HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1901-9-5, Page 6, .
.a;›,--..$)--(> 0 0 4 *, ,:e--).0 ing day Mr. Silae `B. Wokes Was..ush- Try it, carefnlly mad, you will al- mAKEs. TowNs TO nll.nvp..ha,9 .511)plied, SO Jar,ivt$ for I(Yri,och'S'
-erect into the PriViVte rC)0111 of 1)r. Ways feed it, ,
1 Are the Mangers Pour? A Pail Of U .,J.Ii1).1,:111,1, eartridge NI/P1,9.0,, at Tliamcs Haven
where he put ctp 4 v41iage for 10U
R scaldiag water Will cleanee thein,
. VVori. 1.1y, c' lienrY 31Q1Metts The bttdding Peiena .i
* tiet was. read:rig. .and smoking furi-
ously at .the earns time -a character- .Skt,474'•"7.7. '
sweeten them aid win also be good, .. , A. CW:Y IN ,A FEW DAYS: workere.•
and a little powdered. nlinrSoal Win,
t„, Tgg MAN 'wg9 , covLD. 'ptai....D
istic of stunts. Over the, table Satit-0&... AgO. for the horses' stonmchs. . , ' ___..._-__, ,..4.........n....,___
Horses have indigestion as well as Inirm in LOncl0n. • Which.
SuPP'lieS -T:114;\IG TH.11 T:C.1' E''' IVIIAL11-1'
Se' ieticea. hong an Munensely poWerfnl electric
light, ' around Nvhich Were movable . . . . ,
Men, Mid Unless care. is taken„ .with Houses and OlitirclibS, for
tt screens of diffitrcat vivid, ColorP, . . , , ..
.'-÷-•-<)----' '''l He
efals'°tisie•rewd'Itl'illisect,oeffiledeCte vici4oaunsclly and In my °Pini°4 ssstle sheulU be fe4 ittel3escle.ta'fbliclidS°111111.t:Qoullid'Pi°11116(lisitgit°111?.3: Will get
as a cure for the tangled .congeStion and it 'explodes the shell in a few '
CA -RE ..07 SWINE.
the Werld..a. ,.• •
the, American approached. . ...
.This will cause loss ,aad mita the
• ' , measure, hospitals, and . beans, 'To pureue , the blue whale success-
preceediag til it ,C4b4leek ill /1;.: dark- and Managed with two, ' ObjettiS in
balance on 'the wrong side, ' , .,,ReadY-Made houscs, churches to
' Mr, Silas .13. Wokes, the celebrated, 'cried .costrer of the room, the doctor view health, becaase without this
no profit ,ean be expected, and god Tho horses that haye worked hard Messrs. HumPhreys, Limited, of fully, 4 boat • is req it i reci that can
growth, for feed eonsunied, writes Mit. all season and are run.doWn in fiePh
Knightsbridge, London., will supply steain 12. knots .an hour, and which
, Ohicage millionaire thrust his hands unlOcked it with great' ease, Inside
liat,6 liis pockets and planted his feet ‘NTre 0, host 01 Small phials, .gelatiae
T.. V. Purcell. In. other words the and .condition, are often turned .eut you With any of the. above, -a, a pen known 4:4 the harPoon-guit, -
is furaished 'with a formidable Wpas .
Firmly on the hearthrug. His back tubes, and wateli eases containing
re,sult desired' is' to 'make a profit, on, ia August to fight the files and try town, ata week's notice, packed for
the feed consumed land. the time. ne-, to build up in poor pasture .fieldat The harpeon-gen . ; is a ponderous
. Was to the. fire, and his Mee display- drops of fluid, all labelled and ar-
"I telt you, Elsie, I won't have it," Selecting' one „of 'the small bottles, cessaxy for taking care of hogs, 1 A better way is to keep them. in 1.(:),0e.sivt
n. obfustihnees‘syoirlit.
shipment, and, ready to .Set up in any. Piece of aPPe,ratas placed on a rais-
gd obstnutcy. . . . . . . ranged with:much, method and; earn:
?che snapped_ ``Yea. know my move, he read the. 'label carefully, titan,
taineclt by proceeding in the moat nas stables dark to keep 'the flies front
. . ., .
trade. r'rwo. Itunclveci ,yeara.-. ago the
ancsly:_ Li n:edwe ed-Platforin on the prow of . the .
the conditions -which. surround the Well groomed.' and have, some grain s Sr r-1,10-nhenale'ea
believe that this result cart be at the stable during the day. Have the, NVIiiti.61*, 4Ild C011S.IStS, of a short, ,
rikated by. a 'slit.) of a gild!" podermie Syringe. . ' , tural Manner.. possible, or in other
nid be 11, 1 . r stout cannon, mounted on a broad .
' ;aid. I don't recken on being cheek- dreNv.part of the, contents into•0 hy-
-Molesting them, 'and tura them out
words, secure as nearly. as may be to ,pastime at,night. They sho American settler§ psnd. to, send • to Pedestal, on which it can rotate lieg'
-tang:num .1.01* country 'houses, and ode izontally. The gun has also a 'goring
."But,' dad,. clear--" . ' "One slight dnjection ,in the 'centre
'Ta -to!' ' I don't like veneered car- of each cheek will do for to -day, Mr,
three 'times . a. day. , '• . . ' . such mansion iS now lanownt „the cal motiOn.„ and ean be turned quick-
stand meal do not mean to, say that It is surprising; how soon the hard- world over as Mount Vernon., George 1Y in whatever ' direction the proni of
: esses. I know I .ain't very CiCar to WOkes." . . .original wild hog. ' Do. not misunder-
I 111 11111 'the wild ' hog could be pro- wonked-horse will ..recuperate : when Washingtoa, fouader of the United the ship dominates, On the top . of gt
, you,' just now,: because you can't have The. .Anierican .submitted with ans
your own way. Now, don't. cry!" ill grace to the operation. . After-
cluced at 'a profit or .even with satis- the busy. season is over if he is cared States, sent his ships to .England, the ship are."sights" for alining, , t,.......,-..
he added, with the air of a man, who. wards, when, the doctor went to re- laden with , ' . ' . Mgt as .. in a riAle. 'Behind is the
faction .new, but he certainly pos- for as he should, be. . , ,..;
COTTON FROM 91.StItE FIELDS,' stock, which is grasped in the -hand, ,
was • forcing himself to bp bearish. place the, phials and .syringe . in the
,"Crocodile tears are as bad as -as cabinet, ' he, excited. by curiositY, sessed 'health and great vigor, To and the ships came back to him with when firing the gun, and beneath is ,
is ,highly, desirable, '. for withont like . arrangement,. , sitnated just ,
the trigger. The .breech • is a box- '
the other' thing. You're . my only anise and followed him. .. . ' secure this for our domestic breeds good English 'bricks in ballast.. With
, daughter, Eleie-nny 'trump card, d'ye "Funny little wild -beast show. in . Pi -ID HOT IRON TEST, , these Mount Vernon, • which is little where the stock. is fastened to the, ,
see? So I guess Inc going to play there, doctor,. ,I guess?" ' . health and. vigor we' cannot expect . •
This is employed in the cheese fac- less. than a palace, was built. gun . proper. The gun , is loaded in .. ,
our hogs to oat and digest with pro- .
that card ' 'for all it's worth -and ' "Well," said the. youngtbacteriolo- is is the age of, iron, and it
'fit ,our modern high-priced feeds. 0. tor3r to cleterniine when sufficient• But .th
the ordinary way' from the rinizzle, . •
that's a title in the family, by 'my gist, "some are, . 'perhaps,. funny, . , . . ,
. In my own. practice L never 'kept acid. has developed in 11,16 Curd, The is .i.roli 'buildings . which- ' England,
and the harpoon is tightly rammed -
. ' calculation,. A barouet's easy, even. Those little bottles on the left, for
chances on a lord, and it ain't ten instance, each. Q'ontain a family of my 'breeding stock fat, for I believe 'test .15 very simple. An iron shaped, sends out aow, Baroness' Burdett -
into it, To ..ciTScharge. the gun a .. .
somovha,t . like a solderiag iron. is Coutts . 011ee. Salt an iron church. small' eartridge, With ,a . wire attach-
• t,o one against an .earl. --a real,. live; the, parasites Which color the noses it is impossible to raise strong and
'healthy pigs 'from fat parents: ,.My heated. almost to 'redness., A small, spv,enteenthousandmilaS by sea as a
ed, is first vat jute the breech. I, .
,bolted. earl, Elsie. What d'ye think of ,cortain monkeys a' delightful red.," Piece .01 curd. is taken from the vat present to the city of Victoria, on Pressure on the trigger causes 0 ,Pull '
. I brought .you to, England for? . To "Ha, ha! You're joking?t pigs are . raised ,, mostly from old and the water. expelled .by squeezing. 'Vancouver. Island. Th0. timber. cut
on the 'Wire, which ignites'the' car-, '
Marry that pale -faced .wisk. of a saw- "Net at all, I' assure you. Some, sows .and never from sows' less ,than
bones?" ,..e . . . '. - though, are not so funny. ,. YOU ' see.
' 12 to 16 1110111118' old. A.fter the pigs • . ..
This is brought in Contact with die. down ' to., make rooM for the. iron. 'tridge and discharges , the, gun sinad-^ ,
come I feed them . Very little, as ir°11 .for •. a ' moment; . then it Church . was Worth. Mere: than the
'1 should should thinks dad," Elsie .said, that tiny ' piece of gelatine the .
scours is one .Of m'.worst 'troubles. is ' slowly ' Withdrawn.. t If . an buirdingn and now the wealthy- con-
, The harpoon .1s •about six . feet*. ia . •
with her eyes flashing through her right? ' If ,you. mistook .11 for. stick -
I have found rio way to prevent this acid is. present' , the. , curd Will gregntion. of , St.• John's ha,e spent
length, and. very gaasSiVe. It con, ' t
tears, .."that, as, , I'M your only ing plaster, and placed it around a
adhere to . the hot iron and will, three, time's as 1110012 in laviSh decor -
sista essentially of thre'n parts, the
been to 1110,110 rae hapPy!" bably be. a leper in a month."
. . 'sows for ,a. month or so .after farrow- string out in fine. threads..., The .ation, ' To -day ,they Could afford a
anterior portion., the movable barbs,
daughter, your 'move' anightt have wounded finger, you would most PrPt except by limiting. the feed for these
"Happy? And why shouldn't you "Great Scott!". gasped the Ameri7 Mg. Of course I feed my pigs in ad- length of ,these threads.before .breakL stone cathedral, .bnis prefer to keep
and the shaft. :The.anterior• conical .
be' Imppy?" , can, retreating hastily. "You might- clition to what . they get ' front the hag indicate 1110. degree. of a c i d i t y . the old iron church; in ' memory. of
Piece' is an explosive.:shell,filled with ..
For the best results the threads an act of .kindness. clone when theY
"Do 'you think a girl can be 11 -hap- make a mietake!" dams, but de' this Very carefully. I' gunpowder, and screws On to the res•t
Py," she sobbed, "if she can't marry ' The doctor sinned. curiously, plan to change feed every, few.. days, should be about one-fourth. of an were 'poor. . .That, church' is but. one
. of • the harpoon: 'rile explosiVe .shell..,
the only man she can 'ever 1 -love?' : "Our 'methodical training does not and .right here, allow the to say that ineb. long. . ' ' of thousands sent'. out,,from..the Oct
is fired with a time -fuse after • . the, • '
The pimply face of the American allow us to do that, Mr. Wokes. And 20years ago I learned never .16 .feed Country to the 'colonies, to English
. harpoon is imbedded in th,e whale.
young • Pigs anything that,,I, don't LONDON'S TRANSIT PROBLEM. congregations abroad, and to I -nth: -
flushed purple. . now, good -day, sir. . Will you calk on Behind the explosive conical piece •
sion ..stations among .1110 savages.
"Love?" he roared. Do you dare me again in a fortnight?", feed their dams a . . • ... lie the four barbs situated at right .
to say you love that lemme-look-at- * • * * * ' I. feed my hogs what I can 'raise _ Every Sunday the bells ring round
your -tongue puppy?" .. . ..
More Underground Railroads. the the World from English -built iron 'angles to each other, . Tiles° ' barbq
"Good gracious, dad," exclaimed on my farm, taking care to ' produce
. are , always bound down , tightly ' to- '
He isn't a puppy! He's clever- Elsie, at breakfast one. morning, all the variety possible: 'Corn, if Only Solution. , ' ,' 'churches, .where • tile. prayers ,
.him!, So there, dad!" . other- grains not of a fattening. na- are said by English congrega•tions. gether with thin rope and When thd
They are little bits of the old homc,
The imperative necessitY for rapid harpoon is going , to , be discharged-.
about a week after the American's rightly fed, and supplemented with . .
everybody says so -and I do love
Mr. Wokes sWallowed his rising visit to Dr. Benn6tt, "what's that.
ture is one of the best feeds I know transit in London has led to a, sin- -those iron churches. . And one or As the. liariC'oon .penetrates the flesh ..
g blue spot on .yotir cheek? .A.nd 1 de
g,ular dilemma. The fabulous amount of the, whale this 'rope gets brualied
wrath. of. I like good ..wheat shorts for two were gifts from Queen Victoria..
t'Very well!" he said at length. belieye-- Well, 1 never -if there
isn't one on the other side, toot" feeding with corn when not too cost- of millions and the years of disloca- There is. one Such, church at Hyeres,
, off the barb's, and in so .doing, pulls
tion of traffic. which' 'street widening a' wire, which sets fire .to the fuse; .
"'You've had your say, Elsie, and ly: 1 ,hasre .fed a great 'deal. of this. innthe. South of ,France, which Queen.
now I'll have mine. I reckon you took. up the morning paper. For. the last two, years' shorts .have 'Victoria had built and thatched with
can, choose your own husband, so "What is it, dad?" Elsie asked an- been very high and hard to get, so I heather, to make it feel a little ell gets blown to: '.
require, have , turned all attention .to seconds.'' The eh
of vehicles in the busy routes would
long as he's got a handle to his naps/sly., 'have been feeding whole oats. I like MORE HOME -LIKE.. :. pieces and makes a terrific wound,
But if you marry pestle . and mortar they are .. much easier fed. I, used' 't6 his Sandringham estate..' . . . ' ifoort,n..aibidal...111.1sie ex- ..,,,,,
"IS anything" the matter?"
The King. has an irori church, en., 'Plliostihoeavtc'10111.111.see'ss",iititheer
name: I ca,n't say fairer than that. "It's nothing, any girl!'" her father. oats nearly as well as shorts ' and the construction of . undeeground rail-
ways from the business area ,to the
I'll disown you -I'll cut you off with- for her evident anxiety .teuched 'him. raise •a . large. number of punipkins, residential districts and' of subways .
said; in a somewhat gentler tone,
for foot passengers under busy„ cross- ', One of the.nineteen great , exhibi- stand out, so that ' it becomes im-,' .
' . out, a penny! In this matter once "It'll be an. right in a day or two, I„ but .of late years have been. tillable tions housed by 'Messrs. iitiMplareys,, possible for tke•harpoon,to be with- .
to this work. . ' .. ,. :Limited, was ,!I. big show- at Windsbr. 'drawn. . The. rest of the ha,rpOon
and for .all, I guess I'm going to guess," . ,. . . to do this on account of the :Lange, ings• Much capital is being applied
But it was. not. At the end of the ,which, de§troyed the vines. ' I keep
The great Stream of paying traffie On that . occasion Mr. J. Charlton' consists' of ' a long shaft. with a slot
.have My way!"
So saying, the ambitious pork mer- my hogs. cin pasture as much as nos- in it •,in which a ring moves freely
fortnight the spots on his face were . Humphreys, ' ',managing director,
closing the door noisily. built a.royal.: pavilion, which her Ma- with the rope attached. .. t .
chant Put on .his. hat .and. went out, as large as half-crowns., His health sible, , ,thid have never been able to is from the city to the. West End. To
* * * * .
was but 'those patches, --shiny ..make
'I Pigs do. their best without .clo- carry this by .underground railways. jesty liked.' so mucn that .he begged a If the whale is at all Well 1111, the .
unerasa,ble, and intensely blue -kept ver. ,' I supply plenty of pure., well the line must go, somewhere not far harpoon ' gets imbedd,ed about five
t - es," he said simply, "and. my ia- '
'"I love your daughter, Mr. Wek- . * * at- * ' 'cob charcoal is ree,dily eaten 'and is breaking.,frorn insecure foundations,
come is sufficient to allow of our liv-
' I reckon I've other views concerning
. sae. . . door, , . accumulate from feeding corn. This nient cathedral,' it is said, is already Majesty
. I'm sorry, but it's quite iMpossible.
"Now, look here, my lad," said
ed the American for the had. of E1-
, .the American, with his hands in 1145
ing in comfort, although not lux-
t pockets and his back. to 'the fire keenly. -
him, "I suppose I must bow to it." .
again, "I. talked this oyer with El- "I sea you've .conie, Mr. Wokes,"
not help liking this straightforward
Bennett, anade a .formal call; . and ask -
fie some sudden emotion which seized her.''.
"Possibly," said Mr. Wokes lacon-
The American grunted.
The young doctor's face' flushed a
sie yesterday, and I tell you plainlY bennirmured. . , ' '
he said, evidently endeavoring to sti-
."Higher views, sir, I presume?" you.—" . ' -
"If that is your final decision, sir, and entered in. a. state of considerable as I can and try to have only a few to, the Dean and chaptergofSt. Pauls
, .
He could and especially certain methods which.
ance. ' ."I have now a paper in my
tor, calmly, lighting a cigarette SALTS' . ANI) LIME FOR 8ouR, .
vil's game have you played on me, diSease in my herd,
etiheetynext meeting of the Royal So -
The 'chamPion of pork-Cornerers dar- ing all ' the ,ashes ,I, have. ;and, in ad -
desk, prepared for p,resentation at
ed not put his foot outside his. own dition burn and 'char the cobs that weste
I have .perfected fOr..destroying. bac-
the luxury . of an .after -breakfast in good condition. . tra tunnelling or vibration would -de -
smoker -the Ame,riCan was..announced, . .I keep my hogs spattered as much
agitation.. . . . . ' , - sleep together. I also see that their gives an account of how Christopher
with an air of the trtmost nonchale .. son,s,
"Come? . Yes; I've' come! 'What de -
The young specialist eyed him beds are dry and clean. I quarana
One morning,
"Sit down," interrupt,ed the. doe. -
"Come?" . .roared, his . patient..
dealing : IV ith my ' discoveries,
. . • , .
as Dr. Bennett sat in a great help in,. keeping .the. animal and alarinists cry out that sany ex-
- •
tine every hog I buy and try to keep
ment.who gather up dead hogs. oil: iny
place. I 12010 110000 fed drugs or so- : -
Gardiners use both salt and lime.
.a . certain character. . Sometimes
raised, hogs 2S years without having
called 'cholera preventatives and have
. , stands on. 1111 elevation exactly at. the
distant from sc. paui,e, . Which her to accept it as
stroy it altogether. The arehitect'
surface, to a layer of clay, , or `pot
the dower part wet; Below this, and
saale' 35 feet to 10 feet from the sur -
thought it out of the question. to.car-
ry all his foundations down to the. to
rests• on a stratum -of sand .(not at
all, solid) mixed with .gravel...etones,
Wren 'regarded
face, lice. the London clay, Wren an -lining. the. site of his new cathed-
ral. found that passing through the
debris of old London, he came, at 'a
earth,' as he terms. it., This varied.
depth of some 15 or 16 feet from the
from 6 feet 16 1 feet in thickness. .
' Tile architect Says that 'Wren, Western end of the city. But the an persons,
foundations. . -
X- but to, Osborne. There Her Majesty
to accept any : present from private
most unusual thing for the sovereign
street. Mr.. Humphreys laid .a .rail-
inanent , . near , requires ' u ot only very. fine 'sea-
way 'line and ,lifted the Royal .paVila
private study: . On the occasion', of -
Humphreys. was. commanded to pat
afterwards bought outright as. a per -
the personal gift of a Royal pavilion
Russian . suite, and these :the Queen
persons, but in this :instance 'Her
. The. buildings for .1he ' Kensingto ' ' ' 1 al.
through the rules asking if Mr. Ilum-
exhibitions. were provided by the firm' ' ' ' . 4'7— • ' ,
,and to these Mr. Humphreys:added . . DUKE BUYS A GirosT.
phreys could take up a big . house
and move . it bodily .from street to
ion; not to another 'part of the park,' ,
up temporary iron .bbildings ' for the
used . the building constantly as a
the ,.Czar's visit to Balmoral Mr..
in which His t'Majesty, the King, used
entertain his guests.' The
esty ' wri§ ' pleased to. break
a gift. . It ista 1
. ledge of the habits of the Al im
build- Norfolk, 14,,ngiand•
... manshiP, but a, ,very intirnate know-
fwsioliinchthise' haaal:peerYon,'onto_a round. tray
instrument . of des.truction devised by -
is bout .the ,inoat exquisitely cruel . .
feet, and uuless the rope breaks, the ' •
animal cannot . espape... • The rope,. ,
in front, of the gun'Where a coil of
fifty feet. or so lies.
the ingenuity of Man. But. it is only
gious brute it is meant ' to destroy,
less none too effective: '17,11.0 gun. is
when one, sees and. knows the prodie
that one realites that it is neverthe-
never, discharged at a .greater dis-
tance than fifty feet, aed seldom ina
whale. tTo be able to get so very
deed at more than. thirty from the
sure to like his new 1101110, which has
been purchased for him while .ont-his
Taken all in all the,. harpoon -gun.
The Duke. of Cornwall and York is
stout orre, • Passes,'
• .,, ,,
' .. .
11 .
'On the following day . Dr Henry him a Prisoner' in,, his own „ house., water, 'Salt the , hogs regula,rly, giv-
young fellow. , . teria and various 'colored nays." , .
considerable. But, where the soil. is
London clay. 1 -le 'rejected piles, fere- .iii•wcg is now a railway station in Es- .
.._. , . , ,. , Colonial . tour -Houghton. Tian,' in.
.11 is froth. twerire S
'with ,a stilled sinile, "I should not spoke. The doctor' flicked 'the ash
.application 'of either salt or lime might more or less dram off the • Iron buildings must be the height
to fifteen miles, from, Sandringham,
Of course," said the young Man, The millionaire neither alloyed nor
sour, heavy and difficult,: to work.. an seeing that wells or . other .things ts
,, ,
think of marrying Ellsie. without from his cigarette, and stared into
proves beneficial. ' , ' • . water .from over the clay, and know- .of fashion, to judge from the person -
and those .who like ghost stories will 5 ,
I -I mean if ever You should. give •sumed, after
the bright ,fire meditatively. ,
` 'When .• ' you came 'to. me," he re- ..Salt has several good- results. It
will, under .,, certain conditions where under ' the .same conditions, they
ing that, ..unless piles remain .alwaYP ages' who order ready-made '. -villas. •
Among others. are the. Count .de
Paris, the Duke of Fife, Lord Bea-
tel.:dished reputation. The ghost is
be interested to learn that there ,is a .
"Houghton" 'ghost, with a well es- i
your consent; but if you -that is, 11
. your consent, sir,. I.suppose you wilt a p01150 of Some length,
the' plant food- in the earth is. heavy Must certainly rot. tHe thought best consfield, Lord Salisbury, the Sultan stated to be the, spirit .of Lady Dor- syt
never again withdraw it?" . .-:
"I injected into you a ,chltiVation of
tend. to free it .so that the .crops.can by . spreading. the foundations,- to of Turkey -there is a story ' about othy Walpole, Who was . the wife of 0 :
lionaire, grimly, "I -well, ,I promise 4. 1 1 4 , ;
ics cause the harmless blue 'Patel -Les
results with salt. used judiciously in 'earth, ' and thus he built; never him. The foreman, sent out to build
the Imperial 'stables .at Constanti-. ,
Viscount Towashend. She is ,suppos- .. , '.
,11 I ever ,consent," said the mils, the species of microbe . whose' colon -
utilize it more readily. I have. had float the, cathedral on the bed of.pot
,. you I won't. withdraw it." , . . .. on sae agnis ca 'certain tribes of mon-
this way that . proved its value. dreaming of 111.0.. :desperate attacks ed . to ; appear just, before a death .
' The conversation of the two. men keys. I am the only man . on earth
,On the . other hand, its aPplication the. sandy substratum. under, the pot. a grandee. - Being' an English me-.
nople was -treated by the• Sultan as'
family, either at Houg-htini, ,.Where
either in the, Walpole - or Townshend • .,.
..deopped into ordinary topics. After who knows how to destroy them!" ,...
to Other soils never proved of any 'earth Would have 'to sustain." chanic without' any• Clothes for • state
awhile Dr. Bennett.arose, . and hold- .
With the whoop of a wounded., sa,v-
valu.e at all., The best salt to use she was born, or at Raynham, the
ing out sus nand, saws .. . ,4
'the American leaped to his feet.
is, refuse salt, which generally has a
. . The necessary 'increase of sanita- inactions, lie rigged hiinself out as a, home 9f her.husband. 'Thelate.Lady . ' ,
. "Yon will excuse, Me, I hope, •Mr. Listen t6 me, Mr. Wokes, . said
good deal of fertilizing material in ,tion and of road improvement was Turkish noblema,n. The Sultan -was
Anne- Sherson' used to relate that
, , - . ,
, , , age,
Nokes, 'if. I. mention. a matter about .Dr. Bennett sternly. .."A'fortnight
it. ' This can .often be obtained Then. came the. Metropolitan .railg
the first.. attack on the substratum. not displeased, for he paid the Eng-
lishman's hotel bill which was not many years ago she was ,at Re,yn-
r.thich I am, , naturally exceedingly ago , I asked for, . the hand of your ham on, the occasion of a ball. She, .
dr T't • Elsie: You refused, know- cheaper: ., and • will prove ,the anost
:swat el , way, 'cutting a great gash along the M. the contract. - ' herself, as • well .as many other guests; s,
The mailing of a ready-made town
, .'"Well?" was, the suspicious interro- dry.. Soil . it. will in hot .weather :tend southern slope of the hills oa. which
'begins. by dipping sheet -iron into were surprised, to see ' a small ladY, ,
' .1z''1°11•°'' ' , . .ing well.that we love each other. 3 efficient. If this is applied on very
gation. , . would have ma•rried her 'without your St. Paul's stands,,•. ' Other • railway
molten zinc to .preVent 'rust. These dressed in an antique costume; pas-
, • consent, for 1 neves wanted a half- to bold . moisture'. in the ground. tunnels and, sewers. have 'fairly. rid- sing through the throng without, ap- .
' "As you perhaps'. know, , amechcal .
' ' • .
zinc sheets are then 'crinkled up--
, man who. is ambitious to make a PennY . of . your dirty, money; but El- Salt applied on rather light, sandy died the south of the hill. The. far-
corrugated-eto make them . Strong .parently .knowing anybody. On the '
' name in the .' o thest away is only 500 feet from the following. morning the news came of
sin. is a dutiful daughter,.. and would soil has . in this way been. known to
The ' ' .• .
mirsf, Study deeply and almost.exclu- cathedral. foundations, . and , during
, BUILDING IS SUPPLIED the unexpected death of , Lord George- ?. .
profession nowadays sac,rifice her happiness .and mine 'to a 'retain . moisture 'sufficient for crops
arigely Some important special . feag mistaken sense of duty to . yo a. You, through severe dry spells. The the' past :seventy years there have Townshead, which had occurred dur- :\• .
for the sake of gratifying a vulgar chemical enact - •.of salt in setting been in consequence fresh settlements An. a few large .pieces which fit tone-
ro of pathology, • ing the previous mghtf The Hough7
Lu .
tare I. have singled out for myself is ton ghost is, 'however, hardly likely 14.,,,,..t.:
The SPenial feat ambition, ' would 'accept the poor free plant.food is of some yalue, but in the. walls of the\ church., They ther like a Chinese puzzle, and cer-
girl's sacrifice and. ruin her happi- nqt se great as some gardeners havo developed noticeably in the last tainly fit better than ready-made
. ,, the study of those families of bacter- to make the Duke and..Duchess of -""' ', •.e. .
ness . for ever,. to say nothing' of would have us believe. ' ' three years.. The present architect clothes. Zinn towns. cost hundreds, 'Cornwall and Yo q
fortable. . .•
rk. feel very uncoma
1 11 whic,h, it is known, are the causes „Likewise lime has its value not SO says: .. . ' . where brick ones run to thousands,
of varicus painful and--er-unsightly'My much. as . a fertilizing . agent as a "The results of these big excava- and they are built in a few months
. diShill" seases of the sk. . ..
• • ' . . • .
loY6' for her is greater than ally other passion or ambition of corrector of libnormal conditions.
tions and disturbances would very instead of . years. ' The whole pro- A 'WARNING TO SHATIPERS.
Tile.millionaire's face 'puckered a l
• rnine. . I have no . desire for success It tends to sweeten the sour soil, to probably not, .Show themselves,. . ser- vince of WeStern. Australia .consists . .
in my calling, no wish even to con_ release piatst food, and to accumu- iously in the fabric of the cathedral of towns and mining camps built of A countryman', being up in London ' . ,n..
' . gIl," resumed the ' young Man, thane living without her. What, 1 late moisture and retain. it in the for a good many years, but what is, iron, and even where timber is, pien- got into conversation. 'with a, seedy-
. , . ,
little but he made no l',Cillat'ii:. •
with', an, effort to sumnion the neces- have done, if , you choose to give .seil. ' When people speak of lime .a,s lot us say fifty years, in. the life of ,a tiful the iron building has its spe- looking ctistomer in a tap -room, and
sexy amount of cheek, ost a fertilizer they. do not speak ab- during the conversation he let drop
"You would your secret to the public, will in great national monument, one of cial Uses. In the tropics white .ants
. . not consider Me too . impertinent in certainly . blight my career; but for Solutely correetly: It is not that it the ritost'inagnificent buildings in the wilLeat their way through a wooden the remark that he, would , not mind,
, t --er-mentioning the ina,tter, I should that I don't 'care a fig, . , , adds an:y ingredient -to the soil that world,and,which, taken due care of, . house,. destroying everything' in it; giving
' half a crown to see' 0 'real. • - . ig, ..
, like to--Or-study yonr 0000."' 'n
. ' - ,, ;• ''. •,',".7.;
.` 'In it secret drawer of ray writirig the plants can live on, .but it mahes May last for 1,000 years and more?" but they cannot eat iron. Not longLondon sharper
. . "Study nay what, sir?" roared the desk. is the paper dealing with the available plant food that cannot be ' The area from which the foundas ago .doctors beg,an to discover that Well, keel!' it dark, said the other; '''''ss,..„, '
• ' rail lionante., with a face . the color of combination of colors and focus of taken, , 01) by the crops until they tions of the cathedral tan be dam, malarial fevers are caused by the btit, I don't mind telling , you that: I . 2•''.
the. light -rays , which 'alone can (1have passed through certain 01301111-a.ged is so vast that it, would .seem bites of mosquitoes.. There 'are am one.
' •,,
beetroot, . '• . .. .
''Those disfigurements upon Yet"' stroy the living organisms which cal changes.' The application .of a almost a question of removing the many parts of the world where 00 if that's So, returned the country-
countenatme," said the young doctor thrive upon your countenance. , ' If drOssing of lime simply tends to city or removing St. Paul's if a di-. White Men owl.. live through_ the slim-, man, then I !suppose' I'll ha' ta a*:
Softly, quite ignoring the wince of
the irascible Yankee, "are cauSed by you insist upon spoiling Ender's. life hasten these changes. . '. teat, Underground 'railway system is 11100, and , even .one night out of thee the 'al! crown? Th'h
is e .clid
and mine, . by. Heaven I'll spoil There are very feW soils which will to be donstrticted. a , doers' Means certain death from nun With the remark, 13ut let's ha' 80111(;
microscopie living organisims called yours, and send you.from middle age mot be benefited in a ,. way by an oc- , . ..4_ . _ . , , larial fever. One -01 the most fatal o' thee tales.
bacteria. I can kill th.em.'' ' to thegrave a blu
' e:ate-cod. baboon! 1 casional , dressing of either salt or . . . '' . , , distriets known is the Roman ,Cam- AceOrdingly,' the supposed sharpet '
' can kill the iSrgartism in six hours if' lime. Fertilizers should be freely Custonlese-That Was a Spleadid in- pagna in Italy, and in the -worst related Several 'good yarns, and the
The, millionaire sallied, queerly. . .
''You're elite," he grineed„ ' "If I desire. ' ' . ,' Used,: and green. food shotild be ad- .s,ect powder you sold me the Other part of it Mr.. Humphreys was asked conntrymaria .. being . inueh plea,sed.„ „
yi)1.1 Call kin than -I -that is, if you 'can ' ded and plowed under Whenever, ex- dear, Mr, Oilitan. Mr, Oilman (with to build a mostptito procif house. A said'.--, . . • ' '
give me g, cleaa convaeloatti,ii , "Hear me out!" lie continued, has't-
pedient; and then, with a little alt, think it. party of stitcleats liyed through the ' Wall, thee must be a rcal London.
give yott a hundred -guinea fee-favo ily, as the Ameri•can made a motre-
. . and lithe used. to 'ineliettsa' the cheini- pretty •gbod.‘-the best in. the -tra.d.e. wIto,10.. summer in that house, Without Sharper. .TUSt gle' Me 'that ,'alf, .
justifiable, pride)--ieS;•
if you like; but I won't, give Elsie,,, ment: "I kno*, Well enough , that
cal . actions of the sell; the highest CuStomer,,,,,r1 I take. another couple a sigh of., illnesen. This . discovery crown back, I'll gie thee fiVe shila
. 1)r,. Beanett smiled good-huinor- men of your type, look Upon love. aS
restfits should be attained.. Of potindit of it, please., Mr, Oilman- may be the Means of makin.g. even. Rings. : .,
sa ,edly. Mere nonsense. Zen think that litis
.. . . . .Two pounde CUStomm*Yes, please. West•Africa.7-th(1
"I: haven't said Elsie, wag to be man affection .should Play second to
I gave the qtiarter eta pound that a safe' residence for Englishmen., .. Sharper returnedt the • half-erown; .
white mall's g,ravea- • Without ' ' hesitation the begtis . .
the. fee,''' he said. . human -vanity. You are ..wrong, ' ' HORSE TALK. I bought betere to .a blackhcetle, Nobody pretends that the iron holding out his handgfer the PrOmis-
-No; anal you'd better not! That, "I love Elsie, and can make her "Wheat bran Is cooling for the and it made him so ill thattl think buildiugs are an y th in g bui; hideously ed five shillings, ''WherenpOnatb his
gun won't carry lead, my lad!" happy. If you do net Consent, to blood. Make it, a part of, the grain if i keep up the treatment for about Ugly; but Mr, Humphreys says that utter astonishment, the countryman . . , ..
,MorroW at 10131?'' said the bacteriol- PaPer .shall be burnt to -night!". '
the . work horseS at least Mine a day, and give n'.
any a,ny wailed orders. ITe made off With the remark:7-
Of India admire , them, rose, pocketed the lialf-crownn .atid. .
' "'SI/1 II you call at my rooms to- our frlarriage, 1 vow to heaven that
rati On 123i addiiig a LOW qiiatit,s • for ,a Week' I way. Wanage to kill hint the ,Princes
ogist inusinglY: ' , ' * * * * (11 '.0 it 10 the road horses about - has supplied the Indian gold mines, Thee Must be a fule, or thee'd .a,
"Yee; I'll erne," said the Million-
Dr, Henry Bennett now. appendS' three times a week, and feed it in , ties the giraffe beeh ill long'? asked the Uganda Railway, the South me kept that 'all -cream when thee 'ad
. atre, • . F.D..S. to his name. Ile ' bas , Ito the night ('011011, It is often benell- the veterinary surgeon, as he entered 11013(2 Field Fore°, 'aad sells his build- it..
-......— . .
More ardent ,adanirer than Silas B, dad to give the whole ,feed of bran the parlc ineiestire. Yes, realted the ings, wholesale rind retail with. i -id
, .An rtverage 'Sheep, :Weighing ' 1,52 .
. , . ,. %1r01130,milliOnalre, unless it he his inste
his of the ' regular grain: ra,tion- 1(001)01, I should .Say it '.005 - rather' mere Concern than if 'they Were, .s0
puti.,,ual.iy at four. on ,tho follotv- pretty wife 'Elsie. • . ' six. or eight quarts, , , torig. 11 l008 ll sore, .1,11rOat , manY apples. The largeSt town he ibs,„ gives itt lbs, of mutton.
.. , . , . . 1
. .
. . , .. .
. . . . . .
. ,
, .
. . ,
. . .
, . .
. , .
How the Largest Animal in tlia
World is Vanquished by Nen.