HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-9-19, Page 4OBx,rter 44.°Z1tifor,ette,
Clans. E. Sanders, Editor 4nd Prop
THURSDA Y, SEPT. 19 1901
`The Gommittee Of Teta' in the invee-
tigatiou of the: charges against Revs
Foster MeAnnuiond and 'Rev. D. 0.
Sanderson ntet at S'unith's Fails oe
Wentnesday to receive the report of
the L1 LI commissioner.
The Cleveland Leadev says that the
development Of sixty eaSeS of typhoid
levee 0 mong the one hundredpersons
wleo atteueled a banquet ati
t.i,go, and dt'ank water feom
a long nulls -el is 0 stertling con-
fi1.11bat 10 ni tThh...ele)11. e1i1iod t he or y
that wziter is the Very'1IeS1, m0(110'11, if
not the only elle, by`which the germs
of this disease may be introduced into
the human systein. It Should also
, serve as 0 weruing to the people against
drinking watev Unit IS not known to
be free -from disetise. germs. It is 110 11*
geuerally believed that typhoid is a
preventable disease. People who drink
pure water aye not likely to contract
the malady. A year ago it was an-
notme,ed that tYphoid bad been elimin-
ated absolutely fvoin the great Ger-
man city of Berlin "by the altretion. of
the water seppl y, and later it Wesde-
clared that a sitoilev result had been
brotight, about at Hamburg by the
same means.
THE QIITLOOK" Eon. lioots,
Manager Palcone.r, of the Pa11110V-
ston factory, says 11101 his company
hes not been getting as many light
hogs is -formerly, this being due to
the cullin,e, whieh his firm has practic-
ed. Speaking in regard to the ihogs
situ:at-ion generally. Mr. Falconet• says,
"Hogs ere not always going to bring
$7 to $7.50 live weight, still I think it
will be a long time before hogs ere
mach. below 5c, at which ieeice hog
raising is very profitelde to the far-
er. Our ft turners should go much
more heavily into the raising of hogs.
They have been ,altogether to slow
about taking up the Lopportanity
which is open to them. ,.Agrettt many
seem to think that, by the time they
get into raising 0 number of hogs, the
priee will be off. They need not be
afraid of this ---first, because owing to
the mild core used in factories all ovei
the country, bacon and hams have be
come 1110re popular; second because
the Englieli markets, a very smell per -
Oen tage of which is supplied by Oen-
' is dmost unlimited; 316, because
the fact that few farmers are curing
• their owu bacon and still fewer are
selling home coved hams and sides to
the country stores; (aid fouteth because
the production of hogs in the States
is not increasing in peoportion`to pop-
ulation. .As a result of this latter
condition. 111e1.0 will be loss and less
bog products to export from the 'Unit-
ed States. When all these facts are
considered farm erS shoulci not be
(ifr.aicl to make hog raising their chief
inelestry. The one thing they) shoulcl
nevev forget is to raise the right kincl
of hogs. flit.. Hodge, in speaking of
the genaral sitnetion, says: "There
is a great difficulty in procuring sows
for breeding purposes. Plenty of far-
mers who are alaxions to get such can-
not obtain thew. We 1110 0,XpeCtitlg
the young spring bogs to come in
within a month or six weeks and then
the supply will be fairly large. Mean-
time \ye are just between seasons, ran
-hogs have been exhausted and spring
hogs not yet in, result being a remark-
able searcity."
The people of the United States are
troubled by the vivid pt.esentation of
the enorinoits heights to which the
lynching evil in that country has risen.
Statistics compiled in Chicago show
in the last 20 years there hey° been
3,130 lynchings in the United Stites.
The biggest,record of any one year was
in 1892mwhen 288 were recorded, Up
to August 3011) of the present year
there have been 101.. The offences ,a
leged ha these cases classify as follows:
.Mnrcier was giyen as the cense of 27
lynchings; 0:tacks on women, 20; inur-
,derons assault, 6; race prejudice 5; ar-
son, 3; attempted assault, 4.;• theft 8;
sheltering mni•derer, 3; suspected cat-
tle stealing, 3; suspected cattle killing,
2; stealing- horses, -4; train wrecking, 1;
keeping gambling house, 1; resisting
arrest, 1; robbery, 1; insulting white
women, 2; assaulting white person, 1;
by Whitecaps, 1; mistaken indentity,
, 1. Of the victims 76 were negvoes. 23
white, 1 Indian and 1 Chinese. This is
-the Angnst record as described by the
Rev. Dr. James Bond, 0 negro _clergy-
man of Richmond, Va.: There have
been 20 mobs, 8 of which were repelled
by officers. 2 everei hunting their vic-
tims when the seemen W1IS 1)011116d. At
hest nine have a ccomplished their pur-
peso, disposing of at least 14 men, wo-
men and children. 4 of these were
burned at the stakes. 10 have been
beilged and shot. 13 were colored, 2
of whom were women, and one MIS 0
white man. Only 5 were chFte•ged with
1.1)e nameless crime. One of these at
leeet was innocent of tha crime charg-
ed.- The DI yovite defence of the lyn C11 -
g peac:jce has been tliett it was nc.sces-
Bevy, es 0 deterrent of crimes against
women, bub out of the 101 cases so far
this year only 20 were provoked by re-
ported (ittecks on women. The cause
assigned is only a pretext. Brutality
and contempt for law, the accompani-
ments of a low gvade electorsttei are
the real causes, 'unhappily the pros-
pects of :in early improvement are 1101,
promising.' The 1.0010l problem is a
sed 0110 1116 a featfid obstacle to the
(117(tne0111 en t or the Sot' thee') States.
Foetunately for Caneda we have 110.
evil of that kind to contend against
11)1 no awful probl ea n of that cheriteter
to sonic". Our problems are all eimple
'111 comparison.
V`itivich: Aresses, JAR:Ewen and Gei-
reer h(td a hi t ncl red dollar los e of Ft, inlay
by some fltix in the field beiny;
The five is supposed 1,0 have originated
fr otn some burning stumps in 1111 ad-
joining field.
Children Cry for
Ptesident McKinley
Passes Aay1
1111thirn Honee, Buffalo, Sept. 14. -
Before 6 o'clock Ittst evening it Was
clettr to those at the Pr eitient's bed
Side. that 11e, Was dying 0116 prepara-
tions were nettle the Llaii hist sad offices
11ee0(11 Frain thnsi w 110 %Vero near-
est and dearest to him, Oxygen had
been adminisfered steadily, lett with
O ttle effect it) keeping back the tmpro-
ach of death. The President 000)0001
of one period of unconseiousness only
to 1(40)50 into another. 13ut in this
perio6. when his wind wits ptirthdly
clezo,, 1 series of eveuts of a profound,
tottching, cheractev ensiled down stairs.
With tear -stained facet, members of
the Cabinet were grouped in anxious
waiting. Thy knew the en d Was
near and that the titne when they
must see him for the last time on ear-
th. This was about 6 o'clock. It was
an nwful 11)0111001 for them. One by
one they ascended the stahway-Sec-
retate- Root, Seevetery Hitchcock and
A t orney-General R nox. Secretary
Wilson nlsi) MIS there, but held back,
not wishing to seehePresident in his
agony. Thei.e 15015 Only 1 mementary
stay of the 'Cabinet officers at the
threshold of the death chamber. Then
they withdrew, tbe tears streaming
down their faces, and the words of in-
tense grief choking iu their throats.
'Aftel; they left the sick room the
physicians ettllied him to conscious-
ness, and 111,e President asked almost
immediately that his Nvife be brought
to hill). The doctm•s fell bauk into the
slnidows of the room as ilfrs, McKin-
ley ()time tth•ougla the doorway. The
stem's.; face of the .dying man lig,hted
up with a faint smile as their hands
Wel'e elapsed. She sat beside him and
held his thincl. Despite her playsicztl
weak ne.ss, she bore up bravely under
the ordeal.
The President in his last period of
consciousness, which ended about 7.40
o'clockschanted the words of the beau-
tiful hymn. "Nearer My God to Thee,"
itncl his Ltst audible CODSCiOUS Words,
as taken down by Dr..-ALtme at the bed-
side were:
"Good bye, (111,good bye. It is God's
way. His will be done."
Then his mind began to wander, and
soon after he completely lost conscious-
ness. His life was prolonged forshours
by the administration of oxygen, AD cl
the Peesiden 1 finally expressed a desire
to be (.illowed to die.
About 3:30 the administration of
ri-sye,.en ceased and the pulse grew
11 11 Vei:y faint. Ile is sinking
gietcluzilly, like a child into slumber.
By 10 o'clock the pulse could no longer
be felt in his extremities and they
WlflCIiel sea
IAIrs. :AV,. J. Roy is visiting her sister
in Uxbridge, ---).1v. Baclley, of RansoM-
yille,N.Y., is visiting his ftither-in-la,w,
1\11). Thos. 3'(hite.-51e. 0-. W,3)11
bri d g c), 01,1 i tea 10 111a10/1(1 ge at
Hautiota, Man., on Sept. 2, to Miss
Nellie Merviott, citiugliter of Mt.. _Agno$
51(1110 11 of the Base line,. Blanshavd.
-Your .correspondent was shown a
cob 01 00111 the other day, grown 'on
tlie p.reinises of Mr. Thos. Broclt, Zion,
that ou t -d es tit) ything lie 11 as ever,
seen. The cob me(istires in length 10
inches and 9.1,- circumfeisence and
has thereon 067 kernels. Next!
League will meet as usual on Thurs-
day eventhge 'Topic ``True fIonces" to
be intvolliced by Miss Ida Caves.-IUr.
Albert "'Mitchell ,Incl Mr. Edgar Bu
1)011 visited ft•iends at St. IVIarys on
Sunday. --Miss Agnes Blair is visiting
friends in Kippen. and, Mrs. Will
Ford, of Elimville, were the guests of
Mr. and 11Irs. Geo. Rook. on Sunday.
-SIt 111l) Essery, at Ohio, visited
his cousin, Ali.. John Esseey, foe a, few
days last 11 eel.-.111t.s. Walker, of Rus-
selclale, has be.eil visiting friends here
for Ilia ptist week.-JAIrs. Fletcher
Switzer, of KirItton, visited ller par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rook, last
Grand Bend
Quite a lumber from here attended
London Fair and report a good time.
-.Mr. John Spackman left for Ids
home in Exeter Tuesday. -Mr, Chas."
Gib() is spending a few clays here.-
Alarge, dance will he I) e1c1 in 13101111 51'S
Hall, Wednesday eveninge-Mr. Fred
111l1S013 was emi bed in the • ,holy bonds,
of nantrimony, b 57 Rev. Mr. Canviere
of thisplaee, on Monday 310. We
,join in wishing them a happy married
tife.-A rintnher of peOple \Vela? StOp-
ng in the club house on the Aux
e1101)1e last w eek. ---M, v. A. Kenn 0(1.37
8een taking his week drives east -
weeds, mnet be sortie. attraction. More
pe ride n I ars n ex t, weele...---311.. Ross is
:Lang a good apple Imsiness Imre this
:•w.nson.--Threshing is nearly finished
in this vicinity,
DEATH oP I'dtt, MA N1-Thj, week
we record the death of Mr, Ohas, MA -
8011, Who died 011 Friday last, th his
11 year. The dee.en sect had been a i 1-
i '11 for some time. Ilis.remains Were
terred here on Saturday, 111r. Ma so n
was highly 1051)001: id and the bereaved
uilg hive the sympathy t01 a, large
1(0e1e of frien,
ds. "
Chlforen Cry for
The fanners in this 01111111,3 1100 busY
doing theft fall wheat seeding, -.Mr.
Islettry lion), of Pigeon, Miel&nte is
vieltangehte. aunt end unele, .Alv. and
Mrs. R. 11'1301en•-1111.s, 8. Smith is
serionsly ill 151111 look jaw and small
hopes are et tei.titinecl for her 'recovery.
--Mrs. S. Greiliery, who,latts been sick
and confined to her bed for over (1
year, is able to be up tiral walk around
Beetha O'Bvieun epent a
few da 1, in Zurich last Week, ViSitillg
her heother fl'0111,
here attended the fair (it Exeter and
report a good 1100 -Sirs. 11. O'Brien
left on Tuesday for Dundas, wheee site
10115 celled through the illness of 0
near rebitivee--.Mvs. G. Winegarclen,
of Pell -thin, \vas the guest of her
brother, Mr. D.:- 'Wilson, last week. -
The high wind of Sunday and Monday
clid serious damege to the apple crop.
-111r. 136, Dodman \vas 'in The tiles -
vine the first of the week attending
his brother-in-law's funeral.
.Rev. M. T. Wing, of Berlin, Conduct-
ed the Sacrament of ,the Lord's Supper
to the adherents of the Evangelical
"church here on Snnday, .On 'Monday
eVenieg Private Lougheed, Of Wing -
bah), wbo tobk active part in the
South African War 8poke . to a fah.
sizedaudience o esoun e of .h is experiences
(hiring, the campaign. It proved to be
quiteinteeesting and dose/wilts; ofa
much larger endience.-Se',eted froth
here attended' the' annual falls, fair .at
171Keter, Titesclay....-Several Of the Lady
Maccabees fro10. here attended a sta.-,
prise party at the heme of • Mrs. a111'-011';
,Shipktn prior to their leavings.. thIlit
place for Sarnie.es-Miss Wiggins, of
Toronto, .will give her very i,-)Opulter
and entertaining- lecture on ..flemant.
ty's battles, in the Evangelical church,
Tuesday evening at S o clock, Sept, 24.
In the afternoon she will tiddress the
mothers and daughters on "Child
ture, relation to polity." A cordial
invitation is extended to all to hear
this eloquent speaker. A Silver collec-
tien will be taken at the doer. .
McGillivray Council
,Council met pursnant to utdjoutro-
men t in Loss n Hall, Sept. a Present,
R. Hutchinson, Reeve; M. Miller, A111 .
Hodgins, J. Dorman and T. Prest,
Councillors. Minutes of last meeting
read, approved of end signed. Dor-
man-Prest-that By-La,w No. 5, of
1901, levying on the dollar on the as-
sessed value of property M this town-
ship 1 9 -10 -mills for county purposes;
311)1115 for township purposes; 1 2-10
nills for special poblic school pueposes
106 amounts required by the trustees
of the several school sections, as read
L'fiCst and second time, be 11015 read ti
third till) e and. p(issed-Carried. Hod-
gins- Miller -that orders be drawn on
J'reasurer for accounts agnounting to
$98.35.-0(111 ied. dgens-
hat this ctonncil adjourn to meet in
he Town Hall the fh•st Monday in Oc-
ober at one o'cock
- FRASER Tp. Clerk,
Mr. Gould 1115 disposed of his house
and lots te .Peter Latment, .Reeve 01
lay, for $650.-Wil1i7101 Coleman' has
nerchased 11 thinclred acres froni ,Wrin
Armstreng of the Blind Line, HaY, for
good tigure.-e-3oe Derstine th-fid 106e-
lywortune to run thil pi(ong of a. pitch-
fork into his loot a few ,days ago. -
Crossley and Ifunter, the weil-knoWn
evangel ists,have been engaged to carry
on meetings here for three or four
weeks. The meetings will be held in
the rink, which will be seated for the
purpose, aud will he union meetiegS;in
vhich the resident and neig,htensing
ninistere will unite.
of last, week, at noon, Mr. Jae. Hog-
garth 5V1is melted in marriage to .Aliss
Aggie Kerr, both of this village. The.
cerewohy ,w1A-performed by Rev. 3.8.
jfenderson; at the residence of Mr.
13. MeLetrii, of near Icippen. a relative
of the tuad was Witnessed by "k1:
arge number of reltttives and 111el1
The beideSnaeids were Bliss Vina Kerr,
)7!. 'To von to,sttnd.Miss :Bella McLean, of
lipen,whilcithe gvemn was supported
by his brother; joseph FloggartIn
Hibbert. The bride and bridesmaids
were Very thindsomely attired and oers
ried shoWer- bouquiets. Ulhe wedding
harch Was played by Miss Jessie, JAR),
Lean, of Kippen. After the cereniony
had been performed and the happY
couple had been warmly congratulat-
edO all Sat down to La lutist somptuanis
dinner, ,And after spending seyertil.
hoUrs 1.1leesant 00115 (15 the
in•idal party, eseorted by nearly all the
guests, drove td this station, where
they tool'. . the ti 3.111 fOr Hamilton,. Ni-
agl.lra Fails -and Toronto. The 01 (10
10 IS madathe 1e01P1e01 of many Valu-
able, and , Useful ..preSents. We unite
V1,"ith.::the Many friends of the newly
'married coOple in wishing thew long
and continued happiness through life.
3. G. STAMM:11Y, A., (formerly Collins
Slanbury) Barrister, 5080011, 3'eta1.1', Clenvc./1111e11
Money to Loan -Exeter, Ont.
Mr. and Art's. Charles Greib, of Zur-
ich, were the'gotests of Mr. and Mrs.
htet Sundey.-Miss Bearigh,
of Cheeley, visited Miss Flora Dyer tt
few 'days last week. -711.r. Thomas Tre-,
vethick had .his oats threshed 11181
Wed n eSclay Tsai) c ' Hill built
stitek; Issac is hard to iteat
ID that line.e'--Mrollenry f\fotz, is 1)1)13-
10g hts'anction sale this Friday, the
2010 inst. „He will move into the vil-
lage in a feW weels8.s-51iss Mollard, of
Grand Bend, is the guest of Miss W.
W. Kerr. --A )111111b1513 of out, citizens
attended Fixe Let' 111)11, on Tuesday. ---
A few of 0(11 1)100111131)1 1108ifleSS tnen
have ereeted a tall postefor the street
damp opposite .1Alie S. Brown's store.
The light is giving entive satisfaction,
'telt We S110111d 111100 a fere morea-Meso
sts. John ;old MatheW Finkbeini)r -are
attending the Pen -American, at( Buf-
falo this .weelt.-111r. id Mrs, .17,i ck bail ,
of Zurich, .were the guests of Me. and
Mvs. Fred Stegner last Sunday. -Part-
ridge season has. opened, Walter is
out neatly every clay. -The 101h' (tu-
nnel Y. P. A. Convention of the Evan -
genet]] Association will be held in tho.
Getman church next tveek, beginning
with Thursday. the 2010 inst. A Ittige
number of Delegates .n.re expeeted
Rev, Litt intends holding revival meet -
Inge after the session , of the allianoe
18 Ithished.-Onv village might, have
had a severe fire last .Wedriesda,y had
the fire not boon checked in time.
Willie Brotvin apprentice to Mr 13 hun
Brown; 1)1)01 111)6 shoe merchant iiad the
lit a, fire, in (he peerniog Arid 01 01)
get hie breakfast, and 'when 1112 (01
, (2(1 flames were coaling through the cell-
' mg, An old box.filled withPaner stand-
' mg neer the stove pipe had caoglit fire.
A few peils of Water extinguished the•
flames. Had the five had a few minutee
11101e headway little would have been
left of tbe corner, -Mr. Willic'et Clark,
ot Guanton, is visiting his parents here
ir'.101Ottelf‘()T(.1 ("If'(?;:s.1-111\01ifil(tilulelLdselaysi°11111011.1.--s
\Ye undcetstand that we are' to lose
fife. Fred 8iegner, our well-known
harclware-mainin a few weeks. He in-
tends moving to Durham. We are
sorry to lose -h0 0 as he hes 'mule a
go it ninny friends while here. We
wish him every snceess in his new
field of 1)0510055 -MISS Chrietina
1.3rowe, of 1J011d011, is vteiting her par-
ents here for 11(5) months. --Miss 1311-
leire1 Fitikbeiner, who Las been work-
ing in Chicego foe some time, has re-
turned home ill. I'Ve trust she wn1
50011 recover, --Mr. ancl 5110. John
Dietz moved to Berlin 011 Wednesdtiy.
-Miss Sherritt, of Elarploy, is learn-
ing the millinery with Miss Dora Link.
DEATH 011 Mits. 1IitST.--Death has
again come into our midst 1111d taken
away one who hes been 111 for a Mum"
of years, in the person of Alargaretta,
beloye•d wife of Jacob Haist. Al thoogh
ill foe a long'thne with heart trouble
her death came unexpected when on
Tuesday morning she WAS relieved of
her suffering's, at the age of 73 years,
3 months. Her remains will be inter-
red in the German cemetery to -day
Thwesday,) the Rev. Litt to officiate.
he leaves to 010110/1 her loss 0, hos-
band, one daughter and one son, (of a
previous marriage) a 'brother, sister, a
number of step -sons and datig,hters,
besides a large number of friends and
acquaitances, NV110 have thasympathy
of the community in this their sad
The Fall Assizes.
. Chief juStic Falconbridge presided
01 1110 High' .Cinirt of juetice, which
Ifeld. Its fell sittings"for the COnnty. of
Huron last week,•gommenchig en Mon-
Court bpeiaed at 2 poinand the grand
tery was sworn in as follows: EL W.
131111, eocieriel) (foreman); A,
Seaforth; John BelfOne, Tileke.rsinith;
Robt.Feereste Stanley; Richard Gould,
Rxeter; Nicholas I-Iorton, Tuckersmith
. W. Hastings, Turnberry; 3.13.Lind-
a3e, Goderich; Robert Morrison, Stan -
e'; John Manson, Stanley; F. J. P1.16-
)1111.1, Goderieh; Thos. Shapton, Step-
ien; Peter Wooley, Hay. '-
Laird Ys. Sege was. the first action,
was taken against Mrs. Sage,an
otel-keeper at Walton, for ne,gligence
giving the. plaintiff a drink of lye
n mistake for ginger' beer. Laird's
br•oat wasledly burned' - Hon. J. 7'.
are() 11111.LM.Best: (SeefOrt 11)
plif.. 3. dativersOn (Toronto) for
eft. The jury: rethened a, verdict for
11 fd
The greater part of tlie second cla
was taken np with the case of the Firs
Natehes Bank vs. Coleman. The plain
tiff bank; which is located in the Slat
of Louisiana, took action oo a. promis
sory note for $2,000 signed by E. 0
Coleman, of Seaforth, who' WaS direc
tor and president of a lumber company
doing business in the same State. This
case was tried 1Ntithout a jury. A. B.
Aylesworth, (Toronto), and R.
S. Hays (Seaforth) for pills. Hon. J.
T. Garrow, K. C., and L. H. Dickson
(Exeter) for plff. -Prondfoot (5`.s. Elays
for deft. A party other than the pres-
ent plaintiff having by a court order
got the conduct of this suit. His Lord-
ship ordered it to be struck off the doc-
ketfor this sittings. •
Buchtinan vs. Stephen et al. -An in-
binetion action. P. ,McPhillips (Lon-
don) for plff. J. C. Judd (Lood(m) for
cleft. Judgment in terms of consent
Peers et al. vs. Peacock et, al. -An
action for the construction of the will
of the Lite Richard Peers, of Ash field
Philip Holt, K. C., for phi's. W. T.
McMullen (Woodstock) tor' defendant
Richard Peers, executor no one ap-
pearing for the other adult defendants.
Hon. 3. T. Garrow, K. C., for 'infants.
Jualgenient was reserved.
Donovan vs. Archibald et al. was
postponed to the December sitlinp,.s
of.the County Court.
-Burns vs. Chills -an action for mali-
cious prosecution. The case was tried
'before Chief Justice Armour, who dis-
missed the action, but on an appeal
to the Divisional Court -a new trial
.was granted. The plaintiff, Mrs.
13orns, resides at Bayfiell, and the
defendant 0111.111C WAS, formerly a baker
at Se,aforth. Philip Holt, K. C.'for
plff., no one appearing for deft. Ver-
dict for plif. for $350 and costs.
The sittings of the Court was cbn-
chided 'Tuesday evening.
The Hon. Chief Justice of the King's
-AVe, the Grand Jurors of our Sover-
eign Lord the King, congratulate your
Loi.clshil...), and the couety, on the free-
dom of lluron from crime of a serious
As directed, we visited the county
jail, and SaW the pi•isoners. The jail
was clean and neat, and those confin-
ed therein tvere apparently contented.
Fite were charge(1. with hmacy, ttvo
with vagistricy, andone \vas tilVaitillg
trial for lareency.
We congratulate the cotinty on
the erection of tt Stlita,bie residence foi•
the goyeiror of the jail, and the 00111.1ty
on its progressiveness in the
1,87e, yo ir grand jurors, I) ear d with
Pegvet that Dr. G. C. Shannon; who
land so efficiently filled the, position
or surgeon during the past tven
eight years, 55118 lying tlead 111 1118 resi-
cleAsnce.per recent, custom, we visited
tile house ()I' vefoge at Clinton, and
found it well kept and everything in
good order. There \vete) seventy in-
mates, f()Iirty-fonr males, 11116 twenty-
SiX leinalc)s, all of whom were satisfied
tvith their conciition. •
'he court house tted its offices \were
inspectrcl, and found in good circler.
The residents of Huron heard \\ill)
dc)ep sorrow. of the dast(trdly attempt
oit the life of President .54.clinfey,
and WO beg to express that SOLTOW to
tile President and the people of the
United States.
We your grand throes, cannot) close
our presetittneut williont expressing
the wish thattlee coming visit of the
hciiapp(treitt to' the the throtie of the
British Empire may he pleasant for
Self end ov the .7 len cess Mil y, (led
hope Hutt the meeting 11 1115 Royal
, ,
THE RESULT of ignorance and folly in youth, overexertion of mind and body bider)
ed by lust and exposcao aro constantly wreckf the lives mad tixturt .
mullappiness of, thousands of promising' young mon, 007110 11100 and wither lit' an earlylige ta:l,;
at the blossom a of manhood, while others are forced to drag out weary, freitiese exel'SS-..,
melancholy existence, Other() reach matrimony bat find no solace or co:new( there. 1111,1e.
Rvictlins are found in all stations of life: -The farm, the °file; the wort:shop, the pulpit thetradesand the professions. rrt,
iil WM. A. WALKER, Wu. A. wAr,E.E.R. AIRE3.C1143. FEDEX, CHAS. gin/Ry.., T, '
BEE011111 TRICATUENT AFTER TREATMENT Divorced but united again gz
4, .
, ,
Win. A. Walker of I.6th Strad says: -"I have suReredn
untold agonies for my "gay MO' I was indiscreet when&
young and ignorant. As "Ono of tho Boys" 1 contracted
13yph11is and other Private diseases. I had ulcers in theli
month and throat, bone pains,hair lopse, pimples en
face, finger nails came 011) emissions, became thin andt.%
despondent ' Seven doctors treated me with MorcuryM
Potash, etet They hel ad me ,but could not care 100.Se
ma y afrienciinduced metetry Drs.Kennody&Korgarim
heir New Method Treatment cured mo in a fow weeks. Theiy treatment is woaderfal.rd
„eon feel yourself gaining every day. I have never heard of their failing to cure in. a eingleS
cam". . . .
1e,17 Capt. Chas. Ferry says:7-"I owe my life to Drs. K. & IC,
VaAt 11I 'corned a bad habit, At 21 1 had all the eynIptome
tkp,sif Seminal 'Weakness and.. Spormatonimea, Emissions
Uworo draining and Weakening, nay vitality. I married at
4s4,24 under advice of my family doctor, but it waa a
,..head experience. In eiglateua months we were divorced. I
P=mthen consulted Drs. II. 6c II, who restored nie to manhood
Imy their New Method Treaement. 'felt a now life thrill through
%III/ nerves. We were united again and are harm . This was
six years ago. Drs. 11 & IL are scientific specie nits mid I heartily recommend thern."?
We treat cuid cure Varicocele, Emissions; Nervous Debility, Seminale
(14i. 1,7/ea/mess, Gl:,•et, Strict:ere, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self elbuse9
Kidney and Bladder Diseases.
rf fti r ID .9 Are you a victim? Hare yoa lost hope? Are you contemplating, mar -81
liege? Has your Blood been diseased? Have oal y u any we k el
s ? Oux 1)
New Ittethod Treatment will cure von. What it has done forothers it will do foc yon _51
CD'.‘‘.131.11.17iT3ON FREE. No matter who has treated yonovrite for:an honest opinion Frel-ra
Charge. Charges reasonable. BOO IIS FEEE-"The Siolden Monitor" (illustrated), on
arseasee of Alen. Ineloso postage, Z cents. Sealed.
:ATE, NO MedlOine sent 0,0. D. Ig0 narn es on boxes or envel-,Q,
F.verythingconfldential. Question list and cost of Treett-'''
1,0 rseelt,s%Prny 9 00,Au No.148SHEL,r
r 'sr
Fes,gM t-149 KEntUtills DETROIT MCIH
2 •
i7,CMPZ7n.P.,FILS Bs 5Se. ,tc.Ccg&
ONICARA.Spys151SISTM.INLIAVE.,13".011MMI941•MT,111M1 "'",, "MIL. • .....01.1M.11,0).i•VArYlr...‘,...14.4•••••"MilATB......,114,1111....M 00,9•1111RUMM
. The fling of Ranges, 1'i t3. 11:ap 1.1,-,5,- T1-....c.-iiaght." 44
• ' •
. .1.
" IT took 1>10 103, (6.
• L ,-,-.4 N -.'-.."- 4 Hands and Brains
÷ Happy eilouc.s:)4 ,,,,1 to perfect The Happy +
• e../ TItoefien Range, and it's +
+ Their :Cue . , ,,,,,,,
• ,e",.3 ---ess) the RaTage that ardent 1'
• ..(,. Copiers have taken, their st•
÷ 4 elle fkom.
• 33:atriey 'The -tight Ranges :t.
+ are made in 6 different sizes end. 79 cligerent 84-...leiThey Lane all .0.
+ the latest practical improve-
vje •
.t, ments such as the Corrugated
ex -14
+ Oven, transparent Oven Theere,
• es-ssee.....seeee, •
13101 SLI Oven D•aineete
-4. --- • e 4-
+ and a Thorong-h System of Oven
• )4(••
+ Ventilation. : : : : : i, -e. ee
3. ----....se +
+ 150,000 Canadian Coolt.s
• 4)
+ R.° com mend Them. .0'4. .c.,, ' „,..,
0 '. ""-.1' 03,
44. Write for illustrated pamphlet.
. Manufactureby ,,..es
Co. Limited.
*The Wm. Buck Stove
s0/4D 337
W. J. 1.1.E.A.11,121.N
Exeter9 Ont
For pure blbod, a -bright eye, a clear,"
complexion, a keen 'appetite, a. good, :-
digestion and refreshing sleep, 'TAKE
Sixty-eight years
It arouses the Liver, quickens the
circulation, brightens the spirits and "
generally improves the health,
ea have, proved it to bo, the most reliable BLOOD purifier known.
Alldrug,gists sell -
Ffighness 1,11e T)u1,-.() of Yovls \vita the
Otmaditio subjects of King Edward
play be of happ-3- 111e100e3', fold 1)1113 -
force another link in the clInin Hint
binds ns 1(1 "Grun Lest Empire Unit
his bc)en." '
Gritrid J'ire. roam If. AV. 73A.I.L,
G ()CI erich, Seett. 1010, 101.
, nhumlAolis.
Sept. 10 by 17.ev. De. G.iffOrd 'eh.
, John .Dennison, of Varna, to Miss
' Libby Mtec.imire; of Morris: ,
EustroN--11usaf. b the resi den 00 Of
the 1)e1ches medley, Coder -oh). on
AVedneeillav, Seot. 111 tiy
Robin -win, "M ''')/esley 0. lieston, of
ExeLee, to Sbis Bertha, lthek," ,
DErem-aricee)-e-i\ TE0 tore -- In 1.111 1 rttt,
Bien.; (e) Sept. 2e6, TV. 13e1bridsze,
son of Ali...John Delbridge, iVi i
80a, 10 .15.fiss Nellie o clang]) ter
of ilfr. Amos Merriott, Base Line,.
Blenshard. •
Amos-SiNctriAme-Att he home of Mr.
and, Mrs. Vanstone, Brantfoed, on
Sept 10, by the 13,v. W. A,J.111 ertin,
Dv. 1. A. Amos, of Exeter, to Miss
.111 01nie
Oot)sc.-At Zurich, °I) Sept. 6, Rein-
hardt Cook, at the ttge Of 90 yeeirs, 4.
inontlis, 5 da.3(e.
FLLAILI,In St. .ISIrti.ys, or -1 Sej)t. 7, " E I-
.Terice, daughter of Lindsey and
Sus(m 1311011, aged 1(1 yete15,2 months
(In(1 92 6: 00.
finsetH-In Iilxetei., on Sept. 13,
1 1
)eth l'e c f t (it(' 11:' lard TIle.,t8, aged 8/ yeat-s, 10 months
and e, days.
Nomotes-In iSIcC ilhiiiv, on Sept 7 to
Me. (Ind Mes.Win.Noble da lighter;
0-Ijszszetv.r —rn Th C ilIii 11 an SoPt.
to LAIV., tin Kis. 11;n,GibIpt, a son.
I.,: 1 kJ
a I
10.6Pt iIIllu1i
A S tanci.ard o
Brom the Guelph Herald of Sol)t 10, '
'1101.1d Fru Cs(nripany of
O ueli)lis ()tile 11100 arranged to iesee
in Con)tcht the be, 1(11>11 el 1110) TOrtl)•
-conling boriles 011 the, life of the 1(110
president, INIel.Cinlev. It lent ,i)e
001g11i0('( 111 \\e -ii 1 ieseltieely ill astetii.-
a\vritten II ;duvet Lialsteed, the
ci.leinette)(1 'tvttr a nil(n t, 111 0
1) 1 (.111 t lin E., eve 8 SitleCted l/y the 11 v ern
1)011 (3)' the Ittte President .Alefilinley
joi ixpvill•iiiti()01,,[1100() .E1 1)1.1-1
stead has been tt 1 i fel o n g ft•ioncl of 1.-11.0-
siclent, l\le.1-(1111ey, (1,51(1 it will he a
bor of love tor 1.1-iln to fitii813 1111s bools,
which Les long been i a prepare ti(m.
11 11111 he conipletc-his 1)00 1100(1,
os11?):elti711'.11.-(11)11(1.i:018Lsc:[;: 5a5
55v1s'11.1'01's( tssnei (111'.v1Ltil.cit °.(e) l's1;t' lilt' 1:1). (11)i:
31') COfl-
spirtiey tlieuetvith, maciicol tree tinent
detit,11, Imee11 and state ftm(»qii.
imokiiis so ohenp and s() excellent tlett
E11.01'3' 1:110)113 60orilc1 111u5e a 0(1,1):'.
We voitlovstatlri Ova 0 intignificent
port.1.111. of Piqsitiont .I8x 22
inches 10 siz(), on '0,1 61)01>1 will be
von'flieiVoNiNItt 01011111' C
)4. S()161'
(.113iy()f iithisl'ueb
ri 1)l(r)i (°)111c;
end (1 0.erits will firid en enontic"eineet
01,in teuest 10 111ent 10 itilother