HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-12-12, Page 5THE Oxvitr tirocatt) s published every Thurahly Morning at the Office, .61AIN-STREET, * EXETER —B3 the ADVOCATE PUBL I SH I NG COMPANY TERM OP SUBSCRIPTION. On Dc41a! pe t spaid. " na'nuifl fcit1:1 in 121TP elp' :1: if noo No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid, Advertisements without spoelfied directions will be published until forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. Eacry desCription of JOB' PRINTING tUrIled, out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, money ordersr 8m., for advertising, subscriptions, etc., to be made payable Chas.IFI. Sanders, EDITOR AN» PROP prot'esstonal. C ar d S . 4 H. RINS1IAN, D.D.S., &DR. A. R. KINS- ;.... •••••,....•.' .., MAN, D.D.S., D.D.S,, Honor "'graduate of Toronto Univeristy. • ' . DENTISTS. Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects Office in Fanson's Block, west side Main street, Exeter. DR. 1). ALTON ANDERSON (D.D.S. L.D.S. DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental Surgeons cif Ontario. Also Post Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dontistery (with honorable mention.) Allnminum, Gold and Vti1 unite Plates made in the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an- aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth, Office one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter. Medical .., DR. T. P. McLATIGHLIN,, 11EMBER OF THE College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Aceoucheur. Office, Dash= wood, Ont. Pr. John D. Wilsou, Office and Residence, 2011 Queens Ave., London Ont. Special attention paid to diseases of women. Office hours, 12.30 to 4 p.m. ' ..............•,....................cm•pita•Ce• lAegal, "a DICJESON & CARLING, BARRISTERS, SOLICI. tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners. Solicitors for Molsons Bank, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices, Main street, Exeter, I. R. Can:mice, B.A. . L, II. Melts& FW.GLADMAN, (Successor to Elliott 8: maGlad- . n,) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Con- veyancer, Etc. Money to loan at lowest,rates of in- terest. Office, Main stre-et Exeter, ' otammega.....a.,...e.e....ranovrannaimaocerra•tmarragenccoscs, A.netioneers . 11BOSSENBERRY, Grand Bend, Licensed Aim- . tineer for County Huron. Sales promptly . attended to, and charges moderate. Orders by mail will receive every attention. *nBROWN, Winchelsea. Lieened Auctioneer. . for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex. also for the township of Ushorne. Sales promptly attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged , at Post Office, Winchelsea. •. Insurance. ELLIOTT, Insurance Agent. Main St. Exeter, I ....._.-.... .. — _,... The Molsons ., (Chartered by Parliament, . • Paid. up Capital._ - .......$2,500,000 Reserve Fund................2,150,000. Head Office, Montreal. JAMES ELLIOTT, , GENERAL' MANAGr,R. Money advanced to good Farmers notes with one or more endorsers at 7 annum. • --t-EXETER BRANCH Open every lawful clay from 10 a.m. to , -•• urclays 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. A. general banking buSines's :11.7RRE1TT RATES Allowed for money Receipts. Savings Banlc at Scents. , ., Dthasox 15 CARLING, • N. p. ' e Solicitors. Bank 1855 )" I • Esq. on their own per cent. per -- 3 p.m; Sat- transacted on DepbsitS• 1 .- Ituaeo;i, Manager. • .CREDITON. . . . . RhilR 0 We have remodelled Mill • i I to the Gyrator , • tem: the beat making Good ' Those desiring Bread should trial. plan rgive PromplIll. . - , it our * Sys-' . . for 1 Flour.: GOOD us a ( . . Iristioll DOile - . swEiTzEn • Lord Strathcona is still seriously ill. • Rev. James Preston, father of Mr. T. • A. Preston M. P. P died at Brant- fiird. • • , H A.rkfnan of London Ont., fell oa a C. P. R. train at Fort Williain and was killed, • '• Three Boer laagers were rounded up inSouth Africa Thursday 'and 250 pri- soners captured. JoSePh Belanger Of Ottawa aged eighteen years, was killed by falling OU() of a highWindow. Willie, M.uldoon, aged six, drowned - Dyspepsia ' That means a great deal more than pain in the stomach,else it might be easily cured. It means that that organ lacks vigor and tone and is too weak properly to perform Its functions. It means, too, tbet much tbut is eaten is wasted and the system, generally under- nourished. , W. A, Nugent; 13elleirille, Ont., had dys- pepsia for years; so I3udan flan Luis Obispo, Cal. Mrs. C. A. Warner, Cen- tral City, Nob., was s� afflicted with ib she could scarcely keep anything on her atom- ach. and became very weak and poor. , , • flood's Satsapicirilla permanently cured these sufferer's, accord- ing to their'own voluntary -statements, as it has cured others. Take it. " Hod's Pills cure ills ; the non-irricatina and ouly cathartic to take with Hood's 'SurSanarilla weasoulamosmazgazipiwi "Wt.' Relieve those Inflamed Eyes! Pond's Lxtract Reduced one -hall' with pure soft water, applied fl equontly with dropper or eye cup. the congestion will be removed ancl the pain and inflammation instantly relieved. CAUTION !--Avoid dangerous, ir- ritating Witch Hazel preparations represented to be "the sumo as,' Pond's Extract which easily sour and generally contain "wood oleo,- hol,55 a deadly poison, oeke-rsese-; et,e-eeeexcee:.orkswe's'saer. ,,,wlatteizazastostautics. 55 ' Mr. F. II. Cler,gue has subscribed $5,000 and the stone required to erect tn addition to the G-eneral Hospital at Sault Ste, Marie. STOPS THE COUGH AND WORKS OF THE COLD. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets, cures a cold in one day. No Cure No Pay. Price 25 cents. It is rumored that smallpox has broken out in Ottawa University. The last census statement gives the population of Quebec as 1,615,572. Mr. J. G. Currie, Registrar of the Count y of Lincoln, died at St.Cathar ens. Leamington sufferedfrom clestrue-, tive fire, five business houses beino• burned. 'THE D. & L." 'E31171,SION OF COD LIVER OIL taken in cases of general ebility and loss. of appetite, is Sure to lye the best results. restores health and renews vitality. Davis & awren ce Co., Ltd., Man nfac tures.. - - The report. of. the • postmaster-Gren- ,nil for last' yeas' shows a' notable n'ease in all 'branches Of the service. - h reven un der penny. postal rates now ekeeeds.the revenue at. the time lie change was made.. ' IN TUB CENTER OP APRIOA the 'Tame , „ f .has spread. , The. natives sse it to cure cuts,wounds and sprains., is well as bowel ceniplaints.. Avoid substitutes, there's only one PerryDavis' 25b. and 50c. n DOG Kick a doe, and he bites you. , He bites you and you kick him. he more you kick the more e bites and the more he bitel he more. you 'kick. Each akes the other worse. A thin body makes thin lood. Thin blood makes a hin body: Each makes the therAorse. If there is going o be a _change the helpmust oine from outside. , Scott's _Emulsion is the right help. It breaks up such a ombinatiOn. First it sets the torna.ch right. Then it en- iches the blood. That trengthens the body and it egins to groW* new flesh. strono- body makes rich lolo,d and rich blood makes a tropg body. Each makes the ther better. This is the way cott's Emulsion puts the thin ody on its feet. Now it can et along by itself. No need . . of medicine. This picture represents the Trade Mark of Scott's Einulsion and is on the wrapper of every bottle. Send for free samPle• SCOTT & 13OWNE, TORONTO CANADA soc and all druggists. ed in the Red Inver at Winnipeg while pIayirig on the ice. ,Ms. Riehard Tothill, of Barrie, shOt himself dead, but it is not known that it Was not an accident. ' The remaius of Miss Bessie Blair and Mr. Harper, drowned while skating at Otto wa, have been recovered, A locomotive fell on Jerone 'Sander- aitS theM ieh igan Ceti is -al roundhouse in SL. m tiewas badly crushed, - but not lotted. For Neet-I crarrp,n An Ilowei conciplainkts :0, aati!3"11 a quick rerhody. }iarif 0fl!Y oho PAOI4KILLER. Prmuy' 155v18'. Two r.Uzcs., 25e, 7 OEWFT 11118 2,000 MEN. NEARLY CAP'EUIII010 SCOUTS 1.11VDTait COP, WILSON. GTON'S SCOUTS ARIIIVE IN '1'0 PREVENT' 11', THE BOER SPY SYSTElt IS ER V COMPLETE. London, Dec. is re - to be close to Heilbron with 2000:,men, and to have emu° very near surrounding IKitehener's Scouts under Colonel Wilson. Colonel llinnagton, by making it night march of 30 mile-, relieved Colonel Wilson, and both columns retired Co Heilbron with a .few ca.sualties. London, Dee. 10. -The Cape Town cor- respondent reports that he cannot vouch for the absolute truth of the following story, but, as it is a.ecepted as gospel in the district concerned and is worth tell. Me- on its own merits, he gives it During last December, just before was visited by tile invaders; Alm \Um -T. was honored with the visit o'f an orean-ormder. His musical repertory was of a ,,pronounced , loyal character. `The turning of the handle almost alwa ys evoked the strains of "God Save the King," ''Soldiere of the Queen," etc. ,Ilere was a line opportunity for the loyal sect to declare itself. After a se- lection oppcsite the house of a well- known "passive -resister," a peremptory order to "move on" came from its oCcu- pants. The adjoining house happened to be the domicile of a flag-waving loyalist, and, needless to say, a liberal retaining fee was offered the boycotted itinerant musician, who, nothing loth, made the welkin rhig with patriotic airs, to the delight of the loyalists and the discom- riture of the anti-loyals. For the next few days the organ visited -every honse of any pretensions in the neighborhood, and. though the loyalists were in a min- ority, the music grinder's treasury bene- fited hugely by this species"of racial op - Alas for the poor loyalists -it was a wile of the Boer Intelligence Depart- ment, for the manipulator of the ',organ was a Doer spy. whose method of dis- covering "who '$ who" in Calvinia was in- fallible in its result. GREAT ,CAVE IN MONTANA. A 'Large River With a Cata'ract,.and ETidences of Prehistoric Man. Butte, Mont., Dec. 10.-A new and wonderful natural cave, believed to be one of the largest known, has just been discovered in the canyon of the Jeffer- son, on the line of the Northern Pacific Railroad, about 50 miles east of Butte. A partial exploration of it has been made' by a Butte newspaper man and a .small party. Several days were spent in the -cave, and explsrations made covering an extent of 10 miles or, snore and a depth of nearly 1,000 feet. A lar,ge' river with a calaraet of about 100 feet was explored for a distance of several miles without discovering its source or outlet. „A few articles of stone and copper utensils and some bones believed to be human, were also discovered in one of the large apartments explored. There were„other evidences that at some time in a prehistoric period. the cave Was -used as 'a habitation. J. W. Gilbert, a scientist, believes tiler. an earthquake closed the entrance to the cave and killed its inhabitants. The present opening to the eave was made ,by some lune -quarry- men at a point 1,600 feet above the bed of the Jeffer- son River while engaged in blasting rock. The formations of stalactite and other natural decorations throughout tne eave are pronounced the most' beau- tiful and varied ever seen. A more thorough exploration is to be made as soon as proper equipment can be pro- vided. • • FoucEE gra typ,',T...70 PRISONERS. He Itimself So Reported to the British -The Bodies Lost. London, Dec. 10. -The War Office has issued a despatch from the General 0111. cer Commanding Lines of Communica- tion at Cape Town, stating Pte. John Rooney and Pte. -Michael Colman°, 1st Battalion Connaught Rangers, were tak- en prisoners at Dordrecht November 16. Officer Commanding states that he has received a letter from Fouche stating that he hacl shot these men. ' Bodies cannot be found. MR. CHAMBERLAIN AND GERMANY. Question in the Reichstag Postpon- ed by Minister's Illness. Berlin, Dee. 10. -Dr. Hasse, the Pan- GuenirnpIiarineyadetr,aliind in hniseiephiSilLau)gIos, e Laots brining the Fe inburgh speech of Mr. Chamberlain before the Reichstag, by the sudden and possibly diplomatic illness of Dr. Von Tidelniann, the Secretary of the Treasury. It was 1)r. Hasse' s inten- lien to start a discussion. on Mr. Clam- borlAin's remarks during an interpelkt- Lion to -day on the subject of veterans' pensions: ALABAMA. PRISONERS ESCAPE. Thirty-nine Cut Their Way Through. a .16-iriclt Wan. Birmingham, Ala, Dec. 9. -Thirty-nine prisoners serving seritenees for minor crimes escaped froin the Southside City jail early this morning by digging through a sixteen -inch brick wall with poeleet knives. Five of • them Were re- captured this afternoon. 47 Miles in 32 Minutes, London, Dec.'. 10, -The promot- ers of the London, & Brigh- ton Electric Railway inake the startling- nreneuncemont thttf, they will convey passengers 4.7 miles in 32 snin- Taos.' The sugt,mstecl length of tee tun. /selling IS enorinotie. 18 is proposed that there shall be 14 tunnels with a total length of .10. 1-2 Miles, Thescheme is looked upon as an interesting but costly experiment. FREE FIGHT AT TIENTSIN /IAN TROOPS AND GEII,MA.NS KILL EACH. !tree of a PlinDattle. Compan' liSISI S ve-cuti 'tl'<ottntled - Three G4'1'12;17:11'1 and an 01/1oer Wountic,,d-Gerausli Opened Pir- Tientsin, Dee. 10.---A sentry belonging to an Indian regiment stationed here san amuck yesterday ansi killel twa of his cunirades. A company of Punjab ill- tary was at orese turned out to secure him. in the meantime the sentry had eeell shot by German troops, who then opened fire on the Punjabies. A free field, castled, as result of which three Gei•mais privates were killed and a Ger- man officer auogtai1 wounded, while three of the Indian troops were killed and several. ivere wounded. The German troops liti.ve been confin- ed to 'their barracks until further orders. THE MARE.ET ItEPORT'S. Another Advance in heat -Live Stock Trade. Active -The 1.41..IeSt 1/1101.310.0118. Monday Evening, Dec. 9. Toronto St, Lawrence Market. Receipts of grain were, very light on the street market to -day, only 500 Int offming. Prices were unchanged. Wheat -100 lin of white sohi at 79e per bii. Barley -400 4.ar sold at 54c 10 62e per ba. Hay ---Was steady, 0 loads selling, at $10 to 810.50 ior timothy and $0 to $8.30 for clover aua mixed. Straw--rour loads sold at $0 to $10 per loan. The Visible Supply. Dee.0,'01. Dee.1.0,'00. Dec.11,'99. Wheat .. -55,240.000 61,49-1,000 56,202,000 Cern .-.10,030,000 8,762,000 11,24t,000 Oats6,410,090 1O,875;000- 0,077,000 Rye .. „ 252,000 1,284,000 1,344,000 Barley 2,800,000 3,273,000 3,003,000 Wheat increased 2,850,000 bush the past week- ; wheat decreased 685,000 bush a year Montreal Live Stoelc. . Montreal, Dec. 0. --.There, were about 000. head of butchers' cattle, 20 calves and 400 sheep ;aid Minns offered for- sale at the east -end abattoir to -day. The wet morn- ing din uot prevent a large gathering of the butchers, and there VMS a good demand tor thp best cattle and etaves,•hut the com- mon stock are still hard to sell, even at the low prices prevailing for such cattle. There were no really gOGLI cattle on the market to -day,. and 41 per 10 was about the high- est price paid here to -day, but 41,/,e per lb was paid at the yards for a. better class of beeves. Pretty goird animals,„ solsl at from 314c to 4c, mid the eumnion stock at from 2c to Sc per lb. Canners paid from -1c to 2c per lb for small bulls and lean cows. Two uf the best calves on the market were sold for 525'and the others went at from $2 to 58 eaell. Sheep sold at from 21/20 to 3c per lb, and the lambs at from 31/0 to nearly 4c per lb. Pat hugs sn10 at about Gge per lb for good straight lots weighed off the cars. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Dec. 9. -Cattle -Receipts, 24,000; general market 5c to 10c lower;. goo's to Prime, $6.40 to $8;•. poor to medium, $1 to $6,25; stockers and -feeders, $2.25 to $4.50; cows, ,51.25 to 04.75.'heifers, $2.50 to canners, $1.25 ;to $2.50; bulls, $2 to $4.15 ; calves, $2.50 to $5.50. uogs-Itecelpts, Z0,- 000; 5c to4.10e,Iligher; closing weak; mixed and butcher's'', $5.85 to $6.35''good to choice heavy, $5.45 to $6.45; rough heavy, $5.00 to $5.80; light. $5.25 to 55.00; bull: ,of sales, $5.80 to $6.30. Sheep-ItecelptS, 25,000 ; steady to strong; good ..to choice wethers, $3.50 to $5.25; western sheep, $3 -to $4; na- tive iambs, $2.50 to $5; western iambs, 52 to 54.25. East Buffalo Cattle Market. East Buffalo, Dec. 0, -cattle - Receipts, 5,500 head; good demand, stronger for good grades,others easier; ;nod]. ltIll weights lower; best steers, $6.50 to 57; fairly good to choice steers, 06 to $6.40; good to•choiee shipping, 85.60 to 03.90; fair. to medium, 54.85 to $5.50; mixed butchers',' $3.40 to $4;.. com- mon to 'choice heifers, 53 to 55.25; 'export bulls, 53.90 to 54.25; cows, 51.50 to $4.40 vents, $6.75 to $7.25; common to good, $3.50 to $6.50. Hogs--Recelpts, 28,500; fairly ac- tive; Yorkers, 05.80 to 55.00; light do, 55.70 to $5.80; mixed packers, 06 to $6.10; heasY, 00.10 to $6.20; pigs, $5.45 to $5.70; roughs, $5.25 to $5.50; stags, $3.75 to 54.25. Sheep and lambs -Receipts, 24,100 head; lower ; choice lambs, $4.75 to $4.85; good to choice, 54.50 to 54.65; culls to fair, $3.50 to $4.40; sheep, choice handy wethers, 53,60 to 03.75; common to extra mixed, $2.65 to $3.40; culls and common, $1.50 to $2.50; export ewes and wethers, 56.50 to '53.60; yearlings, 53.75 to Montreal Grain alit]. Produce. Montreal, Dee. 9. -Grata -111e demand for oats has improved and sales of Manitoba feed oats were mad6 at 40c' to arriVe on track, and several ears of No. 2 white at 50c on track. No. 2 white are quoted at 51c: ex -store. l3uckwheat sold at 5341e points east; and peas at 801/Je to 81c high freight west. Flour -The Lake of the , Woods 'Alining Company have.advanced pieces 20c per bar- rel, making best spring wheat patents $4,30 and strong bakers' $4. Ontario grades have also advanced'10e to 15e per barrel.. 1Ieal-As supplies are -light, prices are firm -at $5.50 to 55.60 per bri and at $2,70 to 52.79 per bag. . Feed -The demand was good and prices are firm at 521 for idaultoba bran and at $23 for shorts per ton, including hags. Cheese -The market is quiet. but firm Finest Septembr makes 100 to 1014,e; finest Ontario Octobers, 0%c to 97/5e; finest town- ships' Octobers. 9:3/4e to 9%e; finest -Quebec Octobers, 95,c to 9',/se-: Butter --There is trfatr jobbing inquiry at unchanged prices. Finest townships' fall creamery, 201/20 to 2“%e; finest Quebec toll creamery, 204e to 201/2c;: western dairy, 1541le to iee; Manitoba dairy, 14e to 15e. Eggs -There is a good local demand and prices are firm. Strictly fresh sold at 26C to 28c; selected cold storage stoelt'at 22c, and Montreal limed at 17e to 18c per dozen. Provisions -There Is a- fair. demand for man lots, to „all immediate requirements. We quote as follows :-I-Iettvy Canadian short-cut meas pork, $21 to $21,50; family short-eut clear pork, $21 to $21.50; pure Canadian lard, In 20 -pound pails, lithe; eompeund refined lard, in wood pails, 20 - pound,' 8%e; Boar's Head brand'in 20- pound wood mills, $1.95 to $2, and Globe at 0.721/22 to 51.80.r 20 -pound tin pane, 14e per Ib less; hems, 12e to 14c, and bacon, 141/2e to 150 perteawile,at, mark' ets,. Closing previous day. Closing" to -day. . Dec. May. Dec, May. Chicago. . . 7814 8.2r;, 70 5139New York 804 857 80 081s Toledo 8514 87% Duluth, 1 nor-. 7614 . 7014 7714 81 Mimic:teens .... 761/2 7855 '77 7014 MIlwankee,1 nor.. 7814 ' • • 70li • • Detroit,. 2 red 8814 87 110 St; LOins ....... 8414 85 851/2 llritislt illstrkets. I,ondon, Dec. '9.-ciose-whcat,.011 passage sellers at an adVance; cargoes about No. 1 11611, passage, 351; iron,,Deeember 'and anniinf.y, 11014 ad sullors. 11athe, On pas- sage rather firmer. When t --English country markets, ot yesterdaY firm, I'vencli country markets of yesterday, didi. r_Liverpooi, Dec. 0.--Close-Spot wheat firm; No. 1 standard: Caiicorala, es 3d to Gs 84,1; Walla. no stock; No. 2 rec,1„ whiter, Gs 21,Ad to ,fis ; No. 1 northern spring, (is 11/2d fo Gs 4d; futures steady; May Gs $%(1, Spot corn firin; Old, 55 7d to 5s 7140; futures q11101; January 58 11451,'March 5s 414t1, May ris 1T%l, Flour, 1.14 611 to 1.0s Paarls; Dee, 0,--0penhig----W1a en thile 601114 Deceniber 221 40e, Match 1171(1 411110, 231 • • Dec. quiet; centher 22,5 40c, March and Juno .231 153.‘ Fleur Joliet; .tleceinber 271 80e, :Afar* and June 201 150; ' AlitNverp, 'Dee. 0., -"-No. 2- red, winter, 171. EXETER MARKETS. . , CHANGED ,PACH WEDNESDAY 71 78 Barley, . , , 00 Oats, .,, 4,2 45 Potatoes, per bag..,..., Hay, per ton. , 0 09 7 DO Flour, per cwt., roller.,.. 1 75 2 ,25 .,„ 15 ' 16 17 .17 pei'100 11)s 600 0 75 Live bogs, per ewt'" • 5 75 DressedHogs... • . 7 50 Shorts per .etvt.. 1 15 Broil per cvvt.... Cloves', Red Clover, Alsyke Geese per lb , . TerkeYs,,... Ducks Chicken , „... Dried Apples ' xeler---gmer ROLLER MILLS. p • . • FLOUR Wholesale and Retail Mill Feed 7 25 CONSTANTLY ON HAND 7 00 25 (1 Wheat Wanted "One of my daughters had a terrible case of asthma. We tried almost everything, but.without re• lief. We then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and three and one-half bottles cured her." —Emma Jan6 Entsminger, I..angsville, 0. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral certainiycures many cases of asthma. And it cures bronchitis, hOarseness, weak lungs,' whooping -cough, , croup, winter coughs, night and hard' colds 0. coughs, Throe sizes: 25e., croiigli tor "II n ' -,ja.t right for Oren 1-‘,'"' -rdn,s-rY nele, San) colds, Ole.; 111, hoarae- 51 :c ,e11,011 'to lino., 711e.‘"tbnlieal J. 0. AY2a News ofthe Week An immate of the House of Industry at Athens, Ont., namedTryon, ed away and was frozen to death. TO, CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Brom° Quinine Tab- lets. All drug,givls refunfl the money if it fails to cure. 25e. E. W. Groves' signature is on ench box. Patrick Donovan, for thirty .years gateman for the G. T. R. at HuMber Bay, was struck and instantly killed by a passing engine. To cure a cold in a night—use Vapo-Greso- lene. It has been used extensively dtlring more than twenty-four years. All Druggists. • The Government has ordered. 1,200 .suits and 600 extra pairs of trousers for the new contingent from,the Sanford Company of Hamilton. IMITATIONS ABOUND, but insist upon getting the genuine "D. & L." Menthol Plaster. "The D. & L." has stood the test of years. It cures. Its imitatioas are impotent. "The D. & L." is made by the well-knowen Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd. -- Mr. Aildrew Carnegie has offered $10- 000,000 ,to the United States`Govern- ment for the purpose of establishingat Washington a national -university for higher education. 'TETE IMMENSE PINES OF CANADA fur- nish the basis for that peerless cough and cold remedy, Pyny-Balsain. It cures quickly and certainly. Of all druggists," 25e. Made by proprietors of Perry Davis' Pain -Killer. The Department of Agriculture will reserve a section of the new cold -stor- age warehouse at Ottawa for the pur- pose of studying the preservation of meat, dairy products and fruits of various stages. Mr. Kettley's little girl, about two years old, was burned to death Friday morning. ,The child Was left alone in the house, and in some manner its clothes cani,oht fire, and before as- sistance arrived it was burned beyond recovery. • EXETER Real Estate Exchallge, , The Sale, Purchase and Exchange of Village and farm lands and properties negotiated at reasonable rates of com- mission, For Sale. Several Valuable Farms in HAY, USBORNE, STEPHEN 'And McGILL- IVRAY; also Three very desirable Re- sidence properties in Exeter. Farms Wanted. We have purehaserS for good farm and in the vicinity of Exeter, or who will Excham,^e. APPLY TO Wm. Bawden David Mill - Valuator. Manager, - OFFICES: Dickson & Carling's New Bloc*, Exeter. ' STEA , Having jut sopened up business we are prepared to supply all kinds PUMPS, - FITTINGS, WATER TROUGHS, WATER TANKS, ' FANNING MILLS, &c WO pAY speeial attention to ill kindS Plumbing', We do .i.nything in the litw of 'Wood 'F'-ork, and -REPAIRING of nv description Charlton & Keddy, ' North Town' Hall, EXcte For which the high- est prices will be paid. T.iniWotohyobdajon.uWdcgo0BhBatILo.nEvneticreKSd daeseoii A DRIVE IN MUS Ha v lug pel'ebased a large line of New Music at a job price, we will sell it at five cents per copy until Decetnber 1st, 1901. . LATEST HITS. The collection em- braces some of the latest hits in Songs and Instru- mental Music. PIANOS S.: ORGANS. Our stock of Organs, Pianos and Sewing Ma- chiens &c., will be found new and attractive, tboth in Price and Quality. S. MARTIN OUR tiEW PRE" We have moved into our new pre- mises opposite the Central 'Hotel ancl are now open for business. 'Olir pre- mises.are modera ancl we give you .modern and up-to-date goods arid made in the most modern style. We Personalty . . . . Cut*Every Garment That's made up at this establishment —as well as fit it—and look after all the details. This is only one reason why our prices are moder- . „ ate. Gent's Furnishings . Come and see us in onr new place of business and examine our stock of Gent's Furnishings. Bert. Knight. EXETER FOUNDRY J. MURRAY, Manufacturer & Dealer • ... Portable and Staionaryt En gimes and Boilers; Plows, Land Rollers, Mowers, Etc, Iron pipe and fittings, re- pairs on Agricultural Im- plements and general ma- chinery promptly. attended :to,.. FOR SALE. 30 B. P. Boiler, 251-1; P: Engine COtu plete with Pump anCl lieatnr, also about 1500 feet of inch pipe. 1 P 'l.'o faodnLiv cerr uO (Tr M:1C. For Ltng Troubles, Severe Cnrlr4, Few syq^crs rnitc pro OP, lu as 1101111)1 nodin 'I be D. tisplo.ah ini ci,e,t1be. 1111 buld youupWel th t ol po1168of esh ; I ,ring you to health il eoe, rind 551 ,00 'bottler,. DAVIS & 1.,AWI1ENClE GO., Lielital.