Exeter Advocate, 1901-12-12, Page 2E A BURDEN, 'HE CONDITION OF M. GAR- DINEK SMITH'S FALLS. He Siet 'Miserable Days and. Sleepless Nights—lands," Teet. and Limbs Stiff an Swolleu. Prom theRec.ord, Smith's Falls Ont. •.--- "There is went -leaf -0 talk about Din l'iuk Pills, wiry don't you try them ?" These words were 1,tdclrOSecl to Mr. Andrew Gardiner, of Smitit.'s by a ,frieed when he was in the depths or despqadeney regarding his physical coadition. For thee() years' he had suffered so much that life had become a Imeden to him and oftentimes he says, he almost wished that he might die. Then he spent :miserable daysand sleepless nights. now he is enjoying 'life. Then his feet, hands ood limbs were, stiffand swollen mid he was tormented with a constaat stinging, creepy sensation in his body which gave him no rest QJ or night ; 21,071 he is as stipple as ever he was, with the stiffness, Ism ewelling and the creepy sensa- tion all gone. Pe attrilertes it all to 1.110 1156 Of Dr. 'Williams' Pink Mr. Gardiner is a man of about 65 years, in old and highly respected resident of S'n i t h's Pal is. Having heard a good deal of talk aboutthe improvement enected in his health by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills the Record sent a reporter to ascertain tbe ex- act truth and Gaediaer told him substantially what is raletted above. 1 -le said that he tried a number of doctors—as good doctors as there were in the country—but got no re- lief. I -Te was given to understand that the trouble was caused by bad cireulation of the blood, bat nothing did him any good. Ea could not Nv,3ar boots his feet were so swollen, and when he tried to walk his legs felt like sticks. Finally he was in- duced to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a trial. Ile took six boxes, he said, but did not see that he was much better. rfe determined to quit taking them but was persuaded to continue them, for a little while leng- an Irish host, was always sure of to women in middle life, aad no wQ- wera.s ilmiaidrotvaleecad ein ten rih nboxcens Ihiee acceptance ; and among other nobles man can afford to be careless, when whom the King and Queen have been. ben kidneys are, in any 'way „threat - had taken twelve boxes he was so pleased to visit are Lord Salisbury cocci • KING EllWAIC,0 AS A GUEST ...- ALWAYS WELCOME AND EAS- ILY PLEASED, Coin asatively Few Have Been ivieeteed to Entertain. the Nino and C/1.1Well, While the privilege of, enter:tabling. the King. of Eng'and - the object and crown, of tile highest social am- bition, it is an honor sO enviable and costly, aad demanding so much tact, tliat is naturally ,limited to, a for- tunate few. There has !,,Litc.)liably never been a sovereign who has been enteitained m more English houses than King Edward V11. before his ticceSsion to the Throne, and there certainly has never been a lloYal Prince who reaS been a more welcome or easily pleased guest, says London rInt-Bits. But, however simple in his tastes and unexacting his requirements, he waS the last to forget neat was due to his pooa. When the Prin- cess of Wales accompanied him the greatest care was exorcised in the selection. of hosts „and. guests alike. and if there was the slightest failure in the etiquette or respect dtie to the royal guests the visit Was never re- peated. For this reason the houses which have been privileged to enter- tain the royal couple together are comparatively few, although ia many of them they have been veryertOquent At Goo dwoo d o u se they almost invariably spent a weele each yeari as guests of the Duke of Rielmmed, who has always been a great persopal favorite a the King since his early boyhdod, and who was one of the very first to etitertain, on a -truly regal scale, Queen. Alexandra when she was a -,youtlifid bride, , The King and Queen have spent many deliTitful weeks at Eaton Hall as the guests of the late DUKE 01' WESTMINSTER, , always a favorite host ; and in later years thd. Dake of Portland has been privileged to see. much of his present, sovereigns at Welbcck Abbey and at one or other of his three Scottish seats, , An invitation from Lord 'Iveagh. who has all the traditional charm of I BE)) TilliEE YELItS. Tilt] HOME), 0 IXE 1 "rItussia is the home of kissint„,, and this national salute dates ba.elt to THE HAPPY .ENDII`sTG 0 F A vIt'sr SERIOUS AND PAIN- rcuL CASE, Nrs, Hughes WaS VekY Ill—Bloat- ed and, in ConStant Misery, She Suffered, for Four Years Before She Used Dodd.'s Kidney Pills— She is Now Well and Happy, Morley, Ont., Nov, 25 (Special).— Nelson Lellar, Justice of the Peace of this 4plaee, vouches for the truth' of the following interesting story, told by ,Nirs. TheS Verification, however, will not be necessary to those who know Mrs. Hughes, as that lady is ono of the most highly respected residents of Grey County. Mrs. Hughes says:-- 1was a great `suflerer for four years. I was treated by fodr doc- tors and a specialist from the Unit- ed States. 1 tried nearly every kind of medicine 1 could hear of, but none seemed to do me any good. was in bed Ler nearly three years. ` had pains up my spinal column, in my head, over my eyes, aeroes my beck, through my left side, and occasionally in my right side. ' "Poe three nights at a time, 1 would never close my eyes in sleep. .Ww3 terriply bloated, so that could not sit up or walk. My age Vas fortyesme.sahen S. was 'taken siek. , have taken. in all fourteen .boxes of Dodd's Elideey Pills, and. now 1 1 am strong, and able Lb' do as good a day's work as have 'ever been. The (lectors said 1 had Rhellinatism• They said. that noth- ing 'could be done 4or me, "I Was not .able ent anything, only COrn starch or ,soup of some Slade My weight` had. inCreasea irorn 112 to 147 pounds. am now down to my normal weight again. I can never say enough for • Dodd's Kidney Pills, for I am satisfied that they saved my life.".. There are many ladies suffering ,as Mrs. Hughes did although but few may be as low as she was. Deranged Kidneys are responsible for 'almost ,all the, trouble that, comes the Stan° age. The poet who said that 'ISiseing goes by ,favor' had not been to Itussie or he would have nnewn that the kiss is an establish- ed custom in public as well pri- vate affair" 'This is what a reader says Who has lived most of his life in St. -Petersburg. "As many kisses as shots are ex- ; changed on, a, big field day with the I Ruselan Army, The Emperor kisses his °Slicers:Alio officers kiss each oth- er, men ernbrace lovingly; old gener- als niae; in fact; everybody is kissing and being kissed when the Czar re- VieWe 1118 0'001)8. "On a public holiday the mistress oi the house salutes all her servants, both' male and female, with a morn- ing hiss, while her lord and master scarcely enters or leaves the room that day without, first bestowing a Ides on the forehead, cheek, 'or hand 01 his spouse. SOZEI aliT for the TEETH' 25a 011' an average 240,000 people are staying in Paris hotels, 4,000 of wliatii are foreigners. Usef ul At All Times. -=-In winter or lu summer Parmelee's Vetretable \rill cope \rah nod overcome any irregalari gies tlic,ilkfostive orgsns which cluing'. of dictfoclu-ulii.f" c of residence 01' varintion of teinneratUro' may Iring slictl I be alwayql:ept at and once their. ben eficial action becomes \vn, no one will be 'without el,e111. `L'Ilere is n0. thing nausenting in their Structure, 2111(1 the 1110St delicate can ttiso them cOutident ly. Gentleman( to house agent)—"The disadvantage is that the house is so damp." 1 -louse Acent—"Disad- vantage, sir ? Advantage, call it. In case of lire it wouldn't be so like- ly to burn." Sleeplessness.—Wbeti the netn'es ara‘nn strung and the whole body e'vee up to wretchedness. wheu tbe tilled is filled with glown mal disinal forebodings, the restflt of deratig,•enietie• et the digestive organs, sleeplessness comes to add to the 11 stress. 1e only the subject could sleet) here would be oblivion for a while aol empoi ale 4... e . Pills will not Only induce Sleep, lult wil .101; so beneficially that the, subject \rill wal:e refreshed and restored to happiuese It is several months since he has ins ,rnson ' ' *tt ' ' cured Mrs Inuothes of this n England uses 10 per cent. of sul- well that be did not need any more' at Hatfield House Lord Posebery at what taken them and he has had no ree ---- ---'------1 . home, Lord n unborn°, very bad case, will cure any case. -bleat of the trouble. IA' hen the repor- ter saw Iiiin he was wearing Inc or- dinary boots, and he said he could get into and out of a buggy ns from which to select those they well as any man of his years in the would ear, to dieet. a discrimination country• which the Prince never failed to De. Williams' Pink Pills are the exercise, although as a matter of and the Marquis of Abergaveuny. Dodd's Is:Wiley Pills are the onl.y EVC11 in. such exalted houses it was always the custom to submit to the Prince and Princess a, list of guests friend of the weak and ailing. They Sect the lists submitted by such ex - surpass all other medicines hi their I porienced and taetful hosts required tonic., strengthening qualities, and make weak and despondent people bright, active and healthy. 'nese pills are sold by dealers in medIcine, or can be hadpost paid, at 50 cents per box, or six boxes for 12.50, hy addressing the Dr. Williams' Medi - eine Co., Brockville, Out. ELK FOR QUEBEC. little revision. It Was also a rapid point of eti- quette that such visits should be re- garded as strictly private, and any- thing like 101 01 receptions or State with Motve'Wle her Grils orm xternini- In housee where he is ceremonial "Inc to be avoided. More dom to h remedy 1 evernured Blight s Dis- ease, Diabetes, or ,Dropsy, and they Parc never failed. phur in her .gun -powder, Sweden only 0, .and Germany Al 441) 4 I tiglA snit vrortzt: orr the (t.cld. Laxaelve Brome-Quinine Tablets cure a cold In one day. No _ure. ;so) as. Price 26 ecnta. than the King and Queen. Al! that Oak, ebony and mahogany are the the King really expects is that the three best known woods which are heavier than water. entertainment shall be simple. If his host wishes to please him the meals must be both simple and -short, for the King is no lover of elaborate or lengthy meals, and a dinner that lasts longer than an hour is boi e - Help your elildren to grow strong mid robust. by comiterectine envtirin- Chet causesill-hted h. Oce great 0141151' of (es ease in children is worms, Remove stem than one unfortunate host who has a frequent guest this limit is always 1114" it "'ever fat's' discie• t ' 1 t de art rigidly observed, and a careful study been in e otig o p from this rule, even to the extent of is made of the, dishes for Which he erecting an arch or of floating a few has a preference. loyal flugs, 11115 had occasion to re- - 0 eret his indiscretion, for his future _ Heivenient to Restock the roi invitations have been declined. ests with. '3:hem. Another point on Nehich the Xing The proposal to stock the woods ei the Province of Quebec with the Canadian wapiti, or American elk, 'is Ending great favor. At one time the wapiti was abundant throughout ihat province, so that there is not the slightest doubt as to the adapt- ability of the woods of Quebec for its habitat. Less than, a century ago it was very plentiful in the Saguenay dis- trict, where the Indians 'wilted it to such aa extent for its skin that it, tunate fellow -guest has reason to becaine extinct. It is improbable r'eMember, and the house in which tnat it was similarly destroyed in ft:1 parts of the province, and anoth- er reason is given for its disappear - But the visits the King loves best of all are perhaps those he pays by 'himself to intimate friends --especial- ly- when there is a prospect of good has always insisted is that he shall sport. On these occa.gIons he has be treated as a private guest and always been less exacting, and he has not as a future sovereign—a request honored many a host who has good which demands considerable tact shooting to offer who would scarcely from host and guests alike, for none -have hoped to entertain him under but a person of rare social tact other conditions. On " these occa- could consistently draw the line be- sions, too, he can escape still fur- tween familiarity on the one hrnel ther from the ceremonial of hiS and undue "formality on the other. d nary life and enjoy hirnself in as While the King dislikes needless care_ natural and unconventional a mony, no one could more crushingly as Pc Pleases1 resent any fa.ralliaritY that verges on Among Ids favorite hosts in this disrespect, as more than 000 11111 or- capacity in the past have been -the late Mr. Alfred PoS,hschild, Baron Hirsch, Lord James, the late Sir Charles Hall, and other intimate friends and 'lovers of sport. Now tbat the Prince has become a -King the area of hospitality will naturally be more restricted ; but whatever houses our King' and Queen honor with their presence we may be sure that -they will always be among the most delightful and easily ed of, guests. ,There are ten times as many Ger- mans abroad as foreigners in Ger- many. The latter number 800,000. (51110 A CO. OLIN (*J511) toy. Take lot:CW/7e Promo QuInitte Tablets.. Al tm rgiBts refund the money if it fail* to 01110.B. W. (lroye's signature is on each Ilex. 21e. way Ono of the peculiarities of the va- nous families of the deer tribe is their tendency to change their habit- at from time to time; not simply by roaming backward and forward, but by deserting, entirely a whole prov- ince Or other large tract of territoFY ,in which they were formerly very ;:ttrundant, and making then- appear- ance in localities to which, for at least n long time past, • they had been absolute strangees. The de- parture of the wapiti from the whole of Eastern Canada within the last century is an illustration of -this Pe- culiarity. Another is furnished by the recent appearance of red deer in Large num- bers on the north shore of the St. Lasvrence, where they „had not been :seen for many decades. 'They have !been plentiful Upon the south shore ;from Maine to the St. Lawrence, end ,have lately taken to swimming ..ttcross tile river, as well as to wan - ;tiering down east from the Ottawa I eand Gatineau di'stricts. Some pee - Tile think that the largo. increase in the number of wolves in Northern Quebec may have something to, do with the migration of some of Wiest, animals. At . all events there is no other reasonable explanation. ,of the disap- pearance of 'the wapiti, or ,elk, from both ,theprovinces of Ontario , and Qnebec within the last few 'decades. ll'he only localities wherein it is now known positively to exist upon this , continent arc ,the, foothills of the American ancl Canadian 11 0911110 and; :the costetry stretching away thencel acro.'s the inountains to the Pacific Ocean. 3i1 this habitat it is stilL plentiful enough to afford the finest and itiost exeiting sport,. If the government, adopts the ge.Stion to reintroduce, the elk into this preVince it is probable tlia t number of the aniMaIS will Ix: 'brought alive from. the Ilockyl Mountains .aad libera,ted the Lauren tide, National Park; large preserve Irtaintainecl by the goverruiv.mt, to the nortiveY. ' bac,. ea-nee-es-ea—a_ II:1)001,1d uses 450,000 tuna 01 1(1 a yea r, of which 'London takes 1 13 0 ,•"-- 000. Thera are 1,0 24: t) left al .i.ve 'out of a total 1870 of over ten etili 0115 he has experienced any presumption of this kind is not likely to- stand well IN IIIS FUTT3RE FAVOR. Happily such experiences are of the rarest occurrence, and both the Prince and his amiable Consort have been ab1e. to enjoy all the charm of a privatevisit Without ony fear that advantage will, be, taken of their temporary lapse into private char- acters. .11. is notorious that no guests are less fastidious and more easy to please or anxious to giye pleasure BABY'S HEALTH. The Teet'hing Period Dangerous to Little Ones and Very Trying to Mothers. • What • 'mother does not look for- ward with dread to th.e time when baby shall be teetning?Its, that time baby is -restless, feverish and irritable, and freentently there is some ,disorder of the bowels and stomach. The poor little sufferer is fighting -one of his first battles' in 'this old world of pain, ancl if net aid- ed in his fight May Pc overcome. Ev- ery wise mother helps the little' suffer- er as much as she ean, and the ino-' thers who 'have been' most successful in this respect have 'found that Ba- by's , TablotS give just. such 'ELS - S is tan ce,als tile, lit tie, one needS. Mrs., W: ght, Aro ckvi 11 e;, says;rr ' I Parc used, Baby's. owil Tablets Le frequently, and am much pleased with thorn. I find thein especially r,atisfactory during baby's first year. I have used them in teething, in vomiting, in colic, in indigestion; aud in the disorders of the stomach and bowels usually accompanied by restlessness and fever. The action of his° Tablets has i.liways becn all that 'could be' desired' Baby's Own. Tablets Inc a Swect, pleasant little lozenge, that all aPi!- (105 v'll taile' readily. They Gnu be 0,11:theri or dissolves f in nater end a d- iyanistere(1 with safely to even t be. Youngest infant. tiarciitcecl to cont.:tin ro 2niate or any of the poiii- 0061111 5t11P1 tha.t mIsIle. ths'S se-emieci SOS thipg iliedicinee dangerous to lite tie ones. If you do not, find :Ba.by's Own. Tablets at your druggist's, send 25 on t, to tl/c I/r.Wi 11111115 Modieine Co Ilrocl'ville Oni nnd a box will be fwat P1u i' 1111)11 posb- id There are C56,000 grains in. 0 bushel of wheat, 16,400,000 in a 'bushel of clover. Minard's Linimeni. Cues encruffi The 'population of 'the 1:Tnitet1 Kingdom is esthilated' at 41,454,578, ubile that .of England and Wales is 32,,526,075. Tbe Irish figures tie 1,556,546. This leaves 4,871,957 for Scotland. London's population 4 5"r? 063 For over Firty 'Years W11419L00I.6 SnorrttNo Strittar has been used by millions of mothers for their children whits teething. ItgootheB the child, nfteu, wows. al 0)5 1)1410, curet wind colic, regulates the stomach and 1,00015, and 151110 ter:, remedy for Dir.vrMen. Tr enty-the cenia a bottle Bold tr drutintsts thr,stgliont the worldlie sure antI aok for" Mita W114t1LOW't3 S00E1315(1, bY14.7314." Mr. Mttcltellar, the, King's garden- er, has arrived at Windsor from Irby ..,-,Iii 3,,an aliov, a, collo 10 lacerate Sandringham, and hkis taken over por3r throat end lungs ann run die risk of the irnportant duties performedfor tilling a, conc,unitaivc,s grave, when, by the last ten years by me, . o' wen the tiMely 4)50 02 pickle's .4k0 ti -0011;.411111 V., Thomas, whoet'1res froM t y rive SyrP11111 up tiP11111Can be allayed , It]'service. he r°a, I danger avoided. This syrup is elenmir t 111. —.-4 the taste, zuul unsurpassed ter relieving, ... henling arvi curing all affectioes of the thrt at and Imigs, colds, coughs, , broil - 'Wit's, etc., etc. Goo Not d for Good Teeth br td Teeth .4Seeee Isopoelone rein/aid 25c. Lare Liquid end Powder 750.0 At all stores or by mail. Sample of the Ligidd for the postasA30. ' HALL Se RUCKEL, Montreal. ,trio" number rqt0mftecal491. The Dawson 001111111SSi011 CO., :(imited, Toronto POIVign4440 DU, ol ro ullry, Butter, Th:gs, Honey, Apples, Deana, Onions and O'ther produce soiltgted. UTTW This Cut is in Miniature. MACHINES THAT WILL KNIT. We want more membe10 af.' ent o bo do knitting f r It Ileum '.5Eo jsinn, prepaid, utar chino, yarn, mei all 4,1 st.rd uotte.a‘ry to do the lyre5 freo, owl pay good pri 01 IN t,.;ASH fur the wcirlt Ita tootas it ie cornttlotrd Thla 5, 0 excel>. t "nal opportunity for !Iota haying t-uare hnura Go G 01 the r h eel 0 momenta !nth etttis. S tit stamp for nin part culara 14 omit,. Hand ,nitters also wanted. Standard Hoe Dept 13, Tolento, Canada- WOC1( (II V011f 110IH .101. Nlaite6 to,ppo stitdies ,rer „ e..n=ese.--...s.esisesecemeee,....,:oeseteen.see.resse.sereme=wo A MENTAL APPETITES Torn—' 'what is your idea al3out getting old 7" Dick—“Getting old ? Well, a man is riot old until he finds his future so uninteresting that his thonght,s have to feed on his past." Minard's Liniment Fieliev3s tienra'gia The Earl and Countess of Seafield, titter a long and pleasant holiday 'in the Old Couetry, are about, to re- turn to New Zealand. They are both natives of the colony, and en- tlateiastie Maorilanders. Mind's Linimia3t fur sale averiwiler ._.- On 172 miles of its, line, the St. Gothard •Railway has 824 large bridges and 1,060 artificial struc- tures. The line cast $800,000 a Beware ot ointments for catarrI2 that contain DiePeury tts linerenry will urely de -troy the sense of Felon and ,ompletely 13 ranee tho whole wy-tton WO en 01,1 trIng 1 broiled) 1,00 ;nn' 0114 surface,s. 1-;111:11 010 ,145 hcmld no'el' be used exectpt oft nrczerip'ion, teem reentn.blephesicians, as ihe tn,y wi 1410 .5 lb • f 113 5 th.• good Yotl n possibly derive from Cern, Ha 1', Catarrh Cu 'e, manufactured by 1P.J. Cheney o. To- le,!". n., cotAains ne inercti-Y. snd is token in- - tern:illy. acting directly upon the bfood end roneen4 turfoee,, of the system. In buying Itatt Catarrh Cure be sem you get the genii inc. It 11100 internally,and maths in rele'lo Ohio, by J. Chancy & 0o. Testimonials free. _ . .Sold by Droggiats, 'price 75e Der bottle. Hail's .Family Pills aro the best. Statistics show that Britain is feremost, among letter -writing na- tions, France laggiug far behind in tills matter.' — Eta 71as "I'ri 11.—Mr. Jahn And e'lei0.11 1211110,-t:t, "11'4411(nre to say few. i „any, have received greater hollefl1 from the use o.f 1.J1'. Thomas' Ely,lectric 011, than lizive. I have used it regularly for eve ten years. end heve recommended 111 (4 all sufferers I knew of, an11 they al,,o 10111u13 it Of grin 111100 it: eaScs of severe bronchit is zinc! incipient c.onsion 01101 Ireland's stock of horses decreased last year ,froni 610,415 to 597,6,1.1 a .(0-11 9frlr:%` ./774. ItTIEU31/01'.1S1l1 CURED. Jas. McKee, Linnwood, Ont. Lac:111in McNeil, Mab0-a, C. 13. 1.John A. McDonald 11 rnprior • Ont C. 13. Billing Alarkimm Ont, John Mader, Ma hone.,Be y, N.S. Lewis Butler, Burin, Nfld. `Mese 'well 1(nown.gentleme.n all as- sort that 'they were cured by MIN- ARD'S LINTAIENT. X :RAYS AS DETECTIVES. The sesta' authorities. 01 the Ai- lteiuhliC axe asing.- the „ The area of Europe and Australia, together ahnost exactly equals that of South Anierica. North America and Australiacombined would al- most cover Africa. The 'never failing medicine, liolloway's Oorn Core, )emove.; all kinds of corns, ten Itts ere. • even the most difficult tore- ii.o1111>eed.i,.ncanot )vithstawl this wcnderful t rt is believed that Ole 1st Grena- dier Guards will go to South Africa ".1.2ecembeie • Roentgen , rays to detect. the dia-. nZ/Dg mond s and other le harticles- iviiich ave bcretofolG m Jten sug 7ill Powsier 2,5' 3 cliff 1.,009 feet highe, arm.; call, on a clear (10:,4%.; See 0 ship at d 'stance of 42 Dti les . gled in, letters: ' he postal laws , bid the opening of suspected letters, hut F-rn.Vs have been found to be enicient detectives instead, 111 4it(lIi f, 01 ,1) T MAIDS, . (1,rve your gentlemen. )2.1c:rids good Le It is tinrecceSsary to go to To dia ,for a.'Mon-Soon. cad 1eciett 11 geoeees There are sevent,y-two million cubid miles of water in the. Atlantic; Oeeane 141 minion in the•Pacific. Miaard's Liniment Cures Burrigi efN -- Bronchitis kills more people In Scotland than any other disease.; Consumption comes next, and pnetie mtinla thu'd T. N. 3 5E (3 AttENTS WANTE.D. Tpon rnio ES ItECIPP,S„ 3000 :=ecie ,-. for the Homo. Farm, La horatery„ Worksht.tp: 1931 501ee Scud 26 cent,. In.the 1)001151 out 0 n't SI the money send it bucs and your money NVill bo refunded. This e. gond o delino. 011 am Mat kr:q.List, Beek Boom, Toronto. Ontario. , TF11/-$2 PER DAY SURE-GEN- tlemen r lasies--not to outwits, but} to employ 41505151 10111101) parr, ne ,nt ;GOO por y -or Ind expo sei; reti bo arm ; 00.4 refernlytes ; exi,e lenoa unne,o .ary. m. O'KEEFE. riddroiR(W) Truth ()Mao, Tomtits,. The sovereem 'lefties iS went. It h al, Incor,e. cu -s, Brui 15, blu.10 and S-ires. long standing or exilic. I' is 1 II. aeonlvpillyi.AT,duirsilire.isp,111:111neleld)csot. tere%atilm; eoyilegini 01 011 Caf3 t 11;i lea ja ; sernole lisroe on reeeist of 4anips. CILEAntm p0., Box E.34., Toronto, Sgt.`-, Nova and Enlarged Edition hater's int ernatlonal ictlonary of English, Biography, Geography, Fiction, ete. 25,000 NEW woRms, ETC. Edited by W. T. HARRIS, MD., LL.D., United $tutes Commissioner of Education. New Plates Throughout. Rich 'Bindings. 2364 Pages. soo Illustrations. BEST FOP, THE, HOUSE,HOLD AlsoWebster's Collegiate Dictionary with a valuable Scottish Glossary.xxoo Pages. 0400 Illustrations. Size 7:410X2hi1). WERSTEIVS rtf.rmatottal. Specimen pages, etc., of both Mcnotireef hooks sent cis application. , p. C. Merriam Co. Springfield, Mass. rzamwommismasLoweacr,,..otsmatassasaa,„ Are you a weakling? Are you one of those unfortunate young 'filen who; through. ignorance' arid bad 'company, haye • contracted .iiervouSs Spells, weak' back, •varicocete, gloomy foreboslincYs' loss Of courage and ambition lOssiif confidence ••• bashfulnesS', despondency ani' l weakneis? Dr. 'McLauglliin's Electric Belt will cure you, Arc you a- tnidclle aged man sufferina from varicocele, prematureness, indigestion, constipation, rheumatism, lame back., etc. P Dr. McLaughlin's [Electric Belt will cure you ? Are you an old man, declining before your time, having lost all ability to enjoy life, with prostatic trouble, lost strength, debility, pains and aches, and general decay of organic pow -ors ? I can cure you with Dr. Me17,aug1o1in's Electric Belt with free suspensory for weak 03.00. I. will send you, sealed, frce, my 11,-..autifv1 book telling about it if you will send this ad, Send for it to -clay. Vra ilictalJE4IRLIN Nd 1'OR0INITOOreT. Office Hours -9 A.M. to 6.30 Pelt 0