HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-10-3, Page 3DETECTIVES IlL'IVIOVED". Guard.a Have Been Taken 7rorn the }TamPto'll Court Palace. The eight private deteetives who for so maay years past have beea- miliar figures at , HaraPtell Court Palace, London, have lately been reo moved. There lire now no detectives at the palace, neither in the apart - meats nor in the gardens. Few persons who ViSited the pUiace ever • had ahy notion, that the plainly habited man of .,passive countenance Who perpetually traversed the gal, - levies was anything more than a painstaking admirer of tapestry and canvas. Nevertheless he was a de- tective. Week in, week out, during all the hours that the public was ad- mitted to the galleries he made his patrol. He was placed there at the time of the dynamite • scar°. The fear of dynamite passed., but he re- mained . For sixteen years those Old halls echoed his footfall% Taeywill not again. Gone, too, are the men who have been sitting on cliair s for Years, growing stouter every clay as some say, one at the Ring's staircase en- trance to the 'galleries, just where you would leave your stick, or urn- br'lla, the other at the ,Queell's 'staircase exit. How many of the thousands upon thousands who have passed this way ever dreamed that, out of these iet faces lynx eyes Goo foie N�t 4 for Good Teeth So-odent co Sozodent Tooth Elcoelkler 2 c. Large Liftrakil and Powder zazy All stores or by mail for.the piice. Sample for the postage, 3c. Peered at them and at everybody? So it was, and so iL will no longer be. There is a story that in a particu- lar spot of a royal garden a sentry was once set to guard from damage a favorite flower of a young princess. The flower bloomed and died,- the the princess grew up, lived out her life and passed to her rest. A hun- dred and' fifty years afterwards a sentry still stood at the same spot; nobody knew why, When they searched the recoadS they found out. The timely action of His Majesty has prevented a repetition of so de- lightful but uneconomical an, Mei- ' FACTS ABOUT OLD LONDON dent. GROWING. GIRLS, OCCASIONALLY REQUIRE TONIC MEDICINE. . It Will Keep the Blood Rich, Red arid . Pure', Strengthen. the Nerves and Prevent .Declin.e Mrs. Hiram Rinkler, the wife, of •a respected farmer in, South Telhain township, ' Welland county, 'Ontario, HOW THE PEOPLE GET IN AND GUT OF THE METROPOLIS. The Great Rush Begins in the Morning—Som.e Facts as to Its Wealth. OXYGEN FOR INDUSTRIES. Inventor Can Get Supplies 7 3: 0 Yli the Atmosphere. .. ,It was ,recently announced that the new Swiss method'of producing oxy- gen for industrial purposes had been -.' l' h by' - taken uf. by a poweafu s.; g . • dicato. The inventor, M. Raoul Pic- st, James Gazette, of the city of tet, claims that his process enables The exact Clay population says the London in 1891, when the -Jest day Plilil to obtain unlimited supplies of the gas from the atmosphere at census was taken was 301,381; of these no less than 29,520 were em- 110minal cost. ' e ploYers. .Is there anywhere else in It took the' inventor twenty-one the world so much capital confined years of experiments to find out that in so small a space. Over 200,000 the usual method. of extracting oxy- of the workers in the city were males !gen from the air by chemical means 50,000 were females and nearly 20,-', was imPracticable for commercial 000 more were boys and girls under ' purposes on account of the enormous 15. rilloro are not so many poor ` cost of. the chemical process. people in the city. The last censusl M. Pictet cl ' that tl • it I aimsle is eS11 s pawnbroker for this population of 'Imetallurgical work will be extraoro PRETTY ROYAL CUSTOM. A Vecicling ObserVanee Started by Queen Victoria. , , a A petty eustera. dating froin the weddixf; of the late Queen Victoria, all acs°eIsivti6::)'14a°O1'0' l'poerttliitQineel Itosi4tlaielli'S'ea;'asi ,id. f wilily. sprig of myr LI e which formed part of the Ipride's Wreath was cal fully cultured, and in, due tune pfnted out. Whoa the Princess lioYal vf.ae married sprigs were eat for ber bridal wreath from this myrtle tree. The Princess, following her mother's example, had one of the sprigs cared Lor, until it becaine a full-sized tree, which served for her clangliter-in-laW's wreath at tho wedding of the present 11'mperoe of a'me'all;111-11.1•clianiGglYitewHO°flitihNevaPsrionsbceselOvfelciVailleiss atillicel all other of Queea Victoria's child- ren and grandehildren. There is al- ready, as , the result of this charm- ing custom, the ruakiag of a grove A says is with great pleasure that. I give this tribute to the health restoring virtues of Dr. Pink Pills. When my clang -liter Lena, showed that there was only one, of the application of this system to over 300,000. There was, too, but I dina,ry. He maintains that the 01i one dealer in old clothes, and only ! ormous waste of coal in the working one perfumer, which suggests that, of metals will be done away with, there is not so Innen 'Vanity in theil and that immensely great teMpera- city as some of us have supposed. tures will be obtahmble by the use It is not surprising perhaps to find of "industrial oxygen." tackle, but it is hardly creditable Soldering largo 1111.1SSCS Of iron and only one manufacturer of fishing that ten years ago there was votingoillYilsteelwill be an easy matter, and ri- one typewriting office in the city, I will be done away with. The and only one maker of needles and , Pe 1111,1es °f vessels, the beams of bridg- . s railway lines, etc., etc., may be AND ND.IA NATURAL LEAF YE& "le 33 ,S16. Resembles Japan in flavor, but is !Nell er imptare—while Infinitely superior in quality. It is malting rapid strides In public favor because of the above facts, Drinkers of Japan teas should give it a trial. Ceylon Teas are sold in .Sealed Lead Packets only. Black, riixed, Uncolored Ceylon Green. Free samples sent. Address ,,SALADA," Toronto. lit you vvant be rustlnn all your _um and noottos RUTTER 0005 POULTRY APPLOO Oth FP Th LimitcogibT4e'vvste.,,,,,.Tmui,,,,ornitt.enst Dawson Commie•aqotra Co AGEWM, WARTED. toms nzinsylaAlteacht-iteoest.heObtleieuict• if:eotyaalad etuhso- LIME WATER FOR STREET. , wedding cake. Ever since the mar- Its Use Might Be Productive of riage of Queen 'Victoria a firrii. of Sanitary C°1111°Tts.. 'Windsor florists have had the honor Dr, A, Eadowes, \,/ritin, to a meth.... (now thirteen years of age), began the Ilse Of your medicine, a little over a year ago, she was in a most s, of presentirag the one, a Chester con- teal journal, suggeSt,s that the use of fectioner finCling the other, neither lime water, prepared fresh, f or accePting Payment. ' watering- the streets .in hot weather, would prove to be a practiice , pro- ' ductive of sanitary comfort,. The ad - avl etched condition. In fact we were seriously alarnsied lest she might not recover. The first symptoms were a 'fouling . of languor and weakness, gra,dually growing worse. She be - tame pale, lost flesh. had little or no appetite and was apparently going into a decline. Finally the trouble became complicated with a persistent .sore throat; which gave her great difficulty in _swalloWing., gave. her several advertised medicines, but -they did not benefit her. Then she was placed under the care of a doc- tor, who said her blood was poor and watery and her whole system badly run down. The doctor's treat- ment did not help her any, and then acting on the advice of a neighbor, I began to give her,Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The confidence with which this medicine was urged upon us was not misplaced, as soon noticed a dis- tinct improvement in my daughter's condition. The use of tlie pills for a few weeks longer seemed to complete- ly restore her, and from that time oshe has been a ,cheerful, light-hearted girl, the very picture 91: health. I will always recommend Dr Williams' Pink Pills to other sufferers, feeling sure they will prove cmite as effica- cious as they did in ray daughter's M6thers with growing daughters will make no mistake if they insist, ,upon the occasionar use of Dr; hams' Pink Pills, ; they, will them. -to develop properly ; will anak-e their blood rich and pure, and thus ward off disease and decline.' The genuine pills are sold only in boxes bearing the full name, "Ili'. Williams' . Pink Pills- for Pale Peo- ple" on the wrapPer around each box., None other is genuine, no mat- ter what some self-interested dealer may say. If in doubt, solid direct to the Dr. Willimms' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., and the pills will be mailed post paid at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50. PROVING HIS DEVOTION. A dentist received a call the other morning from a couple whom he soon had reason to believe were lov- ers. The girl had an aching tooth, ai'id as they entered the inner room the young man said:— - Now, darling, the worst is over ; just take a seat and it will be out in a minute. Oh, darling, she gasped, I can't But it, really won't hurt you, you Pins.' constructed in future in one Piece: The great rush to the city begins, hour after midnight or. Blay 4, 1891, a 4-q-l'uc state . 1 1 in a short time, and the mining industry will ue revolu- tionized, and crushing superseded melting. BENEFIT CHEMISTRY. The practice of chemistry will be immensely benefited, says LI. Pictet. The cost of innumerable chemical alinary population of , the city, hiago products will be greatly le uce . ing by the last day Census, is about One of the chief instances of this 14,000; at nine o'clock, if you could ` will be the water gas, so much used count. the people in the streets they in chemical- industries, which will be would number a ' obtainable at a cost of a tenth of a ` penny per cubic yard. The result of QUARTER OF A MILLION. this for lighting purposes will be By ten o'clock more than 100,000 tremendous. more are added to the number, and It is only a question of time, says it is estimated that at lunch time the inventor, before every public nearly 700,000 people have crossed building will be supplied with oxy- -the city botiffds, Six hours later, by gen pipes, and "stuffiness" in thea- tl evening tho people in tres, sehoolS\tand other public build- ings will be Unknown. • For hospitals, and especially in the operating room, oxygen, which • ice morn_ 'Industrial oxygen' ' will reduce Ing. The crowd is growing ala tne.hardest rocks, such as qnai , 1- tz to of course, after, eight in the a typical day, 2,698 persons entele the Lord Mayor's Kingdom, and up to five o'clock in the morning. the number: Wa,s, rriiughly;. 12,000.. it. is surprising,' to: know - that between 6,- 000 and 7,000 'peoples begin work in the city between four and,.,five,o'ClOck in the Morning. At 6 a.' the Or., .„ A uTppiliof FP 0111 ' vantages claimetl f or the practice a . AU ' are said to be those, first of aggro- PLATTSVIJILE ECHO 4 ,, manure, ands thus to prevent them !gating together loose particles of --- ' from being cliffusod 'by the wind ; 1 • AN II,TTEILE'STING ARTICLE septic action ; , third, of preserving MRS. J. BARNETT FIGURES IN isecond,, of. exercising a certain anti - IN THE LOCAL PAPER. wood paving. and, fourth, 62 render- __ ing 'wood less slippery. The idea should be worth considering by the Interviewed by a Representative A GENTS -ID YOU 'WANT A. LINE 011 ,fast -selling goods that give you 'over halt profit, and sell in every house, write us. The E. Karn Co., 132 Victoria. street. Toronto. T. N U -.,..„... • 343 A NOVEL GARDEN, In the centre of Liverpool there is one large roof-garcien. it forms the hobby of a lady who has at present in successful eultivation currants, gooseberries, and. a fine show of out- door flowers, besides exotics in a greenhouse. 'rhe earth was taken up to the tiles by means of a lift, and the garden is efficiently drained and free froth despoilers. of the Echo --Story of ner Trona local authorsittles tentrusted with the s ble as Related. by Herself—Her ',care of the I SUM' CVO might 'make trial of 1)r g Ono ele• ee s, and an enex getic Eg• Ao Burr + Opinion of Dodd's KidneY'Pills' ; Eddow' es' plan on an experimental Plattsville, Ont., Sept. 23 (Spe-lbasis. Lime we are told, is em- . . 1 , ` cial),--The case of Mrs. J Barnett of ployed near Vienna for the disinfec- i. portance to be published --------------- hree tanks a. day's sewage is mixed this town was founcl of sufficient, im.---tion of sewage, Collected in one of the „Plattsville,ECho. TO the repre- wh fresh milk .of Bine in, the pro-• ,sentative of that live local paper' she portion . of from 1 to: 2.- per ...cent.' Made the following. statement cella The mixture • settles .for 48 hours, cerning• her. experience ' with. Dodd's .then. ' the • :clear effluent. water ...is Kidhey Pills. • ' .drained off.s The sediment remaining s "t: have been ailing for. years, but is. Used as manure. :Its 'vain° -in in the spring of last yearaI grew very this latter direction, is alleged to' be• MUCh Worse. The symptoma -of my !great. , The. .effluent is Said :to bo. 'disease were rierveusaseas, „rheumatisniclearer than the water is adjoining, in the left arm, pains in the small of, Mountain •streama. We may rethark tha hack up the spinal column. and that lithe haS.' long been used for back 92 the head, through the eyes, purifying. sewage. ,From. ,six to left sieli3 of the body and ,occassionally tweIVO grains • -of lime are 'employed the, right side. . per gallen of sewage: The objection the city have reached a round mil- lion. Every twenty-four hours, it is calculated 1,200,000 people enter the GitY' on account of its pro I-Iow do they come in? Many of could not be put into general use, them cross 'Over London Bridge. hundred thousand. men, woinen and children- walk : or ride ,into the city every 21 hours oVer, the s hridges. son which the New Zealander is—accord- ing to MacaulayeHto 'sit ono day to -survey the ruins of London. Within the 24 hours, also, 1.,1,00o venieles- know. I'in afraid it will. It can't; I'd lia.ve one pulled ,in minute if it ached. 1 don't believe 11. Oh yes, I would., Has; Slie got a bad tooth ? asked the dentist. - Yes,- sir; it }HIS ached for a week, and I've just succeeded in getting her clown here. Come, darling, have it out. 0114 1 can't. But you must. I can't stand the pain. Pain ? Now, tliens, I'll have one pulled out just to show yoti that it doesn't, hurl. lie took a seat, leaned back, open- ed his month, and the dentist scein- ed to be selacting• a tooth to seize with his forceps, when the girl pro- tested. will be employed mole iee y. town will have its oxygen manufac- tory in a few years, M. Pictet adds, and coal will be superseded by oxy- gen. , ing built at 'Manchester under the A large oxygen manufactory is be - cross thq bridge. Blackfriars bridge superintendence of lkIessrs. Ga o cy, is the only rival, to its older neigh- in which it will 'be possible .to pro- bor; its passengers number 70,000 a. duce 5,000 cubic feet of "industrial day, who either walk or ride in some oxygen" per day, of the 8,306 vehicles which. 'carry Passengers and. traffic this ,way into the city. Temple ,,Barr and ..1-1.olborn Bars are rivals for the distinction of being the second most popul.ar 4. HEALTI-IY BABIES. trance into tlm city; Blackfria,rs Watchful Mothers- Can Keep Their 'I grew weak, for I had n.c.) appe- to this method is the rapid putre- Lite and night after night I could faction of tile Sewage if too much not sleep. I was a physical wreck. lime is added, while it is said that, I was treated by doctors, but their as the organic matters in suspen- medicines afforded me no relief. 1 sion are alone affected, purification chanced 16 read in Dodd's Almanac is defective, and the manure of no of the virtue in Dodd's Kidney Pills value• and the wonderful cures effected by, + believe in a man being thP,13ile symptoms' as therein explain- i'siCe'ilubicals.tt—er/ 01 ti 1, ie iouse. e should II ' ed corresponded with my own, and I t have the say in everything. Mason: started. taking Dodd's Kidney Pills How about the naming of that ba - according to clirections. Before I by of yours ? Gilbert: My wife gave had finished one box there was a de - Ivey to Inc in a very proper and cided improvement in my condition. wifely manner. She Said she didn't My appetite returned, the pain was Care What name I gave the little fel- lessened and I was able to sleep. I Sweet Girl (affectionately> • Papa,: you wouldn't me, to leave. you, would you? Papa (fondlyy.: Indeed I would not, my darling. Sweet Well, then, I'll marry Mr.; Poorehap".. PIe's willing to live here.; '- • Babies Healthy, Rosy-cheek- BrIchre f -ills much below them On • 1 1, census day 81,672 passen- ed and Happy. and 6,172 vehicles entered Tem - p1' Bar, and 82,367 passengers and -9,069 vehicles by Holborn. ,There are also other entrances,a It must not be imagined that all these people walked. Thousands of them were carried by 18,000 cabs and 10,000 ,buses,' and , the city streets were ,crowded on census day with: 42,366 other four -wheeled and 21,597 two -wheeled vehicles. 'In all Hold, on; the fms. proved hiss *tarry; and 111 She Ole draWil WttllOU t went ont , she *ming Me -Mae Nothing in the world is such a comfort and joy as a healthy, hearty rosy-cheeked, happy baby. Babies can be'kept in perfect, health only by- having at hand and adminis- tering when needed some purely veg- etable, harmless remedy, and of all this class of medicines Baby's Own Tablets are conceded to be the best. . , For constipation, colic, diarrhoea, 01/ER 90,000 VEHICLES. gamic fevers, sour -stomac • • passed through the city on this one ing babies, indigestion and sleepless - day• The •railways haVe a tale to ness, these tablets are a really won- ted, too', each morning in the city. derful cure. You can give them to Liverpool street is the most popular the smallest baby without the slight- stationTeover 50,000 people coming 1 est fear. Dissolved in water, they to it every clay in1891. Broad street will be taken readily. They contain absolutely not a particle of opiate 44,000 people, giving nearly a round- or other injurimis drilgs. ThcY are runs it close with something like 100,000 Sor these two stations. Can- small, Win take without objection, ancl sweet lozenges that any baby non street and ' Fenchurch street' each their action is prompt and plea -sant. lorought in just ovei- 27,000 passen- tThey will tone up the whole system gers on census day in 1891, and 16,- little one as heartY 733 people riskecl their health and and make the and ,f ree from infantile disorders as their necks by coming to Ludgate Hill station. The other prineipal al.iy mother could -wish. stations had the 'following. figures to I ' Mrs' Walter Br°\°11' MilbY' Que" their credit—Moorgat,e street, 15,- 'F;(1 -Vs: "I have nea-er used any 950; Aldersgate street, 14,903; Bish- 'medicine for baby that did him so opga te street, 13,180; Mansion much good as Baby's Own Tablets. House, 9,153. , II would not he without them." This ; , is the verdict of all mothers who, The city is rich—nobody needs to have used, these tablets. be told that. But the clay census re- They cosl" 25 cents a box. All \reels almost ineredible facts as to I its wealth. Its contribution to the druggists sell them or they rnay be Income tax is amazing. , When the secured by sending, the price direct day census was taken the profits aa.: and the tablets will be forwarded sessed to income tax in all England I pareBa_1(1. , The pr. Williams'. Medicine and "Wales were ,,C•239,000,000, ands ',0•• J-)ePu. T., Brnekville, 0111. low so long as it was Henry. So have completely -recovered.. No sign that's the name I gave him. You Capital punisliment was abolished have taken in all twelve boxes and of my old trouble remains and I as- know, I felt, after the hearty man. in Italy •in 1875. Since then inur- ci;ibe it only to Docld's Kiclney Pills. ner in which she deferred to rile, I I ders'have increased 62 per centa Impurities in the Blood.—When the ac- tion of the kidneys becomes impaired, imnurities in the blood are almost sure to fellow, and general derangement of the system .ensues,. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills will regulate the kidneys, so that they maintain. healthy action and. nyevent the complications which certain- ly come when there ,is derang,ement of these healthy. organs.. As a restorative these pills are in the first rank. The shipping lost or broken up every year has a carrying power of 1,800,000 tons. Since the Navigation Laws were Hinard's liniment Relieves Neuralgia repealed in 1319, British shipping has increased six times faster than the population. These two desirable qualifications,pleas- ant to the taste and at the same time ef- fectual, are to be found in Mother Graves' Worm Etiteralinat . Children like it. ought to yield a point out of appre- Dodd's Kidney Pills are a wonderful elation of her humility. LIRiment .1.01. sale cuelwhere d'scovery This clipping is reproduced as it is typical. of the way so many women SOZOBON Dodd's Kidney Pills have been often truly called "Woman's best friend." foe1 b t Dodd's 1:_idney Pills. !T for the TEETH 25.0 Leeds has 21,600 acres of parks; a I I . HE GOT I.N. ... ------t------ , : . - An Englishman was boasting about At the tithe of the : last exhibition the big policemen they had .M Eng- in Edinburgh a student' made a Let lend and sssaid . they were so tall they that he .Could get into the grounds could .light. "their pipes at the Street by - simply- walking in. The 1-,nt was lamps. oh., that's. naething to the taken up by his companions,: no se - bobbies, ewer ill Scotland,' said. Scot•L. 'curing a tape . 'line and :a piece of tya they are So big .yonder they can chalk, he went to one of the • en- loOk ' ower a 'land o' hooseS.. Is that . trance gates and began. 1.0,. ate::::01es all the Size of 'cm ? said Pat., Shure and. mark various distances. ,. ; them would be sea -Bed 'kids Of police- • Whenever tha policemen saw him inen over in Oireland• •• Ours are so they thought he wa's:"a big man,. and big ,they haye to stand in,a Coal -pit pushed ,the gathering -crowd back to before they can get their hair cut. sgive ,Iiiins rOom to work. , :'" a . • a --a.....4,.......---,-.. After :he Made a few measurements There is danger in 'negiecting. a 'cold i,and taken a note of them, 116 walked' :Many who have died of cousumptiop. dated ,boldly through the gate into the 'ex-: 'their troubles from exposure; followed bY. ihibition :without any.: opposition. a cold. which .settled on their lungs, and in 12,,,,. Iriec•mwaoyn flii.iesi .11Wtaiglactr . gbautte he , licieep troass_ a short time they were beyond the skfll. of . ..: the best physician.. Had they used Bickles' , • . sibly could after hei got in. Anti -Consumptive Syrup, before it was toe late, their,,•:lives ,would. have been .spared.. This medicine has no equal. for curing coughs :Colds and all affections of the throat and lungs. s • . test is sufficient ; he devoti ona aet up, have it pulled out, chair, had the tooth a ,groan, and as she was saying to the of this the city of one scalcue 111110 contributed over £70,000,000, or nearly one-t,bird of the whole. All the rest of Middlesex contributed but .C41,000,000, while Lancashire's contribution was less than half of 1110 city, and YorkShire's NVIIS tinder 20 millions. f:JAUTIOUS STATISTICIAN. How large a permanent population has Crimson Gulch? inquired the tourist. Well, answered 'Bronco Bob; we've got about 107 living here. But with so much hosa-stealin' and brace faro goin' on, I wouldn't allude to any- body' as bein' particalar permanent. His Wife—It is strange that the . . Housenlotts ha-ven'-,l. lost their cook yet„ SOZOOCHT Tooth Powder 25o ONE WAY OF RAISING- THE WIND A. unique method was adopted by the members of a colored church in funds, They had g in g er-cake-eat - Rice contains cent. in wheat. inches long and the person eatiag his clared the whiner. An admission fee iv was charged, resulting in a good IT-CnitiiS 'Liniment Ores South Georgia the other, day to raise ing contest, the cakes being eighteen starch. and suga cake in -the shortest . -time Was de - record for Britain, next to London, which has a, 'Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot roach the diseased portion of the car. There is only ono 'way to cure deafness, and that is by constitu, tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of thm Eustachian Tube. When_ this tube is in, flamed you have a rumbling sound or imper; feet hearing, and when it 19 ent'rely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflarn, rt:ation can be taken out and this tube restored to itsnormal conclitirn, hearing will be do. 'stroyed forover; nine cases out of ten are caused by cl.t arrh, which is nothing but 110 10 flamed condition of the mucous surface.. NVe will give One Hundred Dollars for any ease of Deafness (caused by catirrh) that can not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send ler eirculard, free. F., J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, 0 - Sol d' by Dru ggats, 7511. Hall's Famoy Pills are the best. An End to Bilious Headache.—Billous ness, which is' caused by excessive bile in the 5101111(011, 11115 a marked effect noon the nerves, and often manifests itself- by severe headache. This is the most dis- tressing headache one can have. There 1110 headaches from cold, from, fever, and from other causes, but the most ex.cruci- ating of all is the bilious headache. Par- meltie's Vegetable Pills will cure it—cure it almost immediately. It will disappear as soon as the Pills operate. There is nothing surer in the treatmen t of bilious aeadache. A REAL WEEPING- WILLOW. One' of the curiosities. of an Eng- lish residence of nobility is a weep- ing willow irtade hf copper, and so dexterously fashioned that at Et dis- tance it resembles a real tree. It is actually a shower both, for, by pres- sing as secret button,4 tiny spray of water can, be made to burst forth from every branch and twig to the discomfort of anyone who may be under it. The death -rate in the navy is only 10,4, Compared With 19,0 in the British mercantile marinse, I 79a , per cent. of ,. against' s per sum, ' Holloway's Corii Cure, is the medicine to rolieve. khuis of • corns and warts, and only costs the small siun of twenty five cents. -- THEIRS 'BY RIGHT. won;der why there are clog clays but, no cat days, said Mrs Darley The nights belong to the cats, you know, Mr. Barley explained, With horse racing. onmererrrernmauzwaczczerelsoszermmorrmt.fflizeraceirtm•rw-mEmswarmeatorta hudtuir. Among the questions sent'out by 1 exminewas the lollowing asell°oar example in arithatetie:—If One horse can run ft, Mile ill 1.111111, 50sec., and another a mile in 2m111., how far would the first horse be ahead in a inaleh race of two miles ? A schol- ar rdturned the question wi1.11 this attached: I will have nothing to do Of the 650 tons of ivory brotight annually into England, Sheffield con- sumes a third. eetyweta:.b.t &mit 4out, lelso, tilneta—cuu coy,„ Aed .43-igegeter, Allot AA y wcialaes Far 6 .440 &coo 1CA4 1,34.2 9d it, '5(- ,etea k t 7onn fit /ca. 4 va "Sack& fea•aleme.ma The Public should be.ftr in mind that Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil has nothing, in common with the impure, deteriorating class of so•called medicinal oils. It is eminently pure and really efficacious—. relieving pain and, lameness, stiffness of the joints and muscles, and sores or' 11 arts, besides being an excellent specific for rheumatism, coughs and bronchial com- plaints. Of the 515 nietabers of the House of Lords, 23 are dukes, 19 marquis- es, and 139 earls. C. C. Richards & Co. Dear Sirs,—YourtM.INAliD'S LIN- iMENT is our 'remedy for sore throat colds and all ordinary ailments. st, never fails to relieve and cure promptly. CHARLES •WHOOT`l'EN.• Port Mulgrave, DID NOT KNOW HOW. Lord Kitchener has sent Ring Ed- ecarcl, as Colonel -in -Chief of the, Gor- don I-Iighlanders, au account of an ineident that strongly r00111 15 the Storming of Dargai IIeights by that reginient. Lord Kitchener says that after surrendering, 0 omniandant De Villiers informed him that during the Boer atiatek of July a on WaLsoon- sprint, the Highlanders behaved with the utlitost gallantry. The last four 111011, lhoughi comple,toly SLIITO1111dCd. • I 11,115 With011t COVer, 'COI1L1111.1ed to fire un Lil three \yore killed and the fourth was wounded, On the Boers asking the survivor the reason why , they had net surrendered, lie TO-. p110,d; "Why, than, Ave are Gor- don :Highlanders!' ,