HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-9-19, Page 1FOIJIITEENTII YEAR .-670. Different Ways of T-blkit/P Some talk too loIV others too loud ;' some talk too little others so -much that they're tiresome. NVe'talk through our g:gods. Call and examine them, Just a few of the' articles we carry: - Be lIettt Well, Look 'Well. UALITY WE I-IAVE TI1E' IVIcalary's "Fan?ous, 7Oxford" and "Souvenir" Cooking Stoves Coal Heaters I Coal Parlor Cooks, or Steele Ranges I Wood Air Tight Stoves J Pocket Inives,7Scissors, Raz- ors, Razor, Strops, Table Cut - fiery. ' Paints, Oils,' Glp.ss, etc. Threshers and Bui lders' Sup- _ plies. Churns, Washing Machines, PI aform Scales, H u d son sAp ple Payers. Special line or Sporting Goods. Second Hand Stoves, &c. Plaster, CementS, etc. MONEY TO LOAN, We havo unlimited private , funds for 10 - vestm en t upon farm 01 village property, at o west rates of interest. DICKSON St OAltLINCI, ' Barristers, etc., Exeter. 11, TONEY TO LOAN. Iliave a 1 argas o an t pri vs te funds to loop Mama and village properties at 10 30 rareS ofinterest. F. W. GLATimAx, Barrister, lHain Street Exet er OR SALE OR RENT. • The -undersigned is offering for sale or rent the property 01 1)10 late 1Vm. ilfartin; at Devon, being 2.1, acres of land. There is on "the, premises a frame house mid stable, 111 ell of Avater and other conven- .41enees. For particulars apply at the. Telegraph Wince Exeter. , Bale Re0.4-ter• FRE 1A-1"1".0Eii`T.........41.--rarns nini. implements,. the property i if Henry 'Metz, Lbt. 10 Con. it, St ephen. Sale at one 0010013.- LL (3 01(11 .Anct. , TITURSIltI.17,2 SEPT. 20.---Farnt Stock. 'and Imple- ments, the property of ,f. O'Brien,: Lob 1.4, North 13ounclary, McGillivray.' Salo at one o'clOck. Jas. Stanley, ituct. FARU FOR SALE. The undersigned is offering for sale his farm , 31(0 p0115' in the tovmship Ilay. being pare of Lot 20, Con. 15, 0 mues \vest of Zurich, containing 101 acres of 'first-class land. There is on the premises a, good frame house, brink bzu.n, driving shed and other kood out buildings; splendid orchtml, a good welt of water and other conveniences win be sold reasonable. Apply to 13.satmui IIcovAn, DicssoX Ommixe, Proprietor. Rirrister, Exeter. . • .QEALED TEgEERS addressed to the. undersigned rind endorsed "Tender for Ilayfield Pier," will ligrecei vett at this ofPoe. until Friday, 27111 Septem- ber,, usively;s for the construction 0( 31(1 extension to the smith pier at Eityfield, Iluron ,County, Pro- vince of Ontario, according to a plait and specific:a- tion to be 00.011 at the office Of .1T, Only, Esq.', Engineer in charge, Harbour and River 1Vorks Ontario, Confederation LifQ 131111111115, 'T0001100, on application tO" the 'Postmaster at Bayffeld; "and. at' the Departhient of Wbrks, Ottawa. ' Tenders will. not lib considered unless made on the form supplied, and signed with the actuaisignatures of teralerers, An accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order of the l'inister '61 Public Works, FOR Tvb RuNfrrinoD011,01ifi(S200)-inust accompany each ter(ter. The check win be forfeited it the ...party (131 011110 0,0 contract, on fail to complete the work. con- tracted for, and will he returned, in ease of nonac- ceptance of tender. ' The Department 'does not bind itself to accept; the lowest 00 1113 tender. 'By order, • 11131)) tclo 13)13 Danartmenb of 1,1:Milo -Worlts, Ottawa, 1111 0(3)10(1)0111111)1 xestspapers inserting this advertisement 111(110111antliorily'from the 1)epartment will :not be Paid for ,Aargoinq 1D flj .00 Wook salary for an intelligent inan or woman in each town. Permanent positiOn, 30 cents 'per liOur for (p3101 111110 llantifrieturer, 1300 TS, Philadelphia. GENTS WANTED—For the life of thelate Presi- dent 'McKinley. Price 01.513 A nuiguilicent portrait of President '1 Eblitinley, 18x22inehes, will be given as a premium with each copy sold, or if pre- terred, choice. of nine other premium pictures, i0- 0011.1ing the Dulte-and Duchess ot York. ProSpectus free; fs'end 10e. to .pay cost of mailing% Credit given, liberal terms, freig.ht paid. Sell our Xmas books, they are the best. A premintn witli'every one. Ad- dygss, World Publishine' Compith, Guelph, Ont. -- • - DRINK AL TIIT:RSDAlirj SEVTE14011131-7,1I1,9,1901.-"' ''C. H. SANDERS, Dir[ (IRO anct 2 ; belle) lf, 11 Smith, JnO. 1-I110-, , Single, piano box, cutter, N1c,Latighlin. yarn, E. ()re:gin:on, J, Torn; cicarg•stic * Brbek 3 : lie: H. Smith .100 Hunter, 'ter ISIcLur,13 lin, M. Co.: ' 1st and : sewitio. otaatiine' Li 'Mal:tin 1 atid 2. . ter; bull 11 Smith 1: and 2, AV Mfg, Co. ist and 2od ; Band cotton'svp, Nv ai., e ey, M.,Brothour ; EXETER FALL iii The aunota rill exhibition cif the Stephen & Usborne Agriculture Socie- ty, held here on ',Tuesday, was in evet•v way- a greatsucs. Dur- ing the forenoon the live stock: began to arrive in large numbers and were promptly assigned tostheir proper plac- es, while in the afternoon crowds of people from bah town and country bega.n to pour M h a steady stream until thousands were on the gronnds. The scene was a very animated one. The "Crystal Palace" was crowded to disconifort all (he afternoon with ad- miring sightsebrs. Outside, the horse ring. WaS the centre of attraction, and the 3 udginc't'of the horses WaS kept up till late m the afternoon. Here and. Lite and .everywhere could be heard the voice of the vendors, of gripes, and candies and nuts, and other delicacies, luring the stray coins Irons the pockets of both old and young. The weather being a little' chilly thecrowd was. everywhere moving to and fro, some aimlessly, others svit13 an object in view. Grey-haired men wandered from place to place looking at, every- thing aild mentally colupal-in,,,- all they 0•111,' \Vila t, they wit -nesse -a halt ;1 century ,ego. The young man with: his best girl AN:A there, and his narne 'as legion; and coy_glances i (Id sweet smiles atel tender looks rewarded his 11001(1 1(1 effOrts to enSaire her com- fort and pleasure. And. tho joyittl, happy, care -free children were there, rushine. about in every direction, but theh• attention was more particularly directed to the merry-go-round. The showing of horses was excee.dingly e•ood many fine animals beimg exhibit- ed in every class. Tle cattle, sheep and hogs were also of a. high order ot merit. - The ponitry exhibits WeIV 1)10- 1):11)1S- 000. n innt.” no than previOaS years. The vegetable and root depart- ment Was well filled and comtuanded considerable rtttention. Of the Vali- OUS exhibits at the fair this year prob- . ably no sine -le exhibit attracted the attention of the visitor more than the display of vegetables by Mi': Geo, Anderson. It was ce,rtninly fine and the exhibitor deserves a great cleal ef praise for the deft•arrane-ement of the one hundred and one things compris- ing the exhibit. Following is the list If you will Correspond wm ith e in reference to the treatment I represent for the -Drink Habit, 1 will send yen printed matter explaining it. A. home '11%1'1 mew:, not '1U'(10 e,'5 it), the 1001•10 . Removes crave and cause of crave. No higher endorsements then '00 bold, Ib is tile cheapest in Canada. -With- in the reach of all. Confidential. .113 Ire Rev. It. C. Dixon, Room 6, 10 Totonto Sb., Toronto, Broken Sizes of L ad i,esc and Misses' S.A017.0.e,r- S11005 0 ST, La'k • "Regular $1,10 itn• $1,1•D • ‘‘ 1./5 l.-10 2.00 1,30 ' 11 2.25 1° 1.75 Ailisses' Oxfords Sizes 8 to 1.0, ...Tito amd THE ADVOCATE Th ',101.1ireg Herald Atd a Splc..•-adici Pictltre cd - 11:11 $1 .00 GRAI) COW Jno Hawkins 2r1i • iron beani plow W Sunth st, lloht flicks and 3; two year old het!- and 2nd ; horseshoes, Jas pigtail; er, Rcht & Son 2 and 3; horse hoe, N'Vm Kunz, list and 2nci ; 'year -1133g .11 Gronte, 1 110(1 2, W. wooden pump, J no Moore. lst, arid Westcott ; heifer calf, Phil. Hartman. 21.11 ; draining tile, six pieces, J. Kerr Thos. Pr.ier. & son, ; buildit.ig brick, 11 pieces, J BuTc.noies 0,1,17.1.`LE.--Two year olcl 1Cerr & Son, Lot and 2ncl ; faianit g mill, steer, ',Vestcott, Jno Hawkins, Chatharn Mfg.. Oti, - Shantou & Stin ; yearling steer, Jno. Speck', weigh scales, A Itodgert, lirtsv kins, Shapton & Son 2 and 3; fat J ODGES.—S, N Al0fratt, 1.1,Qhinson, steer 1(10 1.11,Wkins 1 and 2 • fat cow, 1) McNichol ,H Smith, Moses Gardiner 2 and 8; steer G11 kINT AND SEEDS. calf, H Smith, AyrisiiiRg4—Two year old heifer, R. Fall wheat, svhite, J. K. SVise, M. .Willrams• •Grethour; 11111 wheat, red, S. Wise, 3. JEES,liil's.-0ow, Alex. Buchanan r K. \Vise; 0.01 1(11)1)10 sprinis o. svheat J, • • Armstrong p two Year old heifer, Thos. K. -\Vise, M. 131 01110(11; (i-rowet:ThatioY, Prier, nos', 131ock; yearling heifer T. M. 13retho311., J. K. Wisc.; 2-100e11 bar - Brock ; heifer. calf, Thos 13reck, jr. T, ley> AL Brc'themr, 3. R. Wise; other v'1. - Brock, sr; h 711 calf, Thos Brock jr riely barley 111. 13rethotn- large oats PoLLED „: „Notts.—Heifer calf, E 13u11 M. 13re11001• Josh Heywood; et:titian & SOD- bu>1'1,itlf E Butt & Son oats S. K "'SiTise AT -Brethours black 1.1331-t11y12t...10.,--000 , Monteith Bros ; oats, 13retholiv, A. Al ctEwen; large two year old Soifer. Tearling heifer, peas, 'AI. Bretlsour, ,f, K. \Vise: small •heiter calf, bull. calf, Monteith Bros, 1 peas, AI. Brethour, A. AfeEwen; 110(0- and'2. thy seed, AI, Brethour, .1 .K. *NVise; flaxJudg,es.Jos, Atkinson, R. S. Rob- seed, -A• '1\IcEo0en, M. Brethour; titer - son Itclertorn Jas... Heywood. chant's flour, Jos. Clobbleclick & Son, 1 , SHEEP. Bit thorn clover scot Brethour; - . . SunonSITIREDOWNS.—Shearling ran1 grain in e'.11,, X.11C•V'w't0(1C1, Brett:ow, A Dunkiri:, T Case & Son ; ram 11.11 HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS, A Dimkin, T. Case' & Sot, .A. 1)unkin ; . • APPLEFt. —Winton npples, ieb- aged esves, A Dunkin, T OttSC Son, , ner, rus....•neimey; fall a pples, F. A,Dutlitin ; shearlings, Dunkin ist. liieb 21d and tilut1 ; esve latnbs A Dunkin 1st net' \\''.(-7,1'°--osn,e,''..; t(??Y variety, tcnta , . ChLsnes , 2nd. shapLon apples, .11.Gregory.,1V,Obesney• 1[ho le LINCOLN'S. —A 'Yed...raill 1'8 blia.ptort Son.. stla,)ton Groutc; 3,Tortilern Spies, G. Walker J. Ew Total FOR S .50 $4.50 - • , Tins is tin -greatest co nbination offer ever made brany Cahr. than' ournaL ive are fortunate in ge- t:m.111g th„e•exeineive prit liege forthis'-distriet The E010 lieral 1, ism e nanadres'greab papers. ,Estab- ,lished 1805, 11 100 long been the leading, Liberal limn:iv of Eastern Canada- 30 15 how a great family newspaper, each ay &qv:I:gnat news .01 the •woeia, and also dm citing nmelTspace to matters of peCulifir 10 terest t _family. Its commercial inteiligenee 18 001111/1006 reaahie.. • • - • , THE KINCPS 01:STRAIT is the best ever .publish- ed in Canada, and will Make bandsome.addition lo the walls of any 1 brar,y, TV produeed by it new Process, and 10 10 not one of the flashy colored 1)00' 3(11113 SO common , . • . .01 trm regular price„.of the Herta_ is 400 a year; the liberality of Our offer is self-ettident Regolar $1,00 for . '80c, " 1' • " 01 05 Also some lilies of 11,:tclies' Britt,driecl Shoes. 'Those 110) 131 1.1115 of, tilic,In„teql.: styles and best „ (aid, AND SEE THEI11. • , „ ATJ111111,88 A11 0111/11R0 ro • .4-DvocATE, Exeter, c'et. of prizes awarded, ' HORSES. ELEA:NT-SI' DRAUGHT, --brood mitre, and •)• white:beats T W' • AI Dickson & Son, W. lIrcick, Thos. Cairns ;Foal, W. 13rock, Vs, Monteith, Chas. Godbolt ; Three yettr old, Jas. Patterson, Williams BCOS, E Uoci /ley ; 'Ewo year old, Coursey Bros, 11. Sral ith, Jas Handf orcl ; one year old. Jas. Beatty, Dixon & Son, -Willi:MIS BIOS ; Loftin, C. E Hackrey, . 'a...Li- ch-Lir, Chas Bean. GRICULTD-R,A L. —Brood tri A e. Cour- sey Bros, Simon Hunter, r\Vui. Ker. nick ; foal, Jno. Duncan, Wm. Brock, Simon Hunter • three year old E Gies, Johan Decler, 2nd and 3rd • two year old, Coursey Bt. -cis, Jas. Eland - ford, A Love • one year Old, Mrs J Thomson, Jas 1-3e;ttty, Chas Goclbolt ; team, Simon Citmpbell, E Butt & son, Conrsey Bros. GIF,NERAI, P —Brood mare, Belbriclge, Jas Patterson, 1) Fotherington ; Foal Wm 13roclt, Mrs. Jno Thompson; Jas Patterson ; three year old, 11 Birtch, Thos Eller- nlgton C E Hackney ; two year old, R Birtcb, T Hogarth, Thos, Eller- . Zuric13: Mr. ,Reinhardt'Cooki an old. and, respeb bed resident ofZtirieh, passed. a w y (01 Friday 'morn i 0 g.,,riith inst., 11101)0, extr eta elY olcl'age of 00,Ye00534 HIS and 5 days. Mr. 0ribk bortl in Ger- ruhny 1811.3...and,emigrated '1;0' Cana- da. in 1887, locating ait New Hamburg, and litter moved to these Parts. His-. faithful •"wife predeceased him abmit 103 0)'y tfi.).o and hd has since' madd his 1301110 131". daughter, Mrs Fre,c1: R m el. -He IN'T.S. almost. blind' for the: , .20, yeriv1,- hut 101 113111 whs'"ebeerful: rian}wast-,poss0'ssecl' of :Memory even no to the -end.' ith:f 111113010111 ta. the' :ES403geli ea 1 Church for dyer: 00 ye:arS.: He leav'eS .six cittS arld one cbtog,hter- and' mahY I'riends 111001111 demise: OtiltIOIT, ft 111,11 10(41310011 yetirs Age, IVA§ A ppreherid- CO at: B.IY Tian ev el ling•Sepe. }) se cons,t ".ch G u 11 (.1 r y „ 7111(3 11,,,S"been- cOninlitited 101, "tvi.il on a cIllarg6-,of'stealing V,l20 Irona.:11.1e. 1:1;tYs' stahle on:the fillY-prcivions. 113 I000 1 t",11 1)nel( Of 11 1)11 it: of trousers belonging to IP \vebt), Lho tivc?ry (3113 0', which was lcif1t, in a rooin, at tlie sttlilcs, and 3011611 IVelph re.t411111- ed-a fter bein{4; absent fr:v 11' 1311110 Ibe pocket svits 0111(1130. 17e1.01613 \VAS aroilnd the 1 ta 1:10 at th ti 01 and of ter. his ar - rest a 1201.'1;1011 Of the 1000Cty, Was found. in ids boot. $20 in all. was 1.ecoverecti The ae.0,11§04 was 'before nelge DOyle: NATecl nescIrty a n cl sya's remanded 311.3 011 Monclrty Cot. election., " Oh i 1 d roil e ry for . „ ington ; one yertt. old, 0 Wolper, I) Fotherington, josh Erarding ; teant, J El Robinson, Jacob Rader, W Ma- guire • Bawden & McDonell, special for draught foals, W 'Monteith, J SimP sou, D Graham, in 1.\.ernick. Si niOn Hunter. Special foals the get of A Dow's ,"Orchitrd Willow,". Wm Brock, John Duncan; Wm Brock, Delbridge ; " JuDG,Es—,J. W INTooclley, St. Marys; NV }Janson, Fullarton' Joseph White, St Marys. ' ROADSTERS-- Brood mare, Thos 'Forsythe, Jno • Delbridge, Alex Buchanan ; foal, John Johns, Alex Buella nan, T 'Forsythe •, three year old, Joe Sinmson, . 1) Hughes, Ella Creighton ; two year old,,11. 1-1 Riddle, Jas 1-lodgins, .Jas Beatty ; one year old, Sas. Beattie, Jno Moir, Jno Johns ; Pair roadsters, Wm. Snell, lst and 2,13c1, Wm Hanson; single roadster, .111c1, Swarts, C. Eill3er, 11,A1 Elliott, • saddle horse, Thos. lIandford, R 'Riddle, Thos. flanclford, lady driver; Miss Dale, Miss M Sproat, Mrs. R Welsh. ' CIAnfix2s.GE,—Brood mare, W. Wit- zel ; foal, \AT Dolbriclge,. W, Witzel"; three. year olcl, Jas Flociginsi"R Welsh, Tiros, ''''Itutssell.;" two year" old, W L McLaren, A, Dissett, ssery ; orie vettir old, W ,}19...ESsery ; carriage:horses, 0 Wainer, J 1101:111 - son ; -..ca,ridage, Maggie „,0reigh.- 'ton, F E Q'INTeil: • . ° ! J0DoEs—W,111...Graliam, St. ; R,obt Seaftuth ; Sen ; Shearling, rani, GC°. P en hale, Island- Gi'cenings, P• -mc'Diggart, 111111 111) n d In 1st, 2n:d 3rd ; aged ewesCe° , , acey,. Roxboro Russets,Tmis.Yellow So , IL U1011Spher 1.101111:: 11', 5(11131011& Son ; Stiettrl)ngs, 1-0; ,s, i tzen burgs, McP - Sbapton & Stin ; ewe larnbs,Shapteit & Groutt•‘, Daun- , 004111. S• Martill I and 2; parlor furni- ture, R. N. Rowe, Beverley & Huston; bedroorn furniture, Beverley & Hus- ton; assottMent, 'Beverley & fluston, R. N. llosve; S ulred birds, A. McPher- son; factory made quilt, & Co.; l'ac;tory tweeds, J. INItiir & Co.; factory flanM flannel, .T. ur & o iC., 1 and 2; factory bl,trikets, JM . uir & Co., 1 and 2; aS- SOl.tni t tweeds, W. Tama n; gle harness, G Eacrett,1 111(19; cured ham, .T. T. Prior; store goods, 'NY. W. Taman; to gnodo,S. Powell; baker s bread, A. 13tigsha W, \\.'3V,Foss FINE ARTS. \\Tater color paint:in.. Airs. J'..Virlitte; (111 10)., in oil, 1111,s..\fliiite,j.0.1Vood: Cr.ityon, „airs. White, N, leTag-,- gatt; pencil sltetch, Wm. AVeoltes; photographs, J. Senior; hair di.esser's work, Ed. Fish. ; pastel sketch Mrs. AVnite, • FLO \VERS. Varieties in pots, \V. 111. Flarburn; Fuchsias, Mrs. RAC hardson; Foliage, E, Ding:10; Begonias>, Mrs.Richrtrdson; Geraniums, Airs. 11icbardson; banging, basket, Mrs, Richardson; collectioil 31033 0(0 2,1rs, 11 11 0 UT' FLO NVERS. Dalthas, .1no. Cottle, J.Ilarton; Pan- sies, J. Cottle: German Asters, 11,11ns- 10/3, INItts. AYliite; ten 3)111 's stoolc,11 Hostoti, J. .1.3.Digmin; Verbenas, Chas. Bit.ney, J. Cottle:Petunias, J. Cottle; 13001301 10 double, Jr. Cottle; Pi-doN.- Di 0111111100311) J. Cottle, C. Birney; Zen- nbis, J. Cottle;'eut 110 W 011, RQ111. Liu, J.E. 1)igin 11 ; A nunals, J. Cottic son. Balcl\v-m•. 113 cey; .1%'estfield Seekn -o-fur1.-WOR. K. G route, "Woi, Bass -dem Soow apples, 311 ('111(10')'. Wool Onwarp, W. Olies- Groute,1 1:rie1)ner; Grztvensteins, eattOn Tom, H. 111 '1011: Fall Pippins, Groute; Ise; 3V1)1)1 'flat, Miss 11. \Vise; rag • co G. Lc EL0,._ t, .31. Bret hour, :Miss -Wise; -wool Son, Inc. l'enhale. land), Geo. Pen - hale.: agod e\ves, Geo. Penhale ; shear- lings„, Geo. Pe abate ; ewe lambs, Geo. P01111 al" :s ti a 211d l8,11141,13 .SuE.EP. — Shea Hin gs, Sh p - Su:not-is, —.T Shepplierd, }Topsail -; I) 1 et F HOGS. YoR'slititi...,.---.A.g,ect. boar, 11 Birtch ; boar, 011e year, R Flitch ; boar, 1001,11 Birtch, Xiso Atlison ; sow tsvo R Birtch ; sow, one year, 1-1.Birteli, .1 no Allison ; sosv, 1001, Birtch, Jno CHESTER 1.VrturE.--..bon.r one year, A Bissett. BERicsrlidE --Boar, 1001, ".1) A. Gra- ham ; sow two years, I) A Grallarn ; sow. 1901, Graham. rrAi5INVoRTH,—Agecl boar, llord & = •SPEEDING • CONTESTS. - FollOwing, is the result of the speed- ing contests, wi)ic.11,provedCpaite an at- traction for the largo crowds that as- sembled at ,the Course. Every 1000 was hotly contested 3-1•11INUTE CLASS. W.Miteliell, Exeter , • .2 2 2 ‘Vilkes, ,J. [licks. Elitnville 4 4 EXCLC1), 1, 1 i te „Win gs, 0 hay 1 esSs-orth ' 133.3 Tirrie, 2 46, 2.40, 2,45' - 2 20 cr,..1..SS Siclney*2Pointer,11. Bossenbc•rry 1 3 1 1. Kid 11.1.cOoy, \\Ting, Shiplca 2 1 8 2 West Side, J. Merrier, Zurich • i32 2 3 Thme, 2.31;1, for three heats, 2.391 4tli SPECIAL EX 1 TI131T ION col,Zirtisyr.. Soo Stanton. 1. MurcloCk 1101110111 3. 1. 1 ICing Stanton, , 2 2 2 Tittle, half mile, 1.08-4, 1,00 1,12 Son'l; boat• one year, D Douglas 1st and 2rtd :boar, 1911' J Hord & Son, .1) Donglas 2cd. and 81ti ; ag,ed sow, J }(ord tt Son, T) Douglas ; s'otv. one J. 'Hot, -White, Miss J. ,Triebner; Lombards, ez.,- Sou ; sI' '0 1001, D Douglas 1st and '',N,:e\ecoi,ab.,. othor 2nd. I variety, Miss Trietdder, G. r\Vall:-.er; DirLom.,1...— Pen of any breed, 11,1 Pond's Seedlings, F. 11'' (113(3. Wm. ',a e - D Douglas, J HOrd SL, Son. JP:DGEs..—' Jos Petty, Tlensall : R Delbridge, Winchelsea ; Thos Exeter. . POULTRY Lightl)rahtnas, I). A. Graham, Car- ling -Bros.; dark brahma.s, Geo. Irwin 1 an cl 2 ; barred Plymouth rocks, A. Bissett, Geo. Irwin; 'white Plymouth rocks, Jos. Senior, jas. Jesvell; birlf cochins, Geo. Irwin; white cochins, G Irwin; langslaans, Graham; silver' gray clorkins, Geo. Irwin; black breast ed. red games, A Bissett; black red game bantams, Geo. Bissett, G. Irwin; brown red bantams, Thos. Brock, jr.; cluckwin,s; bantams, Jno. Moore, J, I-Iord & Son; any other variety ban- tams, Geo. irsvin, D. A. Grallam; sil- ver spangled hanibnrg,s, D. A.. Gra- ham; inandans, TI)os. Prier, white crested black polarlds, Tlios. Brock, jr; golden polands, Geo. Irwin; white leg - horns, D. Douglas, D. 3.. Graham; brown leghorns, D...A.. G-ralian3; brown 100,110100,. rose comb, D. .A... G-ralaam ; white leglaornso rose cornb, Jas. Jewell; b 1 e gb orr1§.ID, 4. G rah a n Abe Ba g- sh a w ; black. java, Geo. Irwin ; Anda- lusian, GE'o. 0arlirig, Bros.; black 03) 011313, Sno. Moore, 1 and 2 ; black triton:As, T Pl'ier, 1 and 2;.si1ver laced. wyandottes, Jos. Senior, I) A Graham; white wyanclottes, jos. Senior, D. A. Graham; gOlden wyandottes, D. A. Graham; bronze ttirltevs, D Douglas, I) A.. Graham ; rimy variety turkeys, G Irtvit; Toulouse geese, D A. Gralattni, 1) Douglas; svild geese, R ; Breman geese, J. Hord & Son; any other varie,tY geese, D Graham, J Bosvden ; Pekin ducks, G-eo. Jowim, 1) Graham; collection pigecms. G 1-1 Bisgett, Thos. Brock, jr; Belgian rab• bite, Tilos, Brock; jr., N. D, 1-Iurdon ; anY oHier, variety rabbits, H Spack- man; Guinea fowl, 11 NVilhams, 1) A Grahaa. 01.1.(axs.— Light bralunas, Carling Bros„ A Graham; c1:13.^1z bralimas G. 11 33111 1 and 2; barred pl yrnoutli rock's,' Geo. Irwin, 0,-1,14,ing 'Bros; white ply - month rocks*; Jos. Senior, GII.Digsett; bu-U cocbins, Geo. Irwin 1 ancl 2 ; silveb grut,y.dorkins, G, 13isse.tt 1.• and 2; black. bieftet red gaineS,' Geo. ; brown red bantams, l'hos„BroCiz jr; &Irk wing' bantatus,Geo. Irwin 1 2: , CATTLE DURIIAM,—Ageci cow, Smith, 1. and 2, Jno. Hunter 2 ,•• three.ycar-old cow, EC Smith,. Jto Hunter; twO,year 'old': heifer:, H'Srriith 11111(1 2, Jno Parra wagbn, Ohni,hafti 'Mfg: -Co ; top ter 3 .year old holler: Ito- Hunter 1' buggy)” 'Wm : Konz;•(1st, and i2nd,;- 'blankets, Brethour, Al, Creichton. , • is • n 0;c; Eing TotnI1blins, Chesney,jas,. socks, 21- Ja m ieso 21: Creighton ; wool Ford.; .:..-1..lexanders, Jas. Snell; Ozillilda seto(t)etio`ii'lust1e'i,(--Nsf: 1\11's Gr. l';'''.)1:b; ieson, 31. Creigh- Red, 11. Groute, M. Brethour; Bibston ners; Dauncey, J. Suell; Grinics G. P ip p ns, G. NO Ott, G. N,V;dker; IVag- 1111\ 017s111.‘esNo 1ad '0 011(15; 1113 11h:1,1(0)11,r:1i; Pippins. H. Groute; Maiden's Blush (3, nichardon; 0,100,s I. woo) gloves,ghLoll, ,,1\ trs. IValker, Daim(ey; Golden R,ttssets, 11 Groute. Dtuincey; Ben Davis, Itirott, AL Creighton; knitted quilt, T. S. 1111 31- A. Bissett; Wealthy, H. Ejleltlln, -.A.I.Creighttm; el:roc:bet quilt, Gregory, J.Gi 11, 1)ticliess of Olden burg, (tht4 Ttill'i*Ps011, -4\-• Hogla HAI; 11 rhcttn p: 10(1010 1. aj,t.rieTb11-Teiinpson; Bleu- 1310111..i.eticte.‘iIi11,51(01,1::::21011:111).,„01,.t!,(3.1sriit!oi,":..s..1.k311}101tli:?1..1i1i.(11.,,t.(tni,131k,0....)cc.i2t1iiicriiiii:.: —Flemish Beauty, Ali's. J. AVhitet A.. 21cPliorsOn; Duchess _Am- ..,c;r),tte::;,B--\11.10':,...k\Ns.;(fis't;t11:1D1.111(1:ir.C\sist::h7tv,;(1c.i)lit.1,tsjill.oNis,t1,t1i.: goulime, j. Gill, Thos. Brock; Boors ,1I1's Toni, 1I,PPi'.:11,111011 Brethour; maler\venr, Mrs. ((?,11.11:tipresaFti;t,...A.0.piAtlec,Pi\liirest.sniNono,tF:it;. lbleoireaccl)eni,' ; .\1\17e.11.N.LetiNc. Croait1_,,i1t\ (1c,,,1 111 Iti(tg„):11,L, Alex. '21cEwen; East• Beurre, A . Pherson; Louis L'omaie de Jersey, ',V. (III01:11-1ltZ;:viti1. (S.111.:(c!iigp;attc())1t_31ctty'l-, Newc°1111)°' 2")ck* Mos. 37 lies, 31. (...reigliton, Jainieson; pin PLUYS.--Ditanes Purple, Oreitzlatou , ravp, IN (AA.; . cushion, 2,1. L1 olzs; sofa pillow-, ]Nr. css (1;e1 ,311 -se •• Cr eight ton; croci2e1; w01.1-7., E. (1reigh',-to'n crochet and knitted slippers, .Mrs. Gra- ham, 131. Creighton; 01011311111110' 01 cen- tre piece, Rev. Martin, 111., Creik-.1-dori; embr.oidery will: silk., 31. Otreigall:Iii",)o(n: j. 0 "Wood; embroidery- cm II- -4 Mrs. (1(0111)di; noway: ornbri(i t -NI. Creighton: •ross stitch embroidei.y. J. C1 'Wood: silk wori;-: 1V1 rt Creighton; drawn thread work, Mrs. White, T. Ellerton; fancy netting, T. Ellerton, XI. Creighton; handkerdiriiers, linen enibroidery, E. 01.;eighton; tat- ting; Dr. Browning, Mrs. W. Sweet; clarmed 1.)ett, Illus. Not:0, Mrs, Graliain; Ba tten burg lace, Mrs. White, 'Mrs. D. Graham: point lace,11.FT:e-.G1.alialn,, E. Croighto : 11(1)11(111 lace:Airs, \-17hite, .31, Brooks: Braidids- E A.. lloc-nr•th Airs. Nott; painting- on china, 1.111.s. White,.1 and ')• patellinc. 1M. Creic.h. ton; 101.0033, Airs: Nott Wliite; etching, 31: Creighton, P. 13ead rest, Mrs. r1Vhitt, 21:- Creighton whi:,31(holder, 11.f. Or eig111011,111.Brethou tea. cosv, Mi'. 11001. S. \Vise; biind bag, 3Irs. 11T11i.te, 111. E'ret hour; tidy, !NI: Brooks; 1110s,' Nott; Monut work, 31. Ot-eighton; fancy apron, 'M.: Creighton, I -I. NI7ise; Bulgarian eiii- broicien,Y, Creiglt ton; sicleboirrd' cover, M. Jamieson; crochet skirt mid jacket in wool, 21, Orcigh. ton ; tray- cloth, 21. Creighton, "Mrs, White; Applique' " wor.k, Al. 13rethourr, 31.()reightorl: hem stitching, AI. Creighton, Atrs. Grab an3 ; 'toilet mats, AC. Brooks, 31.. Brett:our1 embroidery in lace stitches -.111 ton: plain hand sewing, :Airs. Graham, S. Torn; home raiiid 0 bread, I -T. Huston, Bawden, .11 A. Hog,arth; tea biscuits, 1I. Wise. W. Bawden. CHILDREN'S I) E P,A REM ble; Grand Duke, A. 21.cPlierson, G. Vosper; Glas.s Seedling, Carling Bros., T. Brock; Bradshaw, S. Powell. GRAPES.--Niag,m-ra, Carling- Bros., 2Irs. Jr. White; Concord, I-1. Gregory, G. Vosper; 1) ela wares, Rev. ArST. it\ I.21ar- tin; Rogers' No, 15, IV. Newconibe, Rogers? No. 19, Rev-. Martin, IV. New- combe; Rogers' No. 3, Rev. A.Eat'tin, Carling Bros.; Rogers' No. 0, W. New- coinbc'; Rogers' No. 22, IV. NeNvcombe: Ros-ers' No. 43, M.:Beethour, W. New- ,Icvonhailt)ce;. variety'grapes, G„.Vosper,311.s. PEACHES.—Early CraWforcl, James ,Harlion, Clarling Bros.; late OraWfOrCl, W. Penhale S Powell: variety peach es, Beverley & Huston, J'. Roeder. VEGETABLES. ' American Wonder . 13otators„ G. Schroe,Cler..A. Bissett; Beauty ot .1Ieb- roil, (3-.. Schroeclei., j. Heywood ;, Em- pire State potatoes, C+. Schroeder, A. McEsven; May (41:1E1(.2 0 , Y. 'Heywood; Ru,0;1,1 New York, J. Haywood, S.' Ho- garth; sNlriety potatoes; G: Schroeder; three new -varieties potatoes, j. Hey" - wood, 3: Schroeder; winter eabbage,, C. 13iraresy, Miss 111. jarniesen; globe: nlangolcls, John 'letter, C. Walper,C. Stanlitke; intermediate marigolds, W. Penhale, J. I-Innter, j. ;Morgan; early horn cat.Tots, L.' Dit3i., S.1-T.op.,autla; Nan- tes carrots, I -I. Huston, W.I'qewcombe; lon'g Orange OC red 'carrots, G. Sclarcie- der,- Carling Bins.; white Or yelletw ficill carrots', 0, Walper, L. Day. sWeet cotan AT. Brethour, A.. Bissett; 'Indian corn, T. Brook, J. 13owclen; water. mel- ons, J'. Roeder, Cephus Pym; musk melons, Carling Bros:, (1. NVaiper; 'SWeele turnips; ,fiflunter, P. 1(11 C, Birney; variety•lannips, G. SCIrroe- der, 21. j. :White, S. Heywood; pump- kins, T. 1?rior, A. .Bissett; c..tuliflowers, G-..'"Andef'son, 1 and 2; recl , onidns, C. Birtey, C. Psn.31: yellow: or' white on- ionS, C. BirtioY, G. Anderson; toma- toeS, P.. Anderson, Rev. Alitr.tin; 'blood beets, long, A. Bissett, 0'. Schroeder: turnip beets, A. Bissett, L. Day; sug_,,a1.- beets, 1?,. ITartnhan,, It. GI:onto; long ma ngoicls, P. Hartman, 0. Birney, .r. :Morgan; celery, G. _. derson, 1. and 2; 0 ,i,„0„s, „:„.. cot„ ,,,:,..Itunte11., 3)111:' 5)11(10, II. }lusLon,S. "'log, 81..f.Th ; cabbage red, G.'Scilltneder, G. Anderson; Col. yes -0110310s, G. Anderson; pickling on- „, ions, G, 1330111 011 1 And 1.., liondanS; 'Tho's. 'Prier. white -cr6sted black polancls; Geo. IrsVin ;' golden polailds.'Qep. rivin 111(1(1 ; white 1.6g.• Bissett, .1) 'DouglaS ; brown icgliorns; \Vet. Johns; brown leghornS rose comb, 3115.. Jewell, 1 ancl 2 ; Miff I eg 11 outs;Wel. j 011 8 , 1 and 2 ; .A.11 d a-- Iasi:to, Geo. Carling 13ros; black 5(111)13 11,. Jno Moore 1 and 2 ;' blaCk 111 110113(0-, T Prier, Geo, Trwin ; silver laced wyan(1ottes, .105. Senior, 1) A. Graham ; white 11 P1 ('1, 305 Sea iOr 1. all 11 2 ; golden Ivyindottes, D Gra.harn ; bronze turkeys, Ti Williams;, any other variety turkeys, Geo. .3010(13 10131(3 12.; Wild 'geese, R Will ituns,, sett r any 0111e0 'variety geese', D' A Gralta.m.; Bremat geese, J'Ilord &'Son; Pekin clucks, D A Graham ; collection singing birds, A Biesett. Judge—E. S. H.owarcl. •IM PLEM EN US, • 1 b0EL1,ANEOUS. Datinechfriiit, 131. Itreth.bin•, lit. Greg- ory(boney, A, 11.1.c.:Plaerson; honey in comb. A.. 111cPlleson; honeY 111 Jar: McPliersdn: 13o1ne-mado \vines, S. Wise .1, Torn, bottled pickles, Airs. j. Rich- ardson; eannecl vegetables,111:Brethour,, Nit's. Richardson. 1?110DUCTS. 13130 11)0, butter, lit,obt, Kydd, janies 110.10011, 10. A. 1 1og01't.Ll; ten, ibo. 13110- 0 ter, 13. Ilarton, R,. Kydd, Airs, N, ott; ('0110, 131. i30,01Ci . TI(Jtv.to.r.1 Aliss. „.1. Trielmor; special, J. Aliorgan, J. Haw- kins„ J. 11.1,rton; Creamery 1:110001', ,Q, 13ci1110r. , 1111\NUF5..0TUREP,S. N'Voiven om esma de- oSiilt, S. `111Sisr. it. AViSe; ilmmel, 1131 a0001, Miss M. Samisen, S. Wise; 1)1i1111.cets, Mrs, dmilo NOtt S. \Vise, '1111ssE,Creigbton ;horse: ''''12:11'1'1O Her um ed handkerchiefs, H. Gr m te, IV. Chesney; darned socks. H. Glande,; crochet 'work, W. Chesney; bin cusli-' ion, W.. Chesney; plain sewing, ,loobO Kydd. THE RENEWAL A STRAIN: Vacation 11, 00013. Again tIle school 'bell rings 10 mornins• -ind qt noon again with tens of th.onsancls the hard- . oC 300110 11/1 hoghn, , newal 0 0. which IS a 1110n tal and ,pnY,s1.-•. . , car strain to all exebpt 'the niost rrig- 'god'. The little girl that a few days as.o it:her cheeks a 11i1 bla little boy whose lip's wore so red yotr woiild lictve 010I00e11 that they- ba,d, been "kissed by stmt.wberr.ios,,'' haYe' 1110e1137 lost 001 ('1111110, oil the El pp6ny- ailp.(. ot -1`_•ZO \V I5 11. tinie svilen• many children shot -1)(111e given atonic, which n11(,30 a V orb serious tronble, ancl. •we know- of no other 10, highly to be recornolcinclod as ;Hood's 'Saitsiorarilla , which strengtheng the nerves, perkets .cligestion A SSi att Oa , 1111d. aids' 1110111111 (lt'O'el�pm0)1l0 1)\,- liuildiiiL' 1.111, the syholn,syetent„ ' For, Infairb and Children:. „ , .311 os r01)3ro3'.;