HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-12-5, Page 5,
TrIE '
(sxtt,er bliorr.a._ tti
' - - •' -
ubsitursdaY Morning' at We nee.
s plihed every T
„ , , . , ,
Sick Headache
" Bilious headache is the thing
I J .
tU,; .. . AP' P,
rc 0L. li,:tciozot, UNSBroA' Ire.isLIP• .i• ,I
Barie COlifirnted In
whe,", , ,
B., arleY,-, • • •
1?).0ae;attit.:0.,.0.,ts ,..,,I.Ii),a.
lay ' per ton.
Flo'il'i,, 66., o'
14 't b 11
am 0 ,a.. 001,
Butter..., .....
Hides.; i.;0',,• 100
-wow ,
. , ... • .
Live hogs, per
„ , , , ,, , , , , , , 08 60
,, ,
4 '
• . • , • , . ii , do
tr,.......... 4(1i, ,•flli
- • ,-, •
, ... • .. ., 0 00 r CO
wt„..1,011ei,:„. i. .-..,
' • ' 2 )0
,,, . , .....
14 15 10
lbs • 4 04 4 36
12 ,
... , ., .. . . 13
csvt.. , 5 ii -5
11. ,i,f IG.i
ri, ylou'' wantyour.Repa..._11.1.,ug ,e).3.1.1i..?1,,,,,,,
0'0 to R 1.1IcKS-IN. "Ltelie.4 -(14•0^1.-t
I7, " , ' ' ',', • ''
and Jewelry a specialty-.
11/fitrr14ge Licensee issuedund‘Ve,i3
din't)11,1nbs alwa) 0 911 11,a11 .,
Tonson's 131Ctk„ 1K,sel,c:
. . . . .
)409People that aret. abieet to it 00
nothing for It lintt1 it Proatrates. them,
Isbell they only take, a dose of physic or
S lit
, ,
., - ,
/lis ,Set,,
Victoria, B.C., Dec. 2.-,C`ol. ;Prior, 111,
P., was ufisi ated this inorning for ,V",i0-
toria, his counsel ,Eri(lulkut,,,, guilty to ,,
, . .
. . ,
One Dollar per annum. if paid in advance, $11..50
, .
' if not so pald.
15.41.-srortiaziza.0 Mcitan, cc). s.M.visalicci..
' tioxa.. •
.,Ne paper discontinued anti' all arrearages are paid.
Advertisements without specified directions will be
published until forbid and charged accordingly.
Liberal disconnt made for tralfscient , advertisements
ea 1..isteivrt,ercil Nfoar itounig.nepcei roilolcbls.in Etiiheeryti'cilleeSsatr. Llt)3t,lioel,l aefnd302-16.
moderate rates. cheques, MoneY orders, &e., for
, .
ulvertising, slibscriptions, ete,, to be Made pvable
,,L. ,.
,..;:aas. It. S Anders, .
an emetic,
And s9 it, conleS, on stion,again.,-JuSt as
soon as the stomach is' Again distuited by
the billOna habit Of Mae system
Mrs,. M. A, McLeod - Goderich Ont
Joseph Cole Reno Ohio Geo W Doll
- Is . - s - • , • s
A. Total of $1,6,000,000 I.ess Than
rreceatiig ''keal...-war De i .ti s t
. ., , pi ; 1 ug..n
Iltetio.tres $161,920,101, tlAe. Navy'
, -
$1.00,701,122 --Opening of Congress
' .
iiirinoliacks and thus eontrovertirn1 tha •
0 ., - . • 0
election act. l'he charges agains•t Mr,
Earle were withdrawn and lie. is
. , , SLP., .. .. . , • ,
therefore . confirmed ill his 'smit
I , , . ' ' ' •
Ground was broken near here fo a
600- t 1 t ' t b ' , 1. I. d ' • '
on sme ei., o Q et,1/11) 0.14; in siX
11101 1101 Mr. 1-1e11 e'0 representatives
Locust ValleYr, Pff,,, and ,J, Van Hee, Poult.
neyville, N. Y., Were 411 PlIbiect to It, and
. .
Washington Dec. 2 --TI e Secretary
f r t
are behind it,'
Pressed ifogs. ... :.... :. 7 50
Shorts per ei'vt ... .. . . 1 10
BNLI1 pet' ewt.........
Clover, R,ed, , ,.... , , 4 2n 5 00
Clover Alsyke . 5 00 6 00
' .' - ''' ''' '
Geese per lb ,,, .... 0
Turkeys ... , , „ , , , 8
12..U.Ck,..S • • •'• • • • - • • • • ,• • • • 7
:utucken .. . , ...... , ..
., .
E, xater--."idor
haVe Voluntarily teStl fled, as others have
done, that they were permanently cured by
, ,
-. , ' .
Hoe d's:' Sarsaparillcz
• Faithfully taken ails great medicine ccr.
rects the bilious habit and gives Vigor and
t°,rAleccteopatlpl 0thse4VbisttaiLotregfaonsir00.6,s sarsapa„
., . . . .
rine. I,,o substitute acts like it.
of the '.1reastiry to -day transmitted to
.• .., •
(„ongress .une estimates of r appropria-
Li- • .
vi,c,,/eis for re1011s? ffi 08. era it ii; e Gt3,-.0v:ii.k.idi,nnilegiit jsuellite-
..0 I( , . ,
, JO., as furnished by the head of '
the eevettii Execlitive depilrt:thents• The
(-otal appropriations asked for Ltre S310,-,
827,388,. 'which is $164000,000 Jess than
l he' estulmtes for 1302 000 000
THE iti4.13,ICET litHIPOIL"PS.
viz] „t„ is ipit.ii,e,r_Ti i;1-. e-gst 1..
Trade,.....-Lateb.4 4.1.1iotation4
. .
1\fouday Evenin, Dec 2.
'-''' ' ,
r•roven-tor St. 1..1,Wr enece Market.
Re'ceipts of grain, were heavy on the, street'
0111 1t 1:11,11s.jelell,fnl(Ilikl,,5010uthusstioiFols being re-
.Wheat --)Vas' stead'Y, 400 busliell.of ,Nvinte.
ecilllig ar ,,,e to 77e. per lilislael 1 000 bush.
. . ,
' otig ii. s'
, -Wholesale
U 4
, and Retail
3.'r ofesSional C•ard.s.
, . ' -71-1)ParErME&.,
and $4.,
more t.l.ri.:.tn thefor that '
tAii.. lbn:ilhheji. a.11(1 50°
ehltissli)(iilsr°0(if agto`gg
... -
, ."7
. . ', 4..
9 --lait?4,T,
-9, ‘,.
Avoid dangerous, irritat.
ing Witch Hazel in'eparat'ons
to be the Same
:appropriations .
. ., Ile . estimates ,by depar tments
a 1...e •• - - - , •
Legislative .... ,$ 10,188,690
Execittive .... ... ...,294,160
S. tate Pc1),*irtment , , , , 1520.:4484,61•:,:32258
Tr w-i'llrY DoPili't1116nt
' \Vox Depar [anent .'.. . , ... , . • 161,920,101
N av y Department . . . .. 100 701 .122
• • • • . - ., ,
IlltOrier , Department - 161.710 r3'
D.epartment of Agriculture. 5,500;540
,Departindnt of La'ber , ' ' 190580
- ,.. . . _ , , • , , ,
liePai tmellt et Justice ' 6,911,330
- tIllirley--.-Vas steady,' 2,000 buShels selling
itt c4e Lc Clic Per buslici• - ' .
Oats 'Were steady 1 000 bushels selling at
48c to -481/2,c per bli.;hCl. ,' • '•
..,J1Ye-Wils stendyr, 100 bushels selling. at
:iuileltili.)3).0(7rrIk),14isssliteils.na, 25 10:14s 0011111g it :510 to,
Mad for timothy, acid $7 to $8.50
per oad for clover. . . ,
1 w• -Was ruler, two
sia• , • ii ' . loads soulit at
$9 ell to $10 per load '
' `• '
Th.e Visible Stapply.
. Dec.2,'01.: ,Dec.3,"00. Dee.V09
_Wheat • . -52;3.09,0,00, 02,179,0_00- 55,778,0.0 -
Lora .. .....11,.22‘,000 9,442,000 11,712,00
HACINSmAX, L:lci.S.; MDR. A. Tt, KINS-
— NTAIsT, L.D.S, Honor graduate of
—= Toronto Einveristy,
, , •
teeth extracted without any pain, or awy had effects'.
)(nee in Eansores Mock, west side 'Main street,
Exeter. .
. ,
" My Wife had a deep seated cough
' ' .. . " .. - - -h
, for three' yearS. I purchased WO
bottles'of Aye's Cherry., Pectoral
Mill, Feed
lar g e size; and, a cured her
'1 pletelY "
' •
..J. H. Burge Macon Cot.
rooably you now of
i .1) I. , '.. ,
''" that
Wheat Wante
- ' '
. .
' • .„ ,
For -avhich the high.-
est prices will be 13aidL
-••••---,•r"--",-^ .
blt..D. AI,TON ANDERSON (1).1),S. L.D.S, •
' -
Honor Oraduabe of Torinito 'University and Royal
001 ofDental Surgeon,s of Ontario. .Also Post
:kraclthtte of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistory
:with honorable.meution.y . .
Alluminurn, Gold and Vuloanite Plates made lathe
leatest. manner possible. A perfectly 'harmless arr
!esthetic used fo,r painless extraction of teeth,' ,
Office one door south of Carling 13ros. store; Exeter.
. , - •Miss
,r...,' •••
as" Pond's Extract, ioillich
easily. sour ,ancl generally
comma "wood a/echo'," a
deadly Ogin. •
TOtai .... ..,.... , .. . 4610,827
.The opening of the. first, Session of the
lofty -seventh. COligress at noon to.thuy
Cts 0008 000 11,310 000 0,185000
.LIa... ...., ,,,; ,
1-1L(•le.y :: :: 32',650.574,0°0°0° ' ,131:-317785,',0°00° 31,931(i_031,00°_0°
s 'Wheat merchsed 3,481,000 bushels the past
vcek. A. year ago wheat decreased 29,000
cough thedicines re-
.4 .
..-• . .... ...tr.,
-,,,. .
•-rqr .41.4" -,-.. •••...-‘4.,.,_,
h ew to the Ca,pitel a ccreat tlitore. of
( ' ' . p> •'
uushels. ' • •
.. . .
'‘ I 1 eve little coughs all
V. , ' / •• ,
coughs, except deep ones!
g - .. .
1 ' . The medicine that has
b, _ , . . 1 ' t ..
een curing t le worst. o
deep coughs for sixty
, ,
Wood vv ante
. -
Timothy and CloverSeed
• bought. I' .
. -
. -----a-
Adelaide Tait was thrown out of
a wagon near Winnipeg and fatellv
injured. '
-BE SURE 1.Y°: GEt7TTHbE DI C E 1 Di z; YL°1:, .
ITAIT33 ALWAYS' IIIAD.--Owill g to the
. .
Menthol Plaster, unscimpolous makers
010 p tatting .up one like it. ,For ithentna-
tisin, nenialgia, &c., nothing' iS better.
mac, e
t only by Davis &,Liiwr•ence Co.
Ltd. - ' '
Coughs, bolds;hoarseness, and other throat
ailments are quickly relieved by Vapo•Creso
Lene tablets, ten cents per hox. All druggists.-
01 1,01) Pittman, enip103•ed at the
Anderson furnitnre factory, Wood-
speetators, eager to witness the eeenes
which roads" the annual, reassembling of
tile national lall'illakers. • •
' At the concluSion of the roll call show-
of .R.. wes sutet• , . m - C. 1.111
(v. , .. • )
.0ia 0 owa ant i . - 'sty • 11c. nna
. , . o
nominated. Mr." Richardson of Tennessee
for Speaker A roll call for the election
then. follolve..cl. T.I - ,:t '' •--H ' 1 ..
son, 100; Richardson, ,149,i 1.,t.yrk elNeel.'
brasIta); 1; Gunnnings r(New York), 1.
,•\•fr. ,Ilenclerson 'was declared elected, and
\vas escorted to the chair by tile ether
illree men voted for. He made a brief
, , .. .
Cheese markets.' ,
. . .
Utica, N.Y., DOC. 2: -Cheese large white,.
five lots of 340 boxes. at 81/2e; 'large colored,
1,9, let g (-Ti)g) bbo°xeess latt 918/.:/c-'? ;s1s1,1,111.1111,1,<;,70hri,t,l,
17 lots of '040 boixes it01/4e'; total, ('50 loLts'•
pf 2,1PiS . boxes. Byttcr - Creamery, 10
packages at 9.4e, 4a packages at 2ue,. 7u
.. - • , . . 9 '
LiaLes of mints at _6e.,
montreai Live Stock.
Moutreqi, Dee .".-There v r , II i S '
he'ail of hutcher.si-eattic, 30N cealeve'st °I.I'l ,Q°.
Sheen and iambs Offerea for sale at thelde)(12s?
End -Abattoir to -day. The wet enbl
weather , did not help a previousty dull
loiv prices of Thursday pre-'
snlatturokaetwaqiittili tIlidei eminnon stock. A few of
the best cattle were som at. about 4e per
pound, with pretty good animals a om
Be to 341.e, and . the common ' stock at from
1-111. T. P. Mc:LAUGHLIN, 3tEmBER. °F A1,11:1
A../ College of Physicians and Surgeons Outrun).
Rhysician, Surgeon and Accouchenr. Office, Dash-
vood, onto
ye a rs i s Ayer s Cherry
'ir's .... 1 •••
reCtOral. •
,, -
ilVE IN IViiiStb
Dr. John 1). wilson, Office and Residence, ,e0
, queens Ave., London Ont. Special attention
paid to diseases of women, Office hours, 12,$0 to 4
p,m, .
-. . „.
7.-•'''''''''''' -
I/ Tlsrec sizes: 25c,, enough for an ordinar'
- -----
.. rola- sac ilist right for bronchs hoarse-
1 ' • " • ' •
-1 eoss icsrd colds ctc.• 1,, moat ecoaomical z
j or emu.lic.j.e,ess.E.A6 .rx,TIL(mtoc,oce.,eptooNnveletema. es.
P '. ' '''' ' s''• '' ' 1 a .
a ' . h 1 1 .I. N
avAinffsipee!..ict oasjeQtb apri.11:g.:' 1,rie 4(,)...ii Zi%i
, lc(' we A 1
niolisoN,.skr. , soLICI-
1, tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Clommissioness.
g•olicitors far Molsons Bank, etc. Money to loon at
,pwest rates Of interest. Offices, Main street, Ex -der,
e III"...0,LittiNe, B.A.., L, n. DICKSON
•••• , •
_ ....„,, ,....„ „. „,,,,„,„...• . .....,.,.
it at five cents per copy until
December lgt, 1901.
stock_ was just preparino• to begin his
Nvork. when .stricken doWn 1)y heart
digeaSe, and expired'almost instantly.
STOPS THE 0011I011 ., ,
AND wortics OFF Tile, COLD.. - ,,
Tiaxative 13ronio•Quinine Tablets, cares a cold in one
dr:).Yo.'"No.-Cute No Pio. nice 25 cents. ,
'fbe gigatitie,barn.s and cattle sheds
of the Scotterlbst.iite, the richest pro-
i)ert's..". in Essex Cdtinty, ,situated au
0311)03 IV beloW Sit,nd wh.5h,were .de-
st,royecl ily fire e.arly Su ndtly MOrning.
In alleight building§ with 'almost their.
entire' Cont,ents,were burned, the total
IOSS being' ,i,laoti t $30,000. The con_
ila gra ti on s.tarted i n Orie Of the Cs'ittle
sheds in some hay, but ,the cause is
unknown. One himdred and thirty-
seven sheep were burned to death,
but the hor•ses "and cattle were sav,ed
and ;ilici s5rne grain a.nd niany valoable
• .
. _
so..,- ... ,o, ...r.,„, .,,,,,,alt.,,. -0 , i„ „
r.„.•.1.0.1 1.4r. rr,,,C .4..,-,1 .. t. rzn (-II
a Iteieeted , Lover. •
Orillia, Dee. 3.-W. That nearly proved
a e.ar
fatal shooting affray took place n,
Ardtrea, in Orillia ToWnship, Iast night.
m -"ori la re.a.
rs. ' 1 i t i -,, i , a young and good-
.,, , . , , ,,
leohing, widow, naanages ' lier own' farm
about, five miles from Orillia. Dnritir
.the suminer she had a youne. laborer .
. - ? .•.k." , f • li •.b tl 'f P I
w cn.mo oi el y le name o ew, w io
fell' desperately in, love with. his- ern-
1 '' ' •
p °Yon ..A short time ago tie went to
'the shanties', but returned, ancl on Sun-
day evening' went to Mrs. Reid's 'to ask:
her tO marry. ' him. . On Mrs. Reid re-
fusing, he ,Zot,..„,wild and used,, so it is
said, threatening langnag•e• A neielbor
named Ca,lverley,,,,happenecl in," artd..rew'
2e to 2%.e per pouncl. A carload of (0111(
, mou dry cows , hwe'e boofrom
Thursday's marketwich rld ver , NVOCO sold to-tlay at .2e
ner pound.' . Cioiners suld tit from 11,11e to
7 ,
,-I-, Per pound. A. considerable number of
the cattle win not be sold to -day. Calves
$3 to $3 each. Sheep sold
irthifiro'Init 2r.i5°,,cinto 3c per pound., There were
110110 1)011,9,11C by shippers. Lanibs sold at
from 31/10 to :.33/6 per pound. Fat hogs ere
mallet. 'lower. iii- price, ancl sold" at from
51/2c tO a little over (le per pound weighed
oll'. the cars,
East Dultalo Cattle Market.
. , .
East Pufouo Dec `)-LCat le-Recei'ts -4 -
•-- ' ' ' •• , • • -s• I, , ' • 1," '
(LA) head, ineluding WO Canadas•, good de-
enhilieve ap:iii.eadels.0 to 15c higher for good` to
stozoly; choice toothileiliegsrta.edeerss,dsu511.130untlob:ilad.:e4y:
a few Christmas steers bringing $7, to $9;
good shipping steers, $5.40 to $5.75:' haudY
butchers', $4.,50 to $5.30; bulls, $9,20 to
3$:3to t$25.1$04;.3f5r;escii° Torr.: ate°. .
ScI5Co.21‘e'e; he°elivfesi.s$,
tive. $2 to $4 per head higher, some fancy
t6 $55 to $65; veals, $3.75 to $7.25; others,
$3.5o 16 $S.50; stock heifers.
20:$:0731 ;M.,locolia..
esan stoekers ':',9 S5 to r3 40- Canada stock
eTtchoi.c6,t„(c.e,::\tra; 3
- - .,..., .....--....... , ...
il .,t7......."'"
t .;(---,,,,,L- "), ,
, ..., i
i:, ,111/1 dol,t'1911i
i': 0
. ., .4
.....- • , Of Ciljtive? OM
(Trude Mork%)
.. . s
1 0, cy T"4 GIVE YOU AN APPET;TE 1
,„,. r•Cir e g Tewe' YO'Jil MERVES!
-- ...11 A a MA it,E' YOU s71 -10N51
The collefction: tame.-
braces some a the la e. ti
. .
hits in Songs and Inqt-u-
,„_, -1,
menta,1 Music
w. ca,,vDmAi, '(SI.VJO-eSsor to Elliott & Clad-
F . mad.) Barrister, Solicitor,'ITotary Public Con -
veyancer, Et -C.- Money to loan at .16-i'Vesf•rates of in•
.-,erest. Office, ;Hain street, Exeter. .4,-...
,-,— ___
lir nossENB-EaRy, Grand 335110, EicenSeilAUe•
xi.' tineer for ()faulty Huron. Sales promptly
ittended to, and cliar,ps moderate. Orders by mail
411 receive every- attention.
, -
Dr.Th'rge''''. med, st'Pe-r'fi•I"ProI•nop.t,l
ter boom° Mnniroli ”roverihrs it ron,taaely
sild niv SlIri penniarsir. i"to'nso his narost.' "
r.118'cLe•ic., vi,eit, detell liosoiLal. Tnrorto,
WI ite they/have alsouseilytwiilltilltbestroaufts.
, 00e. and $1.00 llotrleSs.--7„,
, DAVIS .,Kc IANSTI1ENCE CO. Iffizilted.•••
., ..
, .
• - Our stock of Organs
' , . ''' .. , -.3
Pianos and Se-wing...IVIa-
'n BROWN, IVinchelsea. Licened Auctioneer
J...L• for the Counties of Perth and .illiddiesex.
Aso for the township of Usborne. Sales promptiy
attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged
at Post Office, AVinchelsea.
- _ _.., -
chiens &c. will be found
., -.........,-..........
. . ,
l' e
„: Seaf,orth , • NoeN•pesinobf etrh e R280. y-ai IH•Voht;11,
sittm a on the steps
listen -III to the harpers play, Miss
. •
Death was dire to heart failure. De
new and attractive, lbotb
-r% '
in Price and Quality..
lul i'
)surance. Agent.
titan 'St. Exeter.
li •
..,.;.• ..
e .
Does your horse "feel his
,, . , .
oats"? What a difference be-,
. .
the 0 -rain -fed and, the
t:' ' , • '' '
graSs-fed horse'!' The first
str'ong and full Of ginger, the
second flabby, -Weak and tired
- - , .
out before he beo-ins The
, . ' t,, • .
feedino- makes the difference.
.t, ,
finally drew a . revolver and shot . Mrs:
Reid, the bullet .passing- .throufglio,',,..ot he
•de•e • • a , - e oT 1.)
bri. , of liei nose. C h eil y a bed
e , . e, ...
Pew and. took the revolver from lihn '
and. after getting assiSta,nee 'froth a'
' nei,hborine. larni. -1; o look. aft er Pew,
0 e .
• •
' walked in to .Ardtrea for Constable
James, who lodeced the prisoner in the
lockitp at Orillia. lfrs. Reid and Calyer-
ley state,,that Pew deliberately fired the
shot..but the latter claims he drew,the
revplver more in the hopes of scaring
. ...e
MiS. Reid, and. When' Calverley grabbed
liiin the revolver was discharged. Dew
is' only 22 years old, and bears a good t-.,
character and has always been steady
and industrious. When arrested he had
h credits to the amount
,,, batik :book with
of $400. He bought the revo ver when
up north. he . says for the purpose of
, , ,
shooting a dog that had threatened to
bite him. The'prisoner 'prisoner appeared before
1\Ir. G J. Booth J.P. this afternoon, and
.tt i 1 B.-' .. f - +. ' 1 A
was conuni ec o anie or -rra . -4.r.s•
Reid's wound. is not ' very serious . but
- • , ' .
may prove a„ disfigurement.
.‘; .. ,
to .chOice- do„.$3..95 to, $3.40; Canada feed_
.21:11,,i,geotood..etz t,rexi t 1.$.n5,(..)$.t3c.,7$5.:ot? g$04O2(15t;onicillItsini111:
' .• ' --' , ." ' --' - .--
4 t $4 • I 0 • I •
$ 2 . o 0, spr Tigers, $6 to $oo,
choice to extra. $7 to $- 25. good to choice,
$6•50 th $7; heavy, $4.25 to $4.50; grassers.
la2lir toogg.trie0inHariasNTiltli.ioeleill.iles'cl2d94110111aneeld;
pigs Yh s•her; Yorkers .n.ncl: ....weight., n .70 'teci
.$5.80; .1Ight, $5.5 etc) $5,65; pigs, $5.35 tO
$0.40: mixed packers $0.90 'to $6; heavy,
36 1.0 to 'q6 1,'• ro gl; .s" to $5 40. stags
'S3:75 to 1.50..i; She% s;ind° lambs:-ReeeiPts;
19 000 head • lambs in'aemond and So to 10c
higher: slisepilrin.; choice to fancy hophs.
.$5.10 to So .1a ; culls to choice. $3.7o, to.
$5.05; top' mixed sheep, $3.15. to $3.50; culls -
10c1 eommon,_ $1:75 to -$2.75: handy wethers,
$3 . 50 , to 'gR-
,- .7o; yearAtigs, p.59 to $4; extra
export wethers, $3.10 to $3.85. -
. , . '
- Chicago Live stock. .
Chicago, Dee. 2 -Cattle-:Recelpts, 21,000;
good to prime $.6.60 to $(.30, pool to me-
chum •- r oo t ' $- 00• stocrer and feeders
9 ' •••,-. 1;9 .t‘ ,ri.- ',Or A • '
$. to Isla!, beifeis, . _, o „e..) , cauncts,
$1.25 to '$2.50; bulls, $2 to $4.40; calves,
$2.50 to $5; western steers, $3.50 to $5.
Elogs-Iteceints 60,000; mixed and hutch-
r r• I ' ' 1 .ri li „y
ers , $.1.65 to $6.15; good to c_e ce et • ,
$5.0o to $6.15; rough heavy, 9,, 10 to $,5.70.,•
$5 to $5.05; bulk of sales, $a.,0 to
, ,.. ... _IeZtp-Iieceipts, 30,000; choice weth-
$5 90 SI
,ers, $3.r.)0 to $4,25; DID. to • choice mixed,
to Western $3 to $1; na-
"111113=95'-' 'War
For Fresh; goocl and the choisest cuts
of mei'lt call on the undersigned.
, 'While 111 01)3' cuts of meat are the
, finest we make a specialty of meat
neat delivered to all parts Of the,',--
' ' : .' .
. . t °vitt . .
ceased 114a:been in failing health for
some time.
... ,
D 9 A shooting ac-
.Fingal, Opt., ec. t. -
oident, which may result fatally, oc-
cured here on Saturday. Grace, the
• _
five- year old.daughter of Mrs. Griffi.n,
's the victim. Her four-year-old
hold- f ' H didn't
brother goto a gun. e
know, it was loaded and pulled the
trigger. The bullet struck Grace on
. the rip,•ht temple, inflicting a bad
wound.. The doctor, who is in attend -
'. • • -•
‚ince is aft•aid of inflamtnation of the
"We have moved
rhises opposite
are now Open for
mises are modern
mo ern. an
d d
made in the most
, .
into our new pre-
the Central Hotel asi,fl
business. Our pr--.
arid we ooive -von
1 d t- -
up- o- a e gds an
modern style.
-.,`,.,;''''''''''"'""''''''`'-'''s c'st```'''''''r . t
•,-. 1
K ...
. .U7,_7-1.1
A .1`--..."''Pr'''•a
,. -1,
4 vg41 " -
, ,i,
... ... ,.
(..a .?1
_ ....., ,
We ifelsonally . ,. .
. Cut Every Garment
That's made up at this establishmen%
. -as well as fit it -and look lifter
all the details. This is only one
reason -why our prices are raoder-
- ,....
, I . '
'Joan Manning
. ,light,
The,M oistins Bank
(Chartered by Bai•liMnent, 1850.),
. '
Paid up Capita,l.'.. . .. . .....$2,500,00 0
Reserve Fund.... , .. - . . .. ...2 150,000.
-' • .• ,
Head Office, Montreal. •
' • . .
' '
Money advanced to good Farmers on their ow_u
lobes with one or more endorsers at 7 per 00110. per
, ,.. .
Dpen every,lawful clay from 14) am. to 3 p.m; Sat-
urda,sio a.m. to' I p.m.
. . , . . • .
A_ ,-,•• enei•al banking business transacted
JURRE,NT 11,1171,15 allmved for money on Deposfts
leceipts. Savings Bank sit 3,bents,
DiossoN & CARLING, . N. D, tinitnox,
. Manager.
.. solicibors. ,
Childten are not alike either.
,.,- . .
One is. rosy, Erio-ht-eyed, full
0 .
, .Twelve
of life and laughter another is
' "
pale weak and dull TiTlae feed-
i . • .
' ' ' Il.
.ino- ao-ain is responsi e
• 1 ..
• Sic.Kly children need special
feeding , They don't "feel their
n ---• .
oats . Scott's 'Emulsion 'adds.
• . r,
just the right richness to then
. • , •
diet. . If is like- ,o -rain ' to, tl-ie
iorse. . e o'C S new
1 The child t•
t; .
appetite and strono- dio-estion
o 0 ' .
Scott's 1---. 1 • •
_c_.•rmuision. is more
, • ..• . , • •
than food. It is a strong
- .
' • • 1
medicine. It rouses . up dull
• ' • , . .
,children puts new flesh On thin
' ,
ones and red blood into pale
, :. ''-.'
ones, children„glow..
Su rr en tiered -- Three Days'
. •
Without Poo d.,,,,TIte Columarido
London, Dec. 3.-A Bloemfontein
despatch reports ' that General , Hama,
toll's e 1 - t" •• ' th
o umn, opeia ing ID. edistricto,
li.cticiersburg, located some of Acker
marinas commando on November 11 hold
• - • ,
in, a stroll°. position The enemy, 111.1110
bermg DOretreated after astabbort
, ,
fioht. The column ,piarsued them•for 28.
,;-iio.s. whell theii. horses wer,e' gallo ) d
. to a standstill. . Most of the Boers had
two ones, ,f1.11 C.i.ino,e (Ailing le ,
t h d' I ' • d 1 .- el pur '
suit 0/3-io 'abandoning. one horse alto.
' '' ' - .
0.etber. The pursuit wa,s taken up toe
next day by Lowry Cole, ,wlio capturid
30 horses. '
• the enemy deserted.' Five
",l'eeive of
., _ . f ntein. The re..
S1.111 cnclei ecl at, Bloom o
maining seven were dead beat and, tin
, .
. able to reneh the cart which. had been
sent to brill.; them in. They were in a
• ' having been three (tar
terrible pho at, , , ..
without fr.,,cl.
$2.75 $3.50; „sheep,
tive lambs, $2.75 .to $5; -western.. lambs, $3
to $4.25, -, , -
Mantreal Grain anil Produce.
• • • - ,
Illontreal, ' Dec. 2. --Gra in --Business is,
and prides are unchomged. No. 2
white oats -ware quoted at 501/ec. to 51e, feed
barley. at 580, and rYe' at Me to 62c ex-
store. ' '
Mont. -There is , a fair demand at steadY
prices, We quote spring wheat patents,
. • ...3 , . . •
$4.10; winter wheat patents, $ .8o to $4 ,
straight. rollers, $3.50 to $3.60; Strong bak-
ers, $3.00 to $3.80, and straight rollers in
bags. $1 -0' to $1 70 .The tone of the
. - • • ' • - •• • • - - .
market is veto, Ilrm, with sales at So.00,pei
barrelbran, . andle
toba , selling at $1P0 and shorts at
$21 per 'ton 'including bags, and Ontario
bran is, queeed ot $19 to $20 and shorts at
'S., t 3 • • i i inilk. ' • •
r '''' `,.:' , RE -1 0
clice...c.--Tiee ina...nricci4 is fairly fictive. and
I steady. Finest .s.eptember makes, 9,yse to
:Syne; tinest Ontario Oeteber, 91Acy to 91/.,,c;
11 -,..t t di' 0 ". b .e..-. 91/e to 9r'e• lin-
_iueotvico)s _ .
eSE lk. be ` OCtOberS, OC, to 91/r3C; enact-
- Butter -There is a fairly good demand'
both local and. export. Fittest townships, fail
creamery, 201/Le; finest Quebec. fall eream:
„ t o 1 . , 1 I.- - 1.' lie to 3.6c
ei3., 20c o -0Ac, westein_t a ..-,. 0,2 r
Eggs -There is a good tlemand and mices
are lirm. "We ,euote ,fts follows:-.--Styleti?,..
fresh Stock; 25c; selected cold -storage; 225-
straight arrivals. 21c; _Montreal limed. lac
to 17e; Western 'hued, 15c to 15I/2c, and sec-
i.. , , .
Is 13c to 15e . per dozen '
.s. ;Is
V -,e, ... 1:.'n
o 0
0 es i.„,„, ......,--..,..,
4,-.), cr, ,.„7,,, ...,-. o cd o c
a fd •-.! d ,;(3;'.,,d,
0 <1 e'r 411 e ti] "3
.-.,Ct, . r.t):....._(
,....9 •-• cl
to ,I ..*.
'-1 t 4
• 'aj 7,--', al Cil p ,D 11
5„. ••> P•11, c.`1
1;• ;:-' ,71 cJ j ri- ;.,_,-,. 0 .54 6.7;-.1
- '"e".• - -"li F.,, ,.•3
!di.) 's.i
1'17.1 'N
- k.,
It....2..f -
' t5
•-• ..„-:.
Gent's . Furn.ishinos .
te •
Come and see 00 110 our new 'Place
of business and examine our stook 'of
Gent's Furnishings. "
Bert. Knight.
r-,-; 0 crd
',7I '''' o'
y V,121
•` 0 '
E...i..,-; ' _,-,
'''' ,.. . ..... o..) PI s•-•
7 ,
,T., 0"tc-) rn P. o ''
. o .r1
• z,.1
A I:
- . .
We have
. .
" Mill td
. , .._
' Bread
, ,
. . T.,
ER mi, II i
' ' • . '--.”;
. ,
remodelled . our
. , . , , ,
the Gyrator Sls-,r
. . _ . , . ,
the best plat ' for
, . ,
. .
Good Flour.
desiring GOOD
should give us a,
.' - • ,
„ .,
. , . „
titeetra azigtoklatttoggilagkakastgAo,
Mantifa. ctu'rer
. .
, 9
& . Deals,'
, ,It ..
•ScOtS EMUISIOn: makes Oldl."
' ' ' '
Is .a ,faNiN.Tly„ good demand
an prices ate s 1 >.• _ ,.. e , fi
lows:-.4.thavy Canadian sliott cut naess pork, ,
nary food, -do its
. •
- - is 000
The Colony Now , Maintains! ,, , ,
20. famil short out clenr pork $90.. pure
$- , .. Y ' ' ' ' - ' •
Canadian lard. in 20,pound pails, 111/2e; tour-
. ,, f.
q:' ,,..
,--' , ,,,,,
-, .a •••,0.
: ,:;1•-,'5.4"eg
ThiS ...pi..cture represents
the. Trade Mark of Scottie
Emulsion and is on tlie
, ,
m•rapper of every bottle.
, . .
Send for free sample. .
5oc and $i all druggists '
' •
Men--Outloolr Not DIscourugang..
- , '
London Dec. 3.-A despateh from Cape
' . . • '
TOWII StateS that Sir Gordon Sprigg,
Prime Minister of Cape Colony, during
. , -1'
11 ' f • 1 . S be, uet .
: le epuise o a speee 1 a a , nq ,, sill„.•
Cape Colony was maintaining in 'the
bull` of whoni were mounted, and thtt
these numbers were incree,sing Ive;Ai'IY.
. ' •• • ' • 1 t . ., ,
It Was a ar eat stram on 1., le . 1 easi 11 y,
Pound refined larc1 In wood palls, 20 . poll ndS,
89i.c; boar'S head brand in 20 -pound Wood
rills, $1.95 to $2, and Globe, at $1.72.1/2 to
180-90-peund tin pans 1/4c per pound less;
. •
d. 12e to 1.4er and ba'con, 141/2c to 15c per
. Leading Wbeat 'Markets.
. , . . , ,. ,
, . qloalag,previons (Lily. lo,slag to:day
. Dee. Me y. Dee. !May
80 . A
NeW Yolk ....'„ . ,' 80:A 82%.” . ..83
Ti?' led° ' ' ' ' -':' • ' 7-9 •-•%11f,"
Duluth, I nor. „ - il. .c $.1 1..s.• s
Arti.i ,.,
I l'" ' 700' . 73I- '72 . 7,:tq
11 p w RK T ,
m 0 s
• • • ILL • ... •
Portable and Staionat yt Ent
. ,
. , , ,
(vines a d Boiler P ows.
' • n s. 1 •
Rollers Moweiz.; • Ett
. •
Having just opened up , business we
dye prepare( o SUPl' ;1, u.ii .
1 t ' 1 111 ' d8
PUMPS, ' .
, . . ,
' .., . . , ,s
„_„. ,....' ,. s -
to all kinds
Wp:TarsifOoiSti attention .
I, 1,tibi..m?'
. ,
„• • ' ', .• ., __' • _ ,
wok' nd REPAIRING Of
anv descrption
North lown-Hall
,TrOn pipe and, fittino-s re
. , , .,
pairs on Aari.eultural Tin
, . tn
. plements and .g_,eneral. ilia
' • - '
ebine,r3, promptly attende4
,. , ••-•
t ',.. • •
30 IIPBo.i9.5,Ho PFngi.ne ('on
...E ,ler..1
p mmut treaAinrAalt :
1)01,1w) fcet 05 tch pipe
lete ith PJim.•
'irt=rrtrit.7..t, viirrinviriterrre....,---m...,...ver-artrs.,..r.,,agrirrt,
7,ch ,t:.1 Whole .,Story
,. 7.-,
' 9 ,I. o.
Said 'till': Prime .."Mtuster, but the colony
' • d t ' b • `t, long 00
WaS prepare, o e£L1 1 1.1 11...9 110C S ,
r r. The rebels -were being gradoa0.3
a 3
1 770111 d6I1/11 and. the proSpect'' Was 'lel'
-diseenro'in''.. , . ' •
mmoaakee, 1 Dor, r3A.
1Tetroit o red 79 82
...., „, , ,.... • - ;(-0 • •
-, i
' ;,. -, . ' Br, i_tif,h. .m,a, rkets...
i.ondon . Dec, 2O:.-close.,-Wite.fit, 'on pas-
. ,
99.ge. limn' but not active' ca.rgoes• tweet
. ,
Gristlill polo prompt!
,„., t5'
0.eany DwvIsi.).
rs , ' • eal
Pa01 FtLPolle Senn
1",.,'I:•'- eyvl: 'eI,ii.'n,,_,
hri'mamTa61•rl'11)I1 1 1110 nrl'i-
0Ee 1 1:,• e 1• o'.ner,ThIx,1....,
01 / "ItP,ekdI'
1 Tcntmd ernall
5I;;1, 2%. And s;.e, bottles.
tdirrArtrg LOOKING. POia. t'PA.„Clrt.' r
' = ' ' '
Vienna pap'er *sa.,-,s, 'fi•Ii.n..-ee. EN.•
,' " ,. '
ett., to beApproaeled
'Tageblatt, quotedby tie yiemut Cortes
, n,,:, ,.' ,U. ., rj,.° *. 9' „ .1 -,. ,,svA. Vien. e,r
pendentof The Times, say8 Wt accord,
lig to In1,ate iptcAli,erce i 000I9't, it
from The Hague thOpening of coati
dentin]pouparterS with a '110)15tto thf
1 ,,,,ls,c-ss08 nolrn 1serio0S1V CXDOit•
No 1 Calif, iron ne.c, •20s illAd paid; il'i'lli
- r. r„ „I 31'..'31, ,,, ' •\a, i, ,, .i.,,,,„.,
ciPt1cnil..AlTlit'est.t.c--ls"iLligcl'ds!'l.i: Ii'61.11.T1'.''y °IlnlaPrlY'0..t''s' ,')'.
y,2stertlay firm; .1f ronelt country 111(011 ((5 of
, l',Iverpo61, - tiall. elienOoi. ,,
vYDe -nese--Spot wheat
to i413.q,,intor,-
5sitivcto5s tliel04.tnorthernsping,
sten.adifo(,1; !.fNou-..r.r''e•1,1.s5;sp(f-1-it.:r0a1mn.'2e1c,1la,•rRd:Cancy1I,„f' 8eohs'cr1vmi,OcId a,'t,lo 5a...s1. 1,91,sr'r1.'.1/°i0 d.
prrpo,27-011011--40010016 910
NoVember, 218 8.eMarch and Jun, 2f
.. .
'' T4•sWEiTZ
m.a.Tlls'.pox. is, i`ncrets. ing inL' i(4101100 e
Citiliclis lb 10111) through the
nike tnNotivBuoino Quininent,o
etSAll cli'Lignis;9 re513111.1 the nonev
if it fails to cure. - Il.i-. 6 voNe'
.,,_,+,:.„-„„., 1-
1.1.1 lJUir
cd in Bort. eircles.
S '1