HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-10-31, Page 6NIGI1T I TIIE GREAT 0111
'1'.1' ,. . .." . ....!...,
-,-..,-- 41.44,011.0.0,64,111•0.1mamil,atomewarono.....,prierin
aisle; petiyer and, cortgretalation and Worthy to be eompered With the - 11QTPTIPTIP V nu riwn. A LIE11 (Mired, and in s° \V°rkillt.', a lunit°d
, 6.66666.
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,,llow .w,i., see glory tb a t aWait'S . US 'cliona viii U,13111-1 on 4 Pa 4;41 U si1,X M)" WODIC: i0D .t11(t141 Ile %NT° tight an 4111110ri
.10,A0lciiStrt'lle ultra: iv wontan \\vsititt.,„ .,t,188)t). Ad.btete,tollbta.tlurviel‘,1,1:7 yeare, Deltic
i ---
for et:tee:geeing steps old geirinents that JesePli'S HIS SpEEce.x Ae...c, ireeg ueevEat. tialei wc(a)11..)ktafi(fir 0,4f8,ttli(Ctilileeiell''s')ene'lentivsT3,'
stuck int.o the brolon lvietiow pane; ,IlliorewlY:;:c1c1.91o1Plealve4eCsiiVnee,1:37forsti°111OttlabIllaits ING or TI,i, moNuittlier; - their incluelaiet1 foreenin,„theie schbole
mark4' of ilArdshiP on:the face; the and tens 'o'f 'tliou.sanctls there vi'aS' in inaetee, thQit' 1 4.31 'Bishop, their gene
Tbe Rev, , Di', "TalMage De$oribes .Sonie of gboi,,,is,;,s ,..fg,.,t,ch,o, „naiii,sdi.cfb2.,,,,y0,11,,, fidiet_ i.,,eeret of Alfred'sPaine"--s 1-4Char On 4 sPlaU scale and th:e'ref"re 1°ss '
,. . eeal, their admiral teeir legislator:
spifi... ., fthig, tile ,bell anti let the Sidi? Willi Chrifit ! If we are here for actor a'•, a 'ICing-T'A, Bri4i'ant 'but ',without - diStOiLiftjr ViCes ;laid
the :Scenes to, be Witnessed, (.,„,,„.iii .11, . , . ,ao will see to it Unit we Eulogy. ,. therefore, greater lie was to his leng-
Aet the fourth; niraves ree gill csiillItlicill° F
reisits teariPdP°silallat191dettailiiilaPtl.loeltilr jw:yeF
ollowing is the report of the, in- 0,h• kingd°ni what Peter Was to
a davit Phice--grave- of behe child at; tee end of the days (Danexii,. 13), teresting adclreSs ' delivce'ed by Lord it:asSia' And in werl'in'g fur, his lie"- '
Oantu,14, in i.11€: year one Teeneeel Nino Mee
(Enteral. itecoreea. to ace of the pEi.eliemetit of ever to the triiinshouse ei, Ah; you,
bettet, grave of the man that died of
that; clied foe leek of medicine; grave 24, 2 5. "Goa will scirely 'visit You, itiltiese'bocereYasaitori"rionfellestitieel% 11.11111vgelltliiindg'' 0C:f1 thP1:1:.eliiiicte:eniblisleittilliLi'll'.1hilatell:Ixelli'lle'. isetitil'ie°.eal-'till,'2'8'0t11-11'se'llIi'lli'lligs(;',
th.o Deportmota oD AZtionitufe, Ofthwn.] the bitter Cry 0 f 0., mall or il. Child
area end One, by Wiltium Buily,of Toronto, at , Woitld not ask that if you evor heard, of tha wife that died of 0 h•roken and ermg you out of this I.Lind;„ 1.4.a1110 1,110rneyerefcs sultalc ,of ,King,
. A... despateli frOILI AVaeleington eteys: when, told he must go to the alms- wdieSo8difs.)atb''4i°t1Lno nOolwi'di,s:v11143.tinga, thhleasbteeldl (C:110°: 1:cetidia:°teird c,A.:',:l.a.11141)tialtintdiitteo 'vovi:Iiilldn' Al\i\''li'seda 'it: 11°1,10111e,toct-i:ally s\..toitheettl:e1:,laitlie°Iisla 11.03,,rsi,,e. we:s11,1.1tethiell°frosan7lei:t7i0itlileof 001 11501
heath with. thr 9a g ik av CS' pipilty of and' dosePli, ike Abram, believed ary of Ailvews deii.th...... , . , of our Pcie'llanient, his flotilla of gel-
--Rev. Dr. Ttilina.ge preached feom 1y1tot•t:IsoctI.s,,;000111,.,"tittedroutheett.1eyf,er:etlitelyey atii:oe and la the .virtaio. drop.. , oath of his brethren that when they great, mearo,ry aad to , raise befoi:e lie first. won an English 'victory at ,
the text, Isaitih• xxi, „al., "Watchman,
great examoe, fel. 1,000 years ago sae- :Ile fdrnled his casual levies in-.
what of the night `?" , •
When,night came down on 13abylon, ,
ttlitatety ..1,,fecsfeorsasre,;11;oeYrii411:1113,1LItilI113r,t011.0" • nAseede Aet, the fifth; ee, destroyed scants twileollitg; th,i°,Yhis wt°1110'..," fli,tdakti°s Itiff.'sieyh°11,1:;isi 0111 aoulltrymen. the ,standard of a to a powerful miiitin.; if not an are
they ,your pety. The , Christian eternity; no.. liget, no music; blade-
Ni/lOVaii mid jerusalem, they needed
poor, GO 51 helps taern. , - . ness of (1 1111155 forever. 'But 1 cau- there died in this city one, who by illy • Ile breathed ehe earliest. in -
not look- any longer., Woe! woe! I Pronneed and, buried them in She-,
C0111111011 COnSeilt rePresents the high -
careful' •%vatching, otherwise the ine 1.,ass on th1.0118.11 the alley. open close Illy eyes to tilis fast act of the 0110 thing. mentioned of Josoph i
eendiary's torch might have beeil , i ,
, diem (Joshua xxiv, 32). This is the•
, svPOitri ;tat i obi: oef aerticouleyaytietostitst1' iii.:.t..tel?.ceitc.:11II,0i:gtvintitipifi\evdit.,
"theuse into the very heert of the th° 1100r' '''°11'" Y°" saY' it is tragedY. Qnick, quick! Bing the e tYPe of .ieinteslitIlp alr.ltdistlaten:eheitglIttetstdt I ,111,, insPirati"
01. 5(1 No, it is, not 'iocieren, it ben and i.t the curtain drop; elle_ 11:1-Teeld'iexcli'id2a2cle‘n113031111fiOaint:1101 J. t710e1)(11101)threti-'1' ftlytnt-iereac:ftlipallilivSelils111.110-1:110 celebrateesaeli :''100rs:")'• '' And he, with a4 eYe f°r
marching from. the hills, might have
metropolitan splendor, oa enemies,
Iia never beea. locked. No burglar
commeece and tleferice,. gave us Lon -
forced the gates. All night long, 011 seoeld be tempeed ',.to go in ,there to ja°11iieiciet°tfy:i°,110gornt:nilt,joilierIetilillythYoduatyl i.gi'11:11-06e1ointililieenedilnillecirli'etil c°01.21:L411,..1L:lifilue alitlicet ta• illlereOeh°,1assig(Twn ',1,...,(p)1111:,1,1:1<if..11,11gii ,Aefloirco(If1 don' not es the first founder, or the
steal auythiag. Only, a, brok-en,chaie of thy youth, hut knolt thou that °Ones." ,leseph. was sure that hoev- erasaaan such., is „weld dein et ieesei, seeeucl founder but as , the
top of the wall tend in freat of the
gates, might be ,heard the nieastirecl stande Le:safest the cioor. Shove it
back. Go in. Strike a, match. Now, for„ all these things God will bring, ever lengtile waftliig 'time 41ight be •inard.etheugh ids PersonalitY 'Stands f.ouncier of 'the . Lonclon • whieli
beat ; silence hung in air, save as ' . waY that seelueth . right to a Allan, aljellecithee;errlii.einelele. 111eaeC1 a11.00a1;eiliendiniclacclh(i)7 telilleds. tz sAiallicttioYiettiefe pl. 09rIt'ilarpl:)1"Psuese.eicieoYeetn.
step of the watchnian on his solitary
some passerby raised, the riuestion, ,BleASU'LlerSS AND RAG& but Mao ,end. thereof is deatnee
, .You. into jedgment," riTllere is a the ProMises of G'Od Wonld be ful-' out pule peed distinct amid the leg-: „ii‘iveisessafIcleyivoev',"oh(rtee::.1.tli's icillneida,::eg),L'arteiiaottniastsoiklad'eleteri'.csel
. .
. ,
The ancient's i divided their night
Weteinnan, NVIlat of the night, ?"
now 15 110 you say. lio not letter
e;.'ee those &riming eyeballs. Be etireful .__,......__e,-
like 1 i.i th , , Witll JOSCP11 and, t avid
to unveil can only be. an efegy of the genclered that we 11ow honor lns ,
ie. sem. xxiii, 5. 92,hose Who .have Tile noble.statue which 1 tun abmit °P1)°rtuilitiee, than .foig, what he en -
((510 four parts—the first 'watch. from.
an3r insult, do no b u tter any '''suspi- eNpect to see all tile unfulfilled Pro- rifoi\l,,coLgr,ohilli..ceetioili;layanedweisiobethaenAi„dferhedii:0(vel, innatntfete. aysetf,Novsass.oefliedeeiseedt,,t,teoviei aat;tedtodlde_,
6 to 9, the second. from 9 to 12, the
;third. from 12 to 3, and the fourth
that red marl. on the wadi? it is
cion, if you value your life. 'What', is PflIE S:S. LESS0,1, icii,ifs;icis,cx,xco.i;:s,cee,„:0i,i,j,,,i-s.iga:.]:,Eisx:ei6:., '7:,:xvi.iiitioe,ri:a.„,i'iiliY._, Iiiisuc,..a,nitoyi.:1,1idi. rveactigtlice%e nifuleiren, 'if-le:Ito° hill)cotlici,tlioC,hunted;hl,ginilis •
ba.de 1)e of. good cheer; and little
• . •
front 3 to 6. I speak now of the city
the niark of a niurderer's hand!
rushy concealment, amid the boom,
I never weary of looking upon the
'in the third WatCh, or from 1,2 to 8
the straw in. the corner coining to -
Look at those two . eyes rising up INTERNATIONAL LESSON, NO 111 39-91 1a911-5.2111.-}.1'1 °tilers 3..icc0tdilig lt) 'Ll'cts
out of the, darkiiess . and , out from vEmEgee 3, 2 6. "They' eurbalined 111111; and ' he 'bwhi0iittwie.10j°:C.10oty;lnieditsi'llilelocoladlli7teltitill:Ildeid licliiii.:8111serlititl.±1)4.1 Tho i212 etwfiii de s tiitiee which aeeteited eerie
ti:n1gd ohfi'sthiepe,obpiel:e.rns, have- realized . 'tile :
life of the city in the first watch. • ..1 -
Welru ,N-0 11, and as they come., 110 1.r
Text. of the . Lesson, G -en.., ' 1, 15- fwanasstelitli)ea1111tigiefi bIteettlic'!17111g),:ultooi:::grirtiEltitsigs7i,t1‘::it'ti1N,bVioblilfecieltc., ':telliditligit,L:\,\ft0t;d:ttolitoi0ttlit1,rre' fpetlia:rt,:e•tehgSWiititlsileletuot buass11.,t1tadhli lel): ss euelari) 0 s 0 t ha t i ii 8.(01'ut'L 1.such h0 a, 1d%r)e a. inB u. at .. ,
That is the hone when the stores are
closing. relle.laboring men, having other match. Ale;
you youplit; goes alit. 'Strike an -
26. Golden Text 'Ps-. 'se 12.
tree repeesent;',ition of Alfred. had led him uP into a. mottn- ,-
.quitted the scaffolding and the shop, not like -those 'beautiful childrea pre -
this is a babe,
s Ag 7111 we are ,called.' , to ams.s1 over
. , but ends with. cleat -J-1,, but the Bible
ends with life, overYWhere, on earth iiim, indeed; 'we venerate' not so,
1.11.. tain and -shown him the England •
'are on -their way home. It. rejoices
me to gite them my setit in the city r, e ver 51151 (1 It never w ill smile.
senterl in laaptesm. This little 'one many moet 'interesting and'PrOfitable Load dPath. ClestroYed.by the, g11.e0 .01 Much a 5115 111,, actor in oar histoeY Which , was to be, Lthe Ehglancl of ,
"items, but we trust :that all teach -
car. They have stood anti liananeeed A flowee flung ion an awfully barren .ers
had not concealed froin.him the erst .,
They are exhausted with the tug yew, shawl or your teloor\d,iise.vvg,\.‘,..,eiatiloii,i jsaeitonbd,actomi3f00011,iiiii!,ba i.z.,is_ sin -became .a sia offering, a saeriace
will note at least the following : :3-112r1 1:7(,)rxder:irees-lals,, • eC),,11,1;ivs'atO .(bncoester.titeexx,-,iolf; sa'Ose,101ii.e.eigiecii;e,alteE01112.)ilieSaheellli.a. 119f ::tehir]eng‘Paealilda6,st iv.alcleicki Should be
blaeidovteirlew'hi:::::rbi7.:, '
away all day. Their feet are Weary.
of around you
beach. 0 Ifeevenly Shepherd, ford
dark hour in which his kingdom and
work. They are mostly cheeretil. With coat tighter.; .for the ,..,coid ,w,.nd for sin and died for our siee. When goltarleit'llet.lill(\e\E'"eest,i(eIs1"00:011101.1?alitlio-leeraia.,1.11;1:11).1re,inoeIlt\i,i0t,pfiltiowililssis.:
Norniaa, invasion, of which the iron
appetites sharpened on the swift ee,eops thi.eug,h; . he was about to leave Canaan, the Ire shall eorne to ,Ifis terone: ' there
our first foi•eign relations, oUr fleet shoulthenter the English soul—not to
turner's wheel and the earpente.r's Striee valether match. Al is it meeting of Joseph and his faeligr; will be life for all Israel and bless_
efforts at education. (Hear, hear,) slay, butJo strengthen; to introduce,
whetstone they seek possible teat the scarred and laruie- Jacob's ineerview with Pharaoh,. sea- leg for all the NVOild. As long a's
Prbme He isein a word, the embodiment of indeecl'e,the last element, •wanted to ,
ea face of that young woman ever 000
conipose an Impeteal race; and then,
NVLIS looeed into by maternal tender- sons, his patting- worde to all his ise to 'Abeam iu gene xv, 1-4, , was our 'civilization, end 'yet so 'narrow
S01)0 his death 'and his burial at
bleesing' JoseP11 and his two that.coffin abode ia Egypt the
was Ins ,stagio, so limited his, oppor- passing over the ages,. . had solaced
The eleths, too, have brolcen. away
nese? ' te (ter no scorn. Utter 110 Hebron.
Intri by showing him
from the counter and with brain
No ray of hope has 15. "Joseph will peradventure hate unfulfilled, and as, long as the body,
of a saint remains- in the dust of tunities,ethat he Would have marvel -
weary of the long line of ligures and .,11elesh word.
dawned oil that brow foe many a led not.less than 1,11c) son ,of Jesse' or.
the whinis of those who go a -shop-
. us, and will certainly ,regaite us all this earth some other promises re-
piiig seek the face of mother os wife' Vear• 'No ray of hope. ever Will
One of the hardest' things on earth
the evil Which 'ere did unto him." main unfulfilled., such
rile' 1w6i1117er;)111:re. aCcoar.f txavf if .15 lve512y..,, pleruot-
, . which. he llas been called arid at the banks of the Thames' and had shown
as .-1. Thess. the son of Kish at the primacy to itS 'we see it, had led 111111 to the
with young men. seeting oat from the has gone out. •Do not strike anotli-
and child. 'The streets are 1111 011h0 dawn one that brow. But the light
to bear is to be misundeestood, ans- mise. secular revei'ence 'which. embalms his lrille the little Saxon fort developed
ge•eat, centres of bargaib making. er light. It Woatii be a inockery to , ., . .1150112o/7: Even at his best he, ruled into a world capital and a ,world-. •
gixe kindle another light in. such a place judged, -slandeted without cause. to
Let idleis clear the etreet 4:01d
the right of way to the 1)esweated as that. Pass out and pass down be falsely accused •by those to whom' '
great conquests_ he wrieta no groat crowded and distressed, but familiar,
over .but it, province. He made no mart, Mhabited by millions, often..
artisans and merchants ! reh cy have the street. Our cities are full of you have shown only* loving kind- -
laces and, for •whom you leave 111 your books, ' he knew none of the Splendors with coniforts , unknown to a Saxon
sucli homes and the worst time the heart nothing but good will. Jo- ____ of we.alth tend doininion, there was, 'Prince. Supposing that, guiding him
, earned their bread and are now on
their way home to get it. Tee third watch of the nieht.
seph. had gie-an these risen every evi- , ..,- nothing in him' of the Alexander or through the. endless maze of teeming .
The Lemon is Good 'for a Great
lights in full jet hang over 10,000 In the third watch. of the night 'Many ...4ilmeeits -' the Caesitre he had none of the Woe-. dwelling's, the seer had brought him
ganibling does its worst, 'work. What dences of his forgiveness., he had ' . les of Solomon save wisdom alone. to a pttlace where the descendants:of
"he traveller's best ,friend is that
evening repasts—the parents at
though the hours be slipping awae wept OLVCr their' and kissed' them '1 his eiVitan ceinduct a system of gov- -
either end of the table, the children
and though the wife 1)0 waiting in (xlv, 15) and liar' dohe all that love queer little yellow boy named Lemon.
Go down to the nearest grocery (Chem's.) •
' SECRETE' OF ALFRIele'S FAME. elannent which, remote indeed, from
be'tween. Thank God, "who setteth
tbe ,cheerless home? Stir up the could do for them, but 'thy did ' not e perfection, is the parent of most
the solitary in families 1"
Thre; bring on more eireulcs; „ laelieve that he' realty 'naeant it; af-
travelling, coat_ of,„ white tissue paper,
and you will find liine dressed in f a \a‘.1101,a,toif iiiiisidieleocilc'i 10511titiFei'esienciia'eg,ti:n0aftilolins constitetions ,in the civilized World. '•
A few hours later ond all the
Pi all. What manner of inen are
of mankind? It ' is, in the: firSt ,(Hear; hear.)' Not far removed,
Places of amusement, good and bad,
PUT UP et0IIE STAKES! ' theee wile , canno 1 trust such , a bro- all ready to start with you on your
againathe Saxon Ring might have
are in f u I I' tide. Lovers of art, .
they ? Do are act like. this toward journey, and to do many a kindly Places, a question of •PerselialitY. Ee
deed ,for you.
beheld anether: palace, consecrated to
catalogue in Italic), stroll. througil it,e, , That comenerciarlimise that only a
the Lord Jesus ? Ile came unto ITis
In the first place, if you feel a lit- time jurisprudence which.' he himself,
has stamped his character , on the
ptileries end discuss the pietures. little while ago put oil a sign of co- OW11 and lees OW`11 l'OCCilred 1.1.13T1. flat, With a solemn invocation to the Ale
cold annals of humanity. How is
'The ballroom is resplendent, with the partnership will this winter be
but tbey Plated Him and called IT.i.in tle "out of Sorts," 0.1151 as though
knew only that two homely , tales of mighty', had raised from the dead.
that done? We cannot tell. , We
side of the white, glistening boards will be many 0 money till that will
riell aPParel of those who on either wrecked on re gambler's 'table. There
a. devil and would not believe that
P eeze a. little le 11015 juice into a
you can't put one foot after .tt.nother,
las life—the story of his mother's And then passing doarn. and: beyond y
await, the signal from the orchestra. spring a leak. In. the third watch of
Concert halls are lifted into en- the night pass down the streets' of He Was their own Kessiala,
1G, 17. "Joseph wept when , they,
, , - been - brought , withM sight of the
glass : of • fresh water, drink it and book and that , of the neatherd's hut the IMperial river,' le inig-ht have
sPale unto him." The treatment ef feei refreehed. •
, , , , —heere .become Part of our • feillt lore:.
British fleet, the b(Tepring at his own
chantenent with. the Wal'hic,, of one these cities, and e,,ou hear the click his brethren. WaS enough to make Or if Y°1-1 have a case of gentdne 'hunted . with ,-,the deer as desolate as Poor boats, charged with the ward -
His life, itioior at one time he is .
eong-stress or swept out cm a sea of the dice, and the sharp, keen
him weep. If his fatrier told' them malaria,, when every bone aches, and
a clefea.tecl pretender; and at another ,.
ship of a fifth of the world, with the
brazen instruinezits. A beautiful and tables. At these places merchant
of tumultuoes feeling by the blase of stroke of (he balls on tlie billiard
Joseph to forgive what he had al- 'in°11th'"
to say what they said he did, to ask you have a -brown feeling in your
besides being "sd tired" all he is the predominant prince int his tyaditions of : victory and suprernacy;
- overwhelming thiriee is the city ha Princes dismount, antr Iegielators, .country and one of the, rare Sover- and , not unequal to the trust.
the titne, squeeze enore. lemon juice
the first and second watches of the tired of nutking laws, take a respite ready so manifestly forgiVen, that (Obeers.) Suppose, moreover, 't114.1,t
would bee a cause for weeping ; if into fresh water—enoUgh to „make. a' eigns recognieed 115 the darkness of
his brethren were lying to hint con- yerY Iiiin the opulent and b.rilliant, vista.
in. break,ing theen.' All classes of there could. have been spread before ,
sour beverage—and drink freely Europe—his life has those rem:antic
But the clock strikes 12, and the people are robbed by this crime—the
corning their father, that would be of Illnglisli literateue, that tpromisect
elements which fascinate successive
• third. watch has begun The thunder importer of foreign silks a ad the
sufficient to make him weep. Let us of it many times in.' the "day.
For this little Yellow boy is a foe generations. But when all is said
of the city has rolled out of the air. dealer in Chatham street pecket
lay it to -heart e if we have tnii, to a sour stomach, 4and always ,rea.- ated done we catmotg wholly explain
an. scarcely to enter. ,Suppose that ho
land for whichehe was to prepare but
'.1.1ie slightest sound cuts the night handkerchiefs. The :cleres ,of the it. Theeinagnetisin,..of .history is
with such distinctness es to 'attract , store take a hand after the shutters miexplored secret of • nature. 15'1011.1 could have seen .in an tineeding pro-
recei;Ved and do put all Our ti•ust in. dy for a fight against indigestion. '
the hrecious blocicrof Christ for our 'cession the various nations which
your attention. The tinkling of the' are put up, coul the oflicers of the
slice a lemon and rub the bits o e • dam. the free fatherhood of the Brit-
., If Tele have t•i. throbbing heada.che another point .of ,view we behold in
bell of the street car in the distance coast while away their time while vf, 3,7,; i, 12 ; 1... John ff, 12; Isea, the brow and the pain \yin soon go ...
S1.11111011 then such see:1'de as John ` : vri his career the highest and best type
and the baying of the clog. 'The the jury is out.
ish•Crowri, and not merely these, but
xliii, 25 ; Acts xiii, 88, 39, should away.
if your hair is falling out ' of
, the qualities ‘vhich we . cherish in
stamp of a horse in elle next et] cot In -the third watch of the night'those descendants of his spare 'sub -
The slamming of a. saloon door. 'The also drunkenness does its worst. The
Iti:coug'11 of the drtml;ard. The drinker will be respectable at 8 forgiveness of all our sins and
give ,itts perf,ect rest. concerning, "ti
our the roots and over the scalP, wa.sh- will 1 say," he, Ivrites, -that I have
our national character. Note first
his "al)sorbed devotion to duty. This jects wh0,. aggregated no doubt from
many other races, are yet the Ceti-
aie rub slices of lemon thoroughly into
shrieks of the steam whistle five o'clock in the evening. a ,little flush- ielationehip to God ; but 'how mmay Mg the 'head afterward with warm tral sburce of the American people--
eny. friends, the.
inilles away. 011., ' how sue'"gestiva cd at 9, tatikative 111.1 gaaruloue at -beli,evers, just, like the
1 0. at 11 blaSphemous, at 12 the Joseph, are ever questioning their
brethren ,cf fstolcite wciantd.er.:n. ocskcpele:zeley 1103nici.ohiti ai,niaidee3,,i,:: sought to live worthily while I lived,
to milk, rub the 'mixture over the P.nti after
men who come after me a remem-
my life to leave to the
divided from us by the Atlantic and
(cheers)—that people, which, always
in the fresh glow of your brance in good veorks"; and he gave
hat falls off, al; 1 the- man falls to relutionship to Goa ,and wondering often by differences of Policy and. ,es -
the floor; asking for mere drink, if their sine, are really forgiven., Will 1e10105
Teere are liones't men passing- -up Strewn through Inc chinking saloons . himself, we are told, wholly, untie- pieation; cannot, if the' will, , 'he
This is ungrateful, belief and „grieves complexion.
and down the street. ITere is a city wholly separated, and, in supreme
of the city, fathers, husbands, sons, the Holy, Spirit anti our blessed' • ' alix lemon juice and glycerine, rub servedly, to his royal responsibili-
enissionaty, who has been. carrying a eharge of his people, mornents of stress and sorrow, 'ere-,
ses good as y 011 ,rtre I iy nature, per- Lord. • . Your hands NV itil 15 at night, and ef ties and the
scuttle of coal to that poor family haps '15e-tter. ' In the, high circles 18. , "Behold, we •be thy servants.. you are not too nervous wear large whom it ds recorded ,that; he'. 'racier ehe ,eenturies and the seas . (Loud.
rIlien he Was theTe
'first nglishman of sigtiblyn h
, ',faiands with us across
that dark place.. Here is an n- uof society it is hushed tip. A This they said as they fell down be, old gloves and . you will wonder at , , _ ,.
dertaker going up the m
stairs of a erchant prin(e, if •he gets noisy arid fore his face. This was not grati-• their dazzling Ivhitepess.
lie .could have.,,beheld,. as in an un- :
knew when he was beaten. (Cheers.)
cheers.) Suppose in awordthatng from which there collies a. uncontrollable, is taken 13y his fel- tude foe his• love,' but. seeking•-thuS but ,folded tapestry` the varying but ,su-
e When a bee stings. Or' a .‘-viisP sticks Sometimes :the Danes: erushed aim.,
bitter cry, 50)101 111(15(100 tha,t the low 1eael1esegIv11 0 try to get Inin to to obtain that, favor vehicle:he -had perb .fortunes of that ihdoniitable,
a eropg into ymer face touch, the sometime§ he crushed the Danes;
. •
destroying ,angel has smitten
.. the bed or' talee him homewhere he falls already freely bestowed, upon them. hurt; Spot with pure lemon juice. If wonhweasit01(17' 0111,11 yt h,,,,,e . i tehn d ' t h: c( sae 1 I 7 ehres' 1).1 a dN IT race by whose cradle he had Watched.
fu.stborn. Here is .f.1 min.istrie of re- flat in the biete7. Do notewake uP or a vexatious corn
11hrion who has been giVing the sae- the children. - They 'lave had dila had enjoyed his favor (xlvii, '28) iend
For 17 years the breihreti3Of' jeseph you haye a wart
rub lemon juice on With Ifiltiting
of the half ceetialy that .was his life .0110 of those predestined beings,
contend. In the best twenty years W°1-dd he not. havo. seen in himself'
rament to a dying- equestian, Here arace , enough. 6 Do not let them ,loving kindness, yet 'now they come zeal, and ' bid. defiance to mosquitoes
is a. Physicietn, • passing- along in Kieow it. he strugg,lea against, ' ' "
consciously to fashion the destines
gmater than the great,. who seein un -
abjectly before Iiiin to obtain that with the touch of your little. yellow ..
haVe gone out in the dwelling -e, for
„ it is , the third watch of the night.
great haste. Nearly all the lights
Yet-ta's. Tileie are' Christians who 15 'A- and the paralyzing aPPrelleesion of Nvorld? (Hear, hear.) And tee he,
which. had been ttteirs fully all these frientlu. p 01 tea, is ai.vaysi. imepteoved and Mark 'the inilestones of the •
But sometinaes it cannot be hushed' or 20 or . 30 or 40 yet-ers'rtgo receiv- -
, by slices ,of fresh lemon and we ail its recurrence. That he should have looking fore,erd, would have mar..
of the watcher, for the medicines
'That light in the window is the 12 lit up when. the rum touclaes the., brain cd through Christ the forgiveneSe of
anci tile rnan 1)ecomes thoroughly know how a well -mixed lemon squash done so hutch is wonderful; thet lie veiled, so Nve, looking backarard,
inust be adminiStereci. and the fever freaziece Such. a one came hoines sir,s 'and were nade-children of God ean reviv° the weary stomach., if should have done so illuell under this marvel noieethe less. but proudly,
and joint heirs with Christ; yet are you go oo a water voyagc,. you.' niust disahilitY is amazing. (Hear, hear.) tula gratefully.' consecrate this ininme
, must be watched, ancl the restless having been abeent for some tinie
tossing off of the coverlid must be and during his absence his.wife died, never sure -that they are saved, nev- certa,inly teed it ,witle you, for pure f latent to the, memoley of Alfred 1110
Then he had the Supreme citta,lity, o
er yejoieing inelTim, but hope some lemon - juice Will rout all giddiness tiath; franknesei candor, ari open El obd,- Alfred the Trtith-teller, Alfred ,
eresisted, and the ice must 1.)o
on. the hot temples, and the pee- pared for the obsequies, and be went if they can only prove faithfule : „
hePt and, she lay in the next room pre- day to be good.,enough for heairen
• . . a.nd seasiclmess.
And the little , sour yellow` fruit is That
heart:is aIII(sfual7toyrellrhafsciii lw-Liassbtobledn- the Father' of his country and of
jtetual prayer must go up from I 011rf.i. (Cheers.) "
hi and dragged her by the 1,ocks and .19, 28.. "Fear not, for am I in the as good as a doctor's help to pure niire: among Princes, and it is neVer
a King, not a pompous and neeetere F. :,.1
hearts soon to be broken. ' +
shook lies out of the shroud 'and place of god ? " What -they needed sprains and bruises, or aladyes maid too Le o a n ni 0 n,- ( 1-1 e a r , Pc. u)—but it is
\Vhat a stupendous thought. — a
Ole the third watch. of the nig,ht ! pitched her out of the window. Oh, was true penitence before God, to reniove brown freckles and red. on iS which rt1ng I i s Imi en 1 oere. (Cheers)
whea mini touches the brctin :V013 'Ca/1. against NWhoin they had so grievoue- patches and eunburn. , • He' Was' known as the IT.Cruell-teller. It
whole city a,t rest. 770117'aim pre- not hash. ,it up !
ly sinned and to whoin perhaps they Theec ,are only a few of the many is a noble title, lime° dietlugaished
brain being cooled off-., Rigid mus-
ed. The white hair of the °etas cal, As after tlie battle of Ante-
;dimPled hands thrown out -on the Sttiert, one of the 1)est Christian (Prove xxviii, 134.- '
,pillow. fresh fall Of flakes on snow
paring for to -morrow's toil. Hot A great, deal of Nvhat is ceeled
already fallen. Childhood, with its distributing the. tracts, and George
gonarian in thin drifts across 'thc.
cies relaxed. Excited nerves sooth- the simple , reason it is not 'practi-
tam a man got out of an. ambulance (Col. ire 18, 14). Covering' sin from with a, be,g of tracts, and he event. God never prospers,' but ,confessing
Christian work goes. for nettling, or • are sure that ,all that WaS 1.*-1/1/St e°1itilialli01 YOU will never again go
end forsaking it 'always brizig mercy
had never yet truly taimed. There
Us before God. has hem put awaY
can b.e no PC axe of mind until ,ee you once ti7 111/n as a travelling,
, co,
away without him. , , Truth -teller. Thon on was a mall, a
kindly deeds of friend Lemon, and ,if
9 ,............_.
I t he t of Great.. (Hear,. hear.). In
complete inati. What strikes one
distinct epithet. Though profoundly
pleteness. ,, Complete is, :t think, his
IiistorY -he stands as . Alfred the
inost in„ him, indeed, is his cenne
than the yttPiel arid' prostituted epi -
pillow .aacl with every hre'ath 'taking men in this country, said ,to hinn 21. "He comforted tliem and spale In Sumatra the wind decides the lij'ilS`' 11° was n° 'Ineii`prit°- Th°"gli
. ,
in a new store, of fun and,sfrolic. i
`Ilelat are you distributing tracts
eiaclly' uteto them'."" Anotlier " fear length of time a widow should re -
e" :tie
Third watch Of the night ! God's for nevee, • Theee are .3,000 men , IOUs phantom. TPliougli a, passionate
not " and ' assurance of , contlaued 111am single. Just after her •11110-•
slumberless eye will look. Let one bleeding to cleeth. , I3ind up their e.
great '11010 (11 refreehing slumber roll wounds,' and then distribute the care and more kind words and.' tio. f,b,,talli'serdeCalotiolr!htetponPlawnlitischa'afl.iallgasgta,ifsi 1 seeker arterT. 111.(:)'N'vle'ci.ge% not
a PeTh
ulalaraiding. I -Tow inanifestly tile
ovrn the heart of the great towel, tra,cts." We want more; conunon sPirit. of °heist wag in JosePh, for raised- Willie tlre aniong, filen., for be eves "all thin',
daile or a Prig, • .1'1 e 1 I ven as- a man e.
w 0 rr intent and pain.
submerging ' Pare te.-al: anxiety and
1. LO TIIE CITY SLE'liT. bread of this life in one liend and
eense hi ,Chels,tian work,- taking the
the bread of .the next life in the ot,11- ix, 8 ; I. r.l.'irri. 1, 14, could enable a
as we read of in II. Cor. viii, 9 ; 6.2.11111atra forhide her to marry;
ehlY the great grace Of God, such tOre bY the wind the etiquette of,
but word; rejoiceng in the society of his , , ' gi3Ais.1-1)*
1 to ale men.," In. the hese sense of the :1'N:",,A017::k"'S SIII-1-3/17' 1300TEE ANI)
flag remains un-
atgthe first, rent, however tiny,: 'she his (1 pviests' Is' 'huntsmen' 1
or hand: No such. inapt work as inan, to act as ,Toseph did towardieftuit's outfit should con-
jett„ my friends, he not deceived, een p, , ,.. aside her weeds; assume her -1-Z...........,-...........; 1-iiS farmers;'i,ntereqocLI Laill . >1-11 I'Ls of linen lawn i°r' wear
There will be to -night tholteande that cloao by the Christian man who teese brethren.- De of sehorn To n79.9Cjbetvitc'hin'g s'n'iile, 'and accept, in.'" w0rtilY, 1 1,.1tercsts' m'xing fr°61:°'
who will not sleep 'at , all. Op up ivent into Et hospital with traces, seph vas a woacirove type Will corn- the first man whc> Presents hiniself. ' with his see lee,,e; . wm,i,k,g. a, Cd p :1,,,,y,,,. 1 1\iV311NitC11L131e0Letsjiltcelic:trliesktith:e fitaiinienre,,lbobcal;dtsenicill
'that: dttrk alley, and be cautious and, coming,, to the bed of a man fort 3r01,5 and speek kindly to you, SliCaESSFUL S:RONTI-1 ErelAt,l4E,T.• singFojainolf°,111;11gi'Cil1tei'llol'iltab,hutt ;.5.;11,i,,17,111A1 111)1,:titn1se 1sn()(f1i;c1 5.11-80 0g1:eiNeicsnicf.)1L'r'e11110:1 11 lattl.(1111°,3ibtie 7t:trillic7
wilier°. you tread lest you fall over whesc legs had been amputated, geae ,whoever „ yoU rimy be, if you will ' A smoke helmet, of German origin, bosom.; A. inan among nleu, dealino, i.e.1 adequate in every wro,,y,
t .,.., ,
. 6 . .
' the prostrate form of a, drunkard lee hin- a tract 011 the sin 01 'daneing' only conic to Him, for Fre is the, is lilecey te be widely weed by flee- ,
ing o n. . his own doorstep, Look Bat there is a man , ,who vill, not an day with. the' CO):11111 03 affehe of rl he 5i, ilirt. is cut in one Mee° and le
refoem. Tle says, "I woe.'t re- Fa,ther oemerciee arid tile God of all Men en bur.ning Pronlises in 12111110, .
abOut you, lest yea feel the garrot-
er's hug. ' Look throtigli the broken fgem,' Well, then, ha_w many aets have the last -two of these prceioes a•cliver'e these. Air is conveyed by a. Itaihtf.eul,s1:i s.).tj1:11.11t1:‘etasyr9it,:.1:,1.61 L'Ijf:11,(LeCjili1:h.fleiceg,i:•Is . if5)(11.05 a:1110s1:511-01.11?113.111.iisti Isi.,V1211c,1103s\l'ivat. 11 :LI b;ctl'el111.0)1 sfl°01e1., .0Ld1,1i;ess I 1.(!)iu]. ilsclileer(8,1 ' wai'll1111 --
co info It, (II. Cole i, 8), leere we In rer)poaratio i, soinewhrt.t resembtes
,window patio and see what yoti can are there in a tragedy? I , believe fear tiots,, 1(1 this hook ; . others eirceettgene, By 21', moans •LW 0 I6,,,,
thete 'ire '
see. You say, ''Notliing. Thene`-'" :it not hi the practical character 'fired 'file,ball& is eat in elie Piece, ntrish-
'arc f°und in °hal) 50rS '''.-7r, '?'xi, 7(xvii Penet'ratfid deilse 010 Os ''01 811101(e `IL lin-,.11 unc,onseloueie with ime,gination esI w• it') set1,1 1')Ped edges, aryl is; Yong
listen. What is it ? "God help FIVE ACTS IN A ,TIIAGEDY, xlii, '7.(1.vi. - ' a Warehoueeelire ih Back Geeee, 'Ieiv-
,iis ?" „No footlights but tragedy Act first i01 the tragedy: A young 22, 23',: "And ,Toseph leved 11) 115111 '
erpool; recently, and \yore 511000ssfni that the 'best of .the Eniron is Seen? 0110j-Igl, to, allow' of 'lapping °Ile end
, 0.11,e,stlices: and mightier than 11 77
:man starting off from heal°, parents deed and tea , years." See ttlso VCI'f3CL iri diseoVeri ng the se,e,t ef the . fire, . ,
(Ileer, hear.) And. iS iliin'O ,,.1. higher wen 'over the others ',rho b°°t°° Is
or Eldwiti :Booth. ever enecteci.
no fireno breadhNo and eister's t'Veeping to have Iiiin go: 26. Since he was 30, -When he fiest .thils greatlY: 1:aeiliti''Lting the"' 0Per a" esiPil6acrii.millieVis 1
.Te' j)).,(,){1)1113,17 , ;I'm al m 011:1f lil• $TJT:'51(1111,•1311111.TC').117'(.C:.111:1-1111101.1:eot'111s%(114:
. . ,
eight,. , , no ope. wagon rising over -the hill; faveareel stood , before Pharaoh exli, 46), he dents of the brie'ade, ,
'Shivering in the cold, they haVe lied kiss flung beck. Iling tile bell arid hacl 80 years o f pros,perley in E -
Ino. food for tWenty-four hones, y-ou let the curtain fait gypt ; enough. to Inalte him forget The rental of :13riletin's:2,1,000„ first-
. Ir •
day, "Why don't they beg ,?" Ileliey Act the second:, relic) Inarrtakre a 1, - the few years of slavel7 Ettld 1.111R11,S- Class . in ansions . J'_iggregatee 1 e mi 1._
, ,
do, but get nounng, You ea,y, ter; 'full Organ, .bright; lightee lone on1nent, and A,Vi'.) 1,110W that the. e.etf- lions, while the eget 238,000 bring
47lay don't they deli:eel' therneelvee white ereil teething through the .1.5•Tings of this present time are neti only 28.1.: millions.
1-118 c.clAiAc,.i'LLz. As 104'11151'
, 'rc) OLIt the, eliist c)f laien
„ Ile was a 'f<lee, 1.1113 feing, u.n'i .1 3:earci of lure esill Ire leoeireele
tee le'liider the lett,(ler, INc fether of to ce,t ()f 111111$.101,
Ile (11(1 for Mien], nil iis 1 11311 the 1)0i.)LC,1) yura 15 0e31
in their berbeeous cd11111LIon tiler- rewisI 111.