HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-10-24, Page 1FO'URTEENTII MatInalcralsemitemoolummigua YEAR. -670. EXETER ON'TARIO, T'IlURSDAY, OCTOBER 24,19OLtA FEW LEADERS IN STOVE McClary's Famous Steel Ranges McClary's Famous Cook- ing Stoves McClary's Famous Base Burner. Gurney's Souvenir Ranges " Souveni r,Ran ges. for wood or coal G-urney's Art Souvenir Heater We have a number of Second -Hand Stoves, at low prices. IL BISHOP & Sale Register. WEDNESDAY NOV. 0.--Farin stock, implements, the ptoperty of Wm. Batman, Lot 1s, Con. 5, Usborne, Sale at, one o'clock. IL Brown, Auction- eer, MONEY TO LOAN, We have unlimited private funds for in. - vestment upon farm or village property, at o west rates of interest. DICKSON Sr CABLING, Barristers, etc.,' Exeter. MONEY TO LOAN. I have a large amount of T)rivate fluacls to loan on tarm and village properties at low rates ofinterest. F. W. GLADMAN. Barrister, Main Street Exeter INTAN'PED—A Large Wholesale House intends to • establish a branch office in Canada and de- sires 'Manager for same. Salary $150,per month and extra profits.' Applicant musE furnish good refer- ences and have 01500 to 02000 cash. Address Super- intendent. P. O. 13ox nal; Philadelphia, Pa. ' SALE ADJOURNED. v. The Ohattle'llMortgage sale announced to be held la Thursday, Oct 24th, on Lot 3 and 4, Con. 17, Step- hen township, has been adjourned until a future date, to be announced latefl. See new bills for date of adjourned sale. J. 0. STAN -anal-, JOHN GILL, Sol for Itfortgagee. Auctioneer: Dated, at Eketer-Oot. 23rd 1501. Bargains in Shoes 13roken sizes of Ladies and Misses Summer Shoes At COST. Ladies' Oxford Regular $1..40 for $1.15 " 1.75 1.40 2.00 ‘` . 1.50 •‘" 2.25 " 1.75 MissesOxfords Sizes 8 to 10, Tan and Black, - Regular $L00 for 800, " 1.25 " $1.05 • Also,seme lineS of LadieS' Buttoned Shoes. Those are all this year's goods of the latest styles and best ma,kes. CALL AND SEE THEM. R. SWEE Treble's Old:Stand Eden Mr. and Mrs. Norman Switzer visit- ed friends ia Kirkton on Sunday. -Mr. 11m. Coates attended the Pan-Ameri- eltn, at Buffalo last week -A young gentleman from Lumley visited friends here on Sunday. Some attraction Walker. -Mr. Ernest Buswell, of Ex- •etea, visited under the Parental, roof ,Sunday. --Mrs. Richard' Quance, of Exeter, is visiting friendhere this week. -Mr. and Mrs. John Harmer at- tended the funeral of Mrs, R. Carom st Winchelsea on Wednesda,y. Stafra Mr. James Carmich el, who has been in Stratford for some time, is home with an attack of typhoid fever. -Miss Clara Bickell, of Michigan, is visiting around the village. -Mrs. Robbins has gone to spend a couple of weeks with Mrs. Price.-Mr.Chester Hodgson,who has been confined to the house for a couple of months, is able to be out again, although not enjoying the best of health as yet. -Many of our people attended the evangelistic services at Hensall last week and Sunday. Tues- day evening was their farewell there. -Mr. Phinnimore, of Mitchell, preach- ed in the Methodist church Sunday evening. --There will be no services in the Methodist church next Sunday ev- evening, as it is the Harvest Home au- niversary in the English church. We are sorry to say it is also the Rey. S. W. •Doherty's farewell sermon, as he leaves the Staffa appointment for a larger field of labor in Thorndale and Evelyn. The reverend gentleman has Very ably and satisfactovily conducted services here and in Reosall. Very many friends both in and out of the eliareh will regyet to learn of hia lea v- inaa as his services have been so able, faithful and xxitiCh appreciated, Irs13orne. A. GLISFIER.—Mf'.. Smale, the veteran well digger, of Eilinville, who has never failed.tO leeltd Walter in all lustittenapts at well digging, has: anst completed a. gusher on Mr: Saila RoWe's feria.), concession 3, Usborne, Thedepth wits,31afeet itnd on striking the spring ‘174t6er gushed in with .4-Von- derftil rapidity, So' mach -so that Mr. Theo. 'Sanders ttnd hss helpers had match difficulty :in, getting. the blink and- ceinent work drine. . HoWener they -managed to get th re u gh and theate. is now over lb 'feet of water In :the Well. Mr. Sanders and his helpers de- serYe eredit for their part inthe very efficient manner in Which they handled their pait ,of the job. ° Fai'quliar• The fine weather` is quite acceptable: The farmers are using. it to ,the best advantage in 'housing the .root::.crop.-. There Was no preaching in the hall here on Sunday bechuseof the .funeral ser Mon of the late Mrs. Richard Canith„ at Sunshine.--WrM Fletcher had „his barn raised last Friday. While work - lig. Underneath. some of the atiMbers fell in which Mr. Fletcher had:the end Of his nose almost 'taken Off -and 'Fred Stewart received 31 sei,ere, gash in- the head. --Miss Lettie Kirkby Was visit- ing at Beavers Bros. lest week -.-The apple packers are around pecking up the surplus failit Which is not a. heavy task. -Geo.. A. Hackney Who has spent the summer on the Old Sod, has re- turned, lookingmuch better for his trip: He is now attending Knox Col- lege, Toronto: 131ansliard PRETTY WEDDING. --The home of Mr., and Mrs. Themes Nagle,- South Boundary, was the scene of a very pleasant even la on Wednesday evening., Oct. 16, it being the celebration of the marriage of their daughter, Mary A., to Mr. Bernard' Payton, a prominent young farmer of Downie. The cere- mony was performed in the St. Marys R.C. church by the Rev. Father Bren- nan, at 10 a.m. The bride was given away byherbrother,a,nd was support- ed by her cousin, Miss Helen Nagle. The groom was assisted by his brother, Mr. Thos. Payton. The bride and bridesmaid looked charming in gowns of white silk, trimmed with white sat- in, and carried bouquets of white and pink chrysanthemums, carnations and Aspen ferns. After the ceremony the wedding party returned home, where the immediate relatives of the con- tracting parties partook of the wed- ding dinner. -The bride was the reci0 lent of many useful and valuable pres- ents, which tend to show the high es- teem in which she was held by all who, knew her. Grand Bend WEDDING I3F,LL.-Twointeresting events in which two of our young men were interested took place last week. We refer to the marriage of Mr. Abra- ham Disjardine to Miss Jerinett which took place at the Manse on Wednes- day, Oct. 16511, the Rev. S. A. Oarriere officiating; also Mr. A. Mollard was united in marriage to 'Vise Ellen, of Ailsa' Craig, on Thursday evening last. Their many friends in this section wish the happy couples every pros- perty threngh 1if./ Mr. J. Ross and A. Kennedy left Friday for the,Soo.-Mr. W. Balkwill, of Exeter, spent Sunday with E. Gill. -Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brenner. who were visiting relatives in Minnesota, return- ed home last Tuesday. --Miss Alma 13ossenberry, who has been visiting in Thedford, returned home Sunday. - Mrs. Truman, of Forest, was here for a few*days visiting her parents, Mr. J. Raveller.-Mr. Bruee Bossenberry is home from the west where he has been for two montbs.--Harnion Gill has gone to spend a week et Exeter. -The Messrs Joe and Fred Disjardine are back from the west, after being away for three years -The remains ef Mrs. Smith were interred in the Grand Bend Cetnetery on Montay. RI :For infants and Children. • :Anita 01 C. 11 SAINDgRS,.. EDITOR, McGillivray Council. Harpley Council met pursinnt to adjourn- Several loads of apples pa rnenta Pvesent, R. Flinehinsgmlaeeve; • through here on Saturday ltist M. A. H. Floclgins and D. Dor- 13-revste'-•5 en route tor Parkhill, to be man. Pollneillors. 11fi133l1es of last shiPPed hy J..1.1nes 'loss, of Si. IVravYs. meeting 1,oad, ;Lpprovati and signed. --Mr§. A. 11.1ollarcl, of Grand Mortds, Miller--Hocigins-thataccountsatinount- Who has been visiting ller parents, ing in till to $233.80 be passed tnicl ov-, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Sherritt here for devs drawn on Treasurer for sanie.- ttle Past thl'ee weeks, llas retm'nefl Carried. this hoine.,-On Thursday the 17th instt., council adjourn to tneet 10 Tctem..11/111, it. the home oC the bride's mother, on Tilesfla Y, 1.5th day of October, at 4 Mrs. Christina Igive, the marriage of o'clock p.m..--Carviecl. her'fotirtli denadttei., Miss Annie, to Council met pureuant ,to CliOUr117 .Mr., J. E. WaS solenrized by went on Oct. 15. All present. Minutes Rev. S._\. Carriere, assisted by the of last meeting read, anproved of aricl groonis brother, Mr. W. Hodgins and signed. Dorman--Ilocigins-that -the Witnessed by the neer relatives of the clerk is hereby instructed 10 Consult contracting parties. '1'he tokens of ova/ selicitor in reference to land re- remembrance to thena were useful gnired for olcl road allowance, to con- n.nd costlY and the best wishes of all vey the.said land to George Shipley, go with the young colmie 'to their and take the necessary steps in con- -new tamale. nection,t,lie-rewith.-Carried. Milier- Presl--ihat Ilus co vt ci I adjourn to meet in the' Town Hall, mi the first Monday in Noveinbe.r, nt one o'clock p.11.1.- Carried. ' BASER, C erk. Kirktoii I, Staffa: Mr. Ittttiton, the e V a ngalist, Ssec a . closed.his xneettraas at Stalfa on Sun- ar,ona day. Sixty conversitms reported, 131.ciciulph: Joseph E. Mossey has sold his farm in Bid:la/Iola nea v Pros- pect to Ffenry- 131,w- jua1. 11'E-itc1ie1!:* The infant child of ilfr, \Vila Icermedy, of Habbert, died 11fon- day after a shovt illitea at Hie age of three 111011 5130. Clandeboye: Mr. E. 0, ,lones has returned fi.o/n a, visit to illanitotat. He looks yvell after his trip ttral re- ports cold yreather in the pettirie pro- vince. Potato picking is.- the order of the day. --The painters .tire besy'working at the Methodist Clatirch..--Miss Raehel Elliott is 'visiting Mrs, ' l'aeLyle'Nethera cott, of Fullerton, this week. -How to spend the .. two., holidays. 'in next .111011511 is pOZzling the: average solipal boy: --Mr. and Mrs. Nornian Switzer; of Eden, spent.Strucley' with Mr. and Mrs.. W. Bro --Thomes Blake left, .Tuesday for North Bay where he will Work in the woods ' for the Nvinter:- 13,6y. Mr, Hohnes, Of Granton, filled She pulpithere on Sunday -haat, inthe absence. of Rev. A. S. Andersoba,. Quite a large 'nu/fiber from here a ace ed the feWl suPper at Mein tyres church on Monday evening last. -A Ladies' , Aid Society ha5. been, ergantee.c1 . in the Methodist .claiirch, here .With officers as fon Ows i-aPrest Mie. W. S tzer, sr. ; Vice -Pres., Mrs. li..Fietcher; Secretary Mrs. E. N. Shier; Treasurer; Mrs.: 'W.: 11. Carr. -The Methodist church chair furnished the singing for the Mein - tyre's church anniversary Services held on Sunday and also'supper:on'Monday. evening, while the Rev. A. ,S.- ,Andera son, pastor here preached the " -''Services. -The anniVerSary services in connec- tion with the Methodist church re -op- ening to be held here On Neva 17, Will ;be preached by Rev.: Mr, Holmes, :of Granton, and on She Tuesday evening following hot foWl. Supper ;will he served in thehasement. , . St. .31111nyS The many friends of Mo. and Mrs. W..C. Box will sympathize with1them in the loss of their infant son. --Mr. 'J. Wood has sold out his billiard, room to Mr. 'George Woodwfty. Mr. Wood is in poor health andavill likely take, a trip to California. --The 'Many friends of Leslie Currie, who for the, past six weeks has been ill with fever, will Jae glad to hear that, he is now improving and will soon be out again. AN OCTOBER WEDDING. -Ill St. 'Marys, on Wednesday, Oct. 23rd, In the R.. C. church la quiet but very pret- ty- wedding took place, the contracting parties being Miss Maggie Egan, of St. Marys, to Mr. Jean Eteinere,of. Tilbury. The bride was handsomely attired in a gown of white duchess satin end an overdreSs of white point de chene and woven. large black Gainsborough het, end was assisted by her sister, Miss, Kate, who vore a pale blue d elleSS satin with white chiffon overdress and wore a large black pictare hat. The groom was assisted by B Binglet of Tilbury. After the .ceremony the wedding party returned to the home of Una ide's mother, Mrs. M. Egan, Queen street, *here esumptuous din- ner tailatitecl thein. The happy couple left on the 3.45 train for Torcoao and Bufftdo. On their return they will re- side in Tilbury. " DaSfrwOOd business and Exeter stage route to Mr. Henry Guenther. Mr.McIsattc will re- tain the Parkhill stage route. -The snow -storm cm Thursday reminded one of the approach of winter. --Several of Crediton our Young people attended the Evan - J. G. STANBUlaY, B. A., (fOrmerly couins'a. gelical meetings in Henson on Sunday. Stafibury) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Conveyancer EMU Smith is ill and undee Money to Doan—Exeter,' Ont. the caector's care. We hope she may ACOMENT.-A nahoed 'Thrvid Pfaff "ehas Mason, who is employed, oy Mr. Wm, been negotiating for`the purchase of 'White, of the 4th concession, Stephen, Mr. Charlie Guenther's threshing out - met with a very painful accident on fit. We don't know as Yet with what Friday last by getting one ' of his result.-Mr.Wan has moved into Mrs. thombs badly smashed while riding a. Smith's hose and Mrs.Stnith has agone bicycle 111151as a result is unable to at_ back 011 t110 farna-Mr. Henry Kraft tend to the farm duties, is rushed these days .making cider. - Mr: Christian Rau has returned from Mr. Sam Gratton was in the village .Sault St. Marie, , where he has been Thursday horse dealing. It is report - working' the past sem/nen-Miss .Em- ed that Mr. John Holtz, who has con - la Morlock was the guest of Miss ducted a tailor shop here for the past Youngblut, of Hensall, a few days ten years, is S000 to leave for Shipka. Ittst week. -Mrs. McMurray and farn- -Mr. Win. Rhode is fast rushing up ily have returned from Manitoba, his house on his farm and when corn - where she has been living since spring. pleted he will move thereto. They -Pork ha's taken a drop in prides. will be greatly missed hereas residents Some of our fartnei•s are sorry that of our village. -Mr. Tiderman is buy - they didn't sell their hogs when they ing large quantities of apples. Price were $7.00. --Mrs. Ei . B. S'cott and Mr. $2.50 per barrel. -Another wedding Geo. Eilber, of Philadelphia,' are visit- will take place shortly inour village, ing their father Mr. J. Eilber, who is we are told, but .we won't say who just still very weak. -Mr. Isaac Hill has yet, -Miss Hannah Baker is visiting had hn artesian well drilled by Mr. friends in Sebringyille.-Mr. Merner Jas. Flynn. -Mr; Wm. Morleck, gof spent Sunday with his wife in Goder- Morriston, spent a few days last week ich.-John Graybiel spent 'Sunday here the guest of Mr. 'Gotleib-mor. with his sister in Hensall.-Mrs. John lock. -,Wedding bells this wreek. More 'Hall has returned home from her visit particulars to follow. -Messrs. Irit to friends near Sarnia. -Mrs. E.. P. Brown and Chas. Ewald have return- Paulin attended the W. C. T, U. con- ed from Elkton and §,ebewaling,, Mich,, vention in Seaforth last week. -Rev. after visiting' relatives the past few Mr. Morlock has been assisting Rev. weeks, --miss maryS. Brown left' for Mr. Litt, of Crediton, in evangelistic Toronto last week, where she intends work the past tWoweeks.-Miss Lanra taking a course in Deaconess work.- Goetz, who has been visiting Miss Last Sunday morning a special .mis- Cook, of Hensall, has returned to her sionary service was held in. the Evati. home here. , gelical church. $120 was collected.-- DEATH oF DANIEL WILDFONG.-011 Mr. Henry, Sweitzer, of London, is Monday last the very sad intelligence visiting his daughter Mrs. C. Trick.- of the death of Mr. Daniel Wildfong Mr. Robert Sweet had his wood sawed reached here. The deceased had been with 'steam Rower lastMonday.--; visiting friends and relatives in Michi- While playing m Chas. Zwicker's store gam and his friends here knew nothing rd,one day last week, cm. Siegner of his illness till informed of his death unda empty carbide 00I1, and find- which came as 31 terrible shock. His g a little carbide in the can, he remains were brought home for buri- ought he would have a little fun, so al. His relatives and friends have the went to the pump and Pumped some deepest sympathy of the community. ter into the can and held ' a match er it. The gas went or like a can - n and Cliff. and can went over, but kily no person was hurt. Cfiff. had eye brows singed and received a od scare. He'll be wiser -next time. Ir. and Mrs. Mathew Morldek have n visiting relatives in Ta:viatock past week.-What'sP the matter h our street lamp?, We miss then: ing the clark. nights. -Mx.. If: F. bee and Miss Louisa 111orlock e returned from Buffalo, where y attended. the Pan -American. - s Emma Lewis is visiting friends indlay, Ohici.-Special services will held in the Metluidist church, next da,y ate. 27th inst., for the young ple. A sunrise prayer meeting will eld at 7 a. m. In the evening at in. a mass meeting will be held. Rivers, Mr, Geo, Bloorhfield and . R. W. Knowles will take part cial services will be held during week. Let every body eome and y these interesting meetings. - Michael Klomp has re -shingled dwilling.-Messrs. Wuertli, Heist 0. are putting in a dust blower in r flax mill which will be a 6reat 11 ache I: Mr. I-farry haptuan with an unfovtunate accident Mon while, engaged at apple packing falling from a tree. It, ia 0:13flerst his injuries are severe, met day by ood PUBLIC OPINION IS ,ptrOng in fa vol.. of Pain -Killer for over sixty yetirs the foremost household remedy for cuts, bruises, sprains, tunci all bowel (0.01 p1311150 Avoid' substitutes, there is but one Pahl -Killer, Peiry Dayis'. 25c. and 50c. Hensel]: Fred .HoWitid; ,Who is :in the employ Of D. Urquhart WiaS mar- ried Wedue,sclay at Ztarichtan Miss Ben- der, daughter of: Mr. .Bender, shoe Merchant there. The 'newly °.wedded couple intend oecupying the.houSe re- cently Vacated by D. McMartin. ° Goderichg..p: It is reported that Mx.. Phil Potter, of the Huron. ,Road, had the.•tnisfOrtune to get his leg brok- en 'a few days since. He ;yvas working: with a threshing machine; and While going along the road, it dropped' into a hole, throwing hirta , Off With the abciVe vesult. 116 Will be laid up for seine tine. Kippen:. Miss Sara .Cudincireglaugh-- ter .of Mr: and Mrs. William Cud - More; .and tine Of the: most accompliSh- ed young ladies ef this vicinity, the ast, Week;- left bete for British Col- ombia, where she, purposes making her future home, only under a new name. Miss Cudmore's many -friends here Wish her many pleasant years in her new home. En-Hai:ton: Dr. Proudfoot met with [lite a Serious ttccident one day last, :eek. His horse took fright at a pile f wood at Curtis' corner, and threw ina nut Of the buggy on his .face end 011 aWa.y. from Pima The doctor's oe Was bt,tdly cut up. His little 'girl ,ho Was' 00 1t11 escaped Without -scratch. The. horse ran abota a ule before it was stopped, nen° the prse for the trip. • St .111tarys: Mr. and Mrs. Robert, Pringle tuid Miss Pringle inet with an accident On Thursday thtlt might. e:tSily have been, very serious. They were returning from yisiting friends on the Mitchell road; when the horse, pre-' 50101 11)14 shying a( sotheobject swerv- ...ed to ,One side, thus causing -the buggy .to /mkt. The occupants were thrown out and the horse was pinned to a wire fence. l'tortnnately no bones were broken, buS the ladies were badly bruis- ed and scratched as was also Mi-. Pring- le Their many friends will be glad to know that no dangerous consequences are expected fronithis mishap., METHODIST MISSIONS. 11 11 P. McIsaac htts disposed of his liyery 01 31 11 ya fo in th he wa. ov nd Inc his go -11 bee the wit dos Eil hay the Mis in,F be Sun peo be h 7 p. Dr, Rev 8pe She enjo his & thei improvement. -111r. and Mrs. has. Greh, of :Zurich, were the guests, of -31Mr. taanJdo:Ahlnrs'FAinulgbuesitneririllfs0enreScttililndgaYa wire fence along the rear of his lot. -. Henry Essery has commenced his gravel contract on the street through at 05 the village. -Mr. ancl Mrs. August eVell Heist and daughter, Mrs. Jacob 1114110r# I Schwartz, feft for Elkton, arida on a ' viSit anaong relatives. DE.11211 01' ABRAHAM SHETTLER.— :Very genaral and deep regret is ex- pressed at the death of Mr. Abraham Shettler, who passed to his reward on Sunday evening. For some time the deceased has been, in delicate health, but was always hopeful and after many a season of indisposition wasout again as smiling and ambitions as ever. This time the gravity of his sitnabion was unmistakable and the curtain was rung down on his useful and kindly life. Mr.Shettler'will be much missed in our burgats he was known and re- spected by all. He has been a,life-long and valued member of the Evangelical church and also a member of the Y.P. A. since its organization. The funeral took place yesterday (Wednesday) to the Goshen line temetery, and was largely attended. The casket bore a beautiful floral wreath from the Y.P. A. Society as a last token of respect to his departed memory. The bereaved parents have the deepest sympathy in this their sad trial of affliction. 4.1•01,111(1. Ab011t US Zurich: The young people of this place gathered at the home of of Mr, -.Henry :Koehler on Monday evening, Oct. 7, to bid good bye to Mrs. D. B. Studer, nee Miss Mollie Koehler, who, with her husband, left for their' home near SebringYille the following Thurs- day'. The evening Was vent in a very enjoyable manner, and Mrs. Studer was resented with an address and hatic some 'parlor l010p aa a' token of remembrance fromi bet Many friends. St, Marys, Oct. 17. -The Geller Board of Missions of the Methodis church has concluded its annual mee ing, at which a good deal of importan business was transacted. About a wee was occupied with the deliberation at which Rev: Dr. Carman, Genera Superintendent, presided. Rev. Di Ryckman, of Cornwall, Rev. W. 14 Barraclough, of Victoria B.C., an Mr. Abram Shaw, of Kingston, wer chosen Secretaries. The financial statement of the opera tions of, the Missionary Society durin the year ending June 30 was presented It showed receipts of $270.322 and dis bursements of $282,103. The ordinar subscriptions ansi collections amount ed to $171,647.50, being an increase o $4,183.19; juvenile offerings, $23.434.67, an increase of $1,214.90, ancl Epworth Leagues, $21,172.78, an increase of $2, 859.21, being a total from the thre main sources of the society's revenue of $216,25195, and an increase of $8, 257.30 over the previous year. The re ceipts from legacies fell off from $20, 731,16 to $3,958.88, while the grants from the Government towards the In dian institute and day schools advanc ed $2,438.88 and the miscellaneous re- ceipts $899.34. Regarding the expenditures, while deficiencies in salary were the rule, es- pecially in the home work, the periodi- cal remittances were a source of cheer, a,nd they contributed towards aggres- sive work and successful endeavor. The sum of $91,130 was devoted to do- mestic missions, $95,167 to Indian anis- sions and institutes, and about: $45,000 to French, Chinese and Japanese 'mis- sions. The board went carefully into She discussion of the estimated expen- diture and the aaimsrfor money grants for the year 1901-2, and this occupied the greater part of the time of each session The grants to domestic mis- sions in Canada, Newfoundland and Bermuda were considered at great length by a cotirtnittee named for that purpose. Their report was confirmed by the General Board, and made a grat it of $89,277 for that work. This will give missionaries 78 per cent. of theig salaries, as compared with 76 per cent. last year. ' The following grants were made to the other departments: -Japan, $20,- 825; West China, $11,345; Indian work, $94.701; Chinese and Japanese in Brit- ish (.7olumbitt, $5,360; French missions, $7,122; other brandies of the work, $43,015. These amounts total $272,555, which is the estimated expenditure for the year. • The following were chosen to consti- tnte the General Board of Missions for the ensuing yettr:-Revs. Dr. A. Car- man, Chairrnan; Dr. A. Sutherland, General Secretary; Dr. Jas.Ilenderson, Associate Secretary; Hon, J. C. Aikine and ReY. 8utherland, Treasurers; s;Revs, Dr. John Wakefield, Paris; Dr, E. B. Ryckitatti, Oortiyvall:' J, S. Berlin; Dr. \\ 1,1, Briggs, DI'. 1. P. Ockley, Tot onto; Rev,Illessrs. VV. F. Wilson, Hamilton; Janaes Liv- ingston, Windsor; 3, I_'. 1Vilso31, 13righ- ton, ilf. L. Pearson, Collingwood; Dr. J.J. liltte.laren Messrs Itiohard Brown C. D. 111assey and Atex.111ills, Tovoato; A brttal Shaw, ICingstoil; 7V. F. flail, Napanee; W. Ferguson, Stvatford; Iniin Mann, 131'antibid, and Dr. A. E. Mallory, Colborne. - EX -111. P.raffICIDES. Winnipeg, Man.,Oct. 18. -Citizens of Winnipeg were startled and shocked this evening when it became known that Nicholas Flood Davin, the well- known and popular ex -M. I'. for West aassiniboia, had endedhis life by shoot- ing himself. Lie drove by the Clarendon Nvbere he was staying, and stated. his inten tion of taking the west train, \V hie]) leaves shortlY after four p. m. He went to his rooni, packed his grip, laxnndteate.nt it down to the office by. the The clerk, noticing that it was time for Air. Davin to start, sent the porter Upstairs to call him. The porter rapped several times at the door, and not getting; any response, became alarmed, and calling thehousekeeper, a the door was opened with a pass key when a shocking spectacle met their' eyes, fozathere lay the dead body of Mr. Davin. Ffis eyes Were closesi and his face looked as calm and peaceful as if he were just asleep. The clothes . on hisbody, however, showed the appalling truth, being soaked with blood. He had placed the revblver in his montli and the bullett passed out through the back of the head. Death musthave been instantaneous. The revolver was still in his hand, An investigation showed that the deceased had gone up to his room, locked the door and taking out the key, laid it on the dressing table. lite must have then laid down on the bed, and shot himself. There was nothing left by him to given any explanation of why he did it, and it was generally credited to de- spondency, caused by financial embar- rassment and other troubles. He was aged 58, and leaves a widow. 10 C1J1I2 A COLD IN ONE DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. All druggis../,s refund the money if it frills to cure. 25c. E. W. Groves' signature is on each box. Messrs. Ryan and McDonalcl,railway contractors, have enteresi suit agatinst Messrs Mackenzie & Mann for $195,- 151 ou a contract on the -Inverness &, 11 ittlattion d, Ra ilway Cape Breton, which we,,,s taken out of the plaintiffs' hands. Three trainmen were crushed to death in a head-on collision Friday,be- tween freight trains on the Detroit, Grand Haven & Milwaukee Railway, at a curve five miles west of Birming- ham, Mich., R. Mliffatt, an engineer, cif Forest, Ont., was one of the unfor- tunates. BIRTHS. VOLLAND.—At the DrOBSOIL line, fray;- -on Oct. 16, the wife of Mr. Henry Volland, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. GOULD—TEARN—In St. Marys, at the residence of the bride's natents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pearn, on Oct. 23,Mr. Bert Gould, to Miss Effie Pearn. PAYTON--NAGLE— At St. 11farys (14 0) church by the Rev. T. I3rennan, on Oct 16, Mr.Bernard Rtyton, of DOW- nie, to Miss Mary A. Nagle, of Blan.- shard. How-4LD-BENDER-At the Evangeli-, cal parsonage, Zurich, on Oct 15, by Rev. 0. S. Finkbeiner, Mr. Frederick Howald, to Miss Mogdalena Bender. DLTOHARME—JEFFREY—A5 St Peter's church,Drysdale, on Oct15, by Path- erPrudhornine,Mr.David Duchartne of Hay, to Miss ,Teffrey, of Stanley. MARRIOTT-BRUCE--In Blitnshard, 111 the, residence af the bride's parents, 4liktrid Mrs. Frank Bruce, on Oct. 23, Mr. Samuel Marriott, of 141101 - shard, to Miss -Mary A. Bruce. SALTEn---GouLD-At the residence of , - the bride s parents, on ' Wednesday OCt. 23rd, by the Rev. C. W. Brown, B.A., B.D., Mr. Martin Salter, to Miss Emily, second daughter of 11Ir. Richard Gould -all of -Exeter. 'DEATHS BOX—In 85. Marys, on Oct. 20, the in- fant son of W. C. Box. WurrE-Irt St.Marys,on Oct.20, Annie • White,relict of the late David White aged 56 years, 2 months. SaNDEEs. -In Chicago, Ill., on Oct. 18, Dr. Wm. I -I. Sanders, formerly of Exeter, aged 37 years, 8 months, 18 days. Danger Next Door. Perhaps it's diphtheria, or scarlet fever. Keep your own home free from the germs of these diseases. Prevent your children frotn having them. You can do it with our Vapo-Cresolene. Put some Cresolene in our vaporizer, light the lamp beneath, and' let the vapor fill the sleeping room. Have the children sleep in the room every night, for it's perfectly safe, yet not a single disease germ can live in this vapor. Ask your doctor about it. 4 Vapo.Cresnlene is sold by druggists 6Vorywhere. A V'apo.CreAolene outfit, incloding the Yaper0.er and Lamp, which should last a Ilfe.tiule, and a bottle of Cresolene, complete, 8r.5o5 eStra.vpplies" of CI:es°. Ione 25 oeni9 and so cents Illtistrated booklet 0013(1111. Irrg tHlysielans' 010)3000 >11)1. 0:eo upon request. rAro. CassoL35a Co.. 18o Vulten St., New York, L1.8,A.