HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-10-10, Page 5TRW 05xtter bxtoratie Is publishea every Thursday alorning 'at the Of lieu, A.¢4.IN-STREET, EXETER. -ADVODATE PLIBLISHNICI 00t1/10ANy„ TERMS OF••51.3BSOICIBTION.' One Dollar per aninuniit psia, in advainte; $1.50 if not so psla, NO Duper diseou United until all arrearages are paid, Advertieements Withont speeified direcitOns .will' be published until forbid and eharged anecydingly, bilipraPtlIsPount made for trankient 'advertleonents inSetted for loug periods. E4ery deShirion'of,JOB PRINTING tinned Mit in the finest byle, 'and at mederate'rates , Cheques, Money orders, &c,, tsr ad5ertising, SubseriPtions, etc, to be made payable to Chas.II.:Sanders• EDITOR AND P11()K! l'rofessional Cards. KINSMAN, L.D.S., Sr, DR. A. R. KINS- MAN, L.D,S., D.D.s„ Honor graduate of Toronto Univerisity. ,DENTI$TS, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects Office in Fansoo's Block, west ,side Main street, DR. D. ALTON ANDERSON (D.D.S. DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto Eniversity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Also Post Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic DenttisterY (with honorable mention.) . Alluminum, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made in the neatest manner possible. A iterfeetly harmless an. aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth. (Moe one door smith of Carling Bros. store, Exeter. itedical rfkR, T. P. alcLAUCIIILIN, *ItESti3ER OF THE 11 'College of Physicians and•Suq,mons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office, Dash- wood, Ont. , Legal. DICESON &CARLING, BARRISTERS, SOLICI. tors; Notaries, Conveyancers, ,Commissioners„ Solicitors for Molsons Bank, etc: Money to loan at , lowest rates of interest. Offices, Main street, Exeter, L R. CARLING; B.A., L, R. Dionsos w.oLADATAN, (Suceessor to Elliott & Glad- . man.) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Con- veyancer, Etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of in- terest. °aloe, Main street, Exeter. " ' Auction eerS NBERRY, Granl Bend, Licensed Mot - H. 118.1SieSellr for County Huron. Sales promptly - attended to, and charges moderate. Orders by mail will receive every attention; Anil BROWN, 1Vipehelsea. Lieened Auctioneer LI, for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex. also for the township 'of Usborne. Sales promptly attended to and terms reasonable. Sales arranged at Bost Office, Winchelsea. imanow. Insurance. ELLIOTT, Insuranne :Agent. Main St Exeter,' FARMS 111:1R. SALE, MONEY TO LOAN. The undersigned has a few good farms for sale ebtap. Money to loan on easy terms. , JOHN SPACKMAN, Exeter. THE LEADING MEAT MARKET. 7111511!!"7 For Fresh, goori and. the choisest cuts of meat, call on the undersigned., While all our cuts of meat are the finest, we make a specialty of meat delicacies. Meat delivered to all parts of the . towtt . John Mantling TO CURE A COLD IN ONE, DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. All.clrutg,giss s'ef find the money if itIails to cure. 25c. E. W. Grove's signature is on en•ch box. • • Catarrh Is a constitutional disease. It originates 111 a scrofulous condition of the blood and depends on that condition, It often causes headache and dizziness, Impairs the taste, smell and hearing, affecss! the vocal organs and disturbs the stomach, It tiftlicted Mrs. Ilirtun Shires, 13atcholler- vine, N. Y., twenty consecutive years, de- prived her of the sense or smell, made !lel' breathing difficult, and greatly affected ber general health. ' I She testlfleS that after she had taken many other medicines for it without lasting effect it was radically and permanently cured her sense of smell restored and her general health greatly improved, by Hood's Sarsaparilla This great medicine has wrought the most wonderful cure's of catarrh, according to testimonials voluntarily given. Try it. •JialetE.,-lairotestrg.4, eT 13 INCOMPLETE WITHOUT XTRACT -syt•sis..t.6A,MitMr.0 RELIEVES ' CHAFING, ITCHING OR IRRI- TATION. COOLS, COMFORTS AND HEALS_ THE SKIN, AFTER SHAVING. Avoid dangerous, irritatin4 Witch Hazel preparations represented to be "the same ns" 1 Pond's Extract, which easily sours and often ' contain "woad alcohol," a deadly poison. , uSEESIEEMMEEETIMEL PALATAIILE . D. &L.".Emulsiou cif Cod Liver Oil, for those suffering from severe :coughs and hemorrages,is usedwith the great. est 'benefit. Manufpctured by the Davis & LawrenCe Co, Ltd. Clinton: .• Mr. G•eorge. Johnson hacl half of his left thumbbitten Off by one of his horses on Thursday: He had the team by the head to bstek• them up When one of them made a snap with, the above result. . .The injiiry. Was t( painful one hub Mr. Johnson went on With his work as if nothing had hap- nened. On Saturday though, he was Compelled to lay 'up .for repairs. To Cure a cold Ina night-use'Vapo-Creso tette. It has been used extensively. during more than twenty-four years. All Druggists. Clinton: On Thursday, .Sept. 25th,ii. quiet event and one of ni tach interest to the young folks of Clinton, Was•Cifat of the mari'inge Of Miss CaCrie,,daxigh, .ter of Mr. II. Walker, to Mr. Richard DOWnS, hotkof town. The S.:ere-Jimmy took place at Seaforth, at. the Mahe.: dist parsonage, Rev. I, B. Wallwin; B. A., officiating,.- The conpleretui'ned home onSaturdayafter a visit among a number Of relatives. The bride is a highly respected young lady of town and very popular among herfriends and the groom one of our • town boys, who is a general. favorite among" his friends. , The Molsons, -13a nk (Chattered by Parliament, 1855), t• Paid up : . ... $2,500,000 Reserve Fund................2,050,000. Head Office, Montreal, JAMES ELLIOTT, Esq GENERAL MApTaGEra. Money advanced to good Farmers on their on n notes with one or more endanSerS at 7 per cent. per annum. • -EXETER BRANCH - Open every lawful day from 10 :tan. to 3 pan; Sat- urdays 10 a.m. to A general banking business transacted CURRENT RATES allowed for 'money on Deposits Receipts. Savings Bank at 13 cents. DICHSON Sft CARLING, N. D. HuanoN, Solicitors. Manager. CREDITON s A We have remodelled. our „Mill.to the Gyrator Sys- tem, the best plan for ,laaaking C cojd F lour, Those desiring GOOD Bread shou.ld give us a trial . . riihi 10110 foRAIL. WEITZ DIAMOND DYES --AND llIJJ1QiJYElFUllT,1111011110 PilITERX3 Are The .Favorites Everywhere. LOVAT'S SOOlITS OFFER. 1,717.131/ MEN TO TAKE THE 'LACE THOSE Wit° PE'Lro. Details of the Night Sucprise isa Which, 'Pltey Suffered - Colonel Id urea -• Ausai*'uitiCfl Wit1414'entIS London, Oct, 7. -The War, Office has notified Provost Macbean of Inverness that.tlie Government' accepts ithe pat-., riotic offer of the first' contingent of Lovat's Scouts, now at home, 'to supply the nunthet's necessary to replace the OM/COTTONS To nt-so bo on Opinion Terminus of Atlantic Exist Line. London, Oct. S.--Capadian mer- Mritile and shipping men here. 'Usagree with raird Stratheona's 'spinion that Sydney, Cape 13reton, shows). be the terininus of the, fast line tionneatIng Canada and the °mother .iountry.. T.hey claim that commercial ,• - • lien and 'tourists' west of Montreal will `not journey as far east"as Sydney :o get on an _ocean steainer. The Doiniorr here is that the job would be hest , handled by the 0, P. R. IIALF A BLOCK BURNED.. men in the second contingent who fell with their Colonel in repulsing Krit- • DeVatelies from Cape Town give de- tails. of the night surprise of these Scouts by Kiiitzinger on Sept. IS. The Scouts were, stationed in the Zastrea: district, in the extreme southeast of the Ozange Colony. Eighty men, with two gurise-a fifteen -pounder and a Colt -and some waggons, had been detach- ' ed from the main body of the Scouts, and bivonacked for the night at the foot of -a kopje to await a junction with the remainder of the force. The usual precautions were taken, but neverther lesS a hail of bullets suddenly fell amongst them. darkness from the prevailing confus- ion, and they gathered round the wag- gons and the two guns. ,,The Boers were so close to them that it was irrf- possible to use the fifteen -pounder, but the Colt was served very effectively Upon the enemy. Colonel Murray and his cousin were shot in quick succes- sion, the former just as he was in the act of ordering his men to fix bay- onets, ,The opposition then became overwhelming. Nevertheless the Colt continued working until seven of the artillerymen had been shot down as they served the gun. The enemy cap- tured the fifteens -pounder, but the Scouts were able to -save the Colt and ' their ammunition waggons. After the fight was over Colonel Mur - ray's body was found stripped'. The enemy lett five of their dead on the field within the lines of the British camp, wiillst the Scouts had ten killed and thirty wounded, two of the latter (lying on their way to the hospital at Aliwal North. . :For over tWenty.years the Dias-S.19nd ti.yes have been the chosen and. popu- lar .hothe 'dyes al1 over the civilized. world. In Europe, Asin Africa and Dianson1Dyes.are as eager- ly Sought for aS in the 'mines of this continent. Diamond Dyes dye per- fectly all weights of fabrics, producing. rich and brilliant colors that ' never fade. , • .The ."Dianfond 'Dye •Mat and Rug Patterns".iire always deservedly.popu. lar. The designs are artistically color- edon theliest Scotch Hessian and -ready for hooking.. ' Any lady' in her Val e time clan .Make.up a pretty that or rug at small 'cost. Send your address to The Wells and Richardson Go., ed,'„Montreal, and you will receive -free •of cost sheets... Of 'designs to select from: SaintSburf: What inig,ht have prov- ed a fatal accident oiseurred to Will Davis on Thursday. He Wasthresh. ing'elOver at D. Quigley's and while engaged unhitehing the borseS from the tank one of thein kicked ''hirn in the. bowels„"He WitS taken„to the home ,o nas ser, A. Davis, .and..mechcal aid ab once. summons:ft: Fortunately he -Was toe nea8 the horses to get .a• very Severe kick. He WAS . 1,11j011,(.fht to hiS honmue St1,1day -aild is able to ba i.sbout again. • , You Can Lead a Horse to water but you can't „ You can't make him eat either. You can stuff food .in liesideuts or Citleago Driven out in 'Elleir Night Attire. Chicago Oct. 7. --Fire swept through half a block, of frame and bricic buildings in Chicago sarly to -day causing a loss of about $50,000. The rapid spread of the flameS was due largely to the delay to a number of tire enEines by 'broken briclgee over the Calumet Itiver. Nixie inificlings were burned. Of these seven were residences, the occupants of which were "driven into the streets in night attire. Colonel Murray rallied his men in -the NEW SbUTIf WALES. Dill ,For Federal Celebrationand the Royal Ttedeption... London, Oct. S. -A despatch from Sydney, clectling„ with the finances of New -South 'Wal'es, report's that the out- lay. by that colony for the Federal celebrations amounted- to £113,732, and X7;790101 the royal reception. NEW CANAL `.TREATY4 Stated That Clayton-Bulwer Treaty Will be .Abrogate(l. Chicago,. Oct. S. -The Washington correspondent of The Record -Herald claims to be in 0 position to give the substance of the new agreement con- cerning the Nicaraguan Canal, which, It is said, has been made between Great Britain and the United. States. The correspondent states that it protvides for abrogating the Clayton.Buiwer treaty, and for a guarantee • by the 'United States alone that the canal shall be neutral, but with permission in time of war to take any steps necessary for its own protection. ANARCHISM ANI) PENIANISM. Pall Mall Gazette Declares There is Little Difference ise-tween•Tisem. ' London, Oct. S. -The speech of H. Kelly of New York at the anarchist' meeting held in a hall in the Tottenham Court Road, London, (in which he de- nounced the lafe'President McKinley's political career) has led to a revival of the -demand for the extirpation of an- archists. The Pall Mall Gazette this afternoon 'compares anarchism with Fenianism, maintains that the only dif- lerence between.the sentiments of, anar- chists and the war of outrage advocat- edby such men as former congressman Finerty is merely one of diverse means to the same end, urges that the police of the two Anglo-Saxon nations be em- powered to take concerted action to Lunt down the social enemy whether anarchist or Fenian and both Govern- ments refuse them the right of asylum. By a coincidence, The Times this morn- ing, prints a long article from Washing- ton protesting against the license al- lowed. the Irish in America in plotting against Great Britain.Corninentingc on this The St. James' 'Gazzette thinks British hands are not altogether clean and "that no law would .be strained if Kelly ana other foreigners whose cult is murder received immediate,' notice to quit. MONASTERIES IN FRANCE. The Tittles Correspondent States They. Have 400,000 Inmates. New York, Oct. S. -A. London des- patch to The Times repeats a despatch from the Paris correspondent of The London Times, which says that the 1C,000 monastic establishments of France have about 400,000 inmates, or one to every 100 inhabitants. If to these celibates, says the correspondent, are added the army and the civil ser- vice, le finds that every twenty-five Frenchmen have to rnaintain a monk, nun, soldier Or civil servant. Every five persons possessing an income have to maintain a monk or nun, with the proportionate share in keeping up a religious establishment. "Assuredly," the despatch adds. "there is great faith in the French na- tion, for this heavy burden has never impaired the piiosperity of these estab- . make him drink. lishments, nor their multiplication to st‘ch an extent that its eventful de- velopment could not be foreseen." to a.thin mans stomach but that.dOesn't mak&him use it.' • -Scott's Emulsion can make him use it. How? By mak- ing, him, hungry, of course: Scott's Emulsion makes a thin hOdyhunuryallover. Thought 'a thin body -was naturally hun- gry didn't you? Well it isn't. A thin body is asleep -not working- -gone on a strike. b 6 It doesn't try to use it's food. Scott's Emulsion wakes it up --puts it to work' '("gain makinc, new flesh, That's .the way to get fat. Send for free sanTIe. SCOTT & 31Q',V3411. Toronto Canada. 505 and 8,00.1 alt drnggists. THE 31.ARKET REPORTS. • Wlietxt is Easier -British. Live Stock , • Trade --The Latef4t Quotations. Monday Evening, Oct. 7. The Visible Supply. Oct. 7, '01 Oct. 8,•'00 Oct. 9, '99 Wheat .... ....87I 474.000 55 4I 1 101 000 44 210 000 Corn • 14,020,000 7,887,000 14,750,000 .,0nts.... 8,288.000 12,822,000 0,030,000 Rye 1,80(1.000 935,000 8871000 13arleY'1,994,000 1,9211,000 1,781.000 Wheat inerettsed 2,170,000 bushels the past week. 'A year ago wheat decreased 8,000 bushels. 'I'orouto Si. LaIvreitee Market. Receipts of grain on tbe steel: market this morning were light and there was little change steacly, 100 bushels of wheat sell- ing at 605 to per bushel, 100 bushelsof ret atuti,5p, to 0(108peiriubnu,sil:2e1310. bush to allig-1.").1 611shel at 59n to Tie pet bushel. and 500 bushels o goose els selling at 4.8e Oats-M'ere enste'r, .300 bushels of new selling at4,0e to per bushel. p as--1vere steady, one load selling at 681/24; per bushel. Hity-Was steady, 10 loads selling at $19 to 512.50. , Straw -Wes than, one load selling at $11. . English. Cattle Markets. London, Oct. 7, -United States cattle, 61/21E Canadians, 073(1 to Gil; ranchers, 514d; United States sheep, 514d; Canadian sheep, 51/td. Liverpool, Oct. 7.--Canadlan cattle, 5%d to 68; sheep, 51/28. Trade fair. Montreal Live Stock. Montreal, Oct, 7. --There were 550 head ot butchers' cattle, 40 calves and 1,400 sheep and Ilambs ofto-dalv. The butchers were present in large num- fered fur sale at the East End Abattoir hers and there was a good demand, with for stall? tdbung smodseamtealty gyoody, but prices. lir. G. Martel hollught thriaL etaiteeer stele°g 0itt 4(1%es per ib. lba.t 545 eGaej,r,gh.rNal?,booul:ot4lb,oupgehrt Ib. 2%e. to 3d i;nedaw;Isie teormetintygo.crd stock sold at from 31/2e to 4c per lb, alledantehrrisftevocyoung cattle from F,e...1101%1.b;, Calves sold at frotkn at t3 ft1o005110Weaehto, grasseis bringing from 21/2c to 31/2c Dor lb and the 'roils from 31/2etto 5c per 1b. Shippers ‘ptiht 3e ,per lb for good large sheep and the butchers f paid -from 21/21 to 3c per lb•for the others. Lambs sold at from 3c t ollyie per lb. Fat hogs are sle- ' dining- in price; g00(1 Btraight lots sold at from , 51/2e to 631e per lb, weighed off the cars. Clticligo Live Stock. • The Halifax Review. Ottawa, Oct. 7. --The prevalence of. smallpox in some districts of Nova Scotia has led to the suggestion being made to the, Militia Departnient that the :royal review at Halifax at the end of the present Month should be can- celled. The matter was discussed at, a conference this afternoon between the Minister of Militia„ Gen. O'GradY-HalY and Col, Neilson, Director -General of Medical Services; and it is understood that it was decided to go on with the review, unless subsequent developments Chicago, Octt 7. -Cattle -Receipts, 29,000; good to prime steers, 56 to 56.60; poor to medium, $4.50 to 54.55; cows. 51.25 to $4.60; heifers. 51.70 to 55; canners, $1.25 to $2.25; bulls, $1.75 to .5E05; calves, $2.50 to 50.25; Texas steers, 2.90 to $3.75; western steers, $3.65 to 55.30. Hogs-Receipls, 27,000; mixed and butchers', 56.35 to $6.70; good to choice heavy, 56.60 to 56.90; rough heavy. 56,20 to $5.50; light, 56.50 to 136.70; hulk of sales, 56.40 to 86.05. East Buffalo Cn.ttle Market. East Buffalo, Oct. 7.-Cattle-011erlogs, 278 ears; market very slow for all grades; extra fine steels $6 to $13.25* good to choice do, 55.60 to 55.70; choice to extra fat cows, 54 to 54.40; do common to good, $3,25 to $3.90; mixed hoteliers' esuws 103 he'"' 5?ff 'Po11" :gpGcars; mar ei; tohoYo;7 ors, 56.50 to 50.60; do fair to good, 50.30 to (1740• mixed packers $6.70 to 56.80; 'grassers, 6.2e' to 56.40; pigs, good to choice. 55.90 to 36;10; 'roughs, 00 to 56.15; stags, $4.90.to $5.25, heel). and Iambs -Offerings, 90 cars; market very slow;, lambs, choice tp fancy, 55 to 55.10; do fair to good, $4.75 to' 54.60; culls, common to good, $3.25 to 54.15; sheep, choice handy weth• ers, 53.65 to 53.80; choice to extra 'mixed, 53.40 to $3.50; culls mill common, $1.60 to 52.80. llIontreal Grail' and Produce. Morttreal, .0et. 7. -Grain -The niarket is quiet and featureless. Pens we're quoted at 80V,e tn 81e, No. 2 white oats at'39c, 'No. 3 at 381/2c and rejected at 871,4e, rye at f5Ge. No. 2 barley at 540 anti No. 3 extra at 53e. , buckwheat at 501/28 Floor -There Is ft good 'demand and prices, eft. pecially for old wheat floor, are very than. We quote aa -follows: -Spring wheat patents," 54.10; winter wheat patents, $3.'75 to 53.90; straight rollers', ,.53.40 to. $0.50; strong bakers', $3.00 to and straight rollers, lo hags, $1.05 to Meal -There is a good (lenient:1 and prices have advanced 100 to $4.40 per barrel and at $2.15 pct. bug. In some cases millers are asicing 5480 per barrel and '52.20 nor bag here. Feecl-,Owing to limited supplies priees are very firm. Ontario bran, is selling at $15.50 and shorts at 519 to 520 per ton in bulk; 'Manitoba bran at 516 and shorts at $1.0 per ton, including bagS; .mouille at 520' to 525 per ton, as tO qulaI Cheese -The market Is quiet and unchanged. Finest Ontario September, 934to to 91/2c; finest toivriship September. 91/2c to 00I,c; fittest Quebec September. On to 91/2c. , Butter --There is not much demand arta there h no change in prices. Finest September creamery, 201/2c to 21c; under grades. 19c to 101/2c; western dairy, 10e to 161,8c; ;Manitoba dairy, 141/2c M Eggs --There Is a good demand and round led of strictly fresh sold at 151/4c to 101/2et smallet lots sell at 17e to 18e. Pu -There Iva fair demand in all liner and prices are quiet. We quote follows: - Heavy Catunilan shOrt cot mess pork, $23.60 * $24; family short cut clear Rork, 523 to $23,501 pure. Canadian lard. In 20 0 palls, 111/20; coin. ponnd pitheci lard. In wood pails, .20 lbs, 01/0 to 101,4er barns 14c ,to 15c and bacon 141/2,2 to 105 EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EA.01-1: AN'EDNESDAY 1,i.7heat, ..., • GI 66 . I. . . I.... Gas'ley..... , • , 40 43 (34its, . : , ....... , .. 31 33 Peas... , „ ............ 00 (34 Ilot atoes, per bag . „ ... - 80 • day, per ton..., .. , , .. , . 0 00 7 00 flour, per cwt., Tolley,- 1 75 Manitoba flour, .. • •. • • • • 2)0 Butter- • • • - • • • • • " •• • - 11 15 12 12 !aides, per 100 lbs.. , 4, 00 4 •`/0 . Wool.. ' ' 12 13 Live hogs, per cwt.. 6 75 (3 $0 Pressed 1 logs . . , .. ... S 50 9 00 Briva ----------------------14 00 14 00 Shorts, .... ......... . • 16 00 10 00 • -,=,-mrs=th&=a,...gur...,246sicsazso•AW,4,k4 Hair?on -t) 012E,...„„actozzoossanszamzmyaoe-6,,,,,,j,,a,,,-/I. "My hair was falling out very t fast and I was greatly alarmed. 1 then tried Ayer's Hair Vigor and ill my hair stopped falling at once." - Mrs. G. A. McVay Alexandria 0. Li The trouble is your hair does not have life enough. Act promptly. Save you'r hair. Feed it with Ayer's Hair Vigor. If the gray hairs are beginning to show, Ayer's- Hair Vigor will, restore color every time. 51.00 a bottle. All druggists. If yoar dmaielst minnot.supply, you, C send us ono d011ar mai Iva will, express 1 'you a bottle. Be sure and givo-the name of your neare-st express °Thee. Address, J. 0. AYER 00., Unveil, Mane. News of the Week lllr. Kruger is reported to be failing fast. Mr.George Nesbitt, of St. Cdtharines, dropped dead in the staeet. 31Ir. Daniel McLennan, of Hamilton, was killed by a C. P. R. train. The Gist session of Queen's -Univer- sity, Kingston, opened with SOO stu- dents in attendance. Mr. W. L. Scott, of City View, fell over a cliff at the foot of Lyon Street. Ottawa, and was killed. Clarence Rockfellow and Arthur Bantum, tWO Port Rowan boys, were drowned while duck -shooting. George Benson died in a dentist's chair at Montreal, under the influence of chloroform for an operation. William Doxtater, the young Indian who was shot by Chief John Henry on the Muncey Reserve, has recovered. Baby's cold may be cured in a night by tieing Vapo-Cfesolette, which has been extensively in use for twenty-four years. -All druggists. Frank Fisher, a twelve -year-old boy of Oakville, was shot dead by a com- panion while they were hunting a cat in the barn. • Patrick Dewar, an employee of the Merriton Cotton Mills, was found, dead at the foot Of the cliff near, the canti- lever bridge, Niagara Falls. Several residents in the vicinity of the salt works at Windsor were award- ed damages against the company at the Assizes on account of the smoke muisance. • Robert Thompson escaped from the county jail at Sarnia within ten min- utes after being returned to the corri- dor on a sentence of ten years for burglary. Leading Wheat Markets. , Closing previous day. Closing to-tIny'. Oet. • Dec. Ont. Dee , Chicago .. • 071/, 69 .' 67% 60i Nett, Yorlc 72..I3 7474 711/2 15 . , . . 72 71 72V4 73, Duulctl h. i: 014(,11/2 07',/;( gi1/2 07;1 MinneapoSJllwaucicclis , 56,4 , _144y GG, • SI. Louis. 09 7e74 eo% 71 ' Pei tisk Ma elzets. should render its abandonment neces- sary, Gen. O'Grady -41a13', Who left for Lorton, Oct, 7.-0Mfflug--Whest, on passagt Toronto to -night,, said to The Globe correspondent before lisia _departure :- "It is possible that one or tWo Nova Scotia regiments may not be able to take part, but unjess matter's asstnne a rnore serions phase the review will be lci " quiet. Maize, on passage rather firmer, 11 1, clay's country nunont•ts, English quiet hut steady Ii‘rench chtict but steady. Itoll(1011-701i)80-i4ia Ht. La n c-Wfi en t, forolgt sternly \vitt; lair business,- English quiet Ind steady; emu, Ameri earl steady at an arlytume oi nth Ilutaitortu steraly:' flour, American and king turn ft 11 ra thor • (Linter. f LI; orpool, Oct. 7..-Olose--0P0 1 wheat steady / I No. 1. standard fo I , lis 974,1 to .„10fif • fi te 31 I' in 5s 741; No. 1 -northern spring, ns Cid to 5s 7,1 ,Spor o'er!) stcatly; nA4v, to 40 11.1/241; • 1Valla, sa 0 Os 84(1; No, 2 led o n t, New rrenn'Svstal Annoiniments. future. gniet- Decembe4c ltd r tis 1;',411. 11Iereb :is 31 81,441 • Eon.clOn, Oct, aPpointment is 4,,,,us stuthv; outorep s 107/4. Norcenhot orricially announced of. Sir Godfrey 111A(.1,, Doomber 40 11141. Flour, 17s ad t4 tagden, cermet' Resident Commissioner '7:__0`ii:ion,:la,__wiwat ocloboi for T3asutoland to the post of Corn- 2131' 117r,e, January and Aorll 210 A0a. Nom Atm, rni$sioner for Transvaal Native ,A,frairs, °Molter 271, .Tanoary and. April 283 Inc. ACM C, GovernMent Stlferettipy for or 271, .ilannarly Lind ApriLl '2.Sf ‘1)15e, Basutoland, has been apnointe C"" " sitient'Commissioner in Sir G. Lagan e's Antwerp, Oet, Quiet; No, 2 red Celerg Comm% Cures Chronic and Complicated Cases oftlheumatism, _ IT BANISHES EVERY TRACE OF POISONOUS ACID FROM THE BLOOD. Has Made More Permanent arid Wonderful Cures Than All Other Medicines in The World. HICK: REPAIRING If you want our Repairing Wen done " 'go to R. Hicks--Wzatches, Cloeiss and jewelry a specialty. AIARRIAOE LICENSE , Marriage Licenses' issued 0.,rla Wed; ding -Rings always on band. Exeter Exeter ---mar ROLLER OUR .Wholesale and Retail Mill Feed We have a constant supply of Mill Feed on hand -quality First-class and prices right. Wheat Wanted. Red wheat wanted for -which highest prices paid. Wood Wanted J. COBBLEDICK SON BICYCLES COST AT As the Bicycle season is getting far advanced and we wish to devote our attention to other depart in en ts of our business, we have decided to sell Bicy- cles the remainder of this season while they last at cost, and we have a few -wheels that we bought far below the regular wholesaleImes. "We ale e - pared to give some SpecialBsugaies in Bicycles. All rheumatic sufferers dread the variable and tryino•e, weather of Octo- ber and November. Sufferers from the various forms of rhematism-articu- lar, muscular, inflammatory, gout and lumbago --suffer" more intensely in the autumn months. Chilling winds, damp air, cold rains and night frosts, aggravate existing misery, and agony. Thousands of victims of rheumatism have come back from summer health resorts only to find themselves as badly tortured and crippled as they were before they started for their false Meccas of health.. Mineral springs, baths and massage system can never drive out the morbid principle of ter- rible rheumatisnl from the blood. and join ts. • Careful medical tests and a long ex- perience prove that Paine's Celery Compound is the only agent and medi- cine for the cure.of all forms of rheu- matism, and succeeds when everything else fails. with a' confidence created and strengthened by thonsmnds of vietories over rheumatism, we urge sift -To -ring men and NV 0 ill on to use Paine's Celery COMpound. Its mar- Vellons virtue will meet) your case and do for you what it has done for others. Mrs. J. Vince, Barrie, Ont., says: 'I an). httppy to say I have taken Paine's Celery Conipound with great results. T. had sciatica so badly that I could not turn in bccl or walk with- out 14 elp, aud for a period of three weeks was helplessly laid up n d suf- eyed paill 111111 at timet was almost unbearable. • T tried Many medicines, but all in' Pain, 1 was a rter l'000111 0,11 dal GC) try Paine's Ceicliy •COmpound, uSed six bottles and am entirely cured, and enjoy good health, 1 take great p1e180 re in 1271011) 11101)0 inn; the volo able metheinC,that, cured 010.' , Our Piano, Organ and Sowing Mac- hine stosk is new and of best qually. • Call and see us. -We will be glad to show you -our goods... . . . S MiNFITIN 011TR KEW PREMISES We have moved into our new pre- mises. opposite the Central Hotel and are now open for business. Our pre- mises are modern and we give you modern and up-to-date goods and made in the most modern style. We Personally . . . . Cut Every Garment That's made up a,t this establishment -as well as fit it-ancl look after all the details. ' This is only one reason why our prices aremoder- Gent's Furnishings . . . T.Come and See us in our new , place Of business and examine our :stoek of -Gent'S :Furnishings,, Bert. Knight. EXETER FOUNDRY J. IVIIJR11.A.Y, Manufacturer & Dealer . . . in . . . Portable and Staienaryt En glues and Boilers, Plows, Land Rollers Mowers Etc , . Iron pipe and fitting's, •I'G- pairs on Agricultural In).• plements and general nia- chinery promptly attended to, . . . FOR 5/k1,11:4 30 II. P. 13ofier; 25 IT. P. Engine Coin- plete with Pniiip and' geatur, also about 1500 feet of inch pipe;