HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-10-31, Page 8Ciothin9 Is not only a luxury at this time of the year, but it is an absolute necess- ity. I-Iealth demands it. SUITINGS Let us show you a fine line of Worsted, Tweed. Saitiogs and over- Coatiogs. We endetvor to do at all times the very finest work. PRICES AWAY DaYiN. Grieve's old stand, opposite postoffice. W. W. TAMAN _____..,......., -1VIUall's Cough 3:341s41x1 is the best Cooli'Sf°." 'S4-1''' M:',,„Lf(7. DiekS,on itrid,Alis. Jas, NV'tils lire*MNEielaZOM remedy in the .tiari:.-e-b fox,' Go-tIghs, ', A secoiltl',:httnil cook stove fox sale, l,ers are attending the Pan-.Aniericilh,' Colds '1,ncl 13rQiIcliet,le Troobles, espec-' nearly flew. Apply at ADasoc,,as, sssis[. -• a:as aarinas. who has been sprite lolly good for chtldretit•iold. by 0, office ' ill trill). an attack of -revel., is row . . 9 .,. Lutz's, sole agent ror, Dix Lting..Bri'up• Now Books for tile Liki,,,ry ' rapidly iti.1.1)1,c)villg,, ,. , Isreinrkrm:iiumnieinfewaib LOCAL DOINGS. i is!..kattaanolea.r...."</aCkaatataCsOPY-S4' Wornen's hoots and shoes 30 cents a pair. GE° AI,ANSON. One week. from Saturday will be the King's birthday, Coarse boots and shoes 35 to 40 cents a pair. GEo. MaNsoaf. The Pan-An3erican Exposition will be kept open until November 15th When taking it cold use Dix Cold Cures. It give sure relief. Sold by C. Lutz. Mr. Jas. Jeckell is having a new 'wood shed erected at the rear of his dwelling. We half sole all men's fine boots and shoes for 35 to 40 cents a pair. GEO. MAICSOX. The noii jury assizes will be held at Goderich on Monday, Nov. 4th, before Judge Meredith. Mr. Wm. Snell disposed of his grey livery team yesterday to Mr. Thos. Maker, of London. 15 cents secures the ADvocsorn till Atteut..imi called to the fact that The appeuae,ii list of new boeks WI r-rs Klin1113 c tiobarrel of ater to bo »l on liand c)isA. t' s, „ . . insurance companies requhe ladder' Cheh. authors, have, Just beep placed who nas beer) very for w1.01,z2- past'. d. \"Vkt • • tjEt, E ST. where thresbinc, is being done This on the shelves the :brae Library A ls, •we tu'e 001 to learn liow slowly . glance over tile list taking into con sliou d. be stiqckly enforced, as OV, 0 their inSill'anee it they negleCt to coixi- soifititriactel,tiltittititetliesshittiBeoexucicilolefnItultatIolan.-ks, ;told .;.)Igt. S., 111.S'al.)flers,A of Stephn, ply. . • • re nine( to ri the an- merican -s es - Mr. Ainbr°s'e Shilt4-1 01 the M°Is°118 silll'ileentitddidesleilbvrearypitliolsseuclh"; kheiegphingt'mdl: and jiensall, underwent oPera- ard of xcelle ` h 0, lice enHolden by s't" tiou cm sanday appendieitis, arsa js Bac e ler; sa and 1, 13,,,chaalei,; mons hisicousini, Mr. W. j. Eilber, of .Col. now lying in a very ci.itical' condition sio,ia Beauctsise, Taridngton; irrosti,aw 111T1 )0S, 0110, were pleasant graters at vith VPIT little or no hope for his re- of 'Bleat, agoras; aa,isas, chur.chiii; Eter- the A-nvocATID office YesterdaT• coaery, mr, Smith was stationed at nal Quest, 'Stewai.t; Victeoi3r,-sti obBesif.t hMiTgele Muir this branch of tlie .Molsons Bank for (lows puppets,. cial,ke; 3-0.c ' 13 and Will and ors Muir lnlVereturned a few weeks last year. f • from 0 visit ) ) t Do. 1' • Dr, II, Bryce, deputy Registrar- heth and. Her Uermail Garden; Chsth. 0 Govi'indils N. and. the Pan -Am- „ bares .sse likely to lose si eration the popular authors, will 11 1 I., ancl. Mrs. Thos. Harvey, of,Hay re, Kennedy; Sirius, Fowler; Lima- f„ ±111111 1” el'1\11 11' General, has sent out notifications to erella, Crockett; Helmet of Navarre, 011000' the municipal registrars of the pro- -Runkle; Captain BavenshawaStephens; Councillor John Muir, of the Exeter Vince, notifying thein that maess the parewemNitsola:Boothity; Tarry Thou Woollen Mills, left Tuesday morning, nionthly.returns of deaths rind births Tin 1 Come, Croly; Puppet Crown, Me_ for a. few weeks' visit to his native are sent in they will be prosecuted and Grath; QuinceY, Adams, Sawyer, Pid- home, Scotland, This will be his first fined. The recording of proper statis- gin; The Whirligig, Lindsay; Gran- visit to the land of-hia birth sinfirst tics has been rendered very difficult by stark, MeCiatcheon; Your Uncle Lew, craning tO Canada\ hence he- will the absolute indifference ofmany offi- Sherlock; The -Mill Mystery, ma . a doubtless appreciate the scenes of his January 1st, 1902, Now is the time to subscribe- 'other colt:inn. . See our splendid clubbing offer with Rag Carpet Weaving - the Montreal Daily Herald in another For first class carpet. weaving call on - column. It's a ``cracker." the tinclersagned, Main street, four In lame back and for derangement doors north of Grist Mill, of the kidneys use Dix Kidney Pills. 'INIRS. HARNESS. For sale at C. Lutz's Drug Store. $1.00 in advance pays for the Advo- cate Lill January- 1, 1903. If you want the. undersigned. I have rings to to please a friend send - them the a build all sizes of round cement cis - Advocate. terns, from 5ft. up to lift. in. diameter. The women are wearing so many A. E. IIODGERT birds on their new fall hats, we'd think A So u.veliir. they would be ashamed to look a cat in the face. The Toronto Star has issued a very creditable souvenir nunaber in cora- To-night (Thursday) will be Hallow- rnernoration of the Duke and Duchess' een. 1t would be just as well for visit to Toronto. Artistically prepar- our residents to keep a close eye On ed and full of illustrations, makes it their gates, etc. a very interesting number. Fred Sweet,While taking part in the A Big Offer. ' game of foot ball at the school last By special arrangement- with.; the week, had the misfortune to have his Montreal Herald we are in a position collar bone broken. -to make one of theagreatest --combina- , English Stock Food is the best and tion offers ever made by any Canadi- chepest food on the market. Its rep"- an journal. The ADVOCATE, Montreal tation is now completely established. DAILY Herald and a splendid picture Sold at Lutz's drug store. of King Edward 'VII. all for. $175. Take Get your sale bills printed at this of- advantage of this splendid offer at. flee. We give a free notice in the col- once, and tell your neighbors about it. umns of this journal which in itself is ,a„,,.,,,„,„, ,,,,,aa„,. „ _ worth the price of the bills. '`''n.--- '2, '""""'.— •• Mr. R. N. Rowe, last week, pur- The Chief reason most men want to chased Air. A. E. Bennett's fine and go to 'heaven ‘s hen they die is that commodious brick dwelling on ,Thiron they know it will surprise their wife's street, paying in the neighborhood of „relatives to see them there. $1400, while Mr, John Atkinson has Win. Coats, town clerk of Clinton, purchased Mr. Rowe's fine brick dwel- . has been offered the appointment to the vacant postmastership of that town, but has not decided whether he will accept i oi not. cials. mont; Nursin"', Weeks; Bicycle of carlY life. The business at the Wool - Now thatthe longer evening's are Cathay, Stockton; Bine Knots, 13:trton; len Mills will be continued l, as usua coming on, we shall be pleased t6 Venrsearice is Mine, Belford;. Forint, hear more frequently from our Gordyeeff, Gorky;`,Doom Castle, Mull:- Around About, Us. — correspondents. AVe shall also' be roe; Road to Frontenac, iNterwin; Bird 1 t h d ta Life Chapman; Bird Studies, n -haP- Clinton: Mr W 0 Searle was seta every neighborhood where the ADvo- man; Tommy,ancl Grizel, Barrie; Prin- erely injured about the face ancl body: GATE is 11.0t Z,It present represented. If ce Rupert, Hyne; Daughter of _New by failing down stairs Bast week.a. any persons, who are willing to send France, Crowley; Kiin, Kipling; Bag- Bayfielcl: Weave sorry to announce us news will communicate with us, or les Heart', Garland; .Wooa-ae.o.eisfs, the death of Willie Brown, 'aged 10 can at the office, we shall be greatly Nesbit; An Englishwoman's Love -let obli,ged. We want to get all the clean ters; Flood Tide, Green; , Bagby's years, son of Joseph.Brown. Re died Daughters, axuast,- Lana of coekay,ae, from blood,pokisoning, from' an abcess home news. Se-raoi King's Messenger Autrohus.. 011 one of his -uees' Free Press:: "The death' occurred Ralph.MarlOwe,:Naylor;SoOla of 1Fas-• Seafoath::: Mr. Geo.- Eheaney . ,has afternoon of' : Miss ,Sophie .` 0•,'" Steele,sold his farm ,,which 4djOins the town; at Victoria Hospital : • on Saturday' sage, A. Barr; G-old:Stat Line, Meade; , daughter Of ,Rev. "HaDonglag Steele, Oardigan,•Chamberst King '., of Haney to Mr. Adam.Podds,of McKillop, tor :Wand, Thompson; 'Tilda Jane, sMar- $5,500. It ecintainS about 7o aces and rector of the church of Ilng,land at Port Stanley, and - well known- to Shall; Making of a Marshioness, ,Bur- is a very choice lot, nett; Her Sailor,- Saunders; :Beautiful Seaforth: Dr.' Belden, Who for aev- many here. Death *as the result of Wretch, Black; 'Mrs. Dines. Jewels, eral years has carried- on a successful an Operation, - The remains are being:Russell; Parley ()rasa, 13japkiricite; Far• dental practise hare,ahas, moved With held" here pending the arrival.: of 'a asite, 'Doyle;- Vanished IraPlitC.-:Bui!,- his fatiailY to-Torebto, and has opened brother of the deceased from Mexico:: rage; strlagtewa oasthe Pike, Lloyd; a dent4efficeiti that city. • - , , Miss Steele was an estimable. young Westerfelt, Harbein'Sopretoe Surren- Parkhill: Mr. Alex.'McNeil has suc- woman, whose death will be regretted der, Lone; Honey of AloeS; Sir:Trists: by many friends. . -.: I ran, Ashley; House of Giants, Everett; ceeded Mr. Wm. Love an agent for the Massey -Harris Co: in this place, The Elora Express speaking'of a The Eye of Fate; The Einu"s Head,: the latter.having been.prOntoted .te. a former Exeter Minister and his wife, Dawe. • . , ' ., ' • • •• - general agency forthe same:firm.: .. says:—"About 'July 1st we , had . the Ricks' Forecast for November. . . , , . Goderich.tp: Mr. and.: Mrs. P. W. Pleasure of Welcoming to Our town ... For November a Venus period of dis- Currie, of the Sth, are leaving and go_ Rev. Robert Walker,: a retired Maim- ttirbauce is central' on the' 20th, and. in to Goderieinte ' reside, Mr. Currie' dist Minister, and who has proved that its perturbing influence extends 'having rented his farm to S. Eintner- himself to he a very. worthy citizen. from near the first of the month .into son. Mo. -Currie'intends moviug away S. tf It is our privilege to again welcome December. But for this fact, there about the 1st of Noveraber. las R. Willoughby, D. D., who for • - Mitchell. , A wedding was vember should not be comparative] ' ' pretty many years has occupied -the formost a placid month. The stars in connecY- celebrated just west of the town, Mon - pulpits of the Methodist church, but tion with Friday and Saturday, theist liratYaeavueguhintegr' owfhlyejnr, \i'N'Iiiiisus, BKeerit,hipa: N,,,e,10,ds- who on account of affliction has been and 2nd, indicatethat a reactional. disturbance wil be central on thosy e united by marriage to Mr. Thomas obliged to aetire. In looking for a , dates, causing a rise in temperature, Alfrends, a fine young man of Brant home he, too, has chosen ElOrft as his his place of retirement, and we extend faohia barometer and scattering ford. Wed - ±0 him and his family a most cordial storm% and squalls of rain and snow Clinton: Shortly before noon Wed- welcome—Mrs. Willoughby and her frongabout the ist to the 3rd. A nesdaY another of our, old residents, daughter, Mrs. Dr. Watson being the barometer in the person of David Barge, passed somewhat in delicate health, they have sharp, sudden rise of - and change to.colder will -follow close peacefully into the great Beyond. He taken up rooms with Mrs. Gordon, at after these disturbances, but as .stida had been ailing for a year but it was and den change back to storm. conditions only during the pat few weeks that the rear of Carswell Bros'. store, we hope the rest and quiet enjoyed will come about the. 5th -in western ex_ disease rapidly developed. to permanent good health." .brernes. , The regular vulcan storm Clinton: Last week the youngest . .. may have the effect of restoring them' period begins on the 5th,is central am child of mr. Wm. Rutledge fell while Boy Wahted, '. the 7th and extends to.the 10th, hence playllig and fractured her right arm. A boy wanted to learn printing. a marked rise of temperature. About A year ago she tumbled from a chair Apply at ADVOCA.TE Office. the 6th to the 10th storms of wind,rabi and broke her left arm in two places. west to east across the country,. Low than her own share of trouble. another in the Person -of Bev, Nieh°- are few astronomical reasons whyNo Cheap Readinz. - and snow vvill make their transit frona The little one is thus haVing more Just think of it! The ArvocaTE, 'barometer and rain a•nd snow will be Clinton: The friends of the public Monti eal Herald and a picture of Ed •• natural aboutathe llth to the 14thschool, as well as her personal friends, ward VII. for 51.75. See.:ad" in. an- The Vulcan storm period extends from will regret to know that Miss McKay the 16th to the 20th. Some of the most has accepted a situation at Seaforth, decided storms of the month may be for next year. She takes a salary of expected from about the „1,2th to the $300-525 less than she is getting here 21st. These storms will reach a crisis but has the advautage of being at on and touching the 20th, rain, wind home. and thunder being followed in many sections within it few hours by north- Goderich tp.: Mr. Peter Cole re- cently purchased the Lite Thos. Cook's westerly gales, driving snow and change to freezing. Note this predic- farm of 120 acres; the price paid is igood of -tion and heed it, r.--atiffer discomfort somewhere -in the neighborhood and loss in all regions to the north- $3000, at which figure it is a cheap pro - 'ward. Danger may be apprehended perty.--The 40 -acre lot on the Bayfield at this time over all the northern lakes conabelong,ing to Arthur Cantelon has been sold to W. J. Elliott. and on the north Atlantic seas. The freezing weather following the last Lucan: John McKinnon, was sent storms will react to warmer from the down for a terns of ninety days at hard 23rd•to the 26th. Look for many more labor by Squire J. R. McComb, on storms, largely of a blizzardous char- Saturday. On the same day McKinnon acter, not more thaafortyseight hours attacked his parents, using abusive before or after sundown on the 25th, langtiage and striking his father. -with followed rapidly by a great rise of the a chair. Shortly afterwards he was barometer and a .rushing. cold wave arrested and taken before- the Lucan that will be felt far to the south. A justice of peace. regular Vulcan storm period, reinfore-• - - Clinton: .The executor's sale of the ed by Mercury, aVenius and upiter J periods, is central on the' last ,day a Spooner eP.tate Was held 00 Saturday, November. This means, that emarked whesh the cottage with its half -acre lot autumnal storms will be brwing, and the store, both on Albert streets if not already in progress, as the mouth was offered for sale by public auction by D. Dickinson. Just recently iin of - goes out. The climax of this period fer of $800 was ma will most likely fall in the opening de by H.Warren, of days of December, but thesfirst stag -es basewh° town; but the highest bid at the int-endssale to remove to will be attened by very low baronaeTer and changed to much warmer, follow-‘ reached $750. Shortly afterwards it was sold. for $805 to Walter King, who ed at first by general and heaVY rains. tater the rain will turd to a general is coining to town to live. The •store and destruetive sleet, and this in turn was also put up, only a few were hid- ders, and it went to R.J. Chill', its pres- to a real snow storm and blizzard over ent occupant, for $1080. Both proper- ties are considered cheap. . Cistertts. • If you want a cistern built call on Mr. Glecirge Irwin, the poultry man, of the Huron road west, secured 76 1st and 522nd prizes for his chickens this year. He showed at eight shows and raked in $91 in premiums. Two sons of Mr. A. E.Floclgert, aged 12 and 14, respectively, considering their very young age, made a remark- able good showing in -wood sawing on Saturday, haying cut two cords. Next-! Quarterly meeting services will be held in Ja1/10S S church next Sunday. Love feast at 0.15 a. m. Preaching service as usual at 10.30, ;liter which the sacrament of the Lord's supper will be -administered. The Hamilton Spectator is down on all home studies, and thinks these not "unconnected with the great trade in children's spectacles. It -is rather a pity to use up the eyes in early life. One's eyes might be useful in after years. The circular saw. driven by steam power, owned by Mr. Thos. Williams, Exeter North,made Short work of Mt.. Win. IlaWkSliftW'S pile of wood at the rear:of the hotel Wednesday. The pile contained between thirty and forty cords and was put through the cutting process in 0 few hours, Mr„ Peter McMartin, of the G.T.E. Section here, was united in marriage on Wednesday of last week, to. Miss Celia, daughter of Mr. Donald McDon- ald, of Fingal. 'fbey -have taken op house keeping in Mr. L Armstrong's residence on Iittron street, West of G,T,R. track. The sktivoraaits extends tongratulittions. Sutton. ling on Main- street, paying therefor . northern parts of the country. in the neighborhood of $1200. Both are good properties and are consider- ed reasonably sold. 136th parties triov- ed their, families this week. Well, Well! What Next? A.fitan on the other side of the hor- der has made us a proposition in which they would like to exchange a few kit- tens for advertising at $15 per kitten. Nothing mentioned about the old cat. They add that."these little kittens are exceedingly well bred.” Of course they are, coming from Boston, noth- ing else could be expected.Can't say as much, however, for the " party who sends out the propositions, who shows little breeding and less sense. Taxes111 Two Payments. The following from the Mitchell Advocate .is engaging the minds of the Municipal council of that place and many other towns and is quite worthy of adoptionby our council, viz.: The proposition has been made that the municipal taxes be paid in two in- stalments, the first payment to he made, say, in July, and the second and final payment in the fall. There is much. to be said in favor of the pro- posal. The town, and therefore the tax -payers, would benefit by a reducti- on in interest charges, as the municipal treasury runs short in the summer time and money has to be borrowed. On the- other hand it wotild not be any harder for the majority of the ratepayers _to pay ft portion of their taxes in July, and for some it would come a great deal easier than to pay the whole gnu-nt ata time when win- ter supplies must be purchased. The system of two payments is in vogue in some places, and we see the Wing - hails town council is considering the trin givmrivisnmarayserefaufamegiAm,210:, _ alasesoleasestassag1154WiRegatnagatMaigaest Mrs. Atkinson is visiting friends in Clinton, ,Mrs. L. H. Dickson is visiting friends in London. Mr. Alber Hooper, of Clinton, spent Monday with friends in town. Mrs. C. Pytn, wife underwent a sur- gical operation, is xecovering. • Mr. Crocker. of St. Marys, viiited her sister, Mrs. Johns, this week. Miss Edith Glanville, of London, is visiting relatives and friends here. Mrs. Finkbeiner, of Crediton, is vis ing her daughter, Mrs. E. Heywood. Mr. and Mrs..R. Downs, of Clinton, spent Sunday here, the guests of Mr, and Mrs, E. -Christie. . Mrs J. V. Crocker returned. from Buffalo, Wednesday, where she has been the guest of her son. Mr. and Mrs. A7 Q. Bobier and Mr. T. B. Carling returned from the Pan- American yesterday tnorning. Mr. Ii'rank Middleton visited in town a few days during the week, leaving for Chatham Monday morning. Miss O'Neil, of Denfield, and Miss Bernafd, of London, were guests of Miss A. Oke Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. John Matheson, of Woodstoalt, a former merchant of 'Exeter, is shak- ing hands with friends in and itround town. --,, Miss Bella Hodgson, who recently moved to town from McGillivray, is 111 atthe home of her Sister Mrs. J • • Mitchell: A. serious matter occured in one of the deparianents of the Pub- lic. School on Tuesday; which is des- cribed as a case of brutality,' and which will be ventilated at the noxt meeting of trustees. A girl, it appears squirted water on 0 boy sitting in front of her, and the little lad took out his handkerchief to wipe the water from his face. The teacher, With6ilit hives- tigating the matter, thought the little., lad was playing with his handkerchief, -instead of, stndying- his lessons, and she.gave bin) such punishinent on the, bare hands that 4e, was unable to 'close his fingers for the balance of the day. . „ Soft• We have again placed into Stock anOther. slalpinent of LADIES' JACKET'S so have now a very Janie aSSOrtitlent tQ,choose from. Every body who needs one of these garments for fall and winter wear should inake ose of this grand Oppottuniby and, secure one as early as Possible. 1t is needless to give colours and prices as you will lind any shade and Price to suit yourself right here. We might also call your attention to Fur Goods they are beginning to move out. - It is well to buy early in this line. GENTLEMEN. - Our Ready-towear'Clothing Stock' is corn- pl.ete. Sowhen you want your new Suit or Overcoatjust call' -at the old reliable. • E. J. SPAOKMAN. Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Saudford Ready Made Clothing. 4sidENNIONE1111111111111' 111111111311111111511111111111NOMMINIMMEMEMIneillaillinling._, fllpOrlUm arness Tottom make your -har- ness ne Stift as a glove •nilai WWI AB Wire ga ttattikL4UREKA Rare .070111 011i - You, Can, !leak -then- Its Ilte-inake lietliileo he long at it, oidtriafray *Quid. EUREKA Harness Oil Troantke8tikaoP°n°orwl°,°Ichilnzirdtsb.attli pure. 1)eAvy bodied oil, es- pecially prepared to with- litand the weather. Fold everywhere hi cans -all sizes. lad. byIIIPEPILL OIL COMPAST. Complete stock of the latest de- signs in Bed Room Sets, Couches, Centre and Extension Tables, Side- board!, Dining Chairs, Rattans, etc., at prices to suit purchaser. Persons intending furnishing new house will find 'to -their advantage to call on us before purchasing elsewhere. FIINERAL DIRECTORS OPEI/E1 8110Cloce Beverley Ouston. STEAM P1111111) 'WORKS Having just opened up business we areu,ivllpresP:ared to supply all kinds p FITTINGS, , WATER TROUGHS, WATER.' TANKS, FANNING MILLS, &c P1111nbliag- We pay special attention to all kinds P1 Limning. We do anything 111 the line of Wood- work, and REPAIRING of any description. Charlton & ICeddy, North To vn -Exeter MAKE THE FARM pAy 4: Progressive stock breeders, dairy- men, poultrymen, girain, root and fruit growers, beekeepers, agricul- tural students and Home makers • find the artiCles and 'answers to questions in every issue of the I DV 0 C AT E and. HOME MAGAZINE simply unequalled and, indispensable. If you are not already a subscriber tO the most helpful best printed and beautifully illustratal -farmers paper published, we invite scrutiny of a IV • sample copy. A post card will bring t ▪ it free. Address THE WIL.LIAM yvELD CO., Limited,. • ' LONDON, CANADA. • k P.S.—The subscription price, $1 • per year, includes also the _superb „„.. Xmas Number. ' Leon F. Czolgosa who assassinated. President McKinley, suffered, the death penalty at Auburn, N. Y., on Tuesday, • Whioh the hetiiousness Of his crime so deservedly merited. His last voids were 1 killed the Presi- dent because I, was an enemy, of the good people—of the good working peo- ple. 1 am not sorry for nay (Time," Children Ory for 1. For Bread, Bons, 'White Buns, BroWia Buns, Graham Biscuits, Cakes of all kinds; Cream Puffs, Wafers, Fancy Biscuits, Plain Biscuits, Wedding Cakes a specialty---Icecl and beautifully oenamented at a reaso- nable price. Cakes or Pies made to order. XXX Bread delivered to all parts of the town, on Mondays, Wednesdays and , Saturdays. We will be pleased to call on you. We are agent for J. Gammag & Sons, Florist, London. Floral designs foi-funerals, or flowers of all kinds on the shortest notice. • • E. A. FOLLICK.; LN:t1r RI:1 11i1i Agoaly IF YOU WANT TO ' Buy or Sell a Farin IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell Town Property IF you WANT TO 13orroN-v or Lend Money IF YOU WANT Collections Made IF YOU WANT • Your tife.iiiirtrecl, IF .01.7 WANT TO 'Gro to the,' Olcl Country BY A.LL.A.1T LINE ; CASH PAID FOR FURS. Call at the Undersigned JOHN SPACKMAN, Office over 11. Spackinan's Hardware, Exeter. Natural gas has been struck at Port Hope. "Tint D. & L." EMULSION OF COD LIVIal, OIL taken in case of general de- bility and loss (-If' appetite, is sure to give the best 'results!. It restores the 1,ealth and renews vitality Davis & ha e.t•istr evwciiiel .. thTirft, . s 11 it fa ciai . revs ie in Mr. James Williarnsomof Ridgetown Children Cr,:. for