HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-10-3, Page 5(5zeter bro cat Is published every "Thursday Morning at the 01 MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. the - ADVOCATE PUSL I Sid I NC COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCIIIPTION. ou.o Dollar per annum h paid in advance, $1., n. not so pald. tQ ozzi " No paper diseontinned until all arrearages are pai Advertisements without Specified directions Wili published until forbid and charged aceorchingl Liberal discount made for transcient advertisemen inserted for long periods. awry description of JO PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and moderate rates. Cheques, money orders, fe,IVOlti.Sing', subscriptions, etc., to lie made payftli Chas. 11. Sanders, EDITOR Atm l'RO Profesional 4J41,41.6. • If, I(INSMAN, D.D.S., DR. A, TL. KIN MAN, D.D.S., D.D.S„ Guitar graduate O Toronto liniveristy. DENTISTS, Teeth extracted without miy pain, or any If-e.d effec Office in Panson's Block, west side Alain stree Exeter. lemoonormaar* rill. D. ALTON ANDERSON (D.D.S, L.D,S. DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto 1.1iiiyersity and Roy College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Also Po Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic Dentistei (with honorable mention.) Alluminutn, Gold and. Vulcanite Plates made in tl neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless a; aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth. Oft.ce one door south of Carling' Bros. store, Exete Medicfti TAR. 'I'. P. MoLAUGHLIN, MEMBER OP T11 College of Physicians and Sure -eons Ontari Physician, surgeon and Accoucheur. Office, Dasi 12'00(1, Ont. D.icKsoN& CARLING, BARRISTERS, SOLI° tors, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioner Solicitors for M0100150 Bank, etc. Money to loan ; loivest rates of interest, Offices, Main street, Exetei I. D. 02,11,1.11N0, B.A., 1), If. DioaS0 W. GLADMAN, (Successor to Elliott Gla Solicitor, Notary Public Co . man,) Barrister, voyancer, Etc. Money to loamialowest rates of b terest. °ince, .Main street, Exeter. •• A.aretioileerS BOSSENBERRY, Grand Bend, Licensed Au tiineer for •COuraY Huron, •Sales prompt], attes.ded to, and -charges moderate. Ordersby mai will reeeiN'e eyery attention. • Ani BROWN, Winchelsea. Lieened Anetionee for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex also for the township Osborne. Sales promptl attended to and terms re:nor:noble. Sales arrange at Post Office, 1Vinchelsea. Insurance. E ELLIOTT, Main St. Iithuranee. Agent; Exeter FARMS ,SALE, MONEY TO LOAN. - The undersigned has a few good farms for sal cheap. Money to loan on easy terms, 40115 SPAPICM2.122 Exeter THE LEADING MEAT MARKET. -105flow"— -7-umminfir For,Fresh,'0.nod and the. choisest cut Of neat,call on the Undersigned, • While all -Our outs of meat are the finest, we make a specialty of mea delicacies. Meat delivered to all parts of th John Manning TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DIY Take Laxative Bronio Quinine Tab- lets, All clruggiss refund the money if it fails to cure. 25e. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. The Molsons B a nk ' (Chartered by Parliament, 1555 ) Paid up Capital, Reserve' Fund.- ......'.......2,050,000. Head OffIne, Montreab, JAMES ELLIOTT, Esq. 'GENERAL, MANAGER. 1110116.r advanced to good Farmers on their own notes with one or nibre endorsers at 7 per cent. p01" 1111111101. ' -EXETER BRANCH -- Ores every lawful day from 10 II.M.MO P.M; Sat- urdays 1.0 a.m. fie I pan. A general banking businesstransa,cted •,;•••••7e-eCTIRRENT RATES allowed for money on Deposits Receipts, Savings Bank at 3 cents. DicasoN & CARDING, N. 0. 1:11.112PON, Manager. CREDITON ROLLER MIbLS We have remodelled our Mill to the Gyrator Sy - tem, the the best plan for making Good Flour: :Those desiring GOOD Bread should give us a trial .• •. $1814IT'XgR.. , . R. ' tin , .. DownA, TIIE REPULSE, OF BOTHA, ...,,, Sil•CV DSSDit. EXETER MARKET'S.. . ICLIANG1PD Ekel-I WEDNESDAY . . 1 ' 17 I( ,..)1‘:1,_ , ' ' That is the condition of thousands ot ' 4111,‘ VI'li'vP141 IL. , Wheat, 04 66 e• , People Who need the StilritilUS Of Pure .01004 -that's all; . . OSSES oN lio'rfi SIDES lt AT Poli Lr11!..A, "w' Ru nuAlrx. • • Barri-titan Eleetell Iiteraty in New York.. , . New .L'ork, Sept, 30 -At the meeting • . , • • - • -, • - • - BarleY, • .• • , . • , • , ,.. • • . • , • ' ''' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' REPAIRING They feel tired all the time and are easily enanstcd. Eveiy, task, every responsibilitY, has be . COMO hard. to them, heeanse they have net 0 the strength to do nor the power to enchire. . commandant OlnaTilliu.vn Alkon0 111e 13-.°k.'1. ICtil("41-75"t-tbIr°e °f t" Garrison Reported .11I180.11g---ta , ' .Ali-iPty Battle. of ther Southern Pacific Railway dime, tox„,' I.,6 day • • - r . wa-s el-ected MPIres:Eiddelivtal'cit'o Hs •U cic:eicIT 1 1111,:lIarn .' , . . . Ctias. M. Hays ivho was f • ., '1 General Manager of the, Grand Trunk 14., no 04 --is"'`i:.'io' ',' ' ' ' ,' ., 1)1,1 ' ' ' ' ' '„' . vi'-• '(,) . o a t -,s, pta , K... • .... 0 ,, ,,,, ()cliiv't' ' ' 011e. ii ' ' 6 66 14 7u:51 , , ., I , ..,. 14.anitobit liour......... „ 2)0 Butter, - - , • , • .. • , , .. 14 15 If you waTit 'your P,e.pa iril'Ig .•,vel, (1'fl go to k. ittimcs—Viz?trulle,s,, lutli and 'Telvell'T ‘1. sPeet.'41t'Y'' MARRIAGE LICE&SE Licenses iSSoRdfilid Wed William Boas, Sarnia, Ont,, W119 I7(18 'without appetite and so nervous he could ,. Durban, Natal, Oct, 1.-A force of RailwaY. , Eggs, .., , .............. , 12 12 , .Marriage dingRinas al)vays on hand not 'Sleep, and I,,eslie R., Swink, Dublin, Pa, who could not do any work without to the wonder- , 1500 Boers commanded bY Gen. ' • ' ' . - -, ' a° etteek,, W..,111,t'll. PtPlIcLs PLEAD GUILTY.' . . , , ... _ ... Ilicles,, per 100 lbs.. , . 4 00 4 )() . 12 13 ....WO01..., • , - - • , • - ..i.fivell0"S per cwt.. 6 75 6 80 . 'Fa n son's Block, EX et el :1. fttlt)ietgurenacitiellsgt_euxperetillioctia,eybesottlrY *** y. ts ' ,. ,.. .lastec,..' .11,1af,e all• y lone. on September 90 on Fort Il..la.• on the border of Zulnland. '10,1•3(1 burghers Nve...e. repulsed, but at a .heay5 ., . s Seventeen.. Ca tared With L•otter,d ' (7°Inmaud°-"I'lead n)r --HereY" - on on, ct. .--A. despatch ft om _Dress. ecl. Hogs .... . . 8 51) 9 00 "rall' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' ... 11' °°. 14 °° X PiAr . 13 It purifies the blood, gives strength an"-, lb cos.t to the garri.,,on whose losses werc ' - Graaf ReMet states ' that seventeen .. - ,..,... , -,,,;.... ......,..,,,... , vigor, restores appetite and makes sleep r. . `e 'It is the• medicine for all debilitated conditions.addition, . '' ' an ()Ulcer and eleven men ic,iiled and ftve officers and 38 men wotmcled• Ir 08 inen a,re missing, of Whicll nu inher inarlY are believed liave beer -, -010nial rebels 'who were captured with the rems.inder of Lotter's commando . • ---- were tried on' a charge of treason and ..0 . ' oug ,R OLLER . LLS . . nooa's Pins cure liver ills; the non -irritating mid '.pootrs ,to ICilleDi Or wounded. The 13oer, Corn ‘ murder. Fourteen of them. pleaded . eolY cathartic to take with sarsaparilla. rbrilawicillaerirst rie'illi fdo, r mercy.tilt .., - ',4234:2m7"4t3Mia222r„ - are ta9ntlhavngineit)eceer•v g ty.tee nr e- After' VVork 1., .--- killed. ..ri;In'uaiilitlYetai•lin‘dv:epricmyfoeudn ,S was reserved, / h I,.1 f ave mace a tnOSt thoroug i . . ,,- • or .i.'--,- ..-..r ":.-..e, 4.,1z...vt, . , =,. 1P.' •,. 4:.4 1 v TWO luNDRED 'BOERS TC-IDDED. ... KILLED' 11T A ECISSINO-lluG• , , . ..... trl:al of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and arn prepared to say that for all 4is- eases of the lungs it never clisap- VJholesale and Retai] • ., b WI ' Atgir, ... 4.14, Soothes tired 4, ' muscles, re- ..41 • ' moves sore- .i nese 7111C1 gives the body 0 feeling of conifort, an0 ^ . snece. „t Port Itala Grciiter Than at virHt ReDurtea. Lady,,,,„th Natal Sept 30 ...,...2711 British success at Fort' Itala is nom „ k1101Vil to have been greater than wa: at first reported, 'rwo hundred .P.oer: were killed . and more ' than 300 weri wounded or captured. 110M19 Sept,. St. 'I .,„ , ..,0,-i rs.,McIntyie, ' wife olf Mr. well Mc ntYie, a piom inent Southwoid farmer, died this morning -from the effects 0 bite of a kissinebug on Tuesday last. J Deceased was a sister of Dr. Fulton of this city arid Mrs, Archibald Kerr of. London • - points. ‘ i J. Early Finley Ironton' 0 t Is yer's Cherry Pectoral , won't cure rlaeumatiSM ; 'we tiev-r said it 'would t .•• - -- • ''. , ° It dyspepsia IVE11 Feed We have a constant suppl3 of 1\1111 1 eed on hand --qualit3, First-class and prices ricrht. d. .strength, , il; • Don't take the weak watery witch Itaze1 , . Y preparations represented to bo • "the soma e as" Pond's Extract, which easily $021f find 1- generally contain; "wood alcohol," a deadly poison. WOAIEN AND CRILDIIEN BURT. - The Boer Attaelt on Belfast -Lieu Durham's Death. . des- London, Oct. 1.—A. Pretoria TILE MARKET REpourrs, - . Wheat Market Stagnant--11ritish . • Live Stock ' Trade -The Latest •Quotaitiolis. • won't cure ; we never claimed it. But it will cure coughs and tOlds of all kinds. Vie Wheat Wadited. Red wheat wanted for which hicrhest.prices paid. ; To the, Duke and Duchess of ... patch reports that duringthe unsuc- - " . , London Sept 30 ignited States cattle, (1%d; • % ' •-- " ,.'ficst said this sixty years 4 ' ' Cornwall. and 'York. El , --- cesstul atack made on Belfast by the Boers on Sunday some women and chit- . dren in the refugee camp were wounded, a Naaa' C nal* Gd; ranchers, Id to 5lid.; sheep, 511111 .171101wit.ecl States sheep, 6d. Good cattle firm; sheep ,, - - the Visible Supply. ) I- ' gg0 • We ve oeen saying it . • - ) • 4 ever since. t' WOOd Niler anted t- Royal heir to the throne, thrice wel- come, one mortally. A Durban despatch reports that the _ wheat .,. '5Or,,c4to.o1,ee0e0 4°2e,1t11..22;0'0°0 • Xy•040401.1, ••••,• • -.old- &Go.. just right for bronchitis, hoarse - i'leTesh:rli"ay*diz:7old2s5,ce"tten.:flu18-1, 'olropar:e'lco:odailC11711 J. COBBLED1CK & SO The smile to your Royal wife too; -Yell have COrfrd from one part of the - Empire, • Boers' attacked a border post in zuiu- land at the end of last weelc, an,' "-` Lieutenant Durham, the ..,.:slse,PsU,t8,°0'0°01 Corn .... • .. .. . . 11,410,000 '7,102000 12,400.000 Oats .... . , ... 8,0;2.000. 11,42o,000 7,828.o00 Rve . ... .... 1,775,900 • • 929,000 700,000 for ehroille eftSeS.,lnft to keei) On hand. • . J. 0.•.il_YER.,. CO., Iowan, Mass, "n"- .'"'"- - , From the land of the Kangaroo, chief scout of Dundee division, was killed. Lieut- n4ripy. ..:. ... i.s7s.neo 1464 ()op 1,4,..ti,000 wheat triereaseci 2,a7e,oeo bushels,. eats in- ...,1-12ir-trf.7X,-,....V61,-,10.1-Erali1.--- V o another Hutt s 1 ust as loyal , N 'To another that'S 3 ust•Its true. , , ' The Kin.. (God bless him) has this r' enant Durhs.m was the scout who gold- ed Brigadier -General Yule in his farn- ous retreat from Dundee to Ladysmith in the earliest stages of the w • ai . creased 225,000 bushels and eorn 'Increased 550.- tio9 1.7,,1;..t4A) yseta;L:ovni,••ehelikiet eine;faazie4t1..9,000 bushels. • ,., nu,,,,,,ti:,ut,,,,,,,I,,- EXETER Real Estate Exchatiuge, , . ii 'Which the sop is about to see, Has heard the shouts frota myriad, /q..41.1`AL ELECTIONS. -- r,,,,,„ spring wheat only being easter.. Wheat -Was steady,loMbels selling at 00e •A ,r,4 , r,„‘ T IL j 0 S ., throats, , • Re-echoed from sea to sea; From a people whose sons have proved in war • , As'loyal as any can be. r 1, The Indian will come in his feather , and pain t. To ivelconie the great white chief; ' The luriaberer come from the -.N-Jr est green , t Neath the shade of the Mttple Leaf, ' IVhile cui the prairie' the farmer will . cheer ' „. ,. As swiftly he garners the sheaf. The Issue Will be Purely 021 Turin , loratters. ' London, Oct. 1. -The Ti • mes cm rea- pondent at Cape Town cables that the tornmg elections for the Natal Legis- lative Council present a difference from Cape politics in that the ca.n.dicrateS are divided .over issues not arisirig •oni ' , . the war. All ,are on the clesir- • ' t - ' ability of fe eration The con e,t will be between the Planters' or farrIlIng ill- terest and the importers:and the result will affect the question as to Whether te 73t./,e p,r bushel, 300 bushels of white at 600 in 70c,, 500 busbMs ,of goose at to' GOlf.ic and nar Itishels of sprir.g at 02e to Toe. . yarIvy-.7Was steady, 1,000 huSbels selling t't 4"i tt° 5'v ple' b"eheL - oas.-wtre steady: 300 bushels of ola sold at atm to 40,6 p61' 1/1151101, . . ,,„ IlYe-'11,is steady, One load selling, tit 01e p,..‘r bIlgII,I. • .1101.,i1,5.50.-ti‘ot7,11,,T:ts ,,,,vere light, ten loads selling at cStior'NTir---IO'n'e'llo)ta'il'vseorI3 flair'. 8850. . cheese -.51a,rir.cis.. fifties, N.Y. S t. , -At the mien Dairy 13 ' • ' TiP 1'0' mud of Grade t e ..-a es, of cheese were: -Large white, it iots of 1,075 boxes at 9c; large col- ored. 45 lots of 3,2,38 boxes at ge; small white, 4 iot6 of 261 boxes at 9/2 , sin 11 coloied, 9 hits obof,,7esso .ititexornis eat 9u.tiAoctiaismaii eirlored 9 lots of 500. laatta r, , 1he Sale, Purchase and Exchange of Villaixe and farm lands and properties t" nee:ottated at reasonable rates of com- lan-ssion • ' Forstile. Several Valuable Farms in HAY, USBORNE, STEPHEN arid .11IcGILL- IVRAY; also Three very desirable Re- . . sidence properties 10 Exeter. • '. ' . --- „. FarinS Wfilited. We ha-ve far fat . .... ... , .. , ... .... ....... ...... .. As the Bicycle season is getting far . adv.inced and we wish to devote our attention to other depat•tinents of our business, We have decided' to sell Bicy- cles the remainder of 'this se;ison trh Lie they htst at cost, zind we -have a fexv wheels that we bought far be.low the reo•ular wholesale prices. We are 1)-i'e- pared to give some Special Baro -tins irt a' Bicycles. ' May your trip thro'. this land be re- membered for vea,rs, . As a pleasant,mie without alloy; May your visit be thouott of, in lona. ' '71 _years to come _ By us, 'with both pride and with joy; May Gocl bless and protee.t you and . take vou.safe heme, ' .. Is the Wish of each •true British boy-. Natal shall continue .the ta.nift agree- ments with Cape Colony. A consider- able party would like to proinote a customs union with the Transvaal. . Orange River. Colony and Rhode. . , leaving the Cape to . come iti on terms. dictated by this northern combination. The present union with the Cape favora the -planters morethan any previoua ar- . . rangement did. • nisitterLcrenin'ers,'.p17:7;s 2alfe:569017pirbasxast 2ar.eic,21144,1dolkogos 00000 01 ec,arsi'nestslt 52-4ibe.,prints • Montreal Live Stock. ' .„, ., , Sept.„„ ,,„_ wontreai, a,0o.--Kuere were about 900 head of butchers' cattle, 50 calves aud 3,000, sheep and iambs offered for sale at the East End Abattoir trieday.,The butchers were present in large mum- IN.'oeir.;;Llintgrtairdea.alleegot.ineg ipsalnrdceoPair%soen isti.rts. Mr.- G. ,Afrte1. paid 614e per lb for a choice steer and 1e per lb for six others. Pretty good cattle Purcilasers g°°ci 181 and in the vicunty of Exeter, or who will Exchange. . APPLY TO Try - • ' •• w • x'•• fin Bawaen , pall°, in., Valulator. "Manager. OFFICES: Dickson kt Carling's Netv Block, Exeter. Our Piano,' Organ, and Sewing Mac - hme stosk is new'and of best quali v. - Call and see u8. We will be glad. to how you our goods.... . . \ a S MARTIPI N. DYER EUCTRDON . sold st from 31,47e to nearly 4e per lb; ,common dry cows, and they were young stock, from 21/)c GRAND TRUNK RETORT. to 3e, and the old beasts and sanill bin -locks from 114e `2c - ATTEMPT AT MURDER AND SIII- . CIDE. Si. Tlioniiis, Set. 30. -Mrs. Pettit, a - policy of the Directors to Inc ease Traffic Facilities. IL to per lb. Calves sold at from $3 to $3.50 each,' or from 31 to 4;rie per lb, but choice reals would bring over 50 per lb. Shippers paid Se per ;lb for good large sheep aud the butchers paid Pram 21/2c to 3c per lb for the others. Lambs frirookinia&Lrotto. toe perib. Poptttregseasrola at ; You lw-,.....,-..y Ne•...-ci OUR niiddlc-aged women. in, trite 'of E 'gin House of Industry, became violently insane yesterday and endeavored to cut her throat with a butcher knife , and kill the other inmates. She Was overpow.oped after .a Struggle,one man, Ezra Webb, receiving a gash from the knife. ' one:361:n' s3t0a.t.-eSA, -thcaatb lehet Go rTanhde stmaroilfrtorme a Trtink TeP°r-t, t(' be .Published te-m°..r'-- row, contains a signifi cant footnote, as Iciltows :- . . , , The directors take this opporomity of impressing upon the proprietors that , the progress . . shown for some time past ,T.c., titto • , P ' g East. Buffalo Cattle Market. East Buffalo Sept. &I. -Cattle -Receipts 250 , cars; market steady for good fat cattle, Others 15c to 20c.,lower; no very good here: top steers sold at $5, io to $6; fair to good, $4.80 to $5.65; butettersh!ar fat to, g,sLodt,osliaA!0(141.,705;t wAst- ceyrn, l',11Vloe.r4v.10j-r.,_17'ils, g....•10 io'S?1..t- sau°sa0. ' ' 82.75 to 83.....o; good stockers and feeders higher, others low;32.70 to $4; common to best -e- ' ...ti. • ‘.,-4 in -' 1 For cufs ` Bu -as Cramps .Brtuses Diarriwea. ' cAollmBpIwaienits. We have moVed rinses opposite are now open for - the Central business. into our new Hotel Our pre - and pre - Maintain Their Lead. in the company's revenue has largely .. resulted from expenditure incurred for 'nftording- stockers,..3.2.50 to $3.50; fresh cows steady; veals, $5.,o0 to $8;. other colors, $2.50 to $4.50. Hags-nebotpt, .110 C11612; market tolver for till hat choice heavy, 'best heavy hogs 3,..30 to.$7.40, It is a sure, safe and quick remedy. . . • niises are modern and. we give you , niodern ' a.nd up-to-date o•oocls •and i, in the Most The Guernseys still maintain their lead in the Pan-American Model Dairy and it is they increased tt•aftic facilities, by • the. gi.adual reconstruction -Of bridges in heavier niaterials, by doul)le-tra.ck- tilk.00 e„ei„,.s, 87,10 to 31.12; ,) 1401 -kers, "$0.80 to 80.90; Hell, 80.70 to 30.80; •pl,s, 36.40 to $0.05; roughs io.25 to stags.' $4.75 to 35.25. Sheep 'and lambs-ReeptS, .105' cars; marke't 10W. There's only one 'PAIN -KILLER. PEany Diris'. Two sizes, 25e. and 50e. made modern style. - generally conceded that in,- reduciry< gradients , on per tl'ons of er for InnibS; few top early, 5 b, $5.10, clos'ittlr - -- _ . _ -_,.-_...- .._ . . . Wilt w in' the butter fat test unless some accident befall them. For the week ending Sept. 10th, the standing of the herds was .as folio ws:-Guerneeys, . $7.3o; Jerseys, $7.2?; Holsteins; $7.13; Ayl.'Shil'eS, •$6.35; R,ed Polls, $0.;15; Brown Swiss, $6.10; Shorthorns, $5.80:. Frertell °-tn'''clia'°' $5'30; Polled Jerseys $5.33; Dutch Belted, $4.08. The follow- Mg is the standing for the week end- ing Sept. 17th: -Guernseys, $7.30; Jer- se3rs, $7.36; Holsteitis, $7.11; Ayrsbii.es, $6.4.0; Red Polls, $6.37; Shorthorns, th''e', line, h; increasing . the . lnaulage power of engines, and the ..cf.trrYing ea- parity of ft•eight cars. 'rlie3' are con- vinced it is bnly, by . continuing- this policy' that ihe measure Of iinpi•ove- , t already attained bae maintain- '0,1d,'` 'ler a,,,Trie• nted. - The. accounts' show 1 outlay of £55,540 oil capital at:Count 't}olr new 'works and double tracits. The • , gross receipts increased 0.92 per cent. for the half year. The, working ex- pcnscs increased 7.07. The train mile- age decreased 1.60 per cent. at 84.65 to $4,E75; mills to good, 33 to ,24.52; carmins.,.$4.,-5 to $5; sheep fine.; top mixed,$3.7 CP 50 $3.35;, cill'is to good, $1.50 to 32.00; wethars and yearlings, . 83,00 to 84. illontreal Grain, stud. Trainee. , . montroni,.sopt..10.-Crnto-Tlie market 0 quiet /sca. g7inletifncii.4e .0Parzs airtvege &ran t3e,d e2cat .,,1,0.1,1):ca o ati 381/2c and reieeted at i,t714,e, rye alt 56c, NO. 2 mute:: at 5rie and No. . extra at 54e. „ nots.---fxbara is a good demand, both local and export, for choice straight rollers and blgiter !?;',1,7e,s, astrVaotokedteifims7. i P i $41'10 51u°tienten-s ifVel?n,--1- t-'3a41..itaii; sa.f5 to asa.nol atrata'iltwronarra,vsa:t4e•to. $3.50; strong bakers', 33"Go t° 23,80' and straight milers. in bags, $1.05 to $1.7o. • • HIS NECK BROKEN. St.Thomas,'Sept. 30. -The death was announced orr Saturday of...Robt. Ful - . . ton, of Fingal. It wtis stated that he lad dropped. It appears, however, that the deceased was assisting in the threshin".'on his fiirm two nines west r, of Fingal.; He was drawing clover, to t116"threshers and about 11 o'clook., not returning for a quarter of an hour af- ter he shotild: have returned to the ` ' • We Personally . . . • , . . CIA Every Gan -I -lent . . That's made up at this establishment -as well as €.t 'it-aucl look after all the detitils.• <i' This is only one reason 'wh y oiir prices are moder- ate. G-E11.t'S Fl1T111S11111oS . $5.93; Br OW0 SV7i.S. $5.79; French Car lladiall, $5.73; Polled Jerseys, $6.13; Dot,ch Belti=c1, $3.88. . . _ • APPROACHING CoNsORipTION. • , - . t Gazette London Naval and '11111i a.rY • Meal -The demand has improved and owing to th) reported abort crop -of Ontario ants prices have advanced -fully 10e er barrel, and sal,s of car 015 have taken place Pat' $4.40 per barrei” and t't .`;12-leti'$2•15 i?bl'g; sell' in sem° 4aases °J2- term m tors, are asking as high as . , . , . tnresning machine with a load of cloy - • er, an investigition was illade and Mr. Fulton was found Ivino. dead in the • field by the side of din lo'"ad. His neck Coale' and see us in our new place of business and examine our stock of Gent's FurnishinA.s , L.... , .1 , ugs-C.,..91,2 C 01011101 Troops. , New, York, Sept. 30.-A London des- patch to The Tierald quotes The Naval Military Gazette as f011OWS:-L-l'It .Feed -There is a good .demand , and priees are fro. Ontailo bran ls selling at $11.50 and shorts at 4719 to 820 per ton In balk; '1Ianitoba bran lit sic and shorts at 319 per ton, Including bags; mouille at $20 te'825 Per ton, as td quality. Chense--The market Is Quiet with- an easy tone. was broken and death must have been instantaneous. It is supposed that the attein )tinir to climb on deceased was1. , the top of the wagon when he fell to , ,i • • Bert. Knight. and is to, be feared that Lord KItcherier-ivill Finest Ontario September, 10c to 101Ae: finest On tail° An.gust, 904,e to fAci ariest•towpship Sep- the ground. ' , . ".--1110'nefii Y • - • ' ' 'Scott s Einulsion is not, a . • good inedicine for fat ' folks, -perirrient • ••,osfis We ha.ve never tried'givirig it require more inen. Where are they to be got, unless, indeed, the colonies be asked to send more nrien? The yeo- manry, are •not Coining.. forward as it was expected they would, and the ex- t• raw rssrulbs is of sending ou • not likely to be repeated. ,On the whole . tember. 0if,e to 00; finest Quebec, septernber, 0.W:a Butter -There Is a good de.mand it steady prices. Finest september creamery, 2flic. to 211ifie; -1Ines.„t„,kngliSt creamery. 201/,,e, to 20:)-1e; un- der g - dao. 10)/e to 20o; western dairy, 160. to 101/2c: •manitobir chary. 1.-W.,c-to, ne.. ' '' Eggs -Thera is lirgood demand and a sharp ad- vunco bus gal:pi) place.. Choice sold at 15c to 100 in rental lols and 170. tci 19e. ln smaller lots. Sec- flre Selling at 12c to 13c. - Provls'ons 'fbe riiiirl'et is imief bin firm. We ". f 7- •, I/ - b. • ;mote a, 0 lows.- . env,y anadian short ent nifirl.fgl'hli'..t,141.P17/relts: BOLD ROBBERS. ,„ ,,,, - Oct., .-, ,-.. , ,E 1,. 1.110111a$, Ot.1..-On aaturaay . - , about,• 14 ,o'clock, two masked rnen, a,t tl10, point of a revolver held up Mrs. 0Scar Allan,of the 5th concession „ .., ..; .. ,,t• r, ica,rmourai near Sparta, < nu stole a quantity of jewelery and silverware. .,..,. Tr I IC FOLINORY , to a real fat person. We don dare. Y,ou see Scott s mu - sion builds. new flesh. Fat (y people don't want it. Stron„ , 1, • people don. t need, it. , , •' : ' But if you are thin ,Scott's ,: . ' -* E111.111S1.011 is the medicine fo 7.011.: • It doeti,t tite you out . . , . , 'The -re is no strain. ' The work is all natural and easy. Yonl tist take the medicine and i. , • ft s ail there is to it., that's f.i.' -I. ..,Tho riext . t Inc, you know you fee etter—you eat better . . It is there is little .enough to which to con- gratulate ourselves just now except the magnifIcerit spirit of the armY iri the field and of that we are ashamed to • ' ' take advantage. , 'Perhaps the Government will re- -deern itS past feebleness by taking the only step that meets the case -putting in force the only form of conscription that win be, accepted in England." 'IT . sam 'journal deplores th state ' 'e e - - e' , 1 Of things in Cape Colony, admitting ' that large numbers of Alie oelonial Dutch are Joining the eneniy, rind' that practically„.1112 erall'.e populatio,n in , in vaded disi..ricLs is giving assis.,:atice or vaileus Ilirals to the InVaders. It • Itinisters thought there • "Tri `1S(,)9 • ' . would. be no war. in. 1.00t1 they thought the 1VE11' W0111Cl'e11d. In. 1.001 tlicY think peace can. 'be scoured 1.)y proclamations, Those misc.t.lcultitions have bean paid fov in the devastation of South Ak- . .. .. , . rica, rivers of blood and millions •of 11'11'11.2211.1110. Nevertheless the nation Still iefusch to learn its lesson, peilmps be- cause it is not bitter enough, Do we intend mess pork; 321.5'0 to $22; ghort, cut mess pork, 50 to 3°,' •sefeeted heavy short eat. mese fi2oirk, ho' nele-4223 to il;23.50 II' .h . ' r'un " "rt °it ' in.e..es pork, 47, to $21.50; pme Canadian lard, in' 3ii, th tierces, 111,ejc; parchment tined 50 'lb baxes' 11"Y`n,,r'narcl'nicl'in 11,nea Polls. zo tbs. .120; tin paiis, 13.,,e; tins. .„ ,7 and 10 lbs, 12c to 12IAe; emir/mind retinea taro, in 575 lir tierces, c'ylc; parelnnent lined wood palls 20 110 311e; t"in ails 20 lbs Se• hail 1.3y t' iwa 'Ad •'1,-.. P/4 t 101- i ' s , -ie " • 2 a a con e o per h. . . , Leading- Wheat l'irarkei:s. • niesing previous day. Closing to•day. , $ept. Dec, s„pt. Dee., chic:ago ..,....".... ' cs% ' 7o1.4 as% rov., 1, el ,, 1 • • •7•• • •.• • , '.• '74 ,.!-VA , ,2";;""ji ' 4r.irYt D74.„(4. 'i,,v, i,•;,wrii,.., 6,'T ii's" 6'‘7. A's minneanous ..,. ..,. as , 67144 077,4 0734 Yal 'Illittee,' 'N°' 1n°r 09 ' 7°0 ' 7°14 : - 2 red 7, 71 71341 73 St. Louis . • • .... .... ;014 7178 7078 7178 - . liritiKit. Markets. London, SO'pre: 30. -Opening ---Wheat, on passag • quiet and steady; cargoes about No. 1 cane, • • ft- '' '' ' ' 2 ' ' iron, nivy- , •••.89 P810, hen, Paseage, 88 pa 811ers' nal"' easi"Li'n'enh''• mixed Anierienn, sale grade, steam, passage, 23s llt.1 raid. wolubor In England flue. to 'France nno, .ya,a,tprdily's •country markets, English Dendon--Cleho--marif Lane--Whent foreign. ;inlet -with 1, Small linsineSs, TGnglisti'1,,y0 ace, American Inrs• --- an ant a -yeat-o c ac op c. dilughter Were alone iii the house when ie w , .. . tl t o inen entered. Beth were masked and one held the woman and ,,,.., a le point o a revo c• el), w n e 1 t ti r . t f 1 - 1 '1 r,Ir < 1 < , the other ronsa,cked the premises. ..,-- - - , Mrs. Allen bad on Saturday sold a lot •,, , ,.,. i .,_. : , ,, ,, , ,, , of spun-, anti ID 1$ supposea tnat the , thieves thmight that she had ii consid- . erable quantity of nioney111 the. house. . , . • l• • Ilowe. e1,,ii.r.s. Allen hacl pi wed the mot)ey.m the vault of Mr. Aitken s, o f Aylmer. , The thieves,faiIing to secure ItI37 money, Stele a number of other articles, including one silver try, two Siir ml..• er teapOts One silVer Suobowl, one silver spoon holder.• . • se a ,- . ' ' • tides he.;ir he ini tals "11.[.(1.111.1.'"Thecle IVere .1150 Stoleti. One silver tt.'a,tch,,open faced, l'zeY Winder; en.egeld (Alain, tw.0 pa t OE gild spectac115, so, t,a oici ' 1 ' .) ' '. ' 'e "' g rings and all the keys of the house ' • '' .' • • - - • .- ; ThirrObtiers had a hors.e and buggy, tuft told MrS..Allett that they Were 'g.o., ing to rob her next neighbor. - . s . (T. MURRAY., . 5 Manufacturer 8,z Dealer • • • 1131. . . . , Portable and ' St-tionaryt- En c . , ' glues and , Boilers. ., Plows, - ' • Land Rollers Mowers, Etc. 1'011 Pipe and fittill,-,o's; le - re- , • . , -,- pairs on Aaricultural iin. . , '--• , pleinents and a'ener,,‘11. ilia- ''''' . ,. . . . ; . , . . . 01111101'v promptly attended ' ' , . • • --d you weigh more,. ---in c 7, a worker. or 00 awakeng thating; to Wait fin may come too late?" corn, diffieflour.ult of Salei, Dant:hi:1a aniet at a decline of (idAmercan 1161118111 at. C/1S161.' p11110 ,, P,Pg1,dy, poorer 1sh stoa 1,11,erpool, Sept., 30. - . . quiet Send for free sample: . Scorr & DOWNt, "1"lironto, . Ceinada, ,,, OC and tlx,00; all druggisis, , Damaged by ittigh '1.`itle. frailfax, F4ent. 8,0.—The dylces wet( broken at seVeral points 'at the Petit, coeliac. River bo to-tlaY's tiGle, ivlileh 1. -Close -,Spot wheat stench; No, I standard oriihornia,. r,s 1(11/24 to 5s 101 Walla, 55 0,1 to 55 017,1d; No, 2 red Winter, lis Gil - . 1 , 10 oe iti, 130. 1 northern spr n -. 5s 7i to is 3(1' ratarea stc.o.dy; 'Jktithor rjsr.,“1, "21111,611. 216 .8'.4:11, Sfut c?'`,..,m,,67; „new, tis 1,1d ia ril 'Ad; fi,,tilreg 11,1,17,,.,--g, 115, 0"e6eth"' ';'-' P-0. tt,uri • ..,11'1''''i.?L'' , c 1 .-12;'1.. iiilanti and. Child:tem FO 1R 5Att. . 30?. P, ilOiler, 2ti II. :P. ',Eli:gine 0001- . . 'p1 t0 With Pump 11111 tleatntl tl.s.o AI1R. FALL FS --- BI:Msliard, Kirk too, . od./.3.4 `-.: ......,1 11,Y,,,,,,l, trl.,41,ti' said to have been the Iiighest since tiv. 5503107 gale, Two washouts occu'rred ex the •Intereeieni,,i, ,I.,,,ty feet beib4. ear. . 1 .1 . v „.0,-„, D, .,i, 6strst, anoi th•titt ..‘, 1 -1' 1 ./ v,ir.is, Sept,•30.--Opening--Wimat dun; Soptena- . oor 201' 00,,TafiaarY end Aprlf 221, 1notir den; Scl.t.,,,,I:nb,r,.21,,f' .p.,, -,..r ,Innum.'y and ii,,,prit 23,,f 101, 1 o-nr-Oar,7..--ivacar, dun, sent/loamy ..er 70c Jnyivarv end lipt'Al 21f 000. Mem dull; septeni: 'Eli, ?trl" e_ r z- 'oral- 5001lt ,.,. ,..,.so, v ., virga:vir, , 6i about, WOO, foot of inch pipe, Wu 1Qta;i7V 111 JL.0,U'J 05101y G delayed for Several hours, Y'1;•at, 1 ,, • , , , 01110 elli, SapL. 130,-Whent oloutly; No, 2 r ;I Winter, unchanged at 115781. 1A1' 112 wt. ra,