HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-10-10, Page 8Fv
Is not only a luxury at this thne of
the year, bat it is an absolute necess-
ity. Health demands it.
Let us show you a fine line of
Worsted, Tweed Sititings and over -
We endeavor to do at all times
the very finest work.
Grieve's old stand, opposite postoffice.
Now man hops briskly out of bed,
And, blue and shivering,
LoOkefer the nice, .neW Overcoat
:He hung away last spring.
He brings it from the closet and
He looks, :and throws a fit;
The moths ell" through the snmmer
Have feasted well on it.
The owlis like some men,
He'S rated wise, but not
For things he ever did ,
Or thoughtS he ever thought.
• And. like some men I know,
. And Men that,:you know, too.
The owl just sits and. hoOts
At things that others do.
Mr. D. Rozel has taken a position at
the grist mill here.
Miss Julia Spicer has takan a posi-
tion as clerk at Mr. J. A. Stewart's.
Montreal refiners have reduced the
price of sugar ten cents per 100 pounds.
When taking a cold use Dix Cold
Cure. It give sure relief. Sold by C.
The Exeter grist mill continues to
run night and day ancl are now filling
a large order for Newfoundland.
Mr. Thos. Handfords handsome
new dwelling on North street is com-
pleted and the owner will move in
Miss Ida Cottleawhile using an apple
pearer at the evaporator on Saturday
last cut a, severe gash in one of ,her
thumbs. '
A Kansas paper declares that cats
are fond of cucunabers. This may ac-
count for the awful noises they make
at night.
English Stock Fond is the best and
chepest food on t•he market. Its repu-
tation is now completely established.
Sold at Lutz's drug st9re.
$3.00 for a nice full caperine vaith
large storm collar. - Stewart's. •
The Rev. Dr. Hannon, of Chatham,•
Conducted_ missionary anniversary ser-
vices in the James' street Methodist
church on Sunday last.
A load of the young people of the
Main street Methodist church attend-
ed the Evangelistic services in Hensall
last evening (Wednesday.). '
Get your sale bilIs printed at this of-
fice. We give a free notice in the col-
umns of this journal which in itself is
worth the price of the bills.
Dr. Hunter has been appointed jail
surgeon, protern., at Goderich, until
next county council meeting, the' va-
cancy having been caused by the
death of Dr. G. C. Shannon.
Mr. M. Grass, who is travelling
agent for the well-known firm of
IViessrs. Reid Bros., Toronto, will be
in town for several clays taking orders
for the enlargement of portraits. „
Winitri's Cough Balsam is the best
remedy in the, market for Coughs,
Colds and Bronchetie Trdubles; espec-
ially good for children. Sold by C.
Lititz's, sole egent for Dix Lung Syrup.
Harold H., Owned by J. E. Swarts,of
Winglaam, is said to be winning bar-
rels of money; it took first place at
Cincirmati last, week, and. at Terre
Hante first ttlso, the time being 20.4
It originally eost ham $300, and. he has
already refused $0000 for it.
Mr. Geo. Ea crett,,left, Tue'iday morn-
ing to join the 33rd Battalion Band at
Seaforth in the celebration of the Duke
Gidley also left the same day to assist
Forest Band in celebrating the sarne
Mi.. A, Hastings, who met with a
severe accident last week and thus
rendating him unable to fulfill his du-
ties at the barber shop, 11a8 secured the
servicea of Mr. Harvey Cook, of liana -
ton. who cornmenced work on
Thursday last. Mr, Cook is a practical
hand of long experience and manipti•
kites the razor and shears with much
skill and agility.
I$6.2.5 for a awell, long front new
$13,50 for the swellest ty-to-
weai gents' Navy clay serge suit
ser,aae silk facings. Tailoved
right up to date, l'his is thesliekest
ready-to-wear ycning s suit that,
ire have evet seen, It's at• SteWart's.
See Olir splendid clubbing offee with
the Montreal Daily Herald in another
20 cents secnres the AnyoeATE till
January ist, 1902. Now is the
Vane to subscribe.
In lame back and for derangement
of the kidneys use Dix Kidney Pills.
For sale at 0. Lutz's Drug Store.
A large number from here attended
the Evangelistic meeting at Henson
on Sunday. It is stated that udwarda
of 2,000 people were in attendance.
The Royal Templars Lheld an open
meeting in their Lodge room here on
Monday night last. A large number
of visitors from other courts were pre-
sent, and a most enjoyable as well as
profitable evening was spent. A choice
progranrwas rendered'at the close of
which refreshments were served.
The Dominion has a number of fat-
tening stations over the Dominion
that are doing good work; they have
decided to give -West Huron one and
appointed F. 0. Elford,of Hohnesville,
directer. Mr. Gainsburry,of Chatham,
was there leaving directions foe feed
and making of coops, ete. The chick-
ens preferred are pure Plymouth
Rocks, hilt any -good table fowl will
Judge Barron, of Stratford,has warn-
ed farmers and others that if they al-
low a dog to run loose, which has a
habit of running at passing horses,and
a runaway takes place, which results
in a fatality the owners of the canme
areliable to prosecution for manslaugh-
ter. If the owner purposely turns a
dog loose to frighten people, and a
death results, he is liable to a charge
df murder.
The Canadian Boy Magazine for
September is on our table, clothed in
an attrative new cover design, in two
colors, by D. B. Milne, a young Can-
adian of Paisley,Ont. This bright and
interesting handful of boys' literature
is improving with every issue and
should be thoroughly welcomed by
every home in our broad Dominion
that has a boy old. enough to read. Its
morals are sound, the text bright and
entertaining, the illustrations (of
which there are many) are well drawn
and printed and add greatly to] the
value of the magazine.
Little Willie Amos, son of Dr. Amos,
narrowly escaped serious injury, or
probably death, on Saturday last.
Willie was aiding or learning- to ride.
a bicycle and accidently ran into Mr.
Ellworthy's horse which was tied:to
a post in front of Dr. Sweet's office.
The little fellow was thrown complete-
ly under the horse and the beast be-
coming frightened junaped around in
a frantic manner with little Willie's
life in hail 'Anent danger all the time and
to the horror of those who saw the ac-
cident it looked as though he would be
trampled to death every moment.
Luckily, however,he was rescued from
his perilous position with a few slight
bruises and a cut on one side of the
The directors of the cemetery are
most anxious to complete the season's
work hy placing a drain- along the
south and east sides of the -cemetery,
which they believe woukl help to rem-
edy the wet condition of the cemetery
during spring and fall. In order to
raise the necessary funds for that pur-
pose, they have concluded to give
a concert on Friday evening, Novem-
ber lst. The concert will be good, the
tickets will be low. The cause is .cer-
tainly good and we hope the public
will respond heartily. It might be men-
tioned that one half of the proceeds of
the concert will be appropriated to the
Public Library, which is much in need
of funds. Further particulars will be
given later on.
Few housekeepers remember, as they
should, that when it is necessary to
dilute strong tea it should, be done
with water at the boiling point. The
poor flavor .of tea, made strong at
first and then reduced, such as is too
often. served at receptions and "at
homes," is usually caused by the ad-
dition of hot, not boiling water to the
first infusion. A lesson in this matter
may be had from the Russians, who
serve the most delicions tea in the
world, and who prepare it first very
strong, making it almost an essence of
tea. This is diluted to the strength
wished, with water kept boiling in the
samoVa.r.• This water is not allowed
to boil and reboil, but is renewed as
needed. Freshly boiled water is in-
sisted upon by all conneisseurs in tea -
$6.90 for young men's swell tailor-
made, dark srey chiveot walking
overcoat specially made for Otlr Own
trade. They're as natty as natty can
be. Stewart's.
Boy wanted;
A boy wanted to learn printing.
Apply at ADVOCATE Office.
Wheat wanted
Wheat wanted, at the Exeter Mill
for which highest market price paid.
Cook-StOve For Sale. ,
A second-hand cook stove for sale,
nearly new. Apply at ADVOCATE,
cheap Reading.
Just think of it! The ADVOCATE,
Montreal Herald and a picture of Ed-
ward VII, for $1.75. See qad" in ari-
other column.
To correspOndents.
Now that tlle busy season is over we
shall be pleased to heal:regularly from
all otir rural correspondents. 'We want
to give all the news of the district and
in order to do so naust have yOur as-
sistance. Let every one be up and do-
ing and thus keep ye editor in good
Red coats Attend church.
attended divine worship at the Trivitt
Memorial church on Sunday Morning"
last. The company gathered at the
armoury and at about 10.45 formed in
procession and marched to the church,
headed by the Exeter Brass Band,
which played several beautiful airs
While on the way. Mr. Hovey, of Olin -
ton, occupied the pulpit and preached
very acceptably. At the close of the
service the company reformed and
marched down town and baek again
to the armoury,
vie King's Birthday,
The 9th of Nov ember:King.' Ed w.trd's
birthday, will o public holiday
thoughout 0;tnttda• By law birth-
day of the reigning soveaeign pub-
clamation or not. This will give Ca-
nadians two holidays next month-- the
on the 2Sth.
A Big, Offer.
By special arrane•ement with the
inalie One of the greatest , combine -
tion offers ever made by any Canadi-
an journal. The ADvocaaTE, Montreal
DAIlaY Herald and a splendid picture
of King. Edward V11. all fol. $175. To ke
advantage of this splendid, offer at
°nee, and tell your neighbors :Mout it.
Banging Lamp Ex/Am:led..
The London Free Press of -Monday
has the following partieulare of an acs
cident that betel Mrs. Donald ;Taylor,
a former resident of Exeter:—A hang-
ing lamp 10 the parlor of s. Donald
ed last evening shortly after eleven
o'clock. Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Nichol—
sou, who heard the explosion, hasten-
ed the room, and found the carpet in
flames. By endeavoring 'to extinguish
the blaze their clothing took fire and
they were badly buened about the face
and neck. , Dr. Drake attended them.
The firemen were called andaplace the
loss by fire about $100. •
$2.50—here's a snap. Your -pick pf
about 100 women's .and Children's
jackets. Not ,this season's styles.
Regular values, $5 to -$12 each—now
just when you want them $2.50 each.
Public school Board minutes.%
Minutes of meeting held in Town
Hall, Monday, Sept 30, at 8 p.m. Ab-
sent FL N. Rowe. The following is the
order of business duly submitted and
approved.' Per II. Huston and J. Sen-
ior, that minutes of meetings, July 15,
July 21 ancl Sept. 6-, be confirmed. Per
H. Huston and J. Senior, that the fol-
Vosper, lid:or, etc., $1.80; John Moore,
painting contract $74; Geo. Ford, gra-
vel, 75c.; also that the following, sub-
mitted accounts be paid:—E.
sundries, 17c.; j. A. Stewart blinds,
$3.20. Per J. Senior ancl W.J.Car•ling,
thitt the bitlance of prepaid fees due to
Miss Broderick be refunded on call.
Per NV. J. Carling and H.B.Unter that
the principal be granted two days to
attend the military reception of their
Royal Highness 1,12e Duke and Duchess
of York at Toronto. W. Trevethick
dissenting. F'er W. J. Carling ad -
council Froceedinas.
Council met pursuant to adjourn
rnent at Town Hall, Oct. 4.- Absent
Councillors, Armstrong and Evans.
Minutes of previous meet.ing read_ and
confirmed. Levett—Muir-e-that the
following accounts be passed and or-
ders drawn on Treasurer ,feit same:a-
°. Baskerville, balance breaking stone,
$18.50; Alf Sheere, as nightwatch,Elyer
& Howard's fire, $1; Trernaine & Snell,
electric light to Oct. 1, $83.28; Henry
Parsons, street watering to Oct. 1, $40;
Frank Wright, repairing fife engine,
Walter Westcott. $9.12. N. Bellwood,
$2.37; Atkinson & Handfordepart pay-
ment on gravel, $100.—Carried. Le-
vett—,Mtur, that Council adjourn to
meet at call of Reeve. --Carried.
Council met at call of Reeve,at Town
Hall, Oct. 8. An present. Minutes of
previous meeting read and confirmed.
It was decided to furnish Mr, Cobble -
dick with water until further notice.
Evans--Artristrong—that Council ad-
journ to Friday, Oct. 18, at .3 o'clock
p. rib—Carried.
Oii to Toronto.
The Red Coats, No 0 Company; df
the 33rd Itegitaient, who have been
faming and drilling here for some
weeks to take part in the reception of
the ,Duke of York at Toronto; left
Tuesday morning about nine o'.clodk.
The company, numbering thirty-five,
gathered at the armoury, and arrayed
in entirely new suits provided for the
occasion, marched -down street, thence
to the depot were they took the north,
bound .trairt for Clinton where the
various regiments mobilized, prepara-
tory to leaving for the city, where they
will go under canvas. Only 2000 men;
the members of the 4th brigade,. con-
sisting of the Oxford,Middlesex,Lamb-
ton, Wellingtoo, Bruce and Huron
regiments, will•go rin,d.er canvas. All
the rest of the force have acconainocla-
tion in the exhibition buildin'gs. The
parade statue's supposed to be consid-
erably over that, As the Toronto regi-
ments will turn out several • hundred
men in excess of their authorized
strength. This is one of the best and
most uniform companies that has ever
been formed in town, and reflects
much credit on the officers, vizi—Capt.
Rance, Lieuth. Boyd and Heaman and
Sargeant Major iVestcott.
The Royalty movements.
Their Royal Highnesses the Duke
and Ducheseof Cornwall and Yprk ar-
rive at Toronto about 2 p. on Oc-
tober 10th, and leave about 9 a, m. on
October 12th to visit cities in Western
Obtario, arriying at Niagara -on -the,
Lake same date. TheY will leave Ni-
agara -on -the -Lake abmit 11 a.m. OD
October the 14th' reaching Kingston,
about 11 a.m. On ..October the 15th,
and leaving that place about 2 p.m.
same date. The rnoyetnents of Royal-
ty in Ontario, are thus announced at
Government Itouse. The royal train
will be taken in charge by the Grand „
Trunk at North I3ay at 0.05 a.m. OD
October 10th, and will arrive in Toron-
to at 2 p. m. The Duke will remain in
Toronto over the lltb. Leaving at 9
a. in. on October 12th the train will
pr,oceed to Guelph,' Berlin,: Stratford,
London and then to Niagara Falls and
Niagara -on -the -Lake, which will 'be
reached the same afternoon. , The
trip Will be resumed at 10.30 'on the
14th, wheo Hamilton, Brantford, and
W'ooclstoek will be visited. The train
will reach Toronto again "atil..07 on
the t evening, and proceed. to•B' elleville
and Kingston, which will heaiettched
on the mornitig•of the 15th. ',...tfhe re-
maining places in the tour be:
Sherbrooke, October 36th; St.,Sehn, N.
B., October 17th; Halibut Oetober 10th
sailing from that port for England at,
$1.po fop lit tle Boy's. 'Reefer over
coats. Yea), cute and just the thing
Priasbatery of Huron, ,
The Presbytery of lluvon met at
Hamilton; of Clcideritth, 1116(101.n tor.
Rev. Mr. Musgaove Presented the Fin-
ance Committee eStilflate of Presby-
tery expenses for the current ye•ar.
a rate of 120. per' family for this put. -
pose. The matter of missionary meet-
ings was leflato sessions to make their
own arrangements. Messrs. Sha W, 13 d
AleiNfeil Were appointed to addi•ess the
Women's F. M. S. at its next meeting;
in Bly-th. A unanimous call from Kip -
pen and Hillsgreen to the Rev. G. M.
McLeuniin, of Alma, was sustained. and
ordered to be forwarded to Guelph
Presbytery for Air; McLennan's consids
eration. the call promises a stipend
• of $800 with manse, glebe and four
weeks' holidays. ReV. Mr. Sawers and
Messrs. Bell and Costur were appoint-
ed to support the call before Guelph
Presbytery. Arran ge men ts were made
-for Mr. McLennan's induction (puovid-
ing he accept the call), Mr. McNeil to
preach, Mr. Saavers to address the con-
gregation and Mr. Musgrove the Mit
ister with Mr. Martin aa an alternate.
A petition from the Board of manage:
ing leave to unify the deeds of Rodger -
vine cemetery was granted. Jaines
Delgatv applied to be received as a
Catechist with the view of taking up
missionary -work. After due examina-
tion his application was,saar pted. The
congregation of Bayfield obtained leave
to build -a new church op a different
site from the olcl one, and to use their
old property for church purposes. A
long conference on the spiritual aspect
of the Century Fund was held and ses-
sions recommended to consider the
services suggested by the General As-
sembly. The next meeting was ap-
pointed to be held at Blyth on the
thiad-Tuesday of January and the
Presbytery adjourned.
Miss Edith Gidley is visiting. friends
in London.
"Ars. W. j.Hearnan is visiting friends
in London.
Miss Hitttie Fitton is yisithig friends
in Hamilton.
Master Cliffoicl 111cAvoy is at pre-
sent quite ill.
Miss Pearl Rollins is visiting friends
in IVoodstocka
Miss Florence Bissett is visiting
friends in Norwich.
Miss Eva Browning spent Sunday
with friends in Hensall.
Mrs. Pearce, of Mitchelleis the palest
of her sister', Mrs. J. Chappel.
Mr. R R Rogers., bf Dawson City, is
Miss Elliott, of 'Mitchell, is visiting
her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Anderson.
Miss Ethel Nortlacott,- of London, is
viSitinc, at her home, Exeter North.
Miss L. Hat•cly is able to be out
:wound again after her recent illness.
Mr. Jos. Senior anti wife and Mrs.
J. H. Grieve spent Sunday in Seafoi•th.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hitwksinlw visit-
ed friends in London township Sun-
day. L
Miss Ballard and Miss Vera ELtwk-
shaw visited friends at Woodham San -
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Martin will visit
Toronto aud Buffalo the next few
Mr. W. W. Taman and Williana
Brooks visited a few days in Blyth this
Mr. N. D. Hui•don is spending a few
days at Port Frank in quest of wild
kirk spent Sunday with friends in Sea -
forth. '
Mr. E. R. Follick 'left last week to
pursue his dental studies at Philadel-
' Mr. Geo. Lewis was confined to his
bed through illness this week, btit has
recovered. "
Mrs. (Dr.) Holloway', of Wingliana,
is visiting her parents, ,Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Welsh.
Mrs. Kemp returned home last week
from a visit to friends in Bur•lington
and Toronto.
Miss Norma Bobier returned home
Monday evening from a visit to the
Rev. Geo. Cobbledicla, of' Parkhill,
visited his brother IVIr.Jos.(3obbledick,
here on Monday.
Mr. Harry 13,rowning left Tuesday
evening for Toronto to further prose-
cute his studies.
Thomas, spent a few days last week
with friends in tdwn.
Miss Martha Lewis who has been
confined to her bed with a slight in-:
disposition, has recovered. '
Mr."Sam'l Poplestone left last week
for Toronto, where he will take a
course in the Dental College.
Rev. J. S. Henderson, cif, Ilensall,
church on Synday morning next.
road, with headquarters at Toronto,
paid a flying aisit to his relatives here
the other day, ,
Mr. -William Walters and sister:Altos.
Plawes, of Tucliersmith, spent
Saturday in towo, the guest of Mrs.
James Walters.
troitspent Saturday and Sunday with
the latter's father, Mr. John Hawk,
sliaW, returning home Monday morn-
hine;r1ne.,sPent Sunday with his parents,
Mr: Fred Treble left Monday for St -
Marys and on "Tuesday left for Cali-
fornja, where be intends remaining if
the country suite him and he xan se-
cure employment,
The Misses Polly and Ida. Carling
left Tuesday for Tronto where they
will reniain till after the x'eception of
the Duke and Ditchess of York, when
they, ii) eornpany with Mr. and Mrs.
Reginald Elliott will 'visit the Pan -
daybreak on Octo er 21st American.
We have again placed into St`Ock another shipment of LADIE&
JACKETS so have now a very large assortment to choose from. Every
body who needs one of theae garments for fall and Winter wear should
make -use of this grimd opportunity and. secure one as early as possible.
It is needless to give coleurs and prices as you will find any shade and
price to suit yourself right here.
We might also calf your attention to Fur Goods
they are beginning to move out. It is well to buy early
in this line,
Our Ready-to-wear Clothing Stock is com-
plete. So when you want your mew Suit
Overcoat just call at the old reliable.
Headquarters fOr the Celebrated W, E. Scindford Ready Made Clothing.
Complete stock of the latest de-
signs in Bed Room Sets, Couch.es,
Centre and Extension Taloles, Side-
boards, Dining Chairs, Rattans, etc.,
at prices to suit purchaser. Persons
intending furnishing new house will
find to their advantage to call on us
before purchasing elsewhere.
Beverley & Ouston,
}Taxing justopenecl up business we
are prepared to supply all kinds
We pay special,atte,ntion to all kinds
PI mbing.
We do anything in the -line of Wood-
. Werk, and REPAIRING of
. North Town Hall, Exeter.
Mr. Wm. Dignan,_ who has- been
dangerously ill,bas improved. coneider.:
ably and is now,en •fair way to re -
Prof. J. 'W. Crouter, phrenologist,
was in' town for a short thne to
give the people of Exeter a chance to
have their heads phrenologizeda His
headquarters were at the- Metropoli-
Ainong those taking in the Duke
of York- reception at Toronto were
the following, vizi—Mr. and Mrs. Jos.
Stewart, Mr.' T. IT. MeCalluiai and
daughtee, Echia, Miss M. White, and
Mr. J, ,P. Clark, general agent' for
the Dorniniori of Canada Accident and
Guarantee Insurance Co.,'Of Toriinto,
with hjs headquarters at Winnipeg,
is shaking bands again with friends in
town, but expects to return home
next week.
Around About -Us
Clinton: Mr. A. Miller has sold his
house,on Huron street to ry.,. Murphy
for $525.
St. Marys: Mr. Wm Jeffrey has -iold
his farm of 100 acreelot 4,coo. 8,DoWn-
ie. to Mr. James Peake, of 1Vallace,
for the suni of $7,500.
Seafortia: Jarnes Canning, who
has been residing in town for the past
Year', has purchased a business in Dub-
lin, and will move his family there.
Ailsa Craig: Mr. Geo. Blacil has
rented Mrs. McMillan's farm, on the
4th ccmcession of McGolhvray. He
moved °lit to it with his family last
'"AilsaaCraig: A. AI. Munro ia , carry-
ing his hand 111 a bandage, the result
of a bite from a dog, while extricating
it on Sunday morning from a rat trap,
into which it had wallaed.
Seaforth: Mr. ...Josiah Watson
disposed of his residence, to Mr, .fohn
Morrison, of McKillop, who intends
retiring from farming and eoining to
1,own to ri*side. The mice paid was
$1,0:7)t) and _Mr. Morrison hasi secured a
nice comfortable lioine. Mr. Watson
and`family intend removing to British
Columbia, where lie has two sons.
'Buns,:Grahain Biscuits, Cakes of all
Oream Puffs, Wafers,' ,Fancy
Biscuits, Plain Biscnits,.
.nable price.
Cakes or Piea made to order. 1CXX
• Bread delivered to all parts of" the
town, on Mondays, Wedne..§days'a,nd
Saturdays. 'We will be pleased to
We are agent for J. Gammag & Sons,
Florist, London.
Floral designs for funerals, or flowers
• of all kinds on the shortest notice.
Buy or Sell a Farm
Buy or Sell Town Property
Borrow or Lend Mong.
Collections Made
'Your Life Insured
G-0, to the Old Country
Call at the Undersigned
Office over Spackman's Ilftrdware,
. Exeter.
Goderich tp.: Arr. A. Parsons, who
moved to the 161,12. concession, about a
year ago from Bayfleld, has sold out
and is again removing close, to Bay-
field, he having bought a residence
Henson; Jos Case disposed of his
n of Tiickerstnith, for' the sum of
$1250. Joseph and family will move
into the a pal tments over his store,
abont the 1st of November, when Mr,
Bobnison will move to town.