room, where a taste- fully arranged spread awaited then. The remainder of the evening was sPent in nausic and games. The young couple intend taking up their residence on Mr. Higgin's splendid farm, just east of Exeter. Guests were present from Peterboro, London, Brucefielcl, Wingham, St. Marys, Exeter and other places, while the numerous and costly presents testify to the high esteem in which the bride is held. T.he bride will be much missed in the Sunday school and Epworth League of the Methodist chinch, where she was a wa),'S a wil mg- and helPful oameat meet on ,ebruary. 5, Sunday, large congregations were in ur ori • GOOD VALUE YOUR 11ONEY S 'WORT!' That's what every one wants when ,buying furni- ture, and when value is coupled -with new and up-to-date styles, it makes a combina,tion, which is certain to win trade, th.ese.are the points which have made our furniture business what it is and which will continue to increase it in the future. Picture frainin.g and all kinds Repairing promptly attended to. FUNERFIL IDIRECTORS BerifeLf (3f Ottston, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. .HICKS , CI1EERFUL 'CALL TO • CHRIST:NIAS BUYERS. .• - Beautiful gifts, /lever so cheap." Our fine 'display of Holiday Goods is open and ready. The newest. v- elties, the best selections the most appropriate presents for one find all at fairest prices. , , • C hrisinzas Attractions. Do not fail to -,citune in and see our Olttristnias Attractions in Watches, Clocks, Jervelr,.*; Silverware Novo elties, etc. • . Anew supply of Wedding Rings' and Marriage Licenses for the,: Christ- * mos Rush. . , • jialiding Offer. For one year from Dec. lst, for every baby born in Exeter and vicinty • we will give a baby ring or pin. Mlithers, bring in your- babies and get fitted. II? YOU WANT TO For Bread, Buns, White Buns, Brown Buns, Graham Biscuits, Cakes of all , kinds, Cream Puffs, Wafers, Fancy Biscuits, Plain Biscuits, • Wedding Cakes a specialty -Iced and . beautifully oenamented at a" reaso- nable price - Cakes or Pies made to order: XXX - Bread delivered to all parts of the town, on INIendays; Wednesdays and. Saturdays. We will be pleased to • call on you. - • • , We are agent for J. Garnmag & Son, Florist, London. . , Floral designs for fur 'erals, or flowers of all kinds on the shortest notice. • E. -A. FOLLICK. Lzotor11:11E:tato Agonoy a •in R HICKS Sell N irtrendance, birth. morning ,and even= k'at ,ing. Rev. W. R. Young, D. D., of ' • _ IF :YOTT WANT TO First Meth. cla itch St Tho nias condriet- -.`s•tg'sitAVIVAIWidttife-Niet:A/AVAret:".Eilit'AWiail?.V(Y4 ed the services. His sermons were -a. to practical and forcefutl presentations of 4..,';" , , p.,,,-,,.... K---t gospel trtitli, and were followed with ' a'.: ''aI E i g 4 -';'.. if i' .... :.c v n 41 ' privilege.d to hear them. This 'Was the preacher's first visit to Exeter, but it is hoped will be by no means bis last. On Monday evening the tea was at- tended, as indeed is alway.s the case, by 'a great concourse of adherents of the church and friends from other congregations. , After an esxcellerr t repast, served by the ladies in the school room, the pastor, Rev. C. W. Brown B. D welcomed all present to enjoy the occasion, and called on Rey. W. M. Martin to lead in prayer.' The prograni was an excellent one. The ad- dresses delivered by Dr.Young and Rev. Geo. Jackson. of London, a high- ly, esteemed former pastor, were among the best we have evenhearci kI such a gathering. While interspersed yvitli flashes of hund mr, they were re- plete with strong aninstructive ,thought. Great credit is due the choir of the church, and their leader, Miss Brown, for the excellence of the music rendered both on Stmday :and at the tea. The anthems, solos and organ voluntaries, called forth much favor- able comment. It is eviclentthatJarnes Street church is'enjoying a large share of prosperity and enters on further work tinder 'Very favorable conditions. The proceeds of the armiversary =wont to $192.00. Efforts are ben' r made to have Par - worker. The ADVOOATE joins vvit Mr. Thomas 13. Tarte the well-known theirfriends in many exi°"ding Watt" 'brewer of St. Oatharin'es is dead, *Awnwm,mmAmvsnmwitmwmwm,k,,,wirs' congratulations.-COm. '11 th FARM Progressive stock breeders, ',dairy- men,' poultrymen, grain; :root and fruit growers, beekeepers, agricul- taral stirdents, and home makers find .the articles and answers ' to 1.1; clnestions in every' issue of the FARMER'S ri; -A. ADVOCATE:%'%' z and HOME MAGAZINE • simply unequalled and indispensable. ▪ If you are not already a subscriber • to the most helpful, best printed anti beautifully illustra.ted farmer's paper 1. published, we invite scrutiny of a sample copy. A post card will bring • it free. Address: • THE WILLIAM WELD CO,,tiroit-attl, PS—TheD°suN' b ?cripion pd c, 5 per year, iirclirdes also tire sji • Xmas Number, Buy- or Sell Town Property IF "YOU WANT TO , . , Borrow or 1.etiel.1%loney " IF YOU WANT Collections Made IF 1/. -OU WANT ' , Your Life Insured IF YOU WANT. 'TO Go to the Old Country BY ALLAN LINE CASH PAID FOR FURS. Call at the Undersigned „,. JOHN SPACKMAN, Office over 11. Spaeliinan's Hardware Exeter. Sonth littrott Farmers' fastitute. At a meeting of the director of tha South Huron Farmers' Institute, held on Tuesday, at Hensall, action was taken to affiliate thisinstitute with the , Winter Fair held at ,Gtielph. This will entitle all persons presenting mem- hership tickets for the current or incoming year to free en try three times , each day to the Winter k'air to be held December 90" to' 18111 1901. The regular Institute meetings will he held at Bruceflehl 60 Joviality 10th, and at Exeter -on the following day, January " - , • , , ,. • • • , • , • , , , • , . • • • , • , . • , • • ' • . • , -, • t : , • • , „ •.!