HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-9-19, Page 8latovei You•
411 ale beSt stock. raisers use Eng.' •..5lx.10,ss PP)" 494 Per 1).iy. .
t, I list' Stock. 'Food for Calves and yonng The thaterld Department Of Eisheries
' pigs fin they find it pays to use. , it. has entered into comniimicatican with,
Whether its a suit fax a formal oc-
casion, or just for business, or for
outing, it ought to be well made and
oughb to fit. We do it that way.
The At will be perfect, the making
will be excellent. The Clothes will
be a credit, to us and to you.
Note ghe Pricesrt
Black worsted suits worth $22.00 for
,Fancy worsted suits worth $20.00
or $16.00.
Scotch tweed suits worth $20,00 fot•
Canada tweed suits worth $18.00 for
$14.00. •
Conte and look throuttit the Stock.
1 will be pleased to meet you
siieve's old. stand, opposite postoffice.
Sold at Lutz's drug store.
Owing to thettlasence of the rector,
Rev. J. W. Ten Eyck, the services 01'
the `..Crivitt :Memorial .church WO2'0 con-
do:et:A, by Mr. N. I). Hordon On Sun-
day °yelling last. He also delivered a,
short address on the lamentable and
sad affair acaoss the bordes, the shoot-
ing ef :President MoKinley.
teat tr....a,minas Simile, the well-known
well -digger, of Elltinville, has just, coni-
pleted a fine well for Mr. :left. Fisher,
of Usbornenat a•depth of tSSY feet, and
in which there is 10 feet of water. Mr.
Shinto has some means of Meeting a
spring of water and of all the wells he
has put down he has never failed to
get the desired results. There is an
old well on the same farm we refer to,
over 67 feet deep, with no water what-
ever in it, hence there must be some-
thing in Mr. Sinale's process.
Zurich Fair to -day (Thursday)
"British Seveo Mixtures. Sold by C.
St."Mitrys will have a tax rate of 23
mills On the dollar this year.
Theta*. rtit,,, for Exeter for the year
1001 will be 17 mills on the dollar.
The. Sifton murder trial will com-
mence in London on Monday next.
Lebanon Forest Lodge "et -o. 133, A.F.
A. M., Will -meet' on Monday night
Mrs. D. Johns:is improving the store
.adjoilling the Past office with a plate-
•sdass front. • • • -
the Dominion authorities, with a view
to instituting More stringent 1:eesala-
tiOns regarding, the 'catching Of blikak
bass, ASsistant Coininissioneraistedo,
Con-tendS that the catch ehould„,:be re.
duce(' from 12 to 6 in order to Piloted)
styles or tne'White'r: •
The easiest and simplest way we can
suggest for ourreaders to .get 0 good
idea of the styles that :will be popular:
this in ter is to boy a copy of the Oc-
tober Delineator, just On, sale at every,
news stand. The Delineator for Cato-,
her foreshadows, by means Of its New,
York,'Paris and London 'tionneptions,
these tendencies of fashion that will
certainly prevail. In addition to the
fashion features and practical .dress-
making,. advice that has Made the De-
lineator famous, the October number
is full of good general 'reading, most
tastefully illustrated under the Mimed-
et•I'An autoniobile, oWned by Mr. Tis -
late' direction of the Nyell-known artist,
dale, banker, of Clinton, attracted
William Martin Johnson. Mit John
considerable attention on Main street
Friday last. Halting, in front of Mr.
H. Bishop & Son's Hardware to re-
plenish the supply of gasoline and
water a large crowd soon gathered
and the horseless carriage was thor-
oughly_ inspected, Mr. Tisdale and
family were on their way to Strath.
roy, returning home over the same
route on Sunday. It is certainly a
beautiful rig and is capably of making
about twenty miles an hour. The
price paid by Mr. Tisdale was $1250.
Look out•for the travelling soap fak-
ir. Re has been in other I'torrins in.
'estern Ontavio. ,
The demand for Turkish Scalp Food,
is rapidly Increasing. 50c. a bottle at
Lutz's Deng Store. .
25 cents secures tae kDVOCATE
January lst, 1002. To is the
time to subscribe.
Watfor•si has consteuctecl 00,000 feet
of ern nolithic sidewalk this year. The
sum of $1023 was paid out for gravel
Their Royal Highness the, Dolt° and
Duchess o Cornwall toad York, landed
in Quebec on. Monday, ansi received
a royal weloonie.
Revds.Crossley and Hunter will con-
Stool-, evangelistic services in the Meth-
odist church, lElensall, for the next
three or fool. weeks. .
During the heavy gale on Sunday a
portion of the smoke stack on the Ex-
eter grist mill and also the one on the
creamery were blown down.
Itrse Imperial Hair Tonic for (hind -
ran% itottiog of the scalp, mad
tarcxfshing out of the, hair. 50c. a bot-
tle. Sold at Lutz's drug store.
The heavy gale on Sunday and Mon-
day disi considerable damage to the
apple crop in this seetion,a, largo quan-
tity of the fruit having been blown
'down. ,
W. Ten Eyck received word
on Sunday- last, that his father, .who
resides in Hamilton, was very sick-.
•Mr'.• TentEyek was driven to .Lucen
wherein; took the afternoon train for
t]rat city.
The season for partridge, plover,
The animal convention of the Ep-
worth Leagues of the Exeter District
will be held in, James street church
next Toesday, Sept. 241h, beginning at
10 a.m.` -A good program has been ar-
ranged for both the morning and af-
ternoon sessions, and a large attend-
ance is anticipated. The meeting
His program was one requirlhg con
the evenhag will lie one cif sperxL - siderable versatility •of gesticotion,
terest as addresses will be delivered facial expression and voice cultore and
was finely rendered throughout. - The
renditions by Mr. Vincent, as usual,
pleased the audience very much, and
the Farce Comedy in conclusion was
very much enjoyed. Private Locheed,
of N.,\ 7 high ann occupied a few minutes
after the first part of the .entertain -
went on a short talk on his recent trip
and experiences in ,South Africa which
was listened to with a great deal of in-
terest by the audience. Mr. Beonett
and Vincent will give* tai entertain-
ment in Zurich to -night.
• prairie fowl, railtSnipe, woodcockand
black sttitiree) S.1 opened. on •MOnday and
will close on _December 1510, The duck
sea,son is ills() in, having opened on
September 1st. • •
A naturalist say's that every tinse'il
farmer shoots a hawk he th r0 WS a $5
bill in the fire, for though the bird
takes.an oecasibnal chicken 11 destroys
. at least, a thousand rats,and mice a.nd
inolos every year. ••• .:•
ston' work is known to loVers of the
beautiful, by reason of the „Garfield
edition of Ben Hur, as well • as seine
other books of large sale. Mr. John-
son believes in illustrations that illus-
trate, rather than in pictures that only
ornament a page. The wbole October
number of the Delineator is full of in-
terest to men as Well as to women.
nettnet-vinceut concert.
The Bennett -Vincent concert given
in GI idleys' Opera House, Tuesdax..even-
g (Fair night) was of unusual merit
and WaS greeteC1 With one of the ler pa
est- houses that, has ever assembled in
the hall. As an entertainer Mr. Ben-
nett is above the average. He has a
very free end easy Way of speaking
and by a single gesture can :produce
such mirth as to delight any audience.
by two ot theemost proniment League
workers of the Conference, Rev. G. I -I.
Colibledick, B.D., of Parkhill and Rev.
R. D. Hamilton, of London. The pub-
lic are coalially invited to all the ses-
Boy 1Vanted.
A boy wanted to. learn printing.
Apply at Ariyoot.NTE Office.
Cook-Slove For Sale.
A second-hand cook stove for sale,
nearly new. Apply ttt An-vo CAT 0,
steN-c For Sale.
Second-hand cook stove, No. 9-29,
Oxford make. Price $20. Apply at
this office.
manse For Sale
A good frame cottage with brick
cellar, 1-5 acre land. Vih1 sell reason-
able. Apply at ADA -oakum Office.
t Volunteers Attefftlon.
Every volunteer who has his nftifle
on the service roll No.6 Co 33rd Res--
inaeirtanost muster for drill every Fri-
" the little cocker -spaniel re-
cently soicl. by W. IL Levett, to it 13er-
.. lin goo Hem n, was awarded first prize
in tile Novice Black Class and second
in the open black class at Lhe Pao -
'American, Exp osi tion.
-.Messrs. Be wden & iNleDonell had all
their prize winning horses at the To-,
rola to slid London Fair photographed
by Mr. Jos. Senior, in front Of the Ata-
vociatesa,offi.oe oil Friday last. They
-formed a uiagnifleent groupe. •
•,The petals) c11t0i0:0 is oyes. The par-
ry path toc's Were light crop bub the
'latter 'varieties promise to be rtuive
Plentiful, fnae StioN,Yers'iu seine :locali-
ties 011 yl nL had a beneficial, effect. The
„price hits coosedliently taken a drop,
Western cleusiiii n, 0.011ding,that
tiae choir seats were unoccupied When
the,Liine for begin uing the service lied
irrrivcd, *arose an di nnocen tly remark ,J soci that 'all the choir are ib-
500±this tnoritingslet, the. con grega tion
arise and sing "Praise God from whom
all blessi ngs flow."
•Mr. N.. D. Ifurclon, mitnagee of the
LFolsbnti Jlabk.roc,o;.vod 11e1.0 last week
'nt the d ei th cat his 'imp]: sty, Mr, Jam es
D, 03,0n 'who
,died on Thursday:ltsto at the young.
sta.e. of 20 Years: The deceased WaS
known to many hese, hic`ving paid his'
unebc alViSit here in janottry last. The
Day Times -journal in an "account of
his death, Sitys:•-l--‘j'aMes EfiirtIon15015
'ones5C, the young men that the people
•ssfat toWn ean always point to with
iii:i(li S ndits arl example for the'. etnii-
latMn Of Other yotintemen,"5 0
evenblet• otherwise their names
will be :stria off the list and new men
will be enrolled to take their plade,
clothing,will be issued. Sept. 27. •
By ordee, '
J. T. WEsTcorT,
Serg't-Major,•33rd Regiment.
A Yonthfla Artist's Work.
The London Free Press says:—
`;Noteworthy at the Western Fair just
closed was the artistic work of „Master
Frank -W. Weekes, aged Ft years, the
son of _Mr. Win. Weekes, of Exeter.
-it:Laster Frank entered in all classes for
Public and Separate school competi-
tions up to the age of IS Years, result-
ing in gaming awards of four first priz-
es and one second." •
Death ov Airs. Hicks.
One after another the oldest of oor
residents are pa.SSIDg away, thus verify-
ing the oldproverli, "The old.must, die,
the young may die." This week it is our
duty- to record the death of Elizabeth
-31118013,reliet of thelato Richarcl Eficks,
•who cl led at the residence of her, (laugh.:
ter, Mrs. E. Elliott, Main street, on
Friday last, at the advanced age of 87
years, 10 months and 2 days. The de-
ceased has been in poor health for a
long Utile mad hes demise can only be
attributed:to the infirmities of old -age.
Mrs. HicIss.was of gentle, amiable and
kindly ,disposition, iind a most devout
Christian, being a life-long member of
the James street Methodist chinch. A
-family of ,two sous tbnd five danghterst
Rich. Ricks, Celitralia;•Mr. 'PAL
Hicks, of town; Mrs. Parker, Auburn,
•ToWa; -Mrs. Essearn. Chicago, Ill.; Mrs:
Huntley, Cedro, Wash:, and Mrs. Es-
sery and Mvs.Elliott. of town, survive
Wedded at Brantford. •
The following from a -Brantford pa-
per refers to the marriage lost week,of
l)r. T. A. Amos. of Exeter, viz:—" A
very pretty wedding was celebrated at
5 o'clock Tuesday afternoon in this
ty, when -miss Minnie sinebtio, sistee the night,with his brother, 31s. J oho
They will leave this morn -
of Mrs. A. Ia Vanstone,,was united•to • PbaritQll'
ing (Thoyschiy) to continue their bon Pv-
T• A. Amos, D., of Exeter. The I
trip through the west mad will,
ceremony was performed at the • home' moon
of Mr.and Mrs Vanstone, 60 Charlotte
street, the nuptial knot being tied hy
Rev. W. A. X. Martin. The bride was
assisted by her n i ece, Miss Ethel Treble-
Varna: Mr. S.A.:Moffatt has rented
his farm for a term of years to Mr.
Arelier, of Goderich township. •
Bsueedield: Mr. Chas, lteid, 0± Stan-
ley, has purchased the residence be-
louging to the' Ross estate,"andtintends
coming to Brucefield to reside.
Mr. 1. M. Davis ixos dis-
posed of his grocery and erockerY bus:
•ioess to Mr. Wian'Stoneapant. who will
take possession in about'a, Week.
Hensall: jolan Horton was
harrowing on 11.1onday he hacthis foot.
badly bruised by the harrow swinging
around andone of- the teeth striking
it with gd•eat force.
"kViaile hauling flax the oth-
er day, Mr. Henry Koehler, is, met
with a painful accident. The loe±1 was
going to upset and MitKoehler jumped
the result being a badly sprained tinkle.
Maguire: Mr. Dixon \vas rather ser-
iously injured while attending to his
sick mare. The mare pliinged fotward
and knocked him do W11 over simile rails
and fell on his legs bruising them
Goderich Ip. Mr. ,ThOs. ,T. Elliott
has bought Mr. John Hunter's farm
on the London road,for which he paid
53,800. The place consists of 50 acres
with good buildings and it is ,consider-
ed Mr. Elliott has made a good deal.
Seaforth: Mrs. Doble, mother - of
Mrs. W. D. Bright, got•up during the
night, and in attempting to go clown
stairs, she missed her footing and fell'
to, the bottom. Although no bones
were bibten she was badly bruised
ancl shaken up, and is confined to bed.
Settforth: Mr. James Stewart.of the
Seaforth Milling Company, has dis-
PoSed of his interestio* the mills here
to his brother and has purchased Mr.
Henry Colbei•t's farm in Egmondyille,
4tud in tends•en gaging. in farming agi
The farm adjoins the village of Fig-
. a _
nonadville, nd contains ' about 1o0
acresto ,
Goderieh to: 'Wednesday Ed. Lavis
Hilton Bissett, of Toronto, is visit --
hag- under the parental roof.
111r. Wesley Howey, of Elora, spent
Friday with his parents here.
Miss Elliott, of St. Marys is the
goest of Miss Jean Flawkshaw.
Mrs. J.. Inwood, of- London, is the
guest of hernial -it AIrs. S. Sal -061'S: -
Mr. Alex. McLennan of Belerave is
the easest, of Mr. and Mrs.0has.Birney.
Frank DetlniS, who has been in To-
ronto for the -past few months, has 're-
turne.d home.
Mr. and .1)Irs.. John- Callander, of
North Gower, visited:1111-s. H. Beow
a few days this week. -
Mrs. :\*Vinp. litfeCombhas potorned afs
ter several weeks' visit with friends in
Detroit -mid New York. • ;•
Mrs. Chas. Birne3-, 'who has been on
a few weeks' visit to lieu sister in Sagi-
naw, has returned home.
, Mr. John Spackman returned: to
town Tuesday after another very sue-
cessful seasbn at the Gatind Bond Pack.
, ,
Mr. Thos. Creech, of Ypslanti, Mich,
spent 'Thursday and Friday here with
his brothers, Messrs. •Taines and Wm.
Rollins, of •Detroit,
who has :been visiting friends and rela-
tives here, was called home last week,
„owing to the illness .of his son, Fred.
Mrs. Thos. Hawkins and danghter,
May, of London Road, North, returned
home .Satanday :last from a several'
weeks' trip to Virden,
• Mr. Mark Cask, of the House of Re-
fuge, Clinton, is visiting, friends , in
town. Mark looks well and bears signs
of being Pretty well cared for.
Mrs. John Cookson, of ,Stephen, ac
-companied ,by her father,. In:: John
ntnell,, of Chisellitu.st, left "Monday'
'on a -visit to friends in Belleville. '
Mr. and Mrs. Dunbar and -Miss Ella,
Stsidey,•of Brighton, Iowa, At'e ng.
ff,i (ha cis in and - o n E x:e ter, the
guests of their uncles. ,Mr. john Hey-,
wood, of Exeter, and Mr. Geo Hey-
wood, .of Winehelsea.
Mr. A.T.'Cliarlterr, who was married
at Walkerton Tuesday,. arrived II:msd.
withhis bride, last evening a ncl spent
finally settle down, to the stern.'realit
ties of life in Port Haney, 13,A:
Mr. 'Thos. -Y„our f D ' •1lt '
h, anprnn, AIL,
is renewing acquaintances': in and
conk, of Bowmanville, and Dr. J. A. arotind'Exeller, the guest,Of am:Editor
Phillips supported tho groom. .-M,tss. lof the Voting was, st
:Grestrutle Vanstone, daughter t of .•Mi.S. former school tettelreriu Haist sec tion,t
Vanstone, acted as flower -girl, aAfter baying fiatight 111 S, S, Lo. 3, Stephen',
the CereolonY was p.difernied and. the Winchelsea •:schoolfor several'
wedding feast served the fie pp•Y. c Oo pie terins,bot 1efltbcse p ar ts ,f or th e -West
left. far their: :honeymoon 'trip to sTo-
rentp, Boilalla and: Other:places." Mrs.
Antos will be at 'home' to 'bey, friends
taf teisitletaber ls _co rigrat-
blatidos and Wish the' -1)r, and :bride
s bright, and,prosperOns.career, •
bad a narrow esciipe from What migbt
have been a serious accident. He was
working down it well 00 the farm of
Wesley •Illartmis when it caved M
above him. • Fortunately he had hold
of some boards that protected him
froni injui.y, and beyond a slight
bruiSe, he escaped unhurt.
Brussels: Sat urdiiy ma g Mrs.
Francis DeWolf paid Nato ve's debt, at
the ag.e of 74 years and 3 months. She
had been poorly for some weeks, heart
tranbie being the ailment. I)eceased
was born in England,her maiden name
being Fanny'Cook, aucl she came to
this country with her pilrents when' 6
or 7 yet:La's or age, locating at Whitby.
Clinton: While making use of an
adze on Monday, Mr. • \V. C. 'Brciwn,
section foreman on the Loll. 6`.; B.,
made a deep cut in his foot, so severe
that the services of a doctor bed to be
availed of. The wound wes stitched
up and Mr. Deo WU. WaS compelled to
abstain from labor for a few clays. His
place was filled by Ma..,Taines Appleby.
doge final nonc-lt,
• Mr. W. Boston, our popular
furnitiare dealer, o.f, the firm Of BOO,-
& HoSton; stole emdly very quietly
Tuesday 'evening „ Of this 'Week
oil an intereSti rni,4810n. HP Was
Shsinly :going "ontbusilless'l but it
has leaked oil't that the linsineSS
is ndt, , of the . • ord n arY kind or
01 1(1 every day occenrence. has
tinned tint the t.he Went GOCI01:14i
to 'Meet the yonng lady of his choiceas
afire partner, it: the 'person of , Miss
Bertha, Rusk, an esteemed yoorig lady
Of diet town, end, a :former teacher on
trie. Exeter. I' ithl to: se li 601 staff. 'The.
AnVocisTE has teamed that the nais.,
tic tie, widen Marked the change of
Wes; from the ranks single life to
noptial bliSs, Was performed by 'the
Rev. :Robinson -at one O'clock on Wed-
. ,
nesday at the residence ofthe bride's
'Varna: :A: inarriiige e ere:ninny' which,
United the:lives of a couple was, per-
formed at the Ontario street Methodist
;parsonage,. Olinticeit on .91. oesclity, by,
Rev. proGrifford: 'The peincipals Were
j. Dennison, of this place,t and ltliSs
'ElilahethiMaglaire,df Morris torvuship:
Miss Aggie Maguire :and Mr. T. j.
s•oiee ..Of Winghana assis'ed the bride
and:groom. • . ".12Irey reside here. .
Our Mew Goods 'Have, all Arrived.
DRESS GOODS to please everYbody—stock is comPlete, Ladies'
'lofts, Cheviots, llome-spuns Wool Poplins Crepoline Cloths Rep
Colds, ilieli.ose Cloth, Broad 01Qt11S, SelledS, CaSbIllelleg, etc., in all shades.
EVERY P 1.311CHASDR should See our stock before buying their
Fall Dress. •
OUR:STOCKtof Alantlesis,complete for Fall and Winter seasons,
eouipsising v ca, cloths in Black Fawn, Gray, Navy and Brown tcolors;
Ind Cheviots and Nap cloths in Black and colored. Be Among, the early
buyers and. secure a nice 'lobby Jaelset for yonrself.
our Millinery Rooms will be open on, and after
Tuesday, September 17th. Miss Ballard, of Listo-
Iwel, who has charge of our Millinery Department, will be
pleased to see our numerous customers and others call and
inspect our new Fall styles. -•\ ,
• ,
Headquarters for the Celebrated W. E. Sandford, Ready Made Clothing.
Complete stock of the latest- de-
signs in Bed Boort]. Sets, Pouches,
Centre and Extension • Tables, Side-
boards, Dining Chairs, 33,attans9
at -prices to suit purchaser. --Persop.s
intending -furnishing new house will
fwd. to their advantage to call on us
before purchasingei.sewhere.
Beussels: Tuesclaynight,„the tapes •
of this life Nvas 'extinguished' and the Clinton: 11Ir. Jaines Twitchell, who
spirit of R•obert Burns was called to its has been carrying 'ma a harness and
3laker. ' He had passed the allotted shoe hoeiness here for many years, is
span as he A -vas nearly 78 years of age vet it ing to Siovote hilllself to the B. 0.
and had been a very hearty nutn, his shiugle trade. 'His' harness stork hes
death he'll!' the result of a cautler' been bought by A. 'AR:Dien end :Cohn -
his togaher with increasing Years. son Brost who' hiwe now the field to
I)oring his illness he suffered tittle or themselves. Mr. McBrien has been in
no pahl, Was only confined to bed it the itosiness less than two ,years and
short time and. WaS CODSCiOUS to the has -built rip "a good teade.
McGillivray: john sc War C led
Seafolf.th:" ' ()wing to ill -health, Res.'. atOtterinirn, Man., Ang. 27tb, 1001;
• Father Flannery,parish. priest itt Irish- -
ray. .01110e ln the'early fir ties fsom
ly affected his heart, and he a-st> Silt- New j3runsWick and' settled on the
ofered a slight stroke of pa.ralysis. Rev. forin on whitih Lieury new ,stands, re -
Father Flannery is going to Visit Ire- titling, there until about 1:5 years ago,
lend in the hope that his health may
when he removed to .11.18-oltobit, where
be 'folly restored. Bey. nailer :Mc- he has thtee eiv.ag.td tarttjog,
Keon,' who, for the past thirteen years
has had charge of ,the joint parishes and seven sons
sides a \victory Oslo ilveS one daughter
all living in ll'Iti-tritoba.
of Strathroy Watford toad Adelaide, •••
Flannery: " -
has been appointed to succeed Father j-taehent Thursday evening Mr. Jas,
town, .has ,been obliged to 'reSigis h' gt'c' • 'yea for
about . o 'years resident of.
charge. Au attack of the .T.13 recer, t,•
Boyd:end his daughter ,experienged ea
narrow e'scape from iisjory. . They
t Goderieh: One of the lare•est funer- , • „
• wei e gonag for a drive, and 'Miss Boyd
els in this, comfaionity.for several years
Mas that ofthe late jahe R. ,,,tr,ewar,_ ,9.;Ot nicely' seated in the buggy, but he:
fora her tattier got io the,horse started
tha on .AVedneschly aftetnoon...lie was
and the -lines being crossed controtaof
so well and favorably known that 1111
the animal WaS• 1.0St, and the brute
awirahcace),13•N'ytEilsltililieigPtieonitt,yret(h)feihrlisitIscrgesulpaeilcutts- 'st'uted eft. but, altheugb lying en the
ground, mr. Boyd. pluckily held on,
to the deceased, attended. Mr. Tre-
and jerked th o ' horse. around ' a tree
wartha, had only been ill for one day,
11;1\40 g taken sick Monday moruing, wbieb the buggY' throwing the
and passing away ro night, the lbaedy3odici)ctiatitliatinsdnloarcei'aaltsniiiioe,•etilaveasvecilotincele, hut
being al poncture of the stoo I
death will be deeply regretted, and he Goderich: On TuesdayMiss Links.
will be much missedby a loving Avife MeVicas. was married the home Of
and family.
Carlyle, B.A., of Edinburgh', scothoscl,
G-oderich: A very quiet lint pretty
for many years. The ceremony was
cbtisch, on Sept. 5, the cOntcactinf..,,
tei, 01 cheptt,A.10. Shel.)bara,nr.,d. S0,111,,.B.A.., in the presence 0 f, mediRto
Charles, secOud scan Of the Hon, J.' 'T. relatives of the bride, whose sostioune
(40,2,o w; RO Thc, y \yr\ per_ WM ai travelling _snit, of grey. Miss
fettled, by the nee.. ...lbre Turnbull. Bell McVicar, niece of the bride, was
mi5s 1...ro en shepherd, her y 0 n ger s: i d es rn a i , tuscl m 'MeV icar, bro ther
tes fliti,(ciletslialovscoisstiloeuhciigf. mi\i1,11 tsls Tips omnini (s? atillaciej f ;Ai eflitcei
Iu M,Oanadio Mr. 411/.1. ,Oarlyle NV111.
Sail for Scotland aboot the end of Sep-
teinher. •
. her sister, Mrs.. W. S. Mcdiay, to Alex.
wedding was ce .e.r. St. George's In 1Y11(11 1")." s " resi6ent'
Ineeties being, miss, Itotrion, , eld„,•t. Perf.ormed, by theRev, Jas. A.. Anders.
over t.wenty years ago; end n
ge°c1•Positi°U iluder the Donmuioo Iric„ Glarrow. .11' ,Gerrow, at
ew bolds: Shepherd, Mise Garrow and Miss Beat
GO Veil:). anent 55 Orown Land- I O'rided Ile orocno :the rm.:avoid.
or, '
Frank able alpsence, of Ciipta Ethan:bard tile
um rr10111.1)S,, bride wits given away.bylter mother.
of KillaIney, , :are hese •visi tin • ° ' 3
drierids an chrelatives. thegnests attheir 7‘' tug ..),-00• On, r te At '-
brother, Dr. Rollins', It is- ov,en .20 00011 'or Just ly."Cek- IMrs, S011
-years itgo since the fOrnier left 0 ntm:,16 Plrh ("1 d°"}•)1e edi 'lent '
and this is the: :first visit .'since twit; Nvill.incitpad tateherT or domestic, clinic's
tirrie.' noticesra big Shangein Mol fol.! ±(3W iveek. She Nylt8 standing
gene-eal d,ppearance of the town, mild top of -a Step-litdcler. doing ..5.01110 woik
'says he' MIS 110001 seen a prettier'or iti connection with. alio 01 the roouns,of"
el ea, o es pawn in all his. tiavels. He her lanineWb en she ht -c aloe dlizztS and
speaksdn high pritiSe of llie \Vest 410 lost hes Ildittoce, ladder:and tali.. falling
yflerettll,V,teig.Stoets' (111 dlti.in(1) (Ili SI !ftt 1ed 1,115061eand -9001 Onii 15 ±0 kt MIS E'eigisori fill cli-
'during that tinie:has changed cone:idlest sectly acsoss it, -with ' the result that
ably, having grown In 0 ellS ("MU ter, ,', two of het l'11)S Wero broken ancl she,
' Wee otherwise badly shalcen aip. :This'
mother, 'Ithe ,ADVoctATE ex tenc14-con.„
gisatultitions itnd '.inity their ,"sjourney
tlartingh life lie over a pleasant' fonds
Without any impeclinient that ' einargY„
. . . •sv ;Is 1101 all, lio it 111 .Mrs. E0,' (15011 •
• A.1*010(11(1,' AbOTil t . •S f It ' l' ' 'i. 'llCorning''' 1 '
, ,n e ,I, 1,1, .10p,' spell ., 0 v.41. , lei i
, wri 60bou: .00sc ay mornmg Rev. 3, 'and thought il 8'he"conlcil only get • the
, ,
T. ICerrin took his departure from fresh air she would soon se Vi ve, Sci she
Mitchell aild'Oanitcla foe, Jamestown, mimaged with pain and difficult- to
N.Y., aft,pi°,. itiminibenr.4" 'of Seven get. to tbe door, bet no Sooliertaad she
3..sears itt Trihity chitreb. here. It is get there when, she ±110 130 aiWa 610
8f.1le sltY that few 6161,g:3 -Men have 'felt, la ce, cloWti ward, doWn form stepS,
left liere •whoSet deptirto re has heel) Onto' the granolithic witiktothe re.solt,
mere regretted. „Mr.kerrin stood high. of Whichleavesher faee .considerahlY.
in the'eSteeni, of . the, ciphers bCtilkvid, : AST:, there in 0, Ont.:00-i,
nwircinarch and -not lesSohigh in ithe 501005 511(1 for some before help
esteetnne..tbet.people of..eYery other airiVed. When site .Wits ...taken 0: and,
cl,AffOcijoxi cannot eltStlY overleome• denomination.-
medical aid procured. '
Fey Bread, Bons, White Bons, BroWn
'Rons, Grahani 'Biscuits, Oakes of all
kinds, 'Omani Pills; Wafers, Faney
Biscuits, Plain Biscuits. . •
Wedding Oakes a special ty—Icecl an cl.
bettutifully oenamentecl at it reCISO-
, nable price.
Oakes or Pies made to order. -XXX
Bread delivered to all pints of the
toNvn. ontMonclays, V'Jeciiiesdiys and
Satin:days., 'We will be pleased to
call on you. •
Brocefield: ' oid resident of the
county and a,one prominent 100.0
of this ,diStrie person..of
T0 oroas•SimpSon, of this tileta0,dePart,-
111.0 op • San d ay: ' Mr, . Si nmSen
had reached the gOod oicl age of near-
1.y•I8 years. Flie had been in declining,
1xe.o0thfcti•,80.-uaral, Years. peey,ions to,
cp1iingo 13iucefi 01 about ton , years
ego,, he resided On farm:on 'the' Pair
line, in the tOwnship of Stianley,Wla ere
be was 0110 of the pioneer sc!ttless.. He
s------0..,ttyears in life thWilShip
We are, agent for J. Gaminag &-.• Sons,
Florist, London., •
Flare] designs for fonerals, or flowers
of -all:kinds on the shorteSt
aavine just openest u p nasintss
are prepared to supply all kinds
PUMPS, . ,
P111B11),IIRFE '
We pay, SPecial iittention to all kinds
PI it lathing. ,
We clo anything in td.l'e 0 -of wood-
, work, rt,lidrist,EPAIRING of •
any description.
04artton Kedthr,
Nortb Exeter,
aseet ' .
' Mr. S. S. Boolvero of this
tOWD, passed away on:Filch: y evening,
Otheinst:, the age•of yea's. tHe
had been con fined to ,11) ed dor only %two
three,days, but •hadi been •hi apoor
coridition health falnamay, YOft.t'S.
' . $6..; "Biri,-ry; ' -At..$1;:,TAK4e...8' diovcii on '
WedliesclaY1 the PEW, \i'V.''' J roPlylOr
imited in' lioly, bends -of matrimony,
teousl and sibligitats• to. friend J1 n(1... op- 0,'i.);y, \,I'lion 1\r'ri-,'.. W.' i'll'im, NEMne'cly, .,'0'.f.
council and for several years reprea Mrs. Thos.- ,rscancievent ot Foliar. ton,
sented his township in - the 'eOrin ty Seri of Mr, . Frank'. Stand:evens . et St.
eonneil sod on mope 'than One- °coals- 'Marys, 'ttridt 'Bliss Maggie Aikilas, ', 'MI
sign' his liiii110,Was TII•eetY• nietitioned as this town. 1/.\.t the naanse'Mr. Thomas
likely 'Candidate fos•the'' Legislat ore. -Tenible. of the ""Nifirk,WellN-VoskS and'Aliss -.
'Tie WAS Also ,'1, prominent 'member 'of, Maggie Honter were nalireied by.. the
the Oi•ang.cp order. Ele was a .StrOng ,Rev:, Alex. Grant, ' Jaines Forsyth's.
fnap tii iniiiiieipal pollticS, being faith- residence near ...Pre.spect, Hill, WaS. Hati
fill in the discharge. of -his; clanks. cony: ,seene of etplessantlevent on ' \Kee:hies-,
Pnnent. elik6,, anti 'Wei •cOnsecolently IBla tishatcheatad li\.liss llteltiels; iIiiiiSou 'of
.very powder.- ' 0 f la to years, howcuote, ;the 50011, 'Om 6,01f n';' ' were' made' one,
he 11T:,•1 11001:11100C1 1,1::1' 1.11 1.1.00 I th ',flialiin 'The wecl±lh±1 of :MISS 8filithe ditoghter
taking ant- Part iti ' Public affairs and 0,E, Mr. Alek.: Sinith,' of. '131ii1i5hinfl," and .
'lived quietly in ,his, hemp an 'this ell- :Mr. Charles AVitoglie Of ,11.0-..6wul'i4.. .0()-
.1aRc. kle had no ±1110110, 111, his wid- iposs,.'IEast Niss(1uti,' ..1011), '.oelehrated
ciNv StirVissels him. . ' ' Wocinesdity. , .• 1 ,. ' :