HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-9-12, Page 5eXettr buocatt, Is pabliShed every Thursday Morning, at the Office, hi.A.IN-STREET; - EXETER. ,—By the ---- ADVOCATE PUBL SH I NG COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar peg attluttn if paid in Advance ISI -.50 if not so paid. 23.4.1rert1cilaz =3.tec cms. No paper discontinuel until allarre rage are paid. Advertisements without specific direetions Will be pulaished till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal disoountmade for tra,nscient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turnoff:out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques,money orcl- ors , &c.for advertising ,subscriptions,eto.to he made payable to Chas H. Sanders EDITOR AND PROP PrOfesSIOrtal Cards. 11, KINSMAN, L.D. & DB,. A. R, KINSMAN, D. S., D. D. S.,Honor graduate of Toronto IJniversity, DENTISTS. Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects, Office in Fanson's Block, west side Main Street,Exeter. D: atirear ANDERSON (D.D.S. L.D.S. -IL' ----DENTIST . , Boner Graduate ei Toronto University and R0,12al C011egll of Dental Surgeons, of Ontario. Also Post Graduate of Chicago Sehool of rrostherie Dehtistery (with honorable mention.) Alluminum, Gold and Vulcanite Plates made M the neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an- aesthetic used for painless extraction of teeth. Otlice one door south of Carling Bros. store, Exeter. iIeticaI - Tla.T. MoLAT.TO-HLIN, MEMBER OF tho College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accouch- eur. Office, Dashwood, Ont. IAICKSON& CA.ItlIENG, BARRISTERS, Solicitors, Ndtaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners, Solicitors for the Molsons Bank, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates ofinterest. Offices, Main Street, Exeter. I. R. CARLING, B. A., L. H. DICKSON, FW. GLA.DMAN.Ssuccessor to Elliot & . (3ladinan,) Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Conveyancer, Etc, one to loan at lowest rates of interest. Office ltlain. Street, Exeter. - _ Auctioneers TX BOSSE NBERRY,Grand Bend, Licensed XL. Auctioneer for County Frur on. Sales promptly attended.. to, and charge's moder- ate. Orders by mail will receive every at- tention. BROWN', Wineheisea. Licensed. ioneer±Or the Counties of Perth and Middlesex., also for the township ofUsborni; Sales promptly attended to and terms rea- sonbs,le.Salos arranged at Post office. Win- helsea insurance. ELLIOT, Insurance Agent, Hain St. Exeter FARMS PEIR SALM-- MONEY TO LOAN. The -andeesignea.lias a few good. farms for sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms 'TWIN SP ACKMA N , - Samwell's Block Exeter THE LEADING MEAT PAARKET. -low-- —maw For Fresh, etocl itral the choisest cuts , of nleat7 call on the undersigned.' While all our cuts of meat are the , finest, we inalte a specialty of meat '.delicacies. Meat delivered to all parts of tke . . towtt John Manning TO: CURE 'A COLD IN ONE DAY ' Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab- lets. All dten.r,giss refund the money if-rit fails to cure. 2e. 'E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. WATCH Wogivi,ahandsomeopen face, P cliched Nickel, Natoli, Ameri- can Lever Movement for selling only 2 dor, packages ofSweet Pea , Seed atlOc.apackage. Bach pack- age contains a splendid mIxtuie of the most fragrant varieties Of all colors. You can earn this lino Watch in an V afternoon ly setting to work at once. thleadvertIsentent and we will forward tho Seeds. Sell theta, return the mohey, and we guarantee safe dolly. er of rola. Watch at once. Write to day. a tho se:tson for .seediS short. Seed Supply Cu., 'Eurouto, The-Nlolsons,Bank. (Chartered by Parliament, 1865.) Paid up CApital..„ . , Reserve Fond ,, . . Head office Montreal. JAil.IES ELLIOTT, Esq.. GENErtar, MANAGER. , . Arendt,: advanced to gooa Farmers on their oavn nOTCS with one or more endorsers at 7 per cant. per man unn., ----EXETER BRANCH open OVerv bitw fat day from 10 a.in. to 3 1.1.m.; Saturdays 19 am. to 1 p ro, A general banking business transacted OtiltRENT A'PEs allowed for money on Deposit Receitsts. Stavin gs Bank a t 3 emit. DICRSOli St CARLING, N D nuanoti, 14o11cit0rs. Manage r SOLID GO LD we give t ,tst cantictit COt RiUg, 2221t With Nutria; fer , 15 totael Skes swe6t Pen.Sded a ,e 11. 1011 ?aaaiga 060,6110 1).•.Viditiettiii tufo arthainatriaaratitVlitaia tMS, Of M M.f.thiS ' 1,(tVertiSintietit and WeWill for, viqtrd the SeedS,,Sellthilinite, turn the inetitiY Alta thiS'555(4. 111,', aeairdttrnarriag 'tVarritiaancYottaafaullktivek' Mai a VolVtItile'od.begi foi snit - Jag 6 e r.s-Atts "Seed ploy Teronro, tiltrao 4.11 .111111111111111111W''''' Sick Headache Bilious headache is the same thing. 208t people that are subject to It do nothing for it until It prostrates them. The they only take a dose of physic or an emetic. And so it conaes on soon again, -just as soon as the stoniaph Is again disturbed by the bilious habit of the system. Mrs. M, A. McLeod, Goderich, Ont., Joseph, Cole, Reno, Ohio, Geo, NV. Doll, 'Locust Valley, Pa., and .1, Van liee, Poult- neyville, N. Y„ were all subject to it, and have voluntarily testified, as others have done, that they were perimmently cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla talten this great medicine cor- rects the bilious habit and gives vigor and tone to all the vital organs. Accept no substitute for Hood's Sarsapa. rilla. No substitute acts like it AFTER SHAVNG RACT COOLS,COMFORTS AND HEALS THE SKIN. ENA- BLING THE MOST TEN= DER FACE TO ENJOY A CLOSE SliAVE WITHOUT UNPLEASPNT RESULTS. Avoid dangerous, trritat ing Witch Hazel preparatIons represented to he "the same as" Pond's Extract, which easilysour and generally contain -wood alcohol," a deadly poison, -4,-te-gaRte3inVegaisetka"aatisen" 'RAN INTO A HAND Sault Ste. Mi,trie, Sept. 0. -An„ engine on the.Algorna Central R ulu iy collid- ed witli hitncicar cont•iinine.' six eec- , • ,-, tibia men, near Wilde Station, Suuday killing two men, A; INLizzes mCI M. LaWrence. Theothers saved them-' selves: by juriming.. It WaS foggy, :Md. thp men did not; see the .pngme until it was almost upon them. SMASH-UP AT 'DUTTON. Dutton, Sept. 5.-A bad snarish-un eccner.ed het.e about la 80 o'Clock this mo1 hine. on the L E & D.R.R. A pi-irt of the eTa-Vel trnin,while baclting froM the east, was thrown' 'from the, tritck 'caused by a stone; weighieg five or six pounda that became wedged between the pinnk, and the rail on the Creasing Main street. Seven cars were in a Moinentliorled in every shape on teaa Of eaeh other 'and considerably 41)1 agech' The platform ofthe station was broken im and the east end of the new station was smashed' into' kindling wood.' No one Was 'hint. Four men ni the.cithobse erit,Wled from- beneath the' debris . Wi t 5 'Scratch', The: 'statien agent was badly sci.trad. KILLED IN LONDON. London., Sept. 7. --George Ball,a ma- chinist employed Ioi Mzl LT. the McCor- alloch & Co.,- W S at once taken frorn the water anit d I be ba'compny, by doing so. --Lord To-cura; a Col0 in, a night -'use Vapo.prese- loneIt has been used extensively during more than twenty-four years. All Dreggists. A SWITCIL BOY'S FATE. Ottilma, Sea)t, 6.-A fearful accident, took plaee at the cotter of Rideau :kcal Sossex stiTets co -night. Attgoet Poi - lock, 13 years of age, a switch. boy on the ()t wa Electric 11 i 1 wa y, was j p - Mg, front onc) car to 'another,. which was in motion, svii en'he slipped and fell, th/„. wheels of the CAD 1) it SS i g ()Vey 1)1s head, Tire biatins were ecattAtred 01' '1' the rails. 1)"eatb 13 141 instantan- eous. Deceased lived on MzicKaY steeet, New Edinburgh. STRUCK BY A TRAIN. Delhi, Sept. 8. --This a f 13011100D a young man named Newell Cornell was struck by the fast horse special on the 31,O.R., at Ha W trey, and died twenty niinutes afterwards. He had been working on the extra, and was to have quit work to -night. As the train ap- proached the gang quit work to let it, pass, oriel when the train was about ten feet distant, Cornell was fooling with the water boy and stepped back' on the track, arid before he could again 51 op forward, the train ]: strum him. He never regained conscious- ness. SHOT 'BY A COMPANION. Noorwood, Sept. 5.-4 boy was shot in the abdomenovith no hopes of re- covery, by his little comrade, this af- ternoon. The accident happened' in the Township of Asphodel, abont two miles from this village. The tWO. boys, Thomas Chattane, who was shot, and John Kelly, "son of Mr. John. Kelly, both about twelve years of age, went home from school together. When they got to the Chattane residence they round the parents from homeeend while playing in the hoose took CloWn the gun to examine it. Not knowing the gon was londed,yoring Kelly point, ed the weapon and snappe.d it off sev- eral times at the boy Chatta no. He then got a cep, put it on the nipple, and itgain pointed and fired, and to his horror, the gun, which hod been load- ed with shot, went off. The -whole charge entered the abdomen, piercing the stomach and bowels. The boy is still alive, but the physician seys there is nO hopes of his recovery. DROWNED IN LAKE ERIE. Aylmer, Sept. 0.--JoSeph Stev.ens, 110 old and respected resident ot Port Bruce, was drowned yesterday after- noon' while bathing -ii the lake .at that. place. He was.sweinniing the'''. west side of the pier. The Water- at that point is quite betWeen 1.fonr and five feet deep, and, it is supposed the unfortunate. man was taken with 'cramps and. drowned heft -ire aid could e; Leh -hi in, i b n aW him star) d- urain the water, but a few minvites later; when he again looked, the old g,entlenian had disappeared. ,,Mr. bitit hurried' to the pier, but before any assistance could he rendered the unfertil nate re an Was dead. The body ' W1SESAYINQS , The art of quotation requires Mort) delicacy in the praetice than those conceive who can zee nothing more in quota.tion than, an extraet.-Is9.0-3 'We GermanS fear God, but nothing elSo in tile svorkl.Bismarck. Ifistory is philosophy teaching by example.-LOrd Bolingbrolte. In life it is difficult to say who de you the most mischief, enemies with the wOrst intentions or friends with the best.-Bulwer Lytton. He that is down need fear no fall.- John Bunyan. Men willingly believe what they' 'wish. . 1 In extrerrie clanger fear feels no PitY. -Julius Ceasor. The true university of these days is A collection of books. No sa.dder proof can be given. by a , man of his own littleness than dis- belief in great men.-Caryle. Every one is the :1011 Of his vtorks. Don't put tot) fine a point to your vwaintfeosr. fear it should getblunted.---Cer- tLabor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire called conscience. -Washington. Private credit is wealth, public hon- or is security; the feather, that adorns the royal bird supports its ilight; strip him of his plumage and you fix him to the earth. -Junius. :4 own: Dare you look up to God and say, Deal with me in the future as thou wilt I am of the same mind as Thou art; I am thine; I refuse nothing that pleases thee; lead me where Thou wilt; clothe nae in any dress Thou choosest. --Epictetus. A penny saved Is two pence clear, A pin' a day's a goat a year. There never was a good war or tad peace. -Ben Franklin. Truth is justice's handmaid, freedom IS its child, peace is its companion, safety walks in its steps, victory fol- lows in its train; It is the brightest ereanation from the Gospel; it is 'the attribute of God -.Sydney Smith. Ile that ttcommenm ds e to mine owi content commends me to the thing I caimot If all the year were playing holidays to sport would be as tedious as to work. --Shakespeare. Use every man after his desert, and who should 'scape whipping? Trifles light as air are to be jealous confirmations strong as proof of holy writ. -Shakespeare. 11 you are invited to drink at any man's house more than you think is wholesome you may say you wish you could., but so little makes you both drunk and sick that you should onl met witiviiniceiclenC Y y x . to nhlnWhat greater or better gift can we iana . Chesterfield. ment shortlbet'ore si,eclock. last Was an uncle of the MessrsStevens. c mick -Manufacturing Co,'s establiS'b- eli‘i'letritslivialise'n1(1)oks1Vsikbtil!d-o lThneec -evening, from the eftects,of which he Bros. stock raisers, of Port Bruce, offer the republic than to teach and in- • • struet our youth? died_ While being.ta ken to the hospital. Ball was engaged repairing a cable on the elevator. ...While the WO0i: waabe- logclone, the car, weighing,: about 700 pounds,WaS run to the Op of the shaft, .whereit.was tied -With ropes to soMe .heavy tiMhers.; thOright that the' eleViitor Ayes secure, and stepped on it and clim hed. unto the bridge of the car. As soon as he did this the rope gave iway, and at a terrible rate the car went cloWn-ebeshaft,bnt the car reach- ed the baton) Brat °Win great weight., It is believed that he struck the bridge the elevator. in his fall, The distance .Ball fell was from the. un - per story to. the. bastanent,, which is frem 60, to 70 feet,and in the fall he re- ceived terrible injireieS. Both legs :were broken,. his -left thigh Was, crueha ed,'..nc-1 be. suffered from internal wounds, 'which Caused hemorrhag,e.. OW 1 ain Flesh Persons have been known to gain a 1301117141 a day by taking an ounce of SCOTT'S EMUL- SION. It is strange, but it often happens. - Somehow the QUIICC produces the pound, seems to start the digestive machinery going prop- erly, so that the patient is able to digest and absorb ordinary food, which he could not do be- fore, and that is the way the gain is made. A certain amount of flesh is necessary for health; if you have not got it you can get it by taking SCOIrS [111111ISM You Will find it just as useful in slimmer as in winter i and if you are thriving Open It don't stop because the weather is -warm' 504. and $s.00, all druggists. itiCOTT at BOWNE, Toronto, Canada. . • EXETER MARKETS. CHANGED EACI-I WEDNESDAY 1-Vhe4(ta, , . 61 66 Barley, ,....... 40 43 , 60 6,1 - Potatoes, pcir bag ...... 25 30 1 Te Y' per ton, , . 00 7 00 Flour, , pet' csvt,, roller.... 1 75 ilinnitoba flour. . 200 ilut r , - .14 15 I:tides, per 100 lbs.,. 4 00 4 00 , .. 12 . 18 Live liters, per cwt... 6 75 1180 Dressed Iloge, . ..... 8 33 1(1 Bran 111(,I t 14 00 14 00 . 1000 10 00 and had 1.esided, for many years that :Vicinity. He was over 70 years of, age. ACCIDENTS NEAR BRIGDEN, Brie.deri Sept. ,k -Au accident re- sulting fatally; to. Geo.. Branton, of Wallaceborg,ocemTed half a mile west of here Ors the 43-1) line, at Bear Creek hill, yesterday afternoon, by his horse tinning suddenly when driving down the hill, ,throWing! Mr Branton out down the enbankinent; and breaking his right Shoulder. ,. The. injured man was brought to the Queen's Hotel here Where et erythino- was done to relieve „ his sufferings„ He did not recrs,ain con- sciousness, and died doring the night. Dining theafternOrm...Mr.Branten wns drivingthroogh Main 'street. with Hir- am Haiee.in the buggy, ;and when neer the corner at the Commercial . Hotel, thehorse, tanned :down' Jane;, street While going „very fast a overturnecl throwing both -.men !ant Tlie doctors find that My. Halos' skull was fractined, and he is sexton:sly' injured iibent the shetalders. At present wtit- ing hist ,condition is considered very serieuS, but not fatal.. Godericht On Thursday last James Whitely, one of the pioneers of the Ilnron 1:4 5c3-, died at the residence of his brother, Joseph Whitely, South street, at the age of eighty nine, years and three months. The deceased was 1,01.11 in Fermaniigh, itnd came to this country 111 1883, settling in Godelich township, where he lived 1101111 1)15 removal to -town about two years ago. He was never married. !NINE OBSERVER 1 Laziness begins with 'cobwebs anti ,'ends in chains. Point d'Arabe laces are very small garnitures. By refusing to listen to secrets on Is saved 'unlimited trouble. A woman who loves too much some- times loses, but a woman who lovei too ,little,never',gains anything wortli - losing. „ Tiny golden circular clamps lin coins are used on ribbon ends inpla.cd of the 'points, which were so popular. . It is ourselves who make circum- stances not circumstances us, as often ,is affirmed. ' To borrow is no harm; the disgrace Iles in forgetting you, did, ,Courtesy is to man what daintines1 Is to woraan-a beautiful thing to be „known by. A clear corisclence .can bear any trouble. - Common sent() isn't so common that it Is uncommonly common.' Marrying a man to reform him is Hite drinking whiskey to destroy it. • The more checks a spendthrift has the faster he goes. Table oil cloth is a sanitary sUbstl. tate for wall paper, in the kitchen, Children Cry for ..:oAsTop.F0.A. Itis the act of a bad man to deceive by falsehood. Any man may make a mistake; none but a fool 'il1 stick to it. Second thoughts are best, as the proverb says. --Cicero. Eternal vigilance is the price of libl erty.-John Philpot Curran. Nature has buried truth deep in trio bottom of the sea.--Democritus. Notping is more easy than to de-. ceive one's self, as our affections au subtle persuaders.--Demosthens. The sun, too, shines into cesspools and is not polluted. Diogenes once saw a youth blushing and addressed him: "Courage, ray boy, that is the complexion of , virtue Diogenes. There is great unanimity among tho dissolute. They do not easily rise Whose abili- ties are repressed by poverty at home. -Juvenal. Nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won, - Wellington. / , What's well begun is half done. ' Never inquire into another man's se- cret, but conceal that wbich is entrust- ed to you, though pressed both by wine and anger to reveal it. -Horace. The human race is governed by its Imagination. It is the cause and not the death that makes the martyr, Four hostile newspapers are more to than a thousand bayonets.-- ..INeeaaPtoleroend. ' RULES OF POLITENESS •nravz 'noun "on 'Italy 'a 5(14844 440 aaom. et pue vase' 0l410150 .00 relirnOttooa 00141'is i.:030 ,530i01 5(2E0123 '235044 -000504 '143343440I0 IN 4920 sold "D09 datutp.to 4511 Joj. 41.42.10450 451:00115 05143 •aouo le jeio33ad, AJJoqo jo ail;oq e 4a2 ;jurq2;noo oau noA ji -dtunsuoo oAxti flO. pun IleAt sdi •alel ueo no 2olq4 Isoq oql Si teloload seiaicv '11 pug oAtq nod( 2u01 Atoq Jo q5noo JnoA pJCL ! Atoll Jollew °NI ..1%; goo/iv A.lter 4 u - • aapomo Anpaads SP& prre ‘parolood luraio sesaky potn ans usu. :'cip ca. 00 uanp. SR.& 0 LIS 4531 1 w 8,10011 ARutil .10Ju013001351100 • 1111,13 ponnan St& .IZI130(11 Isqoacoazonvinenistwastzilsmas -•4 • News of the Week A good strike of oil is reported at Tilson Laing. The Grand Trunk st ition inid freight shed at Tara were destroyed by fire. A.y OlIng Sail of All'. J. Donnelly, of Kingston, was drowned while hitthing on Friday.. Mr. Robert Ferguson, 111.P.P., foe East Kent, died at Thamesville Satur- day evening. S. Lazier & Sons' niper mill at Belle- ville were burned. Saturday es -ening. Loss $35,000. Steinhoff & Gordon's .stave mill at Wallaceburg was destroyed by fire Saturday evening. The Copp founch.y at Hamilton was dmiutged by fire to the extent of $8,000 Satinday evening. Engineer jolm 11 igerinan of the Grand Trunk Wtls drowned while con- oeing tt Mid]itnd Experts who have examined King Edward's throat announce Unit there is no sign of cancel... In the sculling race at Rat Portage for the world's chainpionship Towns best Ganditur by five lengths. Indian glass manufacturers are 0001- munica ting with the Government rela- tiVe tO establishing their Works in this country. The Wolveline Beet Sup,-ar Company of Benten Harbor, Mich., has failed on acconnt of iniability to secure enough beets to run the fiictory. Miss Mit ud lost her life while attempting to navigate the Niagara rapids in a barrel. Her craft remz-tined in the Whirlpool for hcairs, until she was exhiusted. Carlisle GI sh'ull swam the rapids in safety. Mr. D. A. McKellar, Manager of the Forest branch of the -Standard Bank, died in his chair in his office Wednes- day afternoon. He was completing arrangements to go away- for two Iveeks On his annual vacation, Mr. E. L. Williams haying arrived 'from Pic - ton about an hour before to relieve him. , 1, To be polite is to have a 'kind re- gard for the feelings and rights of others. • ' 2. , Be as • polite to your parents, brothers sisters and schoolmates as yea are to strangers. 3. ' Look people fairly in the eyes when you speak to them or they speak to you. not bluntly, contradict an one: 5. It is not discourteous to refuse to do Wrong. 5.„' whispering, laughing, chewing gum or eating at lectures, in school ot .t places of amusement is rude and vlugar. I% Be doubly careful to avoid any tudeness to strangers, such as calling out to 'them, laughing or making re, marks about them. Do not stare al visitors. 8. In passing a pen, pencil, knife oi rointer, hand the blunt end toward tilt one who receives it. 9. When a classmate is reciting de not roise your hand until after he haS 10. When you pass directly' in -ritual cif any one -or accidentally annoy 'hire ear. "Excuse me," and never fail tt arty: "Thank you" for the [smallest faver. On no account say "Thanks," -o Schbol rules Of Santa Barbara, Cal. R1 }-iiCEi REPAIRING 'If you wan't your ii,: ,:ii:: well go to ft, 1-11oKs---AVat (5,5 J'\' 5pecially. , Aft,RRIAGE LICENSt Marainge Lieenses issuecl and AV ciinge,lngs, always on !land. nuisou's ExQte CREDITON ROLLER MILLS. We have remodelled our Mill to the Gyrator Sys- tem, the best plan for making Cood Flour. Those desiring GOOD Bread should give us a trial . 0040 Pinklilig fie SEITZER EXETER Real Estate Exchange, 22, EXOter---gair ROLLER MILLS. FLOUR "Wholesale arm Retail Mill Feed We have a constant supply of Mill Feed on hand -quality First-class and prices right. Wheat Wanted. Red wheat wanted for which highest prices paid. _Wood Wanted J. COBBLEDIC 'St SON AT COST As the Bicycle season is getting fnr advanced ancl we wish to devote our attention to other.' departments of our brisiness, we has -e decided to sell Bicy- cles the remainder of thie season Wh ile they last at cost, tind we hare a few wheels 3-1) at we bon 0-1.1b far b el o w the 1-egul31 svliolesale prices. We are pre- pared to give some Special 11115113 Bicycles. The Sale, Purchase and Exchange of Village and farna lands and properties negotiated at reasonable rates of com- mission, For Sale. Several Valuable Farms in HAY, USBORNE, STEPHEN and McGrILL- IVRAY; also Three very desirable Re- sidence properties in Exeter, Farms Wanted. We have purchaser's for good farm and in the vicinity of Exeter, or ‘17110 will Exchange. - APPLY TO Wm. Bavidn1 David Mill I Valuator. Manager. OFFICES: Dickson & Carling's New Block, Exeter'. The Whole Story in a, letter : aX . I , m elt (vx.1i„1,..„,_,,.), vroin Capt. P. rmye, rotice Station No. 32, ltIontttest t-- ' aVe ft equently nse 1'Elt117 I3.2422'124' PA IN-1(17222t12t foe paiN 222 11,8 stem- , (vli, rho,e,satisni, el i 0.14 OW., /1'04 bites, chit- bblinS, eesem),e, and all atilimicus which b;; 01 tnen in oar position. 1 have no hesi- tation in saying that P4 rx.K tr.t.txt is the remedy t 2 have near t.1, hand." tned Internally and ENtr,...rnally. Two Sizes, 55e. find 50‘ei betties. Our Piano, Organ and Sewing Mac -- 30 stosit is new and. of best qu di 001 ind see us We will be glcid to show you our goods.... S. MARTIN OUR NEW PREMISES. We have moved into our new pre - anises opposite the Centre' Hotel and: are DOW open for business. Ons pre -- liaises are modern and We give you modern- and up-to-clate goods and' made in the most modern style. We Personally . . . . . Cut Every Garment That's made up at this establishment -as well as fit it-atacl look after all the details. This is only one reason why our prices are moder- ate. Gent's Furnishings . . corno and see us in our new pRtce of business and examine our stock of Gent's Furnishings Bert. Knight. EXETER FOUNDRY J. MURRAY,' Manufacturer & Dealer ... in • Portable and Stationary Engines and Boiler's, Plows, Land Rollers, Mow- ers, Etc. Iron pipe and fittings, re- pairs on Ag,ricultanal Implements and general machinery promptly at. tended to ... 4 good. second hand Land Rollers cheap; also 1 Steven's & Burns' Pot" - table Threshing Engine for sale in good running order. Price $1'75,00 cash. Sole agent in Exeter and vicinitY for the Electric Boiler Con) pound. 6 -tin r - au teed to be strictly first-class for renmVing scales, etc. you SALE. 8.0 P. Boiler, 25 I. P. Etigine (foto- plete with Pump >nd tic 41111 slo• 111)0(13- 1500 feet Of inch pipe, J.V11iRRiW