HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-12-5, Page 2A TEAMSTER'S STORY. SUFFERED GlaEATLY FROM AstrEINIA AND REM Y TROUBLES. Silent Some Time 131 a 1-10aPital aid Almost 1111POVerished seal Buying Medicines Without Benefit --- Again Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Cure After Other Medicines Pail, laroui tlie Recorder, Halifax, N.. S. 111r, William Cochrane, a well know11 teamster, wno lases near the Halifax Polo Crounds, is 0310 ei thOSO WhO 'Willingly bear testimony to -the curative powers 01 1)1, WU- liamsPink, Pills. A repoi.ter of the Acadian Recorder who had heard of 3311 Cochrane's sufferings and sub- sequeiat cove, callecl at his liome, whoa he Lsave an account. of Ids ex- peraence suOstantially as follows:a- -He bad for many you been a con- stant sufferer 11.0.111 asthma, .aceom- paniecl by an aggriwated form of kidney trouble The latter trouble caused severe ]3 0111 in the bilek. kuitl bios anci at tallies his sufferings 130 (1 very actiae. He- said he had cll.- most impoverished himself lyuying medicines of all kinds, but to no purpose; the trouble continued and scorned to grow worse as the years passed. airs. Coehrarie said that she had ircearently seen her husband chohe up and fall to the float* as though deed, anal he would have to be worked \vita and rollocl 11201111(1 idter years of sielcIleSS, by the use of ago lie spent ten days n). tne victoria Elenei.al Hospital. 'The doct,orka then thought 'that the pales in the back P20110 title- 10 over-exertion in his MENTIONS AND DREATAS IMPOR.TANT ONES DISCOVE'R- ED I.V13:117E INA DREAM. Watts Conceived the Idea of the Shot-T,crtver: While Asleep.-- Laundress in Lack, Before Watts, the Brm Bristol worlcan, drealut 'the dretim which late 1111033come historical, the making of shoet , , was a slow, laborious, anct (01(50" (1(1011t137, oostly process. Watts self was a Shot -maker, and he knew, lie had first to take great bars of leacl anal pound .theni out into sheet,s Of a thickness nearly equal to the diameter of the shots lie desired to make. He 1110(1 had to cut these sheets into little cubes, place the cubes in. a revolving barrel, and roll the barrel round and round until, by tins' conetant friction, the edges 'wore off from the little cubes and they became spheroide, says Pearson's Wats Mini often racked his :brain trying to discover sonle better and less costly scheme, but in vain. Fin- ally, after spending an evening with some boon companions at, an ale house, he went lionie and to bed. ESe soon fell into a pi.ofourgl slumber, but the 3131111110(11 be had 111113(130(3app yen t 13' disagreed W it 11 him, f or his sleep wos disturbed by turwel- come dreams. lTe iinaginccl 'was 0(11. again ''boys,'' and that, as they were stumbling lioinewited in the 111' 311it begtui -to rain shot. Beautiful g.lobules of lead, polished mad shining., fell an a torrent, ad n compelled hint and. his; 1,113111001com- panions to drap• '1,...,.heavy limbs to 311(1111051as' a, teamster, eat ions a phice of slieft'or. 31 :11) material hely. ace leaving tile 111 the morning when. Watts arose, hospital. he used potties and bottles he 1e1) 0101101.0€1 las dream. 110 111131ed .31 10.01. (11(30 but failed to find a cur0. A. neighbor of his, :Mr. Lowe, whose ;vire had been made a well woman after '3o. 1.11 of sielsuess, by the use of Pr. 'Williams' Pink 3311 1s advised him 10 11', them. II e Insect a. couple of boxes without apporent result, and ielt somewhat discouraged, but alj. aowe advised him to continue the ise of the pills, arid before the third sox. was finished, he 13.1, (11 to im- pro \ a. "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have been a GlocIsend to me," said Iti is Cochrane; they are the only shot -tower, \vhich. ever since has been medicine 1. have taken which .seemedIlo only means employed in the 10 do Inc 1111Y good. .1 bad on° Pre- mr.nufactoire of the little missiles so irDal a doctor 30111011 cost important, in sport. am $1.75 a bottle, which like 111111)37 thoi S LAU NG al A C E NEEDLE . 123Cdiel 1101 1 t001c., NVitS j SO much money wasted. I have used Even more weirdly romantic is the eight or ten boxes of Dr. Williams' story of the invention of the sewing - Pink Pills, and sny that before machine -or, rather, a) be strictly I began their use lifeeWas 101 intol- exact, of the needle winch made the erable burden1 have reason to be 11(C'011111)'1.woraing possibility. The Lhankad that I followed tho friendly ,liabapPy ieventor had practically advice that urged me, to 'use this /beggared himself before Ile discovered Inedicine.'' it ovei. in his mind ell day, and W011 tiered what shape molten lead 11 03(1(1 assume in falling through -the air. These thoughts tormented him so persistently tlnet at, last, to set his mind` at rest, lie carried a 1adle2 ful of molten lead to the top of the tower of the Claureh of St. Mary, Pndeliffe and deolmed it into the moat below. 1)eseending, lie took iron). the bottom 01 the sl7allow poor several handfuls of the 'nest p007cet shot he had ever seen. His fortune was made for ho had conceived the idea, of the 1 "Wilell dye of -Lite needle of a, Most diSOftEeS 1111,V e their origin in I sewing -machine should be placed 11,01. blood or weak neroesa and it is Naturally, in coastructing his expert - pink pins mental 10011 3113,, Models, be 10-110tved beceuse 111.. Williams' matte rich, red blood and strongtlam the plan adopted for the. ordinary the. iierves that they have met with needle. and drilled the eye in the such suceees In curing kidney trou- heel. Never for an instant did it rheumatisen, paralysis, St. Vitus occur to him that it should be placed 1310 near th0 point, and, although Ile ex- Uance, anaemia, nervous prostrittiO(1 and kindred troubles:. See that, the 3)0(3(10(1 thousands of dollars and years, of labor, he would probably -full naule -Dr. Wiliianis' Pink Pills for Pale Poople," is on the 1,1 1131)01 have failed altogether in. realizing his ideal if he had not one evening, aroaud each box. If i)1 doubMt, sencl after. a ,toilsome cual disappointing direct to the. Dr. Williams' 'edicine day Here he heard a song in his wm.kshop, visited a vaa Co., Brockville, Ont., and the Pills sung, very popular in its day, en- riety theatre. will be mailed post paid at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50. titled -The King of the Cannibal Is- -- lands." On returning to 1111. home he Pri7., CONQUERED TT -IE, BAKER. was haunted by the refrain, Ills un- - finished model also troubled. him. Great intelligence Shown by a Sanall -,ventler, therefore, that on re - Young Elephanttiring to rest he dretnn.1. thaa he was building a sewing-macrune 101 the Among the many odd presente 1'11-ilef tr. Cannibal l'slands. Also 01.11.0(1 1)37 Qucell Willieirnina was an '''waus perplexed about, the position eleplatni, which, when a mere baby. of needie,s eye, just as in his wus sent to her by an Indian prince, octual waking experience. alb tried, Fie travel`ed as a (1"k Pas"ngQI: 011 and tried ; but the machine would one of the Italian mail steamers from not sew. At length the King 'got 13onibay, and as lie had attained but wiicie, and gave the inventor twenty-, the height of a we'd grown calf and four hours in which to coinplete his was alaays docile and tractable, lie work, If -tile ina,chbie were not fin- wae pwanitted to heat: the 11731 of the ished by then, ' death was to be the deck's for an hour or two every morn- penalty. Ina-- He failed, and as a .result was or - Dy the so lors he was called the - dere(' out for ex-ecution. As he walk- "bos'n's ina.te." owing to 111e pen.- ecl iDetween a, file of soldiers he no - chant he had. for carefully picking tip ticed that 111e37 carried spears that avery. loose coil of rope that 110 could were pierced near the points, and in- laid and throwing it over the side. stonily like a flash, came to iiim 1110 being, as Jack said, -as bad as a solution of the problem. 'While he naval lieutenant for keeping the was 1)egg,ing for a11 extension of time decks tidy." • lie awoke. It was four o'clock On ,. a Among otlier acquaintonces that he bitter cold winter's 11301111111(1, but he formed was (hat 01 tee saage baker, jumped out of bed, flew to hiS work- wliose galley he 10011 discovered to bo the place of origin of all the sweet dainties with which lac was feted. Here he too(1 to inalcing a regular morning call, and waS gener- ally rogaled with a tart or piece 'of 1 ooth Powder Good for Bad Teeth Not Bad for Good Teeth Sozodont Liquid 2.5e ',are, Liquid and Powder 75e All 1)O)4 (11 by matt ler the ptice. Sample for p,, (3.31 G. HALL moNTatim. 000 111. a Winn sur, with the promise of (1 substantial royalty on each0110 Of tile new maellines., ''And," re- marked in conclusion the ' relater of the story, "if 1 know anything of laundry machinery, she ought to be - and pyobably will be-a.viorth $250,- 000 in a lea- year's tirne. :Yet, ' such was her poverty, that she Was on the point of committing suicide in des- pair, when the news' of her good for - tan le arrived.'' . HOW wr, 00'1' REVO.LVER. One of the inost reinarIcable little museunis on earth is that which is hicldea away in the Rotunda at 'Wool- wich. 13, is a museum, not of flint arrow -heads or stone Clubs, but of guns and pistols, inortars, cannons, carronacles, and other similar (30113- 13 10(31000137 modern death -deo ling cer.trivances. (Me of the. illoSt cu- rious exhibits, mid one which in- variably attracts the, notice and rivets the attention of the caeual visitor, is a curious eight-chanaberea rnatclilock revolver, datiag from somewhere about tlie year .3SSG. Concerning this weapon -tlie attend- ant has a etirious tale to tell. It appears that it was kept. originally- paior tile inauguration, of Ro- tunda 1.11118011111 -ill privaCe room at the Royal Arsenal. Thither came one day a Yankee stranger, who ex- plained that he had dreamt that 1,bere existed there a piatol with a revolving breech, am/ had journeyed all the way froie America in order to verify the truth. or otherwise of his At that tiane the collection of old firearms in the possession. of the -G 0N -comment. WuS very carelessly kept. They NV0Ile stored in boxes in an old lumber room, which was selclom opened. 'There was no catalogue. And, as a inatier of fact, the aged pensioner, 311110 was suppose to look after them, had ao idea that any weapon of the kind Willi among thena. The Amer 'can, howover, W(19 er- miLted to make a thorougn seareh, and eventually it NV ilS 011011 1' 111.1l2.1., rusty and covered with dust, frOM the very bottom of one of the old- est chests. The stranger, who gave his ntune as Captain. Colt, of the United States Army, went away ap- parently highly gratified, after hand- somely rewaraing the attendant. A few inonths later the first, "Colt," as the earlier revolVers were called, W(18 placed anon the markets of the world, and within, the next year or so were being sold everywhere by thousands. Burt one tuor.ning, when he called and extended his trunk, as usual, tlae cook happened to he in ill tuid instead of a ea,ke the elephant received a tap 011 the trunk: from. the The bloiV wus not severe, but the bos'11 turned tail aral went truinfIct- ing tip the deek, where he took, a po- sition that enabled him -to watch for bis assailant. 'Dolor() long he saiv the baker leave. his "shop," aral lutving opparently made tip his mind what to do, the 1)0511 OMP y inarched dowry, otid " 'with a few -vigerous sweeps of his trunk Cleared. cvory shelf in the bak- ery. Loaves. tarts, cakes, pat ty- pans and' cake -tins lay in a confused heap on the (leek. This achieved he bolted like a mischievous sell 00 1 -hey arid was locked bp in disgrace; but when the eircurrista.ne,es became knowri the Popalar verdict, wa,s in 131 faVor, arid lae was allowed 138 liberty as befere. Bashi was no 80011e1 Oet free ;wain thail be initialled clown to the and from thsit citty he never fail- ed to exact his tribute. It was regu- larly paid and lie and the baker be - :came tim best Of friends, ""I'OnoNTO'S PI100.1111:1SS." A bililding rerinit has just been is- itued to 11)0 'S al a d a'' 'J'eo 11110, of 'Poron,10, for extensive all 01(33,' n on_largel)atart. of their already o fin o oils p rein. i s es , n e 1 tidinie the 'building of taro 33l rastoreys. This looas liice subetantial progress and 8110 ctl< volaines for 1,he popular daily easige Ceylon. Teo-, LITTLE DROPS OF WATER. A well known 'vicar in Yora.slaire vats teaching his band of hope to sing "Little Drape' of Water." The chil- dren, however., were dull and stolid, and tit last the despairing, vicar ex - 0111111133(1„ "Now, „children, try again. 'Little Drops of Water,' and do pray put a' little spirit in it.” CAREWORN MOTHERS. Life Often Made a Burden Through Nursing a Cross and Fretful Baby. All babies should be good-natured ; well babies., if there is no outward reason for disc:omfort, tire always good-natured, and yet how xaany mothers permit themselves to be thoroughly worn out caring day and night for a Sidi; cross and fretful baby, when a little care anti fore- sight would 10111010 i,b1 the trouble and make bo-thmother and baby happy. 'ilhe little one's suffering and crossness may be caused by any one of the nuineroxis ibs that make baby lives 31,113130137 to, themselves and a constant soave() of worry and discona shop clad only in his nightshirt. and ifort to the mother, such it S 00110, by /11110 the first needle that had over been. forg-ed with_ the, eye at the point \aria lying before. Afte.r that ilts rest was easy. worms, indigestl on, constipatimi, the 1131 it accompauying the cutiang of, teeth , etc. 'When lyaby 1 eross do not; if you Value your child's future welfare, give it any of the so-called ',nava ANXIOUS '1() A rich man, liviag between' Ile, forge 5 of t wo blackenir wos con- thlualfy 11' 41371 by the noiee of their hammers, and was in (11., i1 not being ohle to rest tallier by day or by 1,31.111. Al first ao tried to induce them to hammer more quietlY 110 made thorn all Icinds of promises if they Would oaly ehango their abodes. The two„blaelcsmiths at last, fell in with ids proposals, anal he, trans- portod with joy at -the prosneet 01 t,lieir depaeture, entertained tlieni, re- gardlesa of expense, at tt farewell banquet. At the end of the feast lie asked them wliere they intended to set up their smithies. 'Well, said one of thenis "he who lived on yo.tir lett will go to tilt; smithy on your right, and he who lived. on your right will go to that on your left* LAID UP A STRONG Y.P..N ON KIS BACK THROUGH KIDNEY TROUBLE. A Toronto Conti -actor Who War.; Never Without Pain for Years, And Who I-Iad Many Times to Quit Work-Dodd's Kidney Pills Made EIiin Well. " . , 'Toronto, Ont., Nov. 18.-(SPeci11) --At No. SG Lippincott street, in this city, resides air. W. J. Keane. Mr. Keane Ss a contractor, anti is 0110 of the best known 111(211 in, his line of business in T01101110, Lilco 1111 1)17 other successful men, Mr. Keane has suffered clttring his busy life a great deal, iron). Kidney Disorders. For, years lie suffered great, pain.. 11:0 was forced at times to quit his work altogether and go to bed. 'Ile nsed Dodd's Kidney Pills and is well. This is what he says about it "It gives me great pleasure to write in praise of Dodd's Kidney Pills, and the good they /lave done Ina. 3 am never without 'them. "I have been a great sufferer with pains in my back,- in. the region of my kidneys. I wris very sicic, Lind at tizaes could not attend to my work at all. -used 1.301 (1 111 etlicines, but no- thing I ever tried seenied to help Me in the least, until a friend of 'mine advised ine to try Docid's 1<3c1(1737 Pills. I immediately found isaief, 1.11(3 301.1ttble to resume irly work. "I -used altogether seven boxes be- fore 1)eing completely cured. Since then 1 have never been sick a (ley. I have never had the slightest indiCa- tion of a return or the trouble." it is hard to imclerstand liow any- one will continue to Stiffer from Larne Back or any other' symptom of 1:A(1110y '111 033131e after. so 111a1137 11 3011 anti full statements by men well known in all walks of life, that Dodcl's laiciney Pills' have cured them. 1)01111's Kidney 11111s always cure. They never fail. Years of Ishii laave LUCKY LAIINDItlaSS. "soothing" medicines, as they only There is a woman in Nor th London stupefy and deaden without remov-, who owes, 1101 fortune olone, bu1, life ing the cause of the 1,roul)le. What Itself, to n, dream, The story \gas ree lated to the writer 0310 day receittly by a well-known patent agent,. 'Sale latter \vas sitting in. Isis oillee, when a i)oorly--dad woman callecl 1111t3 311. (1 ".1 an interview. Olt its being is needed is a, stipple, vegesable con). - pound 511011 218 13a.by's Owil alia..11 reach 'tile root of all thre niinor reihrients of little ones, malting ,1,1101,11 natl. anal. `Zile best proof. 'of this , is tlie 1113111 praiae all mothers granted site, explailled tliat 5110 had 31, who 3.itive -used this rnedicine 1110(31 11 sick litiJbancl dependent, upon the few it, ales. IV.. S. Bettverstoele, ("111r1•ch weeIsly site \\ras o.ble 1.1100t, 131'oe1,..1'i13e„ says : liave bY lalladrY ilad, slit) said, 118011 1.',11by' 8 OW 11 1' ablet.5 in my 110030 fox. several yones and Icnolv of 110 101' onee thet cen equal 111e1)1, 1Vhel1 Jay 1131,1337 wes teetlii,ng sae \vttS 1' f8 '1(3311, 01088 ,33(1(3 peevisti, arid 1 could (10 very 113,110 3311,11 lier, gaae .11er tire 1 e1310..t1, and illoy quieted )ollee of hoe seedj- r,es :did no gocA). WI)en• baby ..was trcaulilcal Lane tipo Lien 010 1113 1,13 1.001,1337, bill-, nit lles 011 oat s 0.0 10 311. 1 0 t8 g,vve -pro,inpt 1)01. V111(1,' 1111 i,i I 010 flight 111t00 watt 111 rig (33,00(1 al 1 1,113113's , 11,13 31, they ctre by 1.110 13e(3sitle of 1101' .8)011. 11118130r .1 21)08i., exeollent irolignetiori 111.1111 she 130 11P011 out, she saw, es 1103111) '(3 a alaar, dem, 11.13s 01,1)3131 ill a vision, an eir(...irel,y neve!. , and per.fected col I ar-.irmi t,113.1)ing . out illiturneral)1 0 colfors, each 11e1 feet 31) glaze, color, etid 1111001101053', Slie noted, too, that i3O tnat,ter wile-leione or 1t: dozen \"vere 1111 s-100(1 between the rollers 111 oirce, the re- sults were equally selisfectiory ; 1111(1 101131 113311 1)1 1. 1 ettn recomtueild aftee so.me st..edy 01 the 111(1C'1311311 311- 'the t111s1e(5 to 7111y ),,,ltber ,who 11118 it 81.ii13 01 course, itt lier, Isickly, evoss feel fid heby, ay7,1 1. discovered 1,1(e :10111011 wily, That (Lis- (1111 Stele SI1C Wil I 1103e3' he without covery 1108 laien tal<en ej) by a, 313711- 1110111 11 gall) .' .11310y'1, ()WI) '1 113(111 diCate. Of caPitalists, and 13 313 1 11 3110easily 0,711ainis13excal end diseolved, new co 11 alai ranee is (a he 3)111.11(111 1)1 tVilt,ile 13113) 130 1.1.IVe /1 S trQly to the upon the roarl,..et tylliel) is ratpeetcal to youngest, 3301711 311 yolle (11.110'081, revolaii,icedze 111cal, partite:day breech o P the '130111(3-1 03111(1(3/ bLISS',111es. , :Stesta\vitie.lta, 011(3,11(3110) 11131 been tet,de isca)py tlie e,aynieat of $5, - ire COI eTI t ly 1101100d -teat a 001.3,71111 ID 11- C111130 lIffed in colatiaironing ircalecl encli of the arLicles in question ex- cellently \veil oa, the liegi tati, that, erviing to the etrnio 1.13)01) , the rollers caused by eix or seven eollars being passed tbroligll at ct time, there- was a geeet off towards; the end, This defect Site set Ilereeli arid wo u 1 3131100(11 fl 1211111,1(71(3 .1. had to get up \yith 113). inauy thnes during 1110 night. 1\`..0 liow much site ate 811e kept growlng ner. 131 was 3,11en 1)ego3t3 the Ilse of the, tabl,eas, end 3116 grt)w pluaip 411(1 'fat, nncl 1 hart '110 furtlier troulile em, 44-e/ ' .4. THE 1M111101.TED 0-.. YOU C20 AN MAKE MONEY MAKER la TO PAIRS -AND- PCp, DAN, AT TACiittlENTS \''' issiaseeta) one. el;14'' , cT.1',V YOU CAN nEr 10,!5, 2,9S PER PAIR. ,t Guaranteed Reliable A tomplete.FAMILY KNITTING MACHINE AT A LOW AND SPECIAL PRICE. (AIL :Flt,"-XMCZ-.4k1E141ZI:z1 /address CREELMAN BROS., Box 501, Georgetown, Ont., Canada. We need ,large quantities for local and export orders and Can pay the top market price foptan quantity of Well'fatted and well dressed'''. Turkeys, Geese, Duch. and Melons [luring next 201e15t113 The DatfJserz Ceirrniasian 0o., Limited, Toronto. We mod APPLES, ONIONS, arANs, RoNEY, BUTTER, I3JOGS, tact 11a1 c7.,,sit pffit13 rkilta Wa e re giving a/better P ray remiums than ever before for (011130 ,r , ,,...,.., [5ea our Pills 1-,A Lady's or Gent's Nick;Wm w , atch, ste,intler bud ol a r'd.,, L.= Setter ; a Solid Gold Rine, set 3011, rea gnarls and ZarlIely, tta , plush co, ; vadin and Bow; Autoharp; ten -keyed Atcordcon 3 Lady's or Gent's ten:year gold-filled "Watch Gourd; Lady's Dress Goods and -SINtvagts, Boots and Shoes, Air Rifles, &a. Simply send us 3.0311 1311(10 mid address aud stO will send yeti our taiga illustrated catalogue and nine hoses or the 0131005 01.11 311011510 REMEDY, DR. PRics's SARSAPARILLA BLOOD PILLS, postiiirk .Selt them at 30 cents per box and send 01 0111 money and we 1011 send you any one orinSagao , thir Pills are031 best remedy in the -world fbr3 1 14013, ccr and kidney diteases, rhenmatitnn, stonloch disorders and ail female troubles. You take no as you may return Pills, i unable to 110011,. Rernesither,tvO are aid ratline hugest medical timio in t.aaada,' and you can rely on nur Premiums being cxactfy as represented, Send your 11111113onou and secure au extra Premium. ',Mention (hi,' paper. PRITT,MFPAts (Bra! GO TORONTO ONT e 5 --- The four sons of 01i:1sles Darwin T. N. U p. 111Ly6 all made their mark cis scien- tists. Professor George Darwin is a, famoi(s 1110 thematician, 1101 1,01 1)arwin is an authority on physics, Major Leontir d 1' 1110111 is honorary secretary of the Royal Geographical Society, and Francis Darwin is a distiaguished botanist. Unequalled -Mr. Thos, Brunt, Tyena- Maga., Ona, writesaanI have to thank you for recommending Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil for ha)eding piles. I. was trottblea with them foe nearly fifteen absolutely l)roven tnat. there ss 110 years. and tried almost everything 1 case of Kidney Trounre, 1,00e Back, could hear or think oa Some of them Rheumatism, lainibago, 9e1a11ca, Gout, Neuralgia Bladder or 1.11l11.lary Troubles, that Dodd's Kidney Pills will not e0170. Dodd's Kidney Pills are the only medicine that ever cured Bright's Disease, Diabetes or Dropsy. Thousands of Canadians have tried, and proved, and testified.' ,_-_- Onlje five in each 1,000 English people own land. In Russia 14.0 out, of every 1,000 are landowners. , SOZONNT for the TEETH 2ti!'s A RIGHT To BE. "What inalces Tenspot so glum :to- day ? I liciven't heard him, Open his naoutho'' Ile lias an appoinlanent with Ids dentist for this afternoOnf" 'There never -was, atiii never will' be, a universal p:itiacea, in one rentedy, for all ills to which flesh is heir --the very nature Of 111E111y euratives being sueli that were .1be germs 03 011(011 and differently seated diseases rooted in the system of the patient -what wauld relieve one ill in aim would aggravate tile 7.other. We have, however, in' Quieine 'Wine, \rhea obtain able in. a sotuid unadulterated state, a reniedy for mo ny and grevious ills. 13y its gradual and judicious nse, the frailest systems are led in to ,conaalescen cc and strength, by the influence which Q10' (11110 e.:tierts OnNature':i 01011 restoratives. It relieves the droophog „spirits of those. with whom a chronic state of morbid cle's pendency told lack of interest in life is a disease, and, ny trancatilizings the neeves, disposes to S01111et anti refreshing sleep-- impa.rts vigor to the oetion of the blood, which' being stininlated, Courses th o u alit the veins, strengthening the healthy animal functions of the system, thereby malti 11 g eillV (by a liege:38(1,2y. resat t, arengthening, (be frame, and giving life to the digestive organs. which naturally demand increased subscanee-result, an- nrovecl appetite. Northrop & Lyman of Toronto, have given to the public their simeri or Qii in i n e OViet.). et. aro usual ritte, laid, ganged the opinion of scientists, his 1011)0 approaches 11 el. rest perfection of ally in the market. A.11 druggists sell it. 'The average value of a. Br.itish house half a, century ago 'WO $1.,80. rt1 is now $2000., (10e8 (tot, goal. 8.3,.ed 21 cents to, i3m :Dr. aI: 11 i inef;' Co.. Al raeltyl 1,1 re :a())11., , 01171 . 'a 1 130, Serif, 11041 135, lo ii, 10i1t paid. ro czar, A C93,11 AN ONE DL Take Laxative Brom° Quinine Tablets. A 1 druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Orare's signature 15on emili box, 2,5c, All Scotch 'eStates are, owned by 8,240 people. leriglancl has 15,1,774 owners „di forins. RZODOH r Tooth PovottIor 9,5q.) 1/0111' (10(11., and 2-.1 per Celia lost in a yetis, would give me temporary relief, but uone wonla effect a -enre. I have now been free from tae distressing complaint for nearly eightee a months. I hope you will eonrinue to recommend a." '"That must be a pretty bad tooth- ache to swell your face like that. Why don't you see a dentist ?'' "I did call on your friend, Dr. Pullern, , yesterday, and experienced great ree homelvili qualify to pass an examma On, pmocsrostiftialtritvanytseawrAril obe offered permanent lief.'' "You must be mistaken. yuoruvnagrnioluens btroaitiiecolgoti a splendid opportunity for a thorough Veterinary Comae and good icif' Teseuellicc:rn'o h,:rsblecennow0.)11101101t-t°1";c11°ile'ved tan; write at once for full parti 1 r Adv. dress -Head Office. Veterinary SccilleanCe A1410; elation, London, Ont, 362 ACEiTS WANTED. oR 1‘)6 PRIG ESS RECIPES, 300r) II secrets for the Rome, Farm, Laboratory, Workshop; 351 page; Send 25 cc- If ,the book 10 1)01 worth 1310 money send it back' and Your 1(1011dy Will be refunded. The, Is mooed s)de-nne. William Briggs, Methodist Boort Room, Toronto, Ontario. 1 GENTS, WE HAVE NO FARE SALARV offers to Make, but wo can put any bon1 est, industtious man or \voinan in thus:41.37'ot earning. 5100 between now and Christruas, ovrite us to -night. 311eDermid 3r, Lo 11 lltfp'11 D, London, Ont. PICR. D.A.Y STIRE-GEN- v tionien er radies--not to cany,as, 130 to employ agents: noaltIon permanznt; 3500 per year and expetses; rolieb'e Jinn; references ; el:nes-lance unnecoQiotry. O'KEEFE', address 480 Truth Office, Toronto. VETERINARY COURSE. 1-412.1vimuRs' SONS WANTED -To take a a practical course on veterinary Work.' three months' study during 6pare Imo of sailing vessels of Ste/111101'S 111'0 51inard's !liniment Cor6 when I found that out Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that contain Mercury as mercury will Etirety eleitroy the sense of iInclb anacompletelydarange the whole system when entaring it through the morons surfaces. Such articles shoold never ba used except on. prescription; from Tenn table ph ySI elan S. as 1130 damage theywiii do is ten fold to the good rou eanliossibly dori ve from them. Ha'l'a Catarrh Cure manufactured by F.J. Cheney as Co.. To- ledo, 0., contains 310 mercury, rind is taken in. ternally, acang directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the s3 s cm. In buln1 Hall's. Catarrh Cure be sure you get the germ inc. It is taken internally,and made in 'Toledo' Ohio, by F. J. 'Cheney Sz Co. Testimonials froc. ' &Ad. by Druggistg. price 75e per bottle. Ftunily Pills are the best - '"The Only objection," laiU the stern parent, ;"1 have 'against this. young man, my dear child, is.lbat.he has no noble ambition, 'no high or worthy object in life." "Why, papa, how can you say that ? He wants me." Per Dyer Pirty Years &las. WIli8t0/1.13 3001111150 Svatir has been (Med b3 tilitltot/z foef11eira:cbidren71117toe1=th(., coltret11,i,oitn,t;gLnual,1;l..in‘ ( wird 011)0, rogulatethe stomh and bowes, stub Is) best remedy for 3)11117113i0. T13enty4711 Units is:hada. Fold Int druggints 01roughoat the world. Bolimo p.n4 6.0 tor "MM. WI tOILOW'fii SOOICESING fikRUP. e factory, the biggest iron -working eoncern in the 1.11611(1, LISCS 111) 500 tons of steel a clay'. step.. the. (;01101 and works OtT tbe Odd. LaxaSive Bream -Quinine Tablets cure a cold In cue der. N'o dere, No Par. PrIce.25 cents, Mr. 1V130-",Tolimiy, can you tell rne why the little hand On my watch goes faster than the big one ?" Johnny (after mature aellection)'sa "Papa, isn't it for the same reaSon that I have to run when I go walk- ing.. with you ?" 131 .3.3 031()311011'l'3 tV)11,(1-1,M:tts-ure, consists of four aims at, Che end of arms. It is so constructed thet, it inakes 500 revolutions while 21, nille wtod pesS 08 'Rinard's Liniment Cures Colds ete They Advertise Themselves,--Immed 1131)10 11I(',''13''1'' they Welle offered to the public Parmelen's liege,table Pills became pop filar because of the good report they made for 11.311101 '.1'; That reputation haS grown, and they tiow rank: among the first inealOnes for use in `attacks of dys- pepsia foal bilionimess, coinplaints of the liver and kidneys, vbeninatism, fever mai ague mid the innumerable complications to Nvilich these ailmetits give rise. 'The Artesian well at l'assy, 111 l'orance, gives 3111) 10001,1 yield of 2,000 gallons of water a inIrritte. It eest ';$200,000. liniment Cures Distemper. 13enevokiii, lady (to newlyantarried ('li1'1'woni41)1)---"11.1,11 ,I,Jo you are mar- ried now,. Lydia ' 1 hope yortir hus- bancl is a goosl provitlera' The Bride -"That he He got ine three neW plaees to .wesii, at last Weels.", ' Tho Sovereign 'Healer, is a Balm of Gilead CITA. ment. It h:als Talcorn, Cuts, Bruit ea, .8u1 zri and 5.31309 1013(1 standing or a.cute. L laa. equalled for 11)3111111(3 0)3 weak eyes. Ondelried always used. The hest testhno-nial is a trial sample Visa on receipt of 31111 stamps. r CILEADINE CO., Box 6Gta, Toronto, 'Ont. COUNTRY •ACQTJAINTANCES. She --"You have been away -in; the country, haven't yoji ?" Ho -"Yes ; visiting some people I used to luicav when 1 Wil', it 1-1037." She -''Particular friendS ?'' ITc-"011, no. Father arid motber." 61111(1111'8 COWS. A reward of $100,000 -Was offered for destroyingthe plague of 'atIgar- :.ints which devastated the Island eof Grenada i(3 177i), but nothing, was effectual until the hurricane of I belie-ve MINA,12.1)'S LINIMENT will cure every case of Diphtlferia. MRS REI33.1.EN 13AICER.' Riverdale. I believe IIINARD'S LINIMPlNT will produce geowth of * AIRS. CITA S. ANT)EI 1:SON. , Stanley, P. E. I. , bel CVO M 1 NA'RD' S NIAIENI.' is the 1.iest household '0111 ('1])' on earth. 1' 03.3731. Oil City, ant. , ptTr ON 1/1.2,R S'idriey--"I can always . 111alie rny wife lchep 13searet. :Clod n '11 1)10 do ' 0 ' /as 1( 13333 that ?" SithieY---"I Start Out 1.)1' telling' her that I 1(3 010 she can't Iceep 31 111 Natuta's Storehouse There are,Ctire S --31edical experi !flea tS nave .riltoaftiss'eott elusively that there are (110(1 11112311 in even. ordinary Omits growing lip around ils. \Adel' give them a volue that Cannot, be estimated. It is held ins 'Seine that Natrire provides a cut.e for every ills - ease' whielt laze -sleet' and ignoraots )5,11,ve Al Si t C11 111)611 111011. However, tliaf. 'May 110, if; if; well, known that Parrae'lee's Vegetable Pills, distilled from, 1.0otS31ea15d' herbs, are ct sovereign reihedy OS's:baring all diSorclers ot the digeStion. Tallgat a :Burmese yeepal se, is he, Ority foreign_ 'rneastire '0)lloadin1 to our Mel). 131